Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Prowlers: Welcome to the Silencers. | Agents of Chaos


The surviving 16 with tokens out of around fifty that ran to fetch them would return. Bloodied and frightened, carrying their tokens like they lived for them they would return to their spots on the floor some tilting their heads to watch the quest giver handle two recruits while others would take this time to rest.


Random NPC
Jai'galaar Gred

She would hiss at him shaking her head before pulling a coin from her inner jacket pocket and tossing it to the floor.
"Take it, take it and go.... but your next task won't be easy filth.... you got lucky this time.... just take that creature and leave me." She would hiss at him as she stared down the vile creature with the boy. She prayed for his death when the next trial came, and hopefully that creature would die too. Foul things.
Location: The Mikdash ha'Sheketh Crypts
Objective: Trail one.
Wearing: MK I Nightsuit
Wielding: Electrostaff, Two Vibroblades, S.G.S.D Arm,
Tags: Closed, Neyana Neyana Herah

Dexter would feel the glass shatter against his armor from Neyana Neyana . For a moment he would glance down at it, semi worried if it were acid but nope.... it was worse.....It was red and dripping and.... it was on him.... EW GROSS! It was coagulating !!! He's stomach would roll and for a moment he could feel the blood running from his face, still he could handle this....
But his distraction gave way to an incoming Herah. She'd collide with him when she leap for him, her kneels launch into the side of his ribs causing pain to radiate through him, his arm would move up, grabbing the collar of her clothes using his cybernetic arm to launch her at Nicole at full force.
Catching his breath again he's tilt his head at the two of them.
"Better.... but I wanna feel how bad you want this." He'd chuckle now, flicking the coin up between all three of them..... Which girl was gonna get it first and how far would they take it? Lets just see how savage the two could really be.... He would then dart forward making his move to protect the coin.... They atleast had to have a chance to get it....
Location: Zenith Library then Moves to Halls beneath the Crypt
Equipment: Lightsaber, Wrist grapple, Butterfly blades, two on either side of her belt and one in her sock.
Armour: Stealth suit (Style)
Tags: Nighthaunter Nighthaunter

Having followed Nighthaunter Nighthaunter into the trials Daphne would rather quickly ditch him.
She didn't care why he came here, she was much more interested in the files she had come for.
Though that really didn't stop her from having some cheap fun...

The silly little recruits all fighting and squabbling among themselves. She had followed the main mass of the soon to be corpses, and taking her time as she walked, here and there she would get in the way of a victor, one who had got themselves a coin, either by pick pocketing or fighting another... she didn't care. She would move on and through them with lethal brutality, her hand catching their throats, throwing them to the ground and using the claws of her gloves to rip out the fleshy throat organs before tossing them aside, only to take their token with her, each one of them was the same, they were just unlucky enough to cross her path.
Now many of them lay dead in the same way as the last.
Efficiently dead with a trail of bodies.
Man this was making her hungry.....

She would remind herself not until after the mission. Like a well trained beast, food was her prize for a successful mission.
She would find herself to the Zenith Library, using the other recruits who were after tokens distract the other silencers within. She made quick work finding the files she needed on the deWinters Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter in particular. Her wrist device would scan them down and she would put them back leaving exactly how she found them.


Sadly her use for Nighthaunter Nighthaunter was at an end..... while just that tiny whisper was telling her not to, the threat of returning home after leaving a lose end meant her skin would she shredded again. From her belt she would take her saber, then with her mind she would feel out around her as she walked, feeling for the only familiar energy in the building she would follow it.
His handy work on the walls was rather pretty, and for a moment she stopped to look at the corpse of the boy, before looking to herself and seeing the blood that still dripped from her right hand... she knew it had marred her face and suit too.... but she had to make it look like she was meant to be there right?
She would hear voices ahead and her lips would curl into a sweet smile.
Awww this must be Kyri.... I should have known who you were going to look for first, Darling...." She would smile as would appear from the edge of the shadows looking at Kyrinov Kyrinov "Such nice meeting you.... but you have both served your purpose for me. "She would say flicking the switch of her light saber letting the green light illuminate her now. She would twirl it around as she readied herself to take the two out.


Exiled Princess of Kesh
Objective: Still the same. Beat Dex, Grab Coi-MY FACE!!
Tags: Dexter Zytros Dexter Zytros Herah

Well. That worked! Sort of. When the blood from the vial latches onto his armor, Nicole flicks her wrist mid-charge, wanting the blood to become a bit more thinner, sharper even. She hopes this might penetrate through his armor and touch his skin. However, in doing so she missed out on one tinie, tiny, minor detail. Herah. And she was thrown at her. The smaller woman moved her legs forward to try to slide under the tossed woman. Maybe leaping to the side should've been more effective as her head was smacked by one of Herah's boots. Whatever she attempted to do with the blood was now gone.

As the woman's head moved upwards from the kick, something shiny caught her gaze, well, her dazed gaze at least. Did Dex toss the coin upwards? Ashame that a pressing matter appears. She was on her knees and Dex ran forward. Nicole moves a hand downards to push herself back up, hopefully in time to stop whatever assault Dex might force upon her.


Objective: Steal dat coin..
Tags Dexter Zytros Dexter Zytros Neyana Neyana

Well she was happy that the attack landed however the result wasn't entirely what she had hoped as she was grabbed and tossed she flew and she felt her foot make contact with Nicoles face, Well no one said there was friendly fire given the end game and all, She slowed down her fall and landed gracefully and looked up to spot Dexter throwing the coin up in the air, Has to be bait no way he would willingly put the coin in the open like that either way she saw Nicole and Dex both make a run for the coin and she darted forth as well but she had a different idea rather then a blind charge she used her magic to reinforce the durability and strength of her body to hopefully hit harder and endure more attacks instead of being tossed around like a rag doll as she prepared to not only try and make a go for the coin but for any countermeasures Dex and Nicole have in mind, This was after all a free for all.

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