The Je'daii Order of old has been/is in the process of being reformed and reinstated amongst the stars. Based around a set of philosophical ideals stemming from Balance, Self-Fulfilment, Betterment and the increase in Knowledge, these neutral Force Users dedicate their lives to understanding and learning of the Force. They seek a balance in all things, but specifically the Force itself, walking a tender line between the Ashlan (Light) and the Bogan (Dark), treading too close to neither facet.
This is, in truth, more of an interest-check than anything else. While the Faction has been created (here is the link) an official Faction Advertisement will be created once everything in the Faction itself has been finalised. Instead this thread is looking for any like-minded individuals who would like to participate in the revival both on an OOC and an IC level. Post below, PM me over the boards or IM me over Skype (Nietzara) to join/for further information/to give your input, and anything else regarding the RJO.
Thanks - Libby.
This is, in truth, more of an interest-check than anything else. While the Faction has been created (here is the link) an official Faction Advertisement will be created once everything in the Faction itself has been finalised. Instead this thread is looking for any like-minded individuals who would like to participate in the revival both on an OOC and an IC level. Post below, PM me over the boards or IM me over Skype (Nietzara) to join/for further information/to give your input, and anything else regarding the RJO.
Thanks - Libby.