Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Location: Sith Temple Front Gate
Objective A
Allies: [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"], [member="Xavka Duquo"], [member="Nyte Ignis"]
NPCS: 2 Ancient Massassi Sith Spawn, 6 Elite Sun Guard
Background NPCS: Dug in Troopers in front of the temple, AA Guns, Shield Generator.
Enemies: [member="Lisette Kuhn"], [member="Kaida Taldir"], anyone approaching objective A​

While in front of the temple black armored troopers began to setup on the approach, digging in ahead. There was no signal given to the sunguard, they automatically moved into firing positions which best overlooked the battlefield, hard cover, maximizing their ability to hit without being hit, elite and taken from the best they were utterly ruthless and utterly devoted to burning their enemies from this place.

Reaching his senses outward connecting with forces around him, there was little of worth approaching, little who would mean anything to him or register as but an irritation, but that which was inside would be preserved all the same, Sith history and tradition.

"Doors" Darth Surtr's voice cracked outward, echoing taint, alchemy, the wounds across his throat not gritty now, instead a sound which drew on the foundations of this place, its history and certainty, a certainty that fed the armored form only bolstering it. The doors would be reinforced, the shield generator around the temple turned to full power and the anti aircraft guns put into operation ready to fell those that approached like chaff.

Flanking him two eightfoot tall giants cradled their axes which began to vibrate and cut air around them, coated in whatever poisons the sith spawn had thought would be best fitting today, likely the sun guard might have done the same, but not certain, each took their own pleasures from the screams of their enemy, and their own meaning from the lives they extinguished.

The Jedi had no idea what they were walking into, and what they had woken up, they would soon.

Force Fear and Cold Aura

Pooling into his fingers and exhaled outward, through the muscles the memories, wounds and history, the air would begin to chill in front of the doorway, fears would begin to swell directed at any form moving that wasn't of a darkside nature, cloaked or uncloaked their deepest and most unconscious terrors might steadily rise to meet them. He kept this at a low level for now, rolling like iron outward to increase the radius in a feint covering, sorched earth force style.

Raien was merely warming up, or cooling down…
Location: Quarters within the Sith Academy
Objective: Opposition to A/B
Allies: Available Sith, [member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Raien Keth"]
Enemies: Invaders, and being woken up abruptly Xavka Duquo

Nyte Ignis, Sith Sin of Lust, adept at Dominating Minds of those around her was deep into her dreams as a dark vortex overtook the skies of her fantasy world. She stirred, slowly, trying to shake it away from her, but the pull was intense from the Force. Something terrible was about to happen to the lush planet that she had been dragged here to, not on her own choice. She would have been useless to the Invasion that others were off doing.

Then muscled hand slammed to her metal door, and a resounding THUD would be heard as the sound knocked her from the uncomfortable bed onto the more uncomfortable floor. She growled as she heard the sound of her partner, her lover shouting at her. Oh, he would pay for this transgression. Before she even got dressed she stormed to the door, flinging it open, in time to see him walk past. Her black eyes fixed daggers into his back before she shut the door again.

Such a grump he was, she thought to herself as she dressed in her light armour and robe, pulling the cowl over her copper blonde hair. She came out, catching up to him, then darting in front of her, placing her form before his eyes until she turned around to face him, still walking backwards.

"What's going on Xavka?" She then turned again to be at his side. The back of her hand brushed along his own in limited affection, outside of their bedrooms (and the occasional war pit), they would be separated. In battle they were different styles, different people than when they were alone. This was her way of reconnecting him to her, of grounding him, to give him, and herself, something more to fight for. She looked up as they reached outside, letting out a slight gasp as the Force flashed in front of her, slight visions of destruction and she knew, protect the temple and those in it.

Her eyes met his...
Location: En route Front Gates of the Sith Temple
Objective: Defend the Temple
Allies: Sith ([member="Nyte Ignis"] / [member="Raien Keth"] / [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"])
Enemies: Invaders (@Lissett Khun / [member="Kaida Taldir"] / @Others after Objective A)

As Xavka marched towards the front gates of the Temple, he reached out with his senses, touching the mind of the guard captain that he had conversed with the day previous and broadcasted a message towards him. 'Gather your men, rally at the Gates. Prepare for Battle' The small message was all Xavka was able to send before his limited skills with telepathic communication caught up with him and broke the mental bridge.

Despite his actions, Xavka did not truly believe that the men he was calling upon to spill blood and have their own blood spilt would not make too much of a difference with the main body of the attack, those experienced and learned in combat, if anything, they would only be of use against the cannon fodder their enemies through at them, serving as cannon fodder themselves and tuning that battle into one of attrition of numbers and perseverance, a battle they would win as they had the home ground advantage, allowing them more men to call upon to offer their lives to the battle that was to occur.

Xavka was snapped out of his deep thoughts, his attempt to not acknowledge that he was unlearned in the art of battle and that he was most likely on equal ground as the cannon fodder he had called upon, by a voice within his ears. His left eye immediately focussed on the beautiful visage of his mate as she strode before him, her back to where she was going. He smiled softly, all that he would allow himself to do as he felt her hand brush against his own remaining one softly, understanding that that was all the affection that they could show before they would be forced to fight. It astounded him sometimes that this woman, younger than he by a few years, could anchor him so firmly to reality and install within him a fierce fire which drove his passion and instinct for surviving, all so that he would not force this angel to mourn him.

His smile turned slightly sab for a moment before he pushed it from his face and secured his emotionless façade, drawing his cowl up to cover his face in shadow as Nyte's touch left his calloused hand. He made no move to reply to her as they stepped out of the Temple proper into the front courtyard, knowing that she would soon See and Feel what he had. Sure enough, a gasp was pulled from her lips, her slightly husky voice making it more pronounced, before she turned to look up at him, gaze meeting his.

"Survive, I'shuree Doz. I am a selfish creature, do not make me be forced to abandon you." His voice was kept low so that no other nearby would over hear as a growl of feral protectiveness echoed from his throat before he submerged himself with a cloak of the Dark and began to compress his Force Presence, his focus on that alone as he approached the gathering defenders at the gate. He was not that skilled yet at Art of the Small to instantly hide himself, he needed time to prepare.

He came to a stop a short distance from one Sith from whom a feeling of coldness was being emitted into the Force. Drawing his sword from it's sheath, Xavka let it hang loose, the tip touching the ground, as his Presence began to shrink.
Location: Inside the temple, on the roof to be precise, upside down.
Objective: attack the temple.

Ebony had been waiting, waiting with a smile, sith were something she never liked, not in her entire life, there was a singular exception and for the life of her, Ebony felt that, no, she needed that the one sith she cared about was not on this forsaken cesspit. Ebony giggled lightly, she heard the ships begin to break the atmosphere, she heard it and giggled more. She stood up now, her magnetised latex suit holding her to the roof of the large temple, her metallic heels clicking along the roof as she saw sith rousing themselves from their many activities. With a saber hanging from her waist and her fingers dancing across her wrist mounted computer while her harness of gear lightly rattled with each step.

"Time for the party to start" Ebony giggled as she tapped her screen for a final time and with that an explosion rang out across the temple, the front of the building cascaded inwards, its grand entrance now nothing more than rubble and Ebony smiled joyfully as she skipped along the roof towards her next bomb location, prancing around pillars and ornaments as she saw sith scramble to the source. "This will be fun" Ebony snickered.


Disney's Princess

Blue Squadron of RnR PMC Denon flew alongside the GA Fleet in attack position. The objective of the Force Sensitive Squadron was to deal as much damage to the Sith Fleet group as possible. As such, TIE fighters were the meat of the day. Roberts and her men had already entered into the Battlemeld that would allow them to communicate and share information instantaneously through the Force. Assisted, once again, by the powerful and calming influence of Battle Meditation by the one and only [member="Adele Adonai"] . The twelve X-wing Recon superiority fighters were ready to deal some serious damage.

The Force would be with them. Always.

It had begun.

Blaster fire began to rain down on them. Red lasers from turrets, soldiers, a dozen other sources that she could hardly count. The beams cut through the cloud of debris, bouncing off bright blue and green lightsabers. She rushed forward, the first to come out of the cloud of Debris. The young Jedi Master dashed towards the Sith Temple, the broken and now half scrapped freighter laying behind her. It's hull lay broken, its engines cracked, its entire form an unusable husk. The freighter wasn't to be a tool of escape, it was broken, those Jedi and Galactic Alliance Soldiers that had been brought by it would find another way out.

Yet that wasn't on Aela's mind as she charged forward, all she thought about was that moment.

What they were going to do.

She rushed into the ground of the Sith Temple, a massive turret slowly rotating towards her. She dashed to the side, her saber flung from her palm with a single wrench of her arm. The bright pink blade swirled over and over until it was but a thin disk of plasma that. The disc sliced through the the turrets barrels, bright sparks of blue erupting as the turret's energy surged. An explosion ripped through the turret, lancing fragmentation to the nearby soldiers and tearing into their armor. Her palm raised and the hilt of her saber slapped back into the hand. "Come on!"

Aela shouted back to the others as they began to push into the temple.
Orbit Over Coruscant
[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]
Hauntruss Flagship Escort Squadron ORBAT: I guess this works? Kinda just drummed it up.
Wyyrlok-Class Star Destroyer (The Tormentor (Flagship), Dominion, Garganton)
Dark Blade Class Dreadnaughts (Tormentor Escort)
Vanguard Class Heavy Cruiser (Anti-Capital Ship)
Razor Class Frigate Anti-Fighter

Suddenly in a break in the fabric of space Hauntruss' Flagship Escort Squadron ripped from hyperpsace on the otherside of Coruscant. Admiral Tharsis, who was given command of the fleet flung his arm at his commanding sensor officer (CSO). "I want a full report of the enemies scanned positions now." Then Tharsis turned to stare at the very far crescent of the planet's circumference.

"All ships battle stations! Form into attack layer!" Tharsis growled. As he did the ships began to manuever using the planet as cover so that the enemy didn't interrupt their movements.

In three stacked layers the various warvessels made their movements. Each layer with the middle, where the flagship Tormentor was located, thickest guarded, a layer of Star Destroyers flanked by Dreadnoughts with Anti-Capital ships and Anti-Starfighter Frigates dispersed in between. Although an Escort Squadron, it's original naval duty was to protect the flagship so it was designed to be powerful from distance and thickest in protection. Slowly the stacked formation drifted outside of the planet's obstruction so that it could reach visual contact with the enemy.

Tharsis kept a grim glare and waved his hand at one of his pit officers, "Prepare for long-range assault. Lets put our new long-range speciality guns at play." The pit officer saluted and called upon the gunnery to prepare the Heavy Long-Range Dual Mass Driver Cannons, Heavy Long-Range Turbolaser Cannons of the Vanguard and Dark Blade at work. Feelers for the nerves of the enemy fleet. "Target the closest vessels and fire when in range."

Attack Transport Coruscant Atmosphere
Heading towards Sith Temple Center
Allies: [member="Raien Keth"] [member="Nyte Ignis"] [member="Xavka Duquo"]
Enemies: [member="Aela Talith"] and anyone approaching A

Hauntruss was seated in her command chair behind a legion of Stormtroopers, her most veteran and bloody soldiers, the Dreath Dragoons. As the attack transport descended, she had called the pilots to make for a drop by the Sith Temple. She would regroup the forces and attempt to contain the situation from there. The transport shook and rattled as it passed the atmosphere. Hauntruss was boiling with suppressed rage. Heavy exhales from her nostrils puffed out as she closed her eyes and focused on the force. The dark side bubbled and like a fine mist spewed from her body as she flung her expansive power across the reaches of the transport's advance. Meanwhile all along her the dark clad dragoon members prepared their weapons and armor. Hauntruss began to mutter in her meditations. It had been sometime she had last unleashed her mastery over SIth Spells and Dark Magic. But, she knew that she would need it. She chanted her silent spells, charging their magic so that when she stepped off the transport she would be ready to fling a wrath that would make those who would assault her dark haven pay ten fold.

Fast approaching the Temple, Hauntruss hear over the comms a co-pilot mentioned that in a few minutes they'd be at the LZ. Hauntruss called out the pilot, "Contact the temple garrison and all nearby garrisons. I want the temple and all planetary bases on full alert! War status now!" Soon the whole planet would be at military alert levels similar to an invasion status. Garrisons would be awakened, militia mobilized and planetary defence systems would moved to highest sensor and retaliation statuses. All the while they would feed their info back to Hauntruss and any Sith Lords who heed the call for aid.

Suddenly the transport made its most violent shake. They had locked down. Hauntruss rose and ushered her dragoons to follow. They would spring out and moved to take likely landing sites near the Sith Central Complex- by the Sith Temple. Lunging out from the ramp she charged with her forces. Snap and crack, her red beamed saber spat out from her hilt.

​"Dragoons, Sith Knights on me! Death has come and we are its messengers!"
Hauntruss roared both through the powerful blasts of her vocal chords and through the force using her powerful control of the dark side to speak to any Sith loyalist nearby. She would make sure that her oppressive dark side aura would bleed onto the battlefield and wiegh down with telepathic horror all those that would challenge her.

Evan Kenner

The Wrong Side of Heaven
Location: Hopping out of hyperspace above Coruscant
Objective A
Allies: Galactic Alliance, Silver Sanctum, and other allies
Enemies: One Sith / [member="Darth Hauntruss"]


Evan Kenner dropped out of hyperspace a bit later than he should have. When he heard there was a large group of people going to raid the Sith Temple on Coruscant, he knew he would want to take part. Any chance to mess with those brutal karkers was welcome to him. Though, he was nervous. He had never faced any Sith in battle before. This would be his first time, and hopefully not his last.

A collage of massive starships clouded Evan's view from the cockpit of his starfighter. It had just occured to Evan that his starfighter is a Primeval fighter. Perhaps he could use that to his advantage... He hit the throttle and started burning space behind him as he roared toward Coruscant's atmosphere. He would have to pass close to [member="Darth Hauntruss"]' flagships, however, and was ready to answer some kind of hail. He did not send out a hail to any Alliance starships as to not blow his own cover. Hopefully they would not try to shoot him down in the meantime.
Location: Sith Temple Courtyard
Objective: Opposition to A/B
Allies: Available Sith, [member="Xavka Duquo"].
Enemies: Invaders and [member="Aela Talith"].
Equipment: Light armour, Sith sword, simple dagger, poison vials

Nyte Ignis saw the Jedi coming towards the temple and she knew, even though she stood less of a chance at surviving that she had to face the invader. She came towards the woman, drawing her dagger, not the best weapon of choice for fighting someone that already had their lightsaber. Nyte really needed to tell Darth Ferus that she needed and deserved a lightsaber. Maybe after this was over.

Though in reality, Nyte probably would wind up on that beach in the sky, might run tests on seashells.

She called out to Xavka in the Force, calling for his help as she came charging at [member="Aela Talith"], focusing all of her energy at dominating her mind, pressing a bit of confusion into her head. Though, Nyte imagined, that the Jedi Master would be confused naturally as to why a Sith Apprentice was charging at her like a Rancor, Sith sword and dagger in hand.

Nyte flung her hand out, expelling a few of the Jedi that were coming towards the temple entrance as she called out, "Invaders to the Sith Temple, you are not welcomed here." Next time... comm units exist. Use them, we'll bring fruit, Nyte thought as she held up the dagger and Sith sword. Her stance liquid, waiting for whatever happened next...

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders

That was what this person was. This… slab of meat, hanging from the ceiling. And he was extracting all the pleasurable feelings from her. The exquisite agony, the delicious suffering. It was really doing a number on his senses. To say that if anyone came into his apartment they’d be concerned Lucas Gravois was high? Well, that’s a bit of an understatement. There is nothing better to him, than that of pain and suffering that he instigated on another.

Intoxicating. Hitting his mind like a trip of the strongest, most toxic spice.

From the table he picked up the knife again, and wiped it off on his hand. Now this Twi’lek… what was her name? It didn’t matter. She didn’t have family on this world. Came to Coruscant looking for fame… or money, or opportunity or something that was just maddeningly depressingly inane reason. And now look at where she was.

She was hung from her feet as some sort of terrorist outfit was coming to try to liberate a world.

This world didn’t need liberating. What it needed was for the Sith to be removed. The Sith to be reformed, restructured and reforged.

These Sith were weak.

Maybe he should go out, try to nab himself an Alliance soldier. Or he could play the smart game, the waiting game. Stick to the shadows, until the right time. And strike.

With that, he slashed into the Twi’lek’s leg and tore a chunk of flesh down. Eyes closed, back arching.

That was the stuff.
Location: Sith Temple Front Gate
Mission: Happy thoughts! at Objective A
Allies: [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"], [member="Xavka Duquo"], [member="Nyte Ignis"]
NPCS: 2 Ancient Massassi Sith Spawn, 6 Elite Sun Guard
Background NPCS: Dug in Troopers in front of the temple, AA Guns, Shield Generator.
Enemies: [member="Lisette Kuhn"], [member="Kaida Taldir"], [member="Aela Talith"], anyone approaching objective A

Flashes and screams ahead as the lines met, then again behind. [member="Ebony Blackheart"] As the bounty hunter’s explosion caused dust and rubble to fall, the entrance coming down was of little consequence to this proud Sith. Forget reinforcing doors, now large chunks of heavy stone, support beams and roof blocked the way. Though one or two of the troopers fell down or were crushed, Raien’s group barely flinched, taking pains to line up better shots from the new cover provided.

“Use the cover, bottleneck them if they enter.” His phasing voice demanded to those inside and out.

Holding Force Cold and Fear Aura.

Weighty concentration deepened, pulling further into the dark energies inherent in where they stood to claim more. Intensifying the fear inward to horror, to screams as several of the foremost troops reaching the perimeter of his technique, simply panicked and either ran, dropped their weapons, or one or two shot themselves as they saw their own deepest horrors or uncertainties thrust into their mind, most were not even aware they had them. Psychological warfare was one of his mainstays, and unrealised demons were the most efficient at surprise on the battlefield, because tension was already at its peak.

You’d have thought seeing some of the chaff approaching killing themselves or in flight would make the Betrayer happy, but he could barely see these force signatures, these were nothing, these lives were meaningless, and a great anger built that he had been interrupted for… No one stood out, one beacon snapped his heavy focus to her, pointing to [member="Aela Talith"]. From their cover the deadly Sun guard opened fire around her, not on her, instead killing those she spoke with, ending the lives of those she looked to or stood beside her, starting to single the strong signature out purposefully, only forced to stop with [member="Nyte Ignis"] 's charge toward her.

The Massassi broke ranks to move behind the handy new blocks of rubble the Jedi had provided, but the betrayer was unmoving, his saber move to deflect the first incoming shot easily, as if it was second nature to be here. All they need do is hold them here at this choke point, for [member="Darth Hauntruss"] and the reinforcements to come in behind them.

Peyton Steele

Location: Stepping into the streets.
Team: Chiss. [member="Miad'rien'navruno"]
Objective: Bravo

Wolfgirl lead the team out of the freighter, well, her team. She didn’t know why she was given a bit of a team here. The girl could hack some things, but her main skill was in blending in, knowing a lot of street things, faking what she didn’t know, and stealing. But she was here to do what she could, lead the right people without getting scene, armor aside, towards where they needed to go. The teams were doled out ponchos, to cover any armor they did wear, it’d be enough so that anyone on the streets of Imperial Center wouldn’t call them out from Adam.

Unlike Coren, Peyton didn’t have a connection to the Chiss. The worst would be Kaia, but the younger Starchaser was out being Super Warden of the Sky, and probably doing something else, maybe she was piloting one of the freighters, the writer didn’t know.

She looked around. City scape. This was a bit known to her, somewhere between this and Tatooine was her comfort level.

Phoenix, Arizona was nice, right?

Shaking her head, she looked over at the Chiss and nodded. “Yeah, just getting my bearings.” And being a lying liar who lies. “Alright people, keep your eyes open. We’re going to see what we can do about the planet’s defenses. Don’t start shooting until you’re sure they’ve seen us.” Keep it quiet.
Objective: A
Location: Outside the Sith Temple
Allies: @OS
Enemies: [member="Chevu Visz"]

Guard duty, a Master on guard duty. He was there on purpose. With troops gone, the Capitol was a sitting target, and Xander knew what to do. At least he thought he did. His mental state was all over the place recently as things had not been going his way. Sure he was a Sith Lord, but he was increasingly more aware the world he lived in was not his. He was 825 years out of place, and the depression he should have felt when he woke was hitting him now. Xander had one friend, and even then he was lonely. Guard duty gave him solitude.

Xander saw the freighter coming and sped to it. Whatever it was, it was up to no good. Twin sabers were activated. Xander would kill first and ask questions later. He needed a reason to deal with his grumpy attitude anyway. Whoever it was was going to wish they met someone else. Soaking in the dark side, Xander prepared himself for the fight which was coming. This was going to be fun.

Twin lightsabers that also become a staff. #idontbelieveintechtoys
Objective: Delta
Location: Space
Allies: Alliance/Coalition Combined Forces, Tiburon Squadron, [member="Friedrich Stahlmann"], [member="Karen Roberts"]
Enemies:[member="Darth Hauntruss"]

Always moving. Coren shook his head as he heard the call from Ijaat. The man was something else. “We’ll see how the damage is. Set the beacon, we’ll grab it.” He said directly to the Iron Man(do) before switching from a personal channel to a full Tiburon frequency. And from there he had to focus. Arsix was making a racket in the droid slot behind the pilot. The shuttles were hitting the hard deck, below the planetary cannons and were unloading, with that, Coren had rolled his fighter and turned back to space, juking to avoid flak fire from the surface.

“I see them!” He shouted to the droid before flexing his hand. The armor he wore, while a combat approved armor, was light enough on the arms and legs to allow for piloting and high dexterity movements. The E-Wing, like Coren, was all focused on making sure things moved a little bit more quickly than the rest.

“Form up, Tiburons.” He ordered to the flight squadron. All in dark blue painted fighters, mostly X-wings, unless one was assumed the direct control of. Coren had three X-wings flying tail for him in his dark blue E-Wing. The fighter had an orange strip running the length of the port side of the fuselage. “Key me into the fleetcomm,” Coren ordered his droid, as he looked ahead of him.

Destiny, this is Starchaser. Pleasure to see you here. Any orders?”

10 X-Wings in Tiburon. PCs feel free to Assume Direct Control (One gone with [member="Ijaat Akun"], 1 gone because Corey can't count worth a damn. 12 fighters to a squadron, not 13
1 E-Wing – Piloting
Objective: A
Location: Outside the Sith Temple
Allies: @Galactic Alliance
Enemies: [member="Darth Vizios"] [member="Raien Keth"]

As Marshall Talith disabled the turrets, Chevu moved along with the Galactic Alliance troops in a pincer formation. Blaster fire criss-crossed around them, cutting down Alliance troops and Sith security forces alike. The air was oppressive with horror and death, its weight so heavy that Chevu almost felt as if she would sink to the ground. It was the powerful effect of some Dark-sided being, she suspected, but much to her dismay, the Knight had no defense for it. She simply bore it with gritted teeth and a white-knuckled grip on her bright blue saber. From the front of the temple spilled Alliance troops, screaming in horror and clutching their heads, mouths twisted in madness. There were very powerful Sith just behind that gaping maw, ones who, with a flick of the wrist, could break the mind and ruin the body. Chevu clung to Master Oomomo's words as she entered into the belly of the beast. Trust in the Force. Let it guide you. Your focus determines your reality.

As she turned to make sure that all her men had made it inside, she stood at the gates, frozen. There was a man, a man she recognized, but from where? Squinting her dark brown eyes, she studied [member="Darth Vizios"]. Same long hair. Same blue eyes. Same top hat. It was the Sith Lord from Tatooine, the one who tried to purchase her from the slave fair before it was raided by the Techno Union. For a moment, Chevu was paralyzed. She hadn't thought about that day nor that man in ages, but suddenly and inexplicably, the Jedi Knight felt consumed with the need to know why. Why had he wanted to purchase her?

Not the time or place, Chev. There's a battle on. Tear yourself away!

She gave the Sith one last bewildered look, and headed inside the temple.

Gear: VT-Jedi Vanguard, BTI WB Heavy Blaster Pistol, lightsaber
Location: Firefight in a back-alley behind a dumpster... Somewhere vaguely near planetary defense controls.. Emphasis on vaguely.
Allies: [member="Coren Starchaser"], Galactic Alliance, Silver Sanctum Peeps
Enemies: One Sith... People shooting at his hat.
Equipment: Stated in post... Links in sig/bio to custom stuff.

Ijaat took a knee, racking the drum fed mag on his rifle as he took a peek out from behind the thick walled dumpster. Red bolts of blaster-fired promptly drove him back behind the trash box, muttering about the odds of his hat being shot. He had beaten up some old bar crawler fair and square for this hat, and he quite liked it. It gave him a certain air he was swiftly growing attached to. Muttering, he checked to see the micro-droid in the rifle was booted and synced to him via his biot, and then peeked out from behind the dumpster again.

This time, the rifle in his hands roared and spat a barrage of furious bolts. Truth was, he wasn't quite sure who was in the small smattering of people facing him, so he had opted for over-kill and opened up with the big gun. His rifle fired projectiles at a hair over three miles per second. There was very, very little that anyone, Force User or not, could do to dodge or block that. In fact, only one man had overcome this weapons system. And if [member="Reverance"] was here, he had bigger problems than his rifle not being fast enough.

Screams echoed as the precisely aimed spray of bolts took out three of the PDF types with ease, the last two dropping behind cover and entrenching themselves rather stubbornly. With a sigh, Ijaat slinked back behind the dumpster and waited. As he heard rubble crunching he whirled from cover and sprayed a short burst of fire again, checking the ammo counter as he rose from his crouch, he nodded in satisfaction. Taking a cigarra from his belt pouch, he touched it briefly to an igniter he retrieved, and puffed contentedly. Blue-grey smoke wreathed his head as he walked forward, checking the various downed bodies for anything. None of them had much except the squad leader. He had some sort of credential card. Likely low file and security, or maybe nothing. But taking that and a rather nice looking chronometer (hey, he's dead, dont judge!), Ijaat strode off in the direction of the Defense Control Building, rifle at low ready, head on a swivel for any contacts.
[member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Nyte Ignis"]​

Her head snapped to the side, her attention immediately called to the voice that had shouted out to her. Bright orange eyes sparked as she spotted the young woman, a vibro blade in one hand and a dagger in the other. Aela's lips thinned, her eyes searching for someone else. A blaster bolt flew towards her from another direction, her pink blade reflecting it into the ground. The sounds of battle arose all around her, war erupting on Coruscant around the Temple of the Sith. She flexed slightly, twisting herself, then she shot forward.

A blink would have seen one miss it, but in an instant Aela moved forward.

She dashed towards the young woman, her lightsaber flipped in a an almost hypnotizing fashion. She slashed towards the ground, the blade digging into the duracrete floor and digging up molten fragments. A press of the force and Aela hurled molten fragments of rock at the young woman, not enough to kill her, but enough to burn flesh as a cauterizing distraction.

At the same time she pulled her palm back, reaching towards the young womans legs and pulling them out from under her.

Aela moved as fast as she possibly could, knowing that the Jedi behind her would do the same. Time was of the essence in this mission, missing a beat, letting a second pass without answer, it would see them fail. They had to move quickly, they had to disable as many Sith as possible and get into that temple. It didn't matter their methods, it didn't matter how it was achieved, but they had to get into that temple and do what they said they were going to do, or all this would be for naught.

[member="Tempest"] | [member="Friedrich Stahlmann"] | [member="Kaida Taldir"]

Gear: Armour, Weapon, Saber.

She felt the shudder of the shuttle as it took on flak fire. Gripping her saber, Abaigeal is ready for the coming battle. Years it has been since she was here on Coruscant, as a young child she would run the corridors of the Jedi Temple, while her mother worked or out on missions. Between Tython and Coruscant they are her homes of her youth and it sicken her to think this fair planet had fallen to the Sith. She did not care what faction, Sith are Sith. A strange paradox of thought considering Sith blood runs in her veins.

Abaigeal is here for many reasons, to right a wrong and connect with her past once more. It is her way of healing from the torment inflected upon her by Vornskr. A long road she must travel in order to find her way to her destiny. This is the start of it.

Looking around the shuttle, clinging to the over head support for stability as it ship descends to ground, she sees some of the people associated with the Sanctum and Sio. Only a gentle nod of recognition and greeting would be given.

Standing close to her is her friend [member="Ryn'Dhal"], a Jedi Padawan she met on Tygara. A healer come to assist any wounded .. she had asked him to come with her, as he is not only a good healer but a warrior as well.

Like all in the ship she waits for touch down.

She had never asked for this. Yet she was told she could make a difference, told that she could be part of the good fight to see the galaxy finally stand up to the waves of evil that held it under their sway.
It had been all the Starchaser’s fault, she knew that better than anyone. A young girl looking for a way off a moon and now a soldier marching on the headquarters of the One Sith themselves. Coren had a lot to answer for.

She was their in order to assure that the artefacts they went after were indeed worth it, her archaeological and salvaging skills apparently handy for such a situation. Sure she had told them all that anything that felt wrong was probably worth it but still she had been told to go along with the attacking force and be of assistance.

Naturally her transport had landed early and assistance now meant helping breach the temple itself among with several Jedi and the brave men of the Galactic Alliance.

Blaster fire and death was the scene as turrets and troops began their defence of the most holy and sacred site of the Sith, Kira returned fire where she could but mostly kept her head down in order to stay alive. She would much rather be up with the others in space. Just seemed safer.

“Vaal. You stick close to me now.” Lieutenant Cobbs, a likeable man who Kira had befriended in the transport shouted from a nearby wall he was hunched behind. “We’ll get you in and ou—“ He fell dead, a blaster bolt through the helmet as Kira watched her eyes stunned and wide.

Then it happened.

“Oh no.” Kira could feel it like a shadow in her gut, a presence she had not felt since…

“Raien.” If she could feel him, he sure as hell would know she was here too.
This attack was becoming more and more like a suicide mission.

[member="Lisette Kuhn"][member="Raien Keth"][member="Aela Talith"]
Ebony could hear it, the death, the fighting, the slaughter, Ebony knew what was happening, what was coming. She continued her brusque pace around the temple, four large and extremely high yield pieces of explosives were laced around the pillars of the main hall of the temple and a thing walk was shaped line of plastic explosives lined the floor in an almost "red carpet" fashion. Ebony's fingers were again dancing over the computer on her wrist, happy to have not yet been found out. Then she got to work on the comms, she wouldn't be able to pull a trick like this a second time, however she'd need to pull it some time. Then with the flick of a wrist, she sent through a virus, straight through the sith comm channels, nowhere near potent enough to leave any lasting damage on the system but it would pose for some dissaray as when she entered it. the system crashed, all communication within the temple for the sith suddenly flatlined. Ebony sighed to herself, she had about ten minutes before it'd be up again, so she needed to work fast, had to find the datacrons and holocrons. So her wrist mounted computer was active once more.

A moment later she has a set of schematics to the temple and then she switched screens with a swipe of her hand, tapped a singular button and as several sith rushed across the main ground of the temple, Ebony giggled lightly as the hundred thousand degree explosives roared to life at the bases of the pillars. the sound of rubble bursting up and screams echoing sent another giggle to Ebony as she clapped lightly watching the thirty or so sith soldiers or acolytes, she couldn't tell. Go up in flames as fire engulfed the grounds and sent hundreds of tonnes of debris cascading tot he ground in mere moments. Another mess left behind, and with another flick of the wrist, the two simultaneous lines of plastic explosives carved out a walkway from the rubble, leading from the main entrance to another large atrium.

"Now let's go find some data" Ebony mused to herself as she walked along the ceiling.

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