Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Promise

"No need to apologize" she told [member="Kira Logán "]and [member="Tschov Bolyn"], as they arrived later than everyone else.

Jera, and also [member="Dune Rhur"], realized that, if there was one thing Jessica had down cold about Jedi-hood, it was the line There is no emotion, there is peace. That, even though she was a Jedi Master for whom There is no ignorance, there is knowledge is paramount to her effectiveness, as [member="Cedric Grayson"] would readily acknowledge. In the aftermath of the Chiloon Rift campaign, she was entrusted with the command of an entire sector army but high command-level positions are often much cushier in practice than in theory. In her eyes, the Tenth Sector Army is the ground combat arm for all the fire support the Jedi may need in ground operations, knowing that, most of the time, Jedi will request at most company-level of backup. Only in large-scale campaigns like the Chiloon Rift campaign will the Tenth Sector Army have to deploy more, and even so, it would be part of a larger campaign, where other elements will be in use. For the time being, though, there is no Council, just Dune and her at the highest echelons of the Order, after realizing what Cedric just said about the Council situation. If any of [member="Alyson Halle"], [member="Tempest Yore"], [member="Jakkor Kess"], [member="Vishkar"], [member="Xiarr Sair"] or even [member="Mason"] wanted more advanced training, they all knew they could rely on Jessica for a good number of things. Force-stun, and even Force-comprehension, short/long-term memory enhancement (even though these didn't work on her), psychometry, Electric Judgment (and maybe even Force-light but she isn't comfortable using it yet, much less teaching it, despite having an idea as to how to use it), or to a lesser extent pyro/cryokinesis, these kinds of things. I'm a welcome change from those all-too-numerous lightsaber jockeys, and not simply because I actually use the Force for knowledge more than simply for defense, she thought.

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