The Anzat could sense a certain serenity from the padawan.
He was conscious of the Force, but that awareness stood in isolation. The young knight would have the apprentice appreciate how his thoughts could shape some of the space around him. Even affect the thoughts of those around him.
The Force surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the universe together. An echo. Sor-Jan's voice, but not his words. Yoda. Qui-Gon Jinn. Tyvokka. Masters of the Jedi long past. Teachers who had shaped the Anzat's understanding of the Force, shared in a brief snippet of knowledge. Expression beyond mere communication. Communication beyond mere understanding.
You can use that to speak without words. And yet, it was more than that. Telepathy was a temporary joining of the minds. It allowed Jedi to share their thoughts. So they communicated in abstract concepts, emotions, even barely formed ideas. Words became meaningless, because what was understood was the idea beyond them. And then, suddenly, the idea was more than the words could convey.
He was conscious of the Force, but that awareness stood in isolation. The young knight would have the apprentice appreciate how his thoughts could shape some of the space around him. Even affect the thoughts of those around him.
The Force surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the universe together. An echo. Sor-Jan's voice, but not his words. Yoda. Qui-Gon Jinn. Tyvokka. Masters of the Jedi long past. Teachers who had shaped the Anzat's understanding of the Force, shared in a brief snippet of knowledge. Expression beyond mere communication. Communication beyond mere understanding.
You can use that to speak without words. And yet, it was more than that. Telepathy was a temporary joining of the minds. It allowed Jedi to share their thoughts. So they communicated in abstract concepts, emotions, even barely formed ideas. Words became meaningless, because what was understood was the idea beyond them. And then, suddenly, the idea was more than the words could convey.