Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Return of the Mandos (Mandalorian Dominion of Serenno)

Location: Space
Allies: [member="Countess Calum Teramo"] [member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"] [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Cennika Hawk"] [member="Ijaat Akun"] [member="Talise Skirata"] [member="Strider Garon"]
Enemies: Everyone non-Mando

C3-G8 banked sharply as the explosion filled his cockpit. He turned to the next trajectory he has chosen and had to barrel roll to the port side to avoid incoming laser fire from an enemy fighter. According to his calculations, this was a good thing. As long as the enemy was concentrating on him, they would allow more of his vode to land. Jerking the stick quickly he dove hard towards the planets surface, his escape vector much sharper than was capable by the merc ship.

Once he was out of the enemy ship's firing arc he began to execute a series of barrel rolls and sharp turns to try and shake the fighter from behind him. His sensors detected the faint explosion behind him, someone had arrived and cleared his tail. He calculated his chances of surviving this engagement and assessed how much it was going to cost him to buy his vode a drink after the battle was over.

Looking down at his sensors, he saw that the enemy fighter response was dwindling, more Mando's were landing on the planet now. He knew that it was only a matter of time until air superiority was fully in their control. He turned his fighter back to the fray and pushed his throttle up, his job was far from done.
Location: Serenno - Main Strike Force
Objective: Kick shebs, let some other schmuck worry about names
Allies: [member="Strider Garon"] | [member="Talise Skirata"] | @C3-G8 "Gate" | [member="Werdla Dardalab"] | [member="Cennika Hawk"] | [member="Shiro De'Vol"] | [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] | [member="Judas Zambrano"]

As the drop ship pulled up, the various Mandalorians peeled out on jet packs or repulsors to key strike on heightened areas. Ijaat deployed in his usual fantastic fashion. Which is to say he literally swan dived out of the ship as it did a low strafing run, and at the last moment flared his arms to spin upright and slam hard into the ground with his feet first, coming to a towering stand in a small crater with himself at the center, he grinned and took stock of his surroundings.

He saw Buruk squad under fire and strode forward, hesitating not a bit as he strode forward. The big guns there, the E series, needed take out fast. Planting his feet, pistons hissed as braces clacked and tightened or expanded accordingly. The A-10 at his shoulder began to whine in a shrill noise as he target the one closest to being set up and ready, and unleashed a brutal hail of tungsten bolts at them, the shrieking of the projectiles as they broke the sound barrier apt to drown out any kills. Some tried to fire at him, but they were panicked, and the shots splatted or ricocheted off his massive plated armor harmlessly.

Over the encyrpted vox he sent a keyed message to the squad, smiling as he spoke.

"Buruk Squad this is Speartip, your back-up... I'll lay down cover fire, but i'll need your help"
Location: Serenno - Main Strike Force
Objective: Kick shebs, let some other schmuck worry about names
Allies: Strider Garon | Talise Skirata | @C3-G8 "Gate" | Werdla Dardalab | Cennika Hawk | Shiro De'Vol | Kezeroth the Malevolent | Judas Zambrano

Aeron, the Prex of Omega Pyre, was on good terms with the Mandalorians. She had been part of many previous engagements due to their original terms of merc work many years ago, since before the Pyre had turned into the Protectorate.

Truth be told, there was a measure of fondness for the Mandalorian Clans since then, resulting in aiding them from time to time out of desire than credits.

This would be no different.

While Serreno was a nobleman's affair, the mission objective was to be led by the Mandos. She was just here to ensure they had back up.
Location: Serreno Main Strike force
Allies: Naimes Ahn-Dross Werdla Dardalab Cennika Hawk Ijaat Akun Talise Skirata Strider Garon [member="Aeron Kreelan"]
Objective: Lets have some fun

Pushing forward after which time she knew where to keep the pressure on the hardest. Knowing it was only time that they would crumble. Giving out the orders that needed to be given. Heller to the left with your group...Boots to the middle with yours... As if knowing that they was going to try to do the next move. It wasn't as if she had as little girl watched the drills with her father or her body guards. It was almost to easy to know the reaction she would be giving next.

Afterwards she would root out those that would choose to hide in their black holes making the underlings take the cause while they stay safe and untouched. This time would be different there would be to the same fate as those that being taken down right now. Now to keep herself to the task at hand right now.
Location: Serenno Shielding Station, on the ground behind enemy lines
Allies: Buruk Squad, Mandos, [member="Shiro De'Vol"] [member="Ijaat Akun"]
Enemies: Mercenaries
Objective: Take shield station, lower shields

It was safe to say that those of Buruk Squad who could afford to look up from what they were doing, or who say it through someone elses feed where suitable impressed when Ijaat made his entrance, a few whistles and exclamations of Kandossi! were heard over their short range comm channels. No point cluttering up the frequencies of the folks at other objectives or up dog-fighting, but they'd been known to throw a few less than relevant comments around in the heat of battle.

The mercenaries were just about done adjusting the E series guns, and if they had a chance to bring them to bear on Buruk Squad, the Mandos could be in trouble. They'd taken the nearest fox holes, but since the E series could literally shoot new holes until they managed to hit the Mandos.. Ijaats help was definitely welcome.

"Glad t'see you Speartip! It was about to get hot in here! How do you want to play this? Are we cover and you're blowing the guns, or vice versa? Your call, you point, we'll shoot!"

La wasn't usually one to take command even enough to ask that sort of question, but she needed to know what gun to use. Lacking a strict Commander in this haphazard unit of extras, someone had to figure this osik out.
The space around Serenno became more dangerous as the two Mandalorian star destroyers dropped out of hyperspace trailing a familiar set of objects. The eyes of the big figure standing on the command deck were closed as reports were called out and the hustle and bustle of the ship went on in the background.

He knew it was a difficult decision and many would object but he wasn't all that concerned. Serenno would never be the same.
Location: Serenno - Main Strike Force
Objective: Kick shebs, let some other schmuck worry about names
Allies: Strider Garon | Talise Skirata | @C3-G8 "Gate" | Werdla Dardalab | Cennika Hawk | Shiro De'Vol | Kezeroth the Malevolent | Judas Zambrano

Pyre forces would move behind those of the Mandalorians. It was a matter of making sure those secured points were being defended. Getting forward operating bases that will aid in supplies for the United Mandalorian Clans.

While certainly not the massive Force of the Omega Defense Force, the Pyre did carry its own weight. And with that, the ability to be a lot more flexible in their duties.

Even if that meant punching a noble in the face or two.

Cennika Hawk

'Oh, I see,' was all she said to his explanation of their purpose in being here, no note of dejection, but rather simple acceptance of the coming task as she accompanied him to the hangar bay, and in turn, the drop pods he had mentioned. She took the offered hand and up the ramp she went with him, with care, into the 'pod and seated across from him, his coaching making her blink, having a sobering effect on her facial expression. Such words could cause apprehension and yet she wasn't one to roll into a response that carried elevated heartbeat and any measure of panic. She was of Dathomir, fearsome rancors were her kin. Surely!... and yet, this could be entirely different.

Cennika looked around the 'pod, the four other seats, the artificial light, the lever. It was very compact, and it occurred to her just what was meant by the 'drop' in 'drop-pod', to fall from the heavens in such a way without the feel of air rushing around her... the thought was disconcerting, and her gaze shifted over to Naimes, as his eyes came to find her, as he implored her to look at him. It seemed she could do little else.

He asked if she was ready. She took a long breath in through her nose and out through her mouth, finally feeling the slightest current of trepidation at what was to come. She looked at him, at his eyes, 'I am,' and she could not have been any more ready, no matter what she did.

[member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"]
Location: Serenno. Surface. Forest Area.
Allies: [member="Cennika Hawk"] @Mandos
...she said she was ready, she looked ready, so as he sat back in his chair Naimes would lift his right hand, place it on the lever and then state so that everyone else filling the Drop Pod could hear him..."Dropping in three."...the countdown commenced quickly. Three. Two. Once. There was no hesitation and the Rally Master would pull the lever inside the pod causing the magnetic locks that held it in place to disengage. Moments later the Drop Pod falling away from the Capital Ship. Looking upwards through a reinforced viewport the starship could actually be seen getting smaller as distance was gradually increased. The Drop Pods thrusters assisted in steering it towards the atmosphere of the planet where gravity would do the rest however this part of the insertion was generally considered the most pleasant. Naimes had done this hundreds of times but looking across towards Cennika he wondered what she must have felt knowing that as they fell away from the ship towards the planet they were both vulnerable but also in a position few could appreciate. Did she dare to look out of one of the small viewports lining the hull of the pod? In space Serenno looked different than seen an actual ship. It was beautiful in a word...

...the Drop Pod itself seemed filled with that serene calm, the silence that spoke more than words ever would passing between the occupants who all shared that moment with one another. Indescribable. Gravity would shake the Drop Pod once as turbulance rocked it upon insertion into the atmosphere and the outside would be replaced with fire as the transport descended; heat started to build and it seemed as though they might actually rip apart during their descent and split into a thousand pieces. Death would have come so quickly that none of them would have time to comprehend it. Looking across at Cennika he remained composed, quiet, he might have even been admiring her features from the deep violet of her eyes, the inky darkness of her full lengthy tresses or the way her lips parted when she took a shallow breath then he'd offer a simple...
"Welcome to Serenno, Cennika Hawk."...which was accompanied by the thin, knowing, smile he sometimes gave...

...the journey to the surface was rough but quick. The Drop Pod descending like a rocket from space traveling at several thousand kilometers an hour would make a surprisingly soft landing that rocked those inside only moderately. Immediately after the landing the Mandalorians, including Naimes, stood to and the ramps encasing the drop pod would fall in unison. Light filtered into the confines of the drop pod as they moved out into the open, weapons at the ready, where they were welcome by the lush vegetation of the rain forest that covered a large chunk of this world. Motioning back Naimes would have said...
"Cennika, with me."...then he would have started to move out off of the transport and onto the land. As he took his first few steps his feet adjusted to the soft earth of the ground, his lungs filled with the fresh air and he allowed Cennika a bit of time to come to terms with the natural radiance surrounding her despite the fact they were in a combat role...
Location: Command Ship
Objective: Fleet Ops

The fleet was already in battle formation and their fighter pilots were launched to dance the tango with the best pilots the counts could buy. The worry on the old man’s face could not be hidden, it would be a lie to think that things would all be fine and that this battle would be over before they started. Death would come in the numbers today and many more will be added to the list that Strider reiterated every night before going to bed.

“OPEN FIRE, PICK YOUR TARGETS AND KEEP THOSE FIGHTERS OFF US!” Strider thundered with war lust in his breath. He was battle born, though the many seasons of such violence has taken its toll he would not shy from what needed to be done. The more vicious one was at battle the quicker it was over.

“Once the Serenno fleet is obliterated and we take air superiority won't be long till the rest of the resistance will fall” For the most part, of course there would always be loyal patriots that would take the fight to the bitter end or even harass the Mandalorian rule through years of gorilla warfare and acts of terrorism. The risk one takes when they decide Military action when diplomacy fails.

Now to just bash the enemies fleet!!

Strider gripped the rails before him with anticipation of the battle being portrayed before him not just through the viewports of the Ash’amur but also on the tac-com holographic display. Battle was a form of dance, scary… dangerous and down right deadly but very much beautiful in its own rights. It was up to the commanders to master the dance if one was to succeed in such a trade.

“Rotate!” Strider commanded and the orders would be relayed to the rest of the fleet to re position the frontal assault ships that had been taking the initial battering out with the ships that been sitting in reserve in the rear formation. This manoeuvre was to aid in replenishing the shields to those ships while keeping up the pressure of the attack.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Location: Space around Serenno
Objective: Kill everything on the way down.

Bay doors opened beneath them, the atmospheric containment shield the only thing between life and the death of every engineer in the room. The magnetic locks disengaged and the seven or so Bes'uliik dropped into space. Sound was ripped from the small squadron as they entered the vacuum of space. Dull explosions could be made out through the weak aural sensor in Gil's helmet. He could hear himself breathing, every breath a loud symphony indicating he was still alive.

He ducked, dodging a small piece of debris as he and the others were caught in the gravity of the rich planet. With a smirk he pushed the engines to their max, thrusting him faster and faster towards the planet. The bes'uliik shifted position as it prepared to drop them through the atmosphere. Heat sensors rang and blared from both his droid and his armor. He began to sweat, the armor's on board cooling unit unable to keep up with the intense heat of re-entry. Wind blasted his eardrums as he left the vacuum and sound returned to him. He could hear the creaking of beskar as his faithful companion made the decent into what looked like hell from their fiery comet.

And then it was done. They continued to fall and he cheered over the squad's coms. They cheered back, and their beasts roared through the skies, their engines blasting them at incredible speeds through the air. Anti-air flak guns exploded around them, knocking riders from their mounts and killing some outright. Decades of experience along with deadly accurate instinct brought Gilamar and his beast safely to the ground. He dodged explosive shell after shell, nimbly piloting his droid, well nimble for a bes'uliik.

The best crashed into a flak gun crew, its shockwave generator rods blasting them away before it even landed. Its beskar claws shredded the gun and its shatter missiles flew into military prefabricated bases. Gilamar and his droid walked a path of war, fire and blood. Nothing would stand in their way this day.


The Darkness feeds me
Allies: [member="Countess Calum Teramo"] [member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"] [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Ijaat Akun"] [member="Strider Garon"]
Enemies: Anyone not Mando
Tyranus sat along a steel bench, waiting for when they would drop down onto the ground for a battle of glory. His first time with other Mando's, in a Domination, he just couldn't believe it this was outstanding but now to the point, to fight or die trying. He stood up from the cold bench and grabbed his new Silver Mando helmet, ever since the Skirmish with the ravens he needed a new helmet and now he had one, although it didn't feel the same. Tyranus places his hand along the cold steel wall as a armored Mando walked to the front of the group he was in, possibly a corporal or something, it had been so long since he was in a true battle.


The drill sergeant yelled loudly, now he knew what it felt like when he yelled to his soldiers. Tyranus clicked his helmet into place on his neck and then walked with the mismatched crowd of armor.

HeHe, Hunter squad, i like hunting stuff's my job now!

It only took a minute or two before their was a click and clank and the drop pod fell. Filled with many Mando's on varying size and shape Tyranus just stood their with his right hand on his E-11 rifle which was now new since, will it broke on Kathlan Station which he remembered. Tyranus wondered if he would ever meet Werdla here, will he hoped so.


The Drop pod slammed onto the ground and a large hatch opened up with a swirling motion and then the large group of Mando's, possibly 26 or 16, rushed out of the hatch in a wave of color. Tyranus ran out holding his rifle in both hands and he ran outwards. He took cover behind a large rock and shot out from the corner of the rock. Blue and red blaster fire continued to shoot each way and each way, Tyranus fired from the rock at some enemies and a few fell dead onto the ground but more and more kept on coming. Tyranus turned his right hand towards a group of enemies and shot a wrist mounted rocket towards them. Embers and a little black dust went into the air as the small but fast missile struck it's target, causing bodies to fly in every direction along with a few getting blackened in the process. Tyranus turned the other corner and landed a punch upon an enemy trooper, then he shot the rifle multiple times into the trooper's face causing blood to pour out from the ditch of a face the man now had.
IC: Uriel Manteroni
Speech; Thought; Action; NPC, PC.
Allies: Strider Garon
Enemies: Anyone not Mando
Location: Space around Serenno

On the journey through hyperspace to Serenno, the Clawcraft ( received the briefing of the mission: Objective: Serenno invasion. Mission: Air Superiority.

Uriel was excited ... long ago that he did not fight a regular battle. The last time, out on the Clone Wars as Admiral of a Squadron with 15 Star Destroyers.

Vamp: "30 seconds to hyperspace output." Quantum Central Processor (QCP) reported.

Uriel thought: to 20 generations in the past was my last dogfight.

Uriel was an ace in space combat. He felt a little rusty, but all the energy and innate ferocity of Hunter was latent. Uriel wanted to kill!

Vamp: "Hyperspace transition to 3D reality in 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1."

The luminescence of hyperspace disappeared and straight light focused on bright point that showed the entrance into three-dimensional reality of the common space.

Uriel can immediately realize the Mandolorian Fleet, the fight, and behind the beautiful Planet Serenno.

Uriel's adrenaline to the maximum.

Vamp: "1 minute to enter the perimeter of combat."

Uriel: "Open a link with the commander of the air superiority operations."

Vamp: Yes sir.

Uriel looked at his sensors. The IFF system clearly showed who was Tango and who was not.

Vamp: "Opened Link."

Uriel: "Command Ship ( [member="Strider Garon"] ), here Uriel Manteroni. Ready for performing to combat. I await orders."
There was such thing as being late.

Then there was fashionably late.

Currently, the Mandalorian known as Isley Verd fell into the latter of these categories. However, when the call of the Mandalore goes out, it is up to sons of Manda'yaim to answer. Thus was the purpose behind Isley's coming to Serenno this day...and the best part was, he brought friends. In recent history, the Mandalorian had become the CEO of an ever growing corporation...and as such, he had the authority to mobilize the company's militant forces at will.

Well. Sort of.

There were proper channels to go through. Lots of red tape, that sorta thing. Companies these days didn't like their militant force to be deployed at the drop of a credit...but when it was all said and done, Isley arrived just as the battle below was getting interesting. From the depths of hyperspace surged forth a congregation of SDE vessels: a Sev'rance-class Light Carrier, a Wodrata-class Pod Carrier, and an Argente-class Assault Cruiser. While these were not exactly geared for ship to ship combat, they were very good at deploying a metric feth ton of boots on the ground.

"Oya!" called Isley over the comm. "This is Rally Master Isley Verd. I brought some friends to liven up this party!" With his presence announced, the Mandalorian promptly ordered the dispersal of his vessels' hangars. Drop Pods were launched to the surface, flanked by dropships and a swarm of droid starfighters.

Serenno had the gall to resist the United Clans? Now was the time to put them in their place.

[member="Strider Garon"]

Tarika Sadow

Future Mandolorian
(OOC: sorta going to wing it for now..)

Location: Just arrived in system, laying waste to the ground
Enemies: Non-Mandolorians
Allies: Mandolorians

Tarika Sadow, heir to a dark legacy of sith magicks, last of the Sadow clan and devastating Dark Knight just arrived in the system, her mind racing as her ship made its trajectory toward the planet, the system was wracked with fighitng, ship corpses and a whole lotta trouble.

Looking out the viewport of her ship, she sneers and watches from the command deck, the Zabrak warrior watched as so many of her side being hit, and so many literally wreaking chaos in the system. It was a waste of time to lay a swathe such as this one.. so many risking their lives, and for what? a planet? Just like out in the fringes, Sadow.. she said silently as she watched the conflict ensue.. and remembed what it was like then yet without as much chaos reigning supreme.

Looking to her controls on the cockpit she readied her mind, and made herself more calm.. then took the ship off auto-pilot and made preparations to blasting through the chaotic battle that was within the system to make it to the planet.
Location: Command Ship
Objective: Fleet Ops
[member="Tarika Sadow"] [member="Isley Verd"] [member="Uriel Manteroni"]

“Kandosii!!!” Strider applauded at the sight of a mercenary frigate listing out of formation with reports of her being out of action.

Strider looked at the ship trying to limp away “Finish her!” Strider ordered his Myshthosaur’s Pride to focus the turrets in firing arc of the fleeing frigate, With a few volley’s the Frigate cracked open with a brilliant explosion that set the tempo for the rest of the battlefield to see. This was how the mandalorians were going to play this day, ruthless to the core.

The two navies continued to exchange bolts of fire and Strider would continue to wear the Serennoin’s naval beast down with precision fire and strategic manoeuvring of his own fleet to minimize casualties. Strider was just warming up, testing the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy and letting the fighters poke wholes into their grand formation before he committed the fleet to more brazen activities.

IFF trackers indicated more friendly units arriving and deploying. The Marshal was pleased to see some of those were the ones that answered the call of the mando'ade and were here to keep their honor and fight for their people. Strider opened a comm to the new arrivals "Welcome Home!" insinuating the battlefield was home for a mandalorian but above all welcoming brothers and sisters to the fight.

"Uriel Manteroni, Form up on our right flank and Isley Verd take up my left. Lets show these aruetiise how Mandos conduct warfare!"
Location: Ground, Just beyond ruins of Count Dooku's palace
Allies: Those who accept her.
Enemies: Those who do not.
Objective: Redemption


A world of jungle, of overgrowth, and wealth. It was a planet full of so-called nobility, those who wished nothing more than to create a caste system throughout the galaxy and spread their influence far and wide. It was also a planet home to one of the famed traitors to the Republic, Count Dooku of Serenno. Had he been a minor figure in history, or at least the portion of history leading up to the Galactic Empire, Dooku would not have likely lived in such an extravagant home as he did, much less become the temporary apprentice to the great Darth Sidious - known then as Chancellor Palpatine, later Emperor Palpatine or simply "The Emperor". But by chance the former Jedi found himself in the tutelage of the Sith Lord and the master of Makashi made a name for the planet beyond simply that of a blip on the map. It was why the planet was known to the Mandalorians, it was why they were here. Why she was here. They needn't know that, surely having presumed their purpose simply to take yet another nameless planet for their expanding sphere of influence and not some historical landmark. She, however, was here for two purposes. First was to locate an object, an artifact, of the Old Republic era, the other to try to warm herself up to the Mandalorians and be accepted as their own - and more importantly to talk sense into them.

She knew why they hated her, why they hated the Sith. Throughout the years the Mandalorians and the Sith had helped each other in one way or another, but then a great change occurred where the Sith left the great warriors to their own devices. Perhaps it was the Sith Brotherhood, the perversion of the Sith name, but she sought to repair that bond, to form that new bond. If they took it, then they would see an unfathomable age of prosperity as the Fringe would soon see, and they could have her to be their buffer between prejudiced groups. The Dark Lord wished to burn the galaxy, and though in the long term it would eventually be put to the test, there were no forces in the galaxy as great as the Mandalorian people. She would see that they would align themselves to the Dark Lord, or at least with her. The longer she thought about it, the more she considered the notion of the permanence of the Dark Lord, and the sooner she neared the grand palace of Count Dooku. Perhaps the star of the Mandalorians, [member="Strider Garon"], would be able to listen to reason, or at least speak prior to violence. Of the Sith Lords within the One Sith, she was one of the few that had full authority to broker deals to further aid the Dark Lord's goals. For she was his Voice, and while she could not see, she would speak only.

They would listen, she would make them.
Location: Serenno
Objective: Take the shield station, lower shields
Allies: Buruk Squad, [member="Countess Calum Teramo"], [member="Shiro De'Vol"], [member="Ijaat Akun"], [member="Aeron Kreelan"], [member="Tyranus Collik"]

With Speartip laying down cover fire, and Mando backups followed by Pyre forces, the mercenaries were slowly being pushed back. Which meant the pressure on the squads dropped in by pod behind enemy lines was getting intense. Luckily pods were still hitting the ground disgorging help. Pushing forward, grimacing as stray blaster fire hit her, she and two of her squad mates reached some of the E-Webs. One of the mercenaries decided to get cute and activate a personal shield keeping them from advancing any further.

"Switching weapons, cover me!"

La barked, riot fun swung back over her shoulder and ACP Repeater pulled out.

Please don't catch fire, just this once...

Switching to auto-fire, she opened fire on the shields, the Blaster doing what it did once, and though it whined in protest and she could feel it heating up, for once the shields gave out before the gun caught fire. Her two squad mates were ready with a grenade each, which they tossed before turning and running to leap for the fox holes.

La, who had gone last to make sure her squad mates were covered, took some of the blast, as well as a goodly amount of blaster fire to the back. Yep. That sure was some armour melting into her skin. Fantastic. Hopefully it was hot enough the wound was cauterized rather than bleeding. It didn't feel too bleedy anyway. Not time to worry about that now.

The other E-series were falling as well as the Mandos relentlessly pushed forward, the way to the shield station was very nearly clear!
Aedan grinned like a shark as he gestured towards the enemy fleet. "Launch our dropships and give Kezeroth and Judas my regards." The pilot nodded the order filtering down the line as dropships separated from the hangars on the 3 Dire-class patrolships. Turning them around Aedan simply gestured towards the fleet they know were under and almost behind shrugging a bit. "Why don't we say hello to them mates?" Everyone got a dark grin as the gunners rotated all weapons to face up and out towards the fleet slowly they approached watching as the enemy started to react chuckling Aedan shock his head and whispered to himself. "To slow." Standing he pointed at the largest of the ships coming about a heavy cruiser "Target that ship and get me a live feed to the Mando'ade." Walking back to his command chair Aedan nodded as his com came alive a small smirk crossing his lips. "Strider they seem to have noticed us now we are going to pull some of them away to play a game of pirate tag with myself and my crew." [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Judas Zambrano"]


The Darkness feeds me
Allies: [member="Countess Calum Teramo"] [member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"] [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Ijaat Akun"] [member="Strider Garon"]
Enemies: Anyone not Mando
Explosions blared as grenades blew up the ground, sending chucks of dirt, grass and rocks into every direction. Many small pieces of dirt rained upon Tyranus and a few other of his Squad Members, hailing them down like a storm of dirt and rocks. Tyranus let from a rock and rolled a few times then stood up, some dirt covering his armor as a grenade blew up where he was previously at. Tyranus looked through the black visor on his helmet and flipped down a secondary visor to allow thermal vision. The Visor identified a few enemies and it signaled that they were nearing the objective, Tyranus flipped the visor upwards just as a blaster shot struck his left shoulder. He shrugged off the pain mostly because most of his left arm was cybernetic but he did hope that the armor melded into the wound from the heat of the shot so that blood wouldn't leak out. Tyranus grabbed a grenade from his ammo strap and threw it towards a group of enemy soldiers, causing them to blow up and it sent dirt, rocks and even a few bodies in every direction. Tyranus looked around and saw that the line was clear of most enemies except for a few dead or dying one's but they didn't matter, what did matter was winning and victory. Tyranus ran forward followed by the Mandalorions that were in his squad. He looked at a nearby building and sighed, that must be their objective now, time to storm the place like their was no tomorrow. Tyranus ran through a flat area with boxes of ammunition and wounded enemy soldiers on each side. He decided not to harm the wounded, since they would be of no more danger at this point in time unless they eventually healed, if they did heal because of their severe wounds and damage. Tyranus and his patrol neared the building as a explosion went off right in front of him and it ringed through his ears. The orange explosion happened right at him, scorching his arm and causing a large rock to dwindle into his left leg. Tyranus stood up slowly and looked around, he couldn't see because the visor on his helmet was covered with a thick warm substance he thought was blood because of the coloration. He lifted his hand upward and took off his helmet, around him half of the patrol lay on the ground, not moving at all and with shrapnel on them along with dirt and scorch marks. Tyranus then reached his hand downwards and grabbed his hand around a long and thick rock and then took it out slowly and then threw it on the ground. A warm gooey substance lied upon the rock and Tyranus looks down at his leg, it was quite gnarly. The wound stretched across his leg and it went deep with a bit of bone sticking out. Tyranus breathed deeply, he wouldn't be able to go on with this big of a wound. He limped over to the dead bodies and searched them, until he finally found a medkit, although it was scorched on the lid of it. He opened it and then cleaned his wound and wrapped gauze and a bandage around it. He got back up and limped along slowly, followed by the remaining Mandalorions. They were soon engaged by another group of enemies, but it was a small group and it would take little to take them out.

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