Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Red-Skin of Dromund-Kaas

The tour guide had lead the group from the vault, all but one. Kei Garnik stood behind, ducking behind a crate as to not be seen. If he was going to be stealing he didn't want to be seen doing it. The durasteel door slammed shut, locking Kei in the vault. He reached into the backpack he had, grabbing a torch out of it. He needed some light to help his search. The torch turned on lightly, casting a blue glow over the vault. The blue glow added an eerie style to the vault, it was actually really cool.

Kei turned the light to some crates, reading the labels of them in turn. Some stated Imperial Credits, not of use to him because no-one used Imperial Credits anymore. The next crate was apparently full of human souls, something that Kei sighed lightly towards. He threw the crate aside, torch blazing over the next crate. The next crate was as useless as, apparently a crate of riches. Nothing that stated droid parts however, that was what he really wanted, droid parts.

He went over the labels of the last two crates, one of them was ship parts and one of them was labeled "Meetra Surik". Kei was interested by said crate, pulling it open and taking a look inside. He was surprised, a metal shaft lay inside that looked a lot like a weapon of some sort. He closed his grip around it, fingers tightened around the shaft. Instead, he would toss it aside, back into it's box, making a mental note to come back for it later. He didn't really want to be seen carrying a metal shaft around like an idiot.

He reached for the last box in the room, droid parts. He was happy, excited and ready for action. He pulled the box open, removing a small chip, the memory chip of the the droid T3-M4. He cackled lightly, nodding as he closed his grip around the chip, knowing full well he would require it later on. Job one was done, he needed to do job two however.

Find The Ebon Hawk.
Not much else was left of T3-M4, which was a shame. He almost hoped the legends were wrong and that T3's body survived. He was upset to admit that the body hadn't survived, and thus he was going to have to buy a whole new droid to put the memory chip in. He shrugged, ducking out of sight as another tour group came into the vault. He jumped onto the back, pretending to be enjoying every little sight in the room. Once the group left, Kei took his chance and broke away from the group, ducking out a side exit on the citadel. The door flew open, closing after him.

He was back outside, chuckling lightly. He slid the memory chip into his pocket, zipping his pocket up. He didn't want to risk loosing the memory chip now, the only chance of getting the little droid back. He started to walk, knowing he'd seen a droid shop somewhere down the road. He continued walking, looking around lightly. He could see the damage he'd caused by his landing from where he was, and he chuckled lightly, knowing how good a landing it had been. It had been a good landing, he knew that more than anyone else.
He stepped into the droid store lightly, nodding to the clerk behind the counter. He was after an old T3 series utility droid, a droid over four thousand years out of date. He smiled lightly, walking up to the counter itself. There were droids everywhere, an R4 unit in the corner, an R2 unit wondering around with very little purpose. Kei smiled, eyeing the female clerk once again.

"You got an old T3 Utility Droid?"

He asked the question lightly, taking enjoyment in it. This was the first step to getting the old T3-M4 droid back. He smiled as the woman consulted a computer terminal behind the desk. Both were silent, one pondering over information on a screen while the other was pondering over his thoughts like a child on Christmas. The woman coughed lightly, heading into the back of the store, leaving Kei alone on his own.

The woman returned after a few moments, an old T3 Utility Droid following behind her. He was old and battered, but he was the right shape and color. Kei thanked the clerk, handing over the credits for the droid and then some. He didn't mind paying a little extra for this.

He lead the droid outside and to a small hotel on the southern side of the city. He handed over the money to rent a room for a week, leading the droid up to the room. He used the keycard to pop the door open, grabbing the screwdriver he kept from his pocket. He closed the door, deactivated the droid and set to work on getting the droid open.

The old T3 model popped it's memory chip out easy enough, and Kei was happy enough to toss the memory chip into the trash compactor chute from his room. He pushed the old T3-M4 data chip in, screwing the panel shut and turning the droid one once more. He wondered if he'd done it right, he'd replaced the data chips perfectly. The droid have a little beep, a beep that Kei took as "where is Revan, is he okay".

He'd done it right.

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