Zonia Kalranoos
Caveat emptor
Name: The Primus(species), Primii(member of species)
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Origio(Chazwa system) - destroyed 250 million years BBY
Language: Mathematics(among each other) - various(when communicating with others)
Average height of adults: Originally 1.80m, currently N/A
Skin color: Originally light gray, currently N/A
Hair color: Originally white, black or hairless, currently N/A
Breathes: Originally Type I atmosphere, currently N/A
Average Lifespan: Originally up to 150 GSY, currently N/A
Races: Historically, a single race in genetic sense, 8 divisions in society according to scientific disciplines a Primii is dedicated to studying.
Diet: Originally omnivorus, currently N/A
Communication: Primii exchange information among themselves via a form of collective consciousness.
Culture: The current culture of the Primus is based around the principles of scientific meritocracy. Status in society is attained upon bringing new information and knowledge to the collective consciousness. However, the culture of Primii was much different before they've ascended into the fifth and sixth dimension.
Technology level: A type 5 civilization, on Kardashev scale. Technology has no meaning in fifth and sixth dimension, where matter and time can be manipulated at will.
General behavior: Generally friendy and kind. Curious like children. Some are fans of practical jokes pulled on beings from fourth dimension, while others find this kind of behavior as both silly and unacceptable.
History: The Primus were the first sentient species to evolve in the universe, hundreds of millions of years before the rise of the Celestials. Their home planet was orbiting Chazwa Prime, on orbital position three, when today's Chazwa was a completely frozen world on orbital position six. Origio was a lush world, abundant in resources. Primii evolved from a semi-aquatic race of mammals some two and a half billion years after the formation of the Chazwa system from nebular gas. In a world swarming with predators, they had to evolve quickly if they wanted to survive. They sprawled into a complex civilization which harnessed fire and discovered the wheel, developed language, religion and art. Natural curiosity made them strive for the stars, which lay seeds to development of science as a way of organizing knowledge about the world. Primii soon expanded to the entire planet; cities and mega-cities emerged, which were the hubs of progress and innovation.
Several millenia after the First Scientific Revolution which marked the beginning of the Age of Reason(as opposed to the Age of Faith) the Primii developed the hyperdrive and set sails for the stars in search of other civilizations. First they have colonized their own star system, then their respective sector, then the entire Inner Rim. After many centuries of search, they found no signs of intelligent life, save for themselves. At this time their home planet was destroyed, when Chazwa Prime swelled into a red giant and consumed Origio.
The Primus became a space-faring civilization, with no homeworld. All of the resources of the galaxy were at their disposal, which lead to exponential growth in their technological capabilities. This allowed them to harness unfathomable energy to power ships that brought them to other galaxies near and far, where they searched for sentient life. Ironically enough, they have stumbled upon a rising civilization on a planet at the edge of the neighbouring galaxy, inhabited by reptillian like sentients. Yearning for first contact, the Primus landed on the planet but were genuinely surprised when sentient reptillians began worshiping them as gods. No matter how much they tried to explain that they were anything but deities, they recieved nothing but idolization. Primii attempted to transfer them knowledge, namely that of medicine, but the reptilians were too religiously indoctrinated to accept scientific truth. Disappointed, Primii left the planet and returned to their native galaxy.
About this time, Primii Ord and Primii Secund had announced they have decyphered the secrets of dimensionality, which meant unlocking the secrets to matter alteration and time-travel. It took them several thousand years from understanding the theory behind it to actually constructing a time-machine which was able to take them into the past and future. The prospect of knowing everything since the beginning of time to the end of time was exciting to say at least. First time travelers were deployed into the future some ten thousand years after the discovery of fifth and sixth dimension; they were sent far into the future to witness the emergence of Celestials, the birth of the Force in the form of midichlorians and later on, great galactic conflicts between Jedi and Sith.
Once they've reported the future to the Council of Insight, which was the Primii governing body, the society split into two factions, depending on interventionist/non-interventionist views of each Primii. The Interfor were a faction that believed past should be altered to assure a sustainable future; they thought killing a future Sith Lord in his cradle, long before he became malicious, was justified, since it saved lives in the future. On the other hand, The Abscedor believed no-one, including the Primii, had the right to meddle in past events that determined the future. Two factions engaged in millenia long temporal war, where each sent their own so called temporal agents to meddle in galactic events. Once a peaceful race transformed into a war-mongering throng of fanatics over a philosophical dispute, threatening to tear the fabric of space-time.
Some time after the birth of the Republic, approximately twenty five thousand years ago, a Primii named Zollo(The Liberator) gathered a group of scientist belonging to all 8 divisions of
society with a unique plan to save the universe from the progressing temporal war. With help of Tue, a female biologist from Primii Quarto, he devised a way to end the war.
The group developed a virus which was aimed at killing pre-industrial Primus; they would simply go back in time and administer the virus to the entire population, which would effectively erase their race form the face of the planet, together with the knowledge of time-travel. The plan was carried out, which resulted in collapse of all possible futures where Primii were in existence. Zollo and his group were, much to their dismay, left to exist in sixth dimension, despite them calculating they too would be gone due to Grandfather paradox.
Since that moment, the remaining Primii are sworn not to interfere with first four dimensions in any way. Their existence is a very well kept secret, although some have revealed their existence to a select number of individuals whom they found interesting enough to interact with. However, they in most part unknown to all sentient creatures in the universe. Several individuals tried to publish their findings on the Primii once they have interacted with them, but with no physical evidence to back it, they were soon declared delusional. Nonetheless, Primus - or rather what is left of it - enjoy the company of other sentients, especially children. They are fascinated by their imagination and ability to love unconditionally.
Notable Player-Characters: N/A
Intent: To create a SW species which would be the equivalent of Q species in Star Trek universe, albeit less troll-like and more compassionate. Those wishing to create a Primii are advised to use their powers in great moderation; this species is peaceful, curious and does not have an ounce of evil in them. What interests them - knowledge and experiences, nothing else.
Current form:

Historical(around 250 million years ago):

Name: The Primus(species), Primii(member of species)
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Origio(Chazwa system) - destroyed 250 million years BBY
Language: Mathematics(among each other) - various(when communicating with others)
Average height of adults: Originally 1.80m, currently N/A
Skin color: Originally light gray, currently N/A
Hair color: Originally white, black or hairless, currently N/A
Breathes: Originally Type I atmosphere, currently N/A
- You Know Everything, Jon Snow - Primii have been around long enough to have explored most of the visible universe. They have travelled to the edge of time-space and back, visited many galaxies and countless worlds. They have an innate thirst of knowledge which was quenced by extensive exploration and meticulous studying of natural phenomena. The amount of knowledge they posses is virtually infinite; they have profound understanding of the universe at large, to the point where they can explain every single thing there was, is and will be.
- Pension in the Sixth Dimension - The Primus currently reside in the sixth dimension, which is beyond current space-time, which means they don't have a constant physical manifestation in four-dimensional world, i.e. they do not possess a physical body, unless they create one for themselves. Lack of body is liberating; one does not need to think about menial daily needs such as food, water, shelter and the like.
- Friends 4 Ever - Primii are extremely sympathetic to members of other species, almost as a rule. Despite being superior to every single life-form in the universe, they do not have any desire to exercise superiority over them. They've waited for millions of years for other sentient life-forms to emerge, so destroying them is out of the question.
- Stay Out of It - The Primus have power over the sixth dimension, which gives them command of space-time, including time-travel and alternate universes. However, they obey a rule of non-interference, which bans them from using their abilities to aid or harm beings living in fourth dimension.
- Curiosity Killed the Cat - Primii are extremely curious for their own good. New experiences and knowledge thrill them to the point where they are willing to sacrifice almost anything. This trait has irreversibly affected them as a species and determined their current state. Knowledge is like a powerful addictive drug to them; if one has new knowledge to offer, they might be tempted to break the tenets of non-interference, despite the severity of punishment awaiting them.
- Bored of Being Bored - If you've been around for as long as the Primii, there isn't much left to do. Some of Primii take physical form and live in the fourth dimension, hungry for new experiences and information. Others just oversee and organize knowledge.
- All By One's Lonesome - Ironically enough, Primii are a very lonesome species. During their time as physical beings, they inhabited an empty galaxy where other sentient life forms haven't evolved yet. Once they ascended into higher dimensions, they were bound by non-interference directive which forbids them from revealing their existence to the galaxy at large. Hence, they are almost melancholic, longing for companionship they never had.
Average Lifespan: Originally up to 150 GSY, currently N/A
Races: Historically, a single race in genetic sense, 8 divisions in society according to scientific disciplines a Primii is dedicated to studying.
- Primii Ord - study mathematics and logic
- Primii Secund - study physics, from quantum to astro
- Primii Triis - study chemistry, organic and inorganic
- Primi Quarto - study biology, from molecular to zoology and medicine
- Primii Penti -study history
- Primii Seksts - study economics, politology and sociology
- Primi Sceptos - study art and languages
- Primi Oktanes - study religion
Diet: Originally omnivorus, currently N/A
Communication: Primii exchange information among themselves via a form of collective consciousness.
Culture: The current culture of the Primus is based around the principles of scientific meritocracy. Status in society is attained upon bringing new information and knowledge to the collective consciousness. However, the culture of Primii was much different before they've ascended into the fifth and sixth dimension.
Technology level: A type 5 civilization, on Kardashev scale. Technology has no meaning in fifth and sixth dimension, where matter and time can be manipulated at will.
General behavior: Generally friendy and kind. Curious like children. Some are fans of practical jokes pulled on beings from fourth dimension, while others find this kind of behavior as both silly and unacceptable.
History: The Primus were the first sentient species to evolve in the universe, hundreds of millions of years before the rise of the Celestials. Their home planet was orbiting Chazwa Prime, on orbital position three, when today's Chazwa was a completely frozen world on orbital position six. Origio was a lush world, abundant in resources. Primii evolved from a semi-aquatic race of mammals some two and a half billion years after the formation of the Chazwa system from nebular gas. In a world swarming with predators, they had to evolve quickly if they wanted to survive. They sprawled into a complex civilization which harnessed fire and discovered the wheel, developed language, religion and art. Natural curiosity made them strive for the stars, which lay seeds to development of science as a way of organizing knowledge about the world. Primii soon expanded to the entire planet; cities and mega-cities emerged, which were the hubs of progress and innovation.
Several millenia after the First Scientific Revolution which marked the beginning of the Age of Reason(as opposed to the Age of Faith) the Primii developed the hyperdrive and set sails for the stars in search of other civilizations. First they have colonized their own star system, then their respective sector, then the entire Inner Rim. After many centuries of search, they found no signs of intelligent life, save for themselves. At this time their home planet was destroyed, when Chazwa Prime swelled into a red giant and consumed Origio.
The Primus became a space-faring civilization, with no homeworld. All of the resources of the galaxy were at their disposal, which lead to exponential growth in their technological capabilities. This allowed them to harness unfathomable energy to power ships that brought them to other galaxies near and far, where they searched for sentient life. Ironically enough, they have stumbled upon a rising civilization on a planet at the edge of the neighbouring galaxy, inhabited by reptillian like sentients. Yearning for first contact, the Primus landed on the planet but were genuinely surprised when sentient reptillians began worshiping them as gods. No matter how much they tried to explain that they were anything but deities, they recieved nothing but idolization. Primii attempted to transfer them knowledge, namely that of medicine, but the reptilians were too religiously indoctrinated to accept scientific truth. Disappointed, Primii left the planet and returned to their native galaxy.
About this time, Primii Ord and Primii Secund had announced they have decyphered the secrets of dimensionality, which meant unlocking the secrets to matter alteration and time-travel. It took them several thousand years from understanding the theory behind it to actually constructing a time-machine which was able to take them into the past and future. The prospect of knowing everything since the beginning of time to the end of time was exciting to say at least. First time travelers were deployed into the future some ten thousand years after the discovery of fifth and sixth dimension; they were sent far into the future to witness the emergence of Celestials, the birth of the Force in the form of midichlorians and later on, great galactic conflicts between Jedi and Sith.
Once they've reported the future to the Council of Insight, which was the Primii governing body, the society split into two factions, depending on interventionist/non-interventionist views of each Primii. The Interfor were a faction that believed past should be altered to assure a sustainable future; they thought killing a future Sith Lord in his cradle, long before he became malicious, was justified, since it saved lives in the future. On the other hand, The Abscedor believed no-one, including the Primii, had the right to meddle in past events that determined the future. Two factions engaged in millenia long temporal war, where each sent their own so called temporal agents to meddle in galactic events. Once a peaceful race transformed into a war-mongering throng of fanatics over a philosophical dispute, threatening to tear the fabric of space-time.
Some time after the birth of the Republic, approximately twenty five thousand years ago, a Primii named Zollo(The Liberator) gathered a group of scientist belonging to all 8 divisions of
society with a unique plan to save the universe from the progressing temporal war. With help of Tue, a female biologist from Primii Quarto, he devised a way to end the war.
The group developed a virus which was aimed at killing pre-industrial Primus; they would simply go back in time and administer the virus to the entire population, which would effectively erase their race form the face of the planet, together with the knowledge of time-travel. The plan was carried out, which resulted in collapse of all possible futures where Primii were in existence. Zollo and his group were, much to their dismay, left to exist in sixth dimension, despite them calculating they too would be gone due to Grandfather paradox.
Since that moment, the remaining Primii are sworn not to interfere with first four dimensions in any way. Their existence is a very well kept secret, although some have revealed their existence to a select number of individuals whom they found interesting enough to interact with. However, they in most part unknown to all sentient creatures in the universe. Several individuals tried to publish their findings on the Primii once they have interacted with them, but with no physical evidence to back it, they were soon declared delusional. Nonetheless, Primus - or rather what is left of it - enjoy the company of other sentients, especially children. They are fascinated by their imagination and ability to love unconditionally.
Notable Player-Characters: N/A
Intent: To create a SW species which would be the equivalent of Q species in Star Trek universe, albeit less troll-like and more compassionate. Those wishing to create a Primii are advised to use their powers in great moderation; this species is peaceful, curious and does not have an ounce of evil in them. What interests them - knowledge and experiences, nothing else.