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Populate The Prelude to War | Empire of the Lost's Populate of Kessel




The Emperor of all Imperial Kind arrived being flanked by two women wearing very revealing slave outfits. Velran adjusted his round glasses while puffing his large brown moustache as he observed the courtroom filled with Moffs who betrayed him. These were supposed to be the best, brightest and most loyal to Velran but they couldn't hold off against the Sith who were still licking their wounds from Felucia. It made Velran look bad, Tion was not only a horrific loss but a stain on Velran's flawless military record.

If it were up to Velran, he would execute them all for acting like fools while the Sith paraded their forces on the ship building planet. Velran's dreams of building the most powerful fleet in the Galaxy was starting to go up in smoke. "I had the perfect plan," Velran muttered as he sat down in front of the small crowd. "But of course everyone was not as brilliant as I am."

Velran wore the Judge's garb: Dark red that reached to his ankles and a white powdered wig that touched his shoulders. As much as Velran wanted to, the Moffs weren't to be placed on trial for their incompetence. Today only one stood trial for the greatest crime of them all: Betrayal. Alicia Drey Alicia Drey the head of the NISB was actually a Sith Lord: Darth Ayra. When he found out, Velran took it upon himself to judge Alicia. The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword after all.

Yet, Velran had a verdict in mind after reading documents that were sent to him a week ago. He just wanted to see Alicia squirm, he wanted to look into Alicia's eyes and see how she would defend herself. Velran hated the Sith and would be glad to see them exterminated to have Alicia backstab like this was something that would forever sting. All that hard work to revive the Empire could be in shatters because of this Sith mole. "All rise!" Velran shouted as he began to hit the brown platform repeatedly with his mallet.

"This is the court case of the Empire of the Lost vs Alicia Drey or should I say the traitorous snake who I want drawn, quartered and have her corpse paraded on Lianna: Darth Ayra."

Velran coughed. "Darth Ayra, do you swear to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help your Sith ass?" He asked. "If you need my expert legal advice: say no so I can skip to the beheading."

Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen , Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti , Ikris Kresad Ikris Kresad , Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl , Darlynn Arard-Milbon Darlynn Arard-Milbon
Matriarch of Santhe Family


Objective: Begin Alicia’s Defense
Location: Moff Council Chamber, Lianna City, Lianna
Outfit: Professional Suit
Escort: Twin Bodyguards
Tag: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey | Velran Kilran Velran Kilran | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen | Teckla Tane Teckla Tane | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran


Vyllia had been in the Moff’s Council Chamber several times in her life. She was after all one of the most powerful people on Lianna. Between Imperial regimes the Santhe family could almost have called this chamber home with the influence they wielded on Lianna as an independent system. Under the rule of Setmarra Tatthel Vyllia had been incorporated into decision making. The Moff Council was much more diplomatic. Vyllia wasn’t sure that was a good thing. Things tended to get bogged down in commity, even with a small council. Naming Velran Kilran as the absolute Emperor was not exactly the course the Vyllia would have taken, but at least there was one voice for the Empire.

She sat at a holodisplay outside of the council chambers at first. Vyllia watched as the message of their enemy, outing her friend and business partner as a traitor was aired again for the assembled Moffs. Vyllia had seen the message far too many times for her own sanity. She instead focused on the face of her friend, now held for trial. In the month that Alicia had been held, Vyllia had herself installed as the Staff Director’s lawyer. Though she did not practice, as she was the head of a very wealthy family and represented their companies, Vyllia had attended the University of Rudrig and studied law. She was technically not certified to serve as an Imperial Barrister, but given the circumstances she didn’t trust Alicia to someone apportioned by the Empire. Vyllia would be the head of the snake, and she would use her resources to ensure that Alicia got the best defense.

Following the message the assembled Moffs were allowed to comment. Maldor Mecetti was the first to add his voice. Vyllia watched with a keen eye, even his holo-vision could bring a bit of color to her cheeks. He said nothing of his opinion on the Staff Director. Instead asking forgiveness for his remote attendance. Something that certainly disappointed Vyllia, but she did make a point to inquire how she could help Mecetti’s tasks. Hopefully in some way that would bring the two to the same location.

Next the Moffs physically in attendance made statements. None of them seemed very interested in throwing the book at the Staff Director. Vyllia found that both comforting and surprising. Though she could tell that Tane, Rasnuhl and DuPorcelen all would keep keen eyes on the NISB and/or Alicia Drey no matter the outcome of this trial. Unless of course the Emperor ordered Alicia’s head brought to him. That would seemingly end any questions going forward.

At last the Emperor appeared and things started in earnest. Vyllia watched him call the proceedings to a beginning and listened silently as he gave his opinion on the matter, or at least the direction things were looking to go from here. Vyllia listened closely, sighing in exasperation that she was obviously going to be facing an uphill battle. When the Emperor was finished she was asked to enter the Moff Chambers/court room.

”Greetings Your Excellency. Emperor for Life, Lover of all Porgs, Galactic Conqueror, and Genius with an IQ of over 1000. Thank you for allowing me to speak on behalf of the accused,” Vyllia stated with a bow of her head and shoulders. She had studied how to speak to men like the Emperor. Appeal to their vanity. It worked more often than not.

Vyllia remembered the conversations that she and Alicia had leading up to this day. It was a bit of a shock to find out that the Staff Director had assumed the identity of Alicia Drey as a ruse. One that had been fallen for by the Sith Order as well as the Dark Empire. ”Your excellency. You yourself have used the Staff Director’s information to this point. It has never proven wrong. This message sent out by our enemy is obviously false. Darth Ayra was a Sith Lord from the One Sith era. An era prior to my birth, and from what I have seen before the Staff Director’s. I have had independent geneticists test this woman. She is a mere thirty galactic years of age. Mathematically it is impossible for her to be Ayra.”

Vyllia let that sink in. Or more over allowed the Emperor and his Moffs the opportunity to gauge if that could possibly be the truth. ”This woman is not Alicia Drey, however she knew that name and the title of Darth Ayra would give her access that her true identity would not.” The fact that Vyllia did not know said true identity did trouble her, but what the Staff Director (and business woman under the guise of Alicia Drey) had done for the Empire could not be argued. Vyllia trusted that this woman had the interest of the Empire near the top of her list. There was little doubt in Vyllia however that “Foxtrot’s” first interest was her own. That was most likely true of everyone in the chamber though.

”It is quite obvious that our enemy has either played into the Staff Director’s ruse so deeply that they believe that she is a near century-old Sith Lady and wish to have her punished for not choosing their side. Or they are just looking to discredit one of the Empire’s greatest assets,” Vyllia gave a short pause and unconsciously gave a small sigh.

”Though she will not be able to use the same ruse any longer, the woman who came up with this plan is certainly of better use to the Empire where she has been since Your Excellence has secured his rule, than rotting in a jail cell, or worse.” Vyllia’s eyes shifted to Alicia and nodded with a smile. ”I shall turn the floor over to my client to speak on her own behalf.”
Lost Hand of the Emperor


Objective: Steady the Emperor’s mood
Location: Moff Council Chamber | Lianan City, Lianna
Tags: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey | Velran Kilran Velran Kilran | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen | Teckla Tane Teckla Tane | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran | Vyllia Santhe Vyllia Santhe
Wearing: Leather Bodysuit and Cape
Equipment: Dual lightsabers


Following behind the Emperor, and his scantily clad female “servants”, as they entered through his private doorway into the Moff Council Chambers was another form. Saabe’s crimson robe was hard to miss, but the Emperor had many servants, and with his flair for standing out, it would not be questioned who had come in behind him. The Zeltron clone said nothing as she entered. She didn’t even step far enough into the chamber to be recognized, though she made no attempt to hide her presence. Finding a seat behind and to the side of the presiding judge/Emperor, the Zeltron/clone took a seat and listened.

The Empire was important to Velran Kilran. What exactly Velran was to Saabe was difficult to describe. In another lifetime she had been his right hand. The ground hammer to his space genius. Things had changed since her AT-AT accident back on New Alderaan. When Saabe awoke from it she felt different. She didn’t want to be a mere grunt. She could do more than that for Velran. She joined the Imperial Inquisitorius and developed shadow skills that would be much more beneficial in the long run. But still she felt a need to take care of Velran, so when she had received the message that Velran was betrayed, she hurried to Lianna. Velran saw betrayal where it wasn’t quite often. And the NISB Staff Director was a key cog in the Imperial machine. If the woman was guilty Saabe would offer to flay her herself, but if there was a possibility that she was innocent of the charges, Velran would need to be urged to have an open mind.

As the Emperor started the proceedings, his anger flushed over Saabe. She had to form her hands into tight fists to avoid the temptation to pull her lightsabers from her hips and lunge at the Staff Director. Knowing what she was dealing with, Saabe focused her energy inward and corrected the feelings in herself first. With a clearer focus she was able to listen. Velran was still being himself. Something that Saabe had always found endearing, but she couldn’t allow him to jeopardize his Empire with his eccentricities. She allowed him to throw out his accusations, and declare what he’d like to do to the Staff Director, but as the Santhe woman started the defense of “Alicia Drey”, Saabe sent her calm demeanor out to the Emperor. ”Make sure she deserves to be disemboweled before you do it,” Saabe whispered into Velran’s head using the Force. By the time it reached him it was his own “voice” that he heard. ”If you jump to conclusions you will lose a valuable asset. How long could this really take?”


Tags: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran ~ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti ~ Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen ~ Teckla Tane Teckla Tane ~ Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl ~ Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran ~ Vyllia Santhe Vyllia Santhe
Objective: Prelude to War - The Trial of Alicia Drey.

"Where the Sith once wore armor, we now wear cloaks. But the Force works through us all the more powerfully in our invisibility."
-- Darth Tenebrous.

The Staff Director of the New Imperial Security Bureau had been accused of the crimes of treason, and sedition. But all good lies are intertwined and mixed with half-truths. This was how you obfuscated the truth to a point that it becomes a lie. But it would be difficult to accomplish this in these circumstances. When you inhabit an ethereal realm, where the unexpected or unforeseen occurs, the only thing you could do was adapt. This was the essence of power: to manipulate one's environment. To bend the wills and shape the plans of the elite in such a way that any accusations- whether they based in fact, or opinion- fell to the wayside immediately.

When Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean made his revelations during the Siege of Tion it had been unexpected. To think that the Worm would go to such lengths to undo her position, and work within the Empire of the Lost- in the midst of a battle- was a tactic that Darth Ayra had not foreseen. The subsequent revelations had left her injured. When one traverses the path of the dark side a true wanderer knows that he or she flits between catastrophe, or ruin, with every taken step.

On Tion Ayra had orchestrated a battle between the Empire of the Lost and Sith Order in order to manufacture a conflict that would see many Sith perish in the subsequent battle. But it had come at a great personal cost through the revelation that she was a Double-Agent working for the Dark Empire. The Emperor of all Imperial Kind was not a forgiving man and now, here in the heart of Lianna, Darth Ayra stood on the precipice of destruction.

Sometimes, when you glare into the eyes of the Empyrean Void, it stares back at you and finds you wanting.

As Vyllia Santhe Vyllia Santhe read the defence that she had prepared for this trial all Alicia could taste was the blood in her mouth. Her right eye socket was black and blue. Her hair ripped in places, and longer than usual. They had, of course, given her a new set of garments now that she was to be presented before the Imperial Moff Council as they deliberated on what to do with her. It would be unfitting and unseemly for them to see the gashes, cuts and bruising that had worked it's way up Ayra's entire body. Nevertheless the accused Director had been punished severely as a by-product of the interrogation into her origins, and connections to the so called 'dark' Imperials that now occupied the Core Worlds.

After all the interrogators within the New Imperial Security Bureau were hard men. Well trained to exercise information from their subjects; and Velran Kilran Velran Kilran was an unkind man. He had to be sure that one of his most prized assets was a mole. A month of interrogation would reveal what he wanted to know about the woman who called herself Alicia Drey.

Or was she truly Darth Ayra: A Lord of the Sith who participated in the purge of the Galactic Republic over half-a-century ago?

Or was she Ella Nova: The Knight of the Old Republic who disappeared at the end of the One Sith-Republic conflict?

Or was she Foxtrot: The Spy recruited into the NISB to orchestrate the arrangements between House Mecetti and the Empire turned Staff Director by the grace of His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Kilran?

One thing was for certain: whoever this woman was she is, indeed, a Force-sensitive. A midi-chlorian test had certified this as a known fact. Combined with the intelligence reports of Lutin Corveni Lutin Corveni from the Battle of Lothal and Battle of Felucia meant that the plausibility that this Phantom Menace could, in fact, be a Sith Lord. A classified intelligence file, known as "Report #208919-919-11212-2018215" had been prepared for the Moffs and their Emperor as they decided on the fate of this certified spy.

Lutin Corveni Lutin Corveni


  • Alicia Drey Alicia Drey demonstrated Force Powers during the Battle of Lothal. Eye witness testimony places her at the scene of a skirmish between Stormtroopers and Lothal Militia where a Lightsaber was used. Analysis of the bodies revealed injuries concurrent with such a weapon on both sides.
Conclusion: Director Drey, before her promotion to Staff Director of the NISB, murdered the Stormtroopers and Lothal Militia with a Lightsaber blade.

Exhibit A: [Link]

  • Alicia Drey Alicia Drey met with Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr during the Battle of Felucia. Malum is the known head of a secretive sect of Sith known as the Tsis'Kaar and the equivalent of what the NISB is to the Empire but to the Sith Order. A technology known as the Cone of Silence prevented audiofiles from being generated of this meeting. What was discussed or arranged remains unclear. The meeting went wrong as fighting broke out between the NISB and Tsis'Kaar. Sun Guards were seen in the fighting. All Imperial operatives, personnel and technology were lost. Both Darth Malum and Director Drey survived the skirmish.
Conclusion: Uncertain. An official report, submitted by Director Drey, reported that this meeting was set-up to assassinate the leader of the Tsis'Kaar. The attempt failed and resulted in severe loses by the New Imperial Security Bureau.

Exhibit B: [Link]

  • Alicia Drey Alicia Drey attended the Convention on Carlac: a rally hosted by the late Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan , an Imperial Warlord from the Second Great Hyperspace War, and founder of the Dark Empire. A recording was entered in the database of the Direct Surveillance of Domestic Threats on Stardate 030424 by Director Drey of this event. Additionally a recording of this event was played to the Imperial Moff Council (according to official records) submitted by the Director herself into the DSDT Program.
Conclusion: Director Drey's affiliation to the Dark Empire is substantiated and confirmed by various sources both externally and internally of the New Imperial Security Bureau.

Exhibit C: [Link]

  • Alicia Drey Alicia Drey was captured in Lianna City on Stardate: 100524 for interrogation and questioning regarding the transmissions emitting from Imperial Stronghold, IM-346: a former garrison located on the planet Tion that was destroyed by Sith forces during the Siege of Tion. The source of the transmission came from a Sith Lord called Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean : The Emperor of the Sith Empire based in the Jutrand system. The NISB have verified that the trace logs provided, alongside the accusations of the "Corpse Emperor", are true. Director Drey infiltrated the Mors Mon (a Super Star Destroyer and flagship of the Sith Order) as a Tsis'Kaar operative and was subsequently discovered by the Sith during a War Council meeting convened aboard the ship. This incursion- combined with the conclusion of the Battle of Felucia- was alleged to be the primary reasons for the Sith attack on Tion and it's destruction.
Conclusion: Director Drey's affiliation to the Sith are substantiated and confirmed. She was sighted and subsequently revealed aboard the Mors Mon which is one of two alleged reasons for the Sith attack which saw the destruction of Tion. The trace logs- first provided by Empyrean- were substantiated following an internal investigation which revealed that Director Drey was sighted by NISB personnel inside Outpost Northwest.

Outpost Northwest is a manned station located in the province of Lianna, and is one of several outposts located across the Empire which belongs to the Direct Surveillance of Domestic Threats program.

On Stardate: 250424 Director Drey initiated a surveillance operation on the Sith Order.

An incursion into Sith space was orchestrated into an abandoned relay station that once belonged to the First Order by the Imperial Immortals: a branch of the NISB which reports directly to the Director to perform clandestine operations. A transmission emanating from Northwest was transmitted to the First Order station and relayed to the Mors Mon to attend the meeting under the disguise of a Tsis'Kaar operative.

How Director Drey obtained Tsis'Kaar credentials to attend the meeting is unclear. So too are the trace logs that Empyrean provided considering the steps that were taken to mask the transmission source to the Mors Mon. What remains clear is that this incursion did happen and as such the attack on Tion in retaliation to this incursion is substantiated by both external and internal logs provided by the NISB and Sith Order.

Exhibit D: [Link]
Exhibit E: [Link]

Summary of Director Drey's interrogation:

Director Drey was consequentially interrogated by the NISB between Stardate: 100524 and Stardate: 300524 (two weeks, six days) for her alleged actions of sedition, and treason against the Empire.

A midi-chlorian test was completed and analysed. Results: Director Drey is Force-sensitive.

Extensive interrogation methods were administered. Director Drey did not confess collusion between herself and the Dark Empire. Drey denies working as a Double-Agent within the Dark Empire and Empire of the Lost. Drey denied that she works for Ignacious Korvan (now deceased as of the Battle of Tython), or Emperor Fossk of the Dark Empire. Drey denies working any entity or individual within the Dark Empire. Drey denies collusion with the Tsis'Kaar. Drey denies murdering Stormtroopers during the Battle of Lothal.

Drey claims that she is innocent against the alleged crime of sedition and treason against the Empire of the Lost.

Conclusion: It is clear to the NISB that Director Drey has received training in intelligence gathering, espionage and resistance to interrogation techniques.

The NISB has substantiated the trace logs transmitting by IMP-346 during the Siege of Tion through it's internal investigation. We speculate that Darth Empyrean wanted His Majesty and the Imperial Ruling Council to know about Director Drey's surveillance and subsequent incursion on board the Mors Mon which he cited as a reason for the attack on Tion.

The NISB has substantiated that Director Drey, before her time as Staff Director of the New Imperial Security Bureau, was present at the Convention of Carlac, where it is believed the Dark Empire was founded. To attend the rally hosted by Ignacious Korvan, the Imperial Despot and founder of the Dark Empire, Director Drey must have received an invitation to attend the convention.

Director Drey has been sighted meeting in secret with the head of the Tsis'Kaar, Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr . It has been substantiated by eye witness testimony, and photographic evidence, that the meeting took place during the Battle of Felucia. A fire fight broke out between the NISB and Tsis'Kaar during the meeting. Sun Guards- a sect of warriors from the Alliance occupied world of Thyrsus- were sighted during this skirmish. The NISB can confirm that Darth Malum survived the alleged assassination attempt conducted by Director Drey and that several operatives, officers and equipment were lost.

Director Drey has been accused of the murder of several Stormtroopers during the Battle of Lothal. In an official statement, entered in the records of the NISB, Director Drey alleges that an unknown Jedi was responsible for the attack. While Jedi were present during the annexation of Lothal the subsequent injuries discovered on both the Stormtroopers and Lothal Militia indicated that a Lightsaber was used on both sides. It is speculated that the Director is trying to obfuscated her involvement in the death of these Imperial servicemen by implicating the Jedi present during the battle.

Recommendation: Termination and subsequent wash of all assets, technologies and associates affiliated to Alicia Drey Alicia Drey effective immediately upon the conclusion of her trial by the Imperial Moff Council and His Majesty: the Emperor of All Imperial Kind.

Peace through Order,

With a shaking hand Alicia poured a jug of water into a glass as she stood in the centre of the most powerful people in the Empire. The Stun Cuffs that she wore around her wrists and ankles limited her movement. But she possessed just enough strength for this to gulp down the water to clear her bloodied mouth and satisfied her parched throat as Vyllia Santhe Vyllia Santhe continued to read her defence. Alicia lowered her gaze to the report compiled by Lutin Corveni Lutin Corveni regarding her actions, whereabouts and operatus mandi since joining the New Imperial Security Bureau while her defence was being read aloud to the Emperor and his Moffs.

"Thank you, Vyllia," Alicia spoke softly as she passed the floor to her. Clearing her throat and taking the time to pour another glass of water, Alicia met the gaze of Velran Kilran Velran Kilran and bowed her head in reverence to His Majesty. "Of course, your Highness. I will tell nothing but the truth, and the whole truth," Alicia lied. As she went to turn and answer Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl Alicia knew that she would have to kill the Eggman after this.

Betrayal went hand-in-hand with revenge and this false Emperor had hurt her.

Kilran would have to pay.

"Darth Rasnuhl," Alicia said as she turned to meet the gaze of the Sith Lord. Lifting the second cup of water to her crack lips Ayra could not help but see that there was an irony that her fate was being decided in part by a Sith given the allegiances, proposed crimes and the enemies that the Empire now faced to their northern borders. If only Rasnuhl knew about Alicia's ulterior motives in infiltrating the ranks of both the 'dark' and 'lost' Imperials then, perhaps, he would not suggest leniency for her.

After all Alicia was trying to kill every Sith.

Rasnuhl would be no exception.

"I have given up no secrets of the Empire," Alicia lied as she begun answering Rasnuhl's questions. "Neither am I Darth Ayra. As my lawyer has explained it is mathematically impossible for me to be this Sith Lord. I am a Human female of thirty years in age. If Darth Ayra were alive today she would be eighty-two years old. This memo provided as evidence to this trial is missing key information which proves that I am not this Sith."

"I will provide a document that I classified upon becoming Staff Director which will prove this. Given the circumstances of this trial I am now forced to declassify this document and share sensitive information with this council which jeopardizes the strategy that I have implemented to infiltrate the ranks of the Tsis'Kaar."

"This should more than satisfy your questions, my Lord."

Averting her gaze from Rasnuhl back to Vyllia Alicia requested the Lenoi II datapad that she had given to her when they had first met. When Vyllia handed her the device Alicia sliced it and used it as a backdoor into the Direct Surveillance of Domestic Threats to pull up "File #9-113-41118208-125181" and then declassified it by entering her passcode "Bane" into the system.

When the file then appeared on screen Alicia displayed to everyone to read for themselves.

IDENTITY FILE #9-113-4118208-125181




Name: Alicia Drey.
Alias: Darth Ayra.
Species: Human.
Gender: Female.
Height: 1.73m.
Weight: 55kg.
Force Sensitive: Yes.
Status: Deceased. Died 852 ABY.​

Alicia Drey, later known as Darth Ayra, was Human female Sith Lord from the planet Chandrila.

In 822 ABY a motor vehicle accident outside of Emita resulted in the deaths of both parents, and two siblings: a brother and sister. Drey was later adopted by a Human female called Circe Savan. Savan, an entrepreneur and weapons dealer in the Sith Empire, adopted Drey and later inducted her into the Sith Order as her Sith Apprentice.

By 842 ABY Drey was known among the Sith as Darth Ayra. After the Sith Empire were defeated by the Silver Jedi Concord, Galactic Republic and Mandalorian Defenders the Sith were reorganized into a sect known as the One Sith. Ayra, as an inducted member of this sect, attacked and conquered Coruscant at the beginning of the "One Sith Purge".

By 852 ABY the Galactic Republic had been destroyed by the One Sith. Around this time Ayra begun amassing a collection of Sith paraphernalia consisting of grimoires, manuscripts and holocrons about the dark side of the Force. [Note: This collection was discovered by Agent Foxtrot under the ownership of a Muun investment banker called Serj Sularis.]

On Dxun Ayra contracted a rare disease in which her body was infected by a parasite known as Orbalisks.

Unable to find a cure Ayra was killed by the subsequent disease and her body was burned in a funeral held on Chandrila later that same year. It is speculated that Ayra attempted to excavate the Tomb of Freedon Nadd but was unsuccessful in her attempt and died as a result.

Codename 'Foxtrot' shall assume the identity of Alicia Drey and enter into business negotiations with House Mecetti of Obulette to fix the arrangement made between Mecetti Nationalized Industries and Nimian Totan Nimian Totan .

Amendment: This file is now classified by Director Drey to retain her cover as Alicia Drey in the business world, and further interactions with the 'dark' Imperials of Carlac, and the organisation known as the Tsis'Kaar.

She should have been there. What mission had taken the Viper’s attention so as to not have been on Tion to defend it against the Sith menace? Perhaps that would be revealed later. What was revealed at the moment of Emperor Velran Kilran’s entrance, however, was her own presence alongside another.

Saabe Aner, Lost Hand of the Emperor, and the Emperor had a number of hands, including his very own daughter. Adopted, at that, but Kanni Ugaiya Kilran didn’t mind it. She knew her mission: Serve Father. Whether Father was forever the Emperor or not never mattered to her. Where he would go she would follow, including into the room of judgment, chamber of justice, where Father could swing his hammer amid madness and genius with his two good hands and abracadabra there's your master like a house of flying daggers bwahahahahaha

Kanni muttered beneath her breath, a grin on her countenance, arriving behind the two women who needed more garments to their dress than a Wookiee with a hairless chest but whatever, that was Father’s preference. As much as he might dote on his daughter the fact was that her opinion ultimately don't much matter in comparison to his. The Emperor’s word was truth, and truth was the Emperor’s word.

While Velran Kilran wore the Judge’s garb, Kanni Kilran wore the Executioner’s garb sort of something maybe. Dark red cape that symbolized blood, black dress that signified death, and a white wig just like he did. Granted, she might not have even been appointed to this position. Yet it was just an outfit that she decided was quite fitting for the occasion and she did like to play pretend.

Then again, it was also her way of just absolutely begging her father to swing the blade instead of him. Yes, the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. Of course, Kanni was the sword for him, wasn’t she? Only she would swing the shuriken and have a whole new reason to grin…

Despite delicious excitement on her lips for what might happen amid her father’s decision, she had nothing against the woman in question. Just the fact that, ah, if this chick was a traitor under the Emperor then to Kanni she deserved to be executed immediately and without mercy. Oh, she should be the one begging for the Emperor’s mercy!

Though, for the moment, if not for the entire duration of this session, Kanni had no business with opening her mouth unless directed, never mind her Imperial inheritance (if it still existed given her evident lack of activity), and wagging her tongue, so she didn’t. Instead, she sat in silence beside her father, sipping on a lemon Saki-Star beverage.

Velran Kilran he's our man! Kanni clapped her hands a wee bit enthusiastically all of a sudden! If he can't do it then no one can! Began to dance in her seat so wasn't interrupting really. Mufu. Shumu. Wufu? FUMOFFU WOFFU.


Kanni gulped. Looked left. Looked right.

"Ope…I mean…what is false is…the Emperor is a genius but his IQ isn't of over 1000…" She wagged her finger unhappily. "IT'S OVER 9000!!!" And promptly shut up if her father didn't already tell his daughter to be quiet with his eyes or his lips for that matter.

Vyllia Santhe claimed that the defendant, Alicia Drey slash Darth Ayra something or other, wasn’t actually that other person. Well, tapping her innocent slender fingers quietly on a plate of green cheesecake that sat in her lap, Kanni just wondered as she observed the evidence. A claim was made by the defendant herself that it was mathematically impossible for her to be both Alicia Drey and Darth Ayra but stranger things had occurred in this universe. Ooooooh maybe she's a Shi'ido Sithspawn! Then again, that also might not add up in the math, and really Kanni just liked Shi'do Sithspawn, reminded her of one of her favorite video games, but what the hey, she was happy to simply eat her cheesecake.

Location: Moff Council Chamber | Lianna City, Lianna
Tags: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey | Velran Kilran Velran Kilran | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen | Teckla Tane Teckla Tane | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran | Vyllia Santhe Vyllia Santhe

Darlynn didn’t have the slightest idea what she was doing on Lianna. Her master was Gula the Hutt Gula the Hutt , but for some reason she was being “loaned” to the Emperor. She had a suspicion that there was some conspiracy going on between the two, but she really didn’t care to get involved and she would have no input even if she had. So rather than risk bodily harm, the former farmer went along willingly.

So in a matter of days Darlynn found herself going from massaging and oiling up a fitness obsessed Hutt to being told that she were to announce and question witnesses on behalf of the Emperor. This trial was to test the loyalty of the Director of the Empire’s intelligence agency, why in the galaxy would a slave plucked from a farm on Lothal have any involvement? And why would the Emperor insist that she do so wearing a revealing slave bikini. The other slave that was to accompany her into the room had said there was no telling what was going on in the “Master’s” mind. But that any attempt to argue would not be received well.

Now Darlynn was in a room filled with powerful Imperials. Her opposite attorney was dressed very professionally and Darlynn didn’t know how she was going to manage to do what she was asked. She only knew that she couldn’t afford to deny Velran’s wishes even more than Gula’s.
”The Emperor of all Imperial Kind calls to the stand Lutin Corveni Lutin Corveni

Darlynn fidgeted as the agent entered. ”The defendant provided several of your reports for the court. Do you have anything to add to those reports? Something that has been excluded?”

Maldor watched as charges were brought. Documents 'proving' innocence were presented. It was nothing more than a pantomime of justice, of course.

At least Vyllia's profile was increasing. He was glad to see her involved in such a high-profile activity, suggesting she was held highly in the Emperor's favor. He would surely only place a trusted person in so precarious position as an accused enemy's defense.

Still, whatever the arrangements made by the Emperor, the whole affair was a mystery to him. This sort of trial would never have been conducted in the Mecetti province. Ordinary people got trials for their own petty squabbles. Anyone of importance was investigated by the Ministry of Inquiry and given summary judgment by the ruling family.

Here, it was unclear what role the Moffs were meant to play. Surely Velran would make his own summary judgment. Maldor had seen how much the man cared about the opinions of his subordinates. Why create the ruse of anything approaching a fair trial? If she was to be found guilty, why not just inform the Moffs of her liquidation and make them squirm? If she was to be found innocent, why have a trial at all?

Why are we here, he asked himself.

He couldn't think of any optimistic answers.

As he watched the charade trial unfold towards unknown ends, he worked to steady his heart.

Alicia Drey Alicia Drey | Velran Kilran Velran Kilran | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen | Teckla Tane Teckla Tane | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran | Vyllia Santhe Vyllia Santhe Darlynn Arard-Milbon Darlynn Arard-Milbon


Sometimes Lutin wondered if loyalty was worth in the end. What did loyalty get him to? Lutin served an Emperor whose ambition became his downfall and now he's serving a madman who is fuming after the losing Tion to the Sith. Lutin was surprised that Velran didn't call for executions but rather go to the rule of law. He is a peculiar man Lutin will give him that but with the Sith officially on the Empire's doorstep, Lutin wondered how long until he cracks.

For now, he'll have to contend with the fact that his NISB director: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey worked for the Sith. Lutin had his suspicions dating all the way back to the battle of Lothal where he and Alicia worked together with a squad of Stormtroopers. They took control of a building where they Stormtroopers were mysteriously killed after he and Alicia split up. A few weeks after the battle's conclusion, Lutin grabbed the recordings from the building and saw Alicia committing the murders. From then, Lutin worked quickly and gathered as much evidence as he could, even spying on Alicia during Felucia to the point where he had more than enough evidence to apprehend her. Now, here he was participating in this sham of a trial ready to give witness testimony against the woman he worked under. Velran was rather eager to push Lutin to the stand and have his "lawyer" a slave woman who was dressed in a scantily clad slave wear to conduct the interview.

"I was born in the wrong century," Lutin thought though his expression remained impassive as he sat up straight. "I should be serving the likes of Palpatine not this fool."

But Lutin was an Imperial to the end and will do what it takes to uphold what's left of the Empire, but slowly and surely, he's finding out loyalty showed him nothing but pain and regret. "The reports that I have presented to the emperor are accurate," Lutin responded bluntly. "It took me time and patience but make no mistake, our NISB director has been feeding information to the Sith."

Reaching in his pocket, Lutin grabbed a Holodisc and slid it to the slave. "Your exhibit A," Lutin said. "Battle of Lothal where Ayra has killed multiple Stormtroopers that were assisting."

Darlynn Arard-Milbon Darlynn Arard-Milbon , Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran , Vyllia Santhe Vyllia Santhe , Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen , Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl , Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti


Tags: Darlynn Arard-Milbon Darlynn Arard-Milbon ~ Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran ~ Vyllia Santhe Vyllia Santhe ~ Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen ~ Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl ~ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti ~ Teckla Tane Teckla Tane
Objective: Prelude to War - The Trial of Alicia Drey

Alicia bowed her chin slightly so her eyes bore into Darlynn Arard-Milbon Darlynn Arard-Milbon as they stood across from each other. Only a man like Velran Kilran would bring a woman, like this, to be the prosecutor in this trial, Alicia thought to herself.

Her gaze slowly turned to look over her shoulder as Darlynn summoned Lutin Corveni Lutin Corveni to the chamber to submit evidence and eye witness testimony. She had anticipated that the New Imperial Security Bureau would perform their own clandestine investigation into her after she became the Staff Director. They had recruited her into the organisation to handle the Mecetti-Totan connection: a secret deal between Mecetti Nationalized Industries and the Empire of the Lost that would see Victory-class Star Destroyers manufactured and bought by the Empire to serve in their navy. Not to become their leader after His Majesty- the Eggman, Velran Kilran Velran Kilran - inexplicably promoted Alicia to the highest point of office within the NISB as their defacto leader upon his coronation to the position of Emperor of All Imperial Kind.

Now that it was clear to Alicia that Corveni had collected significant evidence against her (which proved that she was responsible for the murders on Lothal) the rest of his report had been given significant weight. There it was, in the hands of the slav- prosecution: A live and authenticated recording of Alicia Drey murdering Stormtroopers with a crimson Lightsaber. This weapon was widely acclaimed and regarded as the epitome of the Sith. All Sith Lords possessed such a weapon in their arsenal and that was who Alicia was being accused of. It was powerful piece of evidence, and possessed strength. Combined with the other facts that he had presented in his report, and it painted a clear picture of who Alicia Drey really is.

But the power of the dark side was an esoteric thing- particularly to those who were not the Sith Master that Alicia was- and where truth existed so too did the acts of obfuscating it to a point where doubt begins to set, and reality becomes blurred or distorted until it might as well had been a lie in the first place.

"The defense shall take a moment to deliberate," Alicia spoke into the microphone. Feeling all eyes on her as she turned her bloodshot, blackened eyes away from Darlynn and Corveni to Vyllia, Alicia leaned in and spoke in a low tone to her confidant, and lawyer.

"That recording is a fake," Alicia lied as she begun her explanation to Vyllia Santhe Vyllia Santhe . Her voice was broken, coarse and it hurt to speak. But Alicia had to endure for she stood on the precipice of ruination, and that was unacceptable to her. "I would like you to question Corveni in a cross-examination. Get him to admit that there were Jedi present on Lothal during the Empire's attack, and to double down on the recording that it is real. I would also like you to ask him, 'how do you know that recording is not fake?' When he finishes answering this question we will rest and move onto the next witness."

"I would then like you to call Maldor Mecetti as a defense witness. He will provide testimony that will help us articulate an argument which will demonstrate that the recording Corveni submitted as evidence is a creation of the Tsis'Kaar. I will provide you with the things you need to articulate this defense."

As Vyllia begun her cross-examination of Corveni Alicia begun to put together her argument. As she wrote the questions out upon the Lenoi II datapad Alicia realised that the only way to obfuscate the Lothal recording was to demonstrate that the New Imperial Security Bureau- as an organisation- had been infiltrated by the Tsis'Kaar. By calling an esteemed and well established leader in the Empire to the stand as well Alicia aimed to provide testimony which proved that another high ranking Imperial had been the target of blackmail and extortion by the Tsis'Kaar through a similar recording which demonstrated that they too had a fake piece of evidence of Maldor committing a seditious crime against the Empire.

When they demonstrated that Maldor had been a victim of such maliciousness the defense would then juxtapose what happened to him to the circumstances which Alicia found herself in now. Another high ranking officer in the form of the Staff Director of the New Imperial Security Bureau had been set-up by the Tsis'Kaar leading to the sequence of events which led to this trial being called and the consequential accusation that the Director was a traitor to the Empire.

This in turn would lead credence that the recording of Alicia murdering Stormtroopers- while on the surface appeared legitimate, and authenticate- was, in reality, another faked piece of evidence that the Tsis'Kaar had leaked to Lutin Corveni Lutin Corveni and was now being used in her prosecution. That the transmissions from IM-346 made by Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean - legitimized by Corveni's report- were also fake. Combined with the fact that the Tsis'Kaar had really infiltrated the New Imperial Security Bureau and the defense were set to give a compelling counter-argument to the accusations, and pieces of evidence submitted so far by the prosecution opened a path to Alicia's freedom and exoneration.

But as she wrote the questions out for Vyllia to ask Maldor Alicia pouted her lips thoughtfully. As each sentence appeared upon the datapad Alicia could not help but glance up at the holographic image of the Moff himself. On Sojourn- a relatively unknown astronomical object referred too as some as 'The Hunter's Moon'- Darth Ayra had revealed herself to him. When the revelation had been made Maldor had tried to murder her but, after overpowering him with the Force, Ayra had promised him all the things that he wanted. Now that the opportunity to destroy her again was here again would Maldor take it?

Maldor had been promised lessons into the subtle arts of the dark side of the Force. Instead of learning from the scattered pieces of ancient, or bastardized version of Sith paraphernalia (manuscripts, grimoires, or holocrons) Darth Ayra had promised him an apprenticeship and the opportunity to learn from a living Sith Master: a superior way to learn the ways of the dark side. On top of that Ayra had promised him a way home to Obulette: to claim his rightful place as the Head of House Mecetti. Given the fact that now Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti had passed away the position had been claimed by Maldor's Mother. But it was his by right, and only the decedent Jedi and their Galactic Alliance prevented him from claiming what was rightfully his.

The blackmailing, and coercion that Alicia was set to present to the court were all true. Maldor had been contacted by an anonymous transmitter several times since he joined the Empire of the Lost. That person had threatened him with the things that they knew about him such as his desire to collect Sith paraphernalia and how that revelation would invite the wrath of the Eggman. They also had a recording of Maldor murdering a prison warden on Stygeon Prime that had aided in the escape of Cain Sevu Cain Sevu : a Sithspawn that had been arrested- co-incidentally by Alicia Drey Alicia Drey - in Lianna City for several murders.

It was also true that the person behind those messages is a member of the Tsis'Kaar. But it was not Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr responsible for the blackmail or coercion. The real blackmailer was Alicia herself. All it would take to crush her defense (which was already in serious jeopardy after Corveni's report and recording) would be to tell the truth: that it was Alicia who was responsible and not Malum or the other members of the Tsis'Kaar. With this line of questioning, and by bringing Maldor to the stand, Alicia was inviting him to make a choice: to lie on her behalf, and point the finger in the direction of the Tsis'Kaar which would aide her in her arguments; or to bring her down, and finally destroy the Phantom Menace that had plagued his life since she first set foot on Lianna.

But something had changed on that night on Sojourn. Maldor was no longer the same man he had been before that fateful evening. Through her powers in the dark side Darth Ayra had turned Maldor into Darth Triognus: the Sith Apprentice. Would he show loyalty to his Sith Master, or use this opportunity to destroy her? Was the promise of learning the ways of the dark side from her enough to persuade him to orchestrate this lie with her? Is the temptation of a way to return home enough to defeat the temptation to destroy her?

More significantly would Triognus- under the disguise of Maldor Mecetti- possess the cunning to see what his Master was trying to accomplish in this trial without her having to tell him? As Alicia finished writing her questions and passed the datapad back to Vyllia her gaze turned to Corveni hatefully. Power, in it's purest definition, was the ability to shape your own environment and turn it to serve you. Through Vyllia and Maldor Alicia possessed the ability to shape this trial and exonerate herself. By doing so she would accomplish a great victory.

But it wasn't in her hands to decide her fate.

  • On Stardate: 010324 did you conduct an inspection on a prison colony located on Stygeon Prime?
  • What happened during your visit?
  • Did you know that Cain Sevu was a member of the Tsis'Kaar?
  • During the attack were you contacted by an anonymous source?
  • What was the content of this message?
  • How many other times have you received messages such as the one that you received on Stygeon Prime?
  • Do you think that these messages were sent to you by the Tsis'Kaar?
  • Are you working for the Tsis'Kaar?
  • Do you know who in the Tsis'Kaar sent you these messages?
  • Why do you think these messages were sent to you?
  • How do you know that these messages were sent to you by Darth Malum?
  • Isn't it true that, during one of these transmission, Darth Malum sent you a recording of you murdering a Prison Warden during Cain Sevu's prison escape?
  • Did you, in fact, kill that Prison Warden?
  • Was the recording that was sent to you fake?
  • How do you know that the recording was fake?
  • Would it surprise you to learn that the New Imperial Security Bureau has been infiltrated by the Tsis'Kaar?
  • In your opinion, given what the Tsis'Kaar did to you, do you believe that the Lothal recording submitted by the prosecution is legitimate?
  • Do you think the Tsis'Kaar created the Lothal recording?
  • Do you think Director Drey is working for the Tsis'Kaar?
  • Do you think Director Drey is a traitor to the Empire of the Lost?
  • Do you think Director Drey is a Double-Agent working for the Dark Empire?
  • Do you think Director Drey is Darth Ayra?
Last edited:

Location: Moff Council Chamber | Lianna City, Lianna
Tags: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey | Velran Kilran Velran Kilran | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen | Teckla Tane Teckla Tane | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran | Vyllia Santhe Vyllia Santhe | Lutin Corveni Lutin Corveni

The agent referenced “her exhibit A”. As if any of this ordeal was hers. Darlynn tried her best to focus forward. She could only imagine what the Imperial dignitaries behind her were thinking. And the only way she was able to continue was to do her best to avoid what others thought about her. That had become a key to life after she was taken away from her home. It took a moment, but Darlynn picked out Imperial Exhibit A, a holo puck and placed it on the desk. She pressed the button to start the video it contained.

She looked back to Lutin as the video was pretty much exactly what he explained. The agent very slightly reminded her of her husband, she wasn’t sure why. But it made her blush just as moment before focusing. Darlynn had no point of reference on the events portrayed by the holo, and had not prepared for anything further. But when the video was done the defendant stated it was a fake. Darlynn looked panicked assuming that the Imperial spy, maybe soon to be former Director? Might have been accusing her of faking it.
”Agent Corveni. How would someone fake something like this? Is there a way to verify this holo has not been tampered with? Is there anything else to your testimony?”

Following the agent’s testimony the defendant started to make a statement. Darlynn had never seen the inside of a court on Lothal, but she had assumed that one side would go then the other. This seemed to bounce back and forth. That did however seem to be on par with the idea of the Emperor employing a Hutt slave to serve as his prosecutor. A request was made to question Moff Maldor Mecetti and unless the Emperor protested, Darlynn was glad to yield control of the the proceedings.

Lutin had to hold back a scoff at this sham of a trial, it was obvious that Alicia Drey Alicia Drey was guilty but the mad Emperor insists on having a trial. Velran's behavior has been unpredictable. One moment he screams and demands people's heads roll after the Empire's defeat on Tython, the next moment he wants a trial saying that he wants a rule of law. What hold does Alicia have on Velran that is preventing him from killing her already? The entire Empire has been compromised with major projects such as the Immortals: The Super Soldier project that she was the head of.

The simple and obvious choice was to interrogate Alicia, kill her after gleaming as much information as possible and then gain control of the projects that she was doing. But with the Emperor nothing is simple, and everything is cartoonish. "There are plenty of editing software that can manipulate the holovideo," Lutin replied to the slave woman doing his absolute best to hide his disdain for this ordeal. "Many are advanced enough to make changes invisible to the naked eye. However, there are programs created that can detect such edits."

The Holovideo in front of Darlynn Arard-Milbon Darlynn Arard-Milbon changed showing the recording strip. "As you can see," Lutin explained. "The Holorecording has not been tampered with based off numerous scans around 450 according to the edit detection program."

Lutin leaned against his chair. "In that Holorecording," he added. "There are also pictures of Alicia Drey communicating with the Sith during the battle of Felucia. I couldn't record their conversation because Miss Drey had taken the precaution in deafening the conservation through the use of anti sound technology. But it is intriguing nonetheless that she is mingling with our enemy."
Matriarch of Santhe Family


Objective: Continue to argue on behalf of the Staff Director
Location: Moff Council Chamber, Lianna City, Lianna
Outfit: Professional Suit
Escort: Twin Bodyguards
Tag: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey | Velran Kilran Velran Kilran | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen | Teckla Tane Teckla Tane | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran


The scantily clad “lawyer” started the evidence and L Luca Corveni continued to add his commentary to what was being shown to the observers. Vyllia rolled her eyes at the assertion that no tampering to the video had taken place. This agent and others controlled by the Emperor were the ones who examined the video. It was a clear conflict of interest, but one that would be treacherous to point out seeing as how the Emperor was the “judge” in the matter.

”You are telling me that the woman in the video is a one hundred year old Sith Lady?” Vyllia asked, pacing a little for effect. ”If that is the case I thank you for helping me prove my case as this woman,” Vyllia stopped and pointed to the Staff Director, ”Has been proven by independent laboratories to be thirty years of age and only used the Alicia Drey/Darth Ayra identity to do her job to gain information for the Empire. For the Emperor.”

The Santhe woman shook her head and stepped away from Luca. She looked at the data pad as her “client” suggested she call Moff Mecetti. A lump formed in Vyllia’s throat. Some of the questions in the list were accusatory, and Vyllia didn’t want Maldor to think she was attacking him. Something told her however that there was a plan. The Staff Director, whatever her true identity was, didn’t seem willing to suggest a course of action that she did not have some leaning as to how it would end up. ”You don’t need to answer my questions, Agent. You’ll just say what the Emperor thinks he wants to hear. You don’t know the truth. That much is evident…”

Vyllia took in a long breath and sighed as she released it. ”The defense wishes to question Moff Maldor Mecetti.” Taking a few more calming breaths she turned to Maldor’s holo image and started running off the questions on the data pad. She would frown at any question that looked like it had potential to hurt Maldor’s reputation, but she had confidence that her client knew what she was doing. She would also refer to the Staff Director by title only leaving any mention of her identity for others to decide. Calling her Drey or Alicia would contradict her argument in place.

  • On Stardate: 010324 did you conduct an inspection on a prison colony located on Stygeon Prime?
  • What happened during your visit?
  • Did you know that Cain Sevu was a member of the Tsis'Kaar?
  • During the attack were you contacted by an anonymous source?
  • What was the content of this message?
  • How many other times have you received messages such as the one that you received on Stygeon Prime?
  • Do you think that these messages were sent to you by the Tsis'Kaar?
  • Are you working for the Tsis'Kaar?
  • Do you know who in the Tsis'Kaar sent you these messages?
  • Why do you think these messages were sent to you?
  • How do you know that these messages were sent to you by Darth Malum?
  • Isn't it true that, during one of these transmission, Darth Malum sent you a recording of you murdering a Prison Warden during Cain Sevu's prison escape?
  • Did you, in fact, kill that Prison Warden?
  • Was the recording that was sent to you fake?
  • How do you know that the recording was fake?
  • Would it surprise you to learn that the New Imperial Security Bureau has been infiltrated by the Tsis'Kaar?
  • In your opinion, given what the Tsis'Kaar did to you, do you believe that the Lothal recording submitted by the prosecution is legitimate?
  • Do you think the Tsis'Kaar created the Lothal recording?
  • Do you think Director Drey is working for the Tsis'Kaar?
  • Do you think Director Drey is a traitor to the Empire of the Lost?
  • Do you think Director Drey is a Double-Agent working for the Dark Empire?
  • Do you think Director Drey is Darth Ayra?

Maldor had allowed himself to believe that Vyllia and Alicia would ensure that he wasn't pulled into the current trial.

Merely having his name encapsulated with Alicia in the same thought-space was a danger to him.

But he should have known it was a forlorn hope.

At least he wasn't actually here. If things went very wrong, he could still get away.

Meanwhile, he needed to put his best foot forward. There were only so many times a man could flee and re-invent himself. There came a point where there was too much to lose, and not enough to save. What was his next move? Becoming a pirate?

He shifted in his seat, and directed his full attention to the holo-receptor.

There was no softness in his countenance as he regarded the woman who held his affections.

This was life-or-death, and she was carrying one of the knives that might be used to skewer him.

"I stand ready to testify in the Emperor's court," he declared.

Now what, my dear? What have you and my Master prepared for me?

Alicia Drey Alicia Drey | Velran Kilran Velran Kilran | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen | Teckla Tane Teckla Tane | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Vyllia Santhe Vyllia Santhe
Rasnuhl sat and took it all in. Looking at evidence given and tallying up who fell on what side of information as the trial continued on. After all there wasn't anything else to do at the moment. Darth Ayra, its the name that fit. One of the galactic super powers own intelligence agency matched word for word that of the NISB itself. Sure she gave contradictory evidence... but with almost all evidence pointing the same way, it was almost certain that it was the truth.

With that in mind Darth Rasnuhl would keep his trust in Director Drey as far as he could throw stance. The only defense that Director Drey had that might stick was the age card. But Darth Rasnuhl knew that his own master who was half Zabrak was around ninety when he was killed but only looked maybe in his early forties. On the side of evidence Lutin Corveni Lutin Corveni seemed to be one of integrity. Definitely one to reach out to later, especially if he was the main one behind the NISB's data gathering for the trial.

The only thing Darth Rasnuhl could do was to continue to watch the events unfold and keep a copy of the data given. Well eventually Emperor Velran will decide how this ends. And he continued to ponder why a woman dressed as a slave was being a prosecutor & why there is a trial when the Emperor will have final say anyway.
After hours of presentation of evidence, witness testimony, and closing arguments, Velran slammed the gavel against his desk. The multiple clangs echoing in the mostly silent chamber. "Order in the court!" Velran announced pressing the bridge of his glasses. "Now that the prosecutor and defense have presented their arguments all that's left is the verdict."

His brown, sunken eyes shifted to the audience. "Since this is a delicate matter regarding a Sith Lord," Velran said. "I will be the one-man jury doing the deliberations."

Velran leaned against his chair. "Step forward Alicia Drey Alicia Drey !" Velran called out. "Director Drey after 5 seconds of deliberation, I have no choice but to find you guilty."

The Emperor leaned against the table looking down at Alicia with great interest. "Yes guilty......" He said before a large grin spread across his face.


Velran stood up beaming at Alicia. "Sacrificing your life to be a double agent for the Empire?" Velran said. "The Emperor DOES support this bold and cunning action! I've read the reports you've sent me last week before the trial and I wanted to test your loyalty which of course you passed! Now let's end this trial so I can get you a six-month free access to the Empire Casino you absolute mad lad!"

Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti , Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen , Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran , Vyllia Santhe Vyllia Santhe , Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl , Darlynn Arard-Milbon Darlynn Arard-Milbon
“Oofie,” Kanni expressed in relative quiet. “Too many questions for Oomphie.” With her mayday headache she remembered why she hated courts and shenanigans like this shindig what with the overly mechanical if dramatic expressions and questions and court decor and expressions of pompous formalities amid depictions of images and deceptions as counter-questions and answers that sounded like someone had recited them instead of going to bed at bedtime and Kanni once devoured ice cream in one sitting while watching Honey I Shrunk The City! quicker than a run-on sentence, mhm.


Fortunately her father, Emperor Velran Kilran, slammed his gavel against the desk the next instant. That was fortunate! Because maybe he might have corrected his daughter for being insubordinate!

OH yep OH yippee OH wippee-wippee-yippy!

Kanni promptly devoured her cheesecake. There were cheesy cakey crumbs around her lips which she licked.

Father commanded Director Drey to step forward. Daughter watched like this was some sitcom or family drama, wotwot. He had no choice but to find her guilty! WUTWUT.






Velran stood up, beaming at Alicia.
Kanni stood up twirling her shuriken.
He celebrated her as a double agent!
So no need for the military or a militia!

Kanni stood up, licking yummy wummy.
She hiccuped. “Fruity bubble gum, YUP!”
She blinked. “I know casinos. HIT ME UP!”

Kanni Ugaiya Kilran, Daughter Of Father, would be Alicia’s connection to this six-month free access to the Empire Casino, and don’t call her a silly-willy, or she might just flay her own knees and take a video of it and accuse Maldor Mecetti of doing this and Vyllia Santhe as taking bacta baths with bad banthas in pink panties or something something WOOT WOOOOOOT

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