Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Pleasures of Pain

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
I fully embraced the shiver that crept up my spine when she licked the blood from my finger, leaning forward to capture her lips in a searing kiss before she spoke. Her pheromones had enticed me, drawn me in... but it was the rest of her, her soft curves and softer sighs when I touched just the right spot that held me in her thrall.

"Kara, I want you to always remember. Despite superweapons, despite advanced swords and lightsabers, you will always have a weapon capable of harming others. And let's not forget all the other things that this technique can be used for.."
She pressed herself tighter against me and I molded to her shape, one hand still at her hip while my other inched up to feel the dark tresses of her hair, my head nestled in the crook of her neck. "My body remains my greatest weapon; my hands especially." I smiled against her skin and bit into the soft flesh at the hollow of her throat, nibbling gently. "I could show you again, if you like." My smile turned rakish. That little display with my finger -- the sharp sting of pain, the sight of her licking up my blood -- had aroused my urges once more.

In Umbris Potestas Est
"Your hands are definitely your most useful weapon in... Close quarters." Circe gave another terribly sinister chuckle, her arms once again enrapturing the gorgeous Epicanthix. This woman desired only to learn and to please Circe - well, that, and Kaine, of course - and the plant-woman had to admit, she was beginning to feel a tad more than lust for what would one day be her latest experiment.

"In that case, my darling... Let's get to it."


The two lovely women would finish for the third time this evening as Circe gave a loud sigh, enjoying time with her newest pet. She gently stroked Kara's gorgeous pink hair as she smiled, the lovely sinister grin growing once again.

"Kara, would you like me to tell you what I intend to do with you once Kaine is done with you?"

@[member="Kára Morrigan"]

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
In all honestly, I hadn't given the matter much thought. My mind had been otherwise occupied for the majority of the time; even now, I couldn't keep my hands off her. I could feel the power thrumming beneath her skin, feel it vibrating against the tips of my fingers, burning like the hottest of forges. Lord Kaine's power had been overwhelming, but I had endured, and enjoyed the strain. Circe's power was instead searing, but I embraced the burn. I could lie in her flames all day...

Perhaps I would. Lord Kaine would be away for a good while more.

"Tell me," I purred.

In Umbris Potestas Est
"Well... In truth, it's a somewhat sad story. Never forget that what is done to your body has bad as well as good effects. When I received this plant body, I became even more gorgeous, more sensual, more seductively beautiful than I already was, but there was a downside. I can no longer have children of my own. That was a dream I came close to fulfilling while I was in my own body, but my children died with me. Thus, I turned my work to engineering me children. But for that, I need a host..."

She rested her chin on the top of Kara's head. "And once Kaine is done with you, I wish for you to be the host to my greatest experiment. My child, if you will."

@[member="Kára Morrigan"]

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
Engineer a child? In me?! I hadn't expected that, not in the least, and my surprise, however brief, showed in my widened eyes and raised brows. I had never given any thought to bearing children, never even considered it -- especially not the children of another. I took that time now, working the matter over in my head as I absently caressed her body, opening my mind to the Dark Side's whispers. It said little on the subject -- at least, little that I could discern. I considered my own misgivings; I didn't care for children, they were far too frail, but it wouldn't be my child to rear, would it? No, I thought, smile widening, only mine to bear. For Circe,

"I'll do it." Even though I hadn't the slightest clue how it could or would be done, I would do it, if only because she'd asked it of me.

And because I was curious. "How will you... engineer the child?"

In Umbris Potestas Est
"You'll do it?" Circe raised a cautious eyebrow at her newest lover, gently stroking Kara's upper torso. She purred, thinking of the many things she could do with such a willing participant. "Well, it would technically be more a Sithspawn of my creation than a true biological child... Maybe even multiple Sithspawn. Wouldn't that be interesting... Regardless, we'll have plenty of time before your body begins to nurture such a dark entity within."

A soft smile came across her face as she kissed Kara on the lips once more, her teeth gently nicking the Epicanthix's lower lip and causing a small trickle of blood to flow from it.

@[member="Kára Morrigan"]

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
She sounded surprised at my acquiescence -- if she knew what had befallen me to turn me into the woman that I am, she would understand. Power, true power, was my weakness, and I would give anything -- do anything -- to feel it. I couldn't imagine what I would do if I had it to claim as my own.

"... Regardless, we'll have plenty of time before your body begins to nurture such a dark entity within."

Then she leaned forward and kissed me, the gentle bite of her teeth against my lip drawing blood. I moaned into her mouth, goading her to bite harder, one hand fisting in her hair as the other curled around to cup the small of her back, sliding ever lower...

"Mark me," I demanded, eyes dark with lust. Lord Kaine had -- a tattoo of his house at the small of my back. I wanted hers to be a different kind of mark, however, and turned my head away to bare the soft flesh of my neck. "Don't hold back." I could take the pain; in fact, I welcomed it.

In Umbris Potestas Est
And bite harder Circe did. The plant woman's teeth sank into the thin flesh of Kara's lower lip, blood running over them as her vine-like tongue cleaned her well-formed chompers off. She pulled back a bit, exposing the flesh of her bare neck to the attractive redhead. Circe was surprised that she wanted the plant-woman to do such a thing to her, but if it gave her pleasure to feel such pain, the Sith Knight would do it. With that said, Circe sank her teeth into the woman's throat. Not enough to crush her windpipe or otherwise damage her speaking abilities, of course, but enough to leave permanent marks that would never truly fade away.

"You have been marked, Kara... And yet I know so little about you. What turned you into who you are today? From your appearance, one would never assume you to be desiring of such pleasure."

@[member="Kára Morrigan"]

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
"I was born on Panatha," I explained, pressing my fingers against my neck, eliciting a fresh wave of pain, "to a loving mother and father. I was a very nice child." My gaze grew different as I sunk into my memories. "Too nice. My compassion reached the ears of a rather perverse man called Kirrek; a Dark Jedi with a penchant for pain. He'd made it his life's purpose to explore the limits of pain, to understand people, to break them. He abducted me, and my parents, when I was only eight years of age, and took us to his home in the Unknown Regions. There..." I trailed off, a ghost of a smile flickering across my face.

"He tortured me with kind words and an electrostaff for years, trying to break me, to make me into something vile." I didn't need to explain that he'd succeeded, succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. "If I hadn't learn to appreciate pain, I'd have gone made. I lived off of hate, and rage, and fear, thrived on it, killing any compassion I might've had." I focused on my hands, ghosting atop Circe's supple skin. "When I was broken, he brought me before my mother, and forced upon her the same tortures he'd forced upon me. When she drew her last breath, he took me to my father, and put the electrostaff in my hands." I sighed, remembering my father's screams. "By then, I'd already come to rely upon the darkside, already begun to hear its whispers, feel its caresses. Kirrek thought he had shaped himself the ultimate servant but instead..." I kissed my way up and down the length of her arm before moving to her abdomen, "he had merely crafted the instrument of his demise. He was too weak to wield me, to possess me as his own -- I spent the following year teaching him the truth of pain, the same truth he'd seared into my mind beneath the pain of electricity. It was hard, drawing out his suffering for such a long period of time, keeping him constantly at the heights of pain without killing him...

"When he finally died, I heeded the call of the Darkside and came here, to Thule." I rested my head on her chest. "Now, I serve Lord Kaine." A man truly deserving of my allegiance. "And you."

The most wonderful creature I'd ever met. "What about you?" I asked. "What's your story?" I imagined she had seen and done much; more than I had, at any rate.

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"A pureblood Epicanthix... Well, Kaine does occasionally proclaim racial superiority with regards to members of your species, though he seems to prefer women of all types equally... I dunno, maybe he wants kids or something. But whatever his plans are, I can wait to do things with you..." The gorgeous plant-woman ran her finger over the impressions her teeth had pressed into Kara's neck.

Then the story continued, and Circe learned more about how Kara had lost her compassion. "Kara, Kara, Kara... As much as most Darksiders will tell you that compassion is a useless trait that should be crushed at every turn, I've found it to be quite useful. There's much I control that you would never know about." The blood-stained fingers of Circe ran across Kara's chest and down to her hips. "Compassion teaches us to create truly loyal followers. Sith magic can be broken by proper Jedi rituals. Ruling by fear means those you rule will abandon you when given the chance. Only through being compassionate and sincere with your actions can one truly earn a person's loyalty to the point that they will fight on your behalf to their death."

As she stated that she served both Kaine and Circe, the wily Sithspawn smiled, her right hand running along the curve of Kara's back. "I hope I've earned your loyalty... There is much I can offer you, darling, much more than appears to be at stake." And now, it was time for her to tell her own story.

"I was royalty, believe it or not. I came from a planet called Falleen. I was an outcast there because I appeared to be more human than the other reptilian school children, thanks to my Zeltron mother. The depression devoured me, and eventually I was kidnapped, taken by slavers to the planet of Nar Kreeta. There I was sold to a slave lord by the name of Kobeer, who raped, abused, and tortured me mercilessly. I and some of my friends attempted to escape, but I was beaten within an inch of my life. My friends abandoned me, and that was when I truly realized that they had only been my friends out of necessity, not true friendship."

"This continued for years until, for the first time in my life, I used the Dark Side of the Force. I struck down my master and, with the assistance of a pair of now-Omega Protectorate personnel, escaped the planet, and began my training as a Darksider. I've learned from many of the greatest Darksiders of the modern era... but my aspirations are filled predominantly with dreams of learning ancient rituals of potent Sith magic. And I shall, one day..."

She turned, giving a lick to the bleeding wound of Kara's throat. "With you."

@[member="Kára Morrigan"]

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
I absorbed her words like a sponge, leaning into her every touch and caress. The smell of her filled my nose, and the taste of her thrummed on my tongue. I had never thought of compassion in the way that she described it -- I had always thought it a weakness, since my ordeals beneath the thumb of Kirrek. You have more than earned my loyalty, I thought to myself, blue eyes searching her face. What I felt was more than physical attraction... it was kinship, and admiration, and something else... something undefinable.

Her story touched a part of me I'd thought dead, and her words invoked a fire in me so strong it was almost painful. Her tongue against my neck only stoked the flames higher, and I couldn't stop the keening moan that slipped from my lips. My readiness -- even now, after so many trips to nirvana -- was surprising, and I longed to once more pull her beneath the covers and satisfy my ever growing hunger.

She had awoken a monster in me, and it would not be denied.

"No more words," I said, sealing her lips with a kiss. "We can speak with our bodies..." At least until morning came again. Then, we could do whatever she wanted. For now though...

I only wanted to feel.
Take me to the depths of darkness,
And sing me a solemn song,
Climb with me, to the heights of pleasure,
Let us shake, and quake, and moan.

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
Circe didn't know whether her words hit home with Kara or not. They apparently had given her some insight, a new perspective on things she had lost. As much as the Sith plant despised mentioning persons losing their 'humanity,' she had to admit that she mourned Kara's having lost her own humanity through the torment the Sith known as Kirrek had inflicted upon her. Instead of focusing on the intricate details, forming bonds of lasting relationships and friendships that would serve her purposes later down the road, she would attempt to take the quick and easy route, missing out on acquiring so much more power and resources...

Then her aggression perked up, and the bed became useful to the two of them once again. "Gladly."


Morning arrived, and Circe could only give a soft sigh. Kara had been so wonderful, so stupendously loving and affectionate, that Circe really wanted to keep the young woman for herself. She was quite the pleaser, and certainly one of the most loyal lesser Sith she had ever run across. Well, that, and Kara figured heavily into her plans. The green-skinned woman nuzzled against the healing, albeit still visible, wound on her neck, eager to awaken her new playmate so they could continue. The hunt was beginning soon.

And she wanted Kara in it.

@[member="Kára Morrigan"]

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
I awoke to a sea of red.

I blinked away the cobwebs of sleep, a jaw-cracking yawn escaping my lips. I was deliciously sore, yet I felt more refreshed than I had in ages. My eyes fell to the 'sea of red' -- it was only Circe's auburn hair, spread haphazard about her head. I felt her breath against my neck, against her mark, and shivered all the way down to my toes. Unconsciously, I pulled her tighter against me, molding my body to hers. Beneath the shits, are legs were a tangle of limbs -- I couldn't have pulled away from her even if I wanted to.

"Good morning," I sighed into the air, eyes closed. I could lay here with her all day, but we'd spent enough time indulging our lustful desires. Not just lust, a voice whispered in my ear.

No, I agreed. Not just lust.

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Good morning, Kara... I trust you slept well?" A rhetorical question to say the least, Both women had slept exceptionally well in Circe's bed. in truth, there wasn't anyone she knew who hadn't slept well under her sheets. "Kara, considering our... unique relationship, would you like to assist me in my hunt for treasure?"

Circe had no intention to mention anything about the treasure being Sith artifacts she was hunting for. Nor did she mention that the treasure would be hers and hers alone to keep, not Kaine's. But those were non-issues for Kara.

Circe ran her nails over the back of the Epicanthix, a soft smile on her face as she further entwined the woman around her finger. "And we can talk more about these children you'll be the surrogate mother of."

@[member="Kára Morrigan"]

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
I arched a delicate brow. A treasure hunt? I couldn't say that I minded her request; I had nothing else to do, so helping her wasn't an issue. I viewed every opportunity as a learning opportunity, for knowledge could be gained in any pursuit, be it mental -- I arched into her nails raking against my back -- or physical.

"And we can talk more about these children you'll be the surrogate mother of."
This garnered slightly more interest. I considered again the merits of carrying a child in my womb. I imagined it would be quite the burden, at least in the latter stages. And giving birth was painful too, I'd heard. Well, that was something to look forward to, at least. "I'm all ears," I said, slipping from beneath the corners to stand on the cool, marble floor. "Join me in the 'fresher?" I beckoned her forward with waving palms and the silent promise of further coupling.

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Let's." She smiled, following the gorgeous Epicanthix female to the washroom. She had many, many terrible plans for Kara. If the woman thrived off the feeling of pain and suffering done to her own body, she would do so... but was that what she wanted to do? To further habits that could end up spoiling her potential? Eh, for the time being, there were no issues.

"Kara, I want to know what you're thinking about this grand experiment, about carrying these painful, wracking Sithspawn I consider my children. Tell me what your thoughts are: I know you have an opinion."

@[member="Kára Morrigan"]

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
The shower activated on its own, spraying rapidly warming water on our bare bodies. I considered her question as I lathered her back, hands dipping lower beneath her waist as I spoke.

"It's an opportunity to learn," I began, hands curling around to the front of her. "And an opportunity to be of use. I cherish both." The water grew warmer still, fogging the air with quickly thickening steam. "Pain begets power, for those who know how to use it, and pain begets pleasure, for those who are properly twisted." I licked at the water cascading down her supple, green skin, slowly pressing her to the wall. "I am such a person I," whispered against her neck. "I only ask that as you carry out your experiments, you teach me whatever I might need to know to experiment on my own."

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
Circe gave a soft sigh as the Epicanthix ran her flesh over the plant-woman's own skin. "I will go and teach you the experiments as I perform them myself. And I promise you that every day my creations safely reside within your flesh, you will feel a lovely pain of which you you will crave for the rest of your days. And I hope you experience it, darling..."

A hand ran through the luscious pink hair, a smile running over her face as she began to play with her pet. "I must say... your company is highly appreciated, Kara."

@[member="Kára Morrigan"]

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
"As is yours," I returned. "I didn't expect this when I met you." Had it only been two days? It seemed like longer.

By the time we were done, the steam had faded and the water had gone cold. We toweled off in silence, but only because our lips were otherwise occupied. Eventually, we returned to the room. Still naked, I used my burgeoning skills to craft a simple carmine robe -- I reached into the Force, grasped its power in my hands, and with the strength of my passion, shaped the garment. The robe appeared around my shoulders, insubstantial at first, but rapidly gaining solidity as I sharpened my focus. My efforts took more time than I was comfortable with; I would have to practice the skill more if I was to ever approach Circe's level of talent. A lot more, I thought to myself, rubbing the fabric between two fingers. "You mentioned a treasure?" I asked, looking to Circe.

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Mmm... I must say, I'm quite impressed with your effort. You did a splendid job with that robe of yours." In response to her own actions, Circe herself focused and formed a black dress, halter-topped and backless for the attractive Epicanthix who currently shared her bed and her bathroom. Then she mentioned treasure.

"Why yes... I've been doing research on the possible locations of lost, abandoned, or destroyed Sith artifacts. I intend to get myself a suit of armor, comprised of various archaic artifacts and artifact fragments, one that will amplify my Dark Side power to a significant degree. There are dozens of these artifacts lost throughout the galaxy. We can find enough to form a suit..."

@[member="Kára Morrigan"]

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