Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Plains Are Beautiful, Aren't They


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Artemis stood on a hill overlooking the plains of Dantooine, her hood pulled low over her synthetic head. She had arrived here a few days ago, on her starfighter The Lost Hope. The synthetic liked Dantooine. It was peaceful, silent. Here, she could escape the hatred and fear she inspired in the citizens of the galaxy. A two meter tall droid in a cloak didn't exactly sit right with people, and they tended to run her off whatever planet she was on before too long.

Unknown to the synthetic, kinrath had attacked a nearby farmstead and killed the family living inside soon after she arrived. Enraged, the settlers of Dantooine blamed the synthetic, and contacted the nearby Silver Sanctum for assistance in dealing with the 'murderer'.
No, she did not know that even now, someone was on their way. All she knew was that these plains were just too damn beautiful.

[member="Dune Rhur"]

Dune Rhur had answered the call of angry farmers on Dantooine. They'd sent a holo explaining how some kind of non-organic construct had murdered farmers outside of a village in the plains. They were still furious when he'd landed, making an already bad situation worse. The Jedi had done his best to calm them enough to find out about where the accused one had gone.

Having left his shuttle outside the village, he was on foot as he approached the hills they had pointed to. The Bith kept his feelers out in the Force though he knew a non-organic lifeform couldn't be detected as such. If he was about to be attacked, he'd at least receive a very general sort of warning. Then there were the spider-like kinrath that were known to be aggressive.

Looking ahead, Dune saw a distant future standing atop a hill. He couldn't feel this one and so he had a strong feeling this was who he was searching for. He began walking towards this figure at his same measured pace. Dune had no intention of damaging this one if it could be helped. Even an accused murderer deserved a chance at justice and neither would he kowtow to the lynch mob mentality of the farmers.


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Eight centuries of functionality taught one many things, including to pay attention to one's body and surroundings. So even before her sensors picked up [member="Dune Rhur"], she knew he was there. The rustles of grass, the change in the wind, all of it hinted as to someone's presence. Her blue ocular optics swiveled over to him, the giant of a synthetic's gaze focused on the Bith.
A local? No, he didn't carry himself like a farmer. That confidence, that sense of knowing, of righteousness. . . she knew that walk. She was faced with a Jedi.
Now, what would a Jedi want with an old droid on Dantooine? The droid glanced to the phrik blade leaning against a rock about three meters from her, considering whether to make a move for it. But why? She had no reason to suspect the Bith was going to seek violence, and the synthetic was rather tired of fighting after eight hundred years.
So instead, her metallic voice called out to him:
"Greetings! What brings you out here this deep into the plains?"

Closer, he heard her metallic voice clearly with his keen hearing. This despite hundreds of meters yet between them. He stopped a moment to raise his left hand in a peaceful greeting before continuing. A few more moments brought him near to the base of the hill.

"Greetings, I am Dune Rhur of the Silver Sanctum Coalition," he spoke loud enough to be heard but no more and completed his formal introduction with a short bow. "I come on behalf of the farmers and villagers nearby. They have asked to Coalition to investigate the deaths of local farmers. Do you have any knowledge of or surrounding these events?"

His tone made no accusations, it was simply a question. Without shifting his gaze, he saw what looked to be a vibrosword. He made to move towards his own lightsaber because, as yet, no reason presented itself. This synthetic being did not seem hostile and the blade bore no blood. However, this one surely would have cleaned this weapon had there been. Or they may have disposed of the murder weapon.


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The synthetic smiled slightly at the civilized greeting she received. After centuries in the Outer Rim and Unknown Regions, such things were rather rare. She was more used to being ambushed, to having blasters fired at her from the hand not shaking hers. The edges of the galaxy were a dangerous place, and civility was something one didn't see often.
She returned the bow, then straightened to her full height of a bit over two meters. It was as much for slight intimidation as it was to examine him better.
"And I am Artemis-09, but I would prefer you just call me Artemis."

"Dead farmers?" Artemis scratched at her durasteel chin, her optics narrowing. She hadn't heard anything about dead farmers in her short time on Dantooine, but then again, the locals didn't exactly keep her up to date on current events.
Now, why would this Jedi be looking all the way out here? There was nothing for quite a distance in any direction, not to mention the kinrath and oter beasts that infested these plains. In fact, the only thing that was out here really was. . . her.
Was he looking specifically for her? Why? Why would he be searching her out in this case? She needed to know more before she jumped to conclusions.
"No, I am afraid I do not know anything. I have not been on this planet for long."
She gestured to a spot on the grassy hill near her.
"Would you like to sit? Perhaps I can be of assistance in some way."

[member="Dune Rhur"]

"I will, thank you."

He sensed no danger imminent and so he ascended the hill and sat across from her. The Bith had begun to piece certain things together already. The farmers were afraid of Artemis perhaps stemming from her size and definitely their ignorance. He was the smaller of the two but a Jedi could be any size because the Force was the greatest equaliser.

Then there was her claim of not knowing. True, the farm was a ways off on foot but an advanced synthetic lifeform wasn't subject to the same limits as a human or Bith. Her blade certainly was suspect because there had been slashing and piercing injuries on the victims. However, this still was the Outer Rim where going about armed was standard practice.

"You truly don't know?," he asked "Local farmers have been killed. The village near us suspects you though I've yet to draw conclusions."

"There were slashing and stabbing wounds," he gestured to her blade "This happened days ago. You said you'd arrived recently. How long ago was this and by what means, Artemis?"


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Artemis lowered her large frame into a sitting position, lowering her hood to reveal her metal face, colored white. Though he was much smaller than the synthetic, [member="Dune Rhur"] maintained a large presence, like most Jedi she had met. Many had fought by her side during the Yuuzhan Vong War, and she still had a healthy respect for them.
That was exactly why she didn't react much at first when he informed her of the accusations. It was nothing new, of course. Organics feared what they did not understand, and they could not understand a two meter tall synthetic. To leap to such conclusions was something she had come to expect, now.
"Ah. I had hoped this was a social visit, but alas, my age has taught me such desires are rarely met."
In response to his question, she pointed west.
"I arrived three days ago, on my ship, The Lost Hope. I made a brief stop in the local settlement to purchase a map of the area, and have spent the time since then exploring. It has been two hundred years since my last visit to Dantooine, and I find the changes here fascinating."
She gestured to the blade against the rock.
"I brought that with me to protect from any creatures or organics that attempt to attack me. I have not had occasion to use it as of yet."

"Three days, yes, that coincides with when the villagers say you were in their settlement."

Things were beginning to piece themselves together. Artemis' story was very plausible to him. Her arrival came full a standard day after the bodies had been found. Records from her craft could later verify this but he was almost certain they would. At the mention of organic lifeforms, the Bith nodded.

"The kinrath here are usually located around their caves, but in times past, they've attacked and killed farmers. Their appendages are quite sharp and it would be consistent with the wounds."

He sighed heavily.

"I will speak candidly: I believe you're innocent. However, we must establish this to the local inhabitants with proof. Without it, I fear they'll attack you and they'll very likely all die."

The Jedi rose to his feet.

"I'll be heading to the farm to find proof of the kinrath. I'd like for you to come with me if you will. I'm just asking and not forcing you if you want to stay. However, if there are kinrath about, extra help would be appreciated."

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