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Approved NPC The Rancidus Order

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" Now embrace you're affliction and accept you're ongoing state.
You're filled with an anger that you cannot sate.
Burn from within, then unleash you're hate.
Only then will you realize, you're freed from hellish fates.
For rage has set us free and placed our enemies on their knees."


  • Intent: To give Kezeroth the Hateful a unwarranted cult like following and surround him with like minded people.
  • Image Credit: N/A - All images I did in Photoshop.
  • Role: To be used mainly as opposition against Corellian Confederation, to better flush out the return of Kezeroth the Hateful and be used to house all sorts of scum.
  • Links: N/A

  • Description: The Rancidus Order is a force order and/or cult of rejected force sensitives and none force sensitives of varying backgrounds, species and culture. Roughly one quater of the cult is comprised of force-wielders while the rest simpley do no possess the gift and are non-force wielders. A Order devoted to the same dogma, values and pasts. Bond together through the terrors civilization and society can inflict. Tortured, crippled and mutilated. Each member of the Rancidus Order displays their scars for all to see be it physical, emotional or mental. Their scars and handicaps representing their horrific anger and hatred. They reject the mesh of hypocritical laws and rules of the modern era. The Rancidus Order is without any such shackles of law. The weak will die, the strong will prevail and hate persists to burn. Through their expressions of anger and hate they believe they are freed from the worries of life and claim to receive visions of the future from mindless fits of directed rage. The Rancidus Order is vile, cruel and knows no bounds. They will tear down and strip an area of its resources and use them to build their own concluded preconceived notion of how a "real" society should be.

  • Unit Size: Large
  • Unit Availability: Uncommon
  • Unit Experience: Recruit
  • Combat Function: Honor-less combatants that will use anything at their disposal. Left to their own devices they resort to pure directed rage and fury toward their opposition. Using raw fury, incredible numbers and a will stronger than beskar to overwhelm their enemies. Directed by someone they view as strong or their "Champion" they are capable of strategic and tactical strikes of limited degree. In the end they are brutes to varying degrees.
  • Large and vast in number. Can easily be replaced and trained the basics.
  • The Rancidus Order is a hammer. They embellish themselves in utter destruction of an area and its people. They are good at one thing and that is chaos and often are very creative in how it will be dished out to spread across planet after planet. No weapon is out of their reach to use against someone.
  • Dogmatic. There is no compromise for their beliefs and are entirely loyal to Kezeroth the Hateful.
  • Infiltration? Whats that?! The Rancidus Order cannot execute sneak attacks, What-so-ever. Period.
  • Extremely dogmatic and fanatical in belief. There is no compromise in their tactics. It is to simply destroy unless directed otherwise by Kezeroth. This makes them extremely predictable.
  • The higher leading council of leaders hold secrets from the lower castes and new recruits



The Rancidus Order has grown rather quickly. Benefiting from those who are sick of countless wars and conquests on the galactic scene the cult first originated on Coruscant in the undercity. From their they slowly grew more and more. The young and old progressively flocked to their cause. They were the refugees, the sick, dying, mutated, rejected, ashamed and exiled. A homeless community settled on riot like behavior inspired off of their champion of fury. During this time One Sith had reign of the world of Coruscant and their they met their perceived avatar and embodied vessel. A Gen'dai named Kezeroth. A cruel and rather insane choice but none the less their chosen. His dark fury and rampages across the undercity was all that was warranted for such a choice, for no other sith nor dark jedi had ever before displayed such intense fury. After the during and after the events of the netherworld, The galaxy as a whole was crippled and those who had everything soon found they had nothing. The Rancidus Order from the start had nothing. Nothing but their hate and anger.

The many desperate flocked to the group in overwhelming numbers culling the old who lead and re-establishing the line with new blood and new traditions. Those who wished to join were to be injected with a rage afflicting drug and be buried alive. Only by fully embracing your instincts and anger could one survive and be purged of all prior reputation. They within the Order who disappeared into the netherworld and survived managed to survive and live with their Champion of hate, Kezeroth. For a time. With a restoration to the galaxy after the netherworld the Rancidus Order was split into two. Those who wished to remain in the galaxy and those who wished to depart and live in the netherworld. This decision thinned the number of the Order greatly in till the death of their Champion on Fresia. Kezeroth had died and his soul banished to the netherworld. Yet another purging or culling occurred after the decisions were made to follow their champion and avatar of rage into the netherworld.

To this day they live in the harsh conditions of the netherworld with the spirit of Kezeroth the Hateful.
[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]

Kezeroth the Hateful said:
Description: The Rancidus Order is a force order and/or cult of rejected force sensitives and none force sensitives of varying backgrounds, species and culture.
Could you give me a rough estimate of how many members of this unit are Force-users? Like, say, in terms of percentage.

Per Codex rules, Majority Force User Units are prohibited from being Large (or Common). So if you want this to be a Large unit, the majority of its members must be NFUs and FUs a clear minority. If you want it to be mostly FUs, it will have to be Medium or Small.

Kezeroth the Hateful said:
Equipment: Sith swords, Force imbued blades, and Reinforced Duraplast armor
Just to clarify, are these just super generic Sith swords? Per Factory rules, alchemised stuff above Semi-Unique is fine as long as it has no special qualities beyond increased resilience. But anything special beyond that falls under the Restricted Material rules.

Kezeroth the Hateful said:
Affiliation: Loyal to Kezeroth the Hateful
Hyperlink Kezeroth's bio.

I'd suggest briefly describing what kind of Force powers the FUs in the unit have access to. It does not need to be in detail, just a rough idea of what they can do with the Force. This is just a suggestion though. The other requests are mandatory.
The Sith swords are strictly generic for this batch. Fodder troops dont need subs, just wookiee pages.

I hyperlinked Kezeroths bio and also another character of mine, Dezorath for loyalties.

Also mentioned a percentage of force users in the group.
Kezeroth the Hateful said:
Roughly one quater of the cult is comprised of force-wielders while the rest simpley do no possess the gift and are non-force wielders.

[member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"] - How do I fair?
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