Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Pirates code of honor!

Leo noddet "thad seems resonebel, i accept captain"
[member="Soulfire Ticon"]
[member="Athena"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Jack Starfall"]
[member="Soulfire Ticon"] [member="Jack Starfall"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Leo Anubis"]

Wasn't he listening? Athena didn't care about that stuff, she just wanted to cook. Nonetheless, she nodded. "I accept. When we leave?" She wanted desperately to check out the kitchen; if it was in bad shape, she had her work cut out ahead of her. If not, well, the Twi'lek could settle in, explore the ship, good stuff like that.

Puppet Kyrios

Asteria shifted her weight to one side, "I'm sorry, sir. I work for no one unless they've asked me to kill someone. I won't be branded as a pirate, I've already got enough to worry about as an assassin, your going to have to find someone else." With that she turned around, disappeared from their sight and walked away.
(OCC: I'm sorry, next time you consider wanting to have Asteria in a thread, make sure to contact me by a PM first)

[member="Soulfire Ticon"]

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