Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Red Funeral || Braxant Covenant


The wind was bitter as it blew through the streets of the city surrounding the Red Keep. It sang its own funeral dirge as the procession had wound its way through the path which had been set out for it days in advance. What should have been the celebration of a joyous and monumental victory had turned into the macabre and morbid cries of a people who had lost their leader.

For nearly one thousand years three great houses have known nothing but war. Each has their own version of how the conflict began, but in truth the cause of it is unknown. The only thing historians can agree upon is the war centered on power and control. Whoever controls the Braxant Run controls the sector's economy and stands to become exceedingly wealthy. Many lives have been lost, and much blood has been spilled in an attempt to gain control without any house truly securing it. Among the most recent stolen as a result of this war was Lord Elend Draco, Patriarch of House Draco.

A temporary ceasefire was agreed up between the Great Houses of Braxant in the wake of the Lord’s death, as peace talks are set to begin. In honor of the late Lord, a Covenant is set to be enacted by official action following his funeral. The season which follows will be the most important as many see the move as a weakness on the part of the Nobility while others see it as a way for one of the remaining Nobles to finally consolidate power into one ruling house.

Will the Covenant succeed?

Will peace triumph?

Or will this sector of the galaxy be plunged into darker times?

These questions filled the minds of many as the ceremony came to a close. Each guest paid their final respects, and gave their condolences to the grieving widow, Lady Deyanira Draco. Of the guests the most notable were Ulysses Renoux and Ty'darius Amnen, the patriarchs and heads of their noble houses. All eyes were on them as they approached Lady Draco, another test of the forthcoming peace agreements.

A collective sigh of relief seemed to cut through the tension of the moment as each went their separate ways in preparation of what would likely be a lengthy and arduous set of meetings. Rumors circulated throughout those in attendance that the details of the agreement had yet to be documented. For now the questions ahead of them would have to wait for the talks to begin.


The Red Funeral has concluded and the peace talks are about to begin. Tension fills the Red Keep and the surrounding city as many prepare for everything to break down, and the drum of war to beat again. In the meantime, the events of the day go on as planned while the guests take to the streets and explore the city.

However, do feel free to linger in the courtyard if you’d like to pay your respects in private or spend some time remembering the late lord.


Peace Talks are so much fun aren’t they? While you may not be there to talk or participate you may be there to protect your noble, or offer them advice. The accords must go through and the Covenant must be established. Ensure the Lords and Lady are not interrupted.


Explore the city. Run into someone from another house without burning the place down. Enjoy the markets and shops. Find the secrets Lady Draco doesn’t want anyone to know about. Whatever you do, get along, or try to.
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H O U S E • D R A C O


“Today we remember Elend Draco – loving husband, caring father, and benevolent leader...” Deyanira read from her notes because the description did not quite fit the man.

He’d been the savior when her father’s house was on the verge of ruin. She had him to thank for her status and riches, though she’d never said the words. She had given him a suitable heir which, she felt, was thanks enough.

The children—all of them—had come home. Deyanira’s dark eyes lingered on the front row, where they were seated. She felt a headache coming on.

“Elend Draco's legacy does not end here,” Deyanira said. “He will live on through House Draco; we will remain strong.”

“May he rest in peace,”
she said, dabbing the corner of her eyes with a handkerchief. Deyanira paused by the side of the closed casket for a moment and placed a single rose on top. As she eyed the casket, she couldn’t help but to think the words…

Forgive me.
— — — — —​

It was time for the peace talks to commence. Even as she made the walk from the Keep to the government building, she wondered if she could get out of it. A grieving widow needed time alone and a glass of wine. But, as the current leader of the house, she did not wish to appear weak before the representatives of House Amnen and House Renoux.


The name lingered in her mind like a sour note.

And while she was away, she’d given strict instructions to Tolmeh Thorn Tolmeh Thorn — members of the other houses are welcome, but they are not to be trusted. As such, only portions of the keep were open for exploring. The town, however, could be enjoyed… so long as no one burnt it down. And she had a sick feeling that either Leon or Adelina would be responsible.

This was why she could not have nice things.

At least, Leon would be kept out of trouble for the time being – as he had agreed to attend the peace talks with her. Deyanira needed him there… even though she would have dropped dead on the spot before saying it. However, his court jester antics came to mind… her headache worsened. As they entered the building, she glanced down at Leon Draco.

“Do not embarrass me,” Deyanira said, hushed like an assassin, but smiling like a warm-hearted mother because people were watching.

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Outfit: Link
Tag: Amarantos Draco I Adelina Draco Adelina Draco I Isadora Draco

During the Funeral

Tolmeh stood nearby along the outside of the funeral procession. He was close enough that he could hear the words being said by The Matriarch of House Draco Deyanira Draco Deyanira Draco as she talked about how loving and caring he was. Tolmeh thought about all of that, he wasn't sure the old patriarch of the house had been all that kind or caring. Especially from some of the orders the man had given, not all of them had been the most pleasant tasks. But then did they have to be, after all if it got the job done. He mulled over that thought for most of the rest of the Funeral. After all when the day ended and the sun went down he had performed those actions, because of duty, because of loyalty and if he was asked to, he'd probably do them again wouldn't he.

He did see all of the House's children most of whom were the same age or even older than him. Couldn't think of them like children. The House's young lords and ladies, it had been ages since he had seen most of them. But they were here to support the new head of the house especially given this new Covenant. The Houses having a cease fire. What a time to be alive.

After the Funeral

Tolmeh had left the Funeral as soon as he could. He had his orders and as such began speaking with other justiciars so that they would be in positions where they would be able to cut of entry to parts of the keep that The Matriarch Lady Deyanira didn't want other houses entering. He himself however didn't stay in one place making arounds instead to keep an eye on both guests and The Draco Family alike. After all with cutting off parts of the keep, the Draco Justiciars were a little short handed on managing a two guard presence with each member of the house. Instead it would have to be one guard each and whoever was left, himself included having to do the patrol rounds, after all these were her express orders along with the key words of They are not to be trusted. At least it seemed Leon Draco his old friend wouldn't get into trouble while remaining at the lady's side.


Leon Draco


H O U S E • D R A C O

The funeral had been rather dull. Having spent most of his life away from home, shuffled between boarding schools and the Jedi Academy, Leon never really got to know his father as a man. Now that he was dead, he didn't mourn the man so much as the idea of him. Lord Elend Draco's death had come as a shock to them all. He had been a distant figure in Leon's life, but he was always there. That constant lurking in the background had just ceased to exist, leaving behind a vacuum which Leon didn't know how to fill. Or if he even ought to fill it.

There was one bright spot to all this: the peace talks. And thank the Force, they were serving wine. Leon snatched up the bottle as soon as it was within reach and began filling his glass.

“Do not embarrass me.”

Leon glanced up at his mother, still pouring. "Oh, Mother," he said, mirroring her fake smile with one of his own. "You know that I would never do anything to dishonor Father's memory." He then returned his attention to the wine, pouring until it reached up to the rim of the crystal goblet. Still smiling, he carefully raised the nearly overflowing cup toward her as if making a toast, then brought it to his lips. It was a most excellent vintage.

H O U S E • R E N O U X

Wearing: xxx
Tag: Roxy Renoux | Deyanira Draco Deyanira Draco | Leon Draco

Diplomacy, it was a word Ulysses tried not to be familiar with unless there was a reason. The death of Lord Draco had provided it. The Duke knew eyes would turn toward him as the cause of the Lord’s sudden demise, and while it was certainly an option, Ulysses could honestly say he had nothing to do with the man’s death. He was comfortable with his brutality, even if it had given him a reputation which masked the truth of who he was.

He would not be alone. Several of his House would be in attendance or around the city. It was the nature of his house to understand every strategic advantage they could hold, and with the infrequency of their visits to the Red Keep, there was much to learn. His Justicars would find plenty to do while his spies worked even harder to uncover the secrets Lady Draco kept hidden away.

“I know you would rather be elsewhere, but a blade is not the only weapon you must learn to master,” he said to his daughter as they walked toward the building where the Covenant would be signed. “Charm and grace can be as deadly as a knife through the heart of your enemy. Try and remember that.”

Rexanne was a dutiful daughter, but Ulysses was not ignorant of where her heart truly was. She would rather trade the dress for a suit of battle armor any day. If the Duke was honest with himself he would agree. Had there been another to take the seat of power he may have found fulfillment as a Justicar, or even as a spy master. Fate had not set that course for him, however, and the man did not spend much time dwelling on what never could have been.

They stepped into the building, not the first, but not the last. The bright white of his house's colors were a stark contrast to the black attire worn at most funerals. It was not a dishonor or insult by any means, rather House Renoux wore their best for this occasion. While whispers had reached his ears that many did not see the peace talks leading to any success, Ulysses knew they had to. Their houses had been at war for a millennium, and it was time for the bloodshed to cease.

For now.

Perhaps there would be a day to pick up his sword again, but this was not it. Mystery shrouded the death of Lord Draco. The truth of it needed to win out before others among the nobility lost their lives. Coming to terms of peace which would see the cease fire take a more permanent hold was necessary for survival. Whoever was behind this death, and the others which had preceded it, had been using the endless conflict to cover their crimes. Ulysses could only hope the young Lord from House Amnen agreed, and that Lady Draco would listen despite her distinct and passionate dislike for Duke Renoux.

“My condolences, once again, on the loss of your husband” he said as he bowed low in greeting to the grieving widow. Ulysses regarded her, likely for longer than protocol deemed proper. Whatever past there was between them, the Duke had not forgotten it. Their betrothal, however brief, had been a happy time in his life. The failure to secure her hand had been just one more misstep in his fathers eyes. If only the former Duke could see what Ulysses had made of House Renoux now.

No one would dare call him weak.

His eyes fell to her tiny son. “...and of your father.”

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"This is a sham," his grandfather had said, breaking the silence. Darius turned his attention away from the framed document on the wall he had been reading. It was a charter of some kind, ancient by the dating of it.

They had been waiting in the building for the other houses to arrive so they may sign their own charter. They had made their way here before the patriarch of house Draco could be lowered in the ground. Darius had been to enough funerals of late.

"An endless war until Elend Draco gets what he deserves?" His grandfather continued. The older man presented a calm figure but Ty'darius could feel his fire. "When my brother died there was no talk of peace. When his children were stolen from us by Draco knives, there was nothing but war. Both my sons lay cold in their tombs and what peace was offered then?" Ty'darius stiffened at the mention of his father and uncle.

"None, grandfather." Ty'darius said kindly. "The rain falls when it will and all we can do is be grateful for the bloom."

Ty'darius could not blame his grandfather. The man was a warrior of the most noble bloodline and through his life had watched as his family had grown violently smaller while he could do nothing to prevent it.

But Ty'darius Amnen did not believe the peace talks to be a sham. Young as he was —having just aged into maturity— he had experience loss and he knew how that could change someone's perspective.

"A kind thought my Lord, however the rain can just as soon drown the field as feed it." His grandfather replied.

Ty'darius was drawn stiff again. A fortnight ago he was only Darius and now he were Ty'darius, Lord of House Amnen, responsible not only for himself any longer but for his house and those who owed fealty. Responsible for their present and their futures, a future he had the power to make brighter. He had the power, no, the duty to make a better galaxy for his people to live in than the one his father and cousins had died in.

"And what do you think, Auntie?" Ty'darius asked his aunt Tyonna. She was his favorite of his later father's siblings. She was smart and honorable and Darius valued her opinion greatly. "Do you think this offer of peace is genuine?"

Grandfather turned his head to regard his daughter with a look that clearly said 'Well, go on."

Darius regarded his aunt's answer thoughtfully until a commotion grabbed his attention. It seemed the others had arrived. He bid his advisors to come with as he made his way to the others.

"Lady Draco," he said with a bow. "You have my sympathies," He said with all sincerity. He knew too well what it was like to grieve. "And my admiration for your devotion to ensuring peace."

"My sympathies go to you as well."
He said to Lady Draco's son. He knew not the man by name nor look but reputation. 'Stunted and drunk' were the words his grandfather had used to describe him.

"Duke Renoux, a pleasure" Darius bowed once more but not too low lest the elder noble get the wrong idea.

Ulysses Renoux was a man with a fearsome reputation. One rightfully earned according to the stories. There was a rather large part of Darius that found the man intimidating, frightening even but the mere fact that he was attending this meeting of peace gave the young lord heart that a resolution could be found.

"Lady Renoux," Darius took the duke's daughter's hand in his and he bowed. "I had not expected you to join us but I am glad to see you here." He said with an honest smile.

Next he introduced those who attended him.

"My advisors, Tyonna Arkose Tyonna Arkose , my aunt, and Tycho Amnen Tycho Amnen , former Prime Justicar and my grandfather."

Leon Draco Roxy Renoux Ulysses Renoux Ulysses Renoux Deyanira Draco Deyanira Draco

Reggie Rau



TAG: Ulysses Renoux Ulysses Renoux | Deyanira Draco Deyanira Draco | Leon Draco




To hell with this....

Roxy was mumbling to herself internally. She was in the land of red purely for appearances sake. She'd much rather be back home doing shit knows what WITH HER OWN PEOPLE. But daddy dearest insisted in his oh-so-calm manner that usually brought low the flames that always raged in some way or another. Her brother was the eldest, this was his job. Why did she have to suffer as well? It has never made sense to her and probably never will.

"I know you would rather be elsewhere, but a blade is not the only weapon you must learn to master. Charm and grace can be as deadly as a knife through the heart of your enemy. Try and remember that."

Her father's voice broke through her inner fuming. She looked up into his strong face and sighed.
"Yes, father." she said in resignation, but she did briefly glance back at Raze while her father led them all into the building. Hopefully the Justicar would figure out a way to get her out of this charade.

She fixed her face to mirror the rest of the somber faces in the room as they approached the grieving family, echoing her father's bow with her own curtsey at Lady Draco, though she did straighten up quicker than her father, who was still regarding the widow. The hell? Mentally shaking herself, she turned to face the Lady's....son....who seemed quite interested in his wine glass.

The corners of her mouth twitched ever so slightly as she gave him a slight bow of the head.
"My condolences," she said properly, though she did add another statement under her breath so only Leon could hear. "Though I suspect you need them less than your mother, hm?" she asked, humour in her eyes.

Moving into more of a corner to get out of everyone's way without totally abandoning her father, it took all of Roxy's self control to not run screaming out of the building. Instead her face was a beautiful mask.
"Get me out of here." she did grumbled under her breath at Raze though.

But just then, the Lord Amnen approached her, taking her hand in his as he bowed.
"Lady Renoux, I had not expected you to join us but I am glad to see you here."
Greeeeeat...went through her mind, but she fixed her face into a polite smile. "You have my father to thank for me being here, my Lord." she said with slight humour. "Though it is interesting that we are all in one room without bloodshed." her stupid mouth added.

She then let all the introductions wash over her, barely listening, though her face was fixed with attent.

Better to not have her father complaining at her again for "not listening to the important things."



Location: The peace negotiations
Objective: Become an ally
Tags: Roxy Renoux Deyanira Draco Deyanira Draco Leon Draco Ulysses Renoux Ulysses Renoux
OPEN to direct interaction.


Asaaj had no claim here, nor did she know anyone, but her bloodline too was ancient, cut short over five hundred years ago by the political war on her homeworld of Ubelixa. For the intervening centuries, Asaaj of House En Kelsani had wandered in Exile, with little hope of ever reclaiming the blood throne of Ubelixa. Once upon a time she had asked the ancestors of these warring families for their assistance in taking back what was hers, but who was she, the deposed queen of a secretive world with little population and nearly no outside trade? They were much too busy to entertain her when they were too busy squabbling amongst themselves. Well, most of them were, she remembered quite fondly a specific lord of one of these houses, one that had been a favourite lover for a while, before he unfortunately died whilst trying to accept her blood kiss. She shrugged to herself, that was just under five hundred years ago, the great, great, great... grand father of one of the current crop of nobles perhaps?

She entered the room as a guest, a witness to the momentous occasion and began to move about with the other people without a house. She had playfully asked a smith to craft her an emblem of her own bloodline that she wore on her coat, it mirrored that of the great houses but bore the emblem of the En Kelsani bloodline.
. She wore it with discrete respect, perhaps it would be a conversation starter, perhaps it would be torn from her cloak and tossed on the floor, either option would help guide her decision which of the great houses to hitch her wagon too.

The dathomiri listened without staring to the conversations regards the new covenant, trying to get the lay of the land here, there was tension in the air, there always was with these things, that was part of the fun after all. She imagined how this might play out, she could offer her not-inconsiderable wealth and magical power to aid one of the families and go from there, perhaps she would end up as a favoured assassin, perhaps even maybe she would take another noble lover, that was always good fun, she smirked to herself.

"Though it is interesting that we are all in one room without bloodshed."

Asaaj let a small amount of mirth at the dark humour of the woman. "Oh, but night is so young for it to be considered a total let down" she joked back with her own dark playfulness. She looked out of the corner of her eyes to see who was speaking, one of the Renouxs it appeared.

H O U S E • A M N E N

Tag: @Ty'darius Amnen | Ulysses Renoux Ulysses Renoux | Roxy Renoux | @Dracos, Leon Draco

Tyonna listened to the exchange between Ty'darius and her father. She closed her eyes at the mention of her fallen brothers. What had their lives meant to the other 'great' houses? Nothing.

Though, the hopeful words spoke by her nephew thawed the chill that had threatened to settle on her heart. She fixed him in a warm glance when he asked her opinion.

"I hope so," she replied. "Peace talks are a change... but sometimes, change is good."

She avoided her father's gaze, but smiled calmly.

While he was fixated on the past, they were here to speak about the future. And, Tyonna knew there was no better leader to than Ty'darius. He was much younger than the other two heads of houses, but he was also wise for his age. It had been a pleasure to watch him grow; he was like the child she'd never had. He gave her a reason to forget about her own...failures.

As the Draco and Renoux families arrived, Tyonna offered them both a solemn nod. She would remain at Ty'darius' side for support and encouragement, but she'd already told herself not to interfere.

This was his day.

And she could not have been any prouder.

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H O U S E • R E N O U X

Wearing: xxx
Tag: Roxy Renoux | Deyanira Draco Deyanira Draco | Leon Draco | @Ty'darius Amnen

Raze kept his distance from the Duke and his daughter. He was not too close, but not too far, as they made their way toward the building. As a soldier bred for the purpose of war the idea of peace did not sit well with him. What would become of the Justicar if House Renoux truly held fast to whatever it was they were about to agree to. Perhaps the younger initiates would adjust to a life outside of combat, but Raze was too formed by it to leave it behind.

He smiled, a usual break from the stoic and expressionless look of his face. Something about the noble daughter managed to find its way past whatever chinks there were in his facade. Perhaps it was the rebellious nature, or the fact she had been secretly training as a Justicar, but she did not seem to be like the other nobles he knew. Rexanne Renoux was her own person, someone that Raze respected and admired despite the loyalty he had to her father.

It was a brief exchange, but one that communicated volumes. She wanted out of the meeting, but duty demanded he remain. His responsibility was to protect the Duke should things go awry, and by extension, her.

The Justicar did not think it was his place to comment on anything, but his keen powers of observation did make him question certain things. For instance, the way Duke Renoux looked at Lady Draco. They had a connection, a history, beyond the failed betrothal. It was not his place to speculate, but they either held so much contempt for each other that the Duke was lingering, or the tension was something of another kind.

An exchange of condolences and greetings eventually broke the awkwardness in the room as the plea from Roxy came to his ears this time. He nodded, and whispered so only she would hear as she passed him by.

“I will do my best.”

No my lady, or any other saying to acknowledge her rank or title. Whether it was intentional or simply an oversight, it did not matter. Raze considered them to be equals, a dangerous thing for someone who was almost as good as the next Prime. The rank of Prime would certainly complicate things, being the Duke’s prime would complicate it even more. Yet he would do what duty demanded.

He eyed the other Justicars in the room. Their eyes had the same uncertainty which he knew was visible in his. Would any of them attack, and what would life be like if peace actually succeeded? Raze closed his eyes and held them shut for the briefest of moments. It was too long in a time of war, or if this were genuinely a trap. It did not feel right to be a trap, and for the first time in a long time, Raze felt safe.

His eyes opened with a determined look. Ulysses Renoux moved on, and so would he. The Justicar would find a place to stand and remain there until the peace talks concluded.


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Outfit: XXX
Tag: Open!

Adelina's head dipped to the side, but she straightened up in time to keep from falling asleep.​
She sat next to her siblings at the funeral, bored out of her mind. People were teary-faced, but she thought the tears were probably fake. Who would shed tears for Lord Draco? His widow? Adelina had never seen her mother cry. Her brothers? Surely, not. Isadora?​
She watched her younger sister with narrowed eyes. The girl seemed genuinely upset.​
It was probably just to get attention. Though, Daddy did seem to favor Issy. Adelina was aloof at best, but even she'd noticed that he treated her with uncharacteristic kindness. She couldn't understand their connection. He was nicer to Amarantos, too, but that she could understand – he was the family heir, after all. Still, he'd never been overly warm to her eldest brother, either.​
When the funeral finally ended, Adelina stood up and walked out without a backwards glance spared for her late father.​

As she stepped out into the courtyard, she smoothed down her black dress. Funeral garb. Ugh. Her mother had sent her back to change several times before settling on this... rather plain dress. Whatever. A few days ago, she'd met a young man in the city -- a no name son of a merchant. It was a pity because he was really cute. And he gave her things. Flowers the first day, expensive chocolates the next, then a bracelet... what today? A ring, perhaps?​
Adelina laughed, cruel and loud.​
Then, as she was about to step outside the keep, she spotted Tolmeh Thorn Tolmeh Thorn making his rounds. "Why don't you go have some fun for once?" she called. The two of them were about the same age, but she thought he was rather rigid, and he never set a toe out of line. "I swear, I won't tell my mother!" Adelina continued to chide him... but of course she'd tell.​
The spoiled girl just didn't understand that some people didn't have the same luxuries she did.​

H O U S E • R E N O U X

Wearing: xxx
Tag: Roxy Renoux | Deyanira Draco Deyanira Draco | Leon Draco | Adelina Draco Adelina Draco | Ulysses Ulysses Draco | Tolmeh Thorn Tolmeh Thorn

Romin was running through the keep. He was late, and he knew it. Time was something that rarely got away from him, but he had been distracted with the differences between Entralla and Jaemus. The young noble could not remember the last time he had been on the world or even set foot near the Red Keep. It was vastly different from the stark and almost clinical feel of the fortress he called home.

One particular tapestry had taken his attention. It seemed like a painting and yet further inspection revealed it was cloth, thread, and yarn, all of it. He could not imagine the skill or the steady hand it had taken to weave something so amazing. If it had been a hand. Their spies had told them of the emphasis House Draco put on force use. Romin would take a sharp blade in a skilled and steady hand any day over a force user that did not look into the eye of the one they killed. Whoever stitched the tapestry was an accomplished bladesman.

His steps could be heard echoing as he ran past several Justicars and other lesser nobles. All eyes were on him as many wondered what the punishment from his father would be for such a breach of protocol. Everyone seemed to know Ulysses was a hard man, and none of them knew it better than Romin. He had witnessed the actions his father took against House Tiberos when they rose up against his father. The message had been sent.

Do not step out of line.

Romin stopped a few meters from the entrance to the hall where the peace talks were set to begin. A few Justicars guarded the entrance, and another noble ( Adelina Draco Adelina Draco ) remained talking to a Justicar ( Tolmeh Thorn Tolmeh Thorn ) who seemed to be her age.

It was Lady Draco’s daughter, the one who looked most like her. If Romin was honest he could admit she held a certain alluring beauty, but the way the Duke spoke of House Draco, it made him wary of anyone from that house. She was likely trouble, and yet Romin was curious. After all, if he was going to be the duke one day, he needed to form his own opinions. Perhaps being late had paid off.

“You should take her advice,” Romin said as he approached and nodded his head to the Justicar.

Romin turned toward Adelina and took her hand in his. Bowing til his forehead almost touched to the top of her hand, he stopped before raising again and looking her in the eye.

“My deepest sympathies for your loss. You are tired of hearing the same thing I am certain, but it is sincere at least.”


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Cyressa Tiberos


H O U S E • R E N O U X


Wearing: XoXo
Location: Exploring Nexus City
Tag: Open

Cyressa had never seen anything quite like the Nexus City of Entralla, sprawled out before her as a vast maze of stone and metal as far as the eye could see; manses, arbors and granaries, storehouses, inns and merchants stalls all piled one on top of the other. Even standing outside the gates, far from the central hub, she could hear the roaring clamor of the many hagglers and bargain shoppers seeking deals at market, the smell of spiced meats and freshly baked bread carrying on the wind.

It wasn’t anything like her life on Jaemus, where the climate was much cooler, the cities less convoluted and the color palette much more monochromatic. Wandering the broad roads, she couldn’t help but stare at the gradients of beryls, olives, emeralds, and sage colored trees shading the walkways.

Slowly, her eyes rose, taking in the towering spires of the Red Keep, its walls of scarlet marble dominating the skyline as a menacing reminder of House Dracos power.

“My Lady,” came the abrupt voice of her keeper for this excursion, “We shouldn’t linger in this part of the city. Lord Ulysses wanted you to stay in the central area.”

Where I can be seen as his pretty, well trained bird. She thought, unconsciously fingering the ornate gold embroidery trickling down the front of her dress.

“I’m sorry,” she told him, halting in her trek as she reached for one of the trinkets laid out on the table in front of her. One of many, many vendors. “I won’t be long, I just wanted to purchase a few things for my betrothed... these daggers are quite exquisite, don’t you think?” The lies came much easier now than they did in the past, a skill honed through many years of training and servitude to House Renoux. The keeper gave her a disapproving look and rolled his shoulders dismissively, “Hurry up then,” he told her gruffly, “You don’t have all day.”


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H O U S E • R E N O U X

Outfit: This
Location: Exploring Nexus City
Tag: Cyressa Tiberos | Open

Aito had been given permission to explore the city, it would be good to see how the other houses operated and how the pedestrians felt about the current rulers. It was also a chance to ensure that Cyressa did not cause any issues as well, she currently represented House Renoux and any perceived offences or issues would be something that reflected poorly on the House, a sin that Aito could not accept. His outfit was not wearing his usual Justicar armour, he was curious how the civilians would perceive him and what words they would share knowing they were not necessarily talking to a Justicar. It was also a chance for Aito to wander without the eyes following him as well.

Spotting Cyressa, she was already heading away from the areas that the Duke of House Renoux had permitted her. Whoever was accompanying her was already failing to correct her course and Aito could only sigh, he did not want to be the designated babysitter nor did he want to be harsh with the woman since she was only wanting some simple freedoms that every person deserved. The freedoms that he often thought about and contemplated when he was writing his poems.

However, this was not safe for Cyressa and he refused to get into trouble and endanger the status of House Renoux. Striding forward, he passed the guard that was following Cyressa and paused next to her, coughing loudly. "Lady Cyressa, you are far from where you have been permitted to visit. I think it is best that we return to that area to avoid causing any trouble with the Duke." His tone was neutral but firm, his arms crossed against his chest. "There are plenty of stores and stalls in the area that the Duke has permitted you to visit and there is a reason he designated you that area. Might be frustrating but crossing the Duke will only bring you more trouble."


Reggie Rau



TAG: Ulysses Renoux Ulysses Renoux | Deyanira Draco Deyanira Draco | Leon Draco | @Ty'darius Amnen | Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani | @I am not tagging y'alls alts ffs




“I will do my best.”

It was better than a no, at least. So here's to hoping. Though, if he failed, she wouldn't let him live it down back home during training. He'd suffer for it with his big hulk. Small victories.

"Oh, but night is so young for it to be considered a total let down"
An unknown voice had addressed her in answer to the dark humour she had given Lord Amnen.
Finally someone with a sense of humour in this sombre atmosphere....ran through her mind as the corners of her mouth twitched slightly as she fought back the smile for the sake of appearances.
"We should actually hope that it remains dull." she said out loud, though the glint in her eyes told a different story. She did step a bit closer to the stranger, however, and dropped her voice so only she could hear. "We'll both get locked up or worse for saying such things."

Then, she held out her hand in greeting to mask the movement. "Rexanne of House Renoux. I don't believe I have seen you around. Who might you be?" she introduced herself with an enquiry.

At least this brief exchange of humour and slight conversation helped to liven up this charade some.

In the back of her mind, she wondered where in the Galaxy her brother was. She really didn't have the stomach for the shitshow that would happen when her father got hold of Romin in private when all this was done. She loved her brother, but he could be very blasé about everything sometimes.

She couldn't help but lean back toward Raze, trying her best not to let her brow furrow. Keep the mask on.

"Where the hell is Romin?" she asked him quietly.


H O U S E • D R A C O

Tag: Ulysses Renoux Ulysses Renoux | @Ty'darius Amnen | Leon Draco | Roxy Renoux | Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani |​

Deyanira's disdain may have been momentarily apparent as she rolled her eyes at her son.

She'd fire the person responsible for setting the table today.

No, no... The wine must have been planned from the start. If Leon's... reputation had spread, they'd know he had a taste for it. Her dark eyes found the party of Amnen representatives – the first to arrive to the peace talks. The smile on her face was pleasant, but beneath it all she was indulging her suspicions.

It could be poison – if only she would be that fortunate. Her eyes shifted back to Leon. He would have to prove his worth today.

Then, Lady Draco turned slightly to find Ulysses Renoux himself offering her condolences. Her smile remained, but she looked through the Duke to the wall behind him. "Thank you, Duke Renoux." Came her response, cordial and spoken with her elegant accented basic. Just like the memories, Deyanira would refuse to acknowledge him beyond what was expected. She turned a cold, icy shoulder in his direction and focused her attention on the other introductions being made.

"Thank you for your kind words," she said, offering a polite cant of her head to the young Amnen boy. Younger than some of my children, she thought as she watched him move on to greeting the Renoux family. What sort of house puts a child in charge? This didn't bode well for House Amnen.

Deyanira was aware of the various representatives and justicars present. However, she did not move to introduce herself personally, rather – she decided to address everyone at once.

"I would like to welcome all of you to Entralla," Deyanira began, her tone cordial. "House Draco appreciates your support during this difficult time. I believe my husband would support a move towards peace. I hope we can act in his memory."

With that, she stepped to the side to let the talks begin in earnest.


H O U S E • R E N O U X

Wearing: xxx
Tag: Roxy Renoux | Deyanira Draco Deyanira Draco | Leon Draco | Darius Amnen Darius Amnen | Raze Raze | Romin Renoux Romin Renoux | Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani | Adelina Draco Adelina Draco | Tolmeh Thorn Tolmeh Thorn | Romin Renoux Romin Renoux

Cold. Distant. Unrequited. Everything which came from Lady Draco was a rejection of the small comforts Ulysses offered without his words. She hated him, and perhaps it was for good reason. Whether it was because he had dared to succeed where she had said he would not, or if it was because he lived and her husband did not, Ulysses would not know. Nor would he pry. It was not his place to care or comfort if she did not wish it.

They were here for the sake of peace, her words as well as her body language made that evident.

Ulysses scanned the room and caught words which Rexanne mouthed to Raze. Where was Romin? The Duke did his best to contain the disappointment and anger which his son’s flagrant absence sparked within him. It was an insult and a complete abdication of his duty, and Ulysses would ensure the young heir knew it.

A comparison would have to be made with the young Lord Amnen. He was visibly younger than Romin, and yet he had arrived early, as well as displayed the proper manners and protocol the situation called for. His tutors and handlers had raised him well. The only question the Duke held in his mind was how independent he was from those same advisors. Was he simply their puppet?

“The pleasure is mine to finally meet you in person. Your uncle was the best of us.”

Whether Ulysses believed it to be true or not, the elder Lord Amnen had been a formidable opponent. Lord Draco had been as well. The Duke would miss them, even if he had never been able to call them friend.

His eyes settled on the other guests. Like Lady Draco, Ulysses would not take the time to speak to them personally just yet. There was business to do, and they needed to see to it quickly. The noble did not expect for them to come to terms quickly, and as such they could not waste any time by allowing formalities to delay them any longer. The Red Widow had taken her place at the table, and Ulysses followed suit.

The spread was nice, one item in particular. He smiled as his hand reached for the off smelling delicacy. Without hesitation he took a bite. If it was poisoned then the rest would know the peace talks were a trap, but if he lived, then it was safe to eat. It was not poisoned. Though he was certain everyone at the table would avoid it as though it were just as deadly.

“We are here to come to certain terms which would allow us to continue the ceasefire indefinitely. At the heart of the matter is which of us will rule. I propose our three great houses share that burden. It will be a long time before there is trust built, but the establishment of a triumvirate will ensure each house maintains a say in how we are governed.”


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Leon Draco

“...and of your father.”

"You have a magnificent beard and hair, Lord Renoux," Leon said. "Who is your barber?"

"My sympathies go to you as well."

His brow furrowing, Leon looked Ty'darius up and down. "How old are you, boy?" he asked. The kid looked like a child playing dress-up.

"Though I suspect you need them less than your mother, hm?"

The dwarf met the eyes of Roxy Renoux, then held up the bottle of wine as if to examine the label. "This really is good stuff," he said. "I already can't feel a thing from the waist down."

Once all the condolences had been exhausted and his mother backed off into the shadows to look appropriately mournful, Lord Renoux offered the first proposal. Joint rulership seemed obvious; no one wanted to give up the power they already had. Leon nodded and took another sip of his wine.

"Right, well, it's all very well and good to say we'll agree to stop killing each other. What we need to decide upon here is the collateral." Leon's gaze roved over the other nobles. "Whose son is going to marry whose daughter as assurance that the treaty won't be broken?"

That was the custom, outdated as it might be judged by those outside the sector. Leon spoke with his tongue slightly in his cheek, but the old ways were tried and true, at least. Sort of. Hadn't this war been going on for a thousand years? All the arranged political marriages in that time hadn't helped much. But they needed something to deter the Houses from turning on each other again, and exchanging members of each family seemed like it could work to that end.

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H O U S E • A M N E N

Introductions were brief and as courteous as any of them could manage.

A shame.

Darius hoped for more than icy coolness. This was, he must remember, still a somber occasion. A first step taken out of duty rather than eagerness but that could change. This alliance could truly turn to friendship if they allowed such things. Perhaps House Amnen could host a ball or masquerade or a tourney! Everyone loved tourneys.

"House Draco appreciates your support during this difficult time. I believe my husband would support a move towards peace. I hope we can act in his memory." The widowed Lady said.

Darius could feel his grandfather tense. He knew the question the old man would have.

‘If your husband wanted peace why did it take his dying for it to be considered?’

Ty’darius was glad that the thought stayed private.

"How old are you, boy?" The little Lord Draco asked.

“Mind your tongue, dwarf.” Grandfather said with venom. Ty’darius placed a gentle hand on his grandfather's wrist.

“Forgive him, my lord, he meant no offense.” Darius apologized on behalf of his grandfather. It would not due to allow this meeting to devolve before it had a chance to begin.

“I am eighteen, my lord, and yourself?” Darius asked, taking half as long to measure the little lord in the way that he had been.

"You have my father to thank for me being here, my Lord." Lady Renoux said. "Though it is interesting that we are all in one room without bloodshed."

Ty’darius allowed a smile at her jest even as his grandfather scoffed. He loved his grandfather with all his heart and he trusted him as an advisor but his time had passed. Voices like the young Lady of Renoux and Darius were the voices of the future, it was they who could –who would– turn this from a political arrangement to true friendship.

“The pleasure is mine to finally meet you in person. Your uncle was the best of us.” Duke Renoux said.

“You may go, grandfather,” Darius interjected before the aging warrior said or did something they would both regret. Tycho Amnen was a great warrior and a most valuable counselor and would not knowingly bring shame to his lord or his house but to Darius could not predict how he would react to talks if his son who had so recently passed.

“As you wish my lord.” Tycho Amnen said with a bow.

Tycho Amnen swept from the building but not before one last look at his daughter that plainly said ‘Protect him.’

"Oh, but night is so young for it to be considered a total let down" an unfamiliar voice spoke aloud.

Darius turned to see who had spoken, his eyes laying on a woman he had not noticed in the room earlier. He tried his best not to stare but to his embarrassment, failed. Beyond the obvious of the woman’s complexion or the tattoos that covered her face, there was something about her that was unnaturally alluring. Darius suddenly wished he had the younger Draco’s wine as his throat had gone inexplicably dry.

“Forgive me,” he apologized for staring. “Are you with Lady Draco?” He asked as he followed the others to begin negotiations in earnest.

Ty’darius thought the Duke’s proposal a decent one and then the little lord spoke again or had he ever stopped speaking?

Darius cheeks flushed at the mention of marriage. Thankfully the room was dark and his complexion hid most of it. He had not considered he may be expected to marry. Well, he knew that someday he would marry but now it looked like he would have to and even more a political marriage. No, no one had suggested he was the one to be married –not yet, anyway– but as Lord of House Amnen his hand was more valuable than most.

He spared a quick glance at his aunt and for the first time since his coronation felt like a child.

“Are you volunteering, my lord?” Ty’darius joked to Leon.

Leon Draco Deyanira Draco Deyanira Draco Ulysses Renoux Ulysses Renoux Roxy Renoux Tyonna Arkose Tyonna Arkose Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani


Isadora Draco


H O U S E • D R A C O

Lips pursed, Isadora focused on her breathing. She remembered the words of her friend and companion. Just breath. Sound advice and the only thing her mind focused on. Today was the first time she had seen any of her family in more than eight years. Their expressions upon seeing her enter the service had been one of only passing recognition, if not outright disdain. She didn't know these people anymore. Any of them. And yet, she was duty bound to be back for this solemn event. Would they care that she had threatened her graduation date on Chandrila? The amount of work that would have to be redone when she returned. If she returned.

But death kept no schedule but its own.

Her father. Dead. It was still hard to believe. The one person in her family that had made her feel even remotely cherished. Even the servants that cared for her needs as a child seemed to have a harsh unpleasantness to them that permeated the halls of House Draco. Over time, Isadora had come to believe this was standard, and that all her siblings got this treatment - she just hadn't been privy to it given her being the youngest.

A glance back to the middle of the rows of people saw her lock eyes with her friend and companion, Iliya Ismaren. Isadora had never had a friend before. The last six months had been a revelation for her. Someone to confide in. Someone she could trust. Someone genuine. Iliya matched her glance, and smiled. The Echani-Chandrilan young woman just mouthed her advice again, just breath.

A small breath was forced through Isadora's lips. Just breath.

Turning back to the service, catching a glimpse of her siblings alongside her. The youngest Draco went back to fighting the tears that teased the corners of her eyes.

"You did so well, Iss," Iliyn said, already arm looped around Isadora's as the met outside the Keep.

"I felt like a disheveled mess," Isadora said, bemoaning her emotional state when she had needed to be strong.

"Oh no. No. I will not permit you to speak of yourself in such a manner," came the playful retort.

Isadora leaned into her friend, an almost hug. "What did I ever do without you?" She said, eyes being wiped of their remaining tears.

"Graduated early and were positioned to finish top of your class at Hanna Institute of Antiquities...nothing major," replied Iliyn feigning boredom.

"Keep your voice down..."

A defiant look crossed Iliyn's face. Isadora questioned in that moment just what trouble she was going to be in by the end of the day. "No..." Iliyn nodded. Isadora tilted her head and spoke more forcefully though it broke into an uncontrolled laugh, "No!" Iliyn only nodded further.

"You have worked yourself to the bone. Graduation is already a lost cause this a little," Iliyn said, already tugging Isadora to gods knew where.

"I need to talk to my family...not have in mind," Isadora protested, putting on the brakes and forcing Iliyn to pause in her efforts.

"As you wish...m'lady," Iliyn said with a tip of her head, her face though displayed her disapproval.

Nose pointed a little higher, Isadora directed their path towards her elder sister. They had not spent much time together ever, really. But eight years was certainly the record. Adelina Draco Adelina Draco had never looked kindly towards her, but Isadora was grown now - well and truly of age. She would not bow under the weight of her families ire anymore.

"Adelina," she said with a bow of her head, "how are your faring?"

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