Adonari Cinn
Peace Keeper
Floating in a water tank : JEDI TEMPLE
The mind was nothing more than a vessel for understanding. There was one truth to the Light and that was peace. A'donari was currently connecting to this way of life.
Nothing could destroy Peace like the hunger of the Dark Side.
An orb of cold dark green water, suspended by A'donari's manipulation of the force, surrounded his body. He hung weightless and suspended within his meditation orb. Nothing conscious remained within his body. His spirit was attached to the light. A pain in his spine snapped him from his physical slumber. Water from the orb dropped and splashed across the floor of his personal meditation chambers. The feeling was almost paralyzing. Gathering his thoughts brought him up off the ground and jumping into his Jedi robes. As he ran out the door of his room the familiar feeling of his blade raced across the empty distance in between where the orb of water had been and the door. Death was at their door step. The truth of equipping his weapon was that he was prepared to take the lives of those invading to save the one's he cared for.
Running through the halls was nothing more than pandamoniam. Instructions were being followed and also shouted at every turn of the way. There was no time to stop. Attacking forces were at their doors. The strides of A'donari's massive frame grew as his speed quickened.
A boot landed firmly on the marble railing while looking over the fight within the Jedi Temple Entrance chambers. Darkness leaked through the entrance in the form of hooded Sith. The battle was spilling out through the massive archway of a door. Jedi and Sith alike were losing their lives quickly as blades collided. A cold realization caught in his head. 'You have to go through it.' Not a second passed before his legs sent him leaping into the masses down within his ranks. Saber found his open right palm while moving through the battle field skillfully. Red blades around him licked through the air in collision courses with his body while pressing forward. Skilled Soresu blade work countered their attacks allowing him to advance forward throughout the battle. There were plenty other Jedi around to keep their forces occupied for the time being. It wasn't the time being that worried him. Soon the men in front would be needing all the help they could get.