Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Red Shift Mingle

It had been a rough bit of getting used to her new found life since [member="Bryce Bantam"] and [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] had freed her from the previous prison. Her primary focus was of course to serve the ones who had taken her in, they were her new masters in her own mind. Other times she was left, more like dismissed, to her own devices.

Rebellion Actual had become Kimiko's new home, when not tagging along with Bryce or Nate on some wild new adventure.

And then she found the Red Shift Cantina, a place where someone with her mindset could keep busy.

Kimiko had quickly fallen in on the various jobs around the cantina. Her most popular place was as a server. The aura and personal charisma charmed the socks off of even the hardiest individuals.

This is where Kimiko was presently, whisking around the floor, wiping tables and cleaning any messes left behind while she awaited the next customer.

Sor-Jan Xantha

The small Mandalorian boy was making his way through the interior of the station.

The Alderaan Queen was docked, taking on fuel and supplies as the ship prepared for whatever or wherever they were supposed to be going to next. General Xantha was attending some kind of briefing or meeting or discussion about that, leaving the young Clone Trooper to entertain himself. And, rather than staying inside the freighter he'd been cooped up inside of for the last week, the boy had decided he wanted to go for a walk.

Actually, he really wanted to go for a run. Or maybe play a sport. If there were other kids, he'd really like a pick-up game of Grav-Ball. The Queen wasn't big enough to run around in, and SJ just cheated with the Force anyway, so Three never got to play anymore. Not since Omwat.

Making his way through the crowded promenade, the small boy was accompanied by a BB unit in blue that was ambling along at his heels. As the pair went strolling along, the boy passed a place called the Red Shift Cantina. He remembered it was where the General and he'd gotten a bite to eat the last time they were here. "Come on, BeeFour," the youth said, motioning to the droid as he boy side-stepped inside of the establishment.

A series of beeps and whistles called after him.

"Cause I'm hungry," the small Mandalorian answered, without looking back at the rolling droid. Digging through his pockets, Three was checking to see if he had a credit cube on him. Pausing a moment, the boy turned to look at the droid. "You got any credits on ya?"

The two boys usually left the BB unit in charge of their money. It tended to be more responsible than either of them.

At the short bleep, the boy nodded and continued on inside. Making his way over to the bar top counter, the youngling pulled himself up so that he was seated on a high stool, with the BB unit rolling up beside his seat. Hands down on the counter top, the boy's feet swung freely in mid-air as he looked around for the serving droid, bartender, or waitress.

Her green eyes spotted the young boy and droid that had settled at the bar and immediately headed to them with her signature bright smile.

She bowed respectfully before them, her hands clasped before her,"Greetings young Master! How may I be of service today?"


Sor-Jan Xantha

Looking up, the boy was greeted by a human-ish looking woman.

She had green eyes, which stood out to the clone only because he still wasn't used to all the hair, skin, eye color combinations that people had going on. Clones all had the same features, after all. Growing up in such a homogeneous environment made being out in the real world something of a shock.

If the green eyes weren't shocker enough, the bowing and titles was just completely over the boy's head.

"Huh?" the boy murmured, a look of confusion plain upon his face at the style of greeting. What was with the bowing? And 'master'... did she think he was a Jedi? "Young master?" the boy echoed back, as though checking to make certain he'd heard that point. "I'm not a master, I'm just a clone."

As for the rest, the boy looked back at the menu. "Uhh... I was thinkin' bout the shili cheese dog," he said, looking over the youngling menu. Rebellion Actual didn't get a lot of younglings. In fact, Three and Sor-Jan might have been the only two, so it was a limited menu. Shili cheese dog. Atomically agitated cheese sandwich. That was about it. "And a milkshake."

And the best part was, no Sor-Jan meant he didn't even have to share!


Aerin Kath

Sentinel of the Outback.
Being on station was amazing, Aerin had to admit, but he didn't have a ship nor the credits to buy one, at most all the credits he had were for a milkshake... and maybe a bantha burger if he could find a place that sold 'em, walking around Rebellion Actual was as good a place to start to try and find a job... and a place to eat that was decent and not filled with hutt food.

Aerin almost walked right past The Red Shift, but he spotted his little buddy Three, walk into it with his little BB unit... if the place was kid friendly Aerin might actually like it too

walking into the cantina and sitting right next to the young Mando clone seemed like a great idea, someone else to talk to besides Dumpster, whom had been left in Aerin's room. " Hey there Three, how's the queen and SJ doing, he still cheating you in holo-games?" the young man sits right next to the youngling at the bar and looks at the server " May I have a milkshake too, miss?" Aerin puts the credits on the bar after a quick glance at the prices.

[member="Kimiko"] [member="3X744"]​

Sor-Jan Xantha

The young Mandalorian boy turned his head as he glanced back.

The voice was familiar. With a flick of his head, the boy bounced a lock of hair from out of his eyes. Once the hair was out of the way, he could see that the face was familiar as well. "Hi, Mister Aerin, Sir!" the boy chirped brightly, as the man came and sat at the bar beside him.

The boy's legs swung absently off the floor, as the youngling nodded with respect to the man's question. "Don't... don't, like, be fooled by the whole 'Guardians of Peace' thing," the Child Trooper advised sagely. It was a trick for lulling would-be hologamers into a false sense of security. "Jedi ALWAYS cheat at HoloStation."

To be fair, Three had only ever played HoloStation with one Jedi.

But it was a Corellian Jedi. That was enough to ruin the reputation for the whole lot. Anyone who'd played Sabaac opposite [member="Julius Sedaire"] could probably attest to that.

[member="Aerin The Lost"] | [member="Kimiko"]​

Aerin Kath

Sentinel of the Outback.
"After I get enough Creds to get myself a ship, I'll play you in a game or two...once I get more creds to buy the consoles and games of course" Aerin chuckles, not sure he'd ever trust a force-user fully with games, too easy for them to abuse the mind reading thing, "So this one of your favorite spots to eat, or is this place new?" 'cause the menu looks a bit limited for people who don't want to drink alcohol, is what he wanted to say but he stopped himself because of the server nearby "Wonder if they could use some more recipes..." not like a Bantha Joe's burger joint at all

[member="3X744"] / [member="Kimiko"]​
She retreated with an acknowledging bow and a friendly smile to fetch their orders and let them talk in private.

Kimiko ducked into the back to input the request into the main refreshment dispenser. Humming as she returned to the floor, she stopped by the two customers,"Masters, your orders will be ready in a few minutes. If you require anything, please let me know."

She counted down in her head as her path took her to more vacant seats, awaiting her cue to return to the window...

[member="3X744"] / [member="Aerin The Lost"]​

Sor-Jan Xantha

Aerin was getting a ship of his own?

What would Three do with his own ship? That actually sounded really lonely, because if he had his own ship then he wouldn't have SJ or BB-4 to play with. "Oh, we've got consoles we can give you," the young clone remarked offhandedly. The Alderaan Queen's cargo bays looked like a graveyard for Corellia Digital parts. "Some... some people send in their busted ones, so that they can be recycled, an'... an' SJ rebuilds them, like, to kill time in hyperspace."

The waitress returned, again with the whole master thing. "Thanks, Miss Lady, Ma'am!" the child responded brightly, though as his attention shifted from Aerin to the waitress, he wondered if there was a way he could get her to maybe not call him master.

Maybe if they knew each other's names? "Ummm... do you have a name?" the youngling inquired, as the lady began to slip toward the back. Gesturing first to himself, then to the guy next to him, the boy added, "I'm Three. This is Aerin."

[member="Kimiko"] | [member="Aerin The Lost"]​
Kimiko caught the boy's enthusiasm and smiled widely in return. He was curious of her name, that wasn't new to her, everyone aboard the station had treated her better than she had ever been. They must have also been put-off by her referral to them as Master, and as much as she wanted to alleviate the issue, her mind wouldn't let her.

She continued the interaction, her eyes letting a slight bit of happiness show in them,"Master Three, Master Aerin, a pleasure to serve you both! You may call me Kimiko."

[member="3X744"] / [member="Aerin The Lost"]​

Aerin Kath

Sentinel of the Outback.
"Nice to meet you miss [member="Kimiko"], and allow me to be the first to tell you, you seem to be lacking in staff, are you hiring by chance?" Aerin tries his best to have a charming smile and polite demeanor... but seeing as how his clothes are stained in oil and rust he may just seem odd
"I am in need of employment and seeing as how at this point I don't have a ship to haul freight around and I don't have a garage to ply my craft out of, I'm a decent chef, you could start serving stuff that doesn't come out of a nutrient dispenser." Aerin looks down at his young friend "I might be able to save up with this job and get myself a ship."



Morality is Subjective
Life between jobs was a blur of cheap booze and cheaper women in even cheaper establishments. Sometimes even cheap drugs made their appearance, which helped to add some excitement to the blur.

In this particular blur, Ulysses found himself propped up against the bar, sipping from a tumbler glass that housed a liquid that was both brown and opaque. It bubbled lazily and almost seemed to emit some sort of visible vapor.

Probably pure, concentrated, liver cancer.

The man stared blanky at the bar wall, lost deep in thought. Perhaps he'd interact with those around him later on, or perhaps someone would choose to interact with him. Until then, he drank poison and pondered on the great mysteries of the 'verse.
Time was not on his side, either was fate. Death also seemed to torment him, not granting him relief, just a burning rage, and a definite spot in hell. These types of things weren't his normality. But there's a first time for everything.

Maybe tommorow he'd be granted his relief, a quick painless death, or maybe be forced to slaughter another dozen people to get what he wanted, hell, he might even get his self back together. All were very likely, aside from the last part.

Sitting alone, in the darkened corner of the room, he let his burning gaze scan his surroundings. He'd been asked about his eyes, one child asking why his eyes were on fire, but he just smiled, moving past. They'd never understand, no one ever did.

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