[member="Anija Ordo"] Probably, though there are always outliers. I wouldn't doubt that some Mandalorians would follow Ordo, just like some Mandalorians followed Maul while others split off and tried to kill him, but thats not up to me so this is merely conjecture
[member="Arrbi Betna"] Yes,
Palps took Maul down. We don't really know how long Maul could have stayed in power if that hadn't happened, for all we know he could have squashed the rebellion and become the longest reigning Mandalore ever. Same goes for Ulic, he was not a true Mandalore since he simply subjugated Indomitable, but it wasn't the Mandalorians that overthrew him, rather the Jedi. Historically speaking, Mandalorians bow and follow along with the person who defeats their Mandalore.
Again though, this is simply conjecture since i haven't RP'd my Mandalorian in quite some time and have no hand in the faction.