Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Republic and Corporate War Thingy - Update?

[member="Julius Sedaire"]

In all seriousness, the GR is a rump state. Now if you don't believe me google it, or wikipedia Rump State. And it gives an explanation of what one is and how they come into existence. I also explain in that #clonelivesmatter post/thread.
Popo said:
[member="Triam Akovin"]
  • Lasedri attempted a coup
  • She then attempted to nationalize all corporations inside Republic borders after many cut ties due to her coup
  • Mandalorian company was affected, moved to attack Roche to defend Mandalorian interests in Phrik there
  • Clans bandwagoned, skirmish turned into invasion
  • Mandos invade Pubs to liberate system and stop a perceived militaristic/nationalistic state
  • Pubs commit war crimes, notable Jedi is killed who happens to be Ember Rekali's last surviving child
  • This happens after Republic Supreme Commander, Hadrix, publically and openly insults all Mandalorians present
  • Republic turns one-off invasion into total war
  • Chaos ensues
  • Chaos ensues
  • Chaos ensues
  • Most Republic writers are now after perceived War Criminal, Hadrix
  • Most Mandalorian writers are now after perceived War Criminal, Hadrix
  • Cue Benny Hill Music
Seydon of Arda said:
Is this how serious and ridiculous things get? I fear for what I'm getting myself into now.
Who knows...
This whole thing has been profitable to bounty hunters though, I mean the bounties just came rolling in, OS on Republic Chazwa Rump State, Corporates on Chazwa Rump State, Chazwa Rump State on OS. Mainly two of these threads just went stale into forgotten memories until this whole debacle. So from everyone on behalf of the Bounty Hunter community:


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