Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish The Reliquary | SO Raid on Ossus Enclave

Objective II: Hall of Knowledge
Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Open for Jedi

"What was that?"
Wormsign. Romi Jade Romi Jade

Rejoice captain, for today we bring retribution.
Keths gifts and perhaps tribute arrived for an ambitious general. Darth Strosius Darth Strosius




One Sith Dropship pods of various sizes were crashing into small craters around the hall of knowledge, cutting barrages of laser blasters slamming into the ground around them to clear a path. Metal flew open, chewed, crushed, or punctured. Done to support the existing forces and act as cannon fodder. Strange sounds were inside, nothing good that was for sure. If the Jedi realized where these hits were coming from, they were done to support the Sith forces at any potential points of weakness to the structure, some just landing on top of the structure and breaking apart to damage it.

What rose from those pods, was what the maw perhaps had sort as inspiration. Old One Sith alchemized creations, beasts with two, four, eight, ten or no legs and just as many arms. Black blooded, some creations with Barab Armor, others encased in vongcrab and still more with just thick natural hides. All had control collars on. Each directed where to attack in a synthetic hive. Even though Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf had killed their creator, while a single Kethenite still lived, these cycles would never end #Hana Kae!

flame squads to report to Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Darth Strosius

Almost on cue. A large tank eater or two rose from a pod, a huge black insect towering above buildings and spitting magma streams at any awaiting guards or walls. Weaker Surge drones, Magma keepers, and a single hapless Ewokamite started to mass and pour towards the library, ready to just devour whatever was inside, or much more likely get cut down as a meatshield. Still, they would provide excellent cover to breach the hall's defenses.

Below terminus or the ever-directives continued…..


Ion flashes lit the sky in a very minor surge sign given the hive activity, perhaps produced by the worm activity. The ground did indeed shake Romi Jade Romi Jade , the foundation might begin to crack. A Humongous Surge Worm roared its way carving through the earth and going straight for the library. Its belly was full of creatures ready to be unleashed. #Just another One Sith Day Could the Jedi protect their floorboards?

Inside the burrowing worm, what GhostOfProtocol GhostOfProtocol did not kill that day in Keth's tomb waited! Her instincts connected to the hive, the many animals around her surging toward their prey. When she was with these creatures, even cut off from their greater hive mind, their bonded connection made her ferocious and twisting in pain as her bonded pack were hurt or killed.

There was a great disquiet in the force for what was about to be unleashed. Encased in jagged Barab Armor, her talons were embedded in the worm for stability, one of a few more free-thinking predators among the many drones. Their artificial hive would not keep her chained forever… Two infected panthers in the same barab armor she wore waited with her, mockeries of what they once were, they still had their instincts, their teeth and their claws. As well as something more sinister, a bound, lurking unpredictable creation.

Nearby Bonded Pack:
Barab Panthers 2/2
Wild Growth Lurker 1/1
Magma Keeper 2/2
Surge drones 30/30
Surge Worm1/1
Artifical Surge Magnitude 0-10?: Alongside as small or as big a surge outside as you want.

All NPCs to kill as you like. Give the panthers a hit or two.
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See with eyes unclouded by hate

Location: Ossus, Hall of Knoeledge
Objective: Protect The Hall of Knowledge
Equipment: Double-Bladed Lightsaber | The Sandman
Tags: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Kylraya Kylraya

By some great miracle or some great misfortune A’Runda had found himself on Ossus. One could say he was in the area, aiding some of the rural communities on the Jungle planet of Felucia with security problems. A world out of the way of any major galactic power and thus largely overlooked. When he was done with his duties there he paid the Ossus a visit before making his way back down the Perlemian Trade Route. A planet rich within the mythos of The Force.

A’Runda had never been classically trained in The Force. By either Jedi or Sith. Only brief and sporadic crash courses throughout the years from various teachers. So the Jedi Library was a worthwhile place to check out for the former Tusken, even though he was a poor reader.

He was within the Hall of Knowledge by the time the sudden blitzkrieg went down. Perhaps there was more for him here than just catching up on essential readings. Sith were here now to pillage the Jedi’s knowledge and history. A’Runda would not stand for that. Perhaps it was a bit ironic that for a person who could hardly read he’d be risking his life now to protect a library. But where he was from, history was sacred and fragile.

Standing with other various defenders in the Hall of Knowledge. In his short time here A’Runda had already managed to pick up a few tricks from the local
Ysanna. Skills he may need to put to the test today. They were already low on manpower. Fearing the best they could do was use the Hall of Knowledge like a castle to the best of their ability. Readying himself for the inevitable assault on the structure, A’Runda stood before the large gates to the Hall, drawing from his back his shortened old Tusken Cycler rifle. Taking a deep breath he closed his eyes for what little time he had left to meditate and open himself up to The Force. As the loud thuds of drop ships began to surround the building. Suddenly one of the walls began to... melt? It seemed as though lava was pouring through before it gave away enough to show a massive bug like creature which was spitting the volatile liquid.

Racking a bolt to cycle a round into the chamber of his slug thrower A'Runda armed the small rifle towards the creature. As it opened it's mouth and readied another volly of volcanic spit. POWOOM! The blast of his gun sounding more like a cannon than any blaster. Using The Force to greatly enhanced the already incredible velocity of the bullet before it drove it self into the beasts mouth, which he presumed to be a softer weak point and hoped to execute the massive bug right then and there before it could flood the Hall of Knowledge with it's super heated spit. Despite just coming back from Felucia he was now needing to deal with giant bugs again, great...
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Tags: Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural | Ki-Jem Taan
Objective 2: Hall of Knowledge

Outside the Jedi praxeum on OSSUS...

Elias sighed as the looming Sith warship came into view. Already, he could feel the Darkness emanating from within. It was spreading, like a thick fog wrapping around them. It made his bones ache to be anywhere but Ossus. He looked to Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural as they entered the facility, his curiosity piqued by its mere existence.

I didn’t know the Ashlans kept sites like this,” he said. It made sense, he supposed, given the warm relationship between them and the New Jedi. He’d just never considered that such exclusive data would be kept so close to an outside Order. Especially one who was less… devout in their traditions.

He watched as she delegated their team of technicians to the data centers, their duty to extract or destroy anything that the Sith could benefit from. His heart grew sore as he considered the Praxeum archivists resorting to similar methods. So much information was soon to be lost, in one way or another. When Ashlan records were sorted, the trio made their way to a motor pool of sorts. They’d be taking the speeder bikes left behind by the Jurors, a lucky break and much appreciated parting gift. Elias adjusted his belt, fastened his lighter, and mounted one of the vehicles.

Remember,” he said, golden eyes resting on his comrades, “anything that can be saved, must be.

His tone lowered as he phrased his next words.

Our history is not theirs for the taking.


Already, the siege was underway. Communications were spotty, and status reports came sporadically, but one thing was certain: The Sith had breached the Praxeum. Elias brought his bike around in a short loop before killing the ignition and propping it against the wall. He’d led near a side passage that seemed to be overlooked for the most part. The stone walls were devoid of scarring, and no bodies from either side could be seen. He gave a nod to Rhiza and Ki Jem-Taan as he approached the entrance.

The Hall of Knowledge isn’t far from here, it’s only a few levels below us. Let’s hope they’re still busy with the Temple Guards.
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Objective I​
Enemies: Open​
Sycophants and parasites all - every being of this rancid corpulent Empire sucked on the tit of power that Empyrean so gratefully, charitably, fed them. Anger stirred in his heart like a whirlwind, corrupted and rotting by the pain of his death mixed with the ever constant influx of nuisances - more now than ever before. With the fall of the Maw many of the fleas and scum suckers had come to the Empire looking for succor. Despite many protests, however, they were allowed to do so - they would need warm bodies for the coming conflict, and loyalty was never expected among the Sith.​
Of that, he made no illusions - those that stood with him today would as soon cut him down were they given even the inkling it were possible. As they laid sugar deep in his wounds, he would watch them closely, a hairs breath away from snapping their necks as was his place. The Emperor, he who decided life and death in his Imperium.​
"They are not worth our time, but neither shall they be so freely given to mercenaries.", he said, shifting his attention to Aculia as they moved deeper into the confines of the vault.​
"You will be given a share beffitting your effort, as the merit of our systems decree. Think yourself owed more, and you may bring it up with me later. Think to betray me, and you will receive not what you are owed - but what you deserve. Come, there are Jedi to kill."​
The rooms before them were much the same, as First Legion death troopers glanced towards the others as they moved deep into the vault - those who put up some semblence of resistance crushed beneath the elite guard and the Emperor's own will. The antechamber they found themselves in diverted - but the diagram of this place had long since changed since the intelligence reports he was given during his fight with Romi Jade Romi Jade many years prior.​
"Captain Monk, I seek documents on Jedi death and immortality. Documents on surviving beyond death. All else pales in comparison - where are they?"​


Objective III: Dominion of Ossus
Enemies: Maeve Linahan Maeve Linahan
Equipment: Darth Vyle's lightsaber

The sight of Maeve Linahan had a strange effect on Darth Vyle. Instead of disgust, her face crumpled into a pout before the faintest chuckle escaped, and she bloomed into a wide smile.

"I thought I left you for dead," she said, memories flashing of Kef Bir.

They had fought briefly there on the Death Star, when Vyle could hold up her secret no longer. Maeve was a powerful Jedi, but she had only seen but a fraction of what her Sith nemesis could do. And this time, Vyle was going to make sure she saw all of it before she saw nothing at all.

Scarlet ichor filled Vyle's hands like water from a tap. She had been waiting for this reunion. Maeve was not the Jedi pair she had met on Aing-Tii, but until they could be found, Vyle would revel in causing the elven woman pain.

"How fortunate I was wrong," the witch continued. "Had I succeeded in ridding myself of you then, I wouldn't have the opportunity to extract every last morsel of pain from you now."


Vyle lashed out, cast a Spell of Cinder that sent fire rippling across the platform like water over glass. This probing attack was also spreading to the edges of their arena, sealing them in with a wall of flames that would keep the other pesky Jedi out of their battle. She was not about to let a single person steal this kill from her.

Anyone who tried, would meet a worse fate than Maeve.


Location: Ossus, Temple Hallways
Objective: IDK, Fight or Flight Mode
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Mix and Match Harness, Concealed Blaster, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Glitter Bombs, Concealed Sling Bag, Pink Thermal Spray Paint
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid' Aboard
Tags: Open

She had long enough to stand and catch her breath before the sounds of garbled chatter caught her attention. Hand aloft to touch the handle as her she turned down the hall to spy a trio of dark figures come into view.

One pointed what she guessed was a rifle at her, crimson eyes wide as she tensed and pushed off the door. A blaster shot scorching the decor as another raised their rifle.

The sharp squeak of her boots against the floor causing her to throw her leg wide and fall further than the anticipated bead the trooper had guessed. The bolt close enough to send heat along her shoulder and passed over into the wall behind her.

She would have cursed her luck if the pain in her leg hadn't been more pressing.

She instead hissed at the strain of her muscles, rolling in a ball to the wall and pressing her feet against it as she centered herself in the force. Eyes up to see the trooper trio taking the hallway in formation and once more aiming her way.

"You three ever bowled before!?" A wild howl of words as she applied her feet against the wall. Power surging through her as she shot away from the wall with inhuman speed.

The awkward ball she had curled herself into not quite rolling but not quite skipping along the floor until she grunted at making contact.

If it wasn't for sheer momentum, the zeltron would have found herself at the bottom of an armored pileup. Two toppling over and awkwardly keeping hold of their rifles as the third was thrown backwards and fell against the wall.

Pain filled her shoulder as she came to a stop, rolling onto hands and knees before launching herself upright with a limp towards the trooper against the wall.

The rifle coming up in time to be kicked skyward in panic as the other two began to untangle themselves.

The rifle clacked against the wall, and the troopers free hand went for a side arm as Lossa took a long step to keep clear of the tangle duo. Producing her saber in a sweep and engaging the blade in time for the pistol to let out a single shot that missed its mark.

The burning mark that crept from floor to sky quickly going cold as she froze in place. Watching the trooper crumple and fall sideways.

The shock of her action short lived as her step backwards was met with a hand wrapping round her shin and yanking back. The shrill yelp of the Zeltron was quickly joined by the grunt of what was nearly two untangled troopers now smacked together again.

The saber fell from her hand, blade extinguished as it clattered against the leg of the deceased trooper.

Half of her drawn atop them as the other hand produced a blade and buried itself into the back of her thigh.

Lossa howled, the emotions in the air full of pain, anger, and other emotions that took hold of her shaken state. The shock a long forgotten thing as she twisted against the hand holding her. Wrenching the blade free from control as her other leg pulled back and channeled the force into a kick.

The helmet making a sickening crunch as her boot connected against the Visor and pain sang along her heel clear up to her hip.

The other body wriggling beneath and upsetting the tangled Zeltron and trooper. Thrown sideways she hissed as the knife bit into something much harder than muscle. A dark shadow cast above her as another blade fell towards her.

Still riding the emotions around her, the need to survive and the driving anger gave her intent. Her leg swept outward, tangling with the troopers feet mid-step and throwing off their balance.

She recoiled, throwing her weight sideways.

A swift fall ensued as the handle of the knife smashed the troopers hand between it and their chest plate with a chorus of crunches.

Without a thought, she snatched up her saber and pressed the button once more while making a wide arc over her.

The sizzle of armor melting burned into her mind as she gasped for air and stared at the shiny black of the troopers armor. Reflection gazing back at her as her chest rose and fell, the wound on her leg bringing her back from the moment as the saber quieted.

Objective II: Hall of Knowledge
Location: Ossus, Inside the Hall of Knowledge, New Sith Wars 1900-1700 BBY Area
Personal Objective: Confront The Past
Gear: Double-Bladed Lightsaber, Helmet of Phantasm, Tattered Cloak of Converting, Permacrete Detonator
Tags: Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural Elias Edo Elias Edo Ki Jem-Taan

Being a former spy has its perks. The battle may be raging all around them, people scrambling to get information from every area they could...but who in their right mind would even check this section? Temple Guards that were even stationed here have long left their posts, attempting to fend off whoever they could against the other Sith. Who would notice a simple shadow gliding from their view, a ripple of light? Darth Reficite merely used the cover of battle to infiltrate into the Hall of Knowledge. There was of course, one or two guards he had to eliminate but he had training still embedded from all those years. Killed or not, it was quiet and without warning, allowing his access to be undisturbed.

The New Sith Wars was where he made his name...though history had long since forgotten about the Dark Lord of Rebirth though not completely. There was a few articles leftover here or there about his name, about his abilities and his past. Something he was there now to rectify, as much as he valued information and passing down knowledge, he could not risk anyone knowing his real name. Pulling out from his cloak an old set of Permacrete explosives, he pulled a few datafiles and threw them aside to slammed it inside, setting the charges to remote detonation. It was enough to collapse the entire area and create one very loud racket when he needed it. Death did not scare him of course...though he was now getting used to this body. Though there was still one last thing he had to do.

Walking a few steps deeper, he looked towards the busts of former Jedi Masters, following along them till he found the one he was looking for, a human Jedi Master with long hair and a necklace that strung around the neck. Pressing onto the necklace, he trailed his two fingers towards the back of the stones neck as it was a puzzle sculpture, gripping onto the back and pulling upward as the head was removed to reveal a Jedi Holocron. Reficite feared it would have been broken, he had hoped also it was broken as well. Giving a loud sigh, he let his left hand grip around the Holocron and move it towards one of the chairs. Taking his own seat as the blasterfire and fighting was still distant, he focused with his eyes closed and awaited to hear a familiar somewhat cheerful voice.

"Jedi, you have summoned me for advice. What may I do for the budding members of the Jedi Order?"
"Master Wilot...I have come to talk."
"Master? Wait...Apprentice N-"
"Yes. The plan we had, do you know it from your memory?"
"...Yes, I do. What has changed you, your appearance is not suited-"
"Did you plan to die?"

There was a abrupt silence that filled between them. Darth Reficites eyes opened to the holographic image of his old Jedi Master, Wilot. The individual had long flowing hair, his eyes slim but caring. The physical nature seemed slim, something rather unusual in a Jedi yet he exudes the personality of an outcast, an unknown person wearing Jedi Master robes. He did not fit in any form of personality noted...though more unusual people have taken the mantle of Jedi Master.

"I planned on living yes. To incite-"
"Go through it again...did you plan on living after we decided on our course of action? When we left?"
"I...I...Apprentice, what has changed you? Why these questions? Don't you know the answer already?"
"No because I had to clean up your mess!"

Darth Reficite pointed with his left hand, directly at the Jedi Master as he was infuriated. How did he not even plan on this? He made this holocron mere days before they had left! He surely made up his mind by then! Before he could even speak any further...potential guests may have arrived to see the strangeness of this scene. A Sith Lord arguing with a Jedi Holocron on whose to blame for millenia olds problems they once had. It would be even more ironic if it was not for the fact that the place was deep in battle and part of it was now rigged to blow.
Grand Inquisitor of the EOTL
Objective I: The Reliquary
"""Allies""": Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Vector Monk Vector Monk

“Of course, my Lord.” Aculia replied demurely as she subtly shifted her stance behind him to a more submissive, making herself slightly physically smaller to indicate obedience in more ways than one. She doubted he very much cared one way or the other about who ended up getting such minor spoils at the end of the day, but he did very much care about having his word be absolute law. It irritated her slightly to do so, but she had swallowed her pride for far less reward in the past.

Still, one must wonder at the end of the day, what exactly is the difference between him the other "Emperor" Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex I saw on Onderon and whose forces I fought with against the Aing-Ti? I am sure they have their minor quibbles on whatever esoteric philosophy the Sith follow, but as long as you accept the yoke over your neck and do what you are told, does it really matter to the average Sith or galactic citizen? It just comes down to kill or obey the strongest among them. At least both emperors I know of are "moderate" in comparison to the Mawites of old. So far.

She kept her ears open as the “Emperor” of the Sith addressed his sycophant and openly revealed his desires, her mouth opening slightly in surprise at his frankness.

He must feel quite secure in his position. Normally these types like to hide and obfuscate their goals to mislead rivals or give themselves an edge. Not him, though, which means he is either insane, has a bunch of trump cards hidden up his sleeve to handle any rivals, or both.

She supposed it did not matter to her for now, at least he was not after anything too ridiculous for a Sith-the search for eternal life was relatively tame for them, all things considered.
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Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Aculia Voland Aculia Voland OPEN

“I am glad to hear you say that, Vector,” Aculia remarked, fixing her cold blue eyes on the sycophant's “since they are merely ‘trivial’, then you surely will not mind if my men collect them then?”

"Well, perhaps one or two possess some academic significance."

Vector's eyes flickered momentarily toward the Sith Lord's death trooper escort. They only obeyed one master. When Darth Empyrean overruled the mercenary he gave her an obsequious smile, but anger simmered beneath. Nobles were not accustomed to being challenged by the hired help and this man positively reeked of galidraani high society.

"It would be my honour to assist lord," the historian groveled, "Ancient legends describe labyrinths under the library possessing forbidden lore. My lord knows Jedi are creatures of tradition. We must descend to obtain the knowledge you seek."

Surrounded by allies who despised him and Jedi who would likely kill him for defiling this sacred place, Vector remained confident in his useful experience. Conquests of the ancient Sith dynasties and contemporary Jedi architecture numbered among the Sith agent's scholarly passions.
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"I thought I left you for dead."

"Think again, witch."

Maeve made no attempt to hide her disgust for the woman. She had trusted her—a feat very few had managed to accomplish—and then, she had showed her true colors and left her to rot in the wreckage of Palpatine's throne room. The only reason she had escaped Kef Bir was thanks to the rescue team sent by the Jedi. Since then, she had vowed to hunt and destroy the woman called Faye. The Sith Spellweaver.

The monster who went by Darth Vyle.

Maeve's saber hilt fell into her hand. Igniting it in a flash of cold light, she raised the blade defensively as the witch lashed out with her twisted magick, casting a fiery spell in her direction. With a clean slash wrapped in the Force, she split the firestorm in two, and it billowed past her like water around rock.

She saw the real reason behind the attack. Already, fire rippled around the landing platform, circling about and casting the two of them in scorching firelight. But Maeve didn't flinch. Didn't retreat. She was a monument of composure and it was going to take more than some magic tricks to frighten her.

"Afraid I might call for help?" she called and taunted her with a flourish of her blade. "Don't worry. I have every intention of striking you down myself. Saving you on that sea had been a mistake, and I hope to mend it." She stared her down, eyes narrowing to slits. "If you want into this temple, you'll have to go through me first."


Objective III: Dominion of Ossus
Enemies: Maeve Linahan Maeve Linahan
Equipment: Darth Vyle's lightsaber

Darth Vyle laughed, mirthful and dark. "You'll have to forgive me," she said. "You Jedi are renowned for your cowardice. And no one will claim you but me, Maeve Linahan. Your friends can have you only after I've had my fill. In fact, I think I'll rend you limb from limb, so that they each get a piece."

The ripple of power that had flowed out of Maeve to split Vyle's spell sent a shiver through the Sith witch. Her power was different from the Jedi Vyle typically encountered. Raw and vengeful. It excited her, a grin touching the corners of her face.

"Is that so?" she asked, answering Maeve's threat. Then, almost playfully, added, "Are you going to stop me?" There was no need for Maeve to answer. Vyle knew that Maeve would not budge but over her incapacitated body. Well, "Fine."

Darth Vyle stalked towards her opponent, magick gathering in her hands. With a flick of her wrist, she sent a red spell-bolt, carrying the power of a Force push, screaming across the distance between them. But because she knew Maeve would not be so easily sent flying, she did not stop at one bolt, and instead began to hurl spells in Maeve's direction. She would find these more difficult to deflect with her lightsaber than ordinary blaster bolts.

With each blast, Vyle advanced, walking past flames as if they were mere scenery and held not the power to lick at her clothing and burn her. She pressed her attack with confidence, with rage and conviction, she would not let this Jedi escape her again. This time, she would confirm that Maeve had stopped breathing before leaving her on the platform for her Jedi companions to find.
Wearing: Armorweave Robes

Armed with: Nathan's Saberstaff

Gulag Era...

Ossus had been a ruin during the Gulag Era

The remains of the ancient temple still teamed with the Force. It had cost him savings he had preserved for years just to travel here with Lysandra.

The somber, black biker clad man led the snow pale, raven haired woman in a dark blue jumpsuit across the grass ridden ruins. It was midday.

She was unusually quiet as she explored the old ruin with him. Few Jedi alive had ever seen an intact temple of theirs in this time of Plague. So in that sense, this ruin wasn't new to her. What was new was that it was the ruins of one of the holiest Jedi sites. Sacred Ground.

"Morris?" she asked, blinking at the bright sunlight. Her daughter, Laertia Io Laertia Io would almost exactly resemble her when she grew up.

"Why are we here at Ossus of all places?"

"There was a place here my father told me of...when I was young..." Morris answered back, and immediately Lysandra knew this was NOT just some unusually expensive outing, because that was the most Morris had ever spoken about his background willingly before.

She had been drawn to him. Both were two isolated souls fighting for what little order could be had, and like her, she sensed the moments of actual happiness in his life had been few and far between.

But what had really drawn her in was the man underneath the ice.

Morris never stopped trying to help others. Even with as rotten as things were. Time and time again he had done his best to live within the Code's dictates. Ever since they had first met.

She had tried not to pry. He was quiet a lot. She had eventually adjusted to that, learning to understand him more by what he did than what he said.

What she understood is that there was no one she could trust at her side more than him after years of them both as members of Moya De Lifte's Jedi Order. Morris and her had fought at each others side so often they knew what the other would do. But he was hiding his intent this day. And while she trusted him with her life, she could not help but note how odd he acted.

Morris said nothing as he led her deeper into brightly lit ruins into the shattered remain of what had once been a great meditation chamber. A single great tree of fat green leaves fed by cracks in the ceiling through which sunlight filtered through. Lysandra gasped at the strength of the Light she felt in this place. Here, the inner warmth that drew her to Morris was just a tad easier to sense.

"Its beautiful..." she spoke, stepping forward, careful not to step on any flowers. "How did your father learn of it?"

" father was a Jedi..." Morris answered. "He told me this chamber used to amplify a Jedi's connection to the light while in meditation. This is the first time I've ever been here myself."

Lysandra approached him, smiling widely. Nathan hesitantly, faintly, smiled back.

"Why are we here, Morris?"

"Because I love you..."

Lysandra was given pause.

"I love you..." Morris repeated quickly, the four letter word a foreign thing to his lips though he forced himself to say it. "And the reason we are because this is where my Father asked my Mother to marry him."

"Oh...oh Morris, I..."

"Do you love me?" Morris asked, his face staring at her with a softness she had never seen before.

"Yes...I do but..."


Lysandra steadied herself.

"I do love you. And I know it took a lot for you to tell me this. But...there is one thing I would like to know..."

"What?" Nathan asked in an unusually soft voice.

"Who you really are..."

Nathan snapped awake having caught the edge of a concussion wave from an explosion as the Praxeum was attacked. He looked around. Saw a bunch of dead Padawans. The ones that managed to struggle to their feet were shot immediately or cut down by approaching Sith Troops. His Saber staff lay in the distance. He called it to him, teleporting it to his hand. Then he realized there was a body of a dead temple guard on top of him.

Nathan's heart rate had not gone above 70 bpm. He was able to perceive his situation much more rationally than someone else might have. He quietly pushed the dead body off, activated one blue blade of his staff just as a bolt went screaming for his face. He deflected the bolt back at the shooter's face, as the other blade went active and he teleported towards the other group of shooters that had been close to the first.

He rammed his blade into a chest, yanked the blade in a rightward direction to catch the neck of the second shooter.

The high pitch whine only allowed him enough time to avoid being beheaded as he rolled out of the way, spotting a masked Sith in a black jumpsuit covered by a crimson poncho, wielding a red lightfoil, is plasma blade as thin as an uncooked noodle of spaghetti with an Electrum defense cup and a silver grip.

Of all the things invented by the Sith, Nathan regarded The Lightfoil as among the few genuine contributions of theirs to the art of Lightsaber Combat. He'd always wondered why the Jedi Order had not given the Light foil the same level of scrutiny as the Staff Lightsaber when it first came out. Sure. It had never been widely practiced in the order, but he'd never read of any particular denunciation of the foil. Probably had something to do with the fact it was single bladed, like many Jedi still preferred. But eventually the staff had proven so useful, even the Clone Wars-Era Jedi had budged, letting their Temple Brutes wield it.

In the smoke of the explosion, Nathan and the Lightfoil Duelist circled each other.

His thrusts and stabs came freakishly fast, that needle blade of blood instantly putting Nathan totally in the defensive, ghostly fast attacks on the verge of impossible to parry successfully. Nathan used the Force to endure the pain of a successful flick-thrust to his shoulder blade.

"A spirited defense, my boy!" The Sith chuckled. "Seventy-Seven strikes, and only a non fatal injury? I've known Jedi who never got past eight."

Nathan refused to respond.

"Ah. A silent type. Refreshing. So many of your filth try to preach to me before they die. It's pleasing to meet a Jedi who knows when to shut up."

Soresu was all that kept him in the fight as the Lightfoil Sith's red blade dashed for every vital organ.

Horribly, for Nathan, he had ironically been given something of a tutorial in this form of attack. Darth Phyre had used Makashi to murder him.

He was still being driven backward. But he had discovered a weakness.

It was a well honed technique, his finesse graceful.

But he was a Slave to it. Like he was a Slave to the Dark Side.

Nathan let the Force guide his movements, let it guide his blade against swift strikes and stabs, retreating to a close wall, strikes growing faster and faster. Nathan didn't try to strike back, only letting himself be driven back. He took a few more cuts, one to the shin. One to the forearm. But his defense defied a mortal strike.

"Form Three only facilitates survival, not Victory." The Lightfoil Sith boasted, executing an elegant downward slice as Nathan's defense at his shoulder dipped.

Nathan vanished, reappeared behind him, spinning his blue staff, shutting off one blade as he tricked the Sith into Force Leaping away from him, and Nathan transitioned his spin into a hurled blade at the Sith's chest as he landed.

"I dunno." Nathan muttered at the dead Sith, teleporting the staff back to his hand. "There's something to be said for survival."

Nathan sprinted down the passages, coming across more scenes of butchery. It reminded him of the day Castle Bloodscrawl fell. It all brought him back. The blood. The flames and smoke. The bodies.

Another bloody, senseless massacre by the Sith. But he was not surprised. None of this surprised him. He was used to being attacked during brief moments of introspection.

Nathan along the way spotted Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus , clearly not well, on the verge of collapse.

"You. How bad are your injuries?" Nathan asked, going over to try helping after killing another trooper.
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"She seems hurt."

Sofiel stepped down the hall, her yellow ringed eyes glancing first towards the now dead Sith Troopers. What a waste. Right? That's what her master Darth Temerant Darth Temerant would say, anyway. Perhaps that's what she should view it as. A thought to file back when this raid was over. Right now? She smiled. A cold, dead smile that never reached her eyes as she instead raised her hand. A shadow on her shoulder moved. A black mass which only grew in size as it emerged.

The white mask of her Familiar emerged.


The mask split, opened. Nothing was revealed. The absence of something, anything. It was as unnatural as anything else about the creature. And dangerous. A red glow filled that void before the energy ripped out as a bolt of crimson lightning. The corpses of the dead soldiers mattered little; they turned to ash in it's path as she uncaringly blasted through them to the threats. The Jedi were the targets, after all.

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl


Ossus | Praxeum
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link

Objective III

It had been many years since Valery had offered Romi Jade Romi Jade her assistance with the Praxeum. For a while, she had served on its Council, not to lead Jedi into conflict or times of peace, but to help Jedi find a place to train and learn. She had helped organize trips to the crystal caves and taught others how to use the most basic Force abilities.

It's where she met Brandyn Sal-Soren and Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren all those years ago, who both became her students and now walked the Galaxy as Jedi Knights.

Now, the Sith had shown up to destroy it all.

With a fire burning in her eyes, Valery walked down the hallways and made sure that whoever was inside moved to evacuate. She had the hilts of her two lightsabers already drawn into her hand, and she stood ready to hold off the attackers for as long as she could. Ossus was too far away for the Alliance to commit great resources for its protection, but even with a Praxeum like this sacked, many more stood tall or would rise to stand above it in the future.

She was here to protect her fellow Jedi and preserve as much as she could.

Draulvesi Noct | Aculia Voland Aculia Voland

The great library of Knossa had presented an opportunity to learn more about the ancient Sith artifact Cora had uncovered with Maeve Linahan Maeve Linahan . The teenage Padawan had eagerly inserted herself into Jedi Shadow's travels to Ossus. When they'd arrived, the enclave held a pervasive air of peace and warmth.

Now they were under assault.

The silence of the library had been pierced by blaring klaxons, with the not-too-distant sounds of fighting following shortly after. It was enough to pull her attention sharply away from the tome she'd been scanning.

"Goodness," Cora muttered beneath her breath, balancing an armful of sacred texts against her chest as she followed after a librarian to the vault. They'd attempt to secure what they could before their assailants poured into the perimeter.

Fortunately, Knossa was brimming with light. Perhaps it would stem the dark tide creeping into their halls.

A glimpse of metal—the hilt of a saber clipped to someone's waist—caught her eye. Her heart thrummed louder, almost reverberating in her ears, and Cora was reminded of Exegol, Selvaris, and all the rest.

"Era of peace my foot." She grumbled, shoving her tomes into the arm of an attendant and spinning on her heel.

The Padawan paced back towards the front of the library, reluctantly retracing her steps among towering shelves to join in the library's defense.


"They're getting bold again. Think this is because of the Aing-Tii?"

Kahlil cast a glance towards Valery, brow raised. It could be. It felt like the same Sith that had targeted the Aing-Tii. Were they targeting Force Orders outside the Alliance speicifcally? Kind of seemed that way. Didn't matter. They were here, and they'd protect Ossus.

It wouldn't be like what happened with the Aing-Tii.

"You ready?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble
Objective II: Hall of Knowledge
Location: Hall of Knowledge - South Breach
Mission: TERROR and Sith sentimentality.

Direct Allies: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Open
Direct Enemies: A'Runda A'Runda | Open

A'Runda blew the head clean off a towering tank eater, magma burst out in all directions and drenched the surge impulse. That still only counts as one! Although they loved the heat, many of the drones outside fell to the ground lifeless, burned to nothing. How long the wall would last against the claws ripping at it, and the magma being spit, who knows!

Jedi defenses seemed lighter than the surge's creator expected, still, the drones outside were only there as fodder, to throw themselves at the wall. Pilling up their bodies to use as a ramp or carpet, for the more organized Sith forces to walk right up, and into the breaches they might make.

Underground however was a different tale.

The hall might shake for all those present…

No clever trick of the mind or whispering to the worm beast's instinct came. A simple mind even if a vast one. So it was not dissuaded from its course today! Up through the earth, the hall might feel unsteady, and the walls might begin to vibrate. Finally, the southern section of the hall received unwelcome guests.



A huge worm MAW jetted out of the ground, ripping the foundations and the wall. As if Keth were giving a final tribute to a once great faction, or some retribution for their passing. Sith sentimentality at its finest. Though it was doubtful the Jedi might appreciate the gesture as much presently!

Bugs. Bugs Bugs Bugs!

Kylaraya walked out from the GIANT maw, surrounded by her brood. Her pack mentality was as ferocious and twisted as the creatures around her, embodying the drone surging mentality, the Panther's hunting instinct, and the Wild lurkers unpredictable nature. The first unlucky onlooker in the hall was her first prey, instinct impaling him with her talons and tossing him behind her to the pack.

She pointed forward with her twisted claws, and they began their rampage, ready to consume those who stood in the way of Sith Ascension. At least the archives would be left, assuming they were not edible.

Screams soon followed in her wake.

Nearby Bonded Pack:
Barab Panthers 2/2
Wild Growth Lurker 1/1
Magma Keeper 2/2
Surge drones 30/30
Surge Worm1/1

Artifical Surge Magnitude 0-10?: Alongside as small or as big a surge outside as you want.
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The last thing that evil wants...


Location: The Planet Ossus

"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, HK-88 (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)



Starting in: Objective 3(first two posts-Max)
Continuing in: Objective 1
Tag: Anyone

I’ll see you soon, Babe… hang on…

There was an incoming distress call from the planet Ossus. The Great Library was under attack by Sith… wait Sith? Wasn’t the Maw just defeated? Is this some kind of remnant? It did not matter at this point as this was Romi’s house and he promised her a long time ago that if she ever needed his saber, she had it. Yes, at one time it was a “crush” thing, but now it was because of a mutual level of respect(that and they were both married anyway).

Babe I…

“‘Roller’ just showed me the message, hon. Go, on one condition…”

Anything… what?

“Don’t die.” She smirked, winked and cut the comm blowing him a kiss. Relieved, Vanagor ran to the cockpit of the “Defender” and altered course in the NavComputer. Before long he was on his way there at the maximum possible speed. Changing out of his clothes, putting on his armor and his robes overneath before grabbing his weapons, Caltin thought of one of the things his combat instructor once told him.

The inner need to degrade our worth
is engraved in each of our hearts
It has been a part of us since birth
to deceive and cheat and lie

The choice is simple, the path is straight
yet still we stumble and we fall
I’m sure every one can relate
the longing we have to do what is wrong

As easy as it should be for you and me
to just do what we know is right
someone out there steals the jewelry
someone tells a simple lie

It might be me, or it may be you
who swings first, who says a hurtful word
but it’s still evil, we all know it’s
true we are not good, we choose to do wrong

There is never an in between
either wrong or right, good or evil
You cannot be nice and mean
There is no way to choose both

We all have a choice to make,
to choose To live a life of lies and hate
To give it all away, to always lose
Or choose good in the bad

To have a hope when you’re raised in pain
To look past your parents choices
To hope for the sunshine after the rain
There is always going to be good and evil

The point of this “soliloquy” was to remind the big man not to dwell on the “what ifs” until there was a time and a place for it. So he did not. Caltin both hoped and worried that his Padawan Jand Talo Jand Talo was there already. The Nagai Padawan was more than capable of handling himself, make no mistake, but Caltin would be remiss if he did not have a level of “Guardianship” still towards his student. He had to focus on what was going on, what was about to go down. Ossus was “just another planet” to many, but to the Jedi, it was “Corellia” in comparison to Tython being “Coruscant” in that it was just as rich in history and meaning to the Jedi Order of not only today but all times. The fact that another attack on the Library made him angry…

… and this time he was going to embrace it…

Coming in from the opposite side of the planet after what seemed to be an eternity of flight, the massive Jedi Master left the controls to BB-55 and opened up the loading ramp once close enough. Close enough for what? Well if this is the first time you had ever seen the big man enter a battle, he was going to jump out of the ship mid-flight and let the droid pilot away to safety.

~Romi, late to the party… tell me where you need me.~

With a deep breath, Vanagor could feel the strife on the approach to the Library. There was a need for him here first. The Jedi already in the area were more than capable of quelling the violence on their own, make no mistake, but Caltin wanted to help any way he could. Tightening up as much as he could as his body cut through the atmosphere at breakneck speed, the big felt the cutting pressure and sharp cold trying to destroy the features on his face. The more he fell, the faster he cut through the skies, the faster he cut, the more intense the pressure and ease of slowing down. Caltin did not slow down, he waited until the last hundred feet before putting his stored energies into a powerful Force Push and then a strong “Punch” into the ground.

The Push slowed his body down more than enough to safely land on the ground and the “punch” created a Force Wave taking Sith “Pawns” off of their feet. As each of them returned to their feet and saw another Jedi standing in front of them, he just glared.

Don’t be stupid. Run.

As many of them did, Caltin just rolled his eyes as he reached out through the Force one more time. To any Jedi who could hear him through the Force.

~It’s Vanagor. Where can I help?~

Pulling his lightsaber “Conservator” to his hand, the big man got his bearings and began to make his way towards the Library.
The Sith attack Coruscant. The Sith attack Tython. Now the Sith attack Ossus? Oh they are getting beat DOWN!

TAG: Romi Jade Romi Jade | @Jasper Kai’el | Thalia Senn Thalia Senn | Rakaan Horne Rakaan Horne | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus OPEN

... is my undivided attention.

Getting too old for this

Another lone-flying Sith starfighter exploded into hundreds of pieces as the X-Wing dove once again behind the nearby mountain pass.

That would mark five. Yet they still exited the Dreadnaught above like bees from a hive. Screams from their engines echoed throughout the range, alerting everyone to their presence. As much as Len wanted to whip his craft around and fly back out there, shooting down squadrons worth of them, that was not his mission. The Director had sent him out here today to try and tag the beast above. It had been a thorn in the side of the Alliance for quite some time now, and they needed to figure out where it heads next, and when.

Dropping his thrusters to thirty percent, the pilot was doing his best to stay out the Sith's line of fire. He hoped that the few that were already shot down assumed it was ground-to-air defenses and not starfighters. Secrecy was his ally, and Len intended on keeping it that way. Gliding between the large rock formations, he called out for his astromech for some help.

"Snowcap, I need you to scan that Dreadnaught above. See if you can track their starfighter launch patterns. I need to find that best path up there without getting shot down."

Beeps of confirmation followed as the droid got to work. Peering through the top of his viewport, Len looked up at the massive ship above. From his location, it blocked out most of the sun, creating an eclipse of sorts. The man's chest tightened somewhat, realizing the intensity of the mission. Placing a tracker on that thing could save billions, possibly trillions of lives from the Sith. He had to get this done if he ever wanted to see a safer galaxy. Sith Empire, Maw, One Sith, whatever it may be, peace cannot be found until they have been neutralized and dealt with.

It was time to go to work.
Relationship Status: It's Complicated

WEAPONS: xxx | xxx | xxx
TAG: Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath , OPEN

Knowledge was something Gerwald craved, specific knowledge. His kind still felt the pains of the Fayth attack, and while he was not on Islimore to help them physically, he did what he could from within the borders of the Sith. They needed to know how to bring the Fayth to heel completely, and Gerwald had taken it upon himself to find the solution.

His mind kept retreating to the Vault below his ancestral home, Bloodraven Hall. He knew the secrets hidden there. All the questions he had the day he met Katrine for the first time on Stewjon until his own siblings left him to serve the Knights Obsidian had finally been answered.

Gerwald did not like the answers he discovered.

How was he supposed to tell them all that he knew what they were, or what they had been. They already disliked him because he did ascribe to their ways or follow their gods. Gerwald had seen too much among the galaxy to know that there was anyone who could claim supreme divinity. Mythology was simply designed to explain what science or logic could not. With his understanding of the force, the Lupo knew the religion of his species was nothing but jumbled fairy tales and fables concocted to keep their kind in line.

His ship touched down near the Great Library of Ossus. It was a gift from Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean . Gerwald owed him much, a debt he would spend many years repaying. He owed Srina Talon Srina Talon an even greater debt. Her actions had brought Naedira back. With time and power Gerwald may have figured out how to do so. His desperation, his obsession, would have driven him to it. Yet the wolf had placed his fate in the hands of another. It was foolish for a Sith, and while Gerwald was among them, he still was not completely one of them.

It was not an easy thing, the price he had paid to bring the woman back. He could not dwell on it of course. He knew what he was agreeing to when he told Srina to do what needed to be done. Gerwald had to ensure it was not in vain. It was his burden.

“The Jedi will be guarding the Library in force,” he said as he walked toward the boarding ramp. “It is a good day to hunt.”

Gerwald chuckled as he took in the fresh air of the forest. It was a shame he did not have the time currently to run and explore the woods which were new to him. The beast inside was anxious to do exactly that, and the Lupo fought within himself to maintain control over the animal. The wolf was always the one thing which could surprise his enemy.​

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