Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion The Ray of Hope | EE Dominion of Empty Hex

Vyktor Orrin

The longer he was with the force sensitive women, the more Vyktor felt his grasp on the situation begin to slip. Of his many (often dangerous) experiments on force users, very few had yielded anything close to his the results he expected. He did understand the concept that emotions were often the key factor to determining the abilities of the individual, of course the only real emotions the Colonel could ever draw out in a laboratory setting were fear, anger, and sadness, all of which had caused the individual to lash out at their captors before swiftly being terminated before they caused to much damage. Of course the force users he was allowed to test on at little grasp on their powers and had little chance of matching the power of beings such as Salis Salis or the Empress Regent. The twins Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy seemed to not exercise any offensive abilities in the force, but the more they spoke the more Vyktor learned about their particular set of skills.

The Empress had given Salis Salis the task of hunting down the rebels which only freed Vyktor up to explore the ship further, everything he would document would prove to be incredibly valuable. Though the loss of the Emperor was indeed a blow, the opportunity to master interdimensional transportation was tempting. Perhaps, once her investigation had ended, Vyktor would be able to convince the Empress Regent that the ship should be turned over to the Scientific Corps (which also meant himself) for further study. It was risk to suggest a thing, but it would remain in the back of his mind.

Especially now that the Bakuran Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn was aboard. Though they had never met, Vyktor had heard of her exploits and, more importantly, the fact she was Sith. To put it bluntly, Vyktor did not trust her, regardless of her past. He simply gave her a look before moving on to more important matters, let her scour the ships records, the real work to be done would be in the Emperor's lab.

Vyktor turns his head to Salis Salis before telling her "Congratulations, Major. If you do manage to capture our stowaways, please keep one alive for me. They may have information that may prove useful, regardless of their involvement of the disappearance of the Emperor and the ships crew." Though he doubted the woman's ability to minimize destruction, he had full faith in her abilities in the force. She would have to do the tedious work of checking each section of the ship for rebel personnel.

Of course none of that would matter if they were all about to meet the same fate as the Emperor.

Though she had unlocked the ships systems so that they all may set to work looking for any valuable information, Vyktor was quick to take himself away from his datapad so that he may rush to the Regents side and quietly suggest "Empress, if their is a chance that whatever happened here could happen again, perhaps you should evacuate and oversee the investigation from a safe distance?" Vyktor understood that Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim was most likely going to refuse, he had to at least consider what might happen should she disappear as well. The Eternal Empire might not survive another change in leadership, perhaps it would descend into petty warlords that waited to be swallowed up by the other powers in the galaxy. "I can have my shuttle standing by in but a moment, should you so wish."

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Kalic Daws Kalic Daws Salis Salis Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn
Location: Tacitus ship
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Kalic Daws Kalic Daws Vyktor Orrin
Objective: Capture Kalic Daws Kalic Daws or any other rebels on ship

Salis looked with interest at Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy who's insight into the force was...uniquely intuitive. They didn't seem to be trained in the same manner as most were. They were what Salis might think of as natural creations of the force. Salis's abilities in the dark side were natural to her, but that was in a rather different way than whatever these two had grown familiar with. It took her off her pain for a moment. All they said she took as likely fact, Salis was generally good at recognizing things in the force, but their speed and specificity with it felt right.

"Yes My lord," she said a glint in her eye as she was told she could pursue the intruders. She'd leave the complexities to the others. Before she left Vyktor Orrin asked her to try and keep one alive. She smiled, "I'll do my best, rebels are notoriously self sacrificial. But it isn't the first live capture I've needed to pursue." she said before walking out. A light chuckle emerged in her throat as the thought of violence grew in her.

As she exited the bridge she looked to members ultranaut-corps "Twelve, you, separate into groups of four. And you two follow me. I'll give you orders as we go. Keep your commlinks on and active with mine. Try non lethal methods first, but do not risk your lives if it is the only option." she ordered. Her apparent desire to keep them alive was not necessarily out of mercy, though she had small margins of that had grown over time. No it was what she had always done, attempted to focus on the efficiency of whoever she had command over. Losing troops was a loss.

She began to walk, reaching out with the force to locate Kalic Daws Kalic Daws . And began to speak as she set into a quick pace. The twelve troops broke into three sets of four. Each being ordered to take different routes. The purpose was to make it so that Kalic had nowhere to run. It would take some time for everyone to start getting into position, so Kalic might have time to recognize the attempt, especially as a Miraluka. She was hoping however that it would only look like a sweep. As she walked she began to hide her presence, not trying to do so completely. Only enough that she may not stand out. If she could lure Kalic to her as the weak link, appearing to be only three troops instead of four like the other points, just maybe she could take them on herself.

There was a specific reason she was after Kalic first, his presence in the force. It was easier for her to track so long as he didn't try and hide it, and also meant the most potential fun to be had was greater. She didn't doubt that non force sensitives could be a challenge. But they were ever so much rarer individuals.

Salis Lightsaber
Stun Pearls
-Salis's armor
-Several phrik throwing knives
2 Model_Kylan-3
Wrist_link with up to date commlink and chrono that also connects to head piece.
The twins giggled amongst themselves as an invisible crewman moved right through them to control the helm. Or at least to try to. The controls seemed to be disabled, yet they weren't. They just weren't functioning at all on either side of the rip.

That momentary feeling of amusement soon left the twins as Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim posed her questions on how long they had. That wasn't exactly something that was so easily answered.

"We need to look back and see what was done."

"The rip reacted to the ship. Something made it move."

"The Emperor angered it. Do you feel the cold?"

"He caused that. Somehow....I'll need to ask." The twins moved from the helm and walked over to where the Emperor was known to stand and observe. They took on his stance and then closed their eyes, remaining perfectly still as though they were statues. The Force surrounded the pair like an invisible storm, gaining in intensity. The air around them was electric and alive, the twins themselves began glowing brighter and brighter until they were too bright for unshaded eyes.

And then in a flash, Ivy seemed to have disappeared, with Willow standing on her own. Their physical connection at the hip and just below the shoulder remained, however. With eyes still shut, Willow spoke with strain in her voice. "...She...made it..."

Vyktor Orrin Salis Salis Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn Kalic Daws Kalic Daws


What's Your Pleasure?
Objective 1
Location: Tacitus' ship
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Kalic Daws Kalic Daws Salis Salis Vyktor Orrin Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn

The reinforcements had arrived.

Multiple shuttles appeared out of hyperspace near the Star Destroyer with the loud whooshing, then BOOM that resulted from exiting hyperspace. Within said shuttles, Ultranauts were preparing for insertion onto the ship. On one of these shuttles, stood Gin, watching as the Ultranauts suited up and prepared their final checks.

Gin had been hanging back, to act as reinforcements if needed. And now that things on the Star Destroyer were escalating, now was the perfect time for Gin to provide support and reinforcements to Eternal Empire forces on the ship.

Gin raised his commlink, contacting the Empress Regent Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , whom he knew was currently on the ship. "This is TE-236," Gin said in his monotonous voice. His voice would, of course, be easily recognizable as a tactical droid's, as all tactical droids had a certain type of voice. "I have 4 shuttles of Ultranauts, ready for insertion into the Star Destroyer, to act as reinforcements. Waiting on your command, Empress Regent." He said into the commlink.

He continued to watch as the Ultranauts were completing their final preparations. The Rebels were a disorganized group of insurgents that had no chance to compare to his superior droid mind. He would make sure that they were either dead or captured.

Every single last one of them.
Location: Tacitus's Ship

Kalic started to run through the halls, following the Force before hearing a call through his comms, and beginning to see movement past the walls. "I see it Jee. Slow them down and try to get me an out. Download as much as you can too." The droid followed suit, closing doors and trying to stop the enemy troopers, but she wasn't able to stop them quick enough. She could only do so much. Kalic looked around, looked at his options. Well.... One side seemed to have only three people. Best idea he had. "Jee.... Keep getting data, and keep listening. If I'm caught, get out of here. Ok?"

He didn't hear anything, but he didn't have time to question it. He ran for the.... "Karking poodoo!" There were three and one wasn't a trooper. He ducked behind a bulkhead, taking his repeater and quickly rolling it out to fire a few particle shots into the Imperials. "I thought this can was empty."

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Vyktor Orrin Salis Salis Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn TE-236 TE-236
Location: Tacitus ship
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Kalic Daws Kalic Daws Vyktor Orrin
Objective: Capture Kalic Daws Kalic Daws or any other rebels on ship

She chuckled as she sensed his movements. Everything was going right. Her heart began to beat faster, and then he stepped into sight. He wore something around his eyes, which meant most likely he was seeing through the force. She always wondered what that was like, for those who grew up with it. She'd heard of Miraluka's, didn't see them often.

He lightsaber left behind her activating both ends and twirling in front of her as she blocked a few of the bolts, and managed to dodge one of the others. "Oh was that not your plan?" she pressed, she gave a hand to have the troopers stop approaching as she kept walking. "As much as I'd love to fight to the death, or dismemberment, if you surrender now you'll be taken alive. But the longer you wait to give yourself up," she kept walking forwards picking up just a little speed, tossing her blaster rifle to the side so it was only her sabrestaff in her hands, "The more excuse I get to poke a few holes. Maybe break some bones."

Salis was getting distracted, pulled to start the fight right away. She wanted desperately to let go of herself and slaughter everything. But in spite of her considerable leaning to the darkside, she had self control. "But for my sake. I want you to fight back."

Salis Lightsaber
Stun Pearls
-Salis's armor
-Several phrik throwing knives
2 Model_Kylan-3
Wrist_link with up to date commlink and chrono that also connects to head piece.

The engineer bowed at the waist as she replied to Lady L'lerim, "It would be my pleasure."

She cast a slow and studious look upon the others as they all filed past to reach the ship's bridge. With arms folded behind her back Cara followed suit, treading behind the small crowd of imperials while continuing with her own search. Data stored within wall terminals and access points were read as she passed by, her very presence forcing open any file containing one or more buzz words she had marked as important. Coming upon the bridge she stood at the left hand of the group, watching with growing interest as a curious pair of individuals explored the deck. Apparently they were seers of a sort, sporting minds so steeped in the abstruse expressions of the Force Cara could only guess the surface of their abilities. While they continued to scry the fate of Tacitus Cara gave attention to her own search.

The data found in outer points was pulled into a single bridge terminal. After inserting a datastick Cara spread her fingers in the air above, the digits gliding into several hand positions per second. Mentally she was filing information, following the branching circuits and reading the binary stores they held.

Find. Read. Download. Repeat.

As she worked she had half-listened to the conversation of her hosts. A rip in the Force? She set aside focus to calculate the possible cause of such an event. Rebels? A mental curse damned any attempt they may have put into sabotage. An active prospect of the supposed rip taking them wherever the ship's crew were? A surefire way to introduce Tacitus to her cold durasteel fist. One of the twins was disappearing into some unseen portal?

"What--" Cara dropped her connection to the ship's systems and turned to face the sudden light. Her eyes strained as she peered between the fingers of her hand, but no sooner had she tried to block the light it winked from the bridge.

Only one woman stood in the previous pair's place.

"...I apologize but what the feth has just happened?"

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy | Vyktor Orrin
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Tacitus’s ship, Neutral Space
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | 2x red blade lightsaber shoto | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | G1 OmniLink || Shield talisman | Empyrean gland | Taozin amulet | Healing amulet
Tag(s): Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy | Vyktor Orrin | Salis Salis | Kalic Daws Kalic Daws | Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn | TE-236 TE-236 | Open

”If possible, try to capture them alive, they will be perfect to set an example with them.”

She told Salis Salis before the woman left. Let’s say she wanted them for a completely different reason than Vyktor Orrin, but of course the individual points of view were also important. The rebels did not qualify as citizens anyway and all of them are sentenced to death, so the man can safely experiment on them, with them. She turned to the man when she suggested that she have to leave, because of the sake of the Empire. Ingrid was sure this would come up as well, which was a perfectly legitimate assumption anyway. But she was stubborn.

”Thank you for your warning and concern, Colonel. But don’t worry, if something happens to me, STRATCOM will rule the Eternal Empire. We have taken the necessary precautions in this case as well. And this case is too important to…”

She said militarily and didn’t finish the sentence, it was pretty clear what she meant anyway. Actually, most would probably have agreed with the man, but the woman was very stubborn. It really wouldn’t have been anything that kept her away from this place. The Overlord nodded as the twins mentioned the cold, and she felt it herself. Maybe better than others. Although she did not have a Force-bond in the direction of the Emperor, she hoped to know him better than anyone else. Maybe that was the reason for that.

She was about to reach out to the Force to try to see what the twins were seeing when another message arrived on the communication channel. Another ship arrived here. One of the tactical droids was @ TE-236. Another reinforcement that would have come in handy in general, but now she had doubts about calling them here. She didn’t want unnecessary sacrifices, against an enemy they couldn’t even fight.

”TE-236, welcome, this is the Overlord. Do not start the units for now, you may need to evacuate the area. Can you do that by constantly scanning the ship, and if you notice any energy fluctuations, will you notify me immediately?”

Hopefully all this will be enough. At last, when she had time to speak up again or do something, one half of the twins disappeared. Now she too had reached out to the Force, unleashing her power, the closer connection she had, what she gained thanks to defeating the Night Spirit. She could see the shadows moving, she couldn't take them out, but she could see and feel the way she looked through the rift. The girls stood right where Tacitus, that is, only one. For a few moments she only saw the place that was over there, not her own. Involuntarily she stepped back one step, the connection was broken and she saw reality again.

”She moved to the other dimension. I didn't know it was possible at all. Hopefully she won’t get stuck there and will be able to come back. Has anyone in the data found any clue as to how the rift was originally found by the Emperor's men or by the Emperor himself?”


Location: Tacitus's ship

Kalic looked around the corner to see the Dark Jedi through the walls. "No. Plan was to kill you with those shots and leave." The woman was apparently giving him an out, but made it clear that she really wanted him to fight so she could have a chance to break him. Kalic quickly hit a button on his comms, before speaking up again, and rolling into view. "Well lucky for you I'm not going quietly." He would then take more shots at both Salis and her troops, attempting to nail one of them before the woman got close.

Meanwhile, in engineering, Jee quickly disconnected from the computer and floated down to the freighter. The droid had just gotten the message, but she hesitated. She didn't want to leave him... but he gave her an order. The droid linked to the freighter, activating the jammers again before disconnecting from the star destroyer and quickly jumping to hyperspace. She'd tell the other Rebels what happened, and give them all the data she had. Still... she had to leave him to do it.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Salis Salis Vyktor Orrin Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn TE-236 TE-236
Location: Tacitus ship
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Kalic Daws Kalic Daws Vyktor Orrin
Objective: Capture Kalic Daws Kalic Daws or any other rebels on ship

She smiled at the comment on killing her. Well that was fair. And were she perhaps not used to having to deal with abnormal circumstances, it very well might have worked. He had a powerful weapon, the force was necessary in circumstances like this. He said he wasn't going to go quietly. Wonderful, she would try and take him alive as asked by both Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim and Vyktor Orrin but she could make no promises.

He stepped out and released another set of bolts. She grounded herself blocking a few using her lightsaber, the force holding the weapon in place rather than her own strength. However that did not safe the soldiers, one of them got hit twice, the other managed to duck down low enough before firing off a few shots in return. "Here's a gift." she said, several Phrik blades flew from her in Kalic Daws Kalic Daws direction with a wave of the hand. They didn't have the same power she normally would put into them, best to let him live if they hit him.

She said quietly to the soldier beside her,
"Get back and repair. You no longer need to be with me." they'd become problems if she had to defend them. Already one of them had gotten two hits, and they didn't look like his armor had done much to stop them. She could feel the power behind the weapons ammo. If she made a mis-step, it could very easily kill her.

Salis Lightsaber
Stun Pearls
-Salis's armor
-Several phrik throwing knives
MK_II_Paladin_blaster_rifle (Dropped)
2 Model_Kylan-3
Wrist_link with up to date commlink and chrono that also connects to head piece.
Location: Tacitus's ship

Kalic went to move back into cover, but not before feeling a blade hit the back of his leg. Poodoo! This wasn’t good. He was 100% sure Jee was away yet, but he knew it wouldn’t be long. He’d be on his own with no way out then. Has he went to fire his next shot though... someone was between them?

“Get out of the way,” he yelled before seeming to fire around something between him and Salis. But then he realized too late.... They weren’t there. Was... was that one of the crew? He looked back, trying to get back to cover again before thinking.

“You lost anyway. My ships gone, taking information to the Rebels now, and you have no way to find it!”

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Vyktor Orrin Salis Salis Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn TE-236 TE-236

Vyktor Orrin

The Empress Regent had every right to disagree with his assessment of the situation, after all her abilities in the force may prove to be a better warning system then anything that could be provided by the Empire's science corps, yet overreliance on the force had been the death of many force users, thousands of years of galactic history would back that up. Yet in this case Vyktor held his tongue, it was not wise to argue with one's superiors after all. The Empire was built on obedience to authority above all else, to cast this principle aside would destroy the very identity instilled into every child within the vast borders of Enteral Empire space. "As you wish, Empress."

Stepping away from the regent and again focusing his attention on the ship, the Colonel found a terminal on the bridge and began to search through various sections of data. While the Empress or Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn may focus on records of the crew or those kept by the Emperor, Vyktor focused on the power distribution throughout the ship. While the gathered force users seemed to agree that whatever had taken the crew was related to the force, Vyktor had a theory that his may only be one variable. This ship had been the Emperor's flagship, perhaps some addition had been made, some material that somehow managed to contain the force itself? While not exactly well developed, it was a theory none the less. Vyktor had just begun to turn back to group gathered aboard the bridge when a bright flash of light overwhelmed his helmets sensors and rendered him effectively blind. The orange color of his eye lenses flashed to white as the Colonel clutched at his head in pain. He released an auditory grunt as his helmet's systems began to reboot and his vision and hearing began to return.

When it did, he scanned the bridge to find that a member of the group had vanished.

One of the twins, in fact. Yet the other remained, seemingly unharmed.

"I-Impossible!" Vyktor began, seemingly flabbergasted that a woman had just disappeared into nothingness, a very surefire man to confuse a man who thought only in terms of the physical universe. Yet this had at least solidified a part of his theory.

"Whatever this... entity... is, force users are conduits to it. All of you are in grace danger, though it seems if we anger it any further it will no longer discriminate against those who's connection to the force is... minimal." Which meant that the many Ultranaut's and Vyktor himself were not safe and could be taken at any moment. Though a terrifying prospect, all would do their duty to the end. Though the same may not be true for everyone in the bridge at the moment, those with more... self preservation.

Vyktor raises his hand to his hear to activate his mask's comm unit, though he could hear only static on the other end. "It appears short range communications are disabled, whatever just happened has started to effect the ship itself."

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Kalic Daws Kalic Daws Salis Salis Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn TE-236 TE-236 Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
Location: Tacitus ship
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Kalic Daws Kalic Daws Vyktor Orrin
Objective: Capture Kalic Daws Kalic Daws or any other rebels on ship

Salis heard him yell at someone, she sensed something, but a Miraluka's inherent force sight had been the first to truly see the thing, even if it saw things in the wrong places...or...something. She again guarded herself but...he had fired in an odd way and she thought she was starting to realize the issue. They were indeed not really gone were they, just not interacting with this 'dimension.'

She heard Kalic Daws Kalic Daws say she'd lost, and cocked her head, "Unfortunate I guess. I suppose you're finished fighting, which is...dissapointing." she said, her voice sounded slightly saddened, though she reached out attempting to yank him towards her with the force, hoping he might drop his weapon in the process. Truth was, much as she wanted to continue fighting, she hoped that he really believed he'd won. Because her objective, after all, wasn't to prevent the rebels from getting information. But to get information, or if Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim chose otherwise, show an example.

Salis Lightsaber
Stun Pearls
-Salis's armor
-Several phrik throwing knives
2 Model_Kylan-3
Wrist_link with up to date commlink and chrono that also connects to head piece.
This was the closest to being seperated that the twins had ever been. Yet they were still connected in every way as though nothing had changed at all. The only difference was that one was in one reality, while one was in another.

Such an act was nothing that the twins had ever tried before, let alone knew about. They had merely acted on instinct. It was the first idea that had popped into their minds, almost as though it was planted there. Time was of the essence and so they had acted quickly.

Beads of sweat began to form on Willow's forehead, a physical reaction to the strain that she was going through. The voices of Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn , Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim and Vyktor Orrin were barely heard as she was too focused on the task at hand. Yet the emotions that they gave off were felt.

"She's speaking....with Ivy!....He's angry!..." The expression on her face changed, from that of concentration to one of horror. "NO!!....IVY TELL HIM NOT TO DO THAT!!"


What's Your Pleasure?
Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Kalic Daws Kalic Daws Salis Salis Vyktor Orrin Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn

Gin listened as Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim replied to his message. Judging by her words and tone of voice, something had happened on the ship, something bad, and now everyone on the ship was in danger. Interesting. Gin wondered what had happened on the ship to spoke her that much.

"Copy that, Overlord. We will stay a safe distance away from the ship. Scanning for... energy fluctuations. If you require evac or reinforcements, I will remain in touch. We will let you know if we find anything." He replied, affirming to her commands.

He walked over to the pilot, then said, "Scan for energy anomalies onboard the ship. Deep scan. Look for anything out of the ordinary."

The pilot nodded then started typing away at his console. The pilot typed, then turned and flipped three switches. Pressing a button, he said, "There, scan initiated. Anything pops up, we'll know."

"Good, continue to monitor the progress of the scan." Gin said.

Then, Gin watched as a ship disconnected from the star destroyer and started leaving quickly, apparently intent on leaving, and quickly too. Raising his comms again, he said, "Empress Regent, I spot an unidentified craft attempting to leave the star destroyer. Orders?" He asked, but he noticed that all he could hear was static. Communications were down. Then, suddenly, the unidentified ship jumped away to hyperspace. Gin pulled out a datapad and logged the incident. This information could be important.

Scans of the star destroyer were still clean, but for how long, Gin had no idea.
Location: Tacitus's ship

Kalic took a few breaths, not sure what to do now. He was about to answer Salis before being pulled forward, falling to the ground at her feet. His gun slid just out of reach, while he looked up at the Dark Jedi. "Never said I was done!" The Miralkua then, stupidly, went to punch his opponent. It was becoming more clear his leg was injured, and he stumbled into the punch, mostly just hitting the air. He grabbed his leg, growling a little as he looked up at Salis. It was clear this wasn't going to end well. He had no way out. He was trapped and injured. He was sure he was done for now.

Salis Salis Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy TE-236 TE-236 Vyktor Orrin Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn
Location: Tacitus ship
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Kalic Daws Kalic Daws Vyktor Orrin
Objective: Capture Kalic Daws Kalic Daws or any other rebels on ship

The pull had worked, she gave the gun a quick shove with her foot just in case he lunged for it. Then he tried to punch her but it seemed his injuries had gotten the better of him. He gripped his injured leg and she smiled, "That's sweet. But I'll rip your limbs off if you fight too hard." she said quietly. "Drop any of your other weapons, or I'll take your hands so you can't use them either way."

Her lightsaber deactivated, and hovered itself to latch onto her belt as she sent an alert to the Ultranaughts to come. She looked at his injury. She almost felt compelled to help for a moment, though there wasn't anything she could do. She furrowed her brow at the foreign thought. It wasn't that she was interested in helping that bothered her, it was the why. There was no reason.

She felt something change in the air. And her head shot up. She looked back at him and put a hand on his shoulder speaking sternly, "Tell me what you saw. You saw someone. They're not here are they? Not really." She tried to get him to start walking. She wanted him on Ingrid's ship and off this one before going any further. As long as he was on here there was a chance he'd try and find a way to escape. If he was maybe on Ingrid's ship then...

The ultranaughts weren't coming. Comms were down. That was not right. "We're going. Fix your leg on the ship." it wasn't fear in her voice, but it wasn't quite the joy from earlier. She had some level of concern and anticipation of what might happen.

Salis Lightsaber
Stun Pearls
-Salis's armor
-Several phrik throwing knives
2 Model_Kylan-3
Wrist_link with up to date commlink and chrono that also connects to head piece.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Tacitus’s ship, Neutral Space
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | 2x red blade lightsaber shoto | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | G1 OmniLink || Shield talisman | Empyrean gland | Taozin amulet | Healing amulet
Tag(s): Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy | Vyktor Orrin | Salis Salis | Kalic Daws Kalic Daws | Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn | TE-236 TE-236 | Open

She nodded appreciatively at Vyktor, finally someone who knows exactly what the right decency is (though she wasn't happy about Empress) and that she doesn't question her command. Although the woman loved that if someone could think creatively and independently, it would be worth paying attention to the Colonel anyway, because it might even be worth promoting at a later date. Time would answer, she felt the embarrassment of the man and that something had happened.

”Colonel, what happened, what you perceived or saw?” she asked immediately.

The man was neither a Force User nor a Force Sensitive, so the Overlord was very interested in what he saw, what the Colonel could perceive. The Overlord nodded at the man's conclusion, yes, this whole thing not only swept the Force Users, but swallowed everyone and visibly began to affect everyone. However, they could not leave.

”It is possible, but we need to know whether we can save the Emperor or not. If so, we must do everything for it! If not, we need to close the rift so that it never affects anyone and anything again.”

However, this would mean the death of the Emperor, but if she brought them back, the Emperor would have to be arrested, as would the Empress, if she knew how the man had allied with the NIO. Hmm, the short-range communication has ceased.

”As a matter of fact, we couldn’t reach them with the long-range either, as if the ship didn’t show up out of nowhere. Try searching for telemetry data, Colonel, to see if the ship was in the other dimension or not.”

In the meantime, she was also watching the twins, that is, the part that remained here. Based on her reactions, she was very focused on something and things didn’t go too well in the other dimension either. Ingrid walked over to her and took her face in both hands. Although she was a little nervous, she spoke to her in a cold, reassuring voice.

”Tell your sister that I will send a message to the Emperor that we are here. I would like the Emperor to try to tell her what he has learned and we will try to rescue them from there. Tell him Ingrid is here. The Emperor always calls me that. If he doesn’t believe her, call the Emperor as Aidus, almost no one knows about that name, but I always call him by that name when we’re two, on his original name, Aidus Malvern.”

She knew it could be quite misleading as if they had been lovers, but that wasn’t true. She knew that there were those who thought that was why Ingrid became the Overlord. In the meantime, she also received confirmation from outside that they would be watching from outside and even another report was received, so she responded to TE-236 TE-236 .

”There are rebels on board, you will capture that ship! It can’t get out of the system, I want to know why they want to leave and with what data.”


Location: Tacitus's ship

The Miraluka looked up, knowing his was done now. He slowly stood up, liking the idea of keeping his limbs, and slowly raised his hands, showing he was out of tricks. He just hoped Jee had gotten away. There was no way for him to know. He saw another figure, not even reacting this time with the exception of a "glance." He was captured. He shook his head before feeling a hand and push on his shoulder, getting him moving as Salis asked him what he saw. Kalic wanted to stay quiet, but then he was more curious about the fact that she didn't know.

"I saw someone. They looked faded, but they were there. Except... not physically." He continued walking, looking around. There had to be a way out. He looked around, not sure what to make of everything, or what would happen to him. He was quiet for most of the time, but heard the Dark Jedi's offer, and he would give her a surprised glare if he could. She seemed worried.

"Yeah. Patch me up for what? To be tortured for information or something." He then looked around. "You sound worried.... Something to do with the whirlwind I'm seeing?"

Salis Salis Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy TE-236 TE-236 Vyktor Orrin Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn
Location: Tacitus ship with Kalic Daws Kalic Daws
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Kalic Daws Kalic Daws Vyktor Orrin
Objective: Discover truth

Salis sensed more. There were definitely others, but she could not see them or sense them quite clearly yet. That was the key problem, yet, she was quite certain that would circumstances bring it, or time, there wouldn't be a yet. And it was plausible they would be stranded. He answered the question, a faded figure. That matched up with what the twins were saying. Matched up with what she sensed, the problem was why, and how.

She chuckled slightly about his reaction on being patched up, "Maybe, maybe they'll just take your brain out. He did seem the type to do that. That's someone else's job though. I usually just kill things. It was only a request to keep you alive." she said simply. His question caused her face to become more thoughtful.

"Perhaps your insight will be more valuable here than not, if you tell me all you see, I'll ask the empress to be lenient about things. If not, oh well, they were making progress when I left anyway. So it's more a matter of time." She offered. Her skills in Force Sense were admirable, but they were devoted primarily to a more wide ranged setting. And weren't as inherently of the force as those of a Miraluka, or whatever it was that allowed the Twins to achieve their own level of intuition. "The whirlwind, where's it coming from?" she pressed. She assumed the bridge, that was where they felt the chill. However she wasn't sure she would have described that as a whirlwind. But maybe he saw things differently.

Salis Lightsaber
Stun Pearls
-Salis's armor
-Several phrik throwing knives
2 Model_Kylan-3
Wrist_link with up to date commlink and chrono that also connects to head piece.

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