Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Roon Run- Smugglers/Open

"Sure boss."

Thalia says as she sees Dak reach for her hand and the strange part is she actually lets him take her hand. Before this day she would have never let someone so much younger than her hold her hand but this was a special case. Today she had taken a liking to the little boy but she didn't quite know how far it would go.

[member="Jack Raxis"]
[member="Thalia Kaia"]

The nice thing about being in the seat of the Techno Union was the flourishing economy on Roon. You could find anything if you knew just where to look. The overcast skies were casting a dreary fog into the thin alleyways of the red sector. The Red Sector was the shady part of town, where shopkeepers only opened doors of iron with passcodes and if they knew who you were. Jack had hired a guide to bring them around.

The first place they hit was a little streetst and, where he got them some strange kind of meat on a stick. His Besk;ad was jangling on his hip and rifle holstered at his back as he made down another alley behind the guide with quick steps. Behind him Kaia and Dak were chattering up a storm. But not Jack, he was focused on two things.

Thing one, a shortranged blaster.

Thing two, repairs for Kessels Pride. That balst earlier had definitely hurt the comms and they needed a new core for the Hyperdrive. Castellos arms was short run from the edge of the Sector and the guide knocked on the door, speaking some kind of funny Huttsee that Jack could barely decipher. And then his stomach dropped when a droid exited.


Why always with the droids?

He hated them. Their beedy little eyes and mechanical servos made him sweat buckets.

"You the buyer."

Jacks hand was clasped firmly on the hilt of his Besk'ad, resting there.

"I am, got a DL-44?"

"Old tech but yes, we have. Come."

He stepped into the small shop. The smell of gun grease and charred meat was overwhelming. Nearby the owner was grilling up some kind of steak, filling the room with acrid smoke. Lips still pressed thin Jack followed the droid to the racks, where all manner of nasty weapons were laid out. DL-44's, Disruptor Rifles, Nightstinger Snipers. Most of it was illegal and a feast to the weary spacers eyes.

He hefted one DL-44 from the rack and sighted down the barrel holding it out as if to shoot. The sights were good, and the weapon looked a little antiquated. He like it.

"How much for this one?"

"Five hundred, it's junk human."


Jack threw a few credit chips down and tucked the blaster inside his waistband.

"C'mon you two, we're outta here."

And they were back on the street. Moving down a main boulevard flanked with speeder bikes. Swoop gang members were rampant here, different colors making a motley assortment before their eyes. Some he guessed were Vulkars, others part of some Black Sunn outfit. Ten minutes later they were in
Rusty Bolts and Buckets.

"Spread out guys. We're looking for a Hyperdrive core and a ten sixty shortwave antenna."

The shop was vast. Fighter parts hung in hooks from the ceiling, and other assorted jets and dishes for comms were lined up on old rusty shelves. Buckets and Bolts was fun of fun things too. Small repeater blaster attachments, a few mini concussion grenade launchers. As he browsed through the aisles Jack could only imagine what he would do with his next ship.
Thalia was reluctant to let go of Dak's hand but she knew she must so she began to look around looking for the that was needed. She caught sight of something that looked like it may help. She was about to call Jack over when all of the sudden Dak popped around the corner and walked up to her asking her to lean down so she does

"Whats up?"

He doesn't respond he simply wraps his arms around her.

[member="Jack Raxis"]
[member="Thalia Kaia"]

Jack was still browsing shelves and taking inventory of the equipment. It wasn't too long until he found what eh was looking for. A comms dish and a Hyperdrive core. Where the core came from was beyond him and it looked like the oldest piece of junk the galaxy had ever seen. The numbers on it were archaic and he swore he could almost make out the the faded symbol the old Confederacy of Independent Systems logo.

"Hey uh, you guys got any tool kits too?"

He had the stuff to take off the dish, just not enough tools to out it back on. Between Dak, Kaia and himself he guessed it would be a quick job. He wanted out of here and fast. The clock was ticking and time was money.

"Yeah, yeah right here!"


Jack scooped up the toolbox and nodded to the cashier, digging out a number of the credit chips and sliding them across the table. He wanted a delivery as they weren't going to be able to carry the parts themselves. Way too big.

"Kids, let's go."

He stepped out the door onto the street and made back down the alley. Just as he was rounding the corner he felt a knife at his back. It was dark and shadowy here, and he was quite certain no one was coming. He froze, not twitching a singular muscle.

"Jack Raxis. Looks like Johny law caught up with you boy. Your wanted on Nar Shaada!"

The last thought to go through his mind before he drew his sword?

"Over my dead body."
The simple name of the world pulled enough on her mind that she had to question why she had come to a world so far flung from the rest of the Galaxy. Though it seemed like such a place could be perfect for what was to come in the future. The Jedi liked to hide their little temples across the Galaxy; the Sith were much more easily to spot with their gaudy structures and statues of their greatness. Though she had thought just enough, why couldn't the Templars hide a little temple or safe house here or there?
This planet was perfect, a world of mountains, and more than enough to keep some little temple hidden away in some long forgotten valley in the upper reaches. For now though she had found herself mulling around the town, keeping her eyes out and her ears open for anything that caught her attention. It was easy to say then that the man that seemed frozen in mid step would be the focal point of such an event.
A soft smirk crept across her lips as she remained silent, waiting and watching. Her eyes slowly traversing the individual as she took in his physical aspects. There was plenty to learn from simply watching, and that was all she had planned to do in that moment. Her eyes piercing the thin veil of shadows to reveal the form of another individual, more than likely holding some kind of weapon to the being that before them.
"Now we wait..."
She spoke to herself, keeping her attention forward whilst her arms slowly crossed as they came to rest upon her chest. The armor glistening in what little light slipped across the facade of the metal. Her lips remained in that upturned smirk, her eyes as if belonging to a hungry predator. Her mind waiting to process what was to come next.
[member="Jack Raxis"]​
[member="Thalia Kaia"]​
[member="Thalia Kaia"] [member="Amelia Sorenn"]

Jack was a born fighter. The sword came out just in time and all his focus went into one thought. Immobilize the man that was after him, stop the knife fro sinking any deeper. His prowess was a little grater than he initially thought. He could almost feel the mans despair as he tried with all his might to move the knife, to rip Jack asunder up and down his back.


He pivoted on one foot and came to square with the attacker. The actual movement was too complex for him to maintain focus on freezing the man. As he squared he was met by the mans lunge, which was promptly countered by his off hand striking with a concentrated blow to his nose. The guy was dressed the part of a smuggler. Leather jacket, twin blasters on his hip. The palm of his hand contacted the mans face with a sickening crunch, just as Jack felt a razor sharp edge slice his elbow.

The knife wielding attacker backed up, reversing his grip and crouched low, circling Jack. Jacks own visage was set of stone, eyes full of fire and his Besk'ad pointed straight out, providing a spear like guard at the man. He wouldn't get in that close again without losing a limb.

His hit had struck well, blood was smeared over the bounty hunters face, making his visage ever more spectacular.

"Come here and face me like a man you worthless scab." It was a flat tone, quiet and full of derision.

"Oh I will Jack, and then I'll collect my credits on your head!"

The Bounty hunter was a good fighter. A feint slash reversed into a straight stab that Jack had to avoid. One foot stepped back and he clenched his jaw, turning sideways and leaning back to avoid the blow. The bounty hunter quickly retracted, and slashed, following up with blinding speed.

Another wound opened on his shoulder and he grimaced, reaching out and snatching the blade wielders hand with his own left hand.

"Critical mistake bud."

With two hundred pounds of pure muscle Jack pulled hard and twisted, sliding his black booted foot in behind the mans and hooking it. As he began to stumble, Jack was on him, arm cocked back. He fell to the ground in a swift tumble, and the Besk'ad thrust down, spearing flesh and bone on the hunters thigh. The force of the tumble broke his grasp though and the hunter rolled across the alley, popping off his shoulder back into a square crouch.

"Your footing is poor. Your determination is great."

The sword raised again, point towards the enemy straight out. Blood trickling from the burning wounds which he ignored. His own tolerance for pain was legendary.

"But you lack true skill, and a good counter strategy."
All fights had to come to an end at one point or another, and this one was going on far too long. It was no longer a fight between two individuals as much as it was a Corellian Sandpanther playing with its meal. With a heavy sigh she had slowly made her way from the rather sturdy post she was attempting to aid in keeping it straight. The crowd, while not large, had still gathered once the grunting and clashing of blades began to ring out in the air.
Carefully maneuvering herself through the small gathering, she stepped out of the crowd, her hand upon her own blade. Without as much as a word of warning or acknowledgment, she stepped forward, the blade sinking into flesh as it easily ripped through the cloth that was upon the back of the individual. Her hand resting firmly on his shoulder as the blade ran clean through, only then did her voice break the silence.
"You've toyed with him enough. He had no chance and would have likely bled to death even if he managed to kill you. This is a mercy."
Amelia allowed a soft smirk to cross her lips as she looked at Jack, before she leaned in, listening to the man gasping for air from the blade that had just cleaning slid through his lung. Her lips pressing to his ear as she smirked softly.
"Shh my dear. It is time to sleep."
Without another word, she looked to the man before her, then with a quickly a thrust as the blade came through the beings back, it was extracted from him through his side. What blood remained through came pouring from the gaping wound as she unwrapped her arm from around the man. A smirk slowly slipping away into a somber smile as the body fell with a thud.
Slowly spinning upon her foot, she swung the blade in the air to clean the blood from the blade. Stepping back towards the crowd and sheathing her blade, she stood only for a moment. Looking back to him, a soft smirk crossed her lips as she stepped into the crowd, leaving the body and Jack alone for whatever was to happen next.
[member="Jack Raxis"]​
[member="Amelia Sorenn"]

Location: Red District
Objective: Esacpe

She had waltzed in and killed Jacks adversary and then disappeared. It was crazy, and he blinked. He wondered what the hell had just happened and then he became astutely aware of folks with their Jaws to the floor. This was Roon, and here he was at the scene of a crime. whether it was the Seedy part of town or not, crimes still got reported.

This wouldn’t do at all.

"Dak move!"

Jack grabbed the young spacer and rushed through the alleys. Blood still trickled from his wounds as the pressure increased with every beat of his heart. Every crazed boot that hit the ground at high speed, propelling him as far away as fast as possible. No one had made him yet, no pursuers, no sirens of the Local Law Patrols.

He growled as he came upon an unguarded speeder. A couple of thugs were nearby, speeder gang type. No second thoughts he took the opening, throwing Dak behind him, climbing on and kicking the thrusters to high gear. Repairs would have to wait, they had to hide.

As the thrusters whined to life kicking up dust the Swoop gang turned, livid that he was stealing their bikes. They were criminals, he felt justified.

"Sorry folks."

That was all that escaped him before he leaned into her, driving her to full burn and ripping down the street. The only answer he received was a myriad of green blaster bolts, crashing down all around him in the dirt.

"Duck Dak!"

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