Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Rising Blood, Falling Flesh, and Enduring Soul (COMPLETED)

Paralyzed from the neck down and bleeding profusely from his gashes, there was really not much Sage could do about the fracas around him, although it did look like a few of the Hutt's Gammorean guards were made into bacon bits which was a small victory he supposed.

The mangled padawan took a moment to send back some choice thoughts to the useless Armand Temi who was still nowhere to be seen. He wasn't that stunned guy writhing around on the floor was he? "Fething hurry, then" was the message Armand would receive. Sage was beyond worrying about whether or not his words reflected the "Jedi way." He just needed a little help here.

Craning his neck to look around, the padawan's eyes widened. Virtually out of nowhere, a large Togorian with razor sharp claws extended, bounded the Hutt's way, and kitty did not want to play. In the next moment, the Togorian crashed into the Hutt like a freighter into an asteroid, and Sage braced himself for impact.

[member="Digo Odel"] [member="Piraiba"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"] [member="Gorg"] [member="Armand Temi"] [member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="Alisa Kalor"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"]
If time would have allowed it, Zambrano might have frowned at the sudden miss and failure of his whip. In a sense, this was partly expected when considered from a perspective outside of Zambrano's, given that he was dealing with no push-over. Even in the most advantageous position, enemies could exploit an attack to find a secondary or tertiary reaction to any action one made against their opponent, given that they had the power or resolve to carve this new option through. Thus far, his newly acquired companion in the Primeval Agent, hadn't erroneously interfered with the gigantic cat's plunge, least he be caught between either the Hutts whip or a charging Togorian. Granted, he was armored, and far more sufficiently than Zambrano, most especially against the wild cat's more lethal of weapons, the lightsaber, given his cortosis. Even still, the gargantuan slug was not completely outmatched despite the difference in muscle-mass, force mastery, armor and weaponry, as the Acolyte had at least one crippling move he knew from prior experience would be effective against the beast. At the present moment, it could not be released, given that the Hutt had no outstanding pain that would warrant using the force again due to his extreme mental exhaustion, and would only be used if the circumstances looked very dire. His desires were fairly simple, given that he wanted to cause others pain, so naturally being given pain was the antithesis of his primary motive to live, despite its utter and complete ignorability. Which in a twisted kind of way made him sort of normal, since everyone typically avoided pain, albeit for different reasons.

The momentum of the whip in action had already began to twist around, prepared to be coiled again, before it would be asked to change direction, which previously had been described as no quick and easy process despite the versatility of a whip. Unlike most whips, this one was barbed, and thus experienced far more air drag than the more conventional tool. Attempting another attack with the whip would probably be a less than fantastic move, but unfortunately that would be among his only moves. The Hutt would force the whip back downwards and across his body, in an attempt to intercept Piriaba in his tumble. The attack was mostly in vain however, as the Togorian was nearly at the full extent of the 6 meter whip and travelling at about 13 meters a second, the enormous cat would be in the midst of tackling him in a mere half a second. The full motion of the whip would most likely impact the back of Piriaba's head within around a full second. If nothing could be done, Zambrano would experience what it feels like (again) to have a lightsaber lodged in your lower intestine... or at least, whatever organs a Hutt has down below.

Luckily for the Hutt, despite this ill turn of events, the remainder of his Gamorrean guard would soon be closing in the defense of their Master, in addition to the remainder of the denizens still under the illusion that Zambrano was their friend. Every few moments the stronger minded individuals would return to reality and scamper away or find themselves in a confusing position, with Piriaba being the first and most dangerous to return. At this point there was about three out of the original six, although the third one was beginning to become a little hazy in her belief in Zambrano. One of them however, had been tracking Piriaba with a blaster rifle the moment he began his insane charge towards his master, and quite possibly at the last possible second he was able to squeeze off a plasma bolt. He had been attempting to line up a clear shot given the tremendous speed of the feline, and only when the cat dramatically altered his speed in order to tumble did he find his chance to fire. As the feline closed the distance on the Hutt the plasma bolt would be in the process of impacting Piriaba's armored side, given that no conditions were changed within those few milliseconds, which would nudge the cat just enough to the side to ensure that upon the activation of the unusually long saber blade, no major organs would be puncture, if any existed in the lower portions of Hutt anatomy.

This of course, would unpleasantly uncomfortable, likely for all parties involved, as while the Hutt was getting impaled, he was bringing down his whip right onto the back of Piriaba's head. To make matters worse, the agonizing presence of the Jedi Master put an incredible strain upon Zambrano's mind once he came into visual range, it almost literally cause the blackened labyrinth of his vile disgusting soul to burst a growing vein on the Hutts massive forehead. Already the Hutt's golden eyes had gone bloodshot from the addition of three padawans, a Sith Knight, and now a Jedi Master. That coupled with the burning impalement he was about to receive, what little of the Hutts reservoir of the force would burst in the dire emergency, causing veins to pop and bleeding to appear at nearly every orifice from its utilization. With each additional force sensitive, the Hutt's overall pain tolerance decreased, and with that his effective potential in the utilization of the force. As such, in the next moment following this one, the Hutts utilization of the force had to work, in order to ensure the timeline continued as it has. The pain would be nearly unbearable for anyone.

Already the Hutt screamed at the heavens with the hellish scent of brimstone and the dying dead...

[member="Digo Odel"], [member="Piraiba"], [member="Zaren Bouqi"], [member="Gorg"], [member="Armand Temi"], [member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Alisa Kalor"], [member="Sage Bane"]

Digo Odel

[member="Piraiba"] @Zaren Bouqi @Gorg @Armand Temi @Catalys Maijora @Alisa Kalor @Zambrano the Hutt [member="Sage Bane"]

He looked around the deck as the blood curdling cry from somwhere below tore through the air like a dull razor through paper. The sudden sound making Digo start thinking he was a target now. The young girl squeezed his neck and sniffed away tears as she muttered something indistinguishable into his reptilian back.

"It gonna be airee, Lil'missus." Digo told her though had he a choice he likely would have sobbed as well.

"Okay, mister." she said as she tightened her little legs into his sides.

He could see the slaves he had freed across the way waving at him from The Jaunty Umbaran's view port and he knew that was his only chance. He waved an arm frantically in an effort to tell them to start the ship. As he turned away he heard the oversized engines activate and for a minute felt relief. he found a power cable and pulled it down sending a shower of sparks across the deck. Quickly he pulled it out and gave a shambling jump from the caravels port side and swung toward his own ship.

The cord was to short, however, and he let go at the end of the arc flying through the air. His arms waved wildly and whether the scream was his or the little girl's it was hard to say for sure. he had aimed for the open hatch and the lone Duros slave that stood there waiting to catch him, but sadly he face planted half a meter low and had to hold on for dear life as the girl was pulled in and the ship began to rise.

his face bloody and his body aching he pulled with his massive arms until the Duros bent down to help pull him aboard. The hatch closed as the rag-tag band of misfits began their escape.


Togorian Barricade
The speed in which the full weight of the Togorian collided into [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] would have been enough to instantly kill an ordinary human. It would still certainly probably at least knock the wind out of the Hutt, but the Sith Acolyte did have the overall mass needed to stop him. Luckily the elongated saber blade that then impaled into the Sith Acolyte did not strike any major organs.

Piraiba had been on his back when he was brought to a halt. Right at that moment the whip changed direction and came down at him. The feline moved his right arm to block with an armor vambrace. Unfortunately the barbed weapon struck him on his unarmored bicep instead. The dense Togorian flesh gave more resistance than the slaves had, though the weapon still managed to draw blood. The poison coating wouldn't effect the Sith Knight instantly as the force slowed his heart rate during battle, but the effects wouldn't take long to show.

The cat ripped his lightsaber from the hutt's enormous stomach, and then proceeded to jump to his feet. The brilliant white blade of his weapon moved up to what he assumed to be the gastropod's throat in a sort of checkmate. Standing right in front of Zambrano severely reduced the effectiveness of the whip. There the predatory green eyes of the Togorian gazed deep into the golden bloodshot eyes of his prey for a briefest of moments before the Togorian jumped onto the hutt's nearby getaway ship. Piraiba also had detected the presence of the Jedi master that had entered the fray. He would not be caught with such a foe to his back.

Then the beast noticed the blaster bolt wound on his hip that he had received from one of Zambrano's followers when he was charging the Sith down. Also why was his arm starting to feel sluggish and numb? There were to many jedi to reengage with wounds. He'd need to recuperate. As such the Togorian moved across the ship and jumped down on the other side before starting to make his way off scene. Armand was on his own now, though he hardly lacked for reinforcements in his quest to save his comrade.

[member="Digo Odel"] [member="Sage Bane"] [member="Armand Temi"] [member="Alisa Kalor"] [member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"]
[member="Digo Odel"], [member="Sage Bane"], [member="Armand Temi"], [member="Alisa Kalor"], [member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Zaren Bouqi"], [member="Piraiba"]

The blade slid into the Hutt without effort, burning his innards and amplifying his scream out of nightmares. He nearly dropped his useless whip as his assailant removed his weapon from his pudgy flesh, to stand tall before him, blade on point to his throat. Naturally the psychopath disregarded this as a problem... but was also naturally... too tired to do much of anything other than feel pain. The serpent glared lazily at the beast who might have slayed him one more time, prepared to unleash the assault of his mind that would set him to sleep... but even as the crushing pain might have motivated him to complete the task, he simply couldn't. Nothing that had been expected happened, and before the cat even started escaping... he nonchalantly turned, and gripped upon the ankle of his captive once more.

All influence on those within the station was lost, and his Gamorreans rushed to the aid of their master, and the Primeval Agent joined his company. Luckily for Digo, the brave soul he was, he had left just in the nick of time. Had it not been for Piriaba... he might have joined the slaves in their captivity.

With that, the Massacre of Urooter's Shadowport Station ended, the Hutt Chariot ascending into hyperspace with the fate and destiny of many changed forever through the delusion and sadistic desire of a...


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