Independence, Duty, Honour
Objective 1
Objective 1
Vicinity: Oh so many
Vren Rook Runi Kuryida Celt Saxon Kranak Vizsla Jenn Kryze MG-851216 Herrel Eldar Yael Kandar Tomaj Eldar Careena Fett
While Togran and the others exchanged a few quiet comments on the speakers and what they said, Vesh sat in complete silence. Although he was not quite staring at Vren Rook , his gaze was often drawn towards him. His expression remained blank and untelling - but then, those who knew him would notice that he certainly didn't appear to be quite as observant of his surroundings as he usually was.
As one speaker replaced the other, he let out a low sigh. Vesh noticed Togran throwing an eye on him and he replied by raising his eyebrows and shaking his head hopelessly.
"Getting bored, huh?" the second in command whispered - this was clearly not for the others to hear.
"I'm making it too obvious, aren't I?" he whispered back with a soft voice.
A subtle smile formed on the Drabatan's lips as Vesh seemed to open back up again after the talk with Vren. "You're fine. They don't know you well enough to notice."
Vesh offered a grateful nod "I keep telling myself that this is important, grander contexts makes talking things out and hearing all the voices more important. Can't just make an executive decision like we tend to do..." he trailed off, obviously not being all too convinced by his own words.
Two smug brows rose on Togran's forehead as he let out a sarcastic "You speak with such conviction"
The human managed to resist letting out a chuckle. With a more serious tone, he whispered a short "I will offer conviction when the situation calls for it" before letting his attention shift to the current speaker. Runi Kuryida spoke of morals, identity and community - while Vesh did not react much to any speaker, he did nod along slightly as she - and a few others - spoke.
Leaning over to Togran again, he let out a low "Guess we should say something too"
The response consisted of a slow nod and a reluctant "Yeap"
Vesh took his helmet on and waited until Runi finished speaking and stepped off of the dais. With heavy strides, he moved down the steps towards the centre of the amphitheatre before stepping up on the dais. Unlike many of his fellow Mandalorians, his armour was decorated by relatively soft and aesthetically pleasing engravings and he carried a fine clothed cape. The flair in his appearance was heavily counterbalanced by his reserved and professional tone "Vode." Although his tone remained the same, his voice rose as he now spoke to the council entire. A pause ensued as the word was allowed to rest with his comrades. Vesh shook his head lightly to himself before continuing.
"I speak in behalf of the Hardhorns of Onderon. Our stance is this: We are at war, so we will fight." For a moment, it might have seemed as if he was done, for the young leader fell silent and his shoulders fell as he let out a heavy breath as he nodded to himself. But he lingered on the dais, letting his gaze wander between his father, Runi, the legless Yael and the other speakers. Perhaps some charm and resolve could be spotted in the way he spoke - but it was well hidden behind a dark t-visor, helmet-distorted voice and a thick layer of professionalism. "Ultimately, the primary consideration should be survival. We need to win until peace is on the table. What matters the most is that we continue teaching our ways to the young and to the new. We need to expand our fleets and bolster our numbers, not only to defend but also to strike when the time is right." He formed a fist behind his back "After we have talked and aired our opinions, we need to unite as one clenched fist - because only then, will we stand a chance against our enemies."
Veshok's shoulders fell once more and his hand reappeared from behind his back. Again, he allowed his gaze to wander between those present before letting out a simple "That is all." and stepping off of the dais to return to the back of the amphitheatre.