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Campaign The Reclamation War: Shotgun Allegiance | Mandalorian Enclave


900 ABY

:: Yael, keep your distance. You can't match them in melee. ::

<I can take care of myself!>

"Arbiter? The murder of innocents isn't subject to opinion. If you're torn by the reality of your actions, don't blame it on me."

"Innocents? They discarded their innocence when they decided to take arms!"

Turns out, the combat advantage that I had didn't last for too long. The spray of rocks the Jedi blasted on me did stagger me from my defensive stance a little. Most of the rocks missed its target, sans two smaller ones that hit me on my belly and outer thigh. Not enough to pierce the plate, but most likely enough to leave bruises. The adrenaline means the pain hasn't hit me however. What took me off guard is the fact that the Jedi has pounced from her initial recovery position, taking advantage of the distraction the rocks gave, and thrusted forward with her lightsaber pike.

So fast, so powerful, so close. The lightsaber lunge almost caught me on the gap between my chest plate and lower rib plate. It was so close that even after I managed to raise both of my Gauntlet-Beskads and parried the thrust upwards, it still made a hard contact with my Beskar chest piece and sent me flung backwards. It did give me some separation from the aggressive Jedi, and hopefully I wasn't the only one staggered by the clash of a lightsaber and a pair of beskads.

The bad news, I'm on the ground, dazed and out of position. I did the only thing I could do at this moment, taking my Borealis Heavy Blaster Pistol with my right hand and preparing the Tractor-Pressor Beam Projector on my left vambrace.

TLDR: dodged rocks, parried pike-saber lunge, flung backward, ass first. fml.
Allies: Mangoes
Enemies: Resistance is futile
Engaging: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
Gear: in bio

Shai skidded back as she braced herself against the push, luckily it gave the two some space to not tear each other's throats out. The Jedi's words drew a chuckle from Shai as she raised her pistols and flicked them over to a more lethal setting. "Clearly you don't know how negotiations go with Mandalorians." She remarked as she reloaded her pistols and gave a glance around. "Yeah, we got a truce. Just don't get me court martialled, once is enough for me." She quipped with a shake of her head.

Leaving the Jedi to help her comrade, Shai levelled her pistols and followed along for a bit to keep an eye on the rest. They seemed pretty occupied to care about their actions right now. "You never introduced yourself, by the way." She remarked as she spared a glance at the Jedi. "Name's Shai Maji. Or Wardog. Whichever works for you." She introduced herself as she leapt back to stick close.

Her eyes continued to gravitate to Valery and Siv. She wanted to intervene, knock their heads together and tell them to get a grip. But for the moment, she had a much more controversial objective to complete. "Where's your friend at? Lost sight of her in the chaos." She asked the Jedi as she moved along.

"Last I saw her, she was still on your little ship. And it's Jonyna Si. You never been to Cathar? I'm painted on the trees. Then again, don't go to Cathar, they've already got enough scars from your folk." The slight jab was more a coping mechanism from the Cathar than a genuine barb. Then again, the mandos might laugh at that. Ugh. Her eyes scanned the battlefield, looking for Lily Decoria Lily Decoria , and a path towards her. She knew the moment she disengaged, someone was going to take her. In that moment, she knew the coat was a good investment. "What's your plan?" She hoped it was a good one. Trusting a mando was still a hard thing for her. Forgiveness? That was a question she still struggled with. She couldn't think about that yet. But Trust? She could put that faith out for now. Faith was all she had. Faith in the goodness in all sentience. Or at least the capacity for it. Even Mandos...

Shai Maji Shai Maji




Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber
Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr , Lily Decoria Lily Decoria , Valery Noble Valery Noble

Pain barked through her bones as she slammed unceremoniously against the wall of the ship. Though her suit bore the brunt of the impact and absorbed the worst of it, a torrent of cascading agony lit behind her eyes, spreading from the point where her temple made impact and making her vision blur as a light metallic tang coated her tongue. Stubbornly, she squeezed her eyes shut and fought against the dizzying effects. The Force came to meet her half way, providing enough strength that the throbbing in her head became nothing more than a dull, distant ache.

When her eyes opened again, the Mandalorian had already regained his own footing, taunting her with bitter laments about the Jedi's failures. "And what, the Mandalorians are wholly without fault or blame? Have you ever fought for anyone besides your own people? It's easy to stand back and point fingers when you've never put your boots to the dirt and done the work necessary to wade through the quagmire that comes with trying to defend a Galaxy full of people."

Brandishing her lightsaber in preparation for the next altercation, she continued. "We didn't come here seeking conflict, we came here to retrieve our Padawan and set the record straight. Instead, your leaders demanded the captivity of someone who fought with your people time and again, in exchange for the release of my brutalized apprentice. Where is the honor in that?"

A harsh metallic screech tore through the air as Lily finally escaped her confinement. For a fleeting moment, Briana's lips curled into a tight but proud smile that vanished almost as soon as it'd appeared; cerulean eyes widened imperceptibly and her face went ghastly white, the Force sounding off warning bells of the imminent danger surrounding Lily.

"LILY MOVE!" Reflexively, Briana sprang forward with the same dizzying speed as earlier, her arms wrapping around the young woman to pull her out of the projectiles pathway, but not before a sudden flash of searing pain tore into the side of her thigh, the force of the impact sending herself and Lily toppling slightly down the ramp. Each nerve ending flared with a ferociously searing pain beyond anything she'd experienced before, every superficial scrape to the deeper lacerations, clamoring for attention as she gasped for breath. Struggling against the sensations, Briana instinctively called out to the Force, only to find herself bereft of the comforting balm it normally provided to shield her from the pain. What in Shiraya's name was this?!

"Take her and go. But remember this, next time you will not be shown any mercy."

Gasping a quick, careful breath, Briana shakily pushed herself up to her feet—well, foot— finding that she could not feel her right leg. Tentatively she reached down to her thigh, and pulled back her hand to confirm what she already knew. "Chit." she murmured, feeling her eyes burn against her will while trying to keep a watchful eye fixated on Sahan. "Lil — I need you to telepathically reach out to Valery, let her know we're on our way."


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Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Amani Serys Amani Serys Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Irvelghrikk Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Elias Edo Elias Edo

"Another weapon like that? So predictable," Valery said after she had raised her hand to stop the whip, not with her lightsaber but with a barrier of Force energy. The Jedi Master had no fancy equipment to see people through smoke, dust and debris, but her senses and Keshian eyes made up for that. Through it all, she saw the heat from his body, and focused on it to prepare herself against his next attacks.

This wasn't about winning a fight — there were far too many Mandalorians and for any one she'd beat, they could easily send ten more after her. No, this was about prolonging it until the Padawan was set free, and while Valery stood with her weapons raised to block whatever bolts she couldn't evade, she finally found her opening. It wasn't Lily's call that reached her, but a sharp pain she felt when her own former Padawan was wounded in battle.

The bond between her and Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren would linger until the end, even years after she'd be knighted.

<It's time to go!> Valery called out over comms to the other Jedi. <Secure the ship, and cover their retreat!> Choosing to mostly ignore the Mandalorian who kept his distance, Valery jumped towards Briana and Lily, hoping to meet them halfway while she kept her senses focused on Siv. He wasn't going to let them just get away, so she was expecting him to engage.

After Valery landed, she drew her blade back up, and stood ready to cover their way out.



Tags: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr | Valery Noble Valery Noble + all Jedi

As Lily got out of the ship and saw the conflict that the other Jedi were engrossed in, she realised how bad things had gotten due to events that should never have had happened and Lily was completely at a lost on how things got this bad. It felt so fast, so sudden and she feared it was all her fault and that she had done everything wrong, that being a Jedi was the complete wrong choice for her. If Lily had remained on Eshan, she might have struggled with the Force the rest of her life, but Lily wouldn't have brought the harm that she has done now.

Then things got worse.

The Mandalorian on the ship fired upon her. Lily couldn't react fast enough to it but as Lily accepted her fate to this all, Briana appeared and defended Lily from the shot. The blast hit Briana and Lily's eyes flashed in fury, how dare this Mandalorian attack her Master but there was nothing Lily could do. She was too weak, not armed for this fight. Instead of setting her fury upon the Mandalorian, Lily grabbed her Master and carried her forward towards the Jedi ship.

"Master Noble! Master Sal-Soren is injured, she needs immediate medical aid!" Lily called out, using all the strength the young Echani had left to help her Master reach the Sword of the Jedi. Lily was panicked and unaware of who might be able to help Briana and who knew of what just happened. Lily could wait, was willing to wait for medical attention as long as her Master was healthy and back to normal once again.

"We're getting out of here Master, I promise!"


"Easy justification for a subjugator."

Amani pounced quick, her attack coming dangerously close to one of the Mandalorian's unarmored weak points. But her opponent recovered just in time to parry the blade, causing the last of Amani's momentum to collide with the chest plate. Beskar and saber plasma collided in a way that was different, but difficult to describe, from one lightsaber to another. The strike felt more visceral, and both fighters were pushed back by the recoil. Amani twisted her pike and dug the blade into the ground, slowing her stagger and keeping her from getting more off balance.

Given that the Mando was hit by the impact directly, she was left on the ground, drawing a pistol and activating something in her opposite hand. Whatever it was, Amani didn't know, but she wasn't interested in finding out. The Jedi reached out her hand, attempting to yank the pistol away from her opponent and into her own grasp.
Allies: Mangoes
Enemies: Resistance is futile
Engaging: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Valery Noble Valery Noble Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr
Gear: in bio

"Last I saw her, she was still on your little ship. And it's Jonyna Si. You never been to Cathar? I'm painted on the trees. Then again, don't go to Cathar, they've already got enough scars from your folk."

"Been there once or twice. Did an order or two as a gun runner there to take care of some bugs." She admitted calmly. She only learned about Cathar's history when she was still a foundling, but it never meant much to her. It was old history. It was a surprise to encounter someone that was still scarred by it, though it made sense given the whole 'frozen by a witch' thing Jonyna mentioned.

The girl asked about a plan, drawing Shai to a pause for a moment. "Get to the ship, back up your friend. I'll get Valery to you guys." She instructed before taking off toward her sister. To her surprise, Valery was already breaking contact to reach her paddies. She altered her course to intercept the Jedi Master mid-air, wrapping her arm around Valery's waist as she flew her over the carnage towards the ship. "Get your people out of here, Val. I'll cover you." She spoke quickly, only touching down to let go of Valery before flying off to face Siv.

With pistols raised, Shai confronted the Karjr as a snarl rumbled in her throat. "Call it off, Siv. You've done enough damage today. " She ordered him as she hovered in the air above him. She spared a glance over her shoulder. Yael was still locked in combat. Kriff. "You don't call a ceasefire, I'll shove my pistol up your ass. Now stay right there, puppy." She blasted off toward Yael at full speed.

Her stomach was turning and her heart was pounding. She was flying like a maniac, hoping to put a stop to this. :: Yael, stand down! That's an order! :: She shouted over her comms.


Allies: Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr | Reggie Rau | Domina Prime Domina Prime | Mevia Krayt | Shai Maji Shai Maji | Shakka Bralor | Koda Fett | Yael Kandar Yael Kandar
Enemies: ENGAGING: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Lily Decoria Lily Decoria | PRESENT: Amani Serys Amani Serys | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Elias Edo Elias Edo | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Irvelghrikk

Siv's whip and blaster bolts were deflected by some sort of barrier, although exactly what he could not discern through the smoke. His HUD didn't pick up on it either; an energy field would certainly have it going haywire with detection. Likely the Jedi had deflected it with the force. Typical. The Jedi and the Sith's overreliance on their magic powers would one day be their downfall, Siv hoped.

The smoke dissipated, leaving Val standing lightsaber ignited much further away from Siv than he'd presumed. Behind her were the Jedi, running, fleeing back to their ship with their padawan. He leveled his blaster against the Jedi Master. Then, his line of sight was interrupted by another Mandalorian. Shai Maji, the wardog, hovered over him.

"Call it off, Siv. You've done enough damage today. " She ordered him as she hovered in the air above him. She spared a glance over her shoulder. Yael was still locked in combat. Kriff. "You don't call a ceasefire, I'll shove my pistol up your ass. Now stay right there, puppy."

Inside, he was seething. He half-thought to raise his blaster at Shai herself. He wasn't the problem here. He hadn't escalated. And now Shai was letting old ties cloud her judgment, allowing herself to be used by the Jedi to once again cover for their mistakes and delusions.

He could order the shuttle carrying them all to be shot down. None of the Jedi would make it out of Rodia's atmosphere if he gave the word. If Shai Maji didn't like that, then he'd very happily tangle with the Wardog. That would be a small sacrifice to see the cadre of self-important, self-righteous Jedi wiped from the face of the galaxy. But another voice spoke in the back of his mind. Reminding him of the Quartermaster, now long dead. What would she do?

With that in mind, Siv slowly, reluctantly, lowered his blaster before holstering it completely. He turned, cloak whipping behind him, walking back from the center of the battlefield to his own ship parked on the mesa edge. He activated his commlink. "Sahan, start the engines. We're going back to Kestri." If Shai wanted a ceasefire so bad, let her talk down the crusade-hungry rookies. Siv was tired. Feth this place. Feth Rodia. Feth the Jedi. He was weary of it all, and what he needed most was a long drink back at White Scar.

"Damn fool!" Sahan sighed heavily to himself as Sal-Soren dove in front of the bullet meant for Decoria. "How is she supposed to learn if you take her punishment for her!? Oh well. Hope she at least appreciates having a comrade like that." He couldn't help but respect someone like that, though the woman was maybe wasted on the Jedi. Sahan holstered his gun and watched Decoria try to carry Sal-Soren out.

As Sahan went to fire up the ship's engines, he heard the Maji woman come over the comms, trying to issue commands. <Can it, Maji,> Sahan replied. <You no longer have the authority you once did, and this wasn't your operation. Nor are you Yael's Mandokarla superior. That being said, if it's merely a suggestion, then it's all fine.> He'd leave it at that. Siv could speak for himself, if he wanted. <But the operation is done. We got the information we came for. Thanks for your help, everyone. You can let them leave. Grant a little mercy. Just let them know that we will not be so merciful next time. I'm sure Siv, Kranak, and Vren will also agree that we do not ever want to see them in our space again. Now, if you would all be so kind as to finish taking care of Rodia. Just don't harm unarmed civilians.> He shouldn't have to add that last part, but he figured it was probably needed for this lot.

"Sahan, start the engines. We're going back to Kestri."

"Already on it. Artus is sending the report of all of this as we speak. The entire ordeal was recorded, both as proof and as potential training footage for later. After we finish that up back home, I'll come back in Gold and help wrap things up, make sure rebuilding starts, and such."

Daughter of The Destroyer

The sudden pressure applied to the end of her tail trapping it beneath his boot caused Dimas five eyes to dilate slightly as she focused even more on the godling before her. His words fell on deaf ears as the pommel of his saber came rushing towards her face. Dima leaned closer, almost as if pushing her face towards the strike as all four of her arms would suddenly and abruptly appear beside the godlings hand, shoving it to the side just slightly as the pommel strike made contact with the harder metal of her helm rather than shattering the glass of her visor, preventing it from being damaged as after the attack as Dima pulled and twisted her hips in a swift, powerful movement.

While the godling had managed to snag a bit of her tail under his boot he had neglected to do so at the end of the tail, allowing the rest of her exposed tail to begin twisting and coiling around his ankle tightly and attempting literally pull the 'rug' from beneath him.

The tail, once wrapped around his leg would attempt to remain so. Pulling, twisting and yanking it back and forth awkwardly and manipulating his footing as Dima invaded his space even more. Placing her legs between the godlings legs and using the hooked talons on her feet to trip him up and prevent him from preforming any of his fancy saber stances as she played a dangerous game of footsies with the jedi. The tail latched onto her leg only adding to the annoyance and mind games as Dima suddenly threw up a knee from between his legs as one of her upper arms preformed a downward elbow strike at the same time.

"More! Show Dima MORE!" She cackled violently as she exercised her martial prowess against the godborn champion as her blood boiled in her veins in excitement. "Don't be such a bore little god!" She laughed, if the elbow or knee attack failed, she would continue her game of footsies as those bladed feet brushed and collided with his legs again and again.

  • Tail Strike Countered by Godling, But with Unforeseen Consequences
  • Visor strike half successful, bashing her head and dazing the Xeno
  • Remainder of Tail curls and wraps around Godlings ankle/leg
  • Tail pulls, tugs, yanks and twist to completely ruin Godlings footing
  • Further taking advantage of bad footing, engages in footsies to throw off balance
  • Attempts Downward Elbow Strike With Upper Arm, kneeing the groin with knee






Among the trees
Blades and fists
No more innocence

Fighting: Domina Prime Domina Prime
Trying to get to Fenn Stag

The combination of the "rug" being pulled up from under him and the knee- which he avoided going to his groin by bending over, and instead taking it to the plasteel armor of his chest (with still the audible crack, and the audible sound of his breath being forced from his lungs), forced Thal to the ground, where he was able to barely avoid the crashing elbow. He was looking up at the sky before he knew it, tall trees above him leering down.

He forced his head up to examine the Mandalorian, getting a look, before pressing a palm to the ground, scrambling up to his feet. He turned the blade downward, palm facing towards the taller Alien. He wasn't going to win in a hand-to-hand. Just not possible with the Mandalorian's size and biology- coupled with the fact that the alien compromised the armor on his torso for the most part- another blow like that, and any hope of the armor functioning as armor would be out the window.

Then, he lashed out. He had to.

He fought like a demon, no forewarning. One hand reached out, to grasp the alien by the collar and pull the Mandalorian off-balance with his brutish strength. The other- the hand holding the blade, angled downward in a stabbing motion. It wasn't a technique of the Jedi, or the Sith. It was a survivalist, a gladiator, a fighter. He screamed, breathing ragged. His eyes locked with the Mandalorian's visor, intent on looking his enemy in the eye as he tried to kill them. Both hands lashed out in unison, a well-timed and well executed maneuver that he quickly learned in the Red Tower.

The Mandalorian wasn't aware that she did it, but in fact, the Mandalorian was turning Thal away from the years of Jedi training that he had been working towards. She was waking old demons.

And she was going to find out why that wasn't a good thing for her.

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