Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction The Rimma Trade Incident | SO & RTL Junction of Empty Hex / Queyta

DDF Calrissian [100|100] SSRDF Immutable [100|100]
SDF Glorious [100|100] SDF Prophet [100|100]
SDF Windsail [100|100] SSRDF Honor [100|100]


Quauhtli Sacul Quauhtli Sacul Laulesh Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Barin Drudroga Barin Drudroga
Omon Kaa / Darth Diem Omon Kaa / Darth Diem

Zerek Zenith Series Multirole Starfighter

"Looks like the gunships shredded the squadron," Roth said to Nathan as he swung low beneath the main plane of the fight, watching as the TIE escort was cut to pieces and the squadron turned back home. The lead pilot had take some hits, he guessed, judging by the erratic view of the TIE in the lead. It was a design he wasn't familiar with, but it seemed lightly armed and armored.

"Let's try to take it in a crossfire," Roth said again. "I'll swing up from below. Two escorts are hanging back in the rear, so don't drop in on the six. Try and take them from up high and to the side. That's usually a blindspot on TIEs."

It was a side effect of the design—a forward-looking viewport and wings blocking the rest of the angles. He nudged the throttle forward and rolled off to the side, watching the targeting computer with one eye. "I'll try and get the lead pilot's attention, get them focused on me while you go after the escort."

Roth didn't remember the last time he had gone up against a Force-sensitive pilot. As a general rule, Sith weren't much for piloting. Whether it was the risk it exposed them to or the fact that it relied on subtlety made it difficult for most of them, he couldn't guess. It would be an exciting challenge.

His fingers tingled in anticipation as he watched the squadron peel away from the League fleet and head back towards the Sith ships. "Looks like that new fighter squadron is breaking off to head back to the cruisers."

"We read you, Knight One," the reply came back. "Interdiction frigate standing by, ready to engage."

Roth just nodded and adjusted his approach angle, coming in from below and to the left of the Sith pilot, at extreme range. The computer chime indicated that it was locked onto the signal, but Roth waited, considering. Instinct would probably be for the pilot to pull up and to the right, away from the incoming fire, unless the Force were specific enough to suggest otherwise. Dogfighting was like a dance. One had to rely on instinct, experience, and luck to predict the moves several steps ahead of time. In this case, the pilot seemed to prefer rolls and dives, at least as far as Roth had been able to catch from the quick engagement.

So that meant two firing solutions. He rested his thumbs on the triggers of the laser cannons while the targeting computer locked the Mercybringer. It was cheeky, to be sure. Would hammer the fighter's controls and engines, without causing any physical damage and thus, in theory, preventing the Force from recognizing it as a threat.

But the heavy laser cannons? Those were the threat. Roth closed his eyes and waited, listening to the beat of his heart, counting down the moments. The sensation of a need to act grew in him with every heartbeat, but he waited.

Then the Force screamed at him to act.

Roth launched the torpedo and then switched to the lasers cannons, firing first behind and above before nudging the nose of the fighter into a different angle and firing directly below and ahead of the pilot, all while the ion torpedo hurtled through the void, slower than the lasers, but still quite fast.

And then he swerved to the right, moving to get into a more direct chase position on the pilot.

All in the matter of a half dozen heartbeats.

Cardio. Why was he always forced to run?​
His lungs burned with an unholy fury, inflamation building like hot pustules of agony in his chest. He suffered as they built, he could practically feel them form - made worse by his intrinsic force sensibilities in his chest. Like popcorn cooking, every second he was losing lung capacity. He'd made some distance, but not enough, and his exhaustion forced him to his knees as a bloody cough expunged itself onto the ground. He needed a second to pull the darkness away from his lungs. Just a second.​
Then the Jedi was on him - a master who lurched next to him. Fear built in Veino's eyes as he struggled to pull in a breath. He could barely speak; could he even beg for his life? Did it matter? He imagined the only thing that'd happen if he returned to the Sith with a operational report of 'begging for his life to escape', if he even made it back.​
"Wait -", he said horsely, pulling a hand up in desperation. Only for the Marines and Atlas to move towards him as well - all surrounding the young man on the ground with nothing but half a breath in his chest, and five more bottles of the destructive pathogens on his hip. He'd never be able to reach for the before they'd shoot him.​
His lightsaber lay unignited his hand, just another weapon he'd be unable to use. He didn't have the strength to lift it, not the endurance to even try and fight them, and not enough hope to pretend he could. Blood trickled from his lip as he struggled to draw in a breath. It felt like a bantha was sitting on his chest - all he needed was a breath.​
"- Don't... Kill... Me...", he said through bloody words, a shaky hand, and sweat pouring down his forehead.​



Objective 1 - Scatter the Fleet​

Locations: Dauntless Class Heavy Crusier
Tags: Roth Tillian Roth Tillian | Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl | Laulesh | Omon Kaa / Darth Diem Omon Kaa / Darth Diem

Reports were coming in thick and fast, their escort suffering damage under a TIE assault from the flank. Two light cruisers had entered the fray, their initial volley destroying a couple of escort ships and damaging several others. The CMO had been alerted, with medical teams on standby to receive any wounded or injured that had escaped.

"Captain, deploy our U-Wings to search for any survivors, Garcia and Roebuck will peel away to provide them with covering fire. How long until our broadside batteries or in range of the Star Destroyer?"

He observed the squadron with interest, watching as they took advantage of the Assault Frigates' bulk for cover. Unsurprisingly, most of their fighters had taken a beating, and a dozen squadrons had already returned to the hangar to resupply and reinforce their numbers. Ultimately, they were a distraction and further evidence that Force Sensitives would have a greater part to play in any future battles, for now, he would need to trust in Knight Squadron.

"ETA 3 minutes, I've notified the gunnery sergeants to load Ions and prepare their firing solutions."



Objective II
Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki

A scattering noise pulled the white mask of the Familiar's attention. And with it, the Sith Acolyte within a completely different section of the ship currently looking through it's eyes. Nothing, specifically, anyway. Sofiel frowned from where she stood.

"Focus on the doctors, Vorthruz. We need them."


The head turned back, peering through the glass. Then Sofiel raised her hands. The Force reacted. The Dark pulled and twisted as she manipulated it through her Familiar. Reached out into the room towards the people within. One by one they'd start to drop, short of the Familiar being stopped at least.
Objective : 1
Tags :
Quauhtli Sacul Quauhtli Sacul | Laulesh | Roth Tillian Roth Tillian | Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl | Barin Drudroga Barin Drudroga (apologize if I missed anyone)

He was slowly gliding to his now 2 men team, while the D4 or D5(whoever survived) were on their way as well. The Sith cruiser beside them was completely dark, disabled. But the hanger armory could still be used. All they need to do is dock.

"I fired all my heavy armaments, let us dock in this hanger, I'm sure they will have spare proton torpedo's around." he said as a calm, lazy command, while checking his busted left lower half of the switch-blade wing. The back half of it was gone, he had front half, with laser cannon still operational.
But one crucial ability of his X3 Tie was completely compromised. Ability for a backwards boost.
With ability to turn lower halves of his wings for 180 degrees, he was able to put 2 laser cannons to fire backwards, as well as 2 small engines on wings forward, to boost him backwards in critical maneuvers. With one engine short, he would probably be just pushed backwards and to the side, as the bum wing would behave like a rudder.

Damn it.." he cursed his idea to go in to Gladius gunships broadside. But unlike most, he did enjoy his dogfighting. He enjoyed being a Commodore of his own small fleet, owner of a known Star Destroyer. He enjoyed the risks which Naval Battles bring, he did so from his youth.

The dark, lightless steel of the Sith cruiser greet them, as they were moving closer to the hanger. His 2 Tie's around him. While also seeing LC Viserion and Sandor in the close distance, firing salvos in to the far away Frigates and Gunships.

Unlike usual Tie Fighters, Omon's X3 had a very wide cockpit, its shape looked more a kin to an X Wing then a Tie Fighter. He had clear view for almost 180 degrees, to both sides and above him. Just his feet were covered by a strong titanium alloy hull and durasteel interior.

He observed the dark empty space of the wide hanger entrance, wanting to give command to D2 to dock first.. when he noticed a light blue hue shining and moving fast over the Sith Cruiser hall. The blue shadow was grabbing up, straight under him.

Ion Torpedo!

He growled to himself, for not sensing the threat sooner. He right away pushed his foot on a speed controller, boosting him forward, and pressing a switch which turned his 2 wing half's for 180 degrees. He thought of shooting the Ion torpedo down, his two laser cannons were still active, and now pointing backwards.

But there was no time, torpedo made its way too close to him. Even if he fire at it now, chances are the Ion explosion will catch him non the less.

While traveling up, he did only thing he could think of. Perhaps ruthless, but that was the way of the Sith.
He extended his arm toward the Tie Fighter to his right, Force grabbing his handle, and pulling it forward. D1 escort, started to speed up in to his path, and as they miss eachother by the half a meter, he could see the blue flash behind him. His escort, that he used as a live shield, was hit and immobilized.

Laser cannon blasts started to dance around him, but due to the Tie fighter behind him, he did not need to turn to side. Instead, he started to fire from his already turned wings, looking in the monitor that shows his background, he spin his X3 around its axis, firing each time precisely to avoid his immobilized companion, but sending bolts straight around him, making sure the fighter who fired at him have hard time to avoid the live shield he used. Thus having to slow down drastically.

Omon knew he doomed the pilot to a probable death. At some point the fighter will simply fire through him, but that would also open him to Omon's 2 laser cannon barrage.

LC Viserion, Sandor! We are attacked by unknown number of enemy fighters! Scanners on, and fire at them, now!" he was surprised how panicked his message was.

"We receiving you clearly Lord Diem, cruisers are turning. Incoming fire." the lieutenant respond in clear voice. Since they were close to eachother, the jamming had to effect.

He pushed two buttons up, switching all the power to the engine, making his cannons stop firing. While finally turning from the cover of the Tie below him.. several lasers blasting beside him, making his fighter rumble. As the 1 remaining Tie fighter engaged the enemies by firing his 1 remaining Proton Torpedo.

Omon used this chance and flew in to the dark hanger, of the disabled Sith Cruiser. Firing his 1 good wing engine, which was now in front, to brake his fast entrance, then turning the X3 in a U turn, landing behind several lowered fighter ramps and some crates.

His 2 front cannons were ready to fire, while he waited to see will the enemy follow him in. He had to jump out and rearm his fighter with torpedo's, as soon as possible.

Blasts of different color could be seen outside, as the one remaining fighter danced with the enemy.

But suddenly a heavy green laser cracked just beside the entrance. As the two Light Cruisers started to fire on to the enemy fighters.
Omon took this as his chance, not knowing is the gravity field still active in the hanger, he activated his gravity boots, opened the cockpit and jumped out.
Running toward the usual place where the armaments would be found. Force pulling a gravity cart from one side, to use it for transporting 3 torpedo's.
Once they were hauled on, he force pulled forth, and swung-throw it near the hangar entrance. Just in case an enemy fighter flies in, he could shoot it with his blaster.
Only in the space, does he carry a blaster. Learning through life that lightsaber simply is not adequate weapon if you find yourself in the vacuum of space.

He rushed to his X3, and started to place the 3 proton torpedo's on to his fighter. 2 on the each side of his cockpit, and 1 in a safe 'pocket' under his cockpit... but the fire outside was intensifying so much, that he skipped the third, and just started to climb inside.

Zerek Zenith Series Multirole Starfighter

"What in the Force-" Roth muttered, watching the lead fighter spin around and yank its escorts in between him and the incoming fire. Roth didn't care and kept his finger depressed on the lasers, firing a salvo around and across the entire area, aiming to catch any of the three fighters in a crossfire before the lead fighter darted into the darkened hangar.

That was easy enough. Hangars had atmospheric pressure and tight quarters. Roth moved his hand over to the torpedo launcher and sent a proton torpedo arcing towards the hangar entrance, aiming for it to detonate at the entrance.

"Knight One," the comm crackled, faintly. "Withdraw and pullback to guard the Honor. Gravity wells are powering up."

"Roger that, Tower," Roth replied, peeling away from the cruiser as large turbolaser blasts hurtled towards them from the Arquitens. "Those cruisers are getting into range."

He ducked and weaved between the incoming fire and slipped underneath the disabled Sith ship, and pressed the accelerator forward. "Nathan, you read that? Interdiction is preparing to activate. We'll have to keep the fighters and gunships off them."


The captain of the Honor, a Svivreni named Ha'rin'tin, stood from her chair and ran a hand through the mane flowing down from her head.

"Get me in contact with the Freesail captains," she said, watching the situation unfold. "See if they can advance and engage the Arquitens while we send our escort vessels into the center to clear out the small craft and lock down the crash."

"Aye, aye, captain," the response came, this time from a Sluisi whose eyes were locked onto the command console. Beneath their feet, the ship rumbled as the massive gravity well projectors began spooling up in preparation.

"Gravity wells at full power in ten minutes," a technician said, looking up from the console.

"Very good," the captain replied, clasping her hands behind her back. "Inform Admiral Sacul of our progress."

"Message en route," the reply came. "Admiral Sacul has been informed that gravity wells are almost ready.

Meanwhile, the Immutable and the Glorious moved forward into the melee, their fast-tracking guns and heavy blaster cannons filling the space with heavy fire towards the Sith fighters and small-craft.
Nathan had been getting chased himself, his fighter's speed barely able to keep him ahead, which made it tricky to maneuver as his fighter's agility was average at best, so he could only barely carry out Roth Tillian Roth Tillian 's initial orders to attack from on high, but the lead pilot pulled a move, that yanked the fighters away but the powerful heavy laser cannons still made him a threat. He managed to hit one in the crossfire but didn't down it. One of the fighters managed to hit his shield and significantly lowered it and his systems went haywire for a second as one of his laser cannons was rendered non functional.

He didn't panic. He didn't feel the fear others might have. All of his worst nightmares had come true, in the worst ways they possibly could have. All he did was yank back on the controls, shut down all non essential systems to the damaged laser cannon and shoot away from the Sith vessel...but not before he, too launched a Proton torpedo, this one also aimed at the entrance.

"Roger, Knight One, withdrawing to defend. Out." Nathan replied without feeling in his voice.

His shield recharged slowly as he went after the fighters attacking the Honor, making a point to target the ones going after the point defense guns, his single working Laser Cannon working over time to bring down or even damage a starfighter. He frowned as the sensors were again jammed. He rolled on instinct, barely avoiding the fire from a pursuing enemy starfighter. He listened to the Force and decelerated, letting the fighter overshoot him so he could fire his remaining cannon and explode the engines of the enemy pilot, turning him into space glitter.

He corkscrewed to the Honor as he was pursued, this time by an interceptor, and this thing was fast AND agile so he was having trouble losing it. He weaved through the destroyed remains of fighters and other ships to evade it's fire, and his sensors were still jammed along with his targeting

His shields had recharged at last so he decided to take a risk, and really trust the Force this time, pulling a twisting U-turn towards the fighter, barely missing a large piece of debris as he fired his cannon, hitting the cockpit of the interceptor directly.

He then resumed his all out attack on the fighters closest to the Honor's point defense cannons.

Barin Drudroga Barin Drudroga

Omon Kaa / Darth Diem Omon Kaa / Darth Diem


Quauhtli Sacul Quauhtli Sacul
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Objective I: Hayabusa

Malum smiled a sardonic smile as his head rested on his hand, his other hand pawing at the amulet around his neck, continuing the appreciate the heat that emerged out of the container that contained the ashes of his great famous ancestor.

Others would have considered such an expression odd enough for someone sitting through hyperspace, about to emerge into a battle. Others would have considered it vile that he would carry around ashes at all.

But Malum was far from an ordinary man, and indeed, the reasoning for his presence here was far from ordinary as well.

The Lochris emerged out of hyperspace, Malum's eyes quickly adjusting from the change of the bright blue light of the tunnel to the darkness of empty space.

Well, empty if one ignored the battle playing out before them.

"Master Marr, it would seem Darth Orthis' cry for aid was accurate in its dispatch, there are several enemy starships outnumbering the Orthis fleet and reinforcements." Motus commented from beside him, his metallic eyes viewing the same carnage that Malum was with a blank expression as was the Droid's won't.

"Yes well, Tsis'Kaar intelligence is rarely wrong about matters such as this," Malum spoke, continuing to watch with morbid curiosity as ships clashed in dark space, leading to the evisceration and destruction of all in the process, his eyes widened a slight as he noticed the presence of the Diem Fleet, so his friend Omon Kaa was here too, how good, it would be nice to meet with the Sith pureblood again.

His attention was broken by the electronic chirps and squeaks in front of him, Sibby rotating its head 180 degrees, and somehow with its half-spheroid head, demanding for blood.

Malum could only chuckle.

"Yes Sibby, we'll move in now," Malum offered with a genial smile, as his hand moved up to his lips, "Deploy the Guard, now."

His smile turned feral.

"Black Leader reporting in," The comm answered, as Custos' gruff voice answered the call.

"White Leader reporting in," The comm went again, as the soft and cheerful voice of Venerandus entered his ears.

"Red Leader reporting in," He offered, keeping the ferality at his lips, as the sounds of warping in fighters and bombers filled his ears.

The Guard had been deployed, and they were here to kill.

The fighters and bombers had their engines singing, as they rapidly begin approaching the battlefield.

Malum commed into lead ship of the Diem fleet.

"Patch me into Lord Kaa, inform him that the Marr Guard has arrived to assist and reinforce him."

Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Barin Drudroga Barin Drudroga Omon Kaa / Darth Diem Omon Kaa / Darth Diem Laulesh Quauhtli Sacul Quauhtli Sacul
Veino dropped from beneath the gantry, riding a hydraulic system to the ground not far away from the young Sith. He could hear Atlas and the marines approaching, their feet pounding on the deck.

"Antidote," Veino said, voice low and harsh behind the breathing mask, hanging back warily. "Where is it? Where do you produce the biochem agent?" One hand unholstered the Occluder, letting the familiar heft of the heavy hand cannon. The other hand pulled out one of the AXC canisters, pacing forward.

The canister had to be very close to make a difference and he had no idea how it would work against someone who was already ill or infected with some biochem weapon.

"Kick your lightsaber away and roll over on your stomach."
Objective : 1
Tags :
Quauhtli Sacul Quauhtli Sacul | Laulesh | Roth Tillian Roth Tillian | Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl | Barin Drudroga Barin Drudroga | Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr (apologize if I missed anyone)

His one leg was in his X3 cockpit, when the alert on its screen started to flash and beep. An incoming enemy proton signature was picked up by the radar, direction the hanger.
Omon's arm lifted up, his open hand pointing toward the torpedo he force-threw to the entrance. Now lifting it again, with the invisible arm of the Force, while also looking at the screen of his fighter, watching the torpedo's estimated trajectory and timing of impact.
As the alert beeped faster and faster, Omon pulled his arm back, in the elbow, then again extend it forward.. propelling the torpedo in to the empty vacuum of space just outside of the hangar doors. In his left hand his blaster appeared almost the same second, and fired in to the implement of war, millisecond before the enemy torpedo would cross its path.
Two torpedoes activated, their explosions colliding and dancing with one another, creating a huge ball of fire and debris. But without any oxygen in the disabled Sith hanger, it died out, small waves of flame flowing over the sealing far above him.

While holstering his blaster, another alert started to echo through the room. Its red color pulsating over his black armor.
With anger in his eyes, Omon looked toward the entrance. How was he pushed this much in to the corner? The rage was coiling inside his body, he thought he could destroy every living creature in a 5 miles radius just if he'd release this rage as an explosion.

But alas, he can only satisfy himself with the fact he can release it in Some way.

He jumped from the fighter, watching as the second proton torpedo appearing, hurling toward him. His hand again pointed outward, his anger screaming in an invisible form, and jumping on to the steel frame of the device that wants to kill him.
Slowing it down, its frame cracking under Force's weight, its propulsion flames starting to die out under the flames of his red eyes observing it.

"AGHH!!!" he releases a violent, animalistic scream.. as the torpedo now stood still some 15 meters from him. His hand closed in to a fist, and the torpedo's body started to twist and brake, disappearing inward, as thou being eaten by itself. Before it detonated.

Parts of the explosion engulfed his armored body. His feet, gravity pulled to the ground by his boots, stood unmoved.

As the flames cleared out, Omon was walking toward his fighter, his suit burning on few places, as the liquid flame dripped down him. But through his rage, he was unfazed by it, the flames inside his body was much too stronger then the one outside of it. He wanted to murder whoever fired those projectiles, with his bare hands if he must.

When the cockpit closed, the flames on his body took their normal form, burning the fabric, until he extinguished all the oxygen in a reset. Purify its fighters chamber.

<<Alert! Alert! Suits integrity compromised!>>
X3's build in droid system informed him, after which he finally noticed that explosion actually did some damage on his scaphander.

"My Lord, do you read?!" his lieutenant's voice started to echo inside his helmet.

"Speak!" Omon was still holding to the rage he was harnessing, while igniting the engines.

"Lord Marr is here to give assistance, he wish to be patched in my Lord.." officer said with heisty voice.

Thought of his friend being here, for him or not, in an instant took the entire rage out of him. He would curse, as he felt it leaving.. but instead he just closed his eyes for a moment, opening them in their usual color of glowy yellow.

Send him entire scan of the battlefield, after you patch him in." his X3 lifted of the ground, as the heavy lasers from his cruisers were shelling the outside of the Sith stranded ship.
"And Lieutenant! Send word to Arrgata Sentro Arrgata Sentro and The Covetous. Give them coordinates of a close by quadrant, to be on stand-by. Just in case we do need an exit from here." he hated the fact he'll have to compromise his Harrower pride and joy. But some damage on the ship, beats being dead.

"Malum? I'm glad you're here my friend. I'd be lying if I said I'm not in a bit of a spot here. If you have any extra manpower, these are my coordinates." he send a ping to his only Sith "friend", while weighing should he burst out of the hanger or wait for him.
Even with his attuned Force Sensitivity, it was too chaotic outside. Too many living beings engaged in a mortal dance. The Force felt like a porcupine almost.
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Saram Kote

Strill Securities Al'verde



Friendly Units:
Ally Tag(s): RTL
Enemy Tag(s): Sith Order


Messages trickled in from the comms- Mandalorians by the sound of it. "Davaab Squad, I read you loud and clear. This is Orion speaking. Be advised- biochemical agents are in play. Me and a team of Kathol Marines have just entered the main hangar bay."
"Acknowledged, Orion. I'll pass the word along. We'll attempt to RV with you," she said, silently cursing the dar'jetii for their love of biological warfare. She'd be lying if she said that there were no biological weapons in Strill's arsenal at all. Those, however, had been forced into service in response to extreme biological threats like the Brynadul, and would have probably been retired if the galaxy had a shortage of biological terrors skulking around every corner. She quickly set the biological warfare condition in the Manda's interface, the battlenet's software component taking over the rest of the work by alerting the rest of her unit with each individual beskar'gam's module recommending to its wearer to switch to self-contained air.
"Davaab Squad, looks like the biochem operator is headed for the life support in the hangar bay." Veino studied the chart again, memorizing it. "Drake, do you read? He is headed for the life support in the hangar. We have to cut him off before he can release the biochem agents into the life support system."
Saram cursed silently as they reached the next junction. The hangar was too far from their current position and the others were nowhere near enough to divert. "Osik," she breathed quietly to herself as her mind worked out what the haran to do about the current situation. Too far from the hangar to help, but they were definitely close enough to the bridge to do something about that. "Orion, be advised, we're too kriffing far from the hangar to get to you in time. We'll secure the bridge, make sure that they're not going anywhere." She opened a quick helmet-to-helmet laser comm channel to Rusana, "Any bright shabla ideas?"

"Slip in, shoot them, call it a day, usually works," answered Rusana matter of fact. Saram could almost see her shrug and resisted the urge to chuckle at her obvious dismissal of the Sith Order's troops. Then again, in their line of work, what seemed like casual dismissal was usually just acceptance of one of the only few options remaining. With any luck, however, they weren't going to run into any dar'jetii on the bridge. She had no doubt that they might come running once they'd learned what happened, but she had a plan for that.

"Works for me, vod," she replied with a shrug. Quietly, unseen and unheard, the two rammikade made their way toward the bridge. Predictably, the doors to the bridge were locked. Rusana knelt beside Saram, watching the hallway they'd just come down with her BR-6B Verpine Shatter Battle Rifle. It took barely a minute or two for Saram to finish placing the Flex-5 Detonite Tape on the entrance. Once the detonator was in place, Saram signalled Rusana to stack up on the other side of the door and did the same, starting a countdown on her HUD that was shared to Rusana's.

As the two prepared to breach, Saram set her armor's anti-security blade to switch through frequencies not used by their them or the RTL, minimizing the chances that the Sith Order troops would get word out about the attack on the bridge. No sooner than the timer hit zero did she blow the charges, and before the door even hit the floor and the smoke cleared the two Mandalorian commandos were in. Quiet and with no flash, neither of their optical stealth systems nor the auditory stealth systems flickered or crackled. The first two Sith order troopers by the door didn't even know what hit hem. Enhanced reflexes and stim flooded bloodstreams kept the carnage going at a pace that the unfortunate troops couldn't hope to keep up with.

Rusana's targeting was overlaid on her HUD, shared via the Manda battlenet, augmenting the coordination drilled into both of them by some of the best training and little over a decade of shared service. Saram's aim shifted from one of the sentries at the door to the trooper standing over the engineering console. Saram squeezed the trigger twice, one armor-piercing round through his upper chest plate, right through his collar bone and the other through his helmet. She ducked down behind a console just as a desperate hail of blaster fire was sprayed in the general direction of where she was just a moment ago.

Leaning around the console, Saram rewarded the man with a pair of rounds in his upper right chest. Her helmet's enhanced hearing picked up another body hitting the deck. Blaster fire raked the console she was hiding behind. Luck and a distinct lack of places to be shot at from behind, was probably the reason behind the Sith Order trooper's success rather than actually being able to detect her past her armor's extensive and powerful stealth suite. She waited till the fire ceased before she raised her sidearm over the console and using view through the weapon's optic that was being transmitted to her HUD, she squeezed the trigger as soon as she settled the weapon on the remaining Sith Order combatant in her view.

Taking a brief moment to check her armor's Gar Strill array and life form scanner for any signs of life, she raised Rusana over helmet-to-helmet link, "Utre'la!" The both of them stood up. Saram looked at the fried console behind her and sighed. The comms console was not going to be functional anytime soon. "Find the helm and the captain's station, disable both," she said to Rusana as she walked toward the entrance. Rusana's acknowledgement signal flashed once. As she went about placing AP micromines around the inside of the doorway, she heard the sound of metal impacting metal and sparking electronics.

Ordinarily, she'd have settled for disabling the console with perhaps less use of force. This time she was taking no chances. This was the Sith's only way out of this battle, and the only way they were leaving if it was up to her was in cuffs or in a body bag. As she placed the last few mines, she raised Veino Garn Veino Garn , "Orion, this is Davaab lead. Bridge is ours. We disabled the helm and captain's console. Sorry about the mess. Figured it's probably best this way."




Location: Boarding Vessel
Objective: Counter Boarding Action
Tags: Von-Kri Von-Kri Sofiel Sofiel Iuuna Talon Lord Ki Lord Ki Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki Atlas Drake Atlas Drake Veino Garn Veino Garn
Engaging: Darth Moskvin Darth Moskvin Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua

Personal Equipment
Accompanied by
  • Zeltron Padawan - Eleri

"It's done!" came a shout from Eleri as the spike did its job, lights in the server room began to flicker and banks of light went from green to red as their systems were purged of anything but the bare minimum operating data. "Well done, shall we get out of her?" replied the Zygerrian, giving a glance towards the darkness that stalked them, she was not going to dawdle any longer than necessary things outside in space were getting quite intense and she was aware of the chatter on the comms.

"I repeat, biochemical agents are at play aboard the collided starships. Activate hazmat procedures and switch to filtered air. Vac suits recommended."

"That is concerning, you like breathing right?" she joked darkly to the Zeltron who offered no response. Rhiza had seen some hazard suits on their route here, old ones but their helmets would hopefully connect to the Viper suits both women wore and would allow the pair to return to the ship that they arrived on. "Come on, lets move." she began running towards the corridor quickly with her saber drawn and her padawan following.

Zerek Zenith Series Multirole Starfighter

"Hyperspace reversions?" Roth asked, glancing at the computer screen on one side of the cockpit. "Tower, are you picking this up? Three Sith squadrons reverting from hyperspace. Readings suggest old Sith Empire elite vessels."

"We read you, Knight One," the reply crackled back over the comm channels, distorted by the sheer amount of activities filling the frequencies. "Readying reinforcements for deployment."

"Roger that," Roth replied, sweeping alongside the hull of one of the small attack corvettes at the front of the formation. "Nathan, your ship is looking a bit beat up. Land in the carrier and join the other squadrons- see if you can fly any of the craft."

It would be debatable if Nathan was qualified to fly any of the other League craft, but they weren't overly specialized. Most of the designs were based on older models, so there was always a chance.

"Tower, update on the Honor's gravity wells?" Roth asked after a moment, sweeping around to circle along the front of the League formation, staring through the maelstrom of activity to get a sense of where the new fighters were headed.

"Powering up at full efficiency," the reply came. "Just a few more minutes, and the whole Sith fleet will be trapped here."
"Roger, Knight One." Nathan acknowledge as he blasted down another enemy fighter, corkscrewing through wreckage and landing in the carrier bay.

His fighter was looking exceptionally beat the feth up. No sooner was he out than the techs were already rushing it away. He went over to other Squadron craft, not seeing anything he was qualified first.

Then his eyes fell on an old A-Wing.

"Hey? Who's using this?!" Nathan called out to one of the techs.

The tech shrugged. "Wrong delivery. Somehow it got sent to our carrier when it was meant for a League Colony."

"Does it work?"

"Yeah. But it's old. I wouldn't trust it for more than a single mission before it needs to go back into the shop. Too labor intensive."

"I'll take it..." Nathan replied, hopping in. He was very familiar with the controls due to their age. He had trained in one of them in his youth.

The A-Wing, a sleek, dark blue fighter, lifted up and took right off.

Nathan gunned it and suddenly it was like he was Wally-freaking-West, zooming through the Blackness of the stars. The A-Wing was nimble, and he easily caught up to Roth Tillian Roth Tillian in it.

"New targets, Knight One? Over."

Veino tilted his head, listening to the message from Davaab squad, before giving a curt nod. One of his dataspikes indicated that the computer had been purged. He glanced at Atlas and the others, one eye still on the prone figure ahead of him.

"Roger that, Davaab Squad- good work. This ship isn't going anywhere without a few months in drydock," his voice moved at a clipped pace as he spoke. "Bridge is disabled- computer purged. They're not getting away with this ship. Gather what survivors you can find and RV on the forward port airlock. We can disembark from there."

He suspected that the gravity well generator would be activating soon, although he couldn't guess when. When it did, it meant there would be little chance of escape for whoever was still stuck on the wrecked vessels. The League had the time to keep them at bay. Every minute the raiders spent in the Denab system was a moment when battle groups could be brought into play at any moment.

Veino took one last look at the fallen Sith and shrugged. "I think he inhaled too much of his biochem agent. Let's leave him. Take the canisters- we can work on synthesizing an antidote."

He reached out into the Force and tugged gently at the other canisters, aiming to pull them away and stow them in empty pouches. "But let's get out of here before the fleet decides to blow the wreckage to pieces."

Saram Kote

Strill Securities Al'verde


Friendly Units:
Ally Tag(s): Veino Garn Veino Garn | Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki | Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural | Atlas Drake Atlas Drake
Enemy Tag(s): Von-Kri Von-Kri | Lord Ki Lord Ki | Sofiel Sofiel | Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua | Darth Moskvin Darth Moskvin


"That's what we're here for, Orion. Forward port airlock. got it. See you on the other side," with that, Saram turned to Rusana and added. "Another satisfied client." Rusana let out a short chuckle as she stepped away from the bridge and toward the hallway. Saram decided to raise the rest of the squad and tell them the good news, "Alright, vode, drop what you're doing and pack it up, we're getting off this ship. Forward port airlock. Prioritize survivor retrieval on your way out."

"You think we'll find any?" asked Rusana as she glanced back from her position looking out into the hallway. "[abbr="Clear"]Utrel'a[/abbr]," she added as an afterthought as she saw Saram craning her neck out into the hall.

"Not the way we came," sighed Saram, remembering the trail of devastation that the Sith Order's troops had left on their way to the bridge. "Davaab 6 to Galaar 1-1, job's done. Pick up at the forward port airlock when you're ready," added Saram as she stepped out into the hallway. pausing to deactivate and collect the AP micro mines she'd placed.

"Elek, Davaab 6, en route, standby," came Rav Kote's reply. Saram and Rusana moved swiftly and quietly through the ship. The two paused at a quartet of bodies, crew who'd died trying to hold the junction that they'd died in. Saram was surprised at how little lightsaber damage they'd encountered so far. What had been the Sith's game here? Sighing, she motioned Rusana forward and made for the airlock.

Saram and Rusana boarded Galaar 1-1 in short order. The two waited for the rest of the unit to board before the whole unit convened in the troop bay to take their seats. "Charges still placed, Ran?" she asked her 2IC as the both of them took their seats.

"Any reason they shouldn't be?" asked Ran as he flicked the safety on his rifle on and placed it beside him. Saram's HUD alerted her to the fact that he'd just sent her the detonation signal.

"Vor'e, vod," she said, nodding her thanks. A largely subtle gesture with full kit on, but one she knew Ran had picked up on. "Rav, get us the haran out of here." She felt the gunship detach from the ship, the deckplate thrumming as Rav gunned the engines to put distance between them and the ship. Saram however, had one last call to make, "Davaab lead to Orion, I got you an early Life Day gift; detonation codes to explosives my men placed on the engines and reactor in case you need them. Should help with deactivation too when you guys get to fixing this boat."


"A-firm, Knight Two," Roth replied, glancing back over his shoulder as an A-wing shot from the hangar, bearing the new IFF signal. "Nice pick. Can never go wrong with an A-wing. And new targets are looking like they came in from hyperspace."

He adjusted his scanner sensors, watching a wider array of movement, focusing on ships.

"Knight One, gravity well generator coming online."

"Roger that, tower, we'll keep enemy bombers off the frigate." Roth replied, glancing at the small battle map, circling back around to guard the interdiction frigate.

"Keep an eye for the fresh squadrons-" Roth said, craning his head to scan the chaos. Lasers burst and flak filled the air, blocking out much of the view, but he could see afterburners filling the vacuum.

"They still have lots of ordinances. Fighter lasers won't affect the frigate's shields or armor, but ordinance can."
Location: Space
Objective: I - Hayabusa
Allies: Omon Kaa / Darth Diem Omon Kaa / Darth Diem Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
Enemies: Roth Tillian Roth Tillian Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Barin Drudroga Barin Drudroga Laulesh

The howl of warnings set her nerves alight, sweat beading on her cerulean brow as delicate, yet skilled fingers gripped the control sticks. All the while, the interior of the fighter rumbled as interstellar turbulence and gravity distortions wracked the frame, which grew increasingly severe as the reversion timer ticked down. The rest of her squadron was already lost to the void, having been ripped from hyperspace before they could reach their intended destination.

Seela was the only one to persist.

Suddenly, the stream of blue in her viewport gave way to the starry black of realspace, revealing a deadly lightshow of turbolasers, streaking missiles, and racing fighters. The Twi’lek hadn’t expected to be pulled out of hyperspace so soon, but she didn’t miss a beat in absorbing the sensor data fed into her awareness via the neural link, her enhanced nervous system ensuring that the process took only a flash of a second. Then, she slammed the accelerator, compelling her craft to rush forward, engines howling in its wake. Simultaneously, a mental command activated the stealth measures, concealing the fighter from most types of sensors and possibly, the Force as well.

A void howling within the void.

She made a beeline for the fleet of the enemy task force, approaching a small corvette which her systems marked as the SDF Windsail ( Roth Tillian Roth Tillian ) from behind and above its plane. As soon as her hybrid beam cannons came within range, Seela willed them to fire for the entire three-second dwell time, dispensing a pair of violet ion beams aimed for the corvette’s upper structure, intended to disrupt the vessel’s shields and electronics. Concurrently, a trio of concussion missiles flew forth from her fighter’s missile launchers, locked on to the same structure.

The hammer to the anvil.

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"Affirmative, Knight One. Engaging Hostiles. Out."

Nathan gunned the engines and went full throttle. The speed demon that was the A-Wing roared through the blackness as he sought out Bombers.

He spotted one bomber, roaring in for the frigate and pursued, rolling through swarms of enemy fire to reach it. He fired at the cockpit and blasted it apart, killing the pilot and exploding his bomber.

Two interceptors chased him. He had been tricky with the Aurek. He was a schemer with the A-Wing. It's smooth responses combined with Force Intuition allowed him to weave through their fire, timed bursts from rapid fire cannons blasting away the missiles they launched at him. But he did not retaliate, instead zipping past them to attack a second bomber coming in for the frigate, even as his sensors screamed warnings that the Interceptors were still pursuing.

He fired on its engines, but it evaded, and he was forced to roll and momentarily lose lock on the bomber, turning and corkscrewing through fire on instinct to fire a timed burst, that blasted apart one Interceptor, and forced the other to veer off while he re-acquired the bomber and let off a missile, weaving through space debris from his pursuer, though he saw the missile hit and take out the bomber.

"WARNING. MISSILE...MISSILE..." his sensors blared.

Nathan focused, with all his might as he made a wide loop the missile getting ever closer, before he U-Turned straight into it and dived into a large field of debris, blasting apart and weaving through the largest chunk. He felt the rattle as the missile hit the debris and exploded, and he weaved through what was left of a hull back around the interceptor after flying through the fireball just as it fully dissipated, firing his lasers and exploding the enemy interceptor.

Nathan resumed his pursuit of the bombers, gunning his engines as he found a new one...

Roth Tillian Roth Tillian

Seela Leini Seela Leini
"I read you, Davaab," Veino replied, pressing one hand against his ear to speak more clearly into the comms. "Codes received." He paused for a moment and memorized the detonation codes. "En route to the airlock. We should have cover on the outside."

He ducked against one of the cargo containers, looking around the corner. There were no hostiles that he could see. "Atlas," Veino called back behind him. "Let's get off this ship before anything else happens to it. Mando contractors have place charges on the reactor and bridge- we can detonate as soon as we leave."

One hand unholstered the Occluder, and he moved carefully through the alleyways between the containers, before pulling himself up to the top of one and keeping himself low.

"Rhiza, Pyeth, what's your status? We're beginning ship evacuation. Do you require assistance?"

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