Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Raven Who Stole Christmas [Invasion of Barab I - Red Ravens vs Black Suns ]

Nei Laa

Grumpy cat? No no no -- grumpy squid!
Location: Esfandia-Class Carrier Corvette
Allies: Red Raven
Enemies: Black Sun
Objective: Drill down into the underground city and take control of the Mining Companies office building.

The Nautolan merely grunted in confirmation when Tahl asked her name. However, the next thing to come out of his mouth caused Nei's head tresses to twitch in confusion. As far as she had heard, they were just supposed to go down and cause havoc -- er, secure some building. "What side mission? We aren't just blowing the kriff outta things?" I swear, if we have to play bait in this new mission I'm going to blow everyone up, she thought angrily. And this stupid kriffin' suit, too.

[member="Tahl Edrel"] [member="Raven Avachei"]
Elegant and depraved.
Location: Space
Allies: RR/OS
Enemies: BS's
Objective: Ensure Kaine doesn't act on his words

Helios sat in the cockpit of his stealthed Daisya Infiltrator as [member="Darth Vonrskr's"] message echoed throughout the small craft. Across the massive space and distance which separated the two Sith Lords, Helios' golden eyes looked upon the Warship bearing the Voice of the Dark Lord. Helios remained silent when the message finished, contemplating the reaction such a piece of audio could draw from the Sith forces present.The actions called forth by Kaine were not only orders that couldn't be fulfilled but were also paired with reckless accusations.

Long, pale fingers caressed the controls on the dashboard of the ship's interior, as he redirected his aureate gaze to the lasers of the Red Ravens as they punched holes into the planet below. Another world, racked by the actions of dark individuals with bad intentions.

Yet, Helios fostered wickedness and vipers at his breast also, inflicting death’s caress with ardent, unforgiving, precision. Was he to suffer for these things and be shown justice? No. Such as history has provided the means to advance life itself further, darkness would continue to exist - to thrive. Helios was a supplier, one whom helped direct fate’s twisted tendrils that stretched towards the caprice of twilight, basilisk born, to snatch, taloned, the only thread of hope that remained in the galaxy.

Moments later, [member="Nickolas Imura"] sounded across the comms, responding to Darth Vornskr. Helios was a Hand of the Dark Lord. Despite the dialogue floating about the Sith comms, he would not interrupt their arguments. Helios cared very little for the banter and exchanges between the Sith, even moreso now. He existed within the One Sith exclusively to carry out the will of the Dark Lord. The Eldorai, alongside the faction's two remaining Hands, were differentiated personifications of the Dark Lord's will itself. Helios, being one of the few Sith to actually communicate with the Dark Lord, had no new holorecordings as he searched for validity in his hologram projector's inbox. Kaine's words were borderline blasphemy at the moment.

The One Sith have an active and official alliance with the Red Ravens. Kaine's solo ties with the Black Sun were none of Helios' concerns, and talking was fine. But should he act on his emotions, and attempt to halt the operations of the Red Ravens, Helios would protect the bulwark of the One Sith's involvement in the invasion without prejudice and without mercy. As is the will of the Dark Lord.
Location: Underground City; Mining Office
Allies: Black Suns
Enemies: Red Ravens [member="Cryax Bane"]
Objective: Objective 2 now Ordan was standing outside of the Mining Office, his Obliterator SMG in his right hand cocked back over his shoulder, waiting for the enemy to attack. He'd heard reports that combat may have been occurring in he depot in orbit around Barab I but down here, underground, nothing had actually happened worth noting yet. Rumbling was heard and all that may have been about to change though. Tilting his head backwards Ordan would look up just as the ceiling of the underground cavern started to crack and rocky debris collapsed downwards giving way to large holes in the roof of the underground lair...

"Well isn't that something."...was all Ordan managed to say as he looked above but the best was yet to come because following that collapse of earth and rock which created a tunnel from the surface was the added rumble of water falling down from above. Water cascaded down from the holes that burst through the ceiling of the cavern above the underground city in large torrents threatening an imminent flood if action was not taken. Likely those in the city itself would attempt to flee this torrent of doom however Ordan would access his comms once again to state..."Activate the pumps. They should buy us some time."...he received a roger on the other end of the comms before going silent... think that someone would build an underground city without any defense from collapse or the threat of flood was hubris. The Pump System that Ordan had activated was arcahic, set into place long ago, however it had been upkept well and would serve its purpose well. All over the city hydraulic pumps would activate, attached to various shafts and other structures, with the sole purpose of filtering water that threatened to drown the underground city back up to the surface. Of course this pumping system wasn't designed for the thousands of metric tonnes that would fall from the holes in the ceiling of the cavern above the city however they would serve to prolong potential flooding and ensure that any other contingency plans could be put into place. Ordan knew there would likely be other plans but this was the one he knew the most about and was probably one of the oldest...

...that done Ordan would have exhaled a slow breath before stating...
"Guess I'll get out of the rain."...he turned and marched back into the Mining Offices where he could keep himself from getting wet. Obviously many of the buildings in the underground city would have their own contingency plans to keep from being flooded as well though these would pale in comparison to the measures taken by the city itself. Anyways Ordan was waiting...
Location: Ice's ship, heading down to objective 2
Allies: Red Ravens
Enemies: Black Suns
Objective: Kill the survivors? Or save them from drowning?

While the drills finished their work and punctured into the underground facilities, the fighters and bombers sent in also carpet bombed any locations above the water that might be a convenient hiding place for AA turrets. While both groups finished up their work, the carrier corvette that everyone was on began to shudder as it descended through the atmosphere accompanied by it's fighter escort to the surface below.

Ice followed the others to the loading dock where they would disembark. He thought about their mission objectives. "Honestly guys....I don't think we will see much in the way of battle. With the drills finished and us heading down. I say we just let the lake fill the place up. Let 'em drown like a bunch of rats. They don't really have anywhere to go." He couldn't help but laugh. Here they were preparing for battle, what they should actually be preparing for is a rescue mission of those few people that manage to pop up to the surface once the place is filled.

"Actually what we should do is head for the main entrance. Go there and wait. Wait with every single gun we have pointed at the entrance waiting for them to pour on out after their stronghold is all submerged. I mean seriously. This is an office building complex, not a submersible. There is no way any spot in that place will be safe from the rising flood waters. What do you think Cryax? Let's go set up a prisoners cage for survivors."

[member="Tahl Edrel"] | [member="Nei Laa"] | [member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Raven Avachei"] | [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] | [SIZE=14.4444446563721px][member="Anastasia Rade"][/SIZE]
Location: Esfandia-Class Carrier Corvette with [member="Ice"]
Allies: Red Ravens [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Nei Laa"] [member="Cryax Bane"]
Enemies: Black Suns
Objective: get to the surface!

Ana was sure in her abilities to take care of business here. She had the skills and abilities of a warrior. War was in her blood even if not from a Mandalorian perspective. Her elder brother ,Graxin, had recently told her she came from a long line of protectors of the Republic. Such news made her think more about the Jedi. She at least needed to learn how to use the saber given to her.

Her armor would be fine down on the surface so she wasn't too worried. When she had forged it Ana made sure it could handle many different types of environments. It was the only thing she had made and she was quite proud of it. It had everything she would need for this war.

"When we get to the surface I suggest we stay together as a group or go off in smaller groups. It's important for us not to go off alone. Do we really want to take prisoners?" She had a thing about taking prisoners and locking people away. As a former slave she wouldn't wish that on her worse enemy. This was why she decided to state her opinion. Ana would be fine alone down there but she but she wasn't sure about the skills of the others and that was only because she hadn't personally seen them in action before. She knew Cryax was getting much better but he was better with a computer than a weapon. She didn't want to leave his side of she could help it.

"I hope you all know how to swim." She grinned at the group. Ana didn't but she would figure that out if it came to that. They didn't need to know that. It couldn't be that hard if they all ended up underwater.
Location: The mining Office
Allies: The Black Suns [member="Flora Burn"] [member="Arrbi Betna"] [member="Mehrk Gorbi"]
Enemies: Red Ravens
Objective: II, protect the mining offices.

The beskar clad warrior would look upon the young female, [member="Flora Burn"] "They knew the Barabels had extensive sewer and flood drainage systems. The Heavy water would mildly flood the main areas before being swept away causing minor damage and loss of life. They may be gangsters and thugs but they do have some form of military intelligence. This is just a dramatic show of their power, what comes next....." Strider was a veteran of a few decades of violence, he knew all to well what came next. The old man wet his fingers to put out his cigar. They were expensive and he wasn't about to just throw a half smoked delicacy go to waste. The embers were extinguished quickly with his wet digits before being placed back into a secure pocket. "Next comes glorious battle!" He smiled at the beautiful warrior beside him. For most, battle wasn't glorious it was dreadful but to mandalorians it was the way of life.

Strider could hear his helmet beeping with incoming message. He took a deep breath of the cool now moist hair provided by the many water falls, then placed the helmet securely on his head. The gungan mercenary was trying to hail him

Mehrk Gorbi said:
Sitting behind a barrier of boxes containing quite nonflammable but very toxic liquids, Mehrk the Merc radioed up to [member="Strider Garon"] and Co. "Waitin' dis all ready."

"Mehrk to Strider!" He would reply back on the coms with properish radio commands "Hold tight, might get a little wet and watch your traps for they may get triggered by the flowing water" He would warn his fishy comrade.

Garon would look to the might cavern's roof, with the wholes strategically punched through not to cause a mass collapse. That was what they were counting on for what was worth taking this planet if you annihilate the infrastructure. Though it was a risk to be in such a path of such a possibility though it was red ravens initiating this attack and not the genocidal sith. He would glare back towards the female to his right "Flora, we need to get to higher ground."

With that the old man would move in close to the woman, securing his weapons before wrapping his powerful arms around the woman in a tight embrace "Hope you trust me!"

He would ignite his rocket boots, not as effective as the jetpacks were but they did the trick at a slower pace. Wouldn't be long they would find themselves on the rooftop of the Main mining office building. His IFF tracker would quickly pick up on his fellow mando'ad Betna who was poised in his sniper position. He would pay no attention to him, just in case the chance of giving the marksman's position away. Though he bet Betna would be quiet annoyed with just Strider and company floating to the roof top period. Nothing more ticks off a sniper is a large target that could possibly draw fire and attention to said location.

"Sorry vode!" Strider would apologize over a private channel to the warrior.

Strider would release the woman from his arms and quickly make his way to the opposite side of the building of betna bringing Flora with him. "Try and not give my brother's position away" He commanded as he propped himself up against the wall. He would draw his EE-3 blaster carbine from th quick draw sling and ready the weapon, his visor face propped at the scope looking for potential targets.
"Hah, don't panic that's our main objective. One thing we need to do however is locate a main access terminal in the chaos so this lil' scamp-" he gave the R4 unit's head a hefty pat with his claws "to hack in for Cryax and give him remote control of the colony's main systems. Don't worry, you can still kill Black Suns like Womp Rats all you like" he laughed~ "All okay?"

[member="Nei Laa"]
Location: Boarding the station
Allies: Red Ravens / One Sith allies - [member="Logan White Devil Rê"] [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Reverance"] [member="Xalus"] [member="Adenn Gra'tua"] [member="Keanu Shan"] [member="S1-000384"]
Enemies: Black Suns - [member="Rayl Wilded"] [member="Mr. Ash"] @
Objective: I - Take the station

Thankfully, due to the design of the thermal detonator, there would be no debris soaring towards them. The door would be atomised, and with it, everything inside its blast radius, and therefore no debris. It left a six-meter circular hole in the breach door that started by the floor and reached the ceiling. Unlike other detonators, the blast of the thermal detonator did not go further than its radius, for once it reached its peak it would collapse in of itself. Anything even slightly beyond the blast radius would be left unharmed. Lysle looked to Logan who was far behind him taking on the droids, "Just throw them where-ever you like, but we've only got so many until Sigourney brings the package. We'll start busting into maintenance corridors running horizontally to the hallways if we start lobbying them at walls, most ships and stations have maintenance corridors for engineers and mechanics. If we hit those corridors, the vacuum will suck anything in them."

An unknown explosive tore through the vacuum in the room. He had not been expecting it, and beyond anything, Lysle was surprised. He tried to calculate, to think, his mind racing to wonder how they had known he would be in this exact corridor. The invasion was a surprise, they shouldn't have known they were coming, and even if a spy was in their network, it was only those in the upper echelons who were told, the others were just told a date and time, and what ship to board. Gangsters didn't care what they did, as long as they got paid, so it was easy to shuffle them in for invasion. It was simply just a big pay. That didn't matter now, he could always find out later. He might loose some of his bounty hunters to kidnap Black Suns associates and members at a later date. These thoughts ran rampant in his mind as the ball bearings peppered him, bouncing off his Phrik studs that encased his EVA suit. If a lightsaber at 45,000 degrees had trouble penetrating Phrik, a few ball-bearings at lethal velocity would find trouble too. That didn't mean it didn't knock the wind out of Lysle. He collapsed to the ground in a racking cough, trying to maintain composure but such a pounding would leave serious bruises in the morning, and for now, he was just trying to gasp for new breath.

He heard someone, Reverance hovering over him as he crouched, and he tried to stand up and settle himself to be a respectable man of power. He turned to the Sith Lord, and still coughing hard. "Puncture everything you can. I want this entire ship exposed to vacuum, and while doing that, find the Bridge, and find Mr. Ash, he has an appointment to attend. I want you to keep up your guard, they've got the main corridors bugged with bombs. Maybe use that magic you Sith have to remotely detonate them, eh?" Lysle unhooked another thermal, and instead of walking into the new corridor, he lobbed the thermal down the far side before checking his supply; two left. "Logan, we'll stay here and do all the damage we can in this sector," he pointed towards his thrown thermal, sitting in the middle of a corridor and about to blow. "I'm making a hole in the floor, throw another thermal into the hole I make, I want to burrow a hole through this entire station. Hopefully we hit something vital." Sure, it wasn't the most conventional route of attack, but once they start burrowing into corridors and hallways on the lower levels, they would be exposed to vacuum.

Nei Laa

Grumpy cat? No no no -- grumpy squid!
Location: Esfandia-Class Carrier Corvette
Allies: Red Raven
Enemies: Black Sun
Objective: Drill down into the underground city and take control of the Mining Companies office building. And go for a swim.

Nei nodded again, relieved. She turned her attention towards Ice when he mentioned swimming. The Nautolan grinned. No matter where she went, the water would always be her home. Waving one of her pistols to catch his attention, she asked, "If we be swimming, do I need my EVA suit?" Nei would be one happy camper if she could remove the irksome thing. As a Nautolan, she would be able to handle most water conditions, anyway -- especially with her gills.

On the issue of slaves, however, the smuggler offered no reply. While not a huge fan of the institution herself, Nei didn't really care what others did -- so long as they let her do her own thing, she was good.

[member="Tahl Edrel"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Ice"]
Location: Ice's ship, heading down to objective 2
Allies: Red Ravens
Enemies: Black Suns
Objective: Kill the survivors? Or save them from drowning?

Cryax looked at Anastasia and Ice "I think we should save our swimsuits for the beach." Cryax said with a devious wink to Anastasia.

The slicer grabbed his Datapad and started doing what he did best. He deployed his custom software, Little Brother, who usually crawled the HoloNet looking for exploits on a target company's security systems. But Cryax knew that any networks the Suns had probably weren't connected to the HoloNet proper. He instead sent Little Brother into the network of their satellite communications systems, carefully using a proxy that bounced back to random nodes on the HoloNet so that the slice couldn't be traced to the Carrier's location.

"This shouldn't take long," he said to the rest of the crew, his fingers travelling over his DataPad with almost preternatural speed.

"Tahl, see if you can try and jam commlinks from here." He wasn't sure if it was possible to do this remotely but it couldn't hurt to try.

[member="Ice"] [member="Tahl Edrel"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Nei Laa"] [member="Raven Avachei"]
Tahl nodded and turned to R4 "Off you go bud, you're time to shine" he chuckled

R4 bleeped and rolled up to a terminal socket, his data arm springing out and twisting~ broadasting a jamming signal from the corvette's souped up communications relay. Soon the comlinks began hissing with static on the Black Sun frequency as the jamming signal spread.

The droid bleeped a fanfare and spun his head round quickly. Tahl turned and grinned "I think he says "That's a yes" Bane." [member="Cryax Bane"]
Location: Heading to Obj. II
Allies: [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Ice"], [member="Tahl Edrel"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Nei Laa"], [member="Anastasia Rade"], [member="Raven Avachei"]
Enemies: [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Ordan Vosk"]
Objective: Take the mining headquarters

A message would begin to attempt to transmit into the mining headquarters. There was a tapping noise, the sound of someone gently hitting his finger against a microphone. "Hello?" a voice rang, "Hello! Ugh, I hate these things." His voice was born for the dramatic and theatrical. "Hello, hello. I'm so sorry for how my friends have been treating you sweethearts. This isn't personal, we just don't like the Black Suns, they're in the way of our plans. If they weren't in our way, I think I would be able to have a nice cup of tea with Mr. Wilded. He is such a lovely man from all reports, but that nickname? Star Lord? Ugh, horrid! Absolutely horrid darling. Now, another thing, unfortunately its raining right now, so I can't come out to meet you in person - I don't want my clothes getting wet. That would be a wardrobe disaster. So for now, I'll be sending in my boys. Oh, and I probably won't see you around again, so happy early lifeday honey."

Choden Yonten drew himself away from the microphone, and quite literally tore the communicator out of its socket. He looked up at Ice, "I know what people are like," he threw a glare at Cryax, "I don't want slicers following me." One of his mercenaries spoke up, "Ugh sir, that isn't how it works." Choden turned on him, shrieking, "I DON'T CARE HOW IT WORKS." He flicked his hair back into place, and adjusted his pink suit, "Ahem, commander, when is our estimated arrival?" He moved towards another communicator, all the while still clutching the one he had broken, torn wires dangling, he pressed a button to transmit to his private military firm, "Gentlemen, gentlemen! It is I, your divine leader. Choden the Magnificently Dressed. Prepare your shuttles for tactical insertion."
Location: Esfandia-Class Carrier Corvette
Allies: Red Ravens
Enemies: Black Suns
Objective: Kill the survivors? Or save them from drowning?

[member="Ice"] seemed to have a solid plan with his idea of waiting for the water to do their job for them, but Keira had two problems with that: one, they still had a mission to complete regardless, and two, the chances of their adversaries not having a plan for this eventuality were slim to none. "They probably have some kind of pump system in place for something like this. We should still be ready to go along with the original plan, all things considered." Her hazel green gaze darted to the aforementioned man. "Not to come across as rude, or anything of the sort. But let's just say I have a 'gut feeling' about this." She flashed a grin at that; the man knew full well she was Force sensitive, as did most of the rest of them.

When [member="Anastasia Rade"] made her comment about swimming she could only smile again and shrug. "Let's just say I've had a few interesting experiences in that department. But I do know how to, yes. With my further involvement in the Ravens, every odd skill has become almost necessary to learn." She glanced sideways at [member="Cryax Bane"] with another smile. "However, I've yet to take up slicing.

With that she fell silent, content to play observer to the ideas and situations that were beginning to unfold. They still hadn't completely made the descent, and for that she was getting a bit impatient, but it wasn't anything that could be rushed. If they were going to be even marginally successful, nearly every little detail would have to be planned out. Though the Force gave her somewhat of an insight into things, she didn't trust that instinct near as much as she did the thoughts and opinions of any of her fellow Red Ravens or their allies. People were more reliable than some ever-changing energy field, any day.

Raising an eyebrow she turned to study the pink-clad man that had been relatively silent until that moment, not quite sure what to think about him just yet. He certainly seemed like an interesting character, and if he proved useful in the upcoming battle she wouldn't have reason to doubt him. But for now the verdict was up in the air with this one.

[member="Nei Laa"], [member="Ice"], [member="Tahl Edrel"] [member="Choden Yonten"]
Location: Ices ship, descending to the planets surface
Allies: Red Ravens
Enemies: Black Suns
Objective: Kill the survivors? Or save them from drowning?

He looked up toward [member="Nei Laa"] and grinned. "Well I'd say since the water is highly iradiated, a suit might still be a good option." He finished with a small laugh. "Sorry." Edit: He then turned to [member="Keira Ticon"] . "Pumps or not. Those systems would not be designed to hold back the water we are sending their way. I mean granted, if they wanted to, they could probably escape...barely. But it is definitely possible. They just sit there though, the'll be wishing they had gills." He said with a plaful smile as he looked back to Nei for a second.

Ice smirked when he saw Cryax grab his datapad. He had a fairly good idea what the slicer was up to. He was going to do what any slicer in their situation would do. Infiltration and sabotage from the inside! Pulling up his datapad, he sat next to Cryax and asked. "Fill me in. what are you doing? I'll help. What do you need?" His own fingers began to dance along his datapad as he brought up his software to begin slicing into the Black Suns networks. It wouldn't be easy, and it would take time. But time was on their side. The same thing could not be said for the Black Suns and there allies in that flooding office building.

[member="Cryax Bane"]
Location: Onboard a Sith Warship exiting hyperspace near the Barab System
Allies: The Red Raven
Enemies: No One Really
Objective: Mess With Kaine

“Investments?” Soliael mocked. “You said like a banker, not a Sith.”

The False God turned to the viewport, mimicking Kaine's stance. He listened to the man speak, and then frowned slightly. He wondered if the man truly believes his own words. Soliael had never met the Dark Lord, and hardly ever intended to. He already knew his own ideals didn't quite align with this mysterious figure, and a clash of mind and brawn would likely just lead to a lot of angry Sith.

Still, his ears perked when [member="Darth Vornskr"] spoke again “Why Kaine, you sound positively sentimental. Are you sure that these Black Suns aren't more than an investment to you? Family friends? One of your bastards tagging along with them?”

He was getting annoying now.

He hoped.
Location: The mining Office
Allies: The Black Suns Flora Burn Arrbi Betna Mehrk Gorbi [SIZE=14.3999996185303px][member="Strider Garon"][/SIZE]
Enemies: Red Ravens
Objective: II, protect the mining offices.

Watching out as she left her office working her way up to the top. She would need to see what the damage so far was to the place. Knowing of the flooding report coming in on her ear piece. As she let her metal boots make the stomping sounds. Nearing the end to the open up to the roof top. Be stop by one of her other men with her. Stating not to go up there about some having some big ugly looking warriors on top. Shaking her own head. Finding herself up on the roof anyway. After all she had handle herself to make sure what was going on also to get a better clue on the situation.

As she step out she was speaking loudly in her ear piece. "YOU hEARD ME I want those HOLES PLUNGED" as started walking up to the one that look to be in character feeling a strange wash coming over her. This bring puzzlement at [member="Strider Garon"]. Raising up her hand to him as if to tell him to hold his thought.

Answer the incoming call. "I Don't care how you plunge them use your Butts for all I care, no wait use those potable force fields that is used in the tunnels when their cave in to get people dug out, Ariella out."

"Now where was we oh yes, what is our situations up here, I want a report now, anyone.", she would be very much have a commanding voice of hers.

Keanu Shan

Call Sign: "Chatter"
Location: Space Station
Allies: Red Ravens
Enemies: Black Sun
Objective: survive, and disable grav generators

He wasn't sure how, but Keanu had found a way past the rigged explosives. and was deep in the bowels of the space station. Now, by himself he made his way through back ways and one ventilation shaft. Finally through much seeking he found the door to the grav generator room. Ashepreparedto open the door he heard an inhuman scream and heard the heavy clump of armored feet on the deck. Before he realized th source of the scream was synthetic. Two massive machines rounded the corner, Keanu slapped the button to open the door, LOCKED!!. Arm guns leveled at him, target systems locked on to his heat signature. Keanu dove for cover letting of a wild burst of auto-fire. Then the grenades fired. the world exploded as fragments and searing heat tore into him. The pain was all consuming. Keanu blacked out for a moment and returned to consciuosness in time to slam the service door closed. before succumbing to the pain and falling unconscious.
Location: Sniper's nest in the company building
Allies: [member="Strider Garon"]
Enemies: [member="Choden Yonten"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Ice"] [member="Keira Ticon"]
Objectives: Killing things for pay. Pointing out errors I do for free.

Betna kept an eye through his scope and waited. Sure, they'd drilled through the ceiling with lasers. Sure, it was pouring a lot of water down at a high rate. Sure, it looked like it was gonna flood. Unfortunately for the Ravens, they obviously hadn't thought ahead. At all.

Barab I was constantly drenched in rainfall at night, meaning that being washed away was a thing. The Barabels had dealt with such things for their entire existence, which meant that when it came to underground cities one could easily assume that they had, in fact, opted to install something to prevent flooding.

Sure, that was a lot of water rushing down and, sure, it was gonna flood the areas directly beneath it, but as Betna watched the water cascade downwards he heard the city's pumps start up automatically. If the Ravens thought that a little liquid would automatically win them the day, they were sorely mistaken.

In fact, with that much water cascading down the holes they'd drilled into the rock, they probably couldn't descend without being washed away themselves.

Betna kept sitting where he was, though he did, admittedly, wish he'd brought popcorn. Apparently, the Raven's really hadn't thought this one through. At all.
Location: Boarding the station
Allies: [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"] [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Keanu Shan"] etc
Enemies: Any Black Sun inside this hunk of junk
Objective: I - Take the station

Isaac was in the rear with a supply crate, covering the six of his squadmates. He hated being in the back. The corridors cracked with gunfire-- he hoped those security droids were doing their job. The logistics of this assault were quite straightforward: breach through the station to the main control arteries and take it over. Easier said than done, of course. The group would have to think on their feet in order to do a bang-up job.

Checking his watch, Isaac tapped his foot impatiently. Then, an unfamiliar explosion echoed through the corridor and ball bearings ricocheted off the walls. Concerned, Isaac kicked out and glided down the hall, taking a turn towards the source. He pulled himself through a burnt out door frame and peeked into the area where Lysle and [member="Reverance"] were. "You gents alright?"

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