Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Red Ravens Want You!


The Red Ravens Criminal Syndicate wants YOU to join our merry gang of outlaws. With our headquarters located at the beautiful Dragon Palace Casino on Antecedent, the planet of Sin. Be a part of an ever-expanding faction of criminals that is exploding with profit and galactic influence.

Control your own gang, be a pirate or a spice dealer, or help run our military. Whatever illegal activites you can dream up, you can do with us. We have Faction threads, Dominions and smaller roleplays as well as lots of active players who are willing to help you with your personal story arc.

Join here or reach out to Cryax Bane to join.
Just bumping to announce that we have some pretty big positions open in the Ravens for those who want to stake their claim in the criminal underworld. We're looking for people interested in RPing underworld kings/queens of the galaxy.

PM me for more details.

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