Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Primordial Collapse - The Fall of the Primeval

The Primordial Collapse - The Fall of the Primeval

Civil War has ripped the conventional boundaries of the Primeval Theocracy to shreds.

In the military junta that succeeded the Host Lord Anja Aj'Rou's death, independent Warlords sought for their own gain, or looked upward for some semblance of a leader. One Warlord, the terrorist Zambrano the Hutt, had slaughtered the dissidents within his own regime, and set Dantooine ablaze unprovoked... before moving on to conduct a heinous genocide of the Mirialan people for some unsightly ritual of dark magicks. The Black Prophet proclaiming himself as the Host Lord of Balagoth called for change within the Primeval, calling for their united arms under his command at the Lunar Accords on Anircs second moon...

The Accords quickly gave into that Ancient Despair, the despair of decline and strife.

The Old Guard staged an attack on the Warlord's Moot, and chaos erupted in what was supposed to be the reunitation of the Primeval under a new Host Lord. Alas, the change was too great for the Primeval, and the internal divisions had set the nation into a brutal civil war.

Old Guard versus the Court of Balagoth, each destroying the other, meanwhile Separatists seeking to escape the bloody warfare declared independence from the religious state... leaving the rest of the Primeval to burn and bleed themselves into decline and death.

The Primeval, once a force that shook the galaxy with its Victory at Wayland, crumbled away from the galactic stage as it roiled from within...

Here is the unfortunate news that I am compelled to announce:
The Primeval has fallen from its major faction status.

I would be involved in a number of minor threads that will detail the final breathes of our faction, before obscurity masks our once great nation! It has been a great joy to have roleplayed with you all on this grand series of conquests, but now that time for shadows has commenced. At least we can say that we planned ahead for this, just in case. Many factions didn't even have that luxury, so count yourselves lucky that there will be a final conclusion to our grand story!

I hope this doesn't upset you all too much, and I hope to see you all again some time! All I have left to say is, thank you.

Thank you so very much for having been apart of this faction and its stories, we hope your character carries the effects of these encounters for many months to come, if not more :)
Thank you!
The Admiralty
I have been part of the Primeval for a long time now and it was a pleasure to be part of it. At least we can look back on a period of excellent writing and a lot of fun to be had.

We really made a mark on the board!
When I first created the Primeval over a year ago, I did so because I wanted a unique faction that wasn't about imperialism, Light Side v.s. Dark Side, or any of the more common traits found within the Star Wars universe... In fact; as a concept, the Primeval fits surprisingly well in nearly any setting or genre.

There is always a place for exploring the unknown and having zealots who worship a pantheon of Gods whose nature is so incomprehensible that it's difficult to believe that any man could've made up their existence.

Of course, the clear nature of their Lovecraftian origins along with the Warhammer 40k references here and there have also been a way for writers to connect with the Primeval outside of the many crusades we've launched against Mandalorians and Silver Jedi.

I actually cannot say that I'm sad the Primeval has gone minor... To me the Primeval's story is still ongoing, and I'm certain it will continue to be written by myself and others. The many memories I have from our journey as a major faction will continue to thrive through inside jokes and future discussions for sure.
[member="Darth Vornskr"], shameless plugger you! #wouldvedonethesame

[member="Lord Ajihad"], I like it! It should be made out of Primeval Bloodsteel, or whatever our unique metal is called.

[member="Khaleel Malvern"], don't forget, we still got some time to make a few more marks! Not as a major faction obviously, but as a story :)

[member="Kadri Ughad"], Like your signature says, remain hopeful and faithful that the Host will return!

[member="Boethiah"] Oh without a doubt. Speaking of which, I've been trying to contact you all day about an RP that needs doing, if you've got the time :)

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
[member="Boethiah"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"]

I know I have never been very active here, RL just doesn't let me do invasions and dominations, but I for one am saddened to see The Primeval fall to minor. This brilliant faction has been a big bloody swath of the galaxy map since I joined this forum.

"Lo, there do I see my father.
Lo, there do I see my mother,
My sisters and my brothers.
Lo, there do I see the line of my people,
Back to the beginning.
Lo, they do call to me,
They bid me take my place among them
In the Halls of Valhalla,
Where the brave shall live forever,
Where thine enemies have been vanquished,
Nor shall we mourn but rejoice,
For those who have died
The glorious death."
[member="Zenva Vrotoa"] We might not be major any more, but I think now without all of the pressure of Invasions or dominions now, maybe you could write more stories with us?

We don't intend to stop here.

In fact, I think we should start discussing what we'd like to do next. Me and [member="Catalys Maijora"] will be dueling, and I think that its conclusion will bring an end to the Civil War.

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