The Red of Sinner
Battle Sister
Planet: Rakate Prime, aka Lehon
Objective: Find The Rakata Temple
Aboard the Hazard Beauty, Romeo stepped back, and forth as the ship descended out of hypersapce, and Rakata Prime came into view. His eyes burned a hot red as he watched it get closer, and closer.
"We are here." He called from the bridge. He quickly called out for the AI on the ship. "Beauty, what are the life forms on this planet? Where is the Temple located?' He quickly asked.
"Sin, it seems Rancors inhabit this planet, and I can not find the true whereabouts of the Temple." She replied.
Romeo sucked air through his nostrils, and let the darkside flow through his body, Something was giving a large pulse from the force, both mixed with the lightside, and the darkside.
"Do not worry about where it is, I shall find it." He said back. He had removed his armor while they had been on board, and visited the med bay, their was only so much Bacta could do for his wounds, but it was enough.
He had put his armor back on ever since then, and awaited on the bridge till they got out of hyperspace. Now he was one step closer to his goal.
[member="Adan Jax"] [member="Eliza Downheart"] [member="Mindy Moonlove"]