Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The prodigal apprentice returns

A low growl escaped as the young woman took the step to the side, her brilliant blue hues watching as the knee came up. With a smirk though she made no attempt to dodge or otherwise mitigate the strike as she felt Fiore's hand on the back of her neck. With a heavy grunt, she felt the knee strike her stomach, a smirk upon her lips as she coughed - the strike causing a bit of the blood to come up as she did. With the blood upon her lips, she looked up at Fiore, her left arm came up, twisting around Fiore's arm as her hand attempted to grab at her throat.

Stepping forward, she would attempt to lock her leg behind Fiore's leading leg, all in an attempt to grapple the young woman. With the free hand she reached out, once more aimed to strike, though this time it was meant to grab hold of the young woman's pants. If the tactic had worked how she figured it should - Amelia would push forward, taking the momentum to drive Fiore back against the wall. Though in this moment as much as she was still thinking, much of her faculties were focused and driven by rage at some perceived slight by this woman.

"You were so blinded by her that you couldn't even see the love from one closest to you!"

She growled as she brought her head up, another attempt at striking at the young woman - meant to drive the back of her head into the girl's chin - as she continued the assault. Even if Fiore didn't want to fight, in this moment it was all she would be permitted to do.

[member="Fiore de Noir"]
[SIZE=9pt]The reach for her throat was spotted and with her hand, she could deflect Amelia for the moment. Still more was coming towards her and Fiore was caught by the grapple to her leg, which locked her now into place. Remaining focused she kept an arm up for a guard as Amelia’s other grabbed at her pants. She was being guided to the wall and when she made contact, she grunted. Her body already had taken a beating up until now, but it wasn’t anything she was a stranger to. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“I trusted you. Our relationship was different. You are my Master! I was your weapon! I did what you told me to do!” Another strike, but with her hand being a guard, she could protect her face from the headbutt. Frowning, she remembered the lightsabers and made a grab at one of them at the woman’s hip now that they were near each other. If Amelia wanted to go for her throat than Fiore would do the same. She didn’t want this and she wanted this to end, but it seemed Amelia was lost in her bloodlust. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]A hand shot out, fingers tightly pressed together and her palm up, she struck just under the vampire’s jaw, it was a quickly attempt at a thrust hopefully to cause the woman to pull away from her. Either way, she hoped to grab one of the lightsabers at the woman’s hip, if not she hoped that the attack to the vital part of her neck. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“I was blinded by nothing. I fulfilled my duty to you to the best of my abilities…stop this please. I don’t want to do this Master. There’s nothing you can do that will make me stop feeling how I feel about Mira.” [/SIZE][member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
Amelia pulled down, feeling the strike just below the chin as she did so - her body curling into a ball as she remained wrapped around Fiore - before falling back into a roll. Planting one foot, she kicked off of Fiore, separating the two women as Amelia slid back a few feet. Slowly she pulled herself up, her hand coming up to her lip as she slowly wiped the blood away, a soft smirk crossing her lips as the busted lip that Fiore gave her began to slowly close and heal. Blue hues fell upon her once more, noticing the lightsaber in her hand down as Amelia let out a heavy sigh.

"And so it comes to this... I've failed you as a Master... I couldn't even show you that you were loved by someone close to you."

The woman groaned slightly at the thought, she didn't want this either, all she wanted was Fiore at her side again and the woman had refused. Though she knew that she was outclassed, she still had her own skills to fall back on as her hand slowly detached the long-handled lightsaber from her belt. With her hand right forward, and her left holding the back, she placed her right foot forward, holding firm.

"I can not give you the forgiveness you came seeking, not for what you've done... If you walk out of here, that is it... If you return to Mira she will leave you and it will begin the cycle again. One in which you constantly are made to wait for her... You are blinding yourself to this truth that she will drag you along again and again... I have failed you... my friend..."

Amelia spoke the last few words solemnly, her finger pressing firmly on the ignition button, the brilliant Gold blade sprung to life with its storied hissing noise.

[member="Fiore de Noir"]
Fiore grunted as she was used as a launching platform for Amelia. The woman outweighed her and she was already weak from this ordeal. In her hand she held the lightsaber, one of the prizes she had brought home to her Master. What an obedient dog she was, hunting the Jedi and Sith and bringing home their toys to her. Breathing became labored as Fiore watched Amelia’s body language shift. Were they going to fight? Was one of them going to die today. The blood from the two puncture wounds in her neck started to stop, it had taken long enough, Fiore thought to herself. The hand fell from her neck, which was covered in a mess of blood, her shirt was in no better shape and clung to her like a wet rag.

Pain showed on the young assassin’s face, it wasn’t from physical pain from the fight, but from hearing the woman claim she failed as a Master. The lightsaber was tossed towards Amelia as she had ignited hers. “Please don’t say that. You didn’t fail me as a Master. If you had – I would have killed you or I wouldn’t be standing here right now wanting to have you forgive me.” Her head shook, but she stopped and winced in pain. The bite, it was deeper than she had thought and her body wasn’t reacting well to it. “What I felt from you wasn’t perceived as love. I felt safe and protected. You had given me a home and a purpose beyond my desire for revenge.”

The wall was still behind her and Fiore took a step back and leaned against it. She was tired, first she was choked and then bitten which drew a good amount of blood. The room was a disaster and Fiore sighed heavily as she struggled to stay aware. “I don’t know why I continue to chase that girl. I should know better, when she left me the first time, I found her with someone on Naboo. I told myself that I would move on and forget her.” A deep labored breath exhaled as Fiore smiled softly, it was a smile she often had on her face when she thought of Mira. “I couldn’t. I worked and I did what you asked of me, but I caught wind of her presence. I had to find her, I needed answers.”

No longer able to stand, Fiore felt her body slide against the wall leaving spots of blood against it, guilt settled in knowing that it would probably stain. “She’s a part of me. I can’t quit her, I can’t forget her. I need her in my life for it to feel complete.” Arms laid in her lap as she chuckled. “Have you ever felt that way about someone? I’ve learned how to love, I’ve learned about heart ache, I’ve learned what self-sacrifice really is, the Jedi have no clue what it really means. All of that I learned because of Mira and because you let me learn. You’re a good Master, [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]. It's why I always come home.” Fiore nodded and sighed. Eyes hung half open as she continued to struggle with her breathing, she felt at ease though – she didn’t feel the blood-lust coming from her Master anymore.
The lightsaber dropped from her hand, the blade shifting off as the long-handle clattered against the floor. Bringing her hands up, Amelia looked at that, the blood upon them from where she had grabbed Fiore, her mind flashing at the throws and strikes she had levied against the poor girl. Clenching her fists together, she almost couldn't fathom that she had harmed her in such a way. When she looked up, her eyes closed for a moment - last seeing Fiore standing - and once they opened again, those golden hues fell upon the girl now slumped against the wall.

One step forward, she nearly froze, her body shaking as she felt a chill tremble down her spine. When she saw the smile as the young woman talked about Mira, she could no longer feel the anger and hatred as she had before. Then in a near instant she broke out into a run, the distance between the two closed as Amelia dropped down to her knees, sliding up against Fiore with a heavy grunt - her knee slamming into the wall next to Fiore - as her arms quickly wrapped around the girl. Amelia cradled her in her arms, one hand resting against her face as she let out a heavy sigh, though there was something more.

Her hand brushed the strands of hair from her face... Tears formed - for the first time in ages - before they rolled down Amelia's cheek, dropping to land on Fiore's forehead. Holding her limp body against her, she began to worry, so much anger that she had taken out on the girl that had always been a constant. When she talked of loving someone as much as she had loved Mira, her mind flashed to the few moments that they had shared together.

"Stay with me Fiore!"

Amelia screamed out, quickly pulling her arm up, she pressed her nail against her skin, breaking it and causing her blood to flow. Pressing her wrist against the girl's mouth, her other hand cradled the back of her head. A heavy sob escaping her lips as she pressed her wrist firmly against her lips.

"Don't fight me on this!"

Her mind flashed to what she had said, repeating her words again and again about how she learned to love... even knowing that Mira would constantly up and leave her. In that moment Amelia could only feel sorrow and pain for what was to come in Fiore's future, though she needed to be alive to feel such pain. She wanted Fiore, though now it was a want of love and not lust... she wanted the girl to come home again.

"Guards! Guards!"

She called out, frantic in her cries...

"Where the Kark are you! Get the Karking Medic NOW!"

She screamed out, holding Fiore against her...

"Stay with me Fiore..."

[member="Fiore de Noir"]
There was a sense of peace that washed over the Eldorai girl. It was as if everything she wanted to accomplish had been so. Mira had returned and proclaimed her love for the most part, Amelia was out of her blood thirsty rampage and she had grown herself. So much in such a short lifetime. Peace was nice. A tiredness lingered on her brow, her body wanted rest and Fiore was more than welcomed to give it to it.

Sleep and rest would have to wait. Amelia had snapped from her train of thought and seemed to be back to her usual self. The limp body she moved around didn't seem quite right, mentally Fiore was quite aware, but physically she was beyond her limit. It felt almost out of body as she listened and felt as if she watched everything happens.

The peace she felt was interrupted by the smell of iron. It was too close to her nose for her to assume it was her own blood wreaking from her clothing. No, this was Amelia's attempt at giving her the gift she so often turned down. Eyes opened quickly and her head turned away from the offer. “No! Please I'm okay.”. If she accepted this, she would indefinitely outlive Mira. A life without her is a life not worth living. A had covered her mouth as she looked pleadingly at Amelia. “Please, I'm just tired.”

Breathing remained labored, but she had been through worse. Guards slowly made their way into the room and seeing it they looked at the pair. Fiore continued to keep her lips tightly pressed closed as she laid there staring up at Amelia with her eyes half open.

“I-I just need rest.” [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
"You can be so frustrating Fiore... So close to death and still refusing that which can save you..."

Amelia growled slightly at the young woman as she turned her head away. Looking up quickly at the sounds of the approaching footsteps, she growled out, a near bark as she remained there holding the young woman in her arms.

"Don't just stand there watching! Get help or leave!"

Her attention quickly turned back to the young woman, her arms wrapped around her and she held her close and let out a slight groan. Another tear dripped from her cheek, landing on Fiore as she worried for the young woman. Slipping her arms under her, she lift Fiore up, holding her now in her arms as she carried her like she had on Alderaan. She knew back then it was a horrible choice that she had done, though now carrying the young woman was needed.

"Stay with me Fiore."

Amelia said, holding back her own tears as she walked down the hall of the villa. Her attention pulling herself to the stairs for a moment as she saw the medics rushing up the steps. A heavy thud was heard as her boot slammed into the door of a nearby room. Amelia quickly put Fiore down on the bed, not caring that the white linen would soon be stained in its own right. Stepping back, she looked down at Fiore, her hand slowly letting go of Fiore's as the medics pushed into the room.

Turning away, she stepped out of the room, barely holding herself together as she stumbled down the hall. Her shoulder hit the wall as she slumped down, breaking down as the tears were freed from their damn.

What had she done?

[member="Fiore de Noir"]

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