Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The prodigal apprentice returns

Ishanna System
Commenor Systems Alliance
It had been years since their last meeting - a meeting that certain things were said and she had been frightened and filled with dread that the woman would think less of her just because of that - though what had happened back on Alderaan was a turning point in their relationship. After that night she had realized how wrong she had been in her attempts to force herself upon the young woman, whom herself had found someone to call her own. In the years that followed though - perhaps the distance and time away - would be a boon for their relationship, a point in which to rebuild any damaged bridges and bonds they may have once shared.
As she leaned back slightly in the chair on the veranda of the villa, her hand slowly slipped over the two lightsabers that hung from her belt. An old memory slipping back into her mind of the young woman that had given the blades to her. She remembered her fondly, remembering her desire to ensure that Amelia's needs - in a less sexual manner - were seen to and taken care of.
Her hand slowly lift up the glass before her, the sanguine liquid slipping across her lips as she took a long drink before setting the glass down. Her tongue slipped along her lower lip, ensuring that nothing had escaped as she let out a soft sigh. Closing her eyes for a moment, they shot open upon hearing a voice addressing her.
"Ma'am... there's a woman here... she matches the description of the one you've given..."
A silent nod was exchanged as she stood up.
"Show her in and leave us villa... Move the guards to the perimeter and provide us with some privacy. She and I have much to talk about."
The armored individual saluted before stepping away, leaving the door open as Amelia moved from where she stood. Moving towards the railing, she leaned forward, resting upon her elbows as she looked out over the valley below. A soft sigh escaping her lips as she felt a ray of sun dance upon her cheek; leaving a burn in its wake...
[member="Fiore de Noir"]
Unlike their usual meetings before all of this. Fiore didn’t wear her armor nor her weapons. If the woman was upset and wanted to lash out at her than she deserved it. Post abandonment was something that she knew was something that couldn’t be forgiven. Amelia had trusted her, but something drew her away. Chasing down a woman that at the time seemed to not want anything to do with you – was something that Fiore knew was crazy, but she still did it. Her life had turned into an obsessive hunt looking for Mira, only to see her once again.

She waited for the guard to return and when she was allowed into the home, Fiore adjusted her soft cotton shirt that clung to the form of her frame. She had retired the leather armor she was usually found in for the day and remained in a pair of snug spacer slacks and knee-high leather boots. Her hair pulled back neatly, allowing her features to be seen in full effect – along with her Eldorai heritage – her ears.

Entering the room, Fiore watched the form she called Master for so many years. Should she still call her by such title? She inhaled and then exhaled deeply and made her way, as she passed through the room towards the open doors, she reached out and grabbed one of the umbrellas. She knew where everything was and instantly fell into her service position. Remembering what Amelia was, the umbrella opened and soon covered the dangerous sun rays from the pale woman’s skin.

“Master, I’ve come to see you.” [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
With a soft smirk her fingers slowly curled around the glass once more and lift it towards her lips. Taking a long sip of the sanguine liquid, she slowly pulled the glass from where it rest. Lightly placing it down on the balcony railing once more, her tongue slowly slipped along her lower lip. The burn that had appeared slowly healed, her alabaster skin once more showing no flaws as she let out a soft sigh.
"You were always quick to please... that is what I remember most about you..."
For a moment she stopped herself, though the next word slipped across the lips and was once more born to the galaxy.
Bringing the glass to her lips once more, she finished the liquid before slowly straightening herself up. Slowly her back cracked as she stretched, the armor plates scrapping together for a moment as she rolled her shoulders. A soft groan escaped her lips before she slipped away from the balcony and beneath the covering of the roof. Setting the glass down on the table, her back remained to the young woman, though it wasn't out of some slight.
Rather she was giving the young woman the opening, the opportunity if she were here as anything less than a friend. Though perhaps it could be just as easy for her to thrust the dagger into her heart rather than her back. Slowly she pivoted upon her hind foot, her golden hues finally falling upon the young woman as she slowly slipped down into her seat.
One leg crossed over the other, her hands coming to rest upon the arm rest of the seat as she leaned back slowly. A soft smirk crossing her lips as her fangs were revealed for a moment.
"What returns you to me... my Apprentice..."
[member="Fiore de Noir"]
[SIZE=9pt]Assassination was her game and her life, but to contemplate assassinating Amelia was something she would never consider. The woman had offered her something more in this life, something beyond what the jungles of Kashyyykk could have given her. Skills were honed and used for a greater agenda than revenge and even now, Fiore had completely forgotten the rage she had felt towards her former Master. She had a different Master, one that had always treated her well. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Quickly remembering her place, she knelt and lowered her eyes from Amelia. She was here to ask for forgiveness. Her own personal missions became greater than the jobs that Amelia had needed her for. What made it worse, she disappeared quickly and never returned. Eyes remained staring at the ground, she had caught a glimpse of the vampirka’s fangs and she knew that if Amelia wished it, she would be dead.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“I came to apologize, my personal desires outweighed my loyalty to you. They were foolish and I turned my back on you and your kindness to pursue my selfish desires…” A part of Fiore didn’t regret looking for Mira. She knew she needed to find her, to feel her touch again, but her sense of duty battled with her heart. “What…what can I do to earn your forgiveness Master?” [/SIZE][member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
How long had it been since the woman before her had been in such a position?
It was a simple enough question that slipped through her mind, and as she listened to the reasoning for her being here, she understood more as to what the young woman wanted.
Amelia spoke as she uncrossed her legs, setting them down as she slowly pushed herself up from the seat. Her golden hues fell upon Fiore, looking at the young woman as she stepped forward. For a moment it seemed as though she were holding herself back - or rather - it was the memories she was holding back. The night on Alderaan flooded into her mind, feeling that was the moment that Fiore had desired to leave from her side.
"Did you find what you went looking for? That which you would forsake your loyalties for?"
Her words hissed from her lips as she stood there, one hand coming to the lightsaber that hung from her belt, her fingers slowly slipping across it. Then the memories of that which she had accomplished in her name had come to her mind. She was conflicted as she looked upon this young woman. On one hand it was Fiore, the young woman that had done everything she could ask for - while on the other this was the woman that walked away from her without a single word - and now she was here on her knee asking forgiveness.
Amelia said as she pulled the lightsaber from her belt, her finger pressing the ignition as the blade let out its tell tell hiss.
[member="Fiore de Noir"]
Fiore stood and looked towards Amelia, the tension was in the air and it didn’t take an empath to feel it. She knew she had done wrong by the woman and if it meant death then, it was only right. As the lightsaber came to life, Fiore felt the memories of her former master plague her mind. She did her best to keep her heart from racing, mentally telling herself that this was different, that Amelia wouldn’t do something like what he did. Despite the fact she was in panic on the inside, the young woman remained calm on the outside keeping herself together.

The Jedi would be proud of their lost Padawan.

“Yes. I found what I was looking for. I found what made me forsake my loyalties. Its why I’ve come asking for your forgiveness. If you wish not to see me anymore then, all I ask is for just the words and acknowledgement of forgiveness and I’ll disappear from your sight.” It was all she wanted in the end. Knowing that at least one of her Master’s wasn’t disappointed in her, that she was something that made some one proud. Her eyes finally lifted and stared at Amelia. There was a new sense of pride and confidence in the young Eldorai. Hazel met gold as she stared at Amelia.

She came in without a weapon and seeing the lightsaber she had wished she kept something on her. Still, she didn’t move and she didn’t cower from the weapon. If this was the end, she silently apologized to Mira and quickly accepted whatever her fate would be. A slight tilt of her head, Fiore instantly recognized the lightsaber. “Do you wish to kill me with the trophy I claimed for you?” [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
"You've left yourself open as always."
Amelia spoke as her left hand came up, lightly touching Fiore's chin and keeping their eyes locked together. A soft smirk crossing her lips as she leaned in slowly, her lips just a breath away from Fiore's. Looking down for a moment, her own ears perked up as she listened to the young woman's heart begin to beat in a faster rhythm. A soft smirk remained upon her lips as she leaned forward, her lips just barely brushing against Fiore's pointed ear - and in that moment Amelia held herself back from nibbling upon the pointed tip - her words dancing within the young woman's ear.
"You're asking for forgiveness and yet not thinking of those demands that I could make of you... In this moment I could demand that you strip of your clothing and permit me to enjoy you as I saw fit now and until the end of time..."
Leaning back slowly, Amelia slipped away, slowly moving around Fiore - though then she saw it and her smirk shifted to a stifled smile - that confidence. Perhaps there was something else that this young woman had found while she was away from her side. Moving around her, Amelia's fingers slowly danced along Fiore's shoulders before slipping away as she once more stood in front of her. The lightsaber still ignited and held out to her side before she brought it up between the two.
"I held no intention of killing you, let alone with any trophy that you brought me... My Apprentice."
Her finger pressed the ignition button firmly, the lightsaber hissing as it slipped away before Amelia returned the blade to where it had rest upon her belt.
"You desire Forgiveness though there is only one way that you shall obtain it..."
[member="Fiore de Noir"]
Fiore did her best to try and calm her nerves, calm her racing heart, but to be in this position was something she never wished to be in. After discovering what Amelia was and educating herself, Fiore knew that the woman could sense the nerves. Being on Amelia’s bad side was a side Fiore did her best to never be on. Her service the moment she walked in made her hope that it could be enough to gain something from the woman. Still, she had abandoned her post and now she was standing, weaponless in front of a woman who could destroy her.

The tips of her ears perked as Amelia drew near, a reaction she couldn’t control. It only brought the embarrassment from her cheeks to the very tips of her ears. Hands held at her side as she pinched her thighs trying to have her mind focus elsewhere besides her predicament. Was this a bad idea? Should she have stayed away? Questions continued to fly through her mind until Amelia reminded her of the power she had. Instantly she was mentally brought back to that day Amelia had been so forward to her.

She wondered if giving in back then would have eased her punishment now. Fiore didn’t want that to be in their relationship, she didn’t understand it - knowing that Amelia was her Master - a part of her didn’t feel worthy. Admiration and respect controlled her and kept her a good pet for the woman in front of her. Blinking, she continued to look confident, but felt it beginning to waver.

Her mind wandered to help stabilize her remembering Mira and that the woman was back in her life.

“You could, you could have done that several times before. Yet you never did.” Fiore wondered if her remark would be taken as a challenge, she hoped Amelia brushed it off. Listening to the rest of what Amelia had to say, Fiore nodded.

“Tell me what it is then. I need your forgiveness, Master.” me l
Her movements were rapid, nearly a blur as she was right up within a breath away from Fiore's lips. A soft hiss escaping her lip as her fangs shown in full, her once golden hues now a vibrant and brilliant blue as she looked upon the young woman. Her mouth open as though she were ready to bite down upon her neck as she leaned her head down before regaining her composure and slowly trailing up her neck. Her breath slow and steady, softly caressing the woman's throat before her lips brushed against her ear again.
"What victory is there is demanding that you crawl into my bed than if you so willingly crawled into my arms with your own want and need?"
Her breath was cool, her breast heaving for a moment before she slipped back, her smirk remaining upon her lips as her golden hues had returned. Keeping her attention upon her, she could still see the defiant confidence.
'You've grown since last we shared a moment... good... very good...'
Amelia thought to herself before permitting her smirk to grow slightly as she turned back towards her seat. Sliding back down into it, she crossed one leg over the other, her hands returning to where they had been as she leaned back. Then she closed her eyes, her words slowly slipping in and out of her mind before her golden hues shot back open once more.
"My Apprentice, you are seeking that which I can not give, for there is no Forgiveness needed for what you've done... your actions have changed you and whom am I to demand that you discard those changes?"
She questioned as her smirk slowly slipped away, her lips pursing together as she leaned forward slightly.
"However, I shall willingly accept you once more if you pledge yourself to remain at my side."
[member="Fiore de Noir"]
Amelia was acting more forward than she had ever done so with Fiore. It was possible that the woman had grown tired of waiting around for the younger girl to return. Fiore felt the small hairs on her neck rise; it was an instinct that only surfaced when she felt she was in danger. Words echoed in her mind as she continued to remember that evening. That evening showed something different of Amelia and it was something that showed Fiore that she was in the adult world and no longer protected by the jungles of Kashyyyk. She was something desirable, but no always in the way she wanted to be.

Amelia returned to her seat and Fiore felt her body relax slightly. The heat that hung on the tips of her ears started to subside; it was odd feeling Amelia so close to them and how the sensation felt nice. Shoulders relaxed and Fiore stood more casually now that the initial ‘greeting’ was out of the way. A frown found its way upon the young Eldorai’s face as she looked towards her Master. The woman wasn’t going to give her what she wanted, not even allowing her to earn it back. Jaw tightened and Fiore took a step towards Amelia in frustration. She needed the forgiveness to move on with herself, to move on with the things Mira wanted.

“What do you mean you can’t give me what I’m looking for? Forgiving me wouldn’t change how I’ve changed. I’ve found who I was looking for and I’ve come to request your forgiveness for my selfish desires!”

It was the first time she had ever raised her voice in defiance to Amelia. Realizing this, the girl took a step back recoiling at what she had just done. Ears dropped like a dog who had just bit their owner, but despite the recoil, her eyes never left Amelia’s.

“I—I don’t…” Words were eluding her, she needed to answer Amelia’s request at returning to her side. Fiore knew that Mira would never approve of it, so instead she kept to Mira’s wishes. “I cannot return to your side my Master – like I had been in the past. I can still work for you, but I don’t think it would be allowed to remain –“ Fiore was conflicted, Amelia had given her a purpose, but with Mira’s request – she had reservations about everything. [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
Her hands gripped the arm rests firmly as she remained seat, her golden hues upon Fiore and the moment the young woman had so boldly stepped forward and raised her voice - she would see the same change once more in Amelia that she had seen that night. Almost in an instant her grip tightened more firmly upon the arm rests, snapping them and splintering the wood. Her golden hues becoming that brilliant, vibrant shade of blue as she pushed herself up and was face to face with Fiore.
A snarl escaped her lips, her fangs shown in full effect as she stood there, though this time Amelia did not attempt to hold herself back. Her hand grabbed Fiore's throat before she lift the girl up from where she stood. Her head tilting slightly as she growled, her words hissing from her fanged mouth.
"And what did you find that would so boldly fortify you to say no to me!? To so boldly turn down the forgiveness that you've sought by not returning to my side!?"
Then it dawned on Amelia, perhaps Fiore had found her... The mere thought causing her to hiss slightly as if the memory of having met Mira that once was painful to her. Perhaps that is what her little pet had found and now was the reason she refused her forgiveness. Another gutteral growl escaped as she leaned up slightly, bringing her arm down so that she and Fiore were face to face.
"Perhaps I should just turn you, ensure that you would outlive any that would turn you against me... a lifetime seeking forgiveness, not allowed to die unless I permit it..."
As she spoke those words she tilted her head to the side, her hand turning Fiore's head in the opposite direction to reveal the young woman's neck. Leaning in, her fangs brushed against her skin, scrapped along the exact point where she would likely sink them into the girl's flesh... though for now she only teased and threatened the possibility.
[member="Fiore de Noir"]
Fingers curled around her neck faster than she could react. When she had the force she was fast, faster than she was in this dead state. She could have avoided Amelia who had her speed and attributes enhanced beyond a normal human. Even with the Eldorai Gene's, Fiore was still at a disadvantage. Her feet left the ground, but Fiore didn't fight the aggression from her Master.

The rate her heart was racing told a different story than what was written on her face. She never broke her stare from Amelia as the woman snarled and hissed at her. As the quick seconds passed, Fiore noticed a slight facial expression change. It was as if she had figured out what drew the young woman away.

An even more vicious snarl came from the fanged woman and Fiore winced as she felt pressure on her slender neck. She was very much aware Amelia could snap her neck in half ending all of this and feeding off of her. If that happened at least Mira would still be safe. Was it the right train of thought to wonder about another's safety when hers was very much non existent? Fiore loved Mira, she was the first to introduce the young assassin those emotions. She made the girl know what it was to be a woman and to feel physically loved. So her safety was important.

To hear Amelia threaten her with a life of forever didn't make her crumble, instead she looked at the woman as she was moved being prepared to become a source of nutrition. Hazel eyes looked towards her Hunter and a smirk spread across her face.

“Do it. I'm not scared of what it is to be like you. Despite everything she makes me feel alive. When she returns to the living force, I shall follow by my hands not yours, Master.” Amelia would feel the breath of her apprentice begin to labour though her defiant words and her throat attempt to swallow any air source that she could inhale. [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
The guttural growl emanated from her throat, so it was as she had suspected. This woman, once so loyal to her had abandoned her in search of that one… her eyes narrowed and the grip upon Fiore’s throat loosened, though only just so. The back of Amelia’s hand firmly planted upon Fiore’s cheek, knocking the young woman from Amelia’s hand and down upon the floor a few feet from where the woman stood.

For a moment her head twitched, then jerked to the side as she looked upon her Apprentice. Her fangs bared as she stepped forward, the heavy thuds of her boots almost deafening as she marched forward. She reached down, this time grabbing Fiore by the collar of her shirt, the yank nearly enough to have torn the cloth as she was forced up against the wall.

Those brilliant blue hues locked with those hazel orbs of the Eldorai woman. “You think when she returns to the force your life will end at your hands… and if she were to never have that chance?” There it was, her anger at the one that had taken Fiore from her side. “I shall place that thieving vixen in carbonate after turning her. You shall watch as she languishes in a prison of carbon whilst you remain alone…”

In a flash her right fist slammed into the wall, the tiling cracking and shattering as her fist slowly pulled from the wall. “You came seeking forgiveness and for what!? You want forgiveness for abandoning your duties!? You want forgiveness for abandoning ME!? And for what!? You ran off with that same shutta that left you two times over!”

Her words rung out with a deep hiss as she leaned forward so their lips were nearly touching. “You want forgiveness for abandoning your Master just as your former abandoned you… why should I give you that which you've not even given them?”
The knuckles of Amelia's hand made contact with Fiore 's cheek. The blow made her ears ring and she knew that Amelia wasn't holding back. Knowing that Mira was the reason why she had left and now had decided to return only set her truly off. Fiore had heard a rumour if the pair meeting, it was something done without her permission, but Amelia didn't need that. The woman was her Master and in a way owned her. When she found Fiore, the girl was in the jungle scavenging what she could. She survived, but under Amelia's watch she flourished. There was a debt owed that Fiore could never pay back.

Hitting the ground hard, she felt her legs make contact first, scraping to stop her from going much farther. Her cheek instantly began to bruised and her lightly tanned flesh scratched open slightly from the pressure. Small red dots dripped from her cheek as she held her face. It stung, but bacta would be able to take care of it when she was out of the villa.

Fiore began to stand, but Amelia seemed to want to help her with that. A strong hands gripped the collar of her shirt and the slender girl was dragged back onto her feet and her back thrust against the hard wall. Her expression changed for the first time from defiance to pain as she grunted in slight pain.

Finally having a moment to respond, the defiant look of confidence returned to Eldorai’s face. “I won't let you lay even a finger on her. She is not a threat to you.” Fiore could feel the fabric of her shirt as struggle with the grip Amelia had on it. It first gave into becoming untucked from the girl’s pants and slightly exposed her midsection. Gritting her teeth, she forced her eyes to continue to stare at Amelia.

“I love her! As for my former Master, he's a different story and in the past. I had to find her, I couldn't focus anymore, she's everything to me!” There was a slight panic in her eyes as she revealed just how important Mira was to her. Would this infuriate Amelia even more or would it change her focus to Fiore’s Jedi lover?
With her grip tightening upon the cloth of the shirt, she did not care that it was exposing her midsection, nor did her senses even acknowledge the ripping noise as her fingers dug into the fabric. Her growl became more animalistic when the girl let it all out. She loved Mira… tightening her grip more, Amelia leaned forward, her eyes locked firmly in a battle of will with the young woman.

“She has already prove herself a threat to me… she had turned you from me!” Amelia roared out at Fiore, her hand pulled her forward, only holding Fiore up by the shirt now as she leaned in. “You foolish girl…” Amelia hissed, then her focus turned to the scarlet drop upon Fiore’s cheek. Her tongue darted out, grabbing the drop before she threw Fiore across the room again, her fist now holding much of the cloth that had been her shirt.

Tasting the sanguine liquid for only a moment awoken something inside of her as she turned back to Fiore. Though her eyes remained the brilliant blue, she had an unnerving calm to her as she approached. “You do not love her… you lust her… she will leave you again and again… whilst I shall remain a constant”.

Amelia leaned down, picking Fiore up, though her hand snaked its way around her, resting against her back. Her hand held the back of her head firmly whilst her fingers twisted into her hair before her other arm wrapped around her waist. Pulling her in close, she ensured that Fiore’s bare upper body was hidden to all but herself as she forced her head to one side.

“I shall show you… eternity…” Amelia growled before opening her mouth, her fangs glinting for a moment before they pressed firmly against the Eldorai’s thrust then sunk deep. The rush of blood into her mouth only causing her to latch more firmly and bite down. Fiore would be hers, even if she had to break her Apprentice…
The ripping of the shirt made Fiore cringe, she didn’t have a lot of them and she would have either mend this one or try her best to make enough credits to get another. It was possible someone from the Collective would be able to lend her another shirt. Her shirt of course was the last of her worries, she needed to focus on not upsetting Amelia more than she had and surviving this. Before she could do anything, she felt the warmth of Amelia’s tongue reaching out and licking the blood that had hung on her cheek. Once again, Fiore found herself flying in the air and then landing on her knees. This time she was a bit more prepared, but still wasn’t able to gather her footing just right.

Before Amelia pounced, Fiore had begun to stand up, but with the speed of the vampire woman, she was a bit thrown off. “I lust for her and I love her with every ounce of my being. I can’t help how I feel, if she leaves me, I’ll wait for her to return. I always have and she’s always returned.” Shaking her head, Fiore was still feeling a bit shaken from the lack of air both times Amelia had grabbed her so tightly.

“I’m lucky to have you as a constant, but she’s going to be as well. She asked me to be with her forev-” Fiore wasn’t able to finish her statement, she wasn’t able to explain to Amelia that everything was going to be okay, Mira was going to be around and not leave again. What cut her off, what ended her statement in the middle was the pain that surged through her entire being. Sharp razor fangs dug deep into her long neck. She felt warmth pool at her neck and whatever Amelia couldn’t drink dripped down staining her white shirt. Wide eyes as Fiore began to gather what was happening. Was Amelia forcing change upon her or was she going to keep drinking till the Eldorai was nothing but an empty husk

Either way, Fiore wasn’t going to stick around and try and find out. She needed to end whatever was going on before it went any farther. Yet what could she do? There was nothing on her that could stop Amelia. Panic started to set in as she could already feel weakness from the loss of blood and her airway being compromised earlier. Her mind thought quickly as she reached over and pinched Amelia’s nose.

It was all she could think of doing. “Let me go!”
[SIZE=9pt]The taste was something... else - something - that she couldn't place her finger upon, though it was such as to demand more. Of course though there wasn't much she could do if Fiore was to die by her hand, though her reaction was one that was not expected. Unlike some species, her own still needed to breathe, and perhaps in her own mind she also felt the desire to unlatch from the young woman. Her fangs slipped from her throat, leaving the clothing still upon her frame stained red. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]For her own reasons, she pushed Fiore away as she pulled back, letting the young woman fall to the floor once more. Amelia growled slightly, her eyes closing as she licked her lips, tasting the sweet blood before those blue hues shot open once more. With her attention upon the young woman, she growled before moving closer, though this time she made no attempt to pick her up or move her, she stood there. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"You will not find what you are seeking here... you've abandoned me and betrayed me... and for what?" [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Amelia growled again as she turned away from Fiore, though the anger was still there. Quickly spinning around upon her back foot, she brought her right leg forward, her foot aimed at the woman's stomach. If the blow were to connect, it would likely send Fiore skidding across the floor and slamming into the balcony railings. Amelia though was furious, for she saw someone, someone that she had trusted and even held in such high regards as to make her the woman's right hand. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"You were my Apprentice... I trusted you!" [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]She growled[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"And you left me for her!" [/SIZE]
The fangs retracted and Fiore was pushed aside. Blood was everywhere and she shook her head as she knelt on the ground. A hand held where the fangs hand entered her neck while the other helped balance her as she remained low. Eyes never left Amelia, she remembered this blood list and rage. It would take a lot for the woman to return to her usual state and Fiore just needed to survive long enough. Deep breaths helped her slow her heart rate, that would help the bleeding.

Words cut her deeper than the fangs as she listened. Leaving Amelia wasn't her intention, but here was a pull towards Mira that she couldn't deny anymore. Life wasn't fulfilled when Mira wasn't around, even now Fiore felt as if half of her was gone. Amelia came at her with the boot and despite Fiore not wanting to fight back she knew she had to so she could survive. As she drew closer, Fiore stood and stepped towards her left. Hands catching the ankle of the woman's boot and using her momentum against her. Fiore continued to move so that her and Amelia would switch sides.

“I am still your apprentice! I didn't betray you! I didn't fight for your enemies, I didn't turn my back to you! I had to find her, I couldn't stand another day without hearing news of her.” Fiore inhaled deeply as she blinked rapidly. Amelia had gotten a hold of a good amount of the Eldorai's blood. Shaking her head, she regained a bit of focus.

“I can still be at your side, but not like before. I have someone who loves me, who wants to be with me, and who has asked me to marry them.”

Once more Fiore stood before Amelia with her defiant confidence, a hand holding over her neck. “Forgive me, so I may continue my work. Mira isn't a threat to you. I love her. Don't make me fight you Master.” [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
The woman was caught off guard when she finally decided to defend herself, though rather than view it as a reaction of her own attack, she viewed it as further defiance from the young woman. Another hiss escaped her lips as their position was switched, and for a moment she turned her back to Fiore, the heavy cloth of her cloak fluttering just slightly as her fists clenched together. Her eyes closed, though the rage and blood lust remained, and perhaps it would have been best for the young woman to leave, rather than attempt to hold onto the hope of being forgiven.

If words cut deeper than anything else that she had - then it was all she could do to keep herself from destroying the young woman - however... Slowly pivoting upon her foot to face Fiore once again, her eyes slowly fluttering open as they settled upon her. She rolled her head, an audible cracking heard as she let out a deep growling sigh.

"I did love you... though I see now that such affection was only one sided... I was the fool thinking that perhaps..."

She cut herself off from the words she would say next as she stepped forward. Her fists still clenched as she growled slightly. Her fangs shown once more as she took another step, nearly closing the distance between them, the lightsabers clicking against her belt. She stopped for a moment, the words cutting into her mind when she heard that Fiore would not return to her side.

"If you will not return to my side, if you truly felt that I had not cared for you... You left to find her and you turned your back on me to do so..."

One more step forward, her fists remained at her side, though her stance was one that suggested something else.

"Protect yourself my apprentice... for if you do not..."

Her shoulder rolled as she brought her arm back, the clenched fist coming down, aimed at the woman's left side just below her ribs. Whilst at the same time, she brought her right hand up, bringing it towards the young woman's stomach.


[member="Fiore de Noir"]
[SIZE=10pt]Gritting through her teeth, Fiore knew this wasn’t going to end well at all. She needed to stay as calm as possible, the last thing she needed was to have Amelia latched onto her neck again. If she gets to her a second time, there may be no release afterwards. The roar of the vampiric woman shook their surroundings and Fiore prepared herself. She never wanted to fight Amelia, she wanted to keep their connection and their bond. Amelia had saved her from the wilds, she had given her a home and now here she was waiting for the attack. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]It was a shock with the revelation that Amelia had cared for her. Maybe it was Fiore being naive to the thought that Amelia could feel that way about her. In all actuality, emotions such as this was beyond her understanding and she assumed only one person could ever feel like this towards one person at a time. Mira was her person, but she was hit with reality when she saw Mira laughing the way she laughed when they were together, with the man at the Naboo party. The thought pained her, but now that she was aware she should have known. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]There wasn’t time for her to think on this, nor respond. Amelia had taken charge and being relentless with her strikes. Fiore was an assassin, she was agile and had been in countless situations of combat. Reading the woman’s attack, Fiore waited till the last possible moment and took a step to her right. With the angle that Amelia was taking with her right fist, it left her the greater opening for her counter. As the woman moved, Fiore reached out and placed a hand behind the woman’s neck pressing down with a grip. As she used Amelia’s momentum, she attempted to drive the woman into her knee which was coming up to contact her stomach. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“I don’t want to fight you! I didn’t turn my back on you!” [/SIZE][member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]

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