Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion The Reckoning [Invasion of Empress Teta: Mandalorians vs One Sith]


Location: Cinnagar Rooftops
Allies: [member="Darth Carach"], [member="Darth Vornskr"], @Darth Nephtys
Enemies: [member="Pyrrha Nikkita"]
Objective: Kill

Mierin stood in place, her mechanical hand lightly gripping the lightsaber.

Then on the horizon she noticed something moving towards them. A tiny spec, a dot of a person moving across the roof tops at an impeccably quick rate. The Sith Pureblood watched it for a time, extending her senses and seeing if the person was familiar to her. Bright yellow eyes followed the figure almost impeccably fast.

Then, Mierin noticed the arrival of another One Sith, Nephtys. Now with the power of four Sith Masters Carach should have more than enough to control the leviathan. The Pureblood let out a sigh as the figure moved closer.

“Carach.” Mierin mused slightly as she stepped away from the group. “Finish this.”

Feeding her power to Carach didn't take much concentration, she simply turned away from the man and walked to the edge of the roof to where she would find the woman coming to assault them. The five Hydra-Staff Heads that lay across her shoulders slowly raised themselves, hissing and worming about like striking snakes.

Cedric Dorn

Location: Cinnagar Rooftops
Allies: [member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Ordo"] [member="Darth Vindica"] [member="Sawa Ike"]
Enemies: [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Azrael"] [member="Neskar A'toll"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]
Objective: Kill

How the man managed to dodge the sonic projectiles was beyond the young soldier, but he didn't really have time to worry about it. Only a minute or two after he fired a massive Basilisk war droid landed behind him. His eyes popped open as he was caught by surprise.

The huge metal beast swiped its claw at him just as he raised his arm, durasteel met Phrik and the Power Armored soldier went scraping across the ground for several feet. The metal beast roared slightly, aiming its blasters at Kir, before it could fire however the Royal Guardsmen was on his feet again. He dashed towards the Basilisk war droid, rockets on his back firing and sending him smashing into it.

Below in the city streets hundreds of power armored Royal Guard began to spread out around the city, loosed by Commander Orin to fight and kill the Mandalorians once and for all.

The two creatures of metal clashed, and the Royal Guardsmen superior agility proved to be a great boon.

His phrik blade popped out from his wrist, and in an instant he stabbed it into the Basilisks stomach. He began to tear and stab away at wires and plates, using his enhanced strength to bend, break, and smash metal into bits. The Basilisk fought back, scratching, writhing, and rolling about to try and dislodge Kir from its underbelly, but the great lumbering droid was too slow. The two Metallic creatures clashed and cluttered, until finally Kir tore out its power core.

The Royal Guardsmen ripped the core from the beast, shutting down the Basilisk war droid. He lugged the thing, his armor servos struggling slightly under the wait of it.

Quickly he turned, spotting the two Mandalorians and their Wardroid that had just gathered, he threw the power core towards [member="Azrael"], and [member="Anastasia Rade"]. Seconds later he raised his left arm, and shot a single slugthrower round at the power core, causing it to explode.
Location: Cinnegar
Objective: Assume Indirect Control
Allies: [member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Darth Mierin"], [member="Darth Nephthys"] [member="Silara Vantai"]
Enemies: [member="Pyrrha Nikkita"], [member="Dralshy'a"], [member="Preliat Mantis"]

Things were moving fast now the Leviathan had noticed the net, but the irritating Mandalorian who just wouldn’t die was interfering. Not only had he been an idiot during the entire duel, speaking instead of fighting and then breaking the simple rules of logic and rationality…. then again it was a Mandalorian they were dealing here. Most of them weren’t more involved than simple primates, so it didn’t come as a surprise when the idiot decided to play harmonica in an attempt to take control.

A new addition to the team arrived and Carach gave her a short nod and said simply: ‘Sister.’ before weaving her power into the equation. Four Sith Lords were now working on unison to bring the Leviathan into their fold, once again someone spoke to him and yet again Carach simply nodded. It was indeed time.

It was only a subtle hint at first, as a tune ringed through the waves of the Force and met the mind of the Leviathan, it was a Song of Promise. Of Destruction, Death and Despair, it only had to listen to the sweet tunes to gain the opportunity of ultimate mayhem… how would it be able to withstand such temptation?

Through the song there were hints and tugs implying that some of the men and women on this field… were trying to hold it back, to restrict it from its goal and role in the Galaxy. A mental picture came forth from the depths of the Force and presented itself to the Leviathan.

[member="Preliat Mantis"] was on it and the suggestion was complete. The Ape was trying to stop it, steer it away from its course… such things were unacceptable and the solution was clear to all involved in the weaving and the Lizard itself… kill the Primate for its insolence and taste its blood.
Location: Cinnagar Rooftops
Allies: [member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Darth Mierin"], @Darth Nepthys, [member="Darth Carach"]
Enemies: [member="Dralshy'a"], [member="Preliat Mantis"], [member="Pyrrha Nikkita"], Mando'ade
Objective: Bring the Feth to their knees

Silara's feet carried her like a woman possessed, her eyes seeing only the great beast that was to be slain, and the speed in which she moved, her every step accelerated by the application of the force, was impressive. Explosions and such continued to erupt around her, and at some point a building directly to the front of her was shattered into large pieces of rubble - rubble which would have obstructed her, but without fear and with a command of her emotions and absolute calm the Sith merely leaped onto them, one by one, and with each step she rose further into the air and ever closer to the great beast that circled over head. Eventually she had touched down on the rooftops yet again, pulling on the force to bring both of her sabers to her hands and igniting them as she rolled across one. "Force have mercy on your souls." Silara muttered, her eyes looking down for a moment to see the image of a woman heading in the direction of the great Sith Lords, having just left a group of Sith dead in the wake of her arrival. While she did not wish to spend any time dealing with those whom were not her greatest target, Silara released her grip on the shoto saber, holding it with her using telekinesis, while her free right hand reached for her Mohc Dauntless alchemic blade, and with a heavy throw sent it flying in the direction of the woman aided by the application of a powerful telekinetic throw. Taking the shoto back in her hand, she continued running towards the Leviathan and her allies that had gathered to fight it.
Location: Skies
Allies: No that I know of
Enemies: [member="Anija Ordo"] [member="Arrbi Betna"]

As the two ships impacted, Veles struggled to regain control over the vessel. Due to the sensors being damaged, he had no idea whether this insane move of charging another ship paid off and destroyed the enemy, but he was pretty sure it must have damaged them somehow. The Fury was much bigger, after all, and given the speed of both combatants before they hit each other, he would not be surprised if it tore the enemy craft into pieces. Instead of investigating, he had to worry about balancing the Fury and keep it from starting to spiral around. Gritting his teeth, the Mon Calamari Sith Master pulled the control towards himself while trying to push it to the left to keep the vessel stable. All sensors were going crazy by this time, affected by the fire on the hull or not. One of the officers said something about light damage to the hull as a result of the impact, another warned the Sith of the loss of shields.

Veles knew he could not remain in there and risk another fight, not with the shields being gone. More likely than not, the Mandalorians would not repeat their mistake of getting too close to the corvette. "Release the torpedos at the other fighter!" the Sith ordered when one of the enemies appeared on the other side of the window. Hoping the plating of the ship to hold until they touched the ground, the amphibious Sith rapidly cut the power going into the engines, slowing the ship down and directing it towards the streets of the destroyed city. Too late he noticed another danger; the suffered damage did not allow for smooth landing, one of the landing gears being unoperational. Despite the ship slowing down, it would not be enough to ensure a safe landing.

The Fury hit one of the towering buildings in its limp flight, crashing through windows and sliding through the building's insides before the ship's weight caused the damaged floor to give away. Veles was glad all civilians have been evacuated. Dust and rubble showered the ship as it continued to move, rapidly slowing down before ultimately stopping in the bowels of what once housed many families.
Location: Cinnagar Airspace
Objective: Kill the Fish Stick
Allies: [member="Anija Ordo"]
Enemies: [member="Aedan Miles"], [member="Darth Veles"]

Betna shot off a stream of curses as he saw the corvette impact on Anija's starfighter. The small trail of debris coming from her fighter told him there was damage, but as her ship had evened out after a few, heart stopping moments, he knew she was alive.

The corvette didn't fair so well. It rapidly lost altitude, dropping like a rock to the city below. It fired its proton torpedoes, but Betna was cloaked entirely by the stygium field built into his starfighter. The torpedoes missed entirely, arcing over and away behind Arrbi's craft towarda [member="Aedan Miles"]' ships. Whether they'd target the friendly fighters or not, he didn't know or care. They weren't after him or Anija and that was all that mattered right now.

He watched the starship impact into the city, debris and rubble spraying in all directions. It would have sent a thrill through Betna's heart were he not worried sick about Anija.

"Anija!" he called through the commlink, his voice raised and obviously worried. He pulled the starfighter around and brought the crosshairs down to the enemy corvette, arming his last 250kg flame-carpet warhead on his Bes'uliik. "Anija, are you okay? Can you hear me?"

He was worried for his love, but the corvette wasn't free and clear from his wrath yet. The enemy Fury had nearly killed Anija. The pilot and crew within had nearly robbed him of the light of his life. He'd make them pay for that.

The bomb released itself and arced downwards as heavy blaster cannons sprayed death upon the broken starship.

They would pay.

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
Cinnagar Airspace
Engage Bandits
+ United Mandalorian Clans Arrbi Betna Anija Ordo
- One Sith Darth Veles

Saera's Deathbell broke off of a now burning ball of shrapnel that became of the Rassilion in her 'hairs, quickly approaching the designated allied craft on her sensors. Disengaging the PSIS-M system momentarily gave her a much clearer readout of all attack craft in operational range. She had just begun to rear up on an enemy Corvette when it attempted to 'kamikaze' an allied fighter and nigh succeeded. It had sustained damage in the process, it appeared, and Saera could only watch in awe as it coursed for the building-spired ground below.
The Deathbell flew past the wreckage building up on the ground in the corvette's wake and pushed the holographic 'balls' to the wall to perform a high-G Immelmann, which brought her dogfighter to a slightly higher vantage point and an upside-down position where she could see the entire cityscape on her panoramic visor. The thrill of the ride surged through her nerves as she practically felt every flight surface and every sensor in her craft move as though they were her own arms and legs. Her eyes caught sight of the now-settled corvette. The tips of the wings bent down, making a fierce unhinging sound outside of the cockpit, a whistling sound quickly rising.
"Fox Three, Fox Three," she shouted.
Two very large, very heavy Advanced Concussion Missiles began screaming down towards the corvette at high speeds, mere hundreds of meters away. An impact at that altitude and speed was imminent and doubts crossed the girl's mind that the enemy had any remaining active defenses. The very important inhabitants were going to have a very bad day.
The Deathbell gracefully hummed past on its plasma-driven thrusters as the missiles continued to soar down off of her wings, once more pushing the engines to their max to perform a reverse Immelmann to bring her down again and right-side up. She'd wait and inspect the damage, now orbiting on a circular holding pattern.
"Enemy fighters are bugging out. Any more priority targets in the A/O?"
Location: Outside McYoda's
Enemies: @Grozurra [member="Shaw McKeller"]
Allies: [member="Aeon Caedus"] [member="Tsavong Kraal"]

Kezeroth was one of the last Sith to Enter, As always his Armor slowed him down but made him a Dark Juggernaut. Useing Force Dashes to travel quickly Kezeroth Held his Light-Pike in two hands ignited the crimson blade was ready for combat. Blaster fire and some Ballistics bounced off the Thick plated armor as he got closer. The Armor completely covered his body and made him look taller then normal the Armor gave his height and extra foot and half. A 9'5ft Giant in Plated armor was sight to see and Kezeroths Sulfuric yellow eyes Glew from the Mask. Now makeing his way to McYoda's a Disgusting place, Kezeroth Came to the outside of the Store and looked in side nodding at [member="Aeon Caedus"]. The Giant Armored Fiend could sense a heartbeat near by.. steadily going, Useing the Force Kezeroth could confirm this and looked in the general direction where the Signature was but did nothing but stare and growl.

" Theirs someone here..." Kezeroth muttered and then useing the force to amplify his voice he shouted " SHOW YOUR SELFS, COWARDS!" The Titans words echoed far in the direction of his enemies. The power of Kezeroths voice shook some loose items around the area including his curved lightsaber that was straped to his Belt and the Crotosis Dust Cloak on his back.
Starting Location: Rooftops
Ending Location, Rooftops headed towards, [member="Dralshy'a"],
Enemies: [member="Darth Carach"], [member="Darth Mierin"],
Allies: [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Music Selection: War of Change - Thousand Foot Krutch

My face was emotionless as I could feel the Dark side pool up ahead of me. I smiled slowing myself down so I wouldnt slide everywhere. Even then, my heavy foot falls broke some of the roofing on the buildings simply because I was moving fast enough with just the right amount of weight pushing down. But what I saw made me slide to a stop. A flash of a blade thrown in my direction caught my eye as two women came at me.

My beskad was shifted to my left hand as it was free and open, while my right hand flicked out and by using telekinesis, slowed the speed of the pointed sword headed for me. With a twist of my wrist, the grip of the Sithsword slammed into my hand with a hearty slap. Standing only a a few rooftops away was a woman, pureblood Sith from the looks of it, while the second woman turned to face the Leviathian. Keeping both swords in my hands, I flipped my beskad into a reverse grip just after my dueling shield was shut off.

"Always throwing stuff away." I muttered to myself. A blade was a blade. Didn't matter where it came from. I took a second to notice the double sided sword, as well the longer length with about the same weight as my beskad. Almost perfect for me. Turning back to the Sith woman, I ran toward her. Jumping high into the air to come down directly at her. Using both swords to cleave her in half.
Location: Cinnagar airspace
Allies: [member="Særa Ayña Savan"] | [member="Arrbi Betna"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Veles"]
Objective: Try not to get mashed to pieces

For a moment or two, Anija found herself rather disoriented. She took a few moments to get her bearings and actually give attention to ANNE's damage warnings. It wasn't as bad as it could have been. Frowning, she tried to visually locate Arrbi, and then his voice burst over their secure comm. She took a moment to breathe before she replied. "I'm mostly ok. A few bumps and bruises. My bes'uliik is gonna need some work though.." She tried to joke a bit.

Frowning, she studied what she could of her remaining sensors, and what she saw lifted her mood a bit. The corvette that had been harassing her... looked like it had crashed to the city below. Billowing smoke and scattered wreckage littered the cityscape. And then, she heard the call over the Mandalorian channel regarding released missiles. Those, she was able to track, and she grinned as she saw their transponders streaking towards the downed ship. Along with another one of Arrbi's bombs.

After a moment's thought, she sent a short message to the location ANNE had noted the transmission came from regarding the missiles. "Vor'e. Whoever you are, I owe you a debt of thanks."

Neskar A'toll

Hail to the King, baby
[member="Darth Angrel"]

He tumbled. Neskar swiftly gained control of his jetpack, halting his earthbound descent. A grim scowl grew underneath his helmet. The Mandalorian had to move swiftly. The Sith had abandoned his tower shield, leaving him open to a quick strike attack. Hopefully. But perhaps the swift disposal of his shield could signal an attack! Therefore, Neskar swerved around swiftly, once again clutching his Vornskr shotgun, having been at his side since he had last utilised it's powerful punch and vast spread.

Upon turning around, Neskar flicked the shotgun upwards towards the exposed body of the Sith. He glared at the open helm, scowling at the Sith through the wafting smoke, revealing the bloodied battlefield. Neskar was certainly no philosopher, but yet it was almost a tragic beauty. The arrangement was a tad mangled, bodies of countless men of both sides laid strewn, dashed and smashed, a brutal death for those who had not yet lived.

"Man, you're uglier than I thought. That's an accomplishment." He quipped, eyeing the Lord reeling from Neskar's previous blows.

The wound on the side of his torso stirred, gnawing with great pain on the left of his body, being aggravated further due to Neskar's excessive movement. He would have to win quickly or flee, else risk becoming seriously injured.

Neskar pumped the shotgun, scowling at his enemy. The Sith thrust his arms into the air, and at once Neskar feared a force attack, but he still had to push! Lowering the power of his jetpack, Neskar descended rapidly, emptying half a dozen canisters down towards the exposed target. The wide spread of the shotgun compensated for the range at which Neskar shot, as a huge hail of flesh penetrating pellets hurled themselves towards [member="Darth Angrel"]. Neskar at least hope they could force the Sith to fall back onto the defensive, allowing Neskar to continue his attack. At once, the Mandalorian emptied the now empty magazine, slamming in a second, which locked into place. A smirk grew on his face. He might have a chance.

Unbeknownst to Neskar, a great pressure built upon his jetpack, which, if left unnoticed, would surely be deadly if it imploded! After emptying his magazine and steadily reloading, Neskar felt this pressure. An almost crippling sensation fell upon him, as the force energy was great and quite strong. He was not far from the ground, about five or six metres from it. Wait, that was pretty far... however, Neskar had already slipped out of the straps of the jetpack, designed to fall off with a response from the user.

Neskar dropped through the smoky air, landing on the ground with a thud. Due to his few seconds of preparation, he had somewhat braced for the landing. As well as this, his boots aided him in his safety, severely cutting the chance of him injuring his feet from the blow. Above him, a second after, the jetpack, which had propelled itself upwards, out of control. Suddenly, it imploded showering molten steel and fire upon the field, covering the two combatants with the ignited fuel left over in the jetpack. Neskar, thankfully somewhat protected by his armour, still felt the bombardment collapse upon him. The heat was great, and the wound burned severely, but Neskar dragged himself from the floor and drew back somewhat from the area. Grimacing from the pain, he fell to a knee, glaring towards the direction of Angrel, though it was unclear where he exactly was. He kept a firm grasp on his shotgun, then stood up on his feet. Neskar had to get out of there, fast. His advantage of speed had been negated, even with his Vornskr, he was at risk from further attack.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Darth Mierin"] [member="Pyrrha Nikkita"] [member="Silara Vantai"] [member="Darth Carach"] @ Preliat Mantis

Dralshy'a heard the music and noticed the man thing getting close. The blister packs on his back flared and pulsed as he started feeling extremely hungry, Something was touching his mind again and the distinct feeling that he needed an adult That these thing were trying to talk to him was becoming fully apparent.

He reached his head back to look up at the building that the monkey things occupied and his eyes locked on the creatures their before he tilted his head quizzically. a large steel grey tongue hung out for a moment before energy began to form in the back of his throat and exploded out as he breathed death at the building before stomping at the man on the ground.

He wasn't content! They were trying to take his food we was certain! Again he breathed blue luminous death at the other creatures coming near him and swumg his massive tail this time splitting a building at its base and sends the permacrete and durasteel crashing to the ground.

Location: Cinnegar
Objective: Bubble so Good
Allies: [member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Darth Mierin"], [member="Darth Carach"] [member="Silara Vantai"]
Enemies: [member="Pyrrha Nikkita"], [member="Dralshy'a"], [member="Preliat Mantis"]

Where upon that cry of forbearing through the Force upon the Vahla would grant a measure precognition. She was, after all, a Vessel of the One.

The power she was siphoning onto that of Darth Carach would come to a pause for a moment, as the Shield would hammer her will in a physical manifestation of staticy shimmering red globe, her brow furrowing in her intense concentration. A bubble of protection through the Force --- an iconic power for the woman well versed to these types of defensive techniques, having cut her teeth upon such to be her brother's strength.

That bubble of protection through the Force would protect the Sith Lord's and Knight from the plume of cerulean fire, allowing Darth Carach to continue the weaving of his sorcery with the aide of Darth Vornskr and Silara. Heat would feel as if she were suffocating within a furnace, her remaining arm trembling in growing strain as she held that shield around them all. Moisture would bead over her brow, clinging to the dainty furrows of her forehead, deep in concentration. She had to hold. She had to. A mental cry went out to her twin.


A building nearby, having caught the lash of the Leviathan's tail, would come crumbling down, as clouds of dust and debris would rise. The Horde of Skraal and Yuuzhan Vong both on the ground and sky agitated by Dralshy'a's presence.

Dark shadows would pass overhead.

No, they were not alone.
Location: Cinnegar Streets
Allies: [member="Neskar A'toll"], [member="Azrael"], [member="Anastasia Rade"], Mandalorians
Enemies: [member="Darth Angrel"], One Sith
Objective: Rejoin the fight

Navio was absorbed into a dark abyss; his consciousness, or rather lack of. Suddenly, his eyes snapped open with a violent vigor, his HUD's vision meeting him head on. Instinctively, his body made an effort to lift himself up. However he was met with some resistance, his mind still hazy. Various bits of rubble scattered around his visage, perhaps the cause of his current position.

Immediately, his senses returned to him and his mind clocked into full gear. His cognitive abilities raced as he grasped his current situation, recollecting what he could remember. That's when he realized he had been nicked by some of the falling building caused by the other two Sith before they escaped, although he avoided a good majority of it. The resulting kinetic force brought upon him was enough to momentarily knock him out of commision. (lack of posting)

The mandalorian quickly forced himself free from the loose rubble using the full power of his might before rising from the debris with his azure beskar'gam flickering from the fires of war. He immediately regathered himself and assured his current position, keeping track of his squad mates. However, all was not well as Ordo's dark message relayed itself to him and the rest of the participants in the war.


Their Mandalore had fallen?

A sharp blow was made to his heart as he took in the information, mimicking the all too familiar sense of loss he had experienced before. He was lost yet in another daze...

That was until [member="Azrael"] shouted his cry of denial and vengeance, relighting the flame required to keep Navio going. He knew now was not the time for remorse, for the battle was long from over. No matter the result, Navio's newly fueled Mandalorian Spirit would press on and see this war to its end. Death was but a distant relative at this point. He cared not for it, nor did he fear it. For he was Mando'ade, something that would remain eternal long after he was gone.

As such, a devastating warrior was renewed and headed back into the chaos, back into battle. His primary goal was covering his squad. . .

However, [member="Azrael"] and [member="Anastasia Rade"] quickly charged off soon afterwards, leaving him relatively far behind. Navio took this time to locate them, when he remembered [member="Neskar A'toll"] who he could pinpoint a short distance away from him. Deciding it best to meet back up with him, Navio took off in his general direction, fighting through the few enemies that remained in their general location.

That's when he noticed Neskar's impressive struggle against a particularly Sith by the name of [member="Darth Angrel"]. He quickly drew his heavy ripper and unloaded its 10 mm durasteel slugs towards the Sith's location, in order to draw attention away from [member="Neskar A'toll"] and potentially do some damage.
Location: Cinnagar City Streets
Allies: Mando'ade [member="Vilaz Munin"]
Squad: [member="Neskar A'toll"] | [member="Azrael"] | [member="Navio"]
Enemies: The Leviathan: [member="Dralshy'a"] [member="Sawa Ike"] [member="Darth Vindica"] [member="Lieutenant Kir"] [member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Ordo"]
Objective: stand guard!

It was easy to sense how hurt and angry Azrael was by the death of his father. He was acting out of anger now and she knew that wouldn’t end well. Acting out in anger never had boed well of her when she did so. It had always ended up with additional tests being conducted or making her captors eyes light up with glee. The later was always the worse as the last thing that she ever wished to do was make them proud of her. She had always prided herself in defying them and standing up for herself whatever the cost.

In this situation however she didn’t know what she could do to help him. She had never lost anyone whom she had cared for or loved as after losing her family at age three there had been nobody else. The concept of caring for another and having “feelings” was lost on Anastasia. The young woman didn’t trust anyone enough to allow them to get close to her for such things as “feelings” to form. Never mind the fact she was here fighting alongside the Mandalorians or that she was worried about Azrael. Since she was confused she decided it best to just stay by his side and show him that she was hear for him.

The man, her brother, whom had rescued her from the darkness of the Sith had given her everything she needed and asked for nothing in return. This puzzled the young woman greatly as in her world she wasn’t used to such kindness and at first thought it to be a trick. Even though she pushed he had still helped her the best way he could. Anastasia couldn’t help but be touched by how he considered her his little sister and protected her. It was his actions which made her want to make him proud of her and prove that she was worth of being his little sister. Prove that she was worthy of being called a Mandalorian and joining one of the clans.

The actions today only served as further proof of how evil the Sith were not that she needed the reminder though. She already knew how terrible the Sith were and what they did to people after all they had stolen her childhood. The years that ought to have been used for tea parties with teddy bears and dollies had been taken away. There were no memories of pink puffy dresses, cake, laughter, playing with her siblings, friends. All of her childhood had been instead replaced with pain, tears, anger, hatred. Such things as love, kindness, and family were foreign concepts. Ones that even now the young woman struggled to understand however that didn’t mean she didn’t want to have one.

The Sith would not win today and Ordo was dead wrong to think that being the Dark Lord would bring peace. It had obviously brought nothing but more pain and suffering which would stop now one way or another. Her rifle rose as the Sith had whom seemingly came out of thin air attacked them. If she came back Anastasia would be ready for it. As [member="Lieutenant Kir"] threw the power core she took a shot at it in hopes that his plan would back fire and that it would explode in his face. He wanted to face Ordo and against her better judgment she was going to back him up after all revenge was something she knew much about. This was his fight however and she wasn’t going to interfere unless she had to. She was here to shoot at an enemy trying to get in the middle of this little interaction. Hopefully Ordo would do the logical thing and just come with them peacefully but then again Sith were rarely logical.
Location: Cinnagar Rooftops
Allies: Darth Banshee Ordo Darth Vindica Sawa Ike [member="Lieutenant Kir"]
Enemies: Vilaz Munin Azrael Neskar A'toll Anastasia Rade
Objective: Kill Mandos

She lept down from where she'd been hanging out, and walked over to the fallen @Itessa. Pitiful. A simple detonator and poof goes the Mando. She hated to think what it would be like when she'd truly mastered the Force well enough to do something with it. She scooped up the body and tossed it over her shoulder before making her way back to the rooftops and moving along them. Since she could use the Force again it wasn't too hard to maneuver from one rooftop to the next. The hard part was doing it while carrying a dead Mando.

Spotting others fighting in the distance, she hurried along. When she got close, she dropped the body on a roof. She was going to preserve it and make it a trophy just to annoy the Mando's in the future. Wouldn't that be just delicious?

[member="Lieutenant Kir"] seemed to be fighting two individuals on his own. A power core flew out and she saw [member="Anastasia Rade"] raise her weapon towards it. Reaching out, she applied a small nudge with the Force, just enough to move the core off of Ana's target, and give the Lieutenant enough time to compensate, as he waited until the device got near the targets. In the meantime, she made a barrier of Force energy behind Anastasia and [member="Azrael"] in an attempt to cut them off from retreating backwards. Which might, inadvertently, force them to retreat in her direction. Or up. Or away. But if they tried to back up, they'd find some mighty resistance, which might buy the time necessary for the two Mando's to go boom.

Arjant Clevenger

Location: Cinnigar
Objective: Unleash the animal
Allies: Mandos
Enemies: Sith scum

Finally. It was time to unleash the animal on the people he hated second to the Graug: Sith.

Bane carried no armor with him or weapons, except his lightsaber, the force in which he had little knowledge of, and his body. The man was strong and dangerous, but was even more deadly when he used his rage and called upon the force to enhance his strength. Unlike the Jedi, Bane had unleashed all his emotions to make it easier and faster for him to enhance his strength. He felt the dark side of the force rushing through him. His anger, hatred, lust for blood, and any emotions that were discouraged by Jedi powered his call for the dark side and in turn it powered him.

Combat boots, a black T-shirt, black pants, and a leather jacket was the only thing he wore, unlike those on the battle, they all wore armor which would reduce some of their speed and mobility. On a Basilsik war droid, Bane and a Mandalorian flew into battle while Bane was still concentrating on his strength. For too many years, the Sith and Graug experimented on him. For too many years, he lived in humility. For too many years, they yearned to create something vicious from an organism. They had succeeded, but they vicious organism would be used against the Sith. That helped to give more strength to Bane.

They had landed on the ground of the city and that was when Bane had stopped his concentration on growing his strength. He could feel the enhanced strength through his body. It felt good, amazing, and powerful. His eyes full of negativity glanced at his surroundings before the slaughters that he would perform would begin.

"Would you care a cigar," the Mandalorians warrior asked him.

"Don't mind if I do," the animal said in a tone of anger and accepted the cigar.

The cigar lit up from the flame of the fellow warrior and the animal began smoking the cigar. He exhaled the vapor of smoke that would come from his mouth and then walked, with his saber that would produce a purple beam from the heart of his lightsaber. He walked and smoked to seek out an opponent that he would send all his rage upon on.
[member="Neskar A'toll"] [member="Navio"]

Angrel's crimson eyes floated over the Kraetos before he focused on Neskar as he spoke. It seemed as if he was biding time.

"Banter. From a dead man."

As Neskar descended, Angrel felt an ironic sense of disparity as the Mandalorian executed his aerial attack. Angrel turned and lifted his left forearm and out of pure desperation spawned a Protection Bubble. Under different circumstances this would prove to be an effective defense in this situation. However, Angrel being limited in knowledge of the power only knew the basics. A moment of regret overcame Angrel, as irrelevant as it was. Should he find enough favor to survive this fight, a certain mentor would need to be found.

The canisters were released and Angrel's eyes bucked as Neskar's weapon clicked and fired upon them, sending a deadly rain of pellets towards the Sith Knight. Angrel turned away from the hail as it ascended. His bubble seemed to have misdirected most of what was falling towards Angrel's spot on the ground, but some of the pellets found flesh. Vital parts were missed but his left shoulder and thigh were tagged. His remaining injuries were worse. The pellets that were nearest his body during the attack were affected by the bubble but still grazed him. He had deep cuts covering his arms and legs, leaving Angrel frozen as he attempted to keep both his consciousness and his adrenaline levels high enough to aid his first worry and prolong the pain that would follow his wounds. At least some of it.

Despite his torturous state however, Angrel decided that the battle was not over. In his mind, He believed that just because he was still standing meant he could continue the fight. His resolve transformed into bullheadedness and that particular way of thinking is what could very well be his demise one day. But not today. As Neskar landed and experienced the after effects of his combusted jetpack, Angrel was moving. His body being pumped by the Darkside to churn, perform, push.


Turning away from the grounded Neskar, Angrel's feet pumped as he used his constant pain to feed his drive. A bloodied, cut up fist and forearm swung down to retrieve his Kraetos. The tower shield was hefted onto his arm and naturally adjusted as the Sith Knight continued running. His direction shifted however, back to Neskar. Then a new opponent appeared in the fight. Angrel's swung his head towards him and looked back to Neskar whom was now on one knee, seemingly unaware of Angrel's movement. Raising his shield as he passed [member="Navio"], Angrel braced his arm as the tower shield absorbed the impact of his weapon. One of the two extendable amphistaffs on the weapon died, from the attack however and became erect against the shield never to move again. The remaining 3 dragon heads and amphistaff seemed functional. Reaching to his belt, Angrel first retrieved, then threw a frag grenade at Navio's feet before trucking past him. Angrel rounded back to Neskar and pulled his lightsaber from his belt. As he approached Neskar, Angrel pushed the shield towards him, swung himself over the kneeling Mandalorian and 3 bursts of fire escaped his Kraetos as the Arkanian dragons came to life. When he landed, Angrel unpredictably shot his arm towards Navio sending forth an activated lightsaber. The success of this attack was dependent on how Navio handled the grenade. In essence it was nothing more than a distraction. Hopefully Angrel's timing would be good enough to cleave him in half. Angrel's eyes followed the red blade as it spun horizontally toward its target. A great angst and feeling of excitement overcame the battered Sith Knight as he allowed the darkside to flow through him, a conduit used to feed Angrel the strength he needed to vanquish his enemies.
Location: A rooftop
Allies: [member=Ordo]

The war droid that Darth Junra attempted to hold onto bucked and rolled through the skies. It had immense strength compared to a humanoid. Darth Junra struggled to keep her grip. Yet, seconds passed before she became unable. Flying away from the war droid, Darth Junra noticed a nearby roof and aimed to land on top of it. As if guided a bit by the Force, Darth Junra managed to make a rough landing.

After getting back up, Darth Junra looked to where [member=Ordo] and [member="Gilamar Skirata"] had been falling. She had a few scratches and patches of dirt on her body. The wailing of the war droid tore through the air. Ordo’s voice rang through the communication networks. Darth Junra would now know that Gilamar, the Mandalore, had been defeated.

Just after that, Darth Junra heard word of a large Leviathan causing massive destruction in the outskirts of Cinnagar. She wore a scowl upon her face after hearing that.

For the One Sith:
Still looking toward the general direction that Ordo would have been, Darth Junra made an announcement to her One Sith comrades by saying, “All able hands, go to these coordinates and do all you can to bring down the monster before it destroys the city.

The coordinates would give One Sith the approximate location that people reported [member=Dralshy'a]’s whereabouts. Those that were already busy with a fight would understandably be unable to assist.

After giving the message, Darth Junra then made haste to find Ordo.

[member="Aaron Kidd"]
[member="Aaron Nomarr"]
[member="Abric Korne"]
[member="Aedan Miles"]
[member="Aeon Caedus"]
[member="Aiker Ebizu"]
[member="Aleksandr Idruin"]
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
[member="Alicia Drey"]
[member="Apos Sanaz"]
[member="Ariel Shadowmaster"]
[member="Aros Varr"]
[member="Arturious Engel"]
[member="Asar Anchti"]
[member="Assadar Ilrast"]
[member="Asteria deWinter"]
[member="Avadreia Lacroix"]
[member="Azrael Dugarde"]
[member="Baron Doklor"]
[member="Bass Terrik"]
[member="Bastian Briareos"]
[member="Bria Shadow-Tarkin"]
[member="Cain Laatl"]
[member="Cale Gunderson"]
[member="Chloe Van Derveld"]
[member="Commander Orin"]
[member="Connar Arneir Whitelight"]
[member="Cordelia deWinter"]
[member="Countess of Báthory"]
[member="Cractius Stretus"]
[member="Cross Ikon"]
[member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
[member="Dante Imura"]
[member="Darth Acarus"]
[member="Darth Akron"]
[member="Darth Angrel"]
[member="Darth Apparatus"]
[member="Darth Arcis"]
[member="Darth Ares"]
[member="Darth Armyss"]
[member="Darth Astraios"]
[member="Darth Atrace"]
[member="Darth Avara"]
[member="Darth Banshee"]
[member="Darth C A B A L"]
[member="Darth Carach"]
[member="Darth Hauntruss"]
[member="Darth Helios"]
[member="Darth Hoshek"]
[member="Darth Inferno"]
[member="Darth Isolda"]
[member="Darth Janus"]
[member="Darth Junra"]
[member="Darth Malificete"]
[member="Darth Metus"]
[member="Darth Mierin"]
[member="Darth Naefas"]
[member="Darth Naomi"]
[member="Darth Nephthys"]
[member="Darth Nexus"]
[member="Darth Odium"]
[member="Darth Praelior"]
[member="Darth Sevrus"]
[member="Darth Tsolan"]
[member="Darth Tuk'ata"]
[member="Darth Tyrana"]
[member="Darth Urak"]
[member="Darth Veles"]
[member="Darth Vindica"]
[member="Darth Vornskr"]
[member="Darth Zarrah"]
[member="Darth Zelane"]
[member="Desolis Kharr"]
[member="Dr. Cain Wards"]
[member="Dredton Torum"]
[member="Drehich Ortuga"]
[member="Drex Skyreaper"]
[member="Eikrie Daom"]
[member="Elaine Thul"]
[member="Eleena Miho"]
[member="Evard L'Rik"]
[member="Eve Amelia Zambrano"]
[member="Ferian Adair"]
[member="Foren Derfom"]
[member="Gahven Nightwalker"]
[member="Gancorth Typho"]
[member="Garth Hummel"]
[member="Hal Terrano"]
[member="Halcon Xelio"]
[member="Hion the Herglic"]
[member="Invicta Zambrano"]
[member="Isley Verd"]
[member="Jacen Cavill"]
[member="Jaden Korr"]
[member="James Mathison"]
[member="Jared Ovmar"]
[member="Javik Quar-Kai"]
[member="Jax Malric"]
[member="Jettak Swift Yatinini"]
[member="Karina Dartrex"]
[member="Kathryn Langley"]
[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]
[member="Khantor Ruu"]
[member="Krazhmir Tsaak"]
[member="Ksayral Zekaidos"]
[member="Kyla Verss"]
[member="Kymaero Vol"]
[member="Lady Grey"]
[member="Lady Hel"]
[member="Lanir Tyko"]
[member="Larkoon Darkmat'r"]
[member="Laufeia Carzi"]
[member="Leena Mai"]
[member="Lieutenant Kir"]
[member="Lily Rose"]
[member="Liskarr Drek"]
[member="Lord Eclipsion"]
[member="Lord Reha Nebuau"]
[member="Ludolf Vaas"]
[member="Luminara Rikanati"]
[member="Mala Kulan"]
[member="Max Scorpio"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]
[member="Melakoth Tyrin"]
[member="Metus De'cal"]
[member="Michael Steelfang"]
[member="Mike Zenima"]
[member="Miranda Acosta"]
[member="Mistress Kurah Rrusho"]
[member="Mulak Chren"]
[member="Mya Munro"]
[member="Nam Karakk"]
[member="Nas Vua"]
[member="Natasi Fortan"]
[member="Nick Gamastar"]
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
[member="Nif Khor"]
[member="Nulgath Zardai"]
[member="Nyra Mazul"]
[member="Paega Anginous"]
[member="Pandora Liline"]
[member="Quinn Vos"]
[member="Ratih Lah"]
[member="Razer Sin"]
[member="Remy Singh"]
[member="Revy Khai"]
[member="Rex Praxus"]
[member="Reylan Abraxis"]
[member="Salvor Arnex"]
[member="Sawa Ike"]
[member="Selena Halcyon"]
[member="Seras Goto"]
[member="Sero Valrel"]
[member="Shiro De'Vol"]
[member="Sierra Momoa"]
[member="Silara Vantai"]
[member="Silas Tyree"]
[member="Silva Talith"]
[member="Skorn Draclau"]
[member="Skyren Vau"]
[member="Sorin Vanado"]
[member="Sorthus Axvyr"]
[member="Sosu Deviron"]
[member="Sven Talith"]
[member="Sylvanan Glass"]
[member="Syrra Venn"]
[member="Taral Mirtis"]
[member="Telforn Sletin"]
[member="The Hydra Queen"]
[member="Titus Zan Thul"]
[member="TJ-1467 Jay"]
[member="Trenchcoat Man"]
[member="Tsavong Kraal"]
[member="Tyger Tyger"]
[member="Tylan Toarinar"]
[member="Valduin Izbien"]
[member="Valentina Clairemont"]
[member="Vehanv Kiva"]
[member="Vilox Pazela"]
[member="Vinyata Nicashii"]
[member="Vraska Yo'gand"]
[member="Xavier Vi'dreya"]
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[member="Zack First"]
[member="Zenoc Lah"]
[member="Zhaera Shai"]
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