Darth Aegis
Lord of Suffering
- [SIZE=9pt]Intent: To serve as an undead force. [/SIZE]
- [SIZE=9pt]Image Credit: Source[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=9pt]Role: Undead Infantry/Forces[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=9pt]Links: N/A[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=9pt]Unit Name: The Revenants or Revenants[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=9pt]Affiliation: Darth Aegis[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=9pt]Classification: Infantry[/SIZE]
- Equipment: Revenants carry the equipment they had when they died and were raised back from the dead.
- Availability: Common
- Deployment: Mass
- Strengths:
[SIZE=9pt]- Fearless:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Due to the fact they are undead and under Darth Aegis' complete will, they follow his command no matter what. They are not frightened by death or harm. Pain is also unknown to them.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]- Infinite Numbers:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] While they are not necessarily infinite, their numbers can be resupplied as long as death continues to happen. Darth Aegis can continue to raise the dead repeatedly as well as the enemies they slay.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]- Resourceful/Ruthless: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]With them being fearless, they will do anything to follow their orders. If they are fighting an enemy with no weapons, they will use surrounding objects, their teeth, their limbs, etc. [/SIZE]
- [SIZE=9pt]Weaknesses:[/SIZE]
- Too Wounded: A body cannot be resurrected/turned into a revenant if they have been decapitated due to Aegis using the body's mind as a way to focus his force into the revenant.
- No Free Thought: Revenants do not think for themselves and can only follow orders. This means they cannot use strategy or tactics unless their controller has made them.
- Feeble Bodies: Unless a Revenant is armed with some type of protection, they will be weaker than when they were alive. This is due to their bodies being weaker from death.
- Description: Revenants can be of any species, as long as they are dead. When they are raised from the dead by Aegis, they become revenants. Revenants have a green glow from their eyes and a green aura around them indicating Aegis' control over them. When they are raised, they use the equipment that they had when they died. They are often sent in very large groups as a means of front-line assault. They receive no new training after resurrection, but maintain training they had before death. One of the most special features of them is that they can be resurrected an infinite amount of times as long as they do not die to decapitation.