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Skirmish The Price of the Alliance | EE & MU


In recent months, the Mandalorian Union has settled its ranks and strengthened again. In the eyes of others, the Eternal Empire was weakened because the emperor, Darth Tacitus, had disappeared. Is this true? Well, it was not possible to know, but what is certain is that the two factions, even if not obvious to most, are connected in many places. Not exactly in a friendly way.

EE and TSE are allies again, there are quite a few Mandalorians among the members of the Eclipse Rebellion who are also offended by the existence of EE. Last but not least, the TSE attacked the SJC, of which the Mandalorians are also allies. And the Mandos thought that if the TSE was too big a wall for them, they would strike where it hurt the TSE. And this was none other than the Eternal Empire, who thus became the target.

The Eternal Empire supported the TSE war against the SCJ, so MU (perhaps the other Mandalorian) and Eclipse Rebellion teamed up to deal a blow to the Eternal Empire. Exactly to one of the larger shipyards, which was located just around Kalidan…



Objective 1: Space Station
The shipyard, the Loyalists and their allies have a duty to protect the place from the attacking party.
The goal of the Mandalorians and Rebels is to destroy the place, possibly stealing ships from here.

Objective 2: Space
Defend and attack. One side must defend the shipyard and the surrounding space, the other to destroy it.

Objective 3: BYOO
Bring your own objective, whatever you want.

Skirmish’s theme

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Karavin Concern’s shipyard, Kalidan’s orbit
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | 2x red blade lightsaber shoto | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Shield talisman | G1 OmniLink | BCR-X10 Sniper Rifle | Empyrean gland | Taozin amulet
Tags: R Reyn Australis | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun

Background music:
Sabaton – The Price of a Mile

Ingrid was just at Karavin Concern’s shipyard to check for STRATCOM that the company’s nationalization was proceeding at the planned pace. The company was previously owned by Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe , but after the Emperor’s disappearance, STRATCOM decided to nationalize the company so that all production would continue to run smoothly. And if the emperor ever returns, he will take back his company.

Because she went outside the planet, even if only near an orbital orbit because the shipyard was there, the Overlord arrived in full armour and combat gear. She had never been to this factory before. The Rockolid Arms shipyard was also here in the system, she knew it very well because it was the Clan Ragal’s company. But she wasn't here yet. Had been listening to the headmaster's words for at least an hour now as he brushed up on formal things.

Her helmet wasn't on her right now, she was carrying it in her hand so she couldn't afford to see boredom on it. Most of the things she heard were rather boring, dry data only that would have said something to those working in this field at most. She should have brought Lady Hyrsi Moldenson-Rien, who runs the Rocksolid Arms, she would have appreciated them better.

At the moment, the woman would have been on Dromund Kaas at heart, along with AMCO AMCO , or to drive Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano into a corner so she could finally talk to the man. This failed to accomplish this on the planet Myrkyr either and it was already quite confusing. It was as if nothing simply wanted them to talk to each other.

But going back to the shipyard, at least it was reassuring that after the coup, the workers were able to restore everything and finally the shipyard was able to operate 100% again…


Tag: Rath Nihro Rath Nihro
Equipment: T-21 light repeater

Kalic held tight to the controls of his fighter, the Star Crest as he tried to punch through the defenses of the station. His main goal was for him hand his little floating astromech Jee to get onboard and help by having the droid hack the systems. Kalic used the agility of his craft to quickly slip into one of the fighter hangers. He smirked as the fighter whirled around, letting its thruster wash handle anyone too close. The Miraluka opened the cockpit, quickly letting out a couple of shots before ducking into cover.

This would be fun.
Post: One
Tags: R Reyn Australis Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Kalic Daws Kalic Daws Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Kreslin stood with the rest of the boarding party aboard Red Fist. When he had been informed of the planned attack on the Eternal Empire, he had been hesitant. The conflict on Mandalore was still fresh in his mind, and the wounds he had received there at the hands of Teyn, the former Mand'alor, were still evident. But when he had learned that Reyn Australis was leading to assault, he had volunteered to accompany him. His final conversation with Kaine, the warriors father still rang in his ears, and he felt he owed the man a debt.

He checked his weapons one last time before they were to enter combat range, three pistols strapped across his body, for it never hurt to be prepared. His Beskad in a shoulder harness, freshly oiled and ready to be drawn in a moment. Several knives hung from his belt, each dipped in a different shade of paint Kreslin had made, each color representing one Clan within the Mandalorian Union. At the front of his belt, hanging next to his right hip, was the dark green of Clan Australis.

Today, he would make sure it was painted red in their honor.

Kreslin walked through the assembled ranks of warriors, nodding to them each briefly as he made with way towards Loreena and Reyn. He came up sort near them, glancing briefly at the silent, helmeted face of Kaine's successor. With a brief nod to him, Kreslin folded his arms across his chest, impatient to get the waiting over. "Not to question your plan, but did the idea of doing something other than charging the enemy guns first cross your mind?" His words were spoken with light humor, and he turned to glance at Loreena after he spoke.

"This is your enemy, Arenais, what are the odds we will be able to go straight for the throat without incident?"

Arla had landed the Jaster's Sparrow in the hanger of R Reyn Australis 's ship without a hitch. And the second that the cargobay door was opened, Lori was on her way out. Dressed in her Rebel Armour and armed with her blasters and lightsaber, she was ready for a fight. A satchel was flung over her shoulder, carrying inside of it a plethora of explosives. The only thing missing was a helmet. But Lori hadn't earned one of her own just yet. She was still just a goofball kid to many, including the Eternal Empire. It didn't matter what accomplishments she had made. They were but small poratoes in the grand scheme of things. She lived under the shadows of her parents and her brother, even though she chose a different path than any of them did.

Maybe today would change all that.

On the journey over she had gone over the schematics of the station, so she knew which areas to hit. Her knowledge of explosives came from her uncle Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron . Her knowledge of engineering came from Jaster Awaud Jaster Awaud . Now she had to put those skills to use. And what better way than to strike a blow to the Eternal Empire, especially after they were starting to come after her Mom and her brother out of punishment for her actions.

At least she wasn't the only one there. The Mandalorians took up the cause for this operation, wanting to deliver a blow to their enemies in an indirect way. So in some respect, Lori was using that as a cover for her own actions. But hey, alone she couldn't get this done. And if it helps to redirect the eyes of the Eternal Empire to a different direction while the others of the Eclipse Rebellion pursued other operations, then all the better.

Lori hadn't expected Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind to be here too, but there was no doubt that his experience and skillset would be useful. |"Without incident? The odds aren't in our favour for that. And that's what I'm counting on. While everyone's distracted countering fighters and trying not to have anything stolen, I'm going to set up the charges to blow that station to kingdom come." She patted her satchel, her face conveying none of the childlike amusement that she normally had. This was business. And it was personal.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Location- Station
Tags- Open
Equipment- Sword, Assault Canon, Heavy Slug Thrower Pistol, jetpack, assortment of grenades

War, it was a constant presence in Zachariel's life, something he had practiced day in and day out his entire life, the entire millennia plus of it. What was coming this day, and the prior day, and the next day wouldn't be war. It would be mind numbing boredom, for Zachariel had been foolish enough to accept a job to protect this space station. He had accepted because it payed very well, and he thought it might be interesting. He was wrong, it was boredom day in and day out.

For that reason, Zachariel kept to himself the entire time, armor and helm always on, while armed to the literal teeth with weapons to destroy a city. As of now, Zachariel was situated in a security room near a main hanger. Seated in a somewhat sturdy chair, arms crossed and boots planted on the table before him, Zachariel looked as if he were sleeping. Anyone who was close enough would know the opposite was true. He was in fact quietly muttering under his breath, cursing everyone and everything present, while also promising endless torments if nothing happened. For that reason, and the incident the day before, few dared to come near him, and none wished to speak to him.

Zachariel cared little for all of that, he cared little for the weaklings around him. He was more interested in something, anything new to happen, even if only to take the boredom away.
Objective: The Station
Tag: Kalic Daws Kalic Daws
Equipment: Aegis of the Snow, KC-95 Ace of Spades, Vibrodagger

It was perhaps the first time Rath decided to come upon the public in his Aegis, as a Warden. Being a Warden would often require him to venture out on his own. Sometimes without even the Empire itself known of his activities. This led Rath, masked in the humanoid-like face in a white-black coloration to one of Kalidan's shipyards. It was a standard scouting out what ship to buy type of deal, but that endeavor quickly turned for the worse.

The roaring sounds of an engine came from the entrance of the hanger. It was a different sound than the kind a howling blizzard made, and frankly Rath would've preferred a blizzard than a starfighter type. A pull in Rath's mind, like an instinct that warned his body to leap back away as a Y wing expertly flew itself into the hanger. As Rath took a couple of leaps to duck behind an interceptor for cover. The pilot wasted no time to disembark with a weapon in hand and blasted one of the staff in the process. Rath's hand immediately went to his holstered Ace of Spades before he rose from cover to pop two powerful shots at the assailant's covered direction. Simultaneously Rath reached out with the Force to pull the wounded staff member across the ground over to himself.

Rath ducked behind to grab the collar of the worker's jumpsuit before he yelled at one of the fleeing staff members in a robotic yet masculine voice due to his mask altering his voice.

"Get him to a medic asap!" Using the Force again, Rath threw the wounded over to staff who graciously caught the body. His presence might be tainted with the dark side, but that didn't mean Rath didn't put the safety of others to reduce casualties. Afterwards Rath kept low as he began to move around the interceptor away from the assailant. A matter of changing location and open the possibility of Rath flanking whoever was attacking them.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Karavin Concern’s shipyard, Kalidan’s orbit
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | 2x red blade lightsaber shoto | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Shield talisman | G1 OmniLink | BCR-X10 Sniper Rifle | Empyrean gland | Taozin amulet
Tags: R Reyn Australis | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun

Background music:
Sabaton – The Price of a Mile

Ingrid continued to listen to the rather boring information. Didn’t she really understand why she couldn’t say so much that everything was fine and the manufacturing processes were as good as possible? She felt that would have been enough, along with many other details she didn't understand. So she glanced at the state bureaucrats with her what they were saying. They nodded in approval that everything was really okay, though they should see the bookings as well.

<”I would like to see...”> she would have started to say.

For at that moment, the alarms sounded as ships of unknown signage emerged from hyperspace within the range of the planet and the shipyard’s sensor. She glanced out the shipyard window, from where she could immediately see the ships arriving. She recognized some from the outside. The Overlord didn’t really understand what they were doing here, though, as they had no conflict with the Mandalorians. Except that Ingrid killed one of the Alors at Mandalore and there was the Eternal Empire at Myrkr. It didn't really matter.

<”The ships in the system will be called back immediately to protect the shipyards, and all combatable personnel should be prepared to protect the shipyard!”>

With that, Ingrid headed for the hangars so that she too could help with the defense while she was on her way, the message had already arrived that the enemy had broken into the hangars. Not long after, the woman arrived there as well. She had already pulled out the two vibroswords when she entered the hangar, where she immediately sensed a familiar aura.

”So the rebels are already asking for the help of the Mandalorians. Miss Arenais, you are very cheekily abusing what you have received from me.” she said coldly, militarily.


Tag: Rath Nihro Rath Nihro
Equipment: T-21 light repeater

Kalic looked out to the hanger, seeing the the aura of the Force nearby. Poodoo! Had to be a Forcie didn't it. He shook his head, looking carefully and focusing himself before aiming. He smiled, calling out.

"Hey Forcie. Where are ya? You can't be this cautious around some random pilot." Yes, he was trying to provoke the Force user, smiling as he watched and peeked out, rifle aimed. It had worked before, but it was usually him noting he was blind, just without mentioning he was Miraluka. He knew this wouldn't be an easy fight, but he had to try. He had to try....

Jee meanwhile snuck around the fighters, doing her best to hid and get to a panel.
Post: Two
Tags: R Reyn Australis Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Kalic Daws Kalic Daws Rath Nihro Rath Nihro Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood

Kreslin nodded briefly at Loreana's words, his eyes glancing briefly at the satchel. Explosives were not an area he understood all that much. He enjoyed a grand explosion as much as the next Mandalorian, but he had never found the time or patience to learn the field. He left that to others, and it seemed Loreena had a solid thought in mind. While it was not the glorious charge that the young Reyn had in mind, perhaps it would likely be just as important in completing.

"In the interest of ensuring Kingdom Come gets the station it is owed this day, I shall accompany you. If you are willing to wait for this old warrior." He smiled beneath his helmet, though he knew it was not evident. He turned his head back to glance at Reyn as the warrior spoke again, and he inclined his head briefly once more. "You have the fire and spirit of Kaine in you, Australis. Lead us on to victory."

As he spoke, Kreslin reached down and drew the green knife representing Clan Australis from his belt, gripping it underhanded in his left, while drawing his side arm with his right. Despite his position, he would not lead the charge that day. There was little reason to take that position away from Reyn, and Kreslin was interested to see the warriors tactical ability first hand. The Union would need all the strong leaders it could find, and if Reyn could even fill half the shoes his father left behind, then Kreslin would be content.

Lori couldn't see the smiles from both R Reyn Australis and Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind , but she could hear them. And it satisfied her enough that they were both on board. Normally she'd be talked out of her plans. It wasn't as though they were bad, it was just that others often had something better. Her cousin seemed a bit different however and she couldn't quite put a finger on it. Before he was more playful and excited, like he was when they were going after the Sith but got ambushed and she was nearly killed. But now wasn't the time to question his shift in personality. Right now she had a job to do.

Once the order was given, Lori followed in behind her cousin, among the ranks of the Stormwolves. She unholstered one of her blasters and readied to open fire. The schematics of the station were fully on her mind. It wasn't up to her to tell Reyn where to go. He had his own objective. But she kept with him somewhat, until there came the time that she'd need to break off from them to set her charges. For that they'd have to go further in.

With all that was going on, she didn't even notice that Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim was honing in on her through her abilities. It was just a tiny chill that went down her spine which Lori just attributed to the sudden raid on the station that would hopefully see to it's destruction and hamper the shipbuilding efforts of the Empire that she sought to see destroyed once and for all.

Location- Station, Hanger
Tags- Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | R Reyn Australis | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind
Equipment- Sword, Assault Canon, Heavy Slug Thrower Pistol, jetpack, assortment of grenades

With a crash, Zachariel shot to his feet. The alarms were sounding, there were ships coming, and the station was under attack. Laughing at this, Zachariel rushed out of the room, barreling through those too slow to get out of his way. A battle was coming, Zachariel knew it, and he would be part of it. For that reason, Zachariel tore down the hallways to the nearest hanger he had been stationed by. Incidentally, this was also the hanger where his clients boss was and where the enemy was coming.

Bursting through the door of the hanger, Zachariel found an enemy ship landed and soldiers rushing out. Taking in the scene before him, a dark and twisted smile crossed Zachariel's face. Pulling out his large sword and unholstering the assault canon, Zachariel laughed. Taking several steps forward, Zachariel came to rest by Ingrid's side. He easily towered over everyone present, standing at an imposing 11ft tall (335.3cm/3.3m), on top of that he was extremely well armored and armed.

Roaring with dark joy, Zachariel let loose with his assault canon as the enemy charged out, firing at them all. Large, solid slugs flew forth out of the barrels, even as Zachariel laughed above it all. He started a cry then, one repeated over and over again, louder and louder, a roared scream for all to hear, and a promise of the things to come.
"Kill, maim, burn! KILL, MAIM, BURN!! KILL, MAIM, BURN!!! KILL, MAIM, BURN!!!! KILL, MAIM, BURN!!!!"
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Karavin Concern’s shipyard, Kalidan’s orbit
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | 2x red blade lightsaber shoto | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Shield talisman | G1 OmniLink | BCR-X10 Sniper Rifle | Empyrean gland | Taozin amulet
Opponents: R Reyn Australis | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
Tags: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind | Kalic Daws Kalic Daws | Rath Nihro Rath Nihro

Background music:
Sabaton – The Price of a Mile

One of the mercenaries arrived beside the woman, and not so far away could the sound of fighting be heard. There wasn’t too much time left to see those who had arrived at the shipyard. Through the Force they could already be felt and their voices heard, but they were still in another room. She knew there were many, but she didn't know exactly who they were. True, it didn’t even matter because they were enemies.

”It doesn't matter who makes up the enemy. You don't have to keep them alive.”

She told Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood while the man was still near her. As far as the Overlord remembered, the mercenary was a member of the AoC. More shots, shouts, it was not yet possible to know who was standing to win on the other side, although the red-haired woman had a feeling that the enemy would be the one to win. They had a situational advantage because the shipyard staff and the people here did not anticipate an attack.

”Let’s go, we can’t let them get out of the hangar!”

She said while the Ultranauts and the Infinites are arrived. She signalled with just one hand signal to go into the hangar where the fight was still going on. The soldiers and droids went forward, followed by Ingrid. As soon as she entered, she had already seen the fighters.

And they really include Lori, as does Kaine Australis ’son, R Reyn Australis . They were really Mandalorians and really on the side of the rebels. Then it may have had nothing to do with Myrkr, they merely felt that the Empire had been weakened by the disappearance of Tactius. Well, if they think so, they were very wrong…


Location: Hangar Bay, Karavin Shipyards
Objective: Assist the EE
Allies: EE ( Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood )
Enemies: MU ( R Reyn Australis Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind )

In visiting the Karavin Shipyards as an attendant for one of the Speakers of Discordia, Ivixa had not expected to find herself in a fight.

Over the last few weeks, Ivixa’s apprehension towards the Eternal Empire had slowly disappeared as she found herself mingling in various high society affairs with dignitaries and other esteemed individuals as part of her duties as an attendant. Touring the Karavin Shipyards had been just one of many activities the Speakers had planned for their second visit, but if the blaring klaxons echoing throughout the shipyard were any indication, those would be put off for the time being. Instead, the diminutive Asa’nyx found herself sprinting towards the armory, ripping off her clothes as she went in order to more quickly put on her armor as replacement so that she could fulfill her duties as a Wild Huntress.

The next few moments passed in a flurry of activity as Ivixa finished donning her combat getup, loading her weapons, and powering up her armor’s systems. For a few moments, she considered taking a smaller rifle in the place of the Clairvoyant, but the dainty Huntress ultimately couldn’t resist the temptation of its power over a more practical option. And so, Ivixa went out with it, running as fast as her legs could carry her towards the hangar bay in order to intercept whoever was attacking the shipyards.

Once she arrived, Ivixa saw the violence with her own eyes, taking in the Ultranauts as they charged headlong into the fray, with many meeting their end at the sharp edge of what could only be a monomolecular blade. Her eyes came across the Aspect of Desire ( Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim ) as well, the Empress Regent clad in her black-pink armor as she directed her soldiers into the battle, looking as menacing a figure as her reputation as a hyper-lethal assassin indicated.

“Aspect, you’re okay!” Ivixa said to the woman over encrypted comms. “I’m the only Huntress here, but I’m ready to assist in any way I can.” The sniper continued as she quickly analyzed the sensor readings on her HUD, taking in the positions of the intruders within the hangar bay so that she could stay out of their line of sight. "Link me to the Imperial
battle net and I can get to work."

Last edited:
Tag: Kalic Daws Kalic Daws
Equipment: Aegis of the Snow, KC-95 Ace of Spades, Vibrodagger

Perhaps it was a bit much to exert caution against what could have been a simple fighter. However Rath was never the type to underestimate his opponent's since that often led to their demise. It wasn't like the Warden insulted the fighter, but if one was to be prideful then Rath honored them by treating them like a threat. Most people neglected that fact as nothing was more humiliating than being treated like some stray puppy.

Rath drew out his dagger as it hummed to life from the blade vibrating. With a flick of his wrist as Rath wrapped the Vibrodagger in the Force. He caused the dagger to fly up and over the interceptor. After the dagger had left his hand, Rath leaned around the starfighter's wing with his Ace of Spades raised to fire a blaster bolt specifically at the top crate that the pilot hid behind. To which created a shower of sparks that normally would make someone with eyes flinch. This however had a second purpose as it was to allow Rath get a better perspective where the fighter was. After the shot, Rath followed up by rolling to the side in his attempt to dodge any potential bolts. Rath simultaneously used the movement of the roll to guide his vibrodagger with his free hand as the Warden used the Force. In which caused the dagger to barrel roll as it descended before the dagger attempted to cut the Miraluka across the left cheek of his face.

At the end of his roll, Rath popped another blaster bolt at the Miraluka as he didn’t bother with accuracy at the moment. Not when the Miraluka was just barely within range. If the attacker reacts to the damage he might sustain from either source, Rath will take that opportunity to launch a grappling hook from the wrist mounted device of his right arm at a tie fighter. While he wasn’t expecting for the hook to dig into the plating, Rath purposely aimed for the hook to wrap around the joint in the right wing. As the wire pulled Rath up into the air as he would use the wing as cover. Unless some unfortunate circumstance happens, Rath will find himself landing on the joint in a crouch position.


Objective 2: Space
Tags: Jerrick Shado
Tuk'ata-class Sith-Imperial Hyper Inteceptor

This was not the way Rezom planned to do things. Normally, the Kaleesh warrior did not engage in space combat. He was not against such methods, but he was unfamiliar with them. He was, ultimately, a ground soldier. But to truly see the dangers of battle, to truly test his abilities, one must test their most basic skills by taking new routes.

In this case, space warfare. He heard about the battle the EE was having. And after hearing such, he chose to take action. The Tuk'ata-class Sith-Imperial Hyper Inteceptor was to him an excellent ship. And it was the one he'd gotten. There were others in the Sith Empire, but they simply did not have the same specs needed for him to test his skills.

Also, not being a pilot most of his life, this was going to be...a difficult experience.

The Kaleesh set the hyperdrive, and then he was off. Headed for the coordinates. He would be there in awhile from the start of the battle, but he would be there.

On the way, he practiced, going over the ships systems, going over scenarios of how to use it, going over how to truly apply the force to a piloting type of skill.

When he first arrived, he didn't immediately attack. He analyzed, looking for targets. His ship activated a low feedback mode, and along with its other stealthier systems, it should take awhile for him to get noticed. He was not invisible of course, but it was a lot less likely he'd end up being the one attacked first, rather than the one attacking. He needed to assess the situation. He just didn't know enough yet to go rushing in.

Location- Station, Hanger
Tags- | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | R Reyn Australis | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind | Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas
Equipment- Sword, Assault Canon, Heavy Slug Thrower Pistol, jetpack, assortment of grenades

Snorting loudly in response to what Ingrid said, Zachariel simply kept his fire up. Calling over the roar of battle to her, sheer joy was all that could be heard in his voice.
"Not like I was planning on killing all of them or anything!"

Laughing once again, Zachariel took several steps forward. Whoever these Mandso were, they were bold, but it mattered little to him. Bold or not, he'd still hold them back however he could, and enjoy it all the way. As it was, Zachariel was providing tremendous amount of cover fire, while also presenting himself as the singularly largest target present. Whereas the EE forces and Zachariel had to contend with three Australis brothers, said Australis brothers and their vode had to deal with a veritable army of EE forces and Zachariel Steelblood.

All around Zachariel more forces arrived, though they took cover while Zachariel stood without a care in the open. It was quite clearly an invitation for any of the Mandalorians to come and attack him. He was shooting and laughing all the while, not caring about the fire that impacted his form. What few shots broke through were healed by his regenerative abilities, while the rest simply pinged off the heavy armor. He was a tank and a mad one at that.

Grinning like a madman beneath his helmet, Zachariel called out loudly to the Mandalorians, firing all the while.
"Come Mandos, let's see if you're as dangerous as those of old! Face me and die!"
Post: Three
Tags: You Can Figure It Out

Kreslin had advanced into the hangar with the original push of Mandalorian Union forces, his side arm flashing with fury as he advanced across the open hangar. Other warriors had taken cover, though R Reyn Australis was not among them. Kreslin would not see himself shown up by the young warrior, and he marched out ahead of the small squad he had been with. He had not gotten far in the battle when the arrival of Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood and his warriors drew his attention.

To be fair, the giant warrior did very little in the way of subtlety, and his booming voice and rapid advance towards the Union's forces drew a snarl from Kreslin. Sliding the side arm pistol into its holster, as he doubted it would be much use against the armored brute, he drew a his Beskad from over his shoulder, gripping the weapon firmly in his right hand while flexing his grip on the Australis knife in his left. Glancing to the side, Kreslin gestured for Loreena briefly to get going to carry out her mission.

"Go, I shall deal with this brute. There is enough chaos here to cover you as you start your mission." Kreslin had to shout the words over the din of battle around him, but she would get the message. Probably anyway, he did not care all that much. As it was, he had already turned all his attention to the warrior marching through the middle of the hangar, simply begging to be challenged. Kreslin began marching towards Zachariel, his helmet unmoving as the warrior began to pick up his pace. Only when he was at a near full blown sprint did he call out to the warrior, drawing his attention to the appraoching threat.

"If you are so eager to cross the veil, brute, I shall accommodate you!"
Lori didn't have access to the comms so easily like the MU forces, R Reyn Australis and Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind did for she wasn't wearing a helmet. Once the face of the Eclipse Rebellion, always the face of the Eclipse Rebellion. There was no hiding the fact that she was here. The station was full of cameras.

Reyn had gone off with the others and Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood opened fire on them all. She contemplated throwing one of her explosive charges at the Mountain of a man, yet she'd take out some of the MU forces as well, and she didn't want to risk it.

Kreslin went off to engage him, providing her the cover that she needed. "I'm on it!" With a blaster in one hand and a charge pulled out of her pouch in the other, she slipped into the left corridor and hurried down it, sliding into an alcove and attached the explosive charge to it. As she started to step out, a half dozen soldiers entered the corridor, so she ducked back and waited either for them to pass or for her to hit them with blaster fire.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Karavin Concern’s shipyard, Kalidan’s orbit
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | 2x red blade lightsaber shoto | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Shield talisman | G1 OmniLink | BCR-X10 Sniper Rifle | Empyrean gland | Taozin amulet
Opponents: R Reyn Australis | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
Tags: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind | Kalic Daws Kalic Daws | Rath Nihro Rath Nihro | Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas

Background music:
Sabaton – The Price of a Mile

Ingrid didn't even know there were so many AoC members on board, she only started realizing it when one of the huntress, Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas , arrived next to her. Immediately after the request, she transmitted the current codes that belonged to the Imperial battle net.

”Thanks for your help Huntress, I sent the code to connect to the network.”

As she entered the room, she was greeted by chaos. The Overlord only nodded briefly at the words of the huge colossus who was still speaking beside her, and then the man found an opponent for himself. It was time for her to do the same, and she already knew who she was going to face. Ingrid knew it was actually Kessia Miran Kessia Miran who would have killed the girl willingly, but the sithspawn was not in the shipyard area.

Returning to the present fight, countless soldiers and droids were already on the ground. As for droids, they were made precisely to destroy them rather than ordinary soldiers. A grenade slid out into the hallway behind them after they were all inside. She closed the door with a hand gesture, so the explosion did the most damage to the walls. She saw Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun in cover and R Reyn Australis was here.

She reached into the Force, reached out to the duo with invisible telekinetic “hands,” and then she tried to pull them out of where they were with a firm gesture. She wasn’t gentle, and she tried to hit them both against the nearest wall so that only the wall would stop them in “flight”. If she managed to do anything from these and they both got closer to her, she spoke.

”I think we have something to talk to each other…”



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