Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Quest (Jedi)

You've got to be kidding me...

Darron was kicking himself for being late from the debriefing he had just been in, his last assignment had gone quite well, yet the explanation of it all had been rather lengthy. The echoes of his boots against the marble floors beneath indicated he was in a hurry, luckily he had already read the briefing on this mission. He just had no idea who all would be going on this, archaeology isn't exactly my forte. His face hardened a little at the thought, this wasn't simply archaeology and he and everyone involved either knew or would know that. The star maps that were being talked about in the briefing room only feet away were going to lead and great and powerful things, guess that's why such a large contingent is involved. His thoughts traveled down multiple paths as he made his way to the room, so engrossed in them that he didn't even notice as he almost barreled over his former Padawan Rosa.

"I am so sorry Rosa, apologies. I just got back in this morning, I meant to message you as soon as I got in."

The sincerity of his words was true, yet he had to nod an apology as the pair made their way into the back of the room. He quickly sat down and adjusted the plain Jedi robes he was currently wearing at the moment, Luckily, the pair managed to catch the tail end of the briefing and the Jedi Master quickly whispered to Rosa so that no one else could hear his voice. "I really am sorry, I know you saw the report and how dangerous my last assignment was. I trust the Order is keeping you away from politics?" The sarcasm in his voice clued her in on the fact that he knew what her last assignment had been. Must be nice to only deal with politicians...I had to kill two Sith Lords. Although, at least I know who my enemies are.

Darron managed to keep himself from laughing out loud at the thought, trying to keep the appearance of seriously listening, even if he had been severely late.
A familiar feeling took her over seconds after she had spoken and the one green, one blue eye suddenly looked around and found the reason for it. Her daughter Spencer, sat in a corner quiet. Her face expression seemed so sad. Offering a warm smile in her direction, Satara realized her daughter had been looking at Phylis Alince and her eyes wandered to the other female then back at her daughter and back again at the Jedi Knight. She was a tad big confused right now.

The blue haired and pink skinned man introduced himself as Jaxton to her. "Satara Hawk," she told him and took his hand. It was still an odd custom to her, shaking hands. But she had learned that it was what outsiders did and she was open-minded enough to do so, even with a male.

Her attention was stolen when another voice reached her hearing and her head turned to see a blue haired girl to whom she only nodded. Another one joined them after that and then the meeting would begin. Phylis brought her attention to the map then and Satara listened. It was not one she was familiar with. A Rakatan Star map, created by a powerful race that once controlled the race. There was plenty of history involved into it, even one that almot brought about the conquering of the Republic.

Satara focused on it for a big longer but the more she looked, the more her lesser knowledge pervailed. "How does one read such a map?" Before she would hear a man mentioning the Star Forge used the Dark Side to power it. That was something the female didn't touch. The Darkside was a forbidden path, one that shouldn't have been touched in any way. Jaxton's suggestion seemed a tad big more reasonable. "I'd have to agree. Dabbling with darkside artifacts is dangerous."

Good. They were in agreement that dangerous things shouldn't be played with. And that they shouldn't fall into the wrong hands. She wasn't sure about the studying it part though.

The Force, it always had a way of reaching out to her. For things she could not feel or see herself, it served to guide her in the right path. Like now, a little nudge had told her to focus on Spencer and when she did, the emotions swelled from her daughter to her. Something was wrong. The mothering nature within her suddenly erupted. Satara had been ready to chant her spell of Mind Touch and reach out to her daughter right here and now but before she could, it appeared as though Phylis and Spencer were now speaking to each other. The emotions kept hitting her, from her daughter as her focus remained on her.

With the gesture un-missed to her, Satara moved to Spencer instead, kissing her on the top of her head as soon as she reached her. Using telepathy as a way of not disrupting the meeting, she spoke out to Spencer. 'What's the matter, darling girl? Your emotions keep reaching out to me and none them good.' She still kept an ear out for the meeting though since it was why she had been summoned but her daughter mattered to her.

@[member="Spencer Jacobs"] @[member="Phylis Alince"] @[member="Jaxton Ravos"]
Spencer smiled happily as she was overjoyed that her puppy dog look totally worked on @[member="Phylis Alince"]. She had been working on the face since she had gotten in trouble when she had returned. Spencer knew deep down inside of Phylis, that the harshness she was having to portray was eating her alive. It helped being an empath, though Spencer didn’t like that the woman was having these internal conflicts and she promised herself she wouldn’t disappear anymore…well too often.

Spencer moved towards @[member="Satara Hawk"] and felt the woman’s warm kiss on her forehead. Affection was something she missed greatly. When she had been brought to the temple when she was young, it was rough but the times she had with her mother were precious. Of course, her mother being sensitive to emotions read the blonde child like a book. Spencer looked away unsure if she should tell the woman everything that had happened. More than likely she would get into trouble, but it would be better coming from her than from Phylis.

Hazel eyes fell to ground as she pondered what to say next, her mother spoke to her through telepathy and Spencer answered back in the same fashion.

Mother, I haven’t’ been good at all. Well according to what I’m told is being good. I ran off again…This time I ran into a dark Jedi. She said she had been looking for me…she taught me some things that are influenced by my empthy…I helped pacify a village so that they didn’t fight her…and the Sith. I used my empathy to influence their emotions….stopping the fight. I helped change the outcome – but I didn’t realize that –I was being a bad girl…”

Spencer slumped into her Mother as she went over again what she had done. She wasn’t remorseful for the fact that she helped people…she just didn’t know she was helping the Sith. In her mind, she changed the galaxy for the better.
The look away from her spoke volumes. Her children almost never strayed their gaze so but she knew the meaning of it. She herself had used it as young girl when she had done something wrong or believed she had done something wrong. Green and blue gaze carefully studied her blonde child as her attention focused on the floor, Spencer's voice coming through in her mind.

She hadn't been good at all. She ran off, ran into a Dark Jedi, helped the person pacify a villaeg so they wouldn't fight the Sith, used her empathy to influence their emotions, helped change the outcome... she was being a bad girl.

'What was the outcome, Spencer?' Satara asked then, before saying anything else. Her tone was one her daughter would recognize, that of a teacher rather than a mother.

@[member="Spencer Jacobs"]


Disney's Princess
The Training Room

Karen wiggled her toes playfully while she listened to Selena and Phylis' comments. She noticed the blonde girl in the corner and smirked to herself. Remembering her own days as a reckless Padawan with glee and mirth. Ah yes. Kids and dangerous missions. Sigh. Some things never changed.

She kept her mouth shut and waited patiently. Karen had no questions. Only expectations.


Kaia L'cwa

Spencer hadn't been the only one sitting quietly in a corner of the room through everything. Another corner was occupied by Kaia, who simply sat alone because she did not know any of these people. They were all strangers to her, and Kaia had a flaw when it came to talking to people she didn't know. She didn't like to do it. Not because she didn't want to know them, but because it bothered her to try and get to know them. She'd been taught to be so subservient during her time as a pleasure slave that sometimes she forgot what it meant to have a will of your own. She knew deep inside that she should stop being this way, but when there were so many people around her that she didn't know it became sort of like a protective bubble.

Either way, she watched quietly as everyone spoke about what they were doing and why they were there. She watched the blonde girl across the way walk over to the dark haired woman and hug her. That made her miss her Pride and she found herself looking away, instead focusing on the star chart because it would keep her mind safely occupied away from the pains of the past. While others asked questions about what they were doing, she saw no problems in the plans and didn't say a word. They weren't going to be doing things to hurt people, so she was alright with it all. Besides, some of these people were very strong in the Force, especially her Master, @[member="Darron Wraith"], whom she watched walk in late.

Rosa Gunn

Rosa shot Darron a dark look at his comment, the sarcasm in his voice told her that he knew full well the Order was not keeping her out of politics. "There's a restaurant not far from here called Emerald House, very high class takes weeks to get a table, unless you know how to pull the right strings," she said looking away from him and at the Star Map "When we get back from this, you can take me there to make up for the fact you never messaged me." she smiled sweetly and gave his leg a squeeze before focusing on what was before her.

She had had her history drilled into her from a young age so the Rakata history and information about their artefacts were well known to her. "For the moment then this is a search and rescue mission, we follow the trail of your team and assess the situation when we get there. We could sit here guessing about sith and builder technology until the dawn comes, but it won't get us anywhere. When do we leave?" She had enough of debates for one day, politicians were bad enough but she had come to learn that Jedi could be just as bad once you get them started.
"Good thing I saved the owner back before I was frozen, I could manage a table. Though why would I get a table at a fancy restaurant for my former Padawan over a call I didn't have to make?" He made sure to let his sarcasm show in his words, because without the proper inflection they would look rather crude and uncaring of him. The squeeze of her hand caused him a momentary spike of elation, yet he kept his feelings under wraps by masking his feelings in the Force if only for a moment or two. The last thing this mission needed was the mess that the pair had created during Rosa's training, yet how can there be a mess if we have never done anything? The thought had caused Darron to have some sleepless nights and some trouble meditating, they were friends yet at their core there seemed to be more. It was almost as if something else was there, below the surface, just waiting to be released by the right stimulus, or a catalyst.

The Jedi quickly noted all the faces in the room, and he smiled and managed a polite nod to Kaia, his newest apprentice. I do hope she is enjoying herself, he mused to himself. She had been rather quiet here lately, and not really opened up to him during training. Some people are just different Wraith, give it time and then you can help her when she wants your help. Seeing he had no input to give, other than tag along and provide security and observations on this mission. The Jedi Master leaned back in his chair and intently listened as the other's discussed the mission.
Aston Jacobs, however was quite the entire duration of this meeting. His hands held together in his lap and he just stared at them, not making any kind of eye contact with anyone. Aston still working on his empathic abilites, he hadn't gotten them entirely down yet. He was there, but then wasn't in many ways. He was listening, but then his thoughts were drifting to one person, someone of his own blood, his sister Spencer Jacobs. He knew what she was feeling, hurt...Aston felt guilty, and this feeling weighed heavily on his mind, so heavy that when a padawan tried to speak to him he completely brushed it off like he wasn't even there and he was just speaking to a shade.

He glanced over as she spoke with their mother and he just stared for a few moments. Aston hoped and prayed with every fiber in his being that she wasn't getting into to much trouble at all. Aston took a deep breath and continued to sit their quietly, not moving until he was told to, or he felt like it. All the while he thought about the task at hand, and his sister Spencer.

You are guilty. These were the words, meant for him that cut through the young padawans' mind. Whether they were true or not was another story. They however were still there lingering like a knife in his back, seemingly driving him insane.
@[member="Satara Hawk"], @[member="Spencer Jacobs"], @[member="Aston Jacobs"]

It was time. He'd heard about this mission, and he could feel them all there. It was time and he was both nervous and scared as hell about going and approaching the twins and their mother. Satara he knew very well, and cared for very much. She might be happy to see him as he hadn't seen her since the little ones had been conceived. He'd known that he wouldn't, though, and had told her that very fact. It didn't change his apprehension.

For a moment or two, he stood outside of the room, trying to calm his nerves. He could feel them. All of them. He could feel right where Aston was, and Satara was standing with their daughter. There were butterflies flittering around in his stomach, but he had to do this. So he opened the door and stepped inside, his eyes flitting first to Aston, who he sensed distress from, and then to Satara and Spencer. Oh his children were so beautiful... How he'd longed for this day.

Satara... I... Introduce me to them? I don't know how to start.

Rosa Gunn

Rosa smiled at Darron, tilting her head to one side here eyes glittering with mischief "Because Darron, as my least favourite person it would benefit you greatly to...shall we say...grovel? Yes I think grovel is an appropriate word. And if you don't I will sulk for weeks and you don't want to see my sulk face." She pouted and folded her arms over her chest, perfectly mocking the image of a child that had been refused sweets.

She couldn't hold it for long though and a smile broke across her face as she had to look away from Darron to avoid laughing out loud. The intense emotion in the far corner of the room piqued her interest and she extended her empathy to get a better gauge on who was feeling what. The young ones were troubled, she recognised Spencer from the day the sith had come to the temple. The others however she did not know.
The outcome? Her mother wanted to know the outcome, she had expected to get reprimanded quickly for the things she had done. Spencer still uneasy about the outcome looked towards her Master. She had disappointed the woman greatly and knew that there was no fixing it. Looking back towards her mother she shrugged and sighed softly. The outcome was to her liking, but when looking at it in a broader spectrum it caused more problems for the republic.

Spencer also knew, she couldn’t fully tell her mother the complete story. Ashin had plans and Spencer knew she couldn’t tell everyone those plans. They would endanger Ashin and Spencer wouldn’t be able to live with herself if she ruined things. The padawan closed her eyes still listening to the meeting and responded to her mother.

The Sith gained territory. That’s what I feel guilty about, I don’t feel guilty and bad for protecting the people that would have lost their life if they would have fought the Sith. I have a lot to think about Ma’dri. I want to change the galaxy, save it from itself.

Something hit her as she finished explaining things to her mother, her brother was here and it seemed he was troubled by something. Guilt? Tilting her head she smiled at her brother and shook her head. She knew what he was referring too, it helped that their minds were similar and open books for each other. Spencer didn’t want Aston to beat himself over this; he did tend to want to protect her all the time. Giving the boy a tug mentally she spoke to him in his mind – their special way of communicating.

Aston, you have nothing to be guilty of…I did this of my own accord and I’ll take the consequences, but don’t beat yourself up please.

A man had suddenly walked up to Satara; Spencer didn’t know who he was, though she did get a good feeling from his arrival. Either way, she’d wait till her mother intervened and spoke for her. The man seemed to know her mother, for what reasons Spencer didn’t know, either way she waited for her Mother’s response.

@[member="Aston Jacobs"] @[member="Kamon Vondiranach"] @[member="Satara Hawk"] @[member="Phylis Alince"]
Phylis...was a little annoyed. She was, after all, discussing possible ancient and terrible superweapons! Instead her meeting seemed to have turned into a family meeting for Spencer, and a meeting of various other Jedi. Phylis did like to be the centre of attention, but since the meeting was done, there wasn't much else to do but let it go.

"Thank you, my friends. We'll leave tomorrow from the dock. I'll have transports ready to take us to Ossus. Pack whatever gear you think you will need. I will bring all my notes and other materials if I can. May the Force be with us!" She looked at @[member="Darron Wraith"] and @[member="Kamon Vondiranach"], both Jedi Masters but neither had tried to take over control of the operation yet. That was good.

With that done she walked over to @[member="Spencer Jacobs"], @[member="Satara Hawk"] and the others. This seemed a good moment to discuss some important matters.... "Satara? I'm Phylis Alince, your daughter's Master," she said politely.
On that note, Padak rose, then walked over to his Master, @[member="Darron Wraith"] . He was excited for the mission. A close look at a Rakatan artifact! He had always enjoyed reading of their achievements, though not the means they used to achive them. He approached his Master.

"Master, what do you think I should bring?"
The Sith had gained territory. That was what Satara had been afraid of. But her daughter didn't feel guilty that she had protected the people from loing their lives. Satara sighed. Her fingertips gently over Spencer's hair. 'Sweet child, you are still too young. Perhaps it had been a mistake to let you go to the Jedi so young.' Satara had been against it. Madoc on the other hand had great faith in all their children and even though Spencer and Aston weren't his and he knew, they had raised them together. He saw them as his own and treated them as so since the first day. 'You cannot make that decision for the people. They have a right to fight for themselves, for their freedom.' She told her firmly. But Spencer was too young, she wasn't even born during the great attack on their clan, when so many had perished. So much had been lost then. But no Witch would give up on their right to defend themselves and their territory. Not for a second.

Before she could discuss this any further, another presence had caught up with her and Satara glanced away from Spencer, seeing her son. 'We shall discuss this later,' She told her daughter and and gestured to Aston to join them.

And then there was another presence. Once she had not felt in years. It hit her just as soon as the doors opened, her one green, one blue eye quickly focusing there. Her Master, the father of her children. He spoke in her head as well, wanting her to introduce him to Spencer and Aston. Satara glanced at the twins, one by one. She wanted to but perhaps the meeting wasn't right for it. 'Come over,' the Witch finally told him. Apparently there was no better time, any was good. Spencer's incident was something they would dicuss later one.

Waiting for him, she heard Phylis Alince address the group as a whole. They would leave tomorrow from the dock, transports would be waiting for them to set for Ossus. And then she heard her name and she turned to face the other Jedi Knight. Spencer's Master. She did not know that though the interaction she had seen earlier now made perfect sense. Spencer asked for her permission to speak to her own Mother. That would certainly go on a pet peeve for the mother within her but as a trainer, she understood. Witches were strict with their students as well. "Phylis." She addressed the female in the manner she had been addressed. If she had learned of the woman being her daughter's trainer before Spencer's confession, now the Jai Knight would have receieved a compliment for her work as a trainer but the newly discovered information worried her. "Perhaps we could speak more privately?" She asked then, her gaze focused, quietly revealing to her that it was a serious matter. Phylis could easily assume what it was about.

@[member="Spencer Jacobs"] @[member="Aston Jacobs"] @[member="Kamon Vondiranach"] @[member="Phylis Alince"]
Phylis nodded her assent and they moved to a quiet area of the room. "Firstly, Satara, I would like to compliment you on having such a brave and resourceful daughter. However, I feel it is my duty to tell you that I am deeply concerned with some of her recent actions. For her to go off on her own is not unusual, but now it seems she inadvertently helped the Sith...this is a very disturbing matter. Her gifts in the Force are set aside a stubbornness and naivety which is concerning. I fear for her, Satara, and if she does not start listening to me or the other Jedi she will be removed from the Order or even kept confined if she is thought to be a danger. Please work with me to help her see the wisdom in listening to me. I am not expecting blind obedience, but I am asking her to trust me and obey me in matters where he life is at risk."

She sighed. "It breaks my heart to go to you because it is an acceptance that I have in a way failed her. I am still new to being a Master, and perhaps I forgot just how difficult I could be as a student."


Disney's Princess
Karen gave a happy nod to Jaxton and then stood up to leave. She would be at the Docks tomorrow with a Starfighter and ready to rumble. Until then, she was needed elsewhere. She smiled to all those present and left the room.
You know I still will. Aston glanced over at Spencer and flashed a small smile, and then caught a glimpse of his mother and without saying a word he slowly stood up and made his way over to where they were. Some individuals had left while others had remained, as Satara and Phylis spoke among each other. The young padawan's mind moved towards his sister.

Maybe if I would have been there possibly something might have gone differently. I don't want to see you get hurt. His words moving through the echoes of the force and would reach Spencer within the moment he thought of them. His hand moved to his sisters shoulder and he gave it a small affectionate squeeze.
Whatever happens, I will stand at your side regardless of the consequences.
Come over. Yes, he would come over. He walked towards them, eyes barely leaving both Spencer and Aston. The look in them likely betrayed him. He hadn't seen either of them, not once, but he knew they were his. He could feel it. They looked so much like him. Spencer had her mother in her too, but both of them bore the looks of him, especially in their hair. These were his children, the one's he waited so long to meet, the ones he desperately wanted to know more than anything. Finally he could meet them.

But as he approached, another Jedi appeared to steal Satara away, which left him alone with the twins. Kamon was not usually one to be betrayed by nerves and emotion when around others. He was an Echani and a Jedi Master and he knew how to control himself. So why was he so nervous? Maybe he thought they would hate him. Of course, he'd heard that they were leaving the next day for this mission. He was going to go, because he wanted to be near his family, but his mind was focused on the twins.

"Could you two sit down for a moment?"

Satara had been stolen away and he couldn't contain himself into standing quietly in awkward silence while the two Jedi Knight's conversed in private. Both of these two he sensed confusion from. Partly about him, partly about something else. He waited for them to either sit or ignore his request before he continued.

"I was hoping your mother could introduce me but the other Knight over there seems to have stolen her away. Which is fine, I should be able to do this on my own." Look at you, rambling away. Spit it out. "I am Jedi Master Kamon Vondiranach, and I'm your father."

@[member="Satara Hawk"], @[member="Spencer Jacobs"], @[member="Aston Jacobs"], @[member="Phylis Alince"]
At her suggestion, the other Knight agreed and they moved away from her children. With the corner of her eye, she caught Kamon approaching the twins but Phylis already began speaking and she focused on her words.

First the compliment on such a brave and resourceful daughter. She smiled at that. Spencer was indeed just that. But all her children had their unique talents, some within the Force and others within their very nature. The woman though was concerned about this particular child and Satara couldn't help but agree considering what she had just heard. Phylis called it disturbing behavior. It was certainly a problem and she would have expected her to know better. While without truly experience with darksiders, the lessons had been given. Satara had been foolish to think that would be enough.

She listened to the woman as she finished, said her entire piece before she let out a sigh at it all. "She is too young. And stubborn and naive, just as I was at her age." It was an honest remark. At Spencer's age, Satara had been far too native and stubborn, influenced by her corrupted Aunts, believing them to be wise and good. They had paid for their crimes but the memory of it all remained. She had learned from it.

Talk of removal or confinement though, it made her look at her daughter. "Perhaps... she was too young to leave home. Her older siblings experienced the darksiders on their own skin, learned from the battles we were forced to have on Dathomir. Spencer, and Aston, are both too young and inexperienced." Wisdom in listening to her Master? No expecting blind obedience? "As long as you serve the order and make her a better warrior, do not corrupt her in anyway blind obedience is what you should have. A good trainer, a teacher knows better. I've always encouraged all my children to be open-minded, to question but they always had to listen to me. Perhaps you're a little too lenient with her?" The female asked, getting a good look at the woman. She was young herself, new to guiding another. This appeared to be as much of a learning experience to her as it was to her daughter.

"You both obviously have much to learn. I will help you." Satara knew of inexperience. Her eldest daughters were nothing but pride to her. Her son, firstborn male in her family, was treated far too well, far too easy. Perhaps that had been the reason he had fallen to the darkside. Satara promised herself not to repeat her mistake again. She loved each and every one of her children but being strict with them was part of her duty. "But you have to be her trainer, not her friend."

@[member="Phylis Alince"]

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