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Dominion The Reclamation War: High Tide | Mandalorian Enclave Dominion of Kamino


Tags: Celt Saxon Celt Saxon , Grishriss Haako , Yael Kandar

Part III

Aurelian did not escape the partly overhearing of his intention. It was no big ordeal, he had the patience to meet in earnest with the Mandalorians to enter a treaty with either Vandemar or Zakuul, or both preferably. The contact was made and he knew who he could approach for such undertaking. She was an interesting young woman, the fire burning in her even reaching her hair. So he listened as she started the exchange with their host. Whom he would listen to intently.

"Curious, Prime Minister. Did you achieve these results for the longer procedures or those involving the Spaarti-method?" The Hegemon asked casually, his white topped head and grey colored eyes turning towards the Kaminoan. "Since your respectful people had nearly perfected the 'long-term cloning' with the Grand Army under the honorable Lama Su, these breakthroughs were hopefully achieved on the quicker methods?" Kamino was the birth of any advanced cloning research, but centuries of perfecting with trials and many errors had resulted in Vandemar outperforming Kamino's achievement by the creation of the Homo Aurum.

But he was respecting them. There was no doubt in that, they were the ancestors and predecessors of successful mass-cloning. He posed a challenging question not to mock but to engage. Between Kamino and Vandemar, the latter was the one who was actively working on two clone armies at this very moment in time. And Aurelian was more than interested to deepen the partnership if possible.

Then his gaze set on the small Neimodian and his rather uneducated statement as well as proposing an idea which was already firmly in place, just not as crude as his words made it sound. Lobotomy. Either he was not aware of what he was talking about or he actually believed the droids to be superior to sentient organics. One way or the other, he was a fool.

"Combining bio-engineering and cybernetics is a mainstay of physical and genetic improvements for a long time already, even in cloning if the buyer can afford such units."



The Shaman didn't move at the presence of the looming Domina. She turned her head to the side and slightly up to address the tall woman-creature. "No." A smile then graced her lips. Would the reason they couldn't go home matter? Domina wasn't in a good mood, and the answer wasn't going to placate her ire. So sooner evident by Domina's attention drawn to what Vren had ordered.

"Dima." Runi again didn't crane her head back or make a great effort to peer up at the woman. Nor was her tone hostile or annoyed. The Speaker was not one to goad into anything, nor was her temper one to test. There were times an emotional reaction was issued by the hazel-eyed woman -- one worthy of a Mandalorian in battle and expressed in action more than words. "It is not polite to grab things out of others hands." Nor was it preferred that you drink from the bottle, but Runi wasn't Dima's Father. Long as she wasn't rude toward others or destroyed private property. Yes, best if Dima didn't go around breaking tables without a reason.

Anger was not a reason.

Runi set her glass of water down and stepped around the tall Dima to gently lay a hand atop Gwyn's shoulder. "A wise man once said that it is possible to do nothing wrong, and still not accomplish what you desire. That is not failure, Gwyn. Be there when they realize they need you most, just as we are here for you when you need us."

The Speaker leaned in a little closer to lower the volume of her voice, "I have felt what you feel. I know the pain of watching those you care for struggle against trials and tribulations. Do not become numb to it. Do not stop caring as much as it hurts. What you have done and continue to do matters, Gwyn." Action was what defined a Mandalorian, after all, not overly eloquent speeches and grand orations before a galactic public. A little nudge could have such a profound impact even decades later -- in ways no one could foresee.




The Mandalorians were finally here. After years of silence, they had returned, and unlike unlucky worlds such as Ryloth and Ra'Katha, Kamino welcomed their old benefactors. Mandalorians were paid well for what they did, and they paid well in return. True, the Prime Minister would have been a fool to turn away a good business opportunity such as the Mandalorians, but their presence put her own work at risk. Her family, while gaining much from their gamble on her, was not part of the super rich, nor were they influential in Kaminoan politics...But their laboratories had proven useful for her own goals.

Between two slender fingers she analyzed the bioreading from her last batch of clones. Koda Fett Koda Fett had done well enough in his contract, though she would have rather had his full cooperation. Instead he'd done the bare minimum, providing her with samples of tissue. Luckily cloning had come a long way since the days he was created. She'd been able to do much with the little material he'd collected for her and now it appeared as if the work was complete.

There were few Jedi that would forgive her for what she was about to do. What she had done over these last years. But something was coming. A terror that the Jedi could not face alone and that the Galactic Alliance was ill prepared for. Its presence in her visions had lessened recently, but remain it did.

"For Light and Life," she muttered and inserted the card into the cloning device. Hundreds of cloning chambers hissed, the first spurts of life beginning to take form.

"Lady Ka Rai," a familiar voice said, his voice modulated through an Alliance marine helmet. The white betaplast suit was reminiscent of the armor his ancestors would have worn during one of the Galaxy's deadliest wars. She'd never figured out why humans kept so strongly to traditions but in this case it was fitting.

"Commander Vyre," she cocked her head, her big eyes blinking expectantly. The clone looked around, the black visor of his helmet hiding the shock she felt through the Force.

"You've really done it," he said, the awe clear in his voice now. They were cascaded in the blue lights of cloning chambers, hundreds and hundreds.

"The process is slower than I'd like, but lightyars faster than those of my ancestors. You will have your first legion soon." He nodded. "I assume since you are here it means your preparations are complete?" He shrugged.

"More or less. The men aren't going to be jazzed about the move. But I'll whip 'em into shape." She nodded solemnly.

"Go then. With my blessing. I've had your chaincodes forged. You should have no trouble. Go."


Location: Kamino
Objective: Diplomatic discussion
Tag: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius Grishriss Haako Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida Vren Rook Vren Rook Domina Prime Domina Prime Yael Kandar
Equipment: In bio


The prime minister looked at the delegates with his same strange smile. "Thank you for your questions, the creation of beyond nature programs and augmentation is well within our science. However it has been deemed largely unnecessary as the use of more augmented and therefore more expensive units in most combat roles represents a per unit investment beyond the interest of most customers.

It goes without saying that out base unit far outstrips the processing power of most military issued droids."

He paused and looked at Darth Imperius Darth Imperius , his people were known for their own monster building. He would not go into the specifics of his processes or the exact science behind it, he had specialists that could discuss that.

"That being said, if your people would like to discuss procurement or collaboration with out beyond human department heads, I would be very pleased to facilitate this."

Celt smiled and rolled her head gently listening to the responses. It was interesting that both of these other delegates seemed interested in creating new creatures with features well beyond human capabilites, it was common practice, half the cloners in the galaxy had some super human offering. She knew that Aurelian's own elites were pretty adept as a start essentially having the strength and capability of heavy war droids.

But Celt wasn't looking for that, she was looking for marines to fill lower ranks, the average mandalorian warrior was already amongst the most elite fighters in the galaxy, why spend billions of credits filling backfield roles with superhumans.



Location: Kamino, Belly of the Beast
Outfit: Red shirt and black pants
Tags: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

The Holy Grail of cloning templates was here inside this beast. Not that Akiya would have voluntarily gone in after it, but now that Velran Kilran Velran Kilran had pushed her into the situation it was imperative that she come out with what they had come to Kamino for. It was a shock when Akiya had heard that Mandalorians were on the planet as well, but that was secondary to completing her mission and creating Velran’s desired army.

Of course getting out of the beast’s belly with the template and her life was something that the xenobiologic genius was not capable of figuring out at the moment. It had only taken her a few moments after she woke up in the innards of the sea creature to decipher its anatomy, but she had no useful tools and even if she did she probably wouldn’t know how to use them. As she sat cross-legged on a squishy muscle looking around her new environment she felt something twitch. Akiya rolled around, knowing that the action was the creature swallowing she grabbed for a stable appendage of flesh that she knew would not cause any unintended consequences.

The scientist cursed as water rushed by. If she had an idea where the DNA template was before it was lost again now. As things returned to “normal” Akiya noticed that she now had company. Akiya guessed the form was a Mandalorian as they were wearing heavy armor. Akiya moved over to the armored figure and knelt down trying to figure out how to get the helmet off so she could check on them.

After making a couple educated guesses Akiya heard a noise and the helmet opened to reveal a young woman. Akiya leaned close to the girl’s face and gave a sigh of relief when it was apparent she was breathing. ”Hello there. Welcome to the belly of the beast,” she whispered and waited for the girl to regain consciousness.
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Heart Breaker and Life Taker

Hilal woke up to find herself in a foggy hallway with amorphous shadows looming large around her. Hilal felt a shiver going down her spine as she slowly got up and attempted to wad through the thick fog that obscured her vision. As she got closer to the shadows, they slowly took shape before they transformed into great Mandalorian Warriors of past. Mandalore the Indomitable, Mandalore the Avenger...... legends in Mandalorian history. Excited, Hilal attempted to speak to the great warriors, yet they quickly pointed Hilal to a shadow that was walking towards her.

The spirits of the Mandalorian warriors floated above Hilal as she walked further into the hallway. If she had to guess, she was probably in the Great Hall of Kad Ha'rangir: The harbinger of change and the destroyer God in Mandalorian religion. They say any Mandalorian who dies in battle or was considered a great innovator will be welcomed in the Great Hall where they fight under Kad Ha'rangir against Arasuum: The God of Sloth. Dread filled Hilal's tiny body, did she die after being consumed by that fish? If so, it wasn't a glorious way to go out so perhaps she managed to get accepted due to her constant improvement.

"I had so much to live for....." Hilal mumbled thinking of all the friends she made and how much she will miss them. "But if Kad Har'rangir would have me then who am I to reject his summon."

The shadow ahead of Hilal took shape, Hilal skid to a stop as it walked towards her. "No....." Hilal squeaked tears starting to freely form in her eyes. "It can't be..... It can't be....."


"Hilal...." Hex's voice was quiet but filled with anger and hate for her best friend. "You dare show your face after you abandoned me?"

"Hex!" Hilal cried out running to her friend. "I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have left you on Denon like that! I was just overwhelmed when you told me that you were seeing someone else! I was angry at myself for not confessing my love for you sooner!"


"No Hex! I'm telling you the truth!"

"STOP LYING HILAL! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU SAID IS A LIE!" Hex shouted forcing Hilal to stagger back and cower like a puppy being scolded by its owner. "I thought you were different when we first met but no you're just a blind queen. You turn your back on anything you don't like, see only the things you like and only for yourself."

"Hex....." Hilal began to choke out a sob, her words stung, but no matter how much she tried to deny it, Hilal couldn't argue against it.

"Spare me your self pity Hilal." Hex growled. "I told you that I'm a broken soul but you saw me as some droid that needed maintenance. You didn't love me for who I truly was. You only loved an imagined version of me, the version that didn't exist."

Hilal placed her head down in shame tears continuing to roll down her soft cheeks. "You refused to see me for who I was," Hex growled. "I did love you but not in the way YOU wanted it. You pretended to understand my problems, but you never made an attempt to actually reach out to me."

"I did!" Hilal cried looking up at Hex. "I tried so hard to help you, to protect you Hex!"

"Protect me?!" Hex laughed. "I'm not a toy that you can discard Hilal, I'm a person who wanted companionship! All you care about is yourself! But now in this very hall! Yourself is all you'll ever have!"

A blaster pistol materialized in Hex's hand. "If I knew who you truly were Hilal," Hex said. "I would've killed you back in the Hyperspace War."

"No!" Hilal said attempting to back away. "NO!"

Yet the last thing she saw was the blaster bolt heading straight to her face.


Current Outfit

Hilal groaned mumbling in her sleep, her head throbbing, the Bounty Hunter heard faint words of a belly of the beast? What was going on? "What?" Hilal said her blurred vision coming into focus. A woman dressed in a red shirt with her cleavage standing out and black pants stared at her. Hilal instinctively tried to look over her HUD only to realize that she didn't have her armor.

"WHAT THE FRACK?!" Hilal yelled immediately getting up. "WHERE AM I?! WHO ARE YOU?! AND WHERE THE FRACK IS MY ARMOR?!"

Hilal whipped out her Blaster Pistol. "You better start talking RIGHT NOW!" Hilal shouted. "Otherwise I'll put a blaster bolt in your-"

Hilal groaned as the throbbing in her head intensified she got on her knee dropping her Blaster Pistol in the process. "I feel like I got punched in the head by a Hutt." She moaned looking up at the black haired woman.

Akiya Orime Akiya Orime


Location: Kamino, Belly of the Beast
Outfit: Red shirt and black pants
Tags: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

As the armor folded away it was easy to see that the subject inside had been pretty well protected from being swallowed by the sea creature. Then again Akiya couldn’t remember her own descent down the beast’s throat so she wasn’t entirely sure how much danger there actually was in being eaten. At some point down the digestive tract they would certainly come to whatever mechanisms were used to break down the fish’s food, but here and now they seemed pretty safe. Akiya hoped the same could be said for the vial of cloning DNA that she was shoved in here to retrieve.

”Ho! Hold on. I’m a friend,” Akiya called out as the woman regained consciousness quite suddenly. ”Well. Not sure about friends just yet. Ally at this point I certainly hope. You were eaten by a very big fish. Now we need to figure a way out before we get sucked further inside. I’m Akiya. Your armor…Well went away when I tried to check you out. I’m a doctor, so I mean that in a professional way not…You know.”

Akiya nodded when Hilal complained of feeling beaten. ”I don’t know how long I had been laying here before I woke up. But yeah the travel to get here is not a pleasant one. Wish I could say that it goes away quickly, but it doesn’t. And I don’t have any of my tools to help with anything. Your armor will probably be more helpful with a diagnosis than I will be.”
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Heart Breaker and Life Taker

Current Outfit

Though her head was still throbbing, Hilal managed to get on her feet though her legs were wobbling like they were made out of Jello. It was strange to see another person here. She definitely wasn't a Mandalorian though she claimed that she was a Doctor? "Akiya huh?" Hilal mumbled rubbing her head. "Do you work with the Kaminaons? How did you get swallowed up by the Monster?"

A large rumble was felt nearly throwing Hilal off balance. "Judging by the smell," Hilal said. "We're probably inside of a digestive tract!"

Hilal pressed the button on her watch attempting to summon her armor however the Holoscreen portrayed that the armor's signal was damaged. "Chit!" Hilal said. "Looks like I'll to find it the old fashion way."

Of course, she needed to introduce herself to Akiya who at least saved her life. Even though she somehow lost her armor. "I'm Hilal of clan Vizsla," Hilal said. "And I'm here to kill this beast that has eaten us both. All of the stuff that's needed to kill it though with my armor."

As much as Hilal wanted to yell at Akiya for losing her armor, now wasn't the time. "Follow me you want to get outta here," Hilal said. "Because I'm ready to rip this beast's innards out."

Akiya Orime Akiya Orime

The Operator|Kamino|After dark


Kaminos harsh rain storms lashed the boardwalks with all the brute force one might expect of a rainy, watery planet; it was quiet at this hour, most Kaminoan scientists had either packed up and gone home or had gone to meet representatives from the enclaves delegation regarding the future of the planet and it's esteemed facilities of cloning and other dark sciences.

Ha Su, a lone Kaminoan scientist accompanied by two droid bodyguards, hurried along the boardwalk, shielding his eyes from the rain as he quickly made his way to the landing pod area far ahead. He had little time to escape; he would not be forced to share his research with lowly barbarian Mandalorians and drag Kamino's name through the mud. He'd do it gladly if it meant fleeing to the core worlds and taking a stand against his superiors.

Only a few more meters, and I'm out of here.

I'll be free.

Heavy footsteps ahead stopped that thought as a Mandalorian clad in black slid into view, leaning against a pillar. Ha Su wiped his eyes and swore under his breath, swearing that they weren't there prior. His two droids moved ahead of him, blasters in hand and guarding for any signs of trouble from the newly arrived stranger in black.

"Who are you??"

He called out in a warbly voice, trying to mask his surprise and dare he say slight panic at the sight of a Mando waiting.

A cold indifferent modulated voice replied in return, breaking the awkward silence.

"It doesn't matter."

Three shots rang out, all three bodies hitting the ground in quick succession. A cold metallic boot kicked the now lifeless body of the scientist over the side and down into the bottomless ocean below.

The Mandalorian gathered their cloak and left as silently as they arrived, bringing up their datapad to record a voice message to their superiors.

"It is done."

In the vast space surrounding Kamino, a small fighter jumps out of hyperspace. The Evaar'la goten, Silias' personal Kom'rk Class transport glides towards Kamino. Being once a primary transport for his kind he hopes that it may give him a higher chance to not be fired upon. He slows his course and opens his comm channel.

"This is Silas Vizsla, I am requesting permission to land. I am here on a diplomatic mission with some propositions that would benefit all parties."
He sends his transport ID knowing that it may be requested of him eventually, and disables his shields in show of his peace.
A sharp halt in the almost imperceivable motion of his ship let Garou know that he had indeed arrived at Kamino. It had been a long time since he had been with the Covert and at that time he was little more than a fresh-faced foundling. Now he returned in his found fathers Beskar'Gam, now painted to fit his own aesthetic. After his fathers death he had taken some time, to honor that blood debt, and to make sure he did not lose himself to the anger that was ever present in his race. Upon arrival back at the home forge he had been informed of the reclamation of Kamino and without second thought had practically thrown himself at the planet.

As he entered low orbit he radioed down to Reggie Rau who he had been informed was in charge of the activities that where less about politics and more about putting your blade where your mouth was.

"This Is Mando'ade Garou of Clan Shakti requesting orders to aid in the Reclamation efforts. I am in low orbit and awaiting further instructions. Over."
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Ohois Qhut'eol


Poggle the Lesser |


Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida Vren Rook Vren Rook Domina Prime Domina Prime Yael Kandar

The Neimoidian General had been informed by peers that the Giant of Zakuul Darth Imperius Darth Imperius had a dislike for the Trade Federation of Planets and that was shown in the lack of thought behind the response given to his previous statement to the Prime Minister of Kamino. The giant warrior's kind could do some considerable damage but they were soon going to be outclassed by the advancements in battle droid technology that the Trade Federation was developing which resulted in the production of one of the most powerful tactical units ever available for full scale deployment in the R-Series Tactical Droid Commander, considered far superior to the intelligence of humans or clones but he would not mention this incase the Zakuul Warrior was feeling inferior as he ought to be.

He elected to ignore the giant for now until the Prime Minister Spoke once again citing that it was unprofitable for those kind of programs considering their customer base. The Law against cloning within the Galactic Alliance must have been a key reason that the Mandalorian Enclave decided to use them considering what happen to the Grand Army of the Republic during the foundation of the Galactic Empire decades ago. The Trade Federation had been looking to establish more partners throughout the galaxy and this was an opportunity to tempting to ignore.

"Member of Clan Saxon, would you mind pointing me towards any of your leadership present today within these illustrious halls of science. The Trade Federation would like to discuss proper proposals with the right individuals." General Haako explained giving a small bow to the Prime Minister of Kamino focusing on the member of Clan Saxon Celt Saxon Celt Saxon

BYOO: Capture the 'good' Dr. Lim Tenri and deliver them to the client
Anna Carden Anna Carden

"Lots of Enclave about..." Atin muttered in Mando'a to no one in particular as he peered through the view port from behind Anna. Atin shifted on his feet and frowned. It still made him nervous, being amongst his own kind again. He'd kept the Resol'nare as best he could in his time away, and still, he did not feel like he belonged any longer.

"No explosions this time. The Alor'ad will have our hides if we kark this up." That and they'd probably end up ruining years of cooperation between the Enclave and the Kaminoans. Which meant Atin probably wouldn't be getting any bacta the next time Anna actually did blow something up.

Honestly, Atin wasn't entirely sure how the Enclave would feel about them hunting while they were not only conducting some glorified fishing expedition on the planet, but also talks with the Kaminoans and their new tech. Still, a successful hunt would mean a payday that Atin sorely needed, and cleaning up a liability in an Enclave asset in the process was a bonus. Just needed to pull it off on the hush-hush so as to not cause a disturbance.

The larger of the two pulled his helmet on, seals hissing for a moment as their ship descended towards the designated landing pad. At least they didn't have to worry about permits this time around. "Geared up? Oya'karir."
BYOO: Capture the 'good' Dr. Lim Tenri and deliver them to the client
Atin Tracinya Atin Tracinya

The Enclave's very busy on this important day. Securing a better deal and favor with Kaminoans would be a big step toward the upcoming rally. Catching a glimpse of Atin's face through the reflection on the viewport, she inquired. "Feeling peculiar?" He used to work alone without any assistance from his aliit, after all.

"Not in my plans, do not worry."

As if she was going to disrupt the talks currently in place with some explosive antics. That'll get her exiled from the Enclave real quick. Good for Atin to remind her though, because the last 3 missions had nothing but explosions, two of which were definitely unplanned.

She gave a thumb-up, pressing the switches to initiate the automatic landing sequence before getting up from her seat, and grabbing her helmet, jetpack, and rifle. One thing is always certain in this line of work: assume the worst.


Landing successfully on the platform, the boarding ramp on the Corvette lowered, and the pair of Mandalorians slowly exited the craft.

"Now, to find our catch."
BYOO: Capture the 'good' Dr. Lim Tenri and deliver them to the client
Anna Carden Anna Carden

"Feeling peculiar?" Atin could see her eyes flicker up towards him, brown eyes peering at him through their reflections. "Mm. Something like that," Atin replied. Anna made him feel even more uncomfortable. Most people who met Atin saw only the armor. The visage of a mighty warrior. The faceless death of those who stood in his way. Anna knew better. Her upbringing was the same as his, they shared a culture and belief. She could see beneath his helmet in a way others couldn't. Atin did not like such vulnerability. Perhaps that was why returning to the Mando'ade made him uncomfortable. They all knew him in such a way. And at the same time, they did not know him at all. Could not know him.

Atin would have time to think and sulk later. First, they had to attend to Dr. Tenri. Nobody stopped them as they stepped off the ship and into Kamino's endless downpour, nor did they stop them when they entered the facility, though they did earn a few strange looks. "Stow the rifle," Atin's voice, filtered through his helmet said. "Don't wanna spook him before we even find him."
BYOO: Capture the 'good' Dr. Lim Tenri and deliver them to the client
Atin Tracinya Atin Tracinya
"Mm. Something like that."

And Anna left it at that, knowing well that Atin wasn't comfortable with this kind of talk. It's been months since they started the weird partnership and the man still didn't talk much outside pointing out how she wouldn't survive in a real combat situation. Even though she thinks that she proved him wrong every single time.

"Stow the rifle," She quickly replied under the modulated voice, but still stowed the high-powered rifle anyway. "It's not like they mind."

So far, so good. Suppose it's according to plan, Dr. Tenri should still be in his office, on the corner of the corridor they were currently moving through. And speaking of that, one Kaminoan just exited the room and turned to the right. Anna slowed her walk as she confirmed the sight. The vertical green marking behind his head is unmistakable. That's definitely their target.

"The signatures match. It's him."

The head-up display in her helmet locked to the target. Slightly leaning her head toward the other Mandalorian, she asked while still walking naturally among the busy Kaminoan scientists.

"A lot of eyes around. Which plan to execute, Atin?"
BYOO: Capture the 'good' Dr. Lim Tenri and deliver them to the client
Anna Carden Anna Carden
"It's not like they mind." Atin was about to push the issue when he glanced in her direction and realized she had done as asked. Deciding to let it lie, the man continued to walk down the corridors, eyes scanning the smooth-pale faces of the kaminoans for their mark. The sound of a door hissing open drew the attention of both the mandalorians as yet another kaminoan stepped out and turned down the hall, walking in the same direction as they had been.

"The signatures match. It's him." Atin's own HUD lit up, briefly scanning the tall, pale figure for distinguishing features, and then marking him. "Confirmed."
Anna leaned in to whisper to Atin, despite using their encrypted communications channel. "Let's just follow him for now," Atin replied, making sure to keep some distance between themselves and the good doctor. "Wait 'til he separates. If he tries to run, stun him." And if that failed, a good ol' Carden Special should do the trick.
BYOO: Capture the 'good' Dr. Lim Tenri and deliver them to the client
Atin Tracinya Atin Tracinya
"Let's just follow him for now,"

"Got it."

The doctor seemed to look back a few times as if he felt uneasy or maybe he was a bit paranoid. They kept their distance, but the sight of a pair of Mandalorians coming your way would spook anyone. Dr Tenri proceeded to suddenly turn right at a corner, making Anna raise her eyebrows as that path doesn't lead anywhere but outside. "I think he saw us."

The Red Raven quickened her steps, walking toward the corner before peeking. Dr. Tenri was already some distance away, running. Or jogging. Not any of it matters. He probably just got too paranoid instead of figuring out that they were here for him. That said, they're not gonna let him leave that easily.

"Oh yeah, he did."

She started to pick up her pace to a quick steps, motioning Atin to follow along while still trying to get more unwarranted attention.

Part IV

"I will contact my Director for Bio-Engineering and Cloning to establish communication with your head scientists, Prime Minister. Thank you for the opportunity."

"And I am pretty certain that our fellow Mando'ade are also not too inclined towards the more expensive and sophisticated units, if they are interested at all in procuring units from you."

Aurelian turned his gaze at Celt Saxon Celt Saxon and offered her a nod. He was as professional in the topic and more as the Prime Minister, but this was not his meeting, not his show. It was just appropriate to delegate the conversation to the ones initiating it and inviting him. They came here for business and diplomacy, the Enclave was Kamino's main partner or possible main partner.

He wondered what they would be interested in. The Mandalorians were very capable warriors in their own right and clone troopers would definitely not be a cheap undertaking, independent of the specifics. The Zakuulans eyes briefly crossed over the representative of the Trade Federation, another cockroach which tried to establish a dependency, who was also quite bluntly ignoring the presence of an Alor'ad. As usual, mindless and greedy.

BYOO: Capture the 'good' Dr. Lim Tenri and deliver them to the client
Anna Carden Anna Carden

The kaminoans seemed to make it a point to move for the pair of mandalorians, flowing around them as they walked down the hall. Ahead of them, their mark glanced back every once in a while. Always back at them. He was getting nervous. The man stepped around a corner, abruptly, and Atin immediately began to pick up his pace. "I think he saw us."

They came around the corner quickly to find that the doctor had put some distance between himself and the two mandalorians, following him menacingly. Anna's pace began to pick up, and Atin followed suit, breaking into a slight jog as they pursued the doctor. "Can't lose him," Atin said, just as the doctor turned another corner. "I'll try to cut him off, stay on his tail."

Atin broke into a run, passing the hallway the doctor had cut down, only to take the next. He nearly ran into another mandalorian, who swore at him loudly as he passed by him, turning on his heels to avoid slamming into him. "Got eyes?"

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