Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Raxis Expeditions #1: The Plight of Daley Jones

The Plight of Daley Jones!
Prologue: From across the void an ancient power calls to you. At first you don't seem to really notice it. A little vision here, maybe a dream there. Steadily more and more your dreams become consumed with a singular vision. A lost temple, grey stone with vines encrusting the entrance. You feel a powerful pull to enter. As you stand in the door the force overwhelms you, twisting your very nature.
Long ago there was a legend of a powerful Jal'Shey practitioner. A Pirate named Daley Jones. For many years he lived ina temple with them creating artifact after artifact. But Daley was Corrupted by the darkness of the void and slowly went mad. A slaughter ensued during which he tried to kill everyone and steal their souls.
Three Jal'Shey masters were able to seal him inside a powerful orb. He was cursed to only be freed only when he could repay his debt. Wayward explorers have been lured to their deaths many a time by him. Recently his power has grown inside the orb. He must be freed and destroyed.
A Woman named Emma Rose (Vassara in Disguise) has contacted you. She offers a handsome reward and simple mission. Find the source of the disturbance in the Wayward Temple and quell it.
Location: Zonoma Sekot

Special Mission Rules:
1.) Run this in teams of two or more. (Your choice) Your teams may start outside the Temple or En Route. First team to reach the Orb claims first prize
2.) There is a strange influence from Daley Jones around the temple area. Any use of the Force will alter your alignment to the opposite side. So if a Lightsider uses an ability, they will fall closer to the dark side, and vice versa..
3.) Daley Jones dark powers have amassed an Army inside the Temple. Beware the Techno Beasts of Belia Darzu as well as few Tarenteks and undead roam the halls and catacombs.
4.) Prepare for epic boss battle at the end!
DMed by me of course.

1.) First place: Once your team reaches the Orb and releases Daley Jones he will be forced by his curse to grant you one wish each. Anything you want (Within Reason)
2.) Second place: If you showed good effort, I'll gift you an Item when its ready, direct from my Craftshop.
3.) Bonus Prize for bringing back a Tarentek Hide to your employer: Emma Rose (Vassara Raxis)
Remember only Two Tarenteks in the location.
Notes: Anyone may join, but do not ninja the thread by jumping on a team last minute. Prizes will not be given to those who do. Declare your team at the onset. I'm watching you.​
Please do not tag this account. I will be using a different account for this and my notifcations are exploding. Thanks!​
Thread will end on 9-15-15​
Good luck, have fun!​
[member="Spencer Olin"] [member="Omi Rin"] [member="Icthy Zand"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Kira Vaal"]​
[member="Icthy Zand"]

I had hired a shuttle to take me to Zonama Sekot, a lot of credits gone, but all for good reason. I steeped out into the wilderness and pressed my holocomm imedeatly. "Hey Phish, I'm en route to that temple we were told about some sorta race to get there. It looks like I'm the first one." I said, leaving the message for him.
[member="Omi Rin"]

Hamter looked outside his window and saw a ship leaving the planet. Funny, it seemed to come from where he was going to depart. As his ship was landing he got on his holopad to scan the area to see if anyone else was around. He saw a signal leave the area and when he read it, he saw it was from [member="Omi Rin"], a friend of his. Well, at least there would be a friendly face he could look forward too when he landed.

The ship landed and Hamter got off as the pilot quickly took off, seemed he didn't want to stick around for the fun that was coming. He walked over in the general direction of where the signal had come from so he could meet up with [member="Omi Rin"].
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Along with Master Ike, they had received a mission to the planet of Zonama Sekot. Other than exploring a temple there the details were very slim. As they made their way to the planet they were unaware of the other sentient that would also be exploring the temple. It was going to be an interesting time.

"Master Ike, have you been to this planet before?" He asked, as he had never really travelled around the galaxy too much.
Inside the temple

Dreams..... so many lucid dreams.

Daley Jones stirred within his prison. The elusive Jal'Shey pirate had finally managed to creep his power through the cracks in his ageing cage. Slowly the force began to manifest itself to his will. Aeons had been spent expanding his grip, drawing the creatures of darkness and terror from the deep. Thousands of explorers had been crushed, their bones and gear littering every inch of the desecrated temple.

And now a new band of travellers sought to free him, to make him pay his debt. To make a wish...

Fools, he liked it here. Here inside the prison he could now control the animals and the force and everything about this place. The best part was no one could touch him inside his prison. Hence the two massive Tarenteks that stood guard beside his Orb, his personal prison turned throne.

Yes they were coming......

Ready defenses began to spring up. The insides of the temple began to come to life. Undead corpses began to rise from the crypts below and filter into the hallways, hiding in the dark. In the larger rooms and staircases, half flesh half mechanical techno beasts roamed. The alchemy projects of Belia Darzu.

The Temple had many guardians, and today, our adventurers would meet them all.....
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Spencer Olin"]

Matsu looked at the padawan as he spoke and she was standing there, the Sasori guard armor for exploring cause she knew how dangerous some of the vong on this planet could be while clutching the lambent crystal around her neck just in case. "I have been a couple of times, last time I got a pet amphistaff." WHich she had with her as the thing slithered along her arm and into her hand. The sabers were there but she was moving now and letting the force energies wash over her before heading into the thick of things. "Remember to be careful and watch things, we will not want to get caught with some of the vong."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"A pet amphistaff?" He wondered as he saw the creature slither over her arm. "Ahh I see..." He continued seeing the creature. Spencer was wearing his normal robes with his thick armour plating underneath, he wasn't sure what he was in for and therefore prepared for anything. As Master Ike spoke again warning Spencer of what could possibly be hiding down on the planet. "Understood Master." He replied with a humble bow before checking his little backpack to make sure all the necessities were there and ready.
I knew [member="Hamter Melson"] was following me so I continued up the path to the doors of the temple. I looked inside only to see [member="Spencer Olin"] [member="Matsu Ike"] standing there. I turned on my holocomm, "Hamter, I'm definetly gonna need backup, we have to jedi in the temple and I don't want to be on their bad sides. Omi out." I said ducking back behind a statue. I'll just wait here.
The Deep Blue had carried Icthy all the way to Zonama Sekot. The moving planet and the stories it produced had fascinated the scaly Mandalorian since he was a little kid. As he stepped out of the ship, he locked on the water tanks that fit over his gills. He didn't need them to breathe, but rather to give himself a reserve of "ammunition", as it were, for his water and ice shaping.​
The blue-skinned mercenary saw the rather obvious shapes of the Yevethan man... Omi? And another shape that seemed to be more humanoid, with somewhat puffy hair. He reached out in the Force, sensing the same disturbance that had been described to him, the Wayward Temple. Almost as strong was the energy of what seemed to be a woman somewhere nearby. Probably the Jedi Omi was so worried about.​
Icthy walked up and quietly tapped Omi's shoulder, giving him the fishy equivalent of a wry smile.​
"Need better hiding place. Jedi woman can sense you easily. So can I."
[member="Omi Rin"] [member="Hamter Melson"] [member="Vassara Raxis"]
Hamter received the message from [member="Omi Rin"]. Jeez, Jedi. And he thought this place was going to be a challenge in of itself. Now he had to also face jedi? Man, this was going to be hard. But, he wasn't a bounty hunter because it was easy. So, as he walked he checked his armor again. He liked the feel of it. Not too heavy, but he knew it gave him a bit of protection. He had just acquired some new armor and a new toy, so he was eager to see how they would do out in the field.

He saw [member="Omi Rin"] hiding behind a statue up ahead with some other guy. As he walked up, he heard the new guy say, "Need better hiding place. Jedi woman can sense you easily. So can I." Hamter responded "I couldn't agree with you more my friend. So, you another one of [member="Omi Rin"] 's friends I suppose. Well, its good to know we will have someone like those two jedi with us. That way, they won't have as much as an advantage over us."

As he looked over [member="Icthy Zand"], he wondered where [member="Omi Rin"] had found him. He was an interesting character and if he was here to help, then maybe they would be friends. Who knows, maybe today would go a little smoother then he thought it would. He spoke to both of the other two and said "So, you guys ready to go in? I'm itching for what might be coming."
I turned back at a tap on my shoulder, It was Icthy, Thank god. "Hey, good timing. I think if we can sneak around the jedi inside or find another away in, we can be in and out of there in less than a day. What do say about that?" I said quietly pointing inside the temple at [member="Spencer Olin"] and [member="Matsu Ike"].

group:[member="Hamter Melson"] [member="Icthy Zand"]
"Jedi no threat to us. Happen to be hired as well. Enemy of target is not necessarily target themselves."
Icthy breathed in the air around him, looking for any signs of aggression. It seemed that the two Jedi were simply talking. A small noise came from one of them, and the fish-man's gills opened up, preparing to allow him to spit water... But it appeared to just be some kind of animal wrapped around the woman. He looked at the other two mercs.​
"Not looking at us. Sensing maybe. Possibly planning insertion into the Temple."
[member="Hamter Melson"] [member="Omi Rin"]
"Look here fishy man, they may not be direct enemies, but if this is a race to the finish like our employer said it was, I'm not taking any chances with these two." I humphed. I walked around the outside the temple, looking for any sign of an alternate exit. But nothing. I picked myself up and walked back to [member="Icthy Zand"], "so, you wanna just stroll in and say hi or what?"
Hamter spoke up, "Well, if these two know the stakes, then we can be sure that they know why we are here as well. So, let's not let them get too far ahead of us. But, if we let them go first and deal with some of the dangers inside for us, I wouldn't be too apposed to that. They are jedi, so they can handle it. But either way, let's just head over before they run in and we lose track of them. They aren't a danger now, but like [member="Omi Rin"] said, no point in taking chances with the two of them."

Hamter started walking over to the main entrance, with hopefully his two teammates right behind him. He was just walking over to assess the entrance and say a few words to the jedi if they approached him.

[member="Icthy Zand"]
"Maybe getting in will be easy, but we can use the inside of the temple to our advantage, gotta be plenty of traps in there." I said running and sliding in through the door and behind a statue, "C'mon guys, what are you waiting for, I mean, you have me quite convinced this'll be easier than the Kessel Run." I chuckled.

[member="Hamter Melson"] [member="Icthy Zand"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Spencer Olin"]

She gave him a look while walking and the utility belt and satchel she had for exploring were over her shoulder as she moved. Thinking about a few things until she heard the staff hiss while she was walking. "We'll move inside and explore." She couldn't feel with the force but there was more to the things they had and a reason why she did use some gadgets... namely force senses and abilities could be turned against you. Being on an organic world she would and could sense nearly everything as a lifeform before she was moving. The compass she had gotten from an expedition pointing towards objects and people of unnatural force signatures. "Thank you Jorus."


Naga simply grinned when he saw the vision. Anything he wanted within one wish oh the ideas oh the possibilitys the ideas that flew into his head of what he would wish for. He gathered his gear an went to join his other two team mates.

[member="Animus Malgus"] | [member="Darth Ferus"] | @Nomkneer
Animus was called forth to this temple... it's eerie lights and hellish demeanor made Animus' skin crawl, he was outside the Gates of this Temple of ancient knowledge, the Force pulled to him... called him inside, the force was strange in this place but Animus was Undaunted. [member="Naga Itesak"] and [member="Nomkneer artzhul"] were his team, both deadly and great members of the Sith Assassins.

Although this mission did not partake in the record of the Sith, this was something he needed to do, it was call inside his heart.... it was magic, dark kind of it too.

Animus walked inside the Gates of the temple, his allies Fanling him at both sides, it was then he noticed what he had seen in Korriban, Terentateks.. and an Army of Enemies that stood between them. A person named Emma Rose had contacted his team, and she had just one wish, find the disturbance and kill it, An easy enough task in theory, but then again, all Tasks were easy in Theory.


Naga glared at the enemies before him He had his lightsaber ready for use should the need arrise how ever he waited to see what Animus and the Kaleesh would do first and follow there lead he learned a long time ago that rushing first into battle is a tactic for fools and men who think them selves indestructible.

[member="Animus Malgus"]

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