Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Republic Counter-Invasion of Prakith [Republic vs. One Sith]

Location: OSS Titan
Objective: C
  • Play the Piper
  • Destroy the Republic Fleet
​Allies: [member="Boan Rein"] | [member="Darth Arcanix"] | [member="Kadri Ughad"]
Enemies: [member="Camellia Swift"] | [member="Friedrich Stahlmann"] | [member="Jack Rand"] | [member="Tålamod Shapochka"]
Theme: Take Out The Gunman by Chevelle
Oh yes, the woman was certainly amusing - she could almost taste the disgust the blonde held for the Sith, the sudden stillness and rigidity with the quickening of her pulse. But she was to be surprised once [member="Boan Rein"] slipped into conformity with her harassment and returned her subtle threat with a tease of her own, something she'd only been greeted with by a single person, although what had saved the two were entirely different things. She was a key part of the fleet's success, and the woman knew that she was aware of it - [member="Alric Kuhn"], however, was her source of true attraction in the most juvenile of ways, almost innocent if she was capable of such credulity. Fortunately for the amazonian blonde, Silara had not been interested in killing her for her actions regardless - the previous Admiral was to be executed at the end of the skirmish for his incompetence in the past that ended in failure to both her and the Dark Lord - and although it irked her when others returned her serpentine behavior with their own vies for her attention, whether interested in her or not. "I'd have to return the favor of success, no?" She whispered, leaning back at the woman's grasp at the portion of her thigh left exposed by the glistaweb dress.

Her playful musings, however, were not to last as a Republic ship became all-too-close for her own comfort, let alone those who were actively following orders barked by the assertive commander. So with complete silence and a focused calm the Sith Lord slipped away from the Imperial agent's grasp, though slipping a note of some sort into the woman's shirt as she moved, and returned to the room of meditation that was suitable enough for her intentions. Quietly she returned to her position of meditation in the center of the unlit room, which became pitch black as the door slid shut, and began to meditate on the force, spreading her conscious through it as she had since her time as an acolyte under the tutelage of Darth Veles ages ago. What she sought out was not something ordinarily done by those who utilized the force - indeed impossible for ninety-seven percent of their entire population, and that three percent capable generally never chose the path she had, and of the severe minority in that population there stood a handful capable of doing what she was preparing to perform now. As the dark side touched upon the miscellaneous pilots and soldiers that flew their ships or prepared for some ridiculous notion of boarding, Darth Vitium searched for one closer to the Righteous, for a lone pilot in a lone starfighter that would be unable to resist her.

She found one.
Location: Prakith, orbit
Objective: Engage and destroy the Sith Fleet
Allies: [member="Camellia Swift"] | [member="Tålamod Shapochka"] | [member="Jack Rand"] | [member="Kayleigh Tyven"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Arcanix"] | [member="Boan Rein"] | [member="Darth Arcis"] | [member="Darth Vitium"] | [member="Kadri Ughad"]

Republic Fleet
1 x MC180 Remembrance Class Battlecruiser – Destiny – 12 fighters, 12 interceptors (Flagship)
1 x Noblesse Class Destroyer – Oblige – 12 fighters, 24 interceptors, 12 bombers
1 x Avenger Class Destroyer – Righteous – 12 bombers
5 x Metellos Class Frigates – Swiftsure, Liberator, Radiant, Gallant, Valiant – 36 fighters, 12 interceptors, 12 bombers each (total 320)
2 x Azalus Class Frigates – Dart, Javelin­ – 0 attack craft
1 x Taboon Class Corvette – Torrent – 24 fighters
1 x Dorin Class Corvette – Legate – 0 attack craft
Total: 8010 metres, 428 attack craft

Fleet Orders
Destiny – Assault Command Ship 100/100 100/100
Oblige – Balanced Destroyer (Damage being resolved by Camellia Swift)
Righteous – Assault Destroyer (Damage being resolved by Tålamod Shapochka)
Swiftsure – Support Frigate 100/100 45/100 -65 Liberator – Support Frigate 100/100 60/100 -40 Radiant – Support Frigate 100/100 100/100 Gallant – Support Frigate 100/100 100/100 Valiant – Support Frigate 100/100 100/100
Dart – Support Frigate 100/100 100/100 Javelin – Support Frigate 100/100 100/100
Torrent – Support Corvette 100/100 85/100 -15
Legate – Assault Corvette 75/100 -25 0/100 -100
Dice Roll Log entries: N/A

Once again the Sith had used their tricks but again the Republic had been fortunate. The way the enemy had used their hocus-pocus had gone awry.
When the two Dark Blades had appeared, Stahlmann had feared they were another illusion, but quick thinking from his subordinates had revealed the truth. Had the Sith been more circumspect, more patient, the deception would not have been uncovered until too late.
Fortunately though, they knew the Dark Blades were, in fact, real. The problem was of course that the Dark Blades were, in fact, real!

Still, this moment had been inadvertently prepared for. Commodore Swift had taken brief command to make her moves, and whilst some of it the Admiral was not hugely enamoured with, it was fine enough.
The result was that 5 squadrons of bombers, 60 of them, were heading for a single Dark Blade’s relatively exposed bottom. This ship, the Corinth, had some flak guns, but Republic intel had noticed it was otherwise very exposed to bomber attack, as it had no point defence, quad lasers or fighters of its own. Moving in, the bombers would be able to unleash heavy payloads directly into the ship from beneath, likely passing through its shields as bomber’s attacks tended to. The bombers could then peel away and head aft to reform.

In the battle with the bombers, the Republic had scored a complete victory. The Sith bombers, attempting to flee, were pursued by 3 squadrons of interceptors. It would be unlikely if any escaped in any condition to continue the battle.

In the struggle between the fighters things were a good deal more grim. However, the two squadrons of fighters engaged against the bombers, the Dart and several other frigates came forward to offer supporting fire, thereby nullifying the Sith advantage of numbers. Here then they took their stand, delaying the Vong fighters and hurting them wherever they could.

The Sith were planning to use ramming as a viable technique, a sacrifice technique. They hoped that the broken Yralf would prove lethal to the Righteous.
The Dovin Basals had proved themselves quite an irritant, and as shown at the start of the battle they could be fantastically powerful. However, they were not perfect, and Stahlmann had given great thought to them.
Since Manaan the Republic capital ships in this had all added or upgraded their Inertial Compensators to deal with this.
Thus, although the cruiser attempted to hold the Righteous in place, it was not actually able to do so. The gravitational field necessary to do that was beyond even the strongest interdictor field. Dovin Basals could manipulate gravity, but gravity was a broad base force in the universe, working over a large area, and with the exception of an actual black hole, there was little able to summon enough power to hold a Destroyer in place.
Thus, the Righteous moved forward slowly, past the bow of the Ryzantir, blasting it as it went.

The Destiny meanwhile moved between the front of the Ryzantir and the unguarded right side of the Immortal. 500 capital guns worth of firepower were lovingly devoted to both enemy ships as it hammered away for all it was worth.

However, the real trick here was still to come for the Yralf was still coming towards the Righteous. The key here was the position it had come from, from the right front of the Sith formation and now going to the centre left, it actually passed close to the Destiny. But what could stop such a thing?
Tractor beams created a force field capable of pulling objects, but with large objects it moved them relatively to the inertial mass of both of them. So when the Righteous called on all its tractor beams, joined with those on the Destiny, they could swing the Yralf in an arc, right towards…possibly into the rear of the Ryzantir! The two massive capital ships, more than 7 times the length of the Yralf, between them could sling it using its own inertia safely off course at worst, and into the Vong ship at best.

Whilst this drama played out, the Oblige was free to move under the Immortal, completely out of its fire arcs, blazing at the unprotected rear of the massive ship before ascending to move up behind the rear of the Immortal. Once there it could fire at near point blank range with all weapons into its vulnerable rear.
If the huge beast tried to turn to swat this fly the (relatively) faster destroyer could simply move the other way, ringing the Immortal’s unarmed 3 sides to avoid its very dangerous front.
There was the problem of the two Sith cruisers waiting in defensive positions behind the Immortal, but the Oblige could deal with them especially with the Destiny soon arriving too.

  • 5 squadrons of bombers sweep up and under the Corinth. With only a few flak guns, no other defence guns or fighters, damage is likely to be heavy.
  • (Whether bombers ignore shields is largely down to which source one believes, but considering Vong ships do it’s not impossible to imagine bombs ignore them too. It certainly makes bombers much more effective.)
  • Swiftsure takes a battering from the Immortal’s main gun batteries, taking evasive action.
  • Liberator manages to evade the full sweep of the Proton Cannon but still takes a buffeting and loses much shield power.
  • 3 squadrons interceptors pursue the few surviving Sith bombers to overhaul and destroy them before they can reach safety. With their speed and bomber-killing weapons, complete dispersal and/or destruction of OS bombers suggested.
  • 2 squadrons fighters plus Dart along with Gallant, Radiant, Valiant and Torrent joins in the Starfighter melee to greater or lesser degrees whilst Republic fighters fight defensively with these ships. Suggest OS and Republic losses about 25% each.
  • Righteous opens all but front weapon on Ryzantir at point blank range now that its dovin basals are committed elsewhere. Front HVC cannon fires at Immortal.
  • Righteous then uses its inertial compensator (installed here) to pull free somewhat of the gravity field. At the same time it uses its tractor beams, combined with the Destiny, to shove the Yralf right towards (and hopefully into) the Ryzantir!
  • Destiny opens half volley on the Ryzantir, other half fire on Immortal’s side. GAM still being used to block Yammosk communication.
  • Oblige moves up, along the undefended rear of the Immortal to get behind it, raking it at point blank range. Oblige also deploys its one squadron of bombers to attack the vulnerable flank and rear of the Immortal.
  • 2 x Sith cruisers noted behind there.
  • Legate badly damaged, going into evasive movements.
Location: En-route to The Citadel
Objective: The Citadel
Allies: [member="Corvus Raaf"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Nephthys"]

No Music this time...To sick to bother.

Sera smiled to Corvus as she watched the Jedi Master cleave through a few more of the hideous creatures while they continued advancing further along the pathway. With a moment of breathing room she slid her hands over her shoulders, wiping the open wounds of the blood that had begun to stream mildly down each arm. The slight sting of each of the four gouges was cause enough for a small grimace as she smeared the blood in an attempt to clean herself up. "If I leave more next time, that will just mean they have a better chance at catching us. I'd like to see this through, though!" She laughed through the tingling sensation her arms were giving her. Non-critical but moderately annoying would be the words to describe her general outlook to the four gashes.

Proceeding onward as instructed, she entered into a bit of a sprint to make up for lost time, making their way quickly towards the objective. Though a small disturbance in the ground around them gave way to what looked like hundreds of serpent looking creatures. What the hell kind of planet is this?! Does anything exist on this planet that doesn't want to kill or maim?

Reactivating the twin sabers Sera began carving her way through the vast horde of serpents, though for every one she cut down it seemed like two more popped up from within the crust of the planet. The serpents whose heads were still attached to their bodies simply continued to slither their way toward her, seemingly un-phased by their new body restructure. More still began to erupt from beneath them as they pressed onward. Some held back a ways and spit some kind of substance from their maws. As the liquid was cast out, despite not knowing what exactly this substance was, the Twi'lek had been around enough creatures in the past to know that generally anything that an animal, beast, or monster spits at you is generally harmful to one's own health. Be it acid, poison, or some other unpleasant gift,

Sera would have no part in it. Keeping her eyes trained and her senses alert she would leap forward and sideways to avoid becoming a serpent snack, while expending a bit of her energy here and there to call forth a barrier to protect herself from the amphistaff's venom spray. Focusing her mind so not to add more noise to the fray and potentially summon forth more creatures, the Padawan shot a mental message over to Corvus. There are too many of them! They don't even die when you cut them in half! And look out for that spit! I don't know what exactly it is, but I sure don't wish to find out!

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location- Hanger 88-N
Objective - Get some revenge on this bastard
Enemies - [member="Darth Adekos"]
Allies - [member="Vulpesen"], [member="Gherron Vael"]

Alexandra heard the words and stopped her healing, it was enough for now and she could save the arm, but right now Vulpesen needed her and she slowly pushed herself up as she knew there was only one thing left to do and that was to make her being whole once more. She looked and stared as the Ewok and the woman both went down, and as the Amphistaff was definitely without a head now because she had certainly read that while in serpent form their heads could be cut off, after all a Jedi master long long ago did it in a weakened state. Of course a speeding dagger would be able to do it, only someone that didn't actually understand their own vong tech would think that it would simply bounce off as if it were still in staff form.

But Tyrin must not have used all his power like the man behind Alexandra's keyboard had thought he did, question how much weaker his lightning had been. She had a number of option so she choose options 1 through 3. This included a number of actions that the obviously not as weakened Tyrin as she had thought would have to deal with, first she grabbed a thermite grenade and sent it sailing through the force, keeping a grip on it so that she could make the grenade act like a homing beacon. Further more, she would then once the grenade was close enough that Tyrin had no choice but to run (Else he get burned to a crisp) She would grab the blaster at her waist that miraculously tyrin never thought to blow up and would unload as many shots at him before tossing it to the side the moment she would suspect him to use mechu deru again. And lastly, and as a great strain on her power she did something desperate.

For months, even years, as it had been only a few months after she left the Sith the first time. Alex had had to deal with the entity Hel who at time after time hindered her and trained her power from her. Finally several months back though alex had subdued and while Hel could not sap her power anymore the dark entity did still hold onto a measure of Alex's own force energy that she now was prepared to recover as her mind pushed inwards and a battle of wills happened in less than a fraction of a second. But inside her mind the battle seemed to go on for hours as at one time Hel would start winning but then Alex would turn around. Finally though Alex thought on those that she had and with that the thoughts welled up in her and she began to push harder on hel.

And so with that she focused on the faces of her friends, those like [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], [member="Gherron Vael"], Balaya Zambrano, Matsu Ike, Minna, Krest, All of them and that pushed Hel to a knee as Alex held out her hand and gripped Hel by the throat. Then her love for her family, for her children and for Vulpesen who she had caused pain just a small time before latched on and her palm began to glow white around Hel's neck who started to cry out in pain. Then Alex's courage, the opposition to fear, recognizing that she feared [member="Darth Vornskr"], that she feared Death, that she feared the loss of her order and her family. The white light glowing brighter and hotter as Hel begged, promised to never cause a problem again and Alex tightened her grip as for every bit of Hel that vanished Alex became whole again. Until finally only her face was left to which Alex spoke to. "Good Bye Hel... now stay down." With that she crushed Hel from existence, bringing her spirit into Alex and shaking alex from that almost too short moment as her aura expanded again and she breathed in.

"You know, its one thing to hurt me, but don't you dare hurt my family Sith." She was not angry, was not sad, was not worried. No fear left her, no pain, or doubt. All that was there was her hard determined stare as a bolt of electricity flared over her still functioning hand. "Now, lay down and stay down sith spit." With that her own hand was raised and pure white streaks of lightning, Electric Judgement to be mroe clear, flared from her and lanced over at Tyrin as she used the power that she had just consumed from Hel, her aura being channeled into this continuously to give Vulps the opportunity to join in.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Location: 50.69km (31.5miles) northeast of Spaceport
Objective: the capture of the space port
Allies: The galactic republic & friends [member="Kian Karr"] Ξ [member="Caaithiel Deschart"] Ξ [member="Rael sul B'an"]
Enemy: sith and there friends acquaintances, [member="Reverance"] Ξ [member="Khallesh"]


as team six and seven arrived at the western side of the Spaceport, The battle commander opened a channel to Sanya. the com bleeped and Sanya accepted the call. "commander Lerium, team six and seven are in position. what are your orders?" Sanya was glad it was good news, her plan to get in can properly commence. "have teem six to bombard the shield, and in fifteen minutes team seven need to bring any big building down near by the dust will provide any cover we need for the next part of the plan." in fairness she was proud of self her strategy was working. "yes sir" the man had no more information to give as now all vehicle lost where update upon her data pad.

when the com closed she opened a secure line to [member="Kian Karr"] "tell all your troops and people with you to put there breathers on, it's going to get very dusty very fast. so expect the visibility to go but use this to your advantage, as it possibly only last for thirty minutes to an hour. by that time the shields will be at 50% integrity." at the moment kian's hacker was still important if we had control of there defence we can use it against them and clear out the spaceport relatively fast. "keep your hacker working as fast as possible the sooner the better... Sanya out"

the fifteen minutes passed by the reports of buildings dropping to the ground one by one. this was time to deal the damage, after all the sith want to play hard to get so we will just up our game.

summary (please read if near or at Spaceport)
• visibility around spaceport is 30%. without tech visibility is approximately 5m. any unit that breathes is exposed to the masses of dust will choke without breathers or been in a building with cover.

• Partical shield is now receiving fire from all sides

Npc location, objective, number:
Team 1
location: front of Spaceport
number: 45
current objective: bring down shield, create a screen of fire to cover Kian Karr's troops

Team 2
location: Back of Spaceport
number: 48
current objective: bring down shield

Team 3
location: eastern side of Spaceport
Number: 50
current objective:bring down shield, create a screen of fire to cover Kian Karr's troops

Team 4
location: Moving to team 5
Number: 50
current objective: secure a perimeter

Team 5
location: 7,K (5)
Number: 50
current objective: secure a perimeter

Team 6
location: western side of space port
Number: 96
current objective: secure a perimeter

Team 7
Merged with team 6

please refer to map for the 1,A (1) locations

Location: En route to spaceport.
Objective: Protect Deschart
Allies: [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Caaithiel Deschart"]
Enemies: Weird looking Republic soldiers

Finally. Some action. Rael was moving right before Kian ordered him to. He rushed to the nearest group, and started slashing away at them. His twin blades danced together, creating a beautiful blue masterpiece of death. Maybe not the gentlest thing a Jedi could do. However, even with the flourish added to his attack, he was still surprised. He'd already taken one down, and was just finishing another off, when he felt an immediate sense of danger. A massive force struck into him, and brought him back. One of the things had tackled him.

Rael's sabers flew out of his hands, and flew to the ground, blades deactivating. The beast punched at him, sending a long crack along his bone mask. Well, that was a enough of that. Rael brought his leg out to one side, and tried to flip the thing over with as much energy as he could muscle up. The thing let out a guttural noise as Rael flipped it over. The Jedi had it pinned. He held out his hand, and one of his sabers came flying back to him. He brought it to the things chest, and turned it on. After a few seconds of pain, it was in a better place.

Rael stood, and looked around for his next confrontation. While he was wrestling, one of the things had started walking for Caaithiel. And it was close, ready to strike. Rael looked around, panicked. He was too far away to get there before she was hurt. I was stupid, he thought. The Padawan knew he shouldn't have left her alone. Then, a thought came to him. Even though she hated his telepathy, he needed it. Caaithiel, duck! He threw out to her. But, he knew it wouldn't be enough. He flicked his hand in her direction, grasping onto his fallen saber with the Force. It sparked while it flew through the air, releasing a bright blue blade. It impaled itself into the side of the thing, and Rael watched with a smile as it fell to the ground.
Location: Spaceport hangar
Objective: Get rid of an annoying Sithy
Allies: [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Vulpesen"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Adekos"]

Now with the ewok on the ground, and the amphistaff headless, Gherron was able to get up finally. Looking around, he was still without a weapon, but as his eyes found Alex, he realized that wouldn't be a very big problem anymore. As she knelt down, he went to help her, but something was odd about her force signature. Before his eyes, she seemed to have released the evil spirit from within her he'd heard about often. She then reached her hand forth, covering the Sith in a brilliant white torrent of lightning. Finally managing to get out of his stupor, Gherron looked to the side for any way he could help weaken the Sith. Calling upon the force, he raised both hands up to his chest, causing objects nearby to levitate. Crates, tools and weapons floated next to him for a second before he launched them at the Sith, determination in his eyes.
Location: Near Spaceport
Objective: 1
Allies: [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Rael sul B'an"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]
Enemies: [member="Reverance"] @Khallesh

Type. TYPE. Type. Fast fingers are fast. No time for cracking knuckles, just time for cracking codes. Whatever had hit above her didn't phase her in the slightest and she continued to ignore, mostly, what was going on around her. If she deviated from the course at any point then she was going to end up losing what she was doing, which meant they would shut her down and she'd never be able to get into their system. The Republic's efforts on the world required that she succeed.

Of course that was hard to do with people trying to sneak up and stab you in the back! Fortunately she heard the mental command and dropped to her knees, narrowly avoiding being impaled in the process, but keeping her fingers on the datapad that was tapped into the One Sith systems so that she could keep working.
And then the other turrets took aim, and a blast came real close to taking off her feet.

"SITHSPIT! The other turrets are firing! You have to keep them off of me or this isn't going to work!"

She licked her lips as she typed. Part of her was worried that she was about to be blown away. The other part of her realized that the lives of her Republic friends depended on her succeeding, and that she had to trust them to keep her alive. Such was the life of an Intel officer.

Location: Enroute to the Spaceport
Objective: objective 1 - Prak City Spaceport
Allies: [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] | [member="Rael sul B'an"] | [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] | [member="Caaithiel Deschart"]
Enemies: [member="Reverance"] | [member="Vrag"] | [member="Baroness Magrath"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] (claimed right back!) | @Khallesh

Kian's blade barely caught the attack in time and the tip of the Amphistaff hit the top of his helmet, jarring his neck and pushing him down to his knee. Unable to to overpower the towering Vong, Kian shoved his hand forward and with a blast of telekinetic energy, sent the Vong flying backwards into a group of thralls. Before it could rise, an EMBU droid sank its sword deep in the warriors chest.

As Kian rose to his feet he heard the turret fire and watched as the shot collided with the ground not far from the turret they were at. "Damn!" He yelled to himself and with a sweeping slash cut down two more of the ensnared soldiers. Kian heard the call over the comm system, but didn't have to give any order. The Commandos were already armored head to toe and the droids wouldn't be effected. In fact, the cover of the dust cloud would help them....throwing off the other turrets enough that they might not destroy them all before they got past the shield....maybe.

"Rael, Caaithiel," Kian said over the comms, "get your masks on." Kian began to drop back toward the turret as his soldiers also retreated backwards, keeping their ranks tight to avoid breaking from the mass of soldiers pouring into their ranks. They hadn't lost many, but every loss was devastating to Kian's force. There were far fewer of them then of the enemy.

"Caaithiel," Kian yelled, not angry but rather to be heard over the sounds of battle. Before Kian could saw the data fly over his HUD screen. There were more enemy inbound, hitting their southern position. Things were suddenly getting dire.

"Caaithiel!" Kian said a little more urgently, "If you can't get us into the system, can you get us control of that turret!" Kian said considering the backup plan the commander had when they first came this way. "If so, turn the damn thing on the shield and start firing!" Kian said turning a number of the EMBU droids toward the mounted Vong as he rushed forward to meet the charge. He had to buy her time.

"Sanya, we're getting heavy resistance here!" Kian said patching through to the commander again. "The cover you provided will help, but we are hard pressed." Kian dove to the side, just missing the thud bugs that were flung at him and came up in a roll as a Vong mount bore down on him. Kian leapt up, using the force to send him up and over the creature and taking the head off the Vong as it went by, but when Kian turned back around the pincers of the Vong's ride turned on him. A hail of blaster fire drove the beast to the side and Kian drove his lightsaber into the beasts head as the commandos rushed forward to back up the EMBUs.

There were just too many Vong........and too few of them!

Location: Outside shield
Controller: Kian Karr
  • EMBU Droids [40]
  • Republic Special Op Commandos[18]
Objective: Infiltrate Spaceport
Opponents: Unknown as of yet
Allies: [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"], [member="Gherron Vael"]
Enemies: Sith and vong.
Objective: Leave the shield building.

Vulpesen growled as his enemy paradise from the battle, the last of his hurled daggers zipping through the air. He had no idea where Adekos went, and frankly, he didn't care. There was too much pain for him to and he was tired of not moving his left arm. Valtryx had left. Selka was down, and Warok... well, with three holes, Vulpesen was pretty damn sure he stopped being a threat. Getting up, he walked to a wall and called back to Alexandra. "You alright, love?" Regardless of her answer his upper body would take a half turn once he reached the wall. He would then turn hard and fast into the durasteel, slamming his shoulder into the surface with a loud pop, accompanied with a howl of agony. "SITHSPIT!" His right arm rose up and slammed into the wall as the pain overwhelmed him for a moment, but a little later and it was replaced with a dull ache, better than before at least. "Stars, I hope I don't have to do that again!"
Location: Objective Two - The Real Citadel
Objective: ...
Allies: What an interesting question...
Enemies: Wouldn't you like to know...
Proximity: [member="Darth Isolda"] | [member="Darth Nephthys"] | [member="Darth Shara"] | [member="Darth Carach"] | [member="The Hound"] | [member="Sena Lassiter"] | [member="Quinn Vos"] | [member="Ryan Korr"] | [member="Jaxton Ravos"]
Music: Love You to Death

After the previous exchange, his psyche had been quiet but for whatever his senses brought him. Step by step he followed the call of this new and... in some way familiar presence. It guided his forward movements until he came to a spiraling staircase, one hand slipping over the bannister as if it were an old friend, the touch not unlike a slow caresse. His head craned back, eyes casting to the above, exhalation deflating his lungs. One foot took the first stair, then another to the next as a new breath was drawn. Eyes leveled and he continued to climb, step by step.

He went, pace by pace to meet the one that he felt was descending to come to him. Anticipation thrummed louder than trepidation's warning, drawing and sharpening his sense and focus to an edge. There it was, the call of blood again.

Ahhh, yes.

He smiled.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location - Hanger 88-N
Objective - Heal the wounded
Allies - [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Gherron Vael"]
Enemies - Active Sith (Maybe [member="Warok the Defiler"] and [member="Selka Ventus"]

Alexandra watched as Adekos left and sighed as the fight was finally done and over with, her hands closing before she groaned and could feel herself swaying until she had to grab onto something. The power was only there for a short time and as her eyes drifted to the others Alexandra looked at Vulpesen. "Vulps, please pull the Ewok and the Female too me... and do not aggravate their injuries please." She didn't want to see these two die, not like this, this was no way to die by bleeding or by severe trauma. "Also Vulps, after i do this, i wont be able to walk, so you are going to have to carry me. Or atleast Gherron needs too..." In truth she wasn't sure if she would be able to stay conscious. Her healing had only been done on the minimal necessity to keep her alive, she was still bleeding from cuts, her body still largely scorched by the lightning and her hands resting in her lap as she sat against the crates.
Objective: Kill and stuff
Allies: Sith
Enemies: Jedi, one in particular

Thought yourself rid of me didn't you?

The words would cut through [member="Vulpesen"]'s mind like a knife. The same raggedy, mechanized voice that had taunted him for so long was back again, back for him. As a hand it wasn't hard to keep tabs on people, and Vindica had made a habit of keeping them on his little foe.

At present Vindica was nowhere to be seen, but the Amaran-raised human had to know that he was here, it was far too good an opportunity to miss. Truth be told he had no interest in Vulpesen's comrades and/or lover, he was here for the rouge master and him alone, he was an assassin, and Vulpesen was the target.

In silence the shadowy, black robed figure would await the response of his enemy, a sly grin growing across his scarred face from behind the eerie mask.
Location: En route to the real citadel
Enemies: Sith, [member="Darth Nephthys"] [member="Quinn Vos"]
Allies: [member="Arumi Zy"], [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Book"] [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Jannik Morlandt"]
Objective: MOVE! CONQUER!

As the Grokata retreated into their shells, Preliat waved his hands upwards, and commanded over the radio for the tanks and other troops to open fire on the frightened creatures. Preliat picked up an M45, letting the Beskad fall into his left, and holding the M45 rifle in his powerful right arm. And he ran towards the canyon. He ran, ran like a devil. The weight of his armor, did not slow him down much. His muscles were at the peak of their capability, and his spirit was an unwavering wall of stone that not even the darkest horrors or bleakest hopes have had yet to break. So, he ran. Towards the edge. If his brothers followed him, it mattered little. Preliat ran to the edge of the Canyon, and leapt off the edge. And just before he began to fall, he activated his jetpack. He shot into the air, drifting over the canyon, towards the raging battle at the real citadel.

He skirted along the edge of the cliff, before he swung his mighty beskad, and found purchase in the clay and in the stone. His blade dug inward, and protected him from falling to his doom. Death grew impatient with Preliat as he avoided his icy grip again.

Later, friend. I promise.

Preliat's body shot upwards again, and landed on the edge of the cliff. He was a distance away from the citadel, the real one. He shook with rage as deep as the ocean. The Sith around him could feel it, and perhaps empower themselves. The Jedi, could feel him coming. He was a sea of hatred, caught in a storm. The Sith were coming to feel his wrath. No one would stop him. It would take a force of equal measure to stand against the Wolf, in all his feral hatred.
Location: Hangar Bay 88-N
Objective: n/a
Allies: [member="Darth Adekos"] | [member="Selka Ventus"]
Enemies: [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] | [member="Gherron Vael"] | [member="Vulpesen"]

His expression blank, a dazed Warok stretched a paw behind his back and removed the two daggers. The twin blades clattered to the permacrete. Then he turned into a beautiful azure-winged butterfly and fluttered away.
The Admiralty
Location: Snowy crags overlooking north side of spaceport
Objective: B
Allies: The Bullet
Enemies: [member="Spencer Jacobs"] | [member="Ashin Varanin"]

...and I missed the fether. Took him in the thigh tho, which gotta count for something, right? Guy missed the jump, crashed into the wall and slumped to the ground, probably would be KO for a while. I had been trying to change trajectory more radically, shift the bullet in mid-air, flip it and get a forty-five degree angle right into the temple… didn’t work out, bullet started behaving erratically as I misjudged gravity and my own ego got in the way.

Good thing, as the bullet traveled further and hit the wall I noticed something. Big cannister. Most of the time that doesn’t mean anything, but dem guys had been guarding this place for a while now, even bigger tank stood behind it - could mean it was explosive. Could mean anything at all, but I decided to take the shot anyway.

Pointed the barrel firmly away from the tank and took the shot, starting to guide the bullet back to the cannister, this was practice. Needed to know my limitations, how far I could and could not go, would also help if people were trying to smoke me out. Estimate I only got a single bullet left, before people would realize something was up with the trajectories.

They could think there were multiple snipers, or that some magicka fethery was happening.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Location: Snowy ridge north of the starport
Objective: Starport
Allies: [member="Spencer Jacobs"]
Enemies: [member="Khaleel Malvern"]

...or one could have a long, long career as a Force-using sniper, and the kind of access to Ysanna lore that came from conquering their world. Through the Scope That Sees All, Ashin perused the area of the ridge that corresponded to the growing collection of overlapping probability arcs on her map. One could only bend a bullet so far, or a blaster shot. She couldn't tell, so far, whether her opponent was using a slugthrower/shattergun, a Nightstinger-style blaster, or a straight laser. The last, if it was that, couldn't be bent, which did interesting things to her probability mapping.

Regardless, she was now fairly confident in adjusting her arc to look across the ridge. Parts of it were hidden from her line of sight by various outcroppings; large parts, even. The ridge was immensely uneven, offering a lot of cover. She couldn't see her target, but she could see, mmm, five places he might be. Her eyes rose to one of those outcroppings.

She fitted a durasteel dart to the chamber, one inch wide, and the stock settled into her shoulder as she used the Force to enhance the durability of said joint, as well as her spine. The mass driver kicked with a sonic boom. The outcropping crumbled in slow motion, sending an avalanche of snow and splintered rock down across two or three of the five general areas she'd pinpointed as possibilities.
Location: Making a Republic sandwich between her forces and the shields
Objective: Space port
Allies: Many cowardly infidels hiding behind shields
Enemies: [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Rael sul B'an"]

Khallesh sensed the will of the Yammosk inb the back of her mind. She didn't fully understand the concept it was trying to convey, but whatever this group were doing to the machines needed to stop.

A battledroid swung it's blades frenetically at a crowd of thralls, but eventually it succumbed. Dragged down by the creatures, it left a hole in the line that the soldiers tried to plug with blaster fire. A line Yuuzhan Vong warrior raced through, charging at the Khaleesh Jedi. Before Rael could react a cry cut across the din of battle.

"Jeedai sos tiu-tu!" came the call. The warrior halted his charge and backed away.

"Belek tiu!" responded the male with a crisp salute, as Khallesh strode past him.

"Head for the turret," she explained in their tongue. It should really have been her goal, but damned of she was going to allow her subordinate to engage in glorious combat with a Jeedai whilst she attacked civilians.

She was clearly more slender than the stocky male warriors in her sleek skerr kyrric, but also considerably faster. Her arachnostaff slithered down from her torso to form a long spear and she detached a razor bug from her armour. With a cry to the twin gods of war she charged, hurling the homing razor bug on a slight curve towards her target. Her legs pumped hard, crossing the ground at a tremendous pace as she followed the bug, spear held out before her to thrust straight on and test the Jeedai's defences.
The Admiralty
Location: Snowy crags overlooking north side of spaceport
Objective: B
Allies: The Bullet
Enemies: [member="Spencer Jacobs"] | [member="Ashin Varanin"]

Fate is funny that way. Moment Varanin’s bullet hit the edge, my own punctured the hull of the cannister and… boom happened. A lot of it, chain reactions everywhere, I think a big portion of the north side just spontaneously decided to incinerate anything on site.

Which also meant that I didn’t hear her bullet shot, what I did notice was the avalanche coming at me real quick. Wasn’t sure if I was gonna get outta this one alive, but I would try dang it. Threw down my sniper, ripped off the reflec coating and… I jumped.

She would have a clean shot right now, if she wasn’t too busy watching the fireworks.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Location: Snowy ridge overlooking the spaceport
Objective: Spaceport
Allies: [member="Spencer Jacobs"]
Enemies: [member="Khaleel Malvern"]

It was war; things blew up in war. The compass she always wore, the scope, and the sniper discipline itself contributed to a sort of tunnel vision; she wasn't about to stop looking for her target at the exact moment that her attempt to flush him out went into action. Not even if something big went boom a kilometre away.

There. Out from under some kind of...stealth tent? She wanted one. Shaggy man, jumping down the ridge. She'd initially intended to load a pellet, the kind that could rip your arm off with a near miss. Instead she'd gone with a MANPAC shell. This fether could bend; he could probably dodge as well. Interesting talent, and one she'd like to explore. Hence the nonlethal electrified net at ridiculous velocity.

Force to brace, Force to aim, little bit of precog -- her secondary specialty -- and boom.

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