RC 212
[member="Oka Osaa"][member="Cross Ikon"][member="Sigourney Xanthius"][member="Lily Rose"]
Colap found himself in the hangar bay surveying the damage done to his crates from the jedi moving them all around with the force. Normally he would say something but he was too drunk to care at this point. Colap was half in the bag as he stumbled foolishly over to the trap doors in the deck and pried them open.
"Aha, there's our paycheck gents. Eh."
Colap grabbed the controls for the cargo arm and manuevered them deftly despite being totally drunk. Another cigar had magically lit itself in the corner of his mouth and spewed forth the sweet aroma of Endor's finest.
As the claw reached donw his Wolfhound Soalr plodded out behind him sitting at his feet, drool everywhere.
"Quit drooling all over the place Solar."
Colap knew it was no use so opted to just pat the fearsome beast head. When the arm dropped the two kilotons spice crates on a droid dolly, Colap moved to the armor rack near the door and slipped into his gray plated armor. With a deft movement he closed the faceplate and the eyes glowed. He loosened the Westar-35 blaster in his belt, readying it for quick-draw.
"These guys are kinda skethcy so watch your back gentlemen. I myself hate Trandoshans and Twi'leks. Greedy bunch those guys."
Colap hit the release on the door and pusehd the dolly down the ramp with a drunken kick, coming down slowly and deliberately with it searching the landing pad with his eyes for the contact.
Colap found himself in the hangar bay surveying the damage done to his crates from the jedi moving them all around with the force. Normally he would say something but he was too drunk to care at this point. Colap was half in the bag as he stumbled foolishly over to the trap doors in the deck and pried them open.
"Aha, there's our paycheck gents. Eh."
Colap grabbed the controls for the cargo arm and manuevered them deftly despite being totally drunk. Another cigar had magically lit itself in the corner of his mouth and spewed forth the sweet aroma of Endor's finest.
As the claw reached donw his Wolfhound Soalr plodded out behind him sitting at his feet, drool everywhere.
"Quit drooling all over the place Solar."
Colap knew it was no use so opted to just pat the fearsome beast head. When the arm dropped the two kilotons spice crates on a droid dolly, Colap moved to the armor rack near the door and slipped into his gray plated armor. With a deft movement he closed the faceplate and the eyes glowed. He loosened the Westar-35 blaster in his belt, readying it for quick-draw.
"These guys are kinda skethcy so watch your back gentlemen. I myself hate Trandoshans and Twi'leks. Greedy bunch those guys."
Colap hit the release on the door and pusehd the dolly down the ramp with a drunken kick, coming down slowly and deliberately with it searching the landing pad with his eyes for the contact.