Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion The Republic Shall Fall [One Sith Invasion of Coruscant]

LOCATION: Jedi Temple flying up the stairs.
OBJECTIVE: not get killed by angry Sith Lords
ALLIES: [member="Ben Watts"] [member="Xander Carrick"] [member="Darron Wraith"] [member="Kiskla Grayson"] [member="Elayne Hawk"] [member="Marcello Matteo"]
ENEMIES: [member="Darth Shara"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Daella Apparine"] [member="Ven'Rain Sekario"][member="Sopher Jakobs"] [member="Lucianus Adair"]
MUSIC SELECTION: You're gonna go far kid

Aedan's eyes widened as shock as he felt the other Jedi grab him and pivot adding his own force powers to Aedan's already substantial flying speed. Followed much to Aedan's dismay but not the impact of hitting something immediately but the sound of wind in his ears as he was sent flying through the air towards the top of the stairs. His eyes widened in shock as he saw the fight that was taking place there. It seemed that every Sith Lord here well except for the one he had just left was before him doing battle with a variety of Jedi Masters. Aedan had heard rumors about most of them and had seen a few in combat. In a panic Aedan attempted to adjust his momentum which he succeeded at partially instead of flying into the midst of the Master level melee Aedan was sent into the ground rolling along it until he finally came to a stop against a fallen statue. As his back impacted the statue his whole body arched as what air he had in his lungs was forced out.

After struggling for breath the young man struggled to his feet only to find that somewhere during his journey his lightsabers had been damaged. Well at least the two most commonly used ones with a sigh he clipped them to his belt and reached back drawing his saber staff he calmly ignited it as he surveyed the battle and then took a few steps back his eyes widened in a mix of horror and shock before darkening in anger as he gripped the saber staff tighter as he looked around. With a sigh he started to back away knowing there were indeed two battlefields maybe it was time for him to move to another one. Shaking his head he instead begins to edge around the dueling Master level Sith and Jedi praying that the single Dark Jedi knight would not gain the attention of any of them.

Darth Odium

ALLIES: [member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"], [member="Darth Shara"], [member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Sopher Jakobs"], [member="Darth Isolda"]
ENEMIES: [member="Ben Watts"] [member="Kiskla Grayson"] [member="Darron Wraith"] [member="Elayne Hawk"] [member="Marcello Matteo"]
Music (cuz we be doing dat lately): East Bound and Down

Odium was halfway through his flat cakes and on his third cup of caff when he felt his mind being called by the dark lord. Odium stood in haste, his black eyes squinting slightly from the pain he had experienced from his jump from the temple. He had thought he had broken most of his ribs but now he was sure he was not as bad off as he at first believed. With a flick of his thumb a 50 credit cash chip fell to the table and Odium was rushing for the door. The driver of the truck Odium had fallen on was still eating his meal when the Nautolan Sith walked up to his Cargo speeder and opened the cab door. The drive however saw Odium and ran out to stop him.

"That's my Speeder!" he yelled at Odium as he ran forward.

Odium waited until the driver got within reach and quickly opened the door to hit the man in the face. With a grin Odium turned on the Cargo hauler and pulled away honking the loud horn. He was air born and speeding toward the temple steps within minutes. His head tresses tingling with excitement as he finally got a first hand view of the breaking and smoking Jedi temple. His broken, savage mind had one intent and one thought. He was going to drive the 14 meter cargo speeder straight into the Jedi at the temple steps.
LOCATION: Jedi Temple flying up the stairs.
OBJECTIVE: not get killed by angry Sith Lords
ALLIES: Ben Watts Darron Wraith Kiskla Grayson Elayne Hawk Marcello Matteo [member="Aedan Miles"]
ENEMIES: Darth Shara Darth Vornskr Daella Apparine Ven'Rain Sekario Sopher Jakobs [member="Lucianus Adair"]
MUSIC SELECTION: You're gonna go far kid

My intention for the man did not work, but it was one that could have gone better, Apparently my little act of sending messages through images could not be interpreted by the man. Could have been my falt, or his, regardless the Sith Lord was one to block everything that was thrown at him. Literally at some points. After I had thrown then shrapnel and little bits of rock or broken armor that was just around the area, I watched in slight amazement as everything was caught by him. However, I smiled.

With a little twitch of my telekinesis my Songsteel helm activated. I always wore it for this exact reason. Because the man was throwing the exact items that I threw at him, he had to move them towards me first. That allotted time is what I used to use the force to aid in my jump, though it was not high, it was just high enough to evade the thrown objects. I drew my gold lightsaber and launched myself at the sith this time. "Who are you to not use your Lightsaber Sith!" I spoke as I came at him using Djem-so using the Falling avalanche. Using power against the man.

Using Djem-So was more of a Passive-Aggressive combat form. Using a more counterstrike stance, I was hoping that he would combat me straight on as a lightsaber duel, not just through acts of the force. But as a Master, he was really controlling the situation here. Giving way to my use of the Djem-So form. I was to counteract everything he threw at me, and find where I could strike.
Location: Jedi Temple flank
Objective: Overpower the Jedi!
Allies: [member="Alen Na'Varro"], [member="Cale Gunderson"]
Enemies: [member="Tallia Farn"], [member="Maya Whitelight"], any other Jedi/Republic

Before his crimson kissed her body and released the young Jedi's spirit to the Void, the Mon Calamari saw the purple manifestation of the Dark Side did not hurt her. Quite the opposite, she absorbed it and raised her hands to release the taken energy back at both of her opponents. Veles deducted she used Tutaminis to absorb the lightning, although he had not anticipated such a young girl to be powerful enough to simply absorb something as powerful as the signature Sith power. Something must have given her the power to do that, Then again, the Mon Cal's Force lightning did not belong among his strongest abilities. Retracting his hand holding the lightsaber that was originally meant to attack her, the amphibious Knight flicked his wrist to the left and held the weapon defensively to protect his torso. When her version of Force lightning finally came, it was different than what he had expected. Instead of Emerald lightning that appeared as a green version of the Sith power and was much weaker than the Dark Side variation, this version seemed vastly empowered than what Veles released towards the young woman, the pure energy blinding his left eye and forcing the cybernetic one to quickly adjust so its user wouldn't end up completely blind. The energy coming out of Tallia's hand hit the Mon Cal's crimson blade, almost knocking it out of his webbed claws, the only thing preventing that from happening were his enhanced muscles and reinforced skeleton. Not allowing the Jedi to overpower him that easily, he pushed the blade towards her, eventually redirecting the energy back at her as it bounced from his blade.

Did it stop Darth Veles from using Force lightning? Not really. The powerful lightning power of the Jedi may have been empowered by whatever remained of the Light Side, but the Dark Side was still dominant. With so much death, destruction, suffering, with the Jedi Temple becoming a large pile of rubble - there was no place for the light. Soldiers from both sides, civilians, Jedi, Sith, all kept dying in this slaughter, their deaths empowering the Darkness as their lives slowly and painfully left their bodies, violently torn out and ended prematurely as the entire planet bathed in death and destruction. While Force lightning drained much power from his body, he did not stop; drawing more from the Dark Side of the Force, Veles actually intensified the power of the purple stream coming out of his left hand. Just as his beloved Master taught him; feast on the death of others to regain more energy faster. As a result, he dived deeper into the Dark Side, his real eye slightly changing color to more yellow-like.

His thoughts shifted to a certain Togruta lady for a while. He desperately wanted to please Master Volitu, make her proud of him, to see happiness in her eyes as he returned from this battle and reported his victory! To give his parents hope the tyrannical regime of the Republic would fall and they no longer had to hide like some criminals! To bring eternal peace to the galaxy, pure justice, unite all sentient beings under one flag! The determination to achieve that and not to get defeated by such a brat fueled his powers even more. "Love. Compassion. Light... I feast on them all!" Darth Veles' voice bellowed in response to the Jedi's words. As a Sith, he viewed the Force as a powerful tool to be controlled. To control it, he needed to chain both light and darkness, all aspects of the Force had to be commanded in order to bend the Force to his will! Force stealth first introduced him to call upon love or peace and clean the dark river of the Force energy in his body, fill him with the Light Side and appear as a Jedi. "For I am a true Sith!"
Location: Jedi Temple Steps
Allies: Remains to be seen
Enemies: Everywhere
Music: wat

| [member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"] | [member="Darth Shara"] | [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Sopher Jakobs"] | [member="Darth Isolda"] | [member="Ben Watts"] | [member="Marcello Matteo"] |
| [member="Kiskla Grayson"] | [member="Albrecht Tagge"] | [member="Xander Carrick"] | [member="Odium"] | [member="Aedan Miles"] |

Darth Vazela moved quickly through the falling building, debris raining everywhere. He sensed that [member="Albrecht Tagge"] still lived- and was still in disbelief that the Sith Acolyte had recovered so quickly to defend himself from Vazela's Lightsaber- but alas, the facade was created and his identity safe, for the moment.

Inside the Force Speed he had been using to avoid the temple falling down on him, the Sith Lord came to a stop at the top of the steps, eyes on the various Jedi and Sith fighting. His eyes locked onto [member="Darth Vornskr"]- it had been the first time Vazela and the former Dark Lord of the Sith had been this close since the time of the Empire- before averting them to [member="Darth Shara"]. He found himself in conflict. Maintain the other facade, the illusion that he had created over the Jedi Order and Galactic Republic, from which they all thought him to be Vilox Pazela, the former Sith Lord that became a Jedi Master? Or join the attackers, subvert Coruscant and bask in the victory of the return of the Sith?

Seconds passed and he came up with a decision.

The yellow tint in his eyes began to recede. Vilox Pazela lowered his hands to the side. He wouldn't be using a Lightsaber, but he would wait for former allies to attack or new ones to catch onto to his deception, if they were smart enough.
L O C A T I O N : Jedi Temple -
O B J E C T I V E: Attempting to get to the High Council Chambers carrying a very pregnant woman. Might end up having to play midwife!
A L L I E S : [member="Avalore Eden"]
E N E M I E S : Falling debris, labor, water breaking, contractions

The ground was shuddering just as they reached the High Council chambers, the large circular room with it’s chairs a relieving sight. That is, for what was left. Half of the roof was collapsing, falling upon the High Council chairs and destroying them under their crushing weight. Dust and debris was falling, certainly not healthy for a young pregnant woman who was likely going into labor.

Panicked cries went shooting out in the distance, as Jedi Knight Erinyes Draclau did all she could to shelter Avalore from the brunt of it. A large chunk of debris fell, coming to fall down upon iridescent head of Erinyes’ Maelibus form, the crown of her head ducking as her left hand rose to hover over Eden’s head to protect her. There came a stumble, her massive feet staggering for a moment as the ground shook under them.

It was then that her verdant eyes fell upon the blocked exit that would have led them out to safety. Just then, the chamber around them gave a massive groan, as suddenly more debris threatened to fall down upon them.

Breathe steady, Avalore. Save thine strength.” came Erinyes supportive warning, as she curled her body around the pregnant woman, summoning the Force around them in a sphere of protective energy as the roof came tumbling down upon them.
Location: Jedi Temple flank
Objective: Aid in healing of the wounded both Allies and Enemies
Enemies:mad:Alen Na'Varro, @Cale Gunderson [member="Darth Veles"]
Allies: @Tallia Farn , any other Jedi/Republic

@Thurion Heavenshield Where was Master Thurion could been behind her or could he been, shaking her head once more. Finding herself loading the younglings that had been in her care onto Evac. Soldiers around her now, the plot waiting for her to load herself, only to find herself shaking her head. Wounded or not she could still do some good. Taking off a the ship medic bag. Then waving to the plot to go. Watching only for second before she felt more then looked at the place had put @DarthVeles or in her words the Sith smelly fishy, as didn't know his name, which had made him harder to track down, get back the package taken her only son.

Comander of the group of six soldiers now around the Zeltron Sliver Jedi. Knowing this has already test her skills in more ways then one could know of. What rage inside of her was in tomoral to feel so much darkness, death. In away her vigorness had been suck out, only to be caught by a cry off to her right, giving a signal. Moving out to cover her with what could be call a circle of protection, bending down to a young padawn spilling its blood out. Finding herself taking out her savage as put a little of the yellow goop of, her fingers getting warm sending a little of healing power with in the wound to seal it off, as more soldiers came to take this one to the evac point. Going quickie to the next one doing the same thing for a leg wound, then on to the next, and the next. Only to be stop cold as froze herself looking up at what had just happen to having her hearing sense up. Finding herself wanting nothing more then to run her own blade through his chest shaking that though from her own mind, as to feel him in the force again, he had show her this back on Hurran Kal.

Closing her eyes to true and feel this strangerness from him, that she had felt the emotions that had now once again went out in empthy towards him. Being brought back to relay feeding off of [member="Darth Veles"] lightside calmess in this dark storm. Finding a cold hand upon her thigh looking down that she had been taking steps towards Veles only to find herself almost stepping over what seem to be a dead body, it was that time that his words came back to her. All you do is to hunt our kind down to kill us because our believes are different. Giving one more look upon the Sith Mon Calamari.

Feeling the one with hand upon her was so close to death, should be left that way as with the clothing, mark this one as a sith. Stomach twisting up in bunch remembering the teaching she released in the Sliver jedi Order all life is sacred in the force. Empathy that laid inside of her, came out more then the desire with in to want to strike out the Sith, take him, get the information that her heart so desire. Bending down upon this one looking at his yellowish eyes, as his stared at her, her pink eyes stared back. Finding where the wound was taking more of her mixer of herbs out then sending the healing need as all around her she block out. Explosions, the firing, the yelling even the hiss of blades locking blades, as closed up his wound went deeper with this one to stop the eternal bleeding. Coming back from the peaceful place she had been, only to once again look at the one, that had brought war to this place. Feeling the hand of one of the soldier hand upon her shoulder, with her empthy feeling what he wanted to do to the sith, that she just helped, No, we move on, to the next wounded friend or foe we help.

Feeling out the next knowing this one as allied with the sith by its uniform, shaking off as she took what need from the kit as she would have to converse her force for the ones that deeply wound, need more of her Special Art of Healing all the rest would get batca patches. Finding herself still feeling all the fire power raining down upon them, and the powerful sith Lords rage and power of the darkside being use. Block out these emotions from her empathy, to aid any that she came across. Still always keeping an eye upon Darth Veles.
Location | The Ruins of the Jedi Temple
Objective | Telekinetically toss metal orb thrown at her and a cryogrenade back at Senator and then use Static barrier to enclose him within the blast radius.
Allies | @Darth Tu’kata
Enemies | @Vaudin Mir | @A’donni Cinn
Music Selection | Come Out and Play ~ Offspring

She felt the spare spray of buckshot hit her brother, the pockets of pain rushing through her body as if they had hit her own. Anger rose to flash in her crimson eyes beyond that straight slash of her black bangs, as a metal orb came rolling at her feet. An explosive? She could not risk it.

By now, her brother had darted out of the way behind her, which only prompted her to move as well, following suit her eyes locking to her right. There lay the fallen body of a Republic soldier, a cryogrenade clipped to his utility belt.

Her body was a black blur, for there was purpose even in the direction she chose. A wave of her hand jerked the metal orb from the ground and the grenade from his belt, the key ring ejected as the timer began. A telekinetic thought sent both straight at the crimson senator just as she came to a sudden halt to his three o’clock.

That’s when she utilized an offensive method of the static barrier she’d displayed earlier, as in her rage, both hands shot out, the Force surging through her as she created a static barrier around Vaudin as the grenade came rolling at his feet with a clink clink clink.

The barriers purpose intended to keep the icy blast contained around the senator and freeze him.
Running for the temple entrance
On my phone but couldn't leave my ally high and dry ;)

The senetor moved quickly. Not as quickly as the shield of the Sith duo. In the blink of an eye the tables were turned. Why hadn't the grenade detonated? A'donari had no answer. He didn't have time to care. A force field went around his comrade which signaled bad things for alien standing inside.
The blue light saber was moving through the air spinning around menacingly. It would clear the short distance, less than ten feet, between he and the Sith within a second giving her little time to respond. The attack took little of his thought process. As the blade was leaving A'donari's palm his opposite hand released a force blast at the Alien strong enough to send the Senator out the massive archway to a safe radius from the blast zone. He would be bruised but at least not dead.
Location: Jedi Temple Steps, Heading To The Interior.
Objective: Wreck Vornksr
Allies: Ben Watts | Marcello Matteo | @Kiskla Grayson
Nemeses: Darth Vornskr | Darth Shara | Daella Apparine | Ven'Rain Sekairo | Sopher Jakobs

Standing at the top of the steps, Darron assessed what he was seeing, and found a comm to take. Pulling the ear piece from the young Jedi's ear was almost robotic for him as he put one of his lightsabers up and clipped the electrum hilt to his belt. Clipping it to his own ear, he reactivated it to listen to the battle chatter. It seemed it was a group called the One Sith who had launched this incursion with the help of the Yuuzhan Vong, why the feth are they here? Having had access to all the public and private records during the plague when he had been GrandMaster had allowed him to understand their terraforming efforts. Which made it all the more confusing to see destroyed amphistaffs and bioconstructs in the sky along with Sith technology. More Jedi were starting to flood the area, but Wraith didn't pause to even address them. Instead he focused on the singular sound of his lightsaber humming as he listened to the Republic chatter on the lines, while trying to figure out where best he could be used at presently. Trust in the Force Darron, his father's voice whispered in his mind.

So Darron did.

Releasing all concept of his self, he allowed all his senses to dip into the Force. All his will branched out as he became part of the whole, and felt the battle on a whole new plane. One he had largely been trying to ignore, the stress of a conflict like this could kick Vaapad into overdrive if he wasn't careful. Negative emotion was everywhere, and conflict was only a stone's throw away from him. So he exhaled again, and instead felt for aura's familiar to him. It was then he felt [member="Ben Watts"] for the first time in while, thought he was to far away to help him immediately. Reaching further, he felt another....and much different. It was [member="Kiskla Grayson"], and she felt very much at conflict, with something much darker than what she was flirting with presently. The decision was made, he nodded to all those on the stairs before issuing a command. "If you can help, do so. Tend to the wounded, or join the fighting. I'm going to rid the temple of the Sith, may the Force be with you all."

Enhanced speed carried him up the steps and into the remnants of the Temple, his eyes barely regarding the fallen statue that bore his likeness as he ran to where he could feel the conflict. Light and dark where whipping back and forth at each other, and he immediately recognized one Kaine Zambrano battling his former mission partner. Darron's lightsaber immediately reactivated with a resounding snap-hiss and the smell of ozone flooded his nose. Wraith's second hilt flew to his metallic hand of durasteel and the second blue blade activated, and without thinking he simply trusted Vaapad and the Force.

The Force flung him down the steps and near the battling pair, "Zambrano you should never have come." Vaapad immersed Darron, and he paid little heed to Kiskla as he lunged at Kaine. The Jedi Master's senses extended past the Sith Master he was lunging at as he grabbed multiple pieces of debris and with a flick of his will launched them at the Dark Lord's back. Closing the distance to Kaine, his foot work was perfect as he brought his right blade down in an overhead slash that was angled at his left shoulder. Before the blade could even connect with flesh or Zambrano's crimson blade, his left blade came in a direct stab that was a feint. Before initiating contact, he spunt the blade away and over his own head before coming in a left-to-right slash at Kaine's elbow. All of this happened within a split second, and the Vaapad Master was truly back for the Jedi Order.
Location: Undisclosed location near the crumbling temple
Objective: Be close enough to the main fight between the 4vs4 to observe and then zoom in on Spencer Jacob’s position.
Allies: [member="Vargent Nordii"] |
Enemies: [member="Spencer Jacobs"]
Music Selection: Cursed by Beauty

Hand in hand with her new acolyte, Darth Isolda made her way to the fiery ruins of the Jedi Temple, every step breathing the presence of the Dark Lord upon the two females, his satisfaction and pleasure at their nearing a tangible rush of energy sweeping through them.

The tips of her armor lightly went swishing back and forth over her sandals, fabric rustling over the black Vong crab armor as long limber legs brought them closer to their objective.

It wasn’t long, however, before the very web of her mental senses began to vibrate and thrum with energy. Within the Chosen of Vahl’s mind, an aura came blooming with such a blinding radiant presence. It was not a pure white hue of the most orthodox of Jedi, but a balanced purity of the Force, painted with shades of the palest blue, threaded with silver, and highlighted with the glow of true balance.

An entity of the Force itself. A vision of the past. Prophecy of the enlightened one. Familiar as it was strange in it’s presence. A face went blooming in her mind. A sharp intake of breath and her body gave a jerk. Words in the Sith Language came to her then.


Isolda’s pitch black gaze went swiveling into that direction, her eyes narrowing slightly as the mental all seeing eye that churned with the prophetic Dark Side of the Force narrowing upon the aura.

The hand that held Vargent’s own went slipping from her delicate grasp, only to lightly skim those inky black fingers in a seemingly gently caress over the young woman’s cheeks.

The Dark Lord awaits you, my newest acolyte.” she said with a thrumming coo, a hand motioning towards the very shuttle that would beheld his glory.

He calls for me to answer another,” she told her, “Go, and fall upon his glory as we finalize that which will come to pass. He shall instruct you on your path.”

Know that you have done him proud,” those inky black fingers would send tendrils of Dark Side energy towards the violet mane woman, as the pure sweet ecstasy of the power bestowed upon the Eye from the Dark Lord himself would pour into Vargent. Wounds would heal in a pleasurably painful sudden tying of flesh, sinew, muscle, and veins quickly closing together in a violent representation of a Dark Heal. But in it’s stead, the blessing of strength and a rush of thrumming power would fill the young acolyte, her body now infused with the Dark Side of the Force in a heady cocktail of what would seem unparalleled power. Strength and all senses would lit ablaze like never before as it’s seductive energy would attempt to lay it’s mark upon the former padawan, beckoning to give into her emotions even further to fuel and continue the sensations.

With that, she would leave the acolyte to head towards the shuttle where the Dark Lord awaited for her. Her objective now that beckoning balanced aura off in the distance. The crackle of fire, panicked screams, and the scent of sweet succulent death would be heady perfume that would quirk the corner of Isolda’s mouth in exquisite satisfaction.

Soon, the object of her desire would be standing before her, in all her magnificent glory. The aura for one such as herself, gifted with Force Sight, would be almost blinding, enough for the Eye of the Dark Lord to give a mental wince. None the less, within that pain of the sting came strength in the Force, for prophecy had held true to her vision.

Coruscant would fall this very night.

Coils of dark energy would be writhing and coiling about Darth Isolda like sharp thorns, her aura a glowing crimson reminiscent of corseca gems, shifting shadows dancing an an almost tangible cloud upon the Bogan Seer.

Silence would grow between them with pregnant tension, the broken landscape of debris of the former Jedi temple the stage of this foretold meeting. The distant sound of fire crackling and the howl cries of death and despair the symphony enveloping them.

Yessssss…. The Goddess after all, had a plan. A purpose.

It was all meant to be.

Those same words in the Sith tongue came to mind for the woman, resonating as polyphonic telepathic thoughts as her probing obsidian gaze went to bore upon her, searching for tidbits of information as shadows went dancing across her mind, that deep dark abyss opening up it’s mauls to bring forth that which desired to consume the seemingly presence of the Jedi before her.

T̷sa͟w҉a̧ķ. ̸ ̷ ͠ ҉ ́ ́ ̴ ̵ ̢ ̶
̛ ͜ ҉ ͞ ̵ Qyasik̀.

The embodiment of the Force. The Perfect being. There came a growl from the depths of her mind, as the monster inside was writhing in need at her very presence.


Th̙̞̖̘̘̼e͙͉͖͖̯ͅ ̖̞̦͇̖G͇͍͖̻̝̣̞ơ̞̤͉̻̞͇̥ḏ̜̯͙̕d̩̞̰̫̳es̗̹̜͈̝s̯̱͔̠͙͔ ̻̹͖̘̕g̶͉̤̳͔̞͓̹r̮͓͎͉͇̙͕e̪͙͓͔̺ę̝t͍s ̧y̛͔o͔͘u̴͔̼͎͖ͅ,͚͍̭̟̬.͇͖̝̕..̢͙ͅ.̬͚̱.̹̫̗̩͔̝ͅ.͏.̨̗̱͇̭͚C͍͚̜̲͖h̛̜͖̦̯͇̙o̸̯̙̖͎͈͙̹ś̼̣̖̙̬̭ͅe̶̻̺͍̼͎n͔ ̗ͅO͕͎ń̻̘̼e.̶̞̲̦̮̟̭ͅ
Location: Streets of Coruscant
Objective: Kill all Coruscant security forces, reach temple.

"Whoa keep her steady!" RC roared as the gunships roared across the coruscant skyline. It had been a long time since he had been here. With six gunships and Predator companies 1st platoon RC was on a mission. To kill everything in the name of the Sith.

"Sir taking incoming!"

RC ducked back and grabbed a starp as a missile roared past, smashing the gunship to their flanks and he watched as she exploded into a fiery crimson ball. Smoke burst across the viewports as his own vessel sailed through the carnage and crisscrossing AA beams.

"Eta one minute."

RC turned to the gray armored warriors in the interior.

"Stand up, rig up, thirty seconds."

BOOM. Another missile slammed the flank of the ship, taking off the wing in roiling fireball.

RC grabbed the fast rope and flung it out the side.

"FOLLOW ME!" He roared over the blaring klaxons as red lights strobe furiously in the interior. His hands grasped the rope and he stepped off sliding down into the chaos below...

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
Location: Jedi Temple - Archives
Objective: Figure out what the hell just happened, or, failing that, find Sith Holocrons

"Dammit! Another illusion!?" Albrecht growled in bemusement as he found himself alone in the archives, looking around frantically for whomever had done this. He wasn't entirely sure what had happened, but was aware that almost everything that had just happened could have been an illusion, a mere simulacrum created by the same means as the various Jedi Trials, or possibly an illusion created by a Jedi Master. None of this, of course, made any difference to him, because for all he knew, everything he experienced in the vision was a lie, what little of it he could remember anyway. It was something about a Sith Lord, but besides that it was all a blur.

Sighing in defeat, he deactivated his lightsabers and reattached them to the belt of his flight suit, deciding to resume his original task of retrieving various holocrons, hopefully before whatever fires his fellow Sith had started could reach the archives. As much as he admired the One Sith's strength and dedication to their convictions, one thing he admitted they were lacking in was the ability to think their actions through. Indeed, as far as he knew, most of this operation was basically made up as they went along - hell, he certainly knew that his part in it was, since he wasn't planning on being shot down...
[member="RC 212 "][member="Albrecht Tagge"]

Former Temple Archives.

Yusan found what he was looking for and bringing the gunship over the area he smiled as her looked down at the troops and fired the main gun into them. It was a Independence gunship he now controlled and a Mass Driver with high explosives that was aimed at a dense crowd of troops... or as dense as it was on the Coruscant streets, none the less Yusan let the cannon fire without mercy. Then his eyes caught something, RC's Gunship and the ones near it that were not far off. Bringing the ship higher Yusan punched the fire button and unleashed blast after blast on the gunships that he could, weaving through buildings every time someone attempted to take him out with a ground to air missile or another ship tried to fire back and protect itself. Yusan was not done with these Sith yet.

Problem was he missed a rocket, and a rather important one as it hit his engines and the entire gunship found itself falling from the sky, right into the new whole blow open by the proton torpedos earlier. Tagge would watch as a gunship crashed through the wall and skidded to a stop no more than twenty meters from him, smoking and on fire as its pilot crawled out of the thing. His robes were tattered, forehead bloody and eyes looking around and then straight at Tagge. "Sith or Jedi?"

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
Location: Jedi Temple - Archives
Objective: Retrieve Sith Holo-WHAT WAS THAT!?!?!?
Nearby: [member="Yusan Fenn"]

Hearing the sounds of proton torpedos exploding against the temple's walls, Albrecht knew his time was short, and started frantically making his way through the various aisles between the various databanks and artifact-laden shelves. Still no sign of the holocrons, he noted, wondering if he should check the second story, assuming the stairs were still intact, given his mastery of the force jump technique, while certainly better than most of the techniques he had managed to learn anything about, was still sorely lacking. Oh well, that's what grappling hooks are for, he thought.

His train of thought was cut off when, seemingly out of nowhere, a gunship crashed down into the archives through a hole in the roof, destroying several databanks as it fell.

"Bloodfin 2, did you splash a gunship over the Temple?" Albrecht spoke into a comlink.

"Negative, Sir - they were hit by missile fire from a friendly gunship" the TIE Defender pilot replied over coms.

"Alright, just be careful not to bring anything down on the temple - this place could collapse at any minute with all the structural damage it's sustained - Bloodfin One, out" the Sith acolyte answered into his com before looking back at the wreck.

Seeing the bloodied pilot emerge from the cockpit, a part of him wanted to help, but he reminded himself that the Sith don't feel pity, or compassion - if they were to die here and now, so be it. When he spoke, however, he realized that perhaps this one was tougher than he looked. Pacing back and forth at barely a stone's throw away, he sized up the newcomer, and after a moment or so, determined that he was unlikely to be much of a threat in his condition, but nevertheless it was best not to let his guard down, if his experience with the illusions a few minutes ago was any indicator.

"Here's a hint" he answered, pulling the red-bladed lightsaber off of his belt and igniting the crimson blade, pointing it at the wounded pilot, "Same question to you. Jedi, Sith, or Third-Party?"
Yusan smiled, a twisted smile of hate and anger as he straightened himself. The tattered robes fell from his body and showed the armor that was on Yusan, his body straightened and his hand moved behind him to grab a saberstaff that soon activated and he spoke. "Your end." Yusan wasted no time and gripped what stones he had around him, baseball sized jagged stones that he held without a second though and sent them flying, sometimes one at a time, sometimes two sometimes three, never the same amount, never the same pattern as he laughed. "Ill kill you all if i have to, anything to bring peace. Today you meet your final foe before you are thrown in a deep dark hole you will never come out of, remember the name Yusan Fenn because it is the last one you will hear." [member="Albrecht Tagge"]

(( Don't worry about powergaming or anything, i will take any hits that are realistic and always give you the chance to dodge them.)

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
Location: Jedi Temple - Archives
Objective: Defeat [member="Yusan Fenn"], then return to his prior objective

The individual stones were easy enough to either evade or cut away using his single lightsaber, but he knew as soon as the opponent drew their saberstaff that he was going to need that second lightsaber, and quickly pulled out the second one, igniting the pale blue blade and using it to deflect the remaining stones as they came in. This wasn't anything that he was unfamiliar with, having been trained to be able to duel opponents without any discernible pattern to their attacks in his fencing courses years ago. If his foe wanted to win, he would have to fight on Albrecht's terms, in close quarters, blade against blade.

"Stupid, naive child, it'll take more than mere sticks and stones to break my bones" the fallen noble sneered as he adjusted his stance into a facsimile of the Makashi ready stance (justified in that Makashi is based on real-world fencing techniques, although this particular technique doesn't have any canon analogue, its closest equivalent being a form of fencing where one is armed both with a foil and a weapon known as a parrying dagger), the red blade out front in his right hand, the blue one in the back in his left hand, ready to be used for ripostes. He carefully, slowly sidestepped around the opponent, looking for potential openings or weaknesses to exploit. "Already, you disappoint me - my last two opponents were far more powerful than you."

((Thanks, I appreciate that))
The words, no matter insults or words of surrender, would fall on dead ears. All that came from Yusan now was rage as he ignited his saber and begun to spin it in both hands before shouting out and breaking into a run and bringing his blade down in a powerful strike that would come from [member="Albrecht Tagge"] right shoulder followed up by the spin of the saber that came and cut at his waste before he spun again and aimed a blow at the man's leg. His strikes were augmented for both speed and power, pulling off the growing anger towards the Sith as he spoke. "I care not of your power, but i will kill you, and then the next Sith, and then the one after that, until every one of you are dead." His eyes shook, the blood from his forehead covering his face though it had stopped bleeding for now, his form of strikes resembled that of Juyo, purely offensive and relying on power attacks and strength over the preciseness of other forms.

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
Location: Jedi Temple - Archives
Objective: Defeat Yusan Fenn, then return to his prior objective

Much to Albrecht's delight, his opponent was using a technique that emphasized brute force over refinement, and pretty much left no room for defense. As long as he stayed defensive, which was practically what Tapani Fencing was designed for, he could make use of precise parries and agile footwork to either block or avoid most, if not all of the incoming strikes, until he either tired his opponent out, or he made a mistake, at which point the acolyte could go on the offensive. The current attack, of course, had a predictable S-shaped pattern, allowing him to block the incoming attacks with just one blade, all the while stepping back to keep his opponent just at arm's length

"I can sense your anger...your hatred of me, and the Sith - you clearly use it, but not to its full potential" he remarked, making use of the technique of Dun Möch, which in layman's terms was taunting the enemy, typically with the intent of angering him enough to make a mistake. That being said, Yusan was doing a good enough job of that to himself that the Sith acolyte almost didn't need to bother with it, but the sooner he found his opening, the better. "The Sith could help you reach that potential, but first, you need to learn proper dueling techniques - whoever taught you was clearly a rank amateur."
Yusan smiled and actually broke from the duel for a moment not a shred of the anger or rage leaving his eyes as he stared at the man, his expression though grew colder as he smiled. "Who taught me matters not, but you will find that once this is over, and once i have you under my foot that you will not be able to speak about Sith teachings. I will break your bones, one by one, finger by finger and rip the nails from them, the slowly burn your body with this saber to ensure your death is as painful as possible." He gripped a twisted piece of metal, likely from the crashed gunship, and sent it flying at the man before immediately charging back in and moving in a rapid motion of strikes from right shoulder, left hip, right leg, left shoulder, right hip, left hand. Every strike made quickly and with a degree of power supported by both hands behind the strike. It is true while his defense suffered he was able to put his entire body and strength into these strikes by utilizing his dual handed grip on the hilt.

[member="Albrecht Tagge"]

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