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The Pyramids of Tygara (Siobhan)

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Soon it was all over. Fires crackled and died in the chamber as the last of the machines spasmed to a stop.

Sahal poked one of the fallen machines gingerly. When it did not respond she sheathed her weapon.
“Are you hurt, Lady?” she asked Siobhan.
“I am fine, by the way,” Kar’zakush grumbled to herself. She would need to use the equivalent of kolto on her wounds later; something which looked like a mix of quick-dry cement and putty.

The Kar’zun wandered over to the panels and poked around, trying to learn anything interesting she might from them.
“Hmm, seems like the Zeta Radiation is growing. We need to find whatever is causing that and stopping it.”

The whole pyramid started to hum, gradually building.
[member="Sahal Jai Azal"]

Here goes nothing, Siobhan thought to herself. Dying from radiation caused by ugly megalomaniacs was not on her agenda. "Kar'zakush, see if the computer tells you anything about how to stop it. Or get that hologram to come back and be useful." She herself tried to access one of the consoles and see if she could learn something. "Sahal, Sahmara, search the room."

The holographic Rakata appeared again. "Greetings, how may I assist you?" it asked in its usual perky tone. The fact that it had sicced spider droids and turrets on them earlier did not seem to affect its mannerisms. "Processing data...Zeta Radiation is growing. Unless shutdown is initiated, it will reach critical level within a span of..."
"Yes, yes," Siobhan cut the hologram off angrily. "Tell me how to shut it down."
"I am sorry, this requires Imperator class authorisation."
"Oh, frak off," Siobhan cursed.
Amidst the loud hum that was building up throughout the pyramid, she heard a call from Sahmara Jai Saobana. "My Lady, there is a black stone door down here! It is covered in strange symbols."
Quickly Siobhan joined her at the door. Looking at the symbols, she frowned. "Should have brought Phylis along," she muttered, after realising that the glyphs meant nothing to her. "You know what, I've had enough of puzzles. Sahmara, step back. Sahal, come over here and heat up the door. I'll cut through it with my lightsabre."
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
For being a…full-figured lady…Kar’zakush was surprisingly nimble when it came to control panels. It helped that the Rakata seemed to favour a very solid method of construction. And though the Rakata had a level of technology far greater than the galaxy had, in some ways this technology was now well known.

Sliding in a computer spike and using an interface window, the Kar’zun set to work.
“Hmmph, bash, huh? I will bash this if it does not connect,” she grumbled as she continued to type. Finally, access of some form was achieved.
“There should be a large black door…” Kar’zakush began. They’d already found it. “I see. Well, beyond that door is a descending staircase which will take us deep into the pyramid. We need to manually close the four central reactor cores manually. There are several chambers around it listed as the ‘Halls of Awakening’. Zombie bug-eyed aliens, I guess. Also, downloading some files from here.”

Meanwhile Sahal went to the wall and called on her inner fire, summoning it to heat and melt the metal. However, for all the fury of her flames, the heat seemed to disappear into the black metal of the door, leaving it barely warmed.

“It steals my fire!” she said in annoyance.
The lightsabre did better…but only a little. Holding the blade to the black metal of the door did scar and burn it, but not enough to gain access.

However, Siobhan would notice something interesting. The door was of solid construction, but it and the doorframe were separate from the wall around it. Were she to exert her very considerable strength in the Force she might be able to push the door and frame clean over with a smash!
[member="Sahal Jai Azal"]

For a moment, Siobhan wondered whether she might have to solve a puzzle. She did not like puzzles. Fortunately, she found something very interesting. Hammer time! "Move away, Sahal."

She took a breath and drew upon the Force. Its power coalesced inside her. Stretching out her hands, she willed a tremendous telekinetic wave to burst forth with the strength of a rampaging Reek. There was a sound akin to a massive thunderclap when her power collided with the door. The door and the frame were knocked clean over with a loud thud.

"When in doubt, there's always a hammer," Siobhan muttered. Well, usually. Ahead of them was a long staircase. Lights were flickering, and alarms blared. Siobhan ignited her lightsabre for better visibility. "Let's go." Noise could be heard from below. Noise that might indicate bug-eyed zombies...
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Kar’zakush had meanwhile been working diligently at the console, tapping away.
“I have finally broken in. The door should be opening no…”
With perfect comedy timing she was cut off by the door smashing down. The Kar’zun sighed.
“I could have done that!” she complained.

Down they passed, heading down in the dim light. There were many noises coming from below. There was whirring and also loud groans and hissing.
“I suspect enemies will soon appear,” Sahal said, keeping a brave face.
“And now you are sounding like me,” Kar’zakush muttered to herself as she tromped down.

True to prediction, there soon came a host of creatures. They might once have been Rakata, but were somehow mutated, shifted.
[member="Sahal Jai Azal"]

A horde of mutated Rakata was upon them. Siobhan had not thought it possible that the creatures could possibly become any uglier, but it seemed that reality had conspired to subvert her expectations.

Their skin was rotten and their eyes showed naught but madness. Some had sprouted claws. Indeed, some of the Rakata looked like they had been fused together. The mob drew close, levelling long spears and sharp swords. As they gathered speed, they let out an alien wail that was impossible for human vocal cords.

"Open fire. Pave a way to the reactors," Siobhan commanded as the howling, fanatical mob charged them. The mutated aliens had brandished heavy and sharp weapons. The Countess triggered a mechanism inside her gauntlet, and a jet of flame sprouted from her concealed wrist flamer.

Screeches were heard when Rakata were caught in the flames, then she raised her hand and blew a number of them away with a telekinetic wave. But they kept charging on. Kar'zakush squeezed off a shot with her plasma cannon and a Rakata turned into red mist. Sahmara added to the fury with her blaster rifle, but was soon compelled to use it as a club or stab enemies with the vibro-bayonet. The Rakata leaped over their own dead to press the attack and corner the team through weight of numbers.

Feeling more than a little irritated, Siobhan advanced to meet their attack. With a precise cut, she sliced an opponent's spear in half. When the enraged Rakata came at her with its claws, she thrust the tip of her blade into its belly. The aliens screeched in unison, manifesting a powerful Force Scream.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
The scream had unfortunate effects upon the two Qadiri. To that point they had fought beside their lady bravely. Sahal summoned fire, indeed enhancing that coming from her Lady’s flamer, and setting the monsters ablaze. When one came close, its putrid flesh burning, she beheaded it swiftly.

Saobhana meanwhile had been firing her blaster accurately, cutting down several of the fiends as they came on. Backing up them all was Kar’zakush who had put aside her cannon and was now using a mix of grenades and a light repeating blaster to cut down more enemies.

But then the scream hit. Since neither of the Qadiri were wearing proper full helmets and with sensitive hearing they both took it hard. Saobhana felt to her knees, her gun clattering away as she clutched her ears in pain. Sahal was barely better off, staggering backward, tripping on a corpse and barely shooting one of the monsters as it came at her with spear raised.
[member="Sahal Jai Azal"]

Seeing that the party was down two members, the Rakata horded charged in full force. The weight of their numbers pressed against the team. Individually they were no match, but there were many of them and they did not fear death or even really care about their survival. It was a primal madness that drove them. Their charge was accompanied by an awful, bone rattling wail.

Siobhan's lightsabre brought death. Her blade cut away the legs of one of her enemies. A mutant who tried to strike Saobana found its blade deflected, then she sent the point of her weapon through its throat. The lightsabre sizzled on contact and the Rakata let out a gurgling scream. But there were so many. Her limbs felt heavy and she was being pushed back. "Stand up and fight!" she shouted towards the Qadiri. Suddenly translucent hands wrapped around her throat.

With a grunt she broke the chokehold. However, it served its purpose as a distraction. A swarm of Rakata charged her. Struck by a polearm she staggered. A last jet of flame escaped her flamer, burning the unclean, then they bullrushed her. Some pounced even while they were still burning. Siobhan vanished beneath a pile of mutants that stabbed, bit, beat and clawed at her. One managed to tear off her helmet. Then there was a burst of blaster fire when Kar'zakush fired on full auto straight into the mob.

Scarlet bolts shot through the air, ripping through mutants. Amidst the mayhem, a blast of telekinetic energy rippled from Siobhan, ragdolling mutants. The Countess emerged from the pile, her face bloody. Rakata hit the walls with heavy thuds. The sickening cacophony of bones being broken on impact could be heard. However, as Siobhan regained her bearings, heavy footsteps were heard. The wailing grew louder - louder than ever. A beast emerged out of darkness. It was grotesque and terrible to behold. It was not a sole Rakata, but rather several of them that had been fused together into a single being. The multi-headed, multi-armed abomination resembled something out of a movie.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Sahal’s ears hurt, her whole head ached. However, she could hear well enough to understand that even Siobhan was having trouble. That was a truly frightening thought, and it made her burn with angry shame. It was her job to be there beside her, not whimpering on the ground!

Resolutely, Sahal stood, seized her weapon and dispatched some of the askew Rakata. However, a new creature was coming, one even more monstrous and bloated than the others. With a cry of mixed pain, anger and defiance Sahal rammed her blade into a last beast and then summoned her power. Fire flared and heat blossomed from her hands like a lance of plasma, tearing into the chest of the last beast.

Kar’zakush switched back weapons and fired a full blast from her cannon straight into the beast. Unfortunately, it seemed that whatever mad science or magic animated it would not let it die easily. Instead it moved towards them, roaring.
[member="Sahal Jai Azal"]

Whilst grotesque in shape, the beast was tough. Even a full-on blast from Kar'zakush's cannon could not bring it down. The shot left a hole inside its putrid flesh, but still it marched onward. A demonic wail escaped its many mouths. Lightsabre in hand, Siobhan confronted it grimly.

A telekinetic slam towards its legs seemed to cause it to stumble somewhat, and she slashed. However, her stroke, one amplified in speed and power by the Force, was intercepted when one of the beast's many arms morphed into a bladed weapon. But before she could press her attack, another bladed arm was there to take its place and the one she had cut off regrew almost instantly.

Indeed, soon she had to protect herself and was forced on the defensive, for the beast's many arms morphed. The abomination came at her with a flurry of attacks. She gave ground, parried, ducked. The huge beast seemed to regenerate from any injury her blade inflicted almost instantly. Indeed, the beast's blades managed to cut through gaps inside her armour.

Panting from the exertions of the day, she changed tactics. Holding her lightsabre in a defensive stance, she harnessed the Dark Side energies that were so strong in this place. Orange tendrils of Force Drain shot from her hands towards it. The beast roared in pain as they acquired purchase on it. Then Saobana hurled a grenade into one of its many mouths.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Saobana had good eyes and aim. It was a necessity for Janissaries as they were often sent into hopeless battles, and every ounce of skill and courage counted. Further, she had been one of those soldiers who had used the notoriously unreliable grenades which were basically pottery containers containing a wick and gunpowder. Often more dangerous to the user than the enemy, such a grenade could still do damage.

Now though she had a different style of grenade. The thermal detonator arced through the air slowly, but accurately. In its pain, some savage instinct gripped the beast and it bit down on the detonator. It was its last act.

A swiftly growing sphere of energy removed everything of the monster except a pair of humorous smoking legs. Part of the wall had also been scoured away, the first damage which they had inflicted on it. The smell was terrible.

In the silence, the last of the mutants fled into the darkness, and silence descended.
Sahal gave Saobana a nod, then came to bow before Siobhan.
“Lady, this…I…apologise for my weakness. It shall not happen again.”
[member="Sahal Jai Azal"]

A most foul stench had filled the air. The smell was appalling. The rancid air invaded Siobhan's nostrils, as she had been deprived of her helmet during the melee. It helped make her mood quite foul, too.

Fortunately, the mutants were gone. Sahal came up to her, looking ashamed. "Focus," she said sternly. "We don't have time to dilly-dally." Indeed, at this very moment a surprisingly chipper, computerised Rakata voice could be heard.

"Zeta Radiation approaching critical levels..."

"Right on cue. The four reactors are up ahead. We must shut them down manually," Kar'zakush reminded them. At least this time her slicing skills might actually be used, instead of being overridden by someone bludgeoning their way through.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
By good fortune, and perhaps the Force, there were four brave intruders who could shut down the cores!

The lower level of the pyramid, once the mutants had been cleared out, was large, and in each of the four corners was a large tube or container spilling green light out.

Snapped out of her confession, Sahal hurried towards it. There were many buttons and controls on it, but she had no idea what to push. She was wise enough though not to try and push one randomly!

“Get into position!” Kar’zakush called, her voice audible over the rising hissing and zapping of the discharging energy.
Rapidly she worked, tapping away at the controls. Finally she clapped her hands.

“Look at the controls. There is a panel of 16 keys arranged in a grid. We will be pressing some in order. Counting across and then starting again. In unison we must press 12, 9, 1, 8. We press on three. One…two…three!”

If pressed successfully the energy would start to disperse, and the tubes would snap shut. However, they would not be free of potential dangers yet, as a large slab in the centre of the floor started to rise up. A sarcophagus of sorts….
[member="Sahal Jai Azal"]


The energy begin to dissipate and the tubes were rapidly snapped shut. The party relaxed visibly. Saobana let out the breath she had been holding. She had understood preciously little of all this talk about Zeta Radiation, but she understood that it was very bad and meant harm for her and hers.

However, then a large slab suddenly rose into the middle of the room. Siobhan approached it warily, ignited lightsabre held in one hand. "Kar'zakush, check it out," she ordered, activating her own scanning device. Who knew what the sarcophagus might contain. Maybe just a completely mundane corpse...
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
The law of narrative drama dictated that the sarcophagus would not contain a mere desiccated skeleton. Or rather, it did, but this one was a little more alive than was normal.

A creature rose up, a ghostly shimmer surrounding its skeleton form. As Kar’zakush approached the spectre looked down on them.

“The Day of Awakening has come, but too late. Now interlopers and dregs infest my tomb.” It scanned them all briefly with burning blue lights where its eyes should have been.
“Is there any in this rabble with the authority to deal with me, or the wisdom to understand me?” it demanded. Even the most arrogant and conceited Sith and Jedi would be put to shame by his demeanour.

“However, I am nothing if not merciful and generous to those who see me as their true master. Gifts I can give, of power, technology and wisdom which you have not. We might be able to make a bargain for whatever it is you wish. In return for my gifts and favour you might advance my cause in this world to prepare for my return….”

Sahal, having followed through the commands with the machine with difficulty, was annoyed. Her head and her ears especially hurt, she was battered and bruised all over, and this ghost creature was lecturing her. It sounded patronising.

She started to summon fire in her hands, perhaps guessing it’d come to battle soon.
[member="Sahal Jai Azal"]

The ghost talked. And talked. And talked. It was more than wordy enough to be a Jedi Councillor and host a Conclave. Siobhan had had enough. "Do you know that your people are cannibalistic savages?" she finally interrupted the spirit. Thereupon he glared at her with as much anger as he could muster. His eyes looked like they would shoot blue fire if he could.
"You dare insult the mighty Rakata race? You dare even address me as if you were an equal? You will be punished ten-fold for your insolence. Bow before me and plead for mercy for your unworthy existence, and I might spare you from an eternity of agonies the likes of which you cannot possibly fathom..."
"They do not have the Force; they have forgotten how to use all their technology," Siobhan continued. "Oh, and humans lord it over them." The energies of the Force coalesced inside her.
"You will..."
"Inherit your ship." Then orange tendrils of Force Drain shot from her hands. The spirit writhed, twitched and screeched as its life force was consumed. Then finally he was gone, having dissipated into nothingness.
"That was anticlimactic," Kar'zakush commented.
"Subverting expectations," Siobhan replied smugly.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Sahal looked puzzled, confused. She seemed to be expecting that the spirit would return, so she kept the flame burning in her hand. Finally, she let it out so the fire impacted the walls.
“This place…is empty now?” she asked into the echoing silence.
“It seems so. The radiation has been contained.”
Sahal looked at Siobhan. “Lady…is this pyramid a ship which can fly?” she asked, somewhat excited.

Saobhana meanwhile looked inside the crypt warily. No enemy leapt out though. It was empty save for a pair of armbands.
[member="Sahal Jai Azal"]

"Seems so," Siobhan responded. "We'll have to clear out all the dust, translate all the menus into Basic and get rid of whatever surprises the Rakata left behind." She got a very cheeky thought. "Maybe I should take it for a joyride to Zeheb. That would be quite a sight, wouldn't it?"
"Don't get ideas about going up against an actual warship in space," Kar'zakush grunted. "This whole pyramid structure is even more comically exposed than a Star Destroyer's bridge tower."
"Yes, but it looks neat and I like it," Siobhan insisted. "Sahmara, relax, dear," she ordered Saobhana, who was still on guard. The armbands caught her eye. "What's this?"
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
When it came to grandiose displays a flying pyramid would be perfect. No one could dispute the magnificence of the one who brought such a craft home.

“Please make it fly!” Sahal said enthusiastically.

Kar’zakush set about getting the engines engaged…without reopening the Zeta radiation. It would also entail a journey to the bridge.

The armbands though were made of gold and wound around with runes and pictographs which were delicately carved. They were strange though as they seemed to be locked closed almost like they were a pair of golden manacles. A very odd thing to have in a tomb.

Sahmara finally relented and let out a sigh, letting her weapon lower.
“Is that it, Lady, have we done it?”
[member="Sahal Jai Azal"]

"We are, dear," Siobhan said indulgently. "Let's see if we can get this thing flying." She picked up the armbands on the way. After Kar'zakush had finished doing her thing and made sure the squishy mammals would not get cancer from radiation, the party made its way to the bridge. It took a bit to get there. The corridor was needlessly long.

Unsurprisingly, the bridge was very large - needlessly so. It seemed the Rakata subscribed to the idea that big and grandiose meant better. Typical totalitarian megalomaniacs. Regardless, Siobhan looked approvingly when her gaze fell upon the enormous gilded throne. "Oh, I like that," she declared.
"Careful that it doesn't electrocute you," Kar'zakush grunted.
"You'd like, that wouldn't you?"
"No, I haven't been paid yet."
Undetterred Siobhan walked up to the throne. Bending down, she examined it a bit. She took note of the control panels on the arm rests. After brushing some dust away, she sat down. The throne seemed to have its own shield generator. "Not bad. Needs some redecorating."

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