Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ukatis—a rural world at the Alliance's southwestern border, nestled at the inner rim between Yag'Dhul and Janara III. This would not be the New Jedi Order's first visit to the gradually modernizing agrarian nation; the current Princess' disastrous engagement party, the celebratory Harvest Festival following it, and the attempted thievery of an heirloom crown all still live in recent memory, for better or for worse.

This, however, was one of those worse visits.


Discovered by Jedi Master Valery Noble and Princess Corazona, a dark sided Force nexus has taken the form of a river cutting through the deep forests of Faron territory. The woods surrounding this area have gradually become tainted with the ichor of the dark, spawning terrible creatures and sending the native fauna into a frenzied state. Thus, the Jedi have been dispatched to purify the nexus and quell the dark beasts that threaten nearby village of Stonegrove.

Interestingly, the nexus lies near the abandoned village of Anatol. The denizens who'd lived in this village mysteriously disappeared fifteen years ago, during a bloody civil war. While countless towns were slaughtered during this tumultuous period, what makes this occurrence particularly strange is that not a single body was recovered from Anatol. Shortly after, Cholmondeley forces prevailed in a decisive battle which secured their current reign of Ukatis. Until recently, Lord Faron, a known Cholmondeley puppet, has refused to let anyone investigate area, citing that the situation has been taken care of.

Now, the Jedi of the Galactic Alliance have come to Ukatis once more. Those skilled in manipulation of the Light may join Master Valery Noble as she seeks to purify the nexus, while those brave of heart will defend Ukatis from all manner of dark creatures.


The influence of the nexus grows stronger and more pervasive each day. Usually docile creatures, the native racyons have began to seek out and attack humans. As time passed, more creatures succumbed to the influence of the dark, wreaking havoc on nearby villages.

Perhaps as a response to the large Jedi presence on the planet during the recent harvest festival, the nexus has begun to spawn strange monsters. Vicious hand-like projections comprised of dark energy have surged from the tainted earth, seeking to grasp any nearby Force-sensitive being and siphon the very life from them. While the nexus is being purified, the Jedi conjuring the wall of light must be protected, and some must assist the nearby village of Stonegrove that is under attack.

Suggested for: All Jedi, GADF agents and individual operatives

Visually, the nexus appears to be an unassuming river streaming through the forest. However, everything around it is dead—the riverbank has turned to ash, and the plant life has been reduced to withered husks. The river is deeply alluring to those who are Force sensitive; in fact, the greater a Jedi's sensitivity, the stronger the pull they will feel to submerge themselves within the waters at the promise of incredible power. Some may hear a voice attempting to lure them to the water's edge.

Only Jedi of exceptional training and fortitude, or apprentices who are accompanied by their Master are permitted near the immediate area of the nexus. Under the guidance of Valery Noble, multiple Jedi are needed to conjure a wall of light to burn away the dark and restore the river to its natural state.

Suggested for: Jedi Knights and Masters; Padawans who have their mentor's permission

OOC: This thread is open to all NJO Jedi and individual Galactic Alliance agents. You do not need a tag to join!

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Dominik Borra Dominik Borra | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Lao-ta Lao-ta | Cailen Corso Cailen Corso | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic | Ko Vuto Ko Vuto | Kara Jade Kara Jade | Braze Braze


As nightfall crept through the forested lands of Faron territory, so did the Jedi and their allies.

Strange things had been happening to Ukatis since the Harvest Festival. Farmers had struggled to raise healthy crops in the finicky soil for years, but the earth was now rejecting any recent attempts to grow the food their people relied on. Reports of animal attacks had popped up as well, and were increasing at a worrying rate. Normally docile native creatures were becoming frenzied, assaulting travelers and swarming homes and businesses at random.

The situation has grown significantly more dire since the Jedi touched down. It was as if Ukatis itself—or a part of it, at least—was responding to the threat of the Light, rejecting their presence.

The focal point—that Corazona and Valery had discovered some weeks ago—was a river steeped with Dark energies. A nexus, Master Noble had called it. A concentration of the Dark side of the Force that was gradually spreading its influence throughout Ukatis. It would take more than one beacon of Light to burn away the corruption.

That was how Cora had found herself standing within earshot of the rushing waters, surrounded by Jedi far more talented and accomplished than she. Given the level of danger that the nexus posed, it had been decided that only Masters and Knights would be allowed near; Padawans had to be accompanied by their mentors, who would vouch for their aptitude and be responsible for their safety.

Navigating through the forest was not an easy task, harder at night, and harder still while being attacked. Fortunately, the Jedi who'd volunteered to face the Dark creatures head-on had allowed them to get closer to the nexus. Placing a hand against the bark of a withered tree, Cora inhaled deeply. Humid air, interwoven with the ichor of the Dark filled her lungs. Her senses were sharper now that she'd left her voidstone wedding ring behind at the estate for safekeeping.

"We're almost there, I can sense-"

A pulsating mass of gloom and muck sprung from the earth, unfurling a hand-like projection. In its palm was a large, cat-slit eye, scorched amber with Darksided corruption. They eye rolled around hungrily and settled on the Princess. Cora narrowly dodged the shadowy fingers that reached out for her, but one digit managed to graze her arm, temporarily draining her strength. Stumbling back, she wavered on her feet for a few moments, but the murky hand would not let her rest—it surged forward, eager to siphon the life from the young woman, but it was quickly met with a frantic burst of Light from her hand. The phantom limb seized in pain, screamed with no mouth, and wilted to the ground where it vanished in a haze of black smoke.

"That was…close." Cora gasped, pressing a hand against her chest to steady the erratic beating of her heart. She hadn’t imagined that one of the beasts would be able to break the line of Jedi defenders, but the Dark worked in insidious ways.

These monsters were attracted to the Light, sensing it within the Jedi. Around the perimeter of the nexus, Jedi fought to push back the creatures and protect those who would be performing the Wall of Light ritual.

It was not just the forest that was overrun with strange beasts fueled by the Dark. A village at the edge of the woods, Stonegrove was being overrun by frenzied racyons and Dark monsters. A grain silo has been destroyed, its contents combusting into flames that threatened to overtake several homes. Screams rang through the smoldering air belonging to both villager and creature alike.

As Cora refocused her attention on the river in the distance, she felt the gentlest of whispers echo in her mind. Tendrils of darkness would brush the minds of the nearby Jedi, attempting to lure them into the river.

C̴̳̭̲̬̮̰̘̎̽O̴̢̧̳̲̮̹͇̯̭̣̠͖̓̈͋̈̎̊̑̈̋́͂͋M̸̛̻̩̖̹̘͕̩̀͌̏́̔̅̓̽̿͐̊͜͠Ḙ̶̘͍̥̗͖͆̈ ̸̡̹͖̖̫͍͔̳̜͕̺͇̲͚͚̐̈̃͘͜Ț̸͍̝̩̘̞͔͕̇̊̏́̋̆̽͑̀́̌̀͝͠Ô̶̧̠̬͎̜̳̠̠͉̠͔̲̔̈ͅ ̸̨̡͕͕͈̝̬̺̭̯͔͇͈̪̼͖̫̐͒̌̎̏́̓͒̀͘̕̚̚M̶̡̡̜̼͕͓͔̩͔̯̘̪͐̆̀̈́͜ͅĘ̸̡̛̰̰̜͉̖̞̜̜̪͕̲͎̼̠̊̓́͒ ̵̺͖͕͚̣̓̏̈̏͊̄̈́̿̾̑̈́͘̕͠͝A̷̡̓͂̒̿͐͐̇̇͛̂́̅̕̕͝ͅN̵̛̛̝̙̓̎̉̏̇̆̊̿̆D̵̛̞̖̐̍̆̃͋͗̈̌̅̓̿͆̕͘͘ ̴̨̭͉̮͔̟̜̰̮͙̞̺̝̳̘̿͆͊̐͘̚͜I̵̡͙̱̬̻̺̤̼̺̱͖̩͙̖̟̞͍͑̈̓̍̿͐̊͋̾̄ ̶̧̛̮̖̯̦͎͙̱̠̟̩̯́̄͐͐͌͊́͌̓̏͒̀͘͘͠͠Ṡ̵̫̻̩̲͉͇̲̜̱̞̀̊̈́̄̋̈́̋̈́̂͐̚͝ͅH̸̡̛̯̘͍͎̞͖̦͍̥̱̮͓̑͗͌̆̓̍͒̓̊͗̄͑̔͜͝͠ͅÄ̷̩̹̙́̉͒̑̂̊̏͌̿̾͗̊̕͝L̴̨̡̧̲̬̮̼͈̣̳̯̰̗̙̆̊͊̓̅̋̈́̊̄̀̇͂̕̕͘͜L̸̮͙̞͖̹̩̰͎̈́̍̒̿̾̈́́̊͜͝͠ ̴͕̩̪͈̻̍͑̃̎̓͑̓̓͋̉̈́͒̈́Ṁ̷͕̪̳̤̄̄̈̽̓́͂̎͐̓̏͗̚͠͝͝A̷̡̡̢̛̭̘͚̗̙͚͙͆͌̒̇̑̊̀̆̂̒͋Ḱ̶̙͍̱͓̯̲̬̣̈́͂̌̆͋͆̂͑̏̚͘͝͠ͅͅĘ̸̱͕̗͚͈͙͖̫̜͙̣̞́̐̕͝ ̴͉͔͙͎̞̘͙̀́̈́̈́Y̴̪͌̍͋̒͛̇͌̽̊̈́̒͐̈́͘O̸̢̡̡̙̮̘̠̫̱̣̣͂̕Ų̵̧̢̞̳̌̅̾̇̓̍͂͘ ̵͙̯͇̀́P̴̛͓̱͓̻̩̬̟̭͂̋̂̊̑̏̈́̄̾̕͝͝O̸͔͉̱̱̣͍̥͔̘͉̽̑͑͛̐̋͌͂̏̐̄́̂̚͘͝͝Ẉ̴̨̛̖̘̩͎̝͎̗͓̞͍̤̔͂̔̀̊̔̇̄̉̾̃̔͘͘̕͜Ẽ̷̺͕̠͔̂̐̓͊̊̑́͂͗͆̄͘Ŗ̴̢̣̟̱̻͙̲̝͇̩̓̒̓͐͘̕͘͝F̷͎̥̗̙͉̉̈U̸̞͍̖̻̼͖͎̜̲͍̯̜̟̦̫̜͘L̷̟̺̪͎̰̝͖̄̂̀̍͆͐͑̂ͅ

”Come to me and I shall make you powerful.”

Needless to say, the Jedi would have their hands full.




Tags: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania , Open...


"That was…close."

"You all good?" Jasper asked.

He hadn't had enough time to react to the tendril that had attempted to drag her away. Jasper had been worried about Cora. He hadn't had a chance to visit, and from every account he had heard of the girl she was miserable. It tore him up inside. He knew that he had to be here, at least to give what support he could. He'd place a hand on her shoulder and give a warm smile. Not a full conversation, but a bit of acknowledgement.

C̴̳̭̲̬̮̰̘̎̽O̴̢̧̳̲̮̹͇̯̭̣̠͖̓̈͋̈̎̊̑̈̋́͂͋M̸̛̻̩̖̹̘͕̩̀͌̏́̔̅̓̽̿͐̊͜͠Ḙ̶̘͍̥̗͖͆̈ ̸̡̹͖̖̫͍͔̳̜͕̺͇̲͚͚̐̈̃͘͜Ț̸͍̝̩̘̞͔͕̇̊̏́̋̆̽͑̀́̌̀͝͠Ô̶̧̠̬͎̜̳̠̠͉̠͔̲̔̈ͅ ̸̨̡͕͕͈̝̬̺̭̯͔͇͈̪̼͖̫̐͒̌̎̏́̓͒̀͘̕̚̚M̶̡̡̜̼͕͓͔̩͔̯̘̪͐̆̀̈́͜ͅĘ̸̡̛̰̰̜͉̖̞̜̜̪͕̲͎̼̠̊̓́͒ ̵̺͖͕͚̣̓̏̈̏͊̄̈́̿̾̑̈́͘̕͠͝A̷̡̓͂̒̿͐͐̇̇͛̂́̅̕̕͝ͅN̵̛̛̝̙̓̎̉̏̇̆̊̿̆D̵̛̞̖̐̍̆̃͋͗̈̌̅̓̿͆̕͘͘ ̴̨̭͉̮͔̟̜̰̮͙̞̺̝̳̘̿͆͊̐͘̚͜I̵̡͙̱̬̻̺̤̼̺̱͖̩͙̖̟̞͍͑̈̓̍̿͐̊͋̾̄ ̶̧̛̮̖̯̦͎͙̱̠̟̩̯́̄͐͐͌͊́͌̓̏͒̀͘͘͠͠Ṡ̵̫̻̩̲͉͇̲̜̱̞̀̊̈́̄̋̈́̋̈́̂͐̚͝ͅH̸̡̛̯̘͍͎̞͖̦͍̥̱̮͓̑͗͌̆̓̍͒̓̊͗̄͑̔͜͝͠ͅÄ̷̩̹̙́̉͒̑̂̊̏͌̿̾͗̊̕͝L̴̨̡̧̲̬̮̼͈̣̳̯̰̗̙̆̊͊̓̅̋̈́̊̄̀̇͂̕̕͘͜L̸̮͙̞͖̹̩̰͎̈́̍̒̿̾̈́́̊͜͝͠ ̴͕̩̪͈̻̍͑̃̎̓͑̓̓͋̉̈́͒̈́Ṁ̷͕̪̳̤̄̄̈̽̓́͂̎͐̓̏͗̚͠͝͝A̷̡̡̢̛̭̘͚̗̙͚͙͆͌̒̇̑̊̀̆̂̒͋Ḱ̶̙͍̱͓̯̲̬̣̈́͂̌̆͋͆̂͑̏̚͘͝͠ͅͅĘ̸̱͕̗͚͈͙͖̫̜͙̣̞́̐̕͝ ̴͉͔͙͎̞̘͙̀́̈́̈́Y̴̪͌̍͋̒͛̇͌̽̊̈́̒͐̈́͘O̸̢̡̡̙̮̘̠̫̱̣̣͂̕Ų̵̧̢̞̳̌̅̾̇̓̍͂͘ ̵͙̯͇̀́P̴̛͓̱͓̻̩̬̟̭͂̋̂̊̑̏̈́̄̾̕͝͝O̸͔͉̱̱̣͍̥͔̘͉̽̑͑͛̐̋͌͂̏̐̄́̂̚͘͝͝Ẉ̴̨̛̖̘̩͎̝͎̗͓̞͍̤̔͂̔̀̊̔̇̄̉̾̃̔͘͘̕͜Ẽ̷̺͕̠͔̂̐̓͊̊̑́͂͗͆̄͘Ŗ̴̢̣̟̱̻͙̲̝͇̩̓̒̓͐͘̕͘͝F̷͎̥̗̙͉̉̈U̸̞͍̖̻̼͖͎̜̲͍̯̜̟̦̫̜͘L̷̟̺̪͎̰̝͖̄̂̀̍͆͐͑̂ͅ

"Woah," he frowned. "Freaky river..."

Jasper felt the tug at the back of his mind, but he wasn't swayed. Power was a lie. He knew this. There was only the force. He'd need to keep an eye out though. He wouldn't want anyone losing their focus and going in.

"This is... bad," he noted, his face grim. "How long has this been occurring?"

More importantly, what had caused this.


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Open

When Jasper stepped forward to place a hand on Cora's shoulder, Valery stepped up and joined her on the other side to place a hand on the other shoulder. "We've got this together," she said with a soft smile, hoping to support her a little before nodding in Jasper's direction. This time, Valery didn't feel nearly as overwhelmed by the Nexus, mostly because she was able to mentally and physically prepare herself for it.

But she was still going to need all the help she could get.

"This has been going on for too long, so we're going to put a stop to it," she then told Jasper. "On Exegol, I initiated a Wall of Light to cleanse the planet. I had the assistance from fellow Jedi and a station built to amplify the Force. This won't be as demanding, but I can'd do it alone, and I'll be extremely vulnerable."

She smiled weakly, "I'll initiate it again, but I'll need help to strengthen the wall of Light, and I need some protection in case we run into trouble."


How long had it been since she was last on a mission? In Kara’s opinion, it had been far too long. After Ilum, her life had turned upside down. From nearly being buried alive under rock and rubble, to months later giving birth to her son Cassius. It had been a rollercoaster of events that made her yearn for some normalcy to return. She loved her son, and for every sleep-deprived day raising him, but she had also missed her time as a Jedi. Her training had been completely disrupted throughout that time, and it had been a gradual process returning to it.

But Kara knew she couldn’t return until she had felt comfortable enough that Cass would be cared for in her absence. He was old enough now to not need her there every waking moment, and those looking after him were people she trusted with her own life.

So with a freshly constructed lightsaber in hand, she joined her fellow Jedi to Ukatis.

Kara admittedly had some reservations about helping with the Nexus purification. Once upon a time, she didn’t know what path to take within the Order. But Ilum had shone a light that made it clear. She had not hesitated in protecting Silas Westgard Silas Westgard from being crushed, and Kara knew she’d do the same for anyone else.

She might not be able to help much with the purifying, but she could stand as a Guardian for them.

Kara shuddered slightly, hearing the dark voice creep into her mind. She pushed it from her mind, her fingers gripping a bit more tightly around her lightsaber.

"How long has this been occurring?"

I don’t know…but I fear that even when the Nexus has been purified, it’s going to take a long time for nature to heal.
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When IVI IVI had said that she wanted a closer eye on the Jedi, he figured the routine surveillance and joining them on some covert ops. Accompanying them to purify a nexus and fight off wildlife was not a mission assignment he had been expecting. He had been tempted to act like he hadn't been notified, go off grid for a while. Wasn't the first time, and he was still recovering from his fight with The Sith Emporer. Plus there was a woman in his life that had gone MIA, and he desperately wanted to find her.

And then he saw that this involved Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania . A padawan he had fought a god of The Maw with. She hadn't been dealt the best hand in life, and this would be an opportunity to catch up with her. Wherever Niki was, she'd have to wait just a little longer.

So he stalked through the decaying forest with a small troup of Jedi, including Cora, his good friend Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el and Valery Noble Valery Noble , among others. The place was dead, more devoid of life than after a forest fire. He wore his armor, not wanting to ruin his nicer clothes and risk contracting any strange Force-rabies, and carried his sword, a scattergun, and his SIA issued silenced firearm on his hip. This was considered traveling light for the agent, his callsign being "Guns Galore". Still such a silly title, but he didn't choose it.

Cora suddenly cried out, and a hand of dark force energy was clawing at her. She was able to blast it with some Force Light, something that still dazzled his eyes, and it was reduced to nothing. Jasper and Valery took to comforting her, while Dominik stepped past them, scanning the area with his scattergun and flicking through several layers of different visions. Thermal, UV, Infared, and others. "Clear." He reported.

"Woah," he frowned. "Freaky river..."
"Seems like water to me." Dominik wasn't force sensitive, so he felt nothing coming from the river. "Is it the source?"

I'll initiate it again, but I'll need help to strengthen the wall of Light, and I need some protection in case we run into trouble."
He pumped the action on his scattergun in response, powering it up. "Got you covered, Master Jedi." From a pouch on the back of his belt came a GH05T droid, one of the ones Jasper and sold him to pay for the damages at Cora's engagement party. The droid beeped a greeting and flew up above the dilapidated trees, surveying the immediate area from above.
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Location: Ukatis, Woods
Tag: Braze Braze | Loomi Loomi | Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru
Initially the Kel Dor was hesitant to join on another mission. But as Ko became more and more aware of the information regarding it, he became very determined to put his expertise to use. The world had become hostile towards its own inhabitants. He’d only been there once before with his friend and it pained him to hear that such a seemingly pleasant world was struggling with such a blight. Not only that but it was the homeworld of one of his friends, Cora. Ko was not particularly close to the princess, but it still added to his desire to help.

Rarely had the former farmer felt like his skill set and expertise from the Agricultural Corps were of much use for him. But back then he did more than just grow plants and care for livestock. He engaged in all manner of nature conservation, from wilding, testing water and soil, hunting invasive species to even anti-poaching operations as well. Now it seemed like The Force was almost trying to remind Ko not to forget where he came from as a Jedi. To not lose his more worldly skills and connection to the living Force despite his increased training under a new Master.

Currently Ko found himself with three other padawans. As the oldest he somewhat took on a mild leadership role. Thinking back to his mission on Nubia with Master Noble and how he got to utilize his own knowledge of the situation and be a bit more “in charge” of things despite his rank. He was readying himself alongside the rest of the padawns within Stonegrove. Ko dreaded needing to use it, but he had an old scattergun with him for the evening. He’s used firearms plenty before when hunting, since getting close to large raging wildlife was rarely a good position to be in, even for Force Adept like himself. Looking at the other three, Ko spoke up. “I’m ready to head out if yall are. If I’m being honest I’m not really looking forward to tonight.” This evening Ko found himself with his friend Loomi, his "friend" Braze and Aliris who he was somewhat acquainted with now. He knew this wasn't going to be the kind of pleasant hike he was more familiar with.


Ko Vuto Ko Vuto
"Hoooo boy, you can bet'chyur boots that we're ready to round up them little doggies down yonder partner," Braze playfully exclaimed, adopting a playful Western accent and a mischievous glint in his eyes. He nudged Ko with an elbow, unable to resist a teasing remark. "Y'all ain't looking forwards t' it 'cause y'all know who's gonna get the most critters, and be dubbed the critter catchin' champion~" His smirk grew wider as if turning everything into a friendly competition was his natural inclination.

The lightness in Braze's tone and his playful banter were a reflection of his easygoing nature. He enjoyed adding a touch of humor to their interactions, finding joy in the camaraderie between them. His intention was to bring a smile to Ko's face and create a sense of lightheartedness amidst the seriousness of their tasks.

He didn't mean any harm by it but rather sought to foster a sense of friendly rivalry and playfulness. It was 'his way' of connecting with Ko and infusing their shared experiences with an extra dose of excitement.

Braze added with a glimmer of mischief in his eyes, "But hey, partner, it's all in good fun. We'll give it our best shot, and who knows, maybe we'll both round up more critters than we can handle. It's gonna be wilder than a two-bit snake herder in an appaloosa ranch house, that's for sure!"
Nightfall crept over the horizon, encroaching the land with its encompassing grasp. It's reach stretched with ease, dominating the dwindling light as the heavenly mass(es) above them descended beneath the curvature of the planet. Targraanak arrived alongside the others in a ship. He kept to himself mostly, as having read reports of what they were to face, he felt that the tranquility and centering of meditation would be required for him to undertake the mission.

"This planet is beautiful, but..." The words uttered might have been understood by some, but not all, as the wookie spoke in his native language. The latter part of the sentence did not need to be spoken, as they all felt the dreadful presence of the darkside. It's very echo sent a shiver down his spine, an unease which crept into his awareness and weighed heavily upon him. He had to remind himself of the jedi code, as the fear which seeped into his heart was not condusive to following the tenants of the lightside and jedi code.

There is no emotion; there is peace

The manifestation of the darkside drew from the earth, attempting to grasp one of the jedi. While it was disposed of quickly, and perhaps just as it did the others - Targraanak was left on edge. He had instinctively drawn upon the force, thus erecting a force field around his epidermis that he was not sure would help against such an assault. His gargantuan paw, with thick furry digits, wrapped around the large hilt of his saber. He did not draw it, yet he would be ready to at a moment's notice.

Like many others, he was here to provide protection to those who would purify the corrupted source of the darkside. They were here to serve and protect, and quelling the infestation was a task which they had to undertake.

"I will be help the other knights and padawan protect the village and make sure you are not interrupted. If I can help in a more efficient way, please instruct me Masters," the wookie spoke in his native tongue, assuming at least one of them would be savy in his native tongue so that they could communicate. Otherwise, he would simply trust in the force and allow it to guide him through this dark yet necessary mission.
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"But hey, partner, it's all in good fun."

"I-I don't think if this is supposed to be fun," Loomi noted, a bit more meek than usual.

She didn't want to have to kill anything. They weren't Sithspawn, they were racyons, right? Just... corrupted. If one of her friends would up corrupted or possessed she would feel terrible to have to fight them, let alone kill them. She had a soft spot for little animals in the end of the day, so it very much pained her to be here.

But people needed her help, right? And Ko, Braze, and Aliris were here. All of her closest friends it seemed. They'd be okay if they were together.

Or at least she hoped so.

"I-I'm not sure how much help I'll be," she stammered, "b-but I'll do my best. Just.... everyone be careful please."

Very much out of her control but very apparent, a wave of her internal fear would surely begin to wash over Braze. Others present would no doubt pick up on such a thing simply by observing her.

Valery Noble Valery Noble / Kara Jade Kara Jade / Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania / Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el / Dominik Borra Dominik Borra

It was funny to think that she had wanted one of these before, Colette mused rather grimly as she knelt down over a racyon that she had been forced to strike down. She knelt down to get a better look of it and to try and see if she could see anything different about the beast, but in truth it looked no different than the beasts that Colette would have otherwise hunted for food. But this was not hunting for food, and this beast had never been much of a fitting prey for such things anyway. No, this was about controlling the spread of disease. Despite having the obvious urge to poke and prod at the carcass, Colette kept herself from doing just that, with her arms resting on her perked up knee while she let the other knee plant itself next to the otherwise cute critter's dead body.

And then, a promise of power was felt. She lifted the solemn knot in her stomach, as well as the rest of her attention, from the creature and over towards the river. It was kind of funny how power was meant to mean something here. They were accompanied by one of the most powerful people this planet had already. And that was of course beyond the fact that it was a sort of foolish promise. What even was power and who measured it, and by what account? Galactic-scale power? How could a river achieve that? Planet-wide? Why would she challenge a friend? Or perhaps personal? Why would she cut her own journey short like that?

It was stupid. Power was a stupid concept.

Colette shook her head and pushed off the ground to approach the others. They were still talking about how long this had been here which was a rather useless question Colette figured. Not as stupid as power, the time frame had some measure of importance she supposed, but stupid nonetheless since it was about to be removed. That was the literal reason that they were even there. But, focusing on the past was a very Jedi thing to do, Colette had come to understand. It was after all a philosophy of many interpretations where only a handful of said interpretations really seemed to go completely hand-in-hand.

Knight Jade raised the point that it was going to take a while for this place to recover, and Valery needed protection from whatever would try to come for them as they cleared the river.

"Wouldn't say that nature is quite as simple as that, but… Yeah. It will heal." Colette added rather absent-mindedly as she kept her eyes darting around the place to spot any incoming dangers.

But within the confines of her mind, with all things considered, she thought about how this river was the very nature that everyone talked about. In a grim and morbid kind of way, it wasn't too different from a forest fire and the smoldering ruins they left behind. In the end the pain it suffered now was just another ring within the core of the trees, like an unspoken history whose premise could only be speculated upon from something so abstract as a tree trunk.

"I've got your back, master." Colette nodded and reached behind her own back to pat Valery on her shoulder. The kid was clearly not letting her attention go off their surroundings even with the fancy little doo-dats that were zipping around the place.


Aliris was quiet. She stood by the other three, but her gaze was lowered. She was frowning. These Raycons, they were corrupted against their will, right? Taken over by some outside force to become violent and cruel.

Familiar, isn't it?

She froze. A cold shiver ran up her spine as she heard the voice she always dreaded most. But before she could even think to say anything, the presence was gone, and she was once more just herself in her head. Her fists tightened. She didn't like this at all.

"Yeah. Careful. I'll.. Defend, I guess."

It made sense. The metal she could manipulate could be made into a literal shield. And while violent, the creatures were still only animals. Though really she just didn't want to kill again.

Ko Vuto Ko Vuto | Braze Braze | Loomi Loomi

Wearing: xxx
Location: Outskirts of Stonegrove
Interacting: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
Proximity: Loomi Loomi Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru Braze Braze Ko Vuto Ko Vuto
"What are these things?" Thelma asked Silas, trying to fend off the inky "hands" which stretched toward her.

Despite being a vampire, she wasn't used to fighting incorporeal foes. Even Felix Astermo Felix Astermo had been flesh and bone. These strange... entities which emerged from the river could not be easily destroyed with ordinary weapons. Her lightsaber had some effect, but it was limited. The things just kept reforming and attacking her again.

It was only a matter of time before she slipped up in her defense. Ghostly fingers curled into claws, grasping at her body and seeking to leech away her energy.



Location: Ukatis, Woods
Tag: Braze Braze | Loomi Loomi | Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru
Ko couldn’t help but narrow his eyes at Braze for what seemed to be an overblown mimicking of his own voice and vocabulary. But he didn’t want to chastise the younger padawan since unlike Loomi and Aliris, he didn’t come off as worried and he didn’t want to dissuade their more positive attitude. In fact he kinda apricated Braze's lightheartedness, just wished it didn't come at the expense of his accent. “Let’s just have faith that the knights and masters here can make short work of the Nexus. Hey, maybe if they can, all the animals will go back to their natural behavior.” Ko at least hoped that was the case, and that the damage done to the local wildlife wasn’t permanent. Turning the safety on, Ko placed the scattergun in a large holster strapped to his back.

“Alright team, let’s head out. And let's all make sure we stay close together.” He said ready to lead the other three into the woods. Unfortunately this wasn’t some spooky but fun camping trip for the quartet of padawans. Ko’s understanding was that some of the creatures were attracted to The Light, and thus hoped that the four of them together could make for a good distraction for their friends dealing with the Nexus and the villagers. His logic being that if any monsters were too busy dealing with them then it spared others the trouble.

It wasn’t long before Ko decided to pull out a glowrod to help illuminate their surroundings. But was ready to switch it out for his lightsaber at a moment's notice. Which felt like it might be sooner rather than later as the snapping of twigs and rustling of bushes could be heard around them. A good chance it was the corrupted wildlife, or very possibly something darker. Ready to strike out from the darkness towards Ko and his friends.

Location: Corrupted nexus
Accompanied by: Oukranos Cthylla, Jedi Master
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Dominik Borra Dominik Borra Kara Jade Kara Jade Colette Colette
The last time the Cthyllas had visited Ukatis was by accident, when their ship suffered a malfunction and crashed in the middle of a field. Despite initially receiving a less than warm welcome from the locals, eventually they were able to find someone willing to assist them. That someone had been Cora (whom Kass still had no idea was the Princess of Ukatis). Her kindness had not been forgotten, and both Kass and Oukranos were more than happy to help with purifying the nexus.

Already they were beginning to feel its effects.

”Come to me and I shall make you powerful.”

Kass didn't hear a voice in her head so much as sense the tantalizing force, making promises and trying to draw her in. These people you call comrades and allies will never accept you, it whispered in her ear, preying upon her fears and insecurities. You will always be an alien to them. A monster. If you so much as stumble, they will take it as a sign to tear you apart. You must be stronger than them. You must be powerful. You must be perfect.

Come to me, and I will make you

"It's telling me everything I want to hear," she muttered to the other Jedi present. "It must be too good to be true."

She looked over at Oukranos. He was silent and brooding. What was going on in his head, she wondered. She could guess at what the voice was telling him. About how it would help him avoid becoming like his father, maybe. Or how it would help him protect others, if he would only come into the murky waters.

What if he gives in? the same voice suggested to her, trying to plant the seeds of doubt. What if there comes a day where you no longer know him?

Spasming in the Pylantian version of a shudder, she tried to shake off the notion. If that day ever comes, I'll just have to be ready. But how do you prepare yourself to face your worst fears?

Master Valery Noble Valery Noble had a plan. "We will add our strength to yours," Kass told her, grateful for a goal to focus on and distract her from the voice. Oukranos looked up and nodded his assent.

Location: Ukatis, by the river
Attire: Jedi Robes
Equipment: Nightsister Energy Bow, Lightsaber
Tag: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kara Jade Kara Jade | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Dominik Borra Dominik Borra | Colette Colette

The darkness was strong in this air. The Nexus had been formed and the river was attempting to lull them, turn them against the natural order. Dreidi looked at the others, following her seniors and those who had much more experience in dealing with Nexuses and the like. This was very new to Dreidi and she had some talent with Force Light and Wall of Light but she was far from skilled.

"I can help out, Master Noble." Offering her skills in the Force, "I can help with the Wall of Light, or I can help out with some protective Magick. Might be more limited there but I have got a few tricks." She had been learning more defensive Magick, creating protection bubbles, and more but for now it was still very draining on her physically to learn such skills.

Dreidi swallowed hard as she still unsure where best she could work in a group.

“Easy girl, easy,” Vulpesen murmured, placing a soothing hand on his mount’s flank. Shadow was a war mount like all Veran Foxes, but it still took a bit of effort from the beastmaster to keep her under control. Something in these wilds was very wrong and she could feel it. Vulpesen for his part, both felt it and knew what it was. The dark side had corrupted this place and it had been so thorough that its touch twisted the denizens of this forest into servants of destruction.

Once upon a time, Vulpesen might have volunteered to help stave off the corruption with the likes of Master Noble and her other paragon-like companions. Nowadays, he knew that wasn’t possible. He had spilled too much blood. Told too many lies. The darkside was a part of him. Perhaps not as much as the light, but it was something he had learned to accept where the jedi would only reject and repel it.

The preclusion left him with the task of a quick reaction force. On Shadow’s back, he would be mobile and able to respond should any incursions of the corrupted raycons be too much for a section of the perimeter around the masters who prepared to conjure their wall of light. For now however, the Wilder waited, a pair of bright golden eyes watching from the gloom of the shadows atop his night black ride.
Tides of Change


Elias could feel the creature’s pain. It was powerful, frustrated, and unbridled. He’d seen a similar reaction to the Dark Side in animals before, beneath the ruins of an ancient Sullustan temple. But what he felt now seemed much more potent than before, like the darkness itself was flowing wholly through the Ukatian fauna. Willing them to cause harm where none was necessary.

Elias held his hand out, trying to calm the creature… or at the very least, ward it off.

He couldn’t quite tell what it was, but it was certainly large. Elias felt the earth rumble beneath his boots as the beast crushed limbs and foliage beneath its hooves. It kept its distance from him, likely as its only method of keeping the darkness at bay - if Elias chanced getting any closer, he doubted the animal could control its rage. Instead, he respected its plight, and it seemed to honor that in its own, animalistic way. Rather than charge, it paced ferociously through the woodlands. A few tense moments passed, each one feeling like an eternity, but eventually the beast went on, away from the Jedi. Elias let out a sigh.

“This is worse than I thought,” he said to himself. He eased up his shoulders and stood upright once more. A short distance away, he could hear a group of Padawans.

It was dangerous in these woods, but he was confident the group would triumph over the nexus. Especially with so many skilled Knights and Masters working together to cleanse the heart of darkness that had stirred up this madness.

Besides, if they fell into real trouble, he wouldn’t be far.

Tags: OPEN
Proximity: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Thelma Goth Thelma Goth | Ko Vuto Ko Vuto | Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru | Loomi Loomi | +OTHERS

Jem stood apart from the rest and watched the river rush with a fixated expression.

The last time she had been around this much corruption was the day they had destroyed her father's home on Exegol. She had told herself that purifying water would be easy after that, but she could feel with frightening clarity that that wasn't true. Her father's throne wasn't here but the power still beckoned her to seize it.

It existed in the river's murky depths-- a dark nexus of sacrifices that she understood all too intimately. She wanted to warn Val, but for a moment it was too hard to speak. The darkness still wanted her. The disappointment was enough to crush the breath in her chest. Exegol hadn't cured her, but maybe that wasn't the point. That day had been all about making a choice.

Like today was a choice.

She stood resolved at the edge of the river bank-- Alone. Jem the Jedi.

Ready to chose light again.

She cleared her throat and silently reached her mind out, supporting Valery Noble Valery Noble with the first offer of bolstering light. Jem had been practicing how to meld.
Last edited:

LOCATION: Ukatis, Woods
@TAGS: Loomi Loomi Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

a wave of her internal fear would surely begin to wash over Braze.
She froze. A cold shiver ran up her spine as she heard the voice she always dreaded most.
“Let’s just have faith that the knights and masters here can make short work of the Nexus. Hey, maybe if they can, all the animals will go back to their natural behavior.” Ko at least hoped that was the case,

Braze stood among his peers, a mix of fear, apprehension, and a glimmer of hope swirling in the air. Sensing their emotions so vividly, he shivered, a wave of unease passing through him. He took a deep breath, attempting to shake off the overwhelming sensations that coursed through his body.
Braze shivered and rubbed his arms briefly drawing a breath and sighing softly before shaking his head as if trying to dispel the sentiments he was feeling. It was an unfamiliar experience, feeling their emotions so intensely through their unique Force bond. Yet, Braze was determined to rise above it.

With a resolute expression, Braze pushed aside the sentiments of doubts and embraced newfound confidence. He wanted to be a beacon of reassurance for his companions, to show them that they were capable of handling whatever challenges lay ahead. He drew strength from his past experience, recalling the encounters with stripe-tailed menaces and the successes he had achieved alongside Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania . The memory of their efforts fueled his belief in his own abilities to handle the situation at hand.

Following Ko's lead Braze moved his draw his saber hilt, igniting his green lightsaber, its hum casting a soft glow, Braze illuminated the immediate area, bringing a sense of warmth and security. He wanted his presence to serve as a reminder that they were not alone, that they had each other's backs.

"Alright, everyone," Braze spoke with determination, his voice cutting through the tension. "We've faced tough challenges before, and we've come out on top. This is no different. Together, we'll wrangle those rabid critters, calm them down, and make them non-threatening. We've got this!"

Braze tried to embolden himself with excited confidence and tried to project it along with a sentiment of reassurance that they, could handle this. He actively and fervently projected his confidence outward, hoping to instill a sense of courage in his companions through their unique little force bond.

" It's okay guys. We got this. We wouldn't be here if our masters didn't think we could handle it. " Braze said trying to sound positive about it all. "And Ko's right. If we can keep the critters focused on us, It will make things easier where it really counts. Let's do our part, and have faith. We're a team, and we'll get through this. Trust in yourselves, trust in each other, and trust in the Force."

Braze wanted more than anything to prove himself on a mission and show that he had value and that he could contribute. He wanted to do something right for once, and he was adamant about that moment being now. Before he may have focused selfishly only on himself but now he was forced to face the reality of being a part of a team and his teammates needed reassurance. For the first time, it was as if he could see clearly the bigger picture.


The fear didn't leave Loomi, but she very much responded positively to the reassurance. A wave of confidence would return as she gave a nod. She was here for a reason. The Godoan turned to Aliris, managing to give the other girl a warm smile.

They would get through this together. She'd make sure of it.

As they walked along, Loomi pulled out a shimmering bundle, a net woven from the force. It was currently furled up, but it looked as though it could stretch out a good distance. She had prepared it for just this occasion, hoping that there was still a way to help cure the racyons of their corruption.

"M-maybe we can snare the critter with this," she suggested. "I-I made it last night. I-It's real strong, so maybe it's enough to hold 'em until the corruption is gone."

The less they had to kill the better. She didn't want to kill anything.


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