Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Refounding of the Corporate Alliance

Sith she found to be just as bad as those whom had enslaved her. "I think it would be best to just listen for the moment and take it all in before saying anything," she whispered back. Ana hated to admit it but sometimes working with the Sith helped to get one to their ultimate goal. It wasn't her favorite thing to do but she could tolerate it for the moment.

They all hailed from different organizations so it was no wonder why they all had reservations. Ana had doubts they could all work together towards a common goal but she was hopeful otherwise she wouldn't have come here.

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
"I think we should use whatever ships work, if those happen to be joint projects then so be it but I don't think we should limit ourselves to just ships using components from all of our companies. For one, I barely contribute to ships at the moment. So thus I wouldn't be able to help much. I think that ship selection should be left to our head of security, I know I am no expert in the field of combat and what ships are good for it. I would be for neutral chairs, someone hired by our board, to do the job. Then none of us would be stressed by the additional responsibilities. We should also establish some sort of headquarters. We want it to be easy to reach us should anyone have cause to. I am also flattered at the nomination, and would serve as the chair if you all wish it so. "

[member="Camellia Swift"] [member="Ice"] [member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] @Geneviève Lasedr i[member="Anastasia Rade"]
Taeli thought Aurna raised a few good ideas, especially hired chairs so they wouldn't need to worry about alliance decisions directly and could focus on their companies. But, the woman before them, the woman who had proposed this whole thing in the first place, did deserve some recognition of her work and passion.

"I would second the nomination of [member="Aurna Vern"] to be our chairwoman," she said to the assembled beings, knowing that as a Sith she wasn't exactly fitting the stereotype of trying to take control of everything she came in contact with. "And if we must choose between ourselves, I would support [member="Camellia Swift"] to be our head of security, as I only recently joined the galactic scene and would prefer to have more experience in those affairs before taking a further leadership role. Diplomatic chair I would nominate my partner [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"], she has a very leveled head when it comes to such matters."

[member="Ice"] @Genevieve Lasedri [member="Anastasia Rade"]
"We have myself for Chair, [member="Camellia Swift"] for security, and [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] for diplomacy. Does anyone oppose?" She asked all official like. She had grown since she had first met ice, and it was partly due to him pushing her. She smiled towards them all curious if anyone did, she would gladly step aside. She had so much on her plate already. But well at least this way she could do something useful for the group. It wasn't often one got nominated for such a postion.

Aurna looked at ice, knowing he had seen her at her worse. The fact that she had acted so in a meeting shamed her. She had taken a class and learned from some mentors about what she was suppose to do and now she felt bad for how she had acted. It was something that she wish she could of taken back. She rather liked her job, she got to do whatever she wanted. Which meant work from wherever she was.

[member="Darth Arcanix"] Ice [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] @Anastasia Rade

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