Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Republic Counter-Invasion of Prakith [Republic vs. One Sith]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Location: Hangar bay
Objective: Velokification
Allies: [member="Warok the Defiler"] [member="Darth Adekos"]
Enemies: [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Gherron Vael"]





It wasn't some wizened Dark Lord's cane rapping a rhythm on the floor, oh no. It was a pair of eight-hundred-credit heels, which the masked woman kicked off as she entered the hangar. She wore her hair bound back; face-sculpters had adjusted her features marginally beneath the black cloth mask; her Dark Side signature was not hidden for once.

For once, she could be Velok again.

She carried a curved lightsabre but, for the moment, she didn't ignite it. Her eyes crinkled in the corners, a heartfelt smile, as she surveyed the fight. The whole place was torn up, and it smelled like burnt Ewok.

She had cultivated only one power of any real significance, and it was one that Masters came to her to learn: the assimilative manipulation of energy. Oh, sometimes that took on the aspect of tutaminis, sometimes it took a darker form, but in the end, energy was energy, and these people were just blazing with it. Really pushing themselves to the limit, on fire with emotion.

Her stomach growled, and she channelled the old hunger. A translucent, writhing yellow ribbon began to take sinuous form, seeking to connect her outstretched left fist with the center of Vulpesen Torrevaso's chest. Force Drain, her specialty, oldest by far of the Sith arts, took a bite out of the excess power he was leaking in his zeal, the distortions accruing around him from his immense effort. True Force Drain wasn't about stealing power for one's own use. It was about a touch of nothingness, a slippery slope into the void -- taking an enemy's power and letting it vanish into entropy, dissolution, a wound. She sought to rip Vulpesen's power away, and, failing that, to reduce it -- numb and tire his mind and body and spirit, challenge and complicate his use of the Force. This was the one thing she did, and she liked it, even if the hunger would never be satisfied.
Location: upon other Dark Blade, in space
Enemies:Jimmie-rustling pubs

The Dark Blade lurched as its engine burn ended.
The Republic, however, was acting not as an enemy normally would. They were acting confused.


"Begin firing the hypervolcity cannon straight down the approaching ship's bow. Indiscriminate fire upon all other ships in range, withhold torpedo fire until I give the command."

Kadri put his hand up to where his temple would normally be behind the mask. Even now he could here the scream of his allies, even if it was directed at the enemy, the pounding in his head was no less annoying.
"I want this battle wrapped up before the end of three hours"


-Hypervelocity cannons firing on the Legate
-Indiscriminate fire upon ships of the Republic's choosing
-Kadri's jimmies are rustled

[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]
[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Boan Rein"]
Location: Spaceport, Landing Bay 88-N
Objective: Defend the Spaceport
Allies: [member="Darth Adekos"] | [member="Darth Valtryx"] | [member="Selka Ventus"]
Enemies: [member="Vulpesen"] | [member="Gherron Vael"] | [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

A wave of telekinetic power hammered into Warok. Nothing on the magnitude of a Kerrigan-esque pantybuilding-dropper, but certainly enough to send one lonely, lightly fried Ewok flying through the air.

What remained of the roasted ursine's echani shields took the brunt of the pressurized wave. They failed with a flicker and a fade. The force left over picked Warok up and rag dolled him across the hangar. Darth Adekos could probably sympathize with Warok's helplessness as he tumbled end over end, before hitting the ground, rolling, and fetching up against the wall.

Warok lay there for half a moment, stunned, blood pouring from an aggravated shoulder, from which the dagger still jutted awkwardly. The Ewok uttered a whimpering growl as he reached up a paw and removed the blade with a wet shlick. He tossed it aside. The cold metal, slick with crimson, clattered against the hangar's permacrete floor.

The Ewok rose on two stubby feet, bruised, bloodied and burnt. Maniacal eyes like tar-pits seemed almost giddy at the pain. Those drowning pools of pitch flicked toward Vulpesen... and the asphalt caught fire.

Slowly, deliberately Warok wrapped the chain-whip around his waist, the blade no longer lit. His only weapons would be his gauntlets, since coarse blows seemed the only thing these Jedi understood. They wished to call him savage. Why deny them their wish? He wanted to feel the dark-haired one's body break beneath his fists. He wanted to hear the sick crack of bone and the hollow ring of dented steel. And after he had turned the human's face into a bloody, broken mess, after he'd shattered the skull, torn out the eyes and ripped out the throat, Warok would resurrect him for an eternity of endless torment as a revenant, devouring the flesh of his friends. And all the while, somewhere behind eyeless sockets, the human would know... the human would know and he would suffer.

Warok saw the strands of yellow emanating from the ebony-skinned woman, saw and didn't care. Such a fate was too easy.

A bloodied paw produced a leather pouch from beneath the head covering and tossed it into the air. The pouch exploded. Spores floated through the air, driven by Warok's power over wind. The nearly-invisible mekebve pollen came on as if driven by a swift zephyr. Vulpesen's attention would likely be fully encompassed by the Force Drain. Meanwhile, the inhalation of the spores would cause him to go into anaphylactic shock. Airways would constrict and extremities swell. Death could be a possible result, but only after an hour or so. Of course, this was all assuming Vulpesen actually breathed.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location: Spaceport, Landing Bay 88-N
Objective: Defend the Spaceport
Allies: [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Gherron Vael"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Adekos"] [member="Warok the Defiler"] [member="Selka Ventus"]

Alex watched as the scene played out and without even letting Gherron react she shoved him to the side and would rip her saber from his hand as she saw Tyrin's influence over the force do the same trick he had done just a moment before and without telling him anything Alex threw her sabers to the ground and watched as they cracked from the resulting explosion inside their casings. Saved by them being made of a phrik casing which left her sighing as she looked at the new comer and then Warok recovering. "Gherron, i need five seconds, can you cover me..." The message would be silent and through direct connection with Gherron. So much so she cut off any more communication so that her plan would remain secret as she reached at her belt to grab something, putting Gherron between her and Tyrin and hoping her friend would be able to cover her for those five seconds.
Location: The Citadel
Objective :
  • Protect the Citadel
  • Continue to investigate internal security
  • Prepare for battle
  • Maintain the ray and particle shields.
  • Wait for Jan -- or whoever else wants to tango whenever they get past the shields.
Allies: One Sith

  • [member="Darth Praelior"]
    [member="Darth Vornskr"]
    @Darth Nephthys
    [member="Darth Isolda"]
    [member="Yusan Fenn"]
    [member="Sena Lassiter"]
    [member="The Hound"]

    Foes: Republic/Jedi
    [member="Ryan Korr"] (Isolda)
    [member="Quinn Vos"] ( Isolda )
    [member="Jannik Morlandt"] (Nephthys)
    [member="Kamon Vondiranach"]
    ??? [member="SV-421"] and [member="Dass Tallav"].

Music: Godzilla



Nepthys would give a slight upturn of her head. It was as if she were listening to a voice. A distant voice.

From the balcony, Nepthys would start to slowly descend down a great stairwell. She was a tiny thing, with a dark cloak fluttering behind her.

But with every step she would draw nearer.

To the One.

The One they had been searching for all along.

It was no Dark Lord of the Sith.

It was no Great Man of Ultimate Power.

But the One.

Gifted by the Goddess.

A half to a whole.


And Love.


And Hate.

Yet Beloved evermore.

C I T A D E L N P C F O R C E S U N D E R D A R T H N E P T H Y S' C O M M A N D

LOCATION: The Citadel
Objective: Defend
Controler: Nepthys
  • Rakamat : 10 - charging up Dovin Basals
  • Firebreathers: 3 - Spreading out.
  • Umrach: 2000 - inside and outside the citadel
  • Skrall: 5000 - in the lower levels
  • Implanter: 1000 - around and inside the citadel
  • Yargh'un: 1000 - around and inside the citadel
  • Yuuzhan Vong Soldiers: 20,000 with Yuuzhan Vong crab armor treated with the Baffor Worm. Applicable weaponry such as razor bugs, Spark bugs, singularity mines, borash jelly, and all other normal vong weapons apply - all over the citadel and grounds.
  • Slayers: 1000 - inside the citadel

Location: ^
Objective: ATTACK!! Starship troopers style
Allies: Sith beast masters
Enemies that are all being DIRECTLY ENGAGED

[member="Elizie Adasca"] - Padawan
[member="Haytham Kaze"] - Padawan
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] - Padawan
[member="Varus Shatterstar"] - knight
[member="Veino Garn"] - Knight
[member="Lan Graendal"] (Claimed by Kaine)
[member="Corvus Raaf"] - Master
[member="Arumi Zy"] - Master
[member="Preliat Mantis"]
[member="Book"] - solider
[member="Vilaz Munin"]

T H E C R O M E - V R O N E
The Chrom Vrone would stir, and suddenly it would start out spewing hot plasma once again from it's hundred meter tentacles towards the surrounding areas. For those republic forces ( [member="Lan Graendal"] ) heading to the breeding grounds, they would find themselves under the merciless rain of the Chron Vrone's attack.

But this was a double edge sword, for it would also end up with collateral damage of its own Yuuzhan Vong forces.

The damage would be two fold as the mining worm would shudder under the continual impact. More and more of it's yorrik coral shell would crack.

[member="Lan Graendal"]​
The ground would shudder under the mass of fire from the skotchas and R-10 Reliant-class Tanks. Two more Rakamat would fall, crashing under the intense firepower. But now they had another target.

R-10 Reliant-class Tanks (500: Main invasion) Orders: Advancing on Breeding Grounds with 4 infantry battalions (2,000 soldiers).

Big blue plasma gobules would splatter up into the sky. They would arch like comets, only to come crashing down upon the reliant class tanks and the advancing infantry battallions.

[member="Arumi Zy"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Preliat Mantis"]​

Preliat Mantis would brave the Grokata. His body would go sliding down upon the dirt, barely missing the large strong beak of the slow moving grokata as it would suck in.

The sucking in motion preventing it from avoiding the hit by the Mandalorian, revealing its soft underbelly for the spoils.

His strike would hit true, and a shower of blood would bath the Mandalorian. It's great legs would shake, and just like that it would start to collapse right on top of Preliat...

Would he get away and out in time?!!!!

T H E I M P L A N T E R S & Y A R G H ' U N
[member="Elizie Adasca"] [member="Veino Garn"] [member="Varus Shatterstar"]​

The Implanters would go wild, and would just rush out of the breeding grounds towards the incoming republic army. The more they can plant seeds on , the more vongformed sapients under the thrall of the Yong would turn against the republic.

[member="Book"] [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] [member="Haytham Kaze"]​

A few of the scouts would start to get closer to the FOB of the Republic. Time could only tell if they would stumble across their little neck of the rocks.

Meanwhile, those ampistaffs? yeaaaaaaaah..

They were coming. In fact -- they would be here in three... two.....

C I T A D E L N P C F O R C E S U N D E R D A R T H N E P T H Y S' C O M M A N D A T T H E B R E E D I N G G R O U N D S
LOCATION: The Breeding Grounds
I have tagged folks in the description on what is being done.

but the big guy, Chromvrone bringing its tentacles to shoot out more Yaret-Kor plasma

Controler: Nepthys
LOCATION: On foot, near entrance of the citadel
OBJECTIVE: Lights, cameras, action!
ALLIES: The Sith! The forces of Evil! Um, Skeletor?
ENEMIES: [member="Avalore Eden"] and her short legs, [member="Trenchcoat Man"], maybe?

For clarification, Hal Terrano did not agree to roughing up Miss Eden for the sake of this role. He helped tear up her clothes, naturally, that was easy but when she suggested that they made it look like she had seen the losing side of battle his sensibilities were definitely offended.

Wait, but isn't she bruised and bloody?

Yes, I'm glad you asked. The usually graceful and gazelle-like Avalore (snort), with her hands bound and her balance weakened decidedly roughed herself up by falling over several times upon the extremely rough terrain. He'd half considered just throwing her over his shoulder, maybe if she lost her footing one more time that would be the case.

A very likely case, she probably had a concussion by this point.

“Good plan,” he replied, following suit and immediately delving back into the mindset that Coruscant had granted him. However, if that was the case, maybe it was Hal that didn't look sad enough.

They stumbled their way across the terrain, the citadel becoming less looming and more towering as ominous spires and towers started to block all vision of a war-torn sky. A further reminder that it was just them here, if it all went wrong there was nobody that could help them beyond themselves.

The group would be coming in through the front, but leaving through a lesser known exit. The perks of Darth Mierin go on. As the ground began to level out somewhat, and he looked behind to his huffing, puffing companion prisoner, raising a transparent eyebrow at her.

“Are you ready?”
Location: Not Squished
Objective: Destroy the Pits, Fight Sith
Allies: [member="Arumi Zy"], [member="Vilaz Munin"] @Book
Enemies: [member="Darth Nephthys"]

Plasma rained down on the world around him, as the beast below began to wither and find itself wounded. He grit his teeth and plucked himself upwards, pressing his heels to the ground and rolling forward. His body lunged, catapulting out from underneath the beast. It landed with a resounding smack, echoing throughout the area. Preliat stood atop the slain beast, holding his arms out sideways. As the fiery plasma rained down, he outstretched his arms and looked upwards, beneath his helmet. The world shattered, the world was tearing itself apart. Death flew over the battlefield, plucking souls to take into the next life. Death lingered around Preliat, for Preliat was an instrument of his, but death was waiting to claim Preliat. Preliat could sometimes feel his icy grip, threatening to part him from the world. But so far, death had failed to take Preliat.

But it hadn't failed to grant him a bit of his touch. Wherever Preliat went, death followed. Death flowed from Preliat's hands like tears from a grieving widow. Of which he had made plenty. The blood of the Vong, the beasts, and the Sith lay at his feet. Ghosts marched around him, eager to take him in the violent manner he took them.

He drew the blade across his chest, casting the blood of the fallen across his chest. War paint. He was a slayer of beasts. Of men. Of hopes.

Preliat removed his helmet, holding at his side, sliding the tomahawk back into the sheath on his left arm. And he looked up at the sky. And let out a war cry. A cry that echoed over the battle, a cry of pain, anger- and rage. The Sith could feel it. They could even feed off of it. He was a well of rage, of anger and of hatred. A well that many could maybe drink deep from, if they took the chance to come to him for it. The sound wasn't natural. No man should have ever made the sound he did. It was feral, it was awful. And it was loud.

He stared at Vilaz, then looked outward at the beasts remaining. And he narrowed his eyes.

He stared at the Citadel. The real one. Off in the distance.

The Wolf sought to destroy it. To rip flesh from bone. To remove limbs from body. To cleave muscle and to render bodies limp. He sought to remove souls and heads from their bodies. To leave only death in his wake. To right wrongs that had been done to him and to the people of the galaxy by the Sith. The Wolf narrowed his eyes. He felt anger. He felt it flow through him. Give him strength. Give him purpose.

He was coming.

Location: Spaceport
Objective: We're defending now? Alrighty.
Allies: [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
Enemies: [member="Warok the Defiler"] [member="Darth Adekos"]

When Alexandra hugged Gherron, it may have been nice, except for her bone rattling scream. As he looked around them, he noticed that anything and everything nearby had been blasted back, and that she had protected him from that. Nodding at her, he seemed a little confused when she took her saber back and he was nearly flipped over, but understood when she attacked yet another apparition with her weapons. Damn, he'd have to make himself some stronger sabers for the next time. Getting up and brushing himself off, he grunted as he was placed between her and the Sith, being asked to defend her. "You have the lightsabers here, and you're asking me to defend you. Got it." Muttering something about women, he turned toward the Sith and shrugged before raising his fists, as if about to fight him hand-to-hand. The show was mostly to surprise the man and throw him off guard. He knew he couldn't do much without his weapon, save for a few nice blasts of force to the chest, so he improvised. Hopefully, his action had enough reaction on the Sith to keep him occupied a few more seconds. if not, he'd throw him off his feet with a good force push. "Alex, you'd better be about to do whatever you're doing over there. I doubt I can keep this guy occupied."
LOCATION: Spaceport, Landing Bay 88-N
OBJECTIVE: Defend the Spaceport
ALLIES: [member="Warok the Defiler"] | [member="Darth Valtryx"] | [member="Selka Ventus"]
ENEMIES: [member="Vulpesen"] | [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] | [member="Gherron Vael"]

Now with both of their lightsabers out of commission, Adekos could resume his masterstroke plan of pummeling these fools with Lightning or Force Drain or some other ungodly manipulation of the Dark Side. He started approaching, already raising his hand to blast lightning again when, suddenly, the Jedi Knight... Put up his fists? The Jedi Knight stood there like he was going to the Darth to death. A confused, exasperated expression took hold of Adekos and, for a moment, he started to lower his hand before regaining his senses.

"What the hell is wrong with you people?" He asked, apparently more dismayed than infuriated.

He could see the silver harlot reaching for something on her person over Gherron's shoulder. Great. A diversion. Maybe now would be a better time to give these insipid fools a taste of their own medicine. Thinking quickly, Darth Adekos lashed out with the Force once again, only this time it was something more mundane. No cackling tendrils of energy or life sucking strands this time, but rather a telekinetic blast that would send Gherron Vael flying into Alexandra and hopefully ground the both of them long enough for him to continue.
Location: Spaceport, Landing Bay 88-N
Objective: Escape Alex
Allies: [member="Darth Adekos"] [member="Warok the Defiler"]
Enemies: [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Valtryx finally awoke after what seemed ages. But as she looked up through her drowsy eyes she still saw lightsabers clashing on the other side of the hangar. it took a few moments before she realized, she had been defeated. Only a fool would jump back into the fight in her state, and so the Yodaling merely lay still until she regained some of her energy, after which she called upon the hatred within herself once again and performed a mighty leap, reaching the hangar's roof with ease. Grabbing onto one of the beams near the roof, she slowly made her way towards a nearby ventilation shaft. With a quick pull with the force the vent's cover ripped off, making a light noise upon hitting the hangar floor. Valtryx gave one look back at Alex, who was in the midst of battle, and then took her leave...
Location: Breeding pits
Objective: Survive; Destroy the Citadel
Allies: Vode and Republic [member=Arumi Zy] [member=Preliat Mantis] [member=Book] [member=Corvus Raaf]
Enemies: Dar'jetti, Vong, and Sithspawn

Stuck he was in mid air as the he was being pulled in by the vacuum cleaner like beast that was pulling him into the void. Much similar to a black hole sucking in whatever it can to fill its stomach. But he wouldn't submit right now. Flying backwards with his repulsor pack creating friction, in a way, as he was resisting the pull of the beast inhaling its prey. Suddenly it stopped when the violent Preliat Mantis scored a hit on the bong creature critically wounding it. He was saved from being vacuumed into the grokata and flew off increasing the gap between him and the creature. A rumble could be heard as it fell to the ground as its legs couldn't support its own weight as blood began to rain under it painting the ground below the beast with blood. Immobilized it was, but dead it wasn't; however, it was not a threat that Republic Forces should worry about right now. It was permanently stationary and right now ammunition should be concentrated on the rakamats, grotakas, and the chrom-vrone that was thought to be dead.

Then he saw one of his own brothers on the ground bathed in blood roaring a war cry that could be heard throughout the battle. Now, this was a Warrior that Vilaz didn't want to calm down. He himself would calm down once his desires were fulfilled that marked Sith, Vong, and whatever allies the Sith had. His aggressiveness was how he was know in the ranks of the Mando'ade. And while Vilaz was fearless, except that one time when he had faced that Lotek'k, he took caution of Preliat. He could turn on him involuntarily because of his anger that was raging throughout him. He was about to fly down to the Field Marshal until he noticed a wounded and unconscious Arumi. "Preliat, Imma go to Arumi. You do your thing."

With great velocity he flew towards Arumi and began firing upon hostiles that were nearby to the Mandalorian with his WESTARs. He holstered one of his pistol as he descended to the ground and both feet touched the ground. The Redneck aimed at one approaching Yargh'un that had the face of hunger and fired one blaster bolt at its face truly killing it. He noticed a limb missing of the Dark Jedi that seemed like a clean cut that was probably taken off with lava shooting out from the Vong creatures. "Boy, I hope you ain't heavy," the Rally Master commented as he began grabbing the unconscious Mandalorian Warrior, with bith hands as he holstered his second pistol, and wrapped his arms around Arumi and flew off to the air again. With all the things that was on Vilaz he knew that the top speed of the repulsor pack wouldn't get him to the Forward Operating Base of the Republic that was established nearby.

"Yeah, you're damn heavy."

As for the chrom-vrone it would be taken care of as ten more bombers were ordered to bombard it with them starfighters escorting them which would send fury to one of the rakamats by aiming at the joints of its legs.

Amount: 10 bombers and 10 starfighters

Objective: Damage the chrom-vrone and one of the rakamats

Location: In the air and now approaching designated coordinates
Location: En-route to The Citadel
Objective: The Citadel
Allies: [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]
Enemies: [member="[/COLOR]Darth Nephthys"]

Corvus gave a simpler answer to Sera. “They want us alive!” She swung her saber at the creatures as they advanced on the pair of Jedi and as she did, she judged their fighting style. Using Force Valor she leaped over the top of them as they continued to advance and she took down the remaining creatures by slashing at their abdomens with her blade whilst they tried to re-orientate themselves.

“Next time, you should leave more for me,” she grinned as her blade deactivated and she clipped it back to her belt.

"Lead on – and keep an eye out – I suspect we’re not over the worst. In fact, I believe we haven’t even seen the worst yet. Those holes don’t look like ventilation shafts to me.”

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location: Spaceport
Objective: We're defending now? Alrighty.
Allies: [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Gherron Vael"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Adekos"] [member="Warok the Defiler"] [member="Selka Ventus"]

((I took the time to time how long it would take for Gherron to raise his hands in fighting stance, the moment of confusion, then the words, and then the push. Which is well over 5 seconds by the time the push would come as the time came out to 7.34 seconds at the fastest. (Timed it 10 times to get the fastest. Assumed the push would take half a second or a second.))

Alexandra's hand had started moving to her face before Gherron even answered, her mask placed there and connecting to her armor as she started to hear Tyrin's words. It had been two seconds, maybe three, she could barely tell as she focused on her task. Hitting the button on the side her mask started to seal and Tyrin finished his monologue and with a breath of air she was ready as she felt alot better. Then came the force push, and thankfully the blast was aimed at Gherron and not her giving her a second to roll to the side and then get to her feet as he pushed the force into her legs.

This increase of oxygen to her system was both an aid and a shield as whether Gherron took the push head on or tried to dodge it didn't matter to her because now she charged him, grabbing Minna's saber from her waist and charging Tyrin. Smiling through she grabbed something else and tossed the object at Miss Half Velok. The object would be a rather small, but dangerous grenade that Alex had started to use after the constant fights with force users. The thing would sail and land near the woman unless she was actively looking for it which considering that she was trying to force drain Vulpesen Torrevaso that was highly unlikely. Then her hand grabbed another one from her cloak and primed it, moving in close to Tyrin before tossing it to the ground inbetween them with a smile.

Now, it would be time to see what this Sith could do with a blade.
Location: The Immortals
Objective: C
  • Destroy the Republic Fleet
  • Annoy [member="Boan Rein"]
​Allies: [member="Boan Rein"] | [member="Darth Arcanix"] | [member="Kadri Ughad"] | [member="Darth Arcis"]
Enemies: [member="Friedrich Stahlmann"] | [member="Camellia Swift"] | [member="Tålamod Shapochka"] | [member="Jack Rand"] | [member="Kayleigh Tyven"]
Theme: Crazy B*tch by Buckcherry
Her piece had been done, and though her efforts perhaps seemed in vain to the Republic fleet, she had little need to press them further - they'd came into the desired location and that was all that had mattered. When she was needed again she would place herself back onto the center of the meditation chamber, but for now she would leave the concerns for the Republic's fleet to those who directed it - she had some other business to take care of, part of which involved the lingering sense of death on the ship that felt all too close to be of the Republic. And so the Sith Lady rose from her position, leaving her meditative trance, and exited the meditation chamber to approach the bridge. It would have been all too easy to assist the fleet in their cause to defend her planet, Prakith, but there was something dangerously satisfying with giving the Republic the false hope that all they could muster were a few ill-conceived illusions of starfighters and a telepathic transmission of a captured Jedi's voice. It would make crushing that hope all the more enjoyable.

Upon reaching the center of command for the Titan, the Immortals-class ship that had been charged as a defensive line for Prakith, she observed someone entirely unfamiliar to her bark orders to those whom had previously followed an Admiral she had known by the name of Ferdinand. She was not one to plunge her own troops into chaos, and having deduced that the lingering feel of death had been the admiral she looked towards the braided blonde with a smirk. She could smell it on her, and she knew that this woman would be an amusing plaything. So she approached quietly, giving no sign of disapproval, from behind the stoic woman and leaned in close over her shoulder. "Are you having fun playing dress up, little girl?" She whispered, moving to drape her arms over the woman's shoulders, after it appeared directions had been given with ample time for tomfoolery. Perhaps she could act as a distraction to the woman, though more than likely she would not judging by the lingering scent of sea water on the woman's hair, but in either case she was bored during the little intermission and required something to preoccupy herself with. "I'll let you shine, but if you fail me after taking away the chess piece that was put in play, I will chain you to my wall and you will never again see the light of day." Silara said with a cruel grin, her voice little more than a hushed whisper.
Location: Spaceport
Objective: find a weapon
Allies: [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
Enemies: [member="Warok the Defiler"] [member="Darth Adekos"]

Once he was pushed back by the blast of force, Gherron knew he was outmatched. Picking himself up, he watched as Alex attacked the Sith, and took this time to step out of the fray for a few minutes. He needed a weapon. Looking around, he ran off to find himself a blaster, a sword, anything he could use to get himself back in the battle and helping his friends. This only proved more of what he knew to be true. Without his lightsaber, he was next to useless. He'd focused so much on training with a blade, that he'd neglected the combative side of the force. He wouldn't make the same mistake again.


Location: The Titan
Objective: C
Break Into Vitiums Heart
Allies: Quick Tongue and Magic Fingers
Enemies: [member="Darth Vitium"]
(This is an RP Post, fleeting will be done later when all Republic Damage has been posted)

As soon as the voice drifted into her ears Boan stiffened. It was the natural reaction of a cat that sensed Danger, or any animal that was frightened or more alert. It the reaction that Boan felt when a shark began to swim around her little island.

Her lip curled beneath her teeth and she bit down hard.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Her heart pounded in her chest, heavy rhythm resounding in her ears as panic seized her. This woman knew? How could she? The Admiral had been disposed of so carefully, it was supposed to look like a heart attack, like a an accident, nothing more. What had given her away? Her attitude? Her confidence? She was well known in the fleet for being arrogant, so that shouldn't have done it. How could she know? How coul-


That was the answer. That was the answer to it all, the fear she felt, the dropping of her heart. This woman was Sith.

Boan felt bile build in her throat as the womans arms draped over her shoulders, pressing against her chest and pulling the two together so they were interlocked. Her eyes looked straight forward, her hands had curled into white knuckled fists. She felt the taste of blood form at the corner of her mouth. A deep, sagging breath escaped her so slowly it was nearly unnoticeable. The Commander forced herself to relax, making herself calm so that her voice remained steady.

“And if I succeed?” She spoke in that raspy seductive tone that she was so well known for, the steady calm grate that denoted command, authority, and above all else, confidence.

Her hand uncurled and moved backward, draping onto Silaras thigh and curling slightly there. A dangerous move, toying with a Sith, but right now Boan was in a position to wade through a little danger. There was no one else in the fleet that could take command, at least competently, and if the Sith killed her now, this battle would very likely be lost. “Will you be chained to my wall?”

Her nails dug slightly into Silaras flesh.
LOCATION: Prak City Spaceport

AMBIGUOUS TAGGINGS: [member="Avalore Eden"] [member="Hal Terrano"]

I’ve right kark-all to say about Prak City, really.

Yeah, that’s right. Me. Nuffink t’say. Imagine that.

Something in his chest was giving him trouble; his heart, maybe his lungs. But, such things came as expected when you’d stopped sleeping, ate predominantly garbage (but only sometimes), and smoked in perpetuity. In the end, he’d chosen to ignore it; the pheromones stirred up with the thoughts of shagging [member="Matsu Xiangu"] had enabled him to sidestep his grief for a time, but these self-pitying episodes had started to become a fairly regular affair.

Benedict Eden swaggered from the spaceport, one or two of the more piteous population shambling behind him.

It’s what you’d expect for a Sith franchise. Spires like animal fangs, blah karking blah. A pair of novelty dentures for the traditionally toothless.

Still…it felt like something were pulling him. Like he had caught the synchronicity wave. He glanced back to note his shadows, the two appropriately worried enough by Sith to maintain a distance.

Sod it -- Let them gum their way through the scenery, I say. Wiffout all the Blood, Darkness, and Vampire panto, maybe they’d ruddy well actually find somefing real to talk about, yeah?

Benedict stood there for a moment, squinting his eyes into the setting sun at the group of silhouettes dancing about in it like a bunch of kids who had missed the call for dinner.

I take a bit to smoke a laserbrain and watch Dr. Doom and his teddy bear companion roll some nerds outside the spaceport, assailing the poor sods wiff pink bellies and purple nurples.

It’s a bloody disgrace, naturally.

It was then that he realized he’d amassed a small crowd, gathering about him expectantly. When you’d sank so low that your life was the only thing you really had left, the next spectre you figure to see is Death.

But, sometimes, if you’re lucky, you see the Trenchcoat Man -- who'll offer you three more weeks to kill yourself by pipe or bottle.

“Mother of ten bastards--! For kark’s sake…Here, then.“

He took a long drag from his cigarette, then gestured over his shoulder, the spaceport apparently acquiring a downstairs as if from nowhere. The unfortunates scrambled down the steps into the Subway -- the nexus between all states of poverty -- to join the starving huddled mass of those similarly lost the galaxy-over.

That was racist, right. I apologize.

One day, the Subway will open up and dump out an NPC army so massive that it would flush this whole galaxy down the toilet, all three Objectives completed in three forceful posts while Benedict wanked alone in some two credit bedsit on the other side of the battlefield.

Until then.

He’s an Ewok, then. An Ewok.

Benedict raised his thumb to hail a cab, but was stopped, a speedercar honking just behind him.

A Guttermage never waited for transportation.

Benedict climbed into the backseat and was off to investigate the distoibance in the Foice.

Location: FOB one kilometer out from the breeding grounds.

Objective: Defend the outpost. Improvise the artillery.

Allies: [member="Lan Graendal"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Arumi Zy"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Haytham Kaze"]

Enemies: [member="Darth Nephthys"]

"The Skotchas are online, but something is wrong with the repulsors. They won't move. They can fire on enemy positions, but until the engineers get them fixed, they're glorified turret emplacements." Stanley informed the Dreadguard through his helmet audio.

The Master Sergeant nodded, and grunted his disapproval. The Vong Rakamats were within range from here, but firing would give away the position of the camp. It would be a slaughter.

"Tell them to hold until the repulsors are online. Weapons free if we're seen."

A single wink in the corner of Book's HUD told him that Stanley understood. He had just finished setting up the second E-Web turret - after giving one of the dropship pilots a crash course in the weapon - when his one of the engineers came running.

"There a pilot here for you sir." The Engineer stuttered between gasping breaths. "I think it might be a Jedi."

Book had seen the mess the Vong beast had made. It was no surprise the pilots were already landing for repairs - or worse.

"Then we've already been seen." He grunted a curse, and tuned into the comm frequency of the Skotcha crews. "Fire on the closest Rakamat."

The breeding grounds were well within the range of the Skotcha tanks, which was around four kilometers. The Rakamats had shown no sign of noting the Republic presence this far out, and with luck, surprise would give the Dreadguard and their allies an edge.

The two Skotchas' turrets whirred as the turned about to take aim at the Rakamats. A moment passed as the crews judged the distance and aligned the shots. Then, a deafening explosion shook the camp, followed by another as the tanks fired their Proton Cannons at a single Rakamat.

Book whistled his approval.

"Pilot!" He boomed as he wandered over to [member="Haytham Kaze"]. "What's going on up there son?" The Master Sergeant turned slightly to the right so that Haytham could see the chevrons on his shoulder plate. It was a less obnoxious way of saying, hey, I'm in charge!


Forces; 2Skotcha Tanks (with full crews)

Around two dozen engineers.

Three stationary dropships with anti-personal weapons ready to be used against any approaching hostile forces.

Objextive: Bombard the Rakamats/Defend the FOB.

Controller: Book

Enemies: The good [member="Darth Nephthys"] and her Rakamats.

Location: Fake Citadel
Objective: 2 - Destroy Citadel
Allies: [member="Book"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Preliat Mantis"], [member="Sressechka"],
Foes: [member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Darth Nephthys"]

Location: Near Breeding Grounds & Fake Citadel
Controller: Scott Finch for main invasion, Lan for Infiltration
  • Republic Commandos (30: Infiltration) Orders: Assist Lan
  • Republic Marines (18,000: Main invasion) Orders: Entrench and fortify FOB; pockets of resistance in Breeding Grounds
  • Skocha-class MBTs (297: Main invasion) Orders: Firing at Sith-Vong army at Breeding Grounds.
  • R-10 Reliant-class Tanks (500: Main invasion) Orders: Advancing on Breeding Grounds with 4 infantry battalions (2,000 soldiers).

Another day, another assault. Between Scott's division and the army of Yuuzhan Vong and Sithspawn - they were having quite the time at going back and forth. Air support hadn't really phased them in the slightest, nor had artillery, despite being in a literal pit of blood, gore, and scorch marks. Several columns of Skochas remained in the rear lines, heavy tanks that Scott had just barely gotten approval for since they were so damn expensive. Only the explanation that this was a Sith fortress world staunchly defended his claim and the Republic high command had granted him a contingent of them. Scott was glad to have them.

A knock at the door aroused his attention. "Sir, you're gonna want to see this. Pull up the assault viewer."

"What is it?" Captain Finch ignored the Sergeant Major's cigarette breath as the man drew closer and jabbed a stubby finger at a screen. "See those tubes? Energy readings have them charging up for something. Something very hot and very dangerous."

The divisional commander leaned closer, noting the distinct red glowing that the tubes began to throb with. It was as if the thing was living, and it covered the entire expanse of the Breeding pit. "Pull our men back - Now!" He had tried to fight the Vong with fire and now they were going to do the same. Immediately, the tracked bodies of the Reliants either hit full reverse or spun around to withdraw. Rakamat fire took out more than just a handful and infantry casualties were even worse.

Plasma spewed across the landscape, almost instantly wiping out the frontal sectors. Men burned alive and the bottoms of tanks melted, leaving durasteel islands amid a sea of crimson fire. However, these tanks were still mostly functional save for the unlucky few who were on uneven terrain and the plasma seeped into their ammo dumps. The luckier ones put their cannons to use along with their anti-personnel weaponry. Crewmen opened up hatches and unloaded small arms fire while massive contingents of infantry scaled the cliffs with the assistance of repulsorpacks and grappling hooks. Some men even managed to grab onto the tanks and heave themselves aboard before the waves of plasma crashed.

As Scott saw it, the forward lines had been staved off completely and plasma still slowly seeped towards the middle ranks. The vanguard was pulling back while the mid-areas mainly took casualties from the Rakamat fire. They were stuck and with the enemy arty battering away at them - they would be destroyed.

"All tanks. Focus your fire on the hostile artillery. Use everything you have - proton cannons, railguns, AP and explosive rounds." He switched screens to watch infantrymen pulling themselves up onto cliffs. "Infantry, erect heavy anti-personnel positions. Use jetpacks to get that gear upwards and rain hell on them."

Little did he know that the Yuuzhan Vong had also been caught in the plasma blast as well.

Again, he switched views to refocus on Lan. The green cloaked Jedi had been making his way throughout the Citadel with gusto. The Jedi Master and his accompanying commandos had been putting down Yuuzhan Vong and Stormtroopers like they had an addiction to it. While it wasn't the number that they had slain, it was the manner. All were silent, stealthy kills and the bodies were hidden in storage chambers and in garbage dumps. The other two teams had been making fair progress as well and only a single man had been wounded.

Things were going quite well on that end - for now.
LOCATION: Spaceport, Landing Bay 88-N
OBJECTIVE: Defend the Spaceport
ALLIES: [member="Warok the Defiler"] | [member="Darth Valtryx"] | [member="Selka Ventus"]
ENEMIES: [member="Vulpesen"] | [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] | [member="Gherron Vael"]

She managed to avoid the man he had flung towards her, dancing gracefully around the airborne Jedi Knight. She produced another lightsaber crimson, probably courtesy of the Yodaling that was now fleeing through the airvents, and began to charge. She stopped a small distance away before rolling a grenade towards him. Another lightsaber and now a grenade? The inability of these people to accept their inevitable, painful fates was somewhat annoying. Once again, it would be up to Darth Adekos to bring them back to reality.

The grenade didn't stay in place very long. The Umbaran wrenched it through the air with the Force, sending it hurtling towards Darth Valtryx as she attempted to flee through a vent. One Sith did not abandon their colleagues during battle under any circumstances. If that grenade happened to slam into her treacherous little back, it would be the most tame portion of her punishment. Especially now that she had unwittingly armed a decided enemy of the One Sith. Adekos looked at his enemy again, the most silvered harlot outside the Silver Jedi Order, and cocked his head to the side.

As for what Adekos could do with a lightsaber, he could do a great deal of things. For instance, he could reach out with Electronic Manipulation and cause the diatium power cell in a lightsaber to overheat and then explode. Shockingly enough, this minor trick was being performed a third time against Alexandra's third weapon of choice. Once again, the minor explosion about to erupt and potentially take off a limb was heralded with the hilt in her hand suddenly becoming irregularly heated.

"For the record: yes, you are precisely as stupid as you look."

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