Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sand and Stars

Draco pursed his lips in response to Faith's quips, "Dragon of Alderaan. And yes," the big man's tone became light and playful, "I'm always in need of your company." Indeed he was rather clingy sometimes, and always rather possessive of his princess. He didn't try to own Faith or control her life or actions, but he did often make sure everyone else knew that she was his and he likewise devoted to her.

Faith laid comfortably beside him, rolling to lay on her stomach and instructing her husband to begin working on her back. Draco swung his leg over her and straddled Faith's backside, resting on the blue and white paisley bikini bottom he had requested she wear. It may have been a little selfish of him to pick something so obviously for his benefit, but Draco was quite pleased with that selection. "Oh do they wander, these idle hands of mine." his false lamentations were spoken with contentment rather than sorrow. "I can't blame them though, you just know how to distract me. How to entice me."

Deliberately, Draco began rubbing Faith's back. His hands worked on the inside of her shoulder blades, thumbs and palms applying deep pressure to her muscles in a slow rhythmic manner, his body in time with the waves that lapped upon the beach. As the waves would crest he would reset his position, hands between her shoulder blades, hips atop her hips, and as they crashed to the shore he would push forward and away from her spine. "Hmm, I don't know. I believe I am celebrating Alone Time, a celebration normally contained to one night but this time I think its going to be a week long event." Draco grinned widely for Faith, even if she couldn't see it from her position beneath him.

"I think there is something coming up soon. Talks with Sarapin should be wrapping up, so there is that."

[member="Faith Organa"]
He was clingy at times knowing him as well as she did she knew it would pass and he would once again settle down until then she feed his needs and reassured him everything was alright.

She knew exactly how to entice him it usually meant a pair of boots and a weekend up at the cabin. This though the beach boots would be out of place. There were other ways to play with his mind and keep him occupied.

"Umhmmm I know your tricks, all of them." She smiled slowly rocked by the waves and motion of Draco's hands. It was soothing and peaceful. The warmth of the sun, the slow lapping of the waves on the soft beach sand, and the lulling tones of Draco slowly pulling her down into the soft folds of sleep.

"Umhmmm alone time, we are celebrating. Yep Sarapin. Yep...Onderon....yep....and maybe Hapes too. Corellia though we are sharing it with HK and his group. I hope the Corellians are happy. Best of all worlds." Faith wiggled as she got comfortable. Soft brown masses fell to her shoulders as her skin dried quickly under the warm sun. She was content.

"Long flight, long week. What do you think of the name Ma'ree?" She sighed.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco kept his rhythm, his body rising and crashing in time with the lapping of the waves against the shore only meters away from the two lovers. His hands shifted, pressing his palms against her ribs and pushing against her muscles away from her spine. His hands wrapped around her sides each time, fingertips tracing gently against her stomach. His hips continued to press against her hips with each crescendo of the waves as a slight nudge against her backside. "Not all of them. I might have learned new tricks." The dragon smiled down at his peaceful princes.

"Ma'ree, its a lovely name." The big man shrugged his shoulders, leaning over Faith and planting a kiss on the side of her neck. It was difficult to work her muscles and back, keep the rhythm he had worked into, while also trying to kiss her, but not impossible. "Trying to help Ana come up with names?" He chuckled between planting kisses against her caramel skin, the faint taste of salt mixing with his saliva in his mouth.

Their drinks and finger foods arrived, carried by a luxury servant droid in the shape of a female. As it approached, it greeted them in a melodic robotic voice, "I brought your refreshments Your Majesty, is there anything else you would like?"

Without looking up or stopping his hard work massaging every last knot from her body and rubbing against her butt, Draco whispered to Faith, "I'm quite pleased with everything I have, how bout you?"

[member="Faith Organa"]
Faith shrugged, "maybe" she smiled.

The mechanical voice of the droid broken their little moment together looking over she nodded that all was good. Draco had leaned down his beard lightly touching the round of her ear his breath warm she looked up at him, "Yes Drahr everything I need is right here" Drinks, food, and a good massage could not be beat no matter where you got it.

What made this special though was Draco. She could have just laid there and went to sleep it would be easy that was how magical his fingers could be as he worked to make her relax. She waited for the server to disappear over the sand back to whatever hideaway it had until called again.

"Shall we have our drinks?" She whispered to him "All this....touching ner Drahr" she didn't turn she just enjoyed a bit on the selfish side at the moment. "you know it will mean sooner or later you will have to........well breath a little fire." He knew how to make a fire that only he could quench and that was part of the reason for and water.

She looked at him watching that familiar intensity return. His efforts would earn him the reward that they were both beginning to desire. They were after all quite alone right now...and..well...everything was warm and fuzzy with the galaxy.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
"That's what I'm counting on," Draco grinned, pausing his rhythm to reach over Faith and pluck his fruity drink from the serving tray. The Maitai was a mixture of alcohols and citrus fruit juices into a sugary combination that was very high proof, but very good tasting. Sometimes Draco preferred such drinks to the bitterness of beer, it didn't bother him to ask for such treats on occasion. A few of those drinks and he would be in a good place.

"If everything goes in accordance with my plans, evening can't come fast enough for our little escapade." The barbarian turned prince still had a primitive side when it came to Faith, a deep burning need for her acceptance and affection. It might have been a little selfish of him to do his best to get her all worked up and bothered, but his intentions were pure. It wasn't just for his amusement or enjoyment, but to help her de-stress and leave her worries behind. Faith had so many responsibilities to so many people now, it would do her good to be just a princess with nothing to think about but her lover for a few days.

"So, you want to shift around and have me feed you fruits or more massage?" He smiled widely, setting his empty glass down and placing his thumbs into the dimples just above her hips and applying a comfortable amount of pressure. "Perhaps you want something else, or maybe you want to try your hands at massaging me? I can make anything happen for you ner ahiraor."

[member="Faith Organa"]
"You can and have made many things happen Drahr." She laid there exhaling she was a creature the loved touching. It just made her feel this connection to those around her. She continually hugged her children even though they rolled their eyes and quickly escaped to avoid more.

She never seemed to have enough of Draco. The way his hand slid over her skin causing her to focus on that one area often lifting a shoulder or arching her back enticing him to continue. This was relaxing and it was selfish. She took a lot from Draco. Even with her responsibilities she felt she often took advantage of his neediness to feel wanted.

"I can try giving you a massage. I don't have magic fingers by any means but I can try." She smiled hearing Draco reach out for the glass the ice gently tinkling as he lifted it. Too many of those and she wasn't sure what he would do.

"Shall we switch places?" She wiggled some she could do this, she knew how to wiggle her fingers.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
"Hummm," He said, a little surprised by her desire to switch places but not at all disappointed. His face scrunched and his lips persed while he thought about something. It was contemplating how to benefit from this unexpected delight. Selfish it might have been but he had every intention to fulfill her every desire in addition to helping himself. "Okay."

His leg swung over her as he dismounted Faith and stood up beside the chair, switching places with his dark haired princess. He stretched his back, leaning backwards and then forwards before laying down on the beach chair, face up. With a roguish grin he said, "I carry my stress in my abs tho."

The day was slowly drawing out towards nightfall, the sun lingered over the tropical island for a long time, but it had started the slow descent towards the horizon. He popped a few of the morsels of finger foods into his mouth and relaxed, chewing as he spoke. "So, anything important coming up on your calendar ner runi?"

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

She should have been surprised by his response he was a imp at times twisting things around to his advantage, well, benefit. She shook her head laughing. "Drahr, I know where you carry your stress....and that ain't it cupcake." But who was she to deny what he wanted. she shifted around till she was able to put her knees beside his she could lean a bit forward and work on his -- stress area.

She slid her fingers across his abs dancing lately with the pads of her fingers, "Anything coming up?" She tilted her head as if thinking, "Visit to Hapes I think is the only thing. WE need to work on the gang activity within our cloud, it plagues my thoughts continually. Perhaps it is time to call a meeting of the Assembly, call in all members of the Coalition and talk to them about what's happening."

She didn't press very hard remembering how much he had been eating and drinking.

"I'm having trouble reaching the members of the Coalition. Maybe we've gone too long without a meeting to talk and define what we want to do." She pressed gently while she talked, "What do you think?"
Draco laid back comfortably, relaxing on the beach chair while the sun continued to slip from the sky its rays shining upon his chest and upon Faith's back. They were quite the adorable couple together. Draco's eyes closed for a moment before he resolved to gaze up at Faith lovingly while she worked on his abdomen. She started to respond to him with the phrase, is anything coming up, and unable to resist Draco retorted in kind. "Yeah, something is." He whispered with a devilish grin, not referring to any event on their calendar at all.

His stomach tightened, the muscles in his body constricting at her touch as he concentrated on restraining himself. "Gangs, Hapans, Assemblies. So many things distracting you from me, I should be jealous." Draco smiled but she was right after all. There were a lot of things going on in the Free Worlds that needed her attention. His as well when he had the time to manage it. "Maybe we can get Laira and some of her friends in the Ranger Corp to help deal with the Gangs."

Another shudder of desire ran up his spine, Faith's fingers pressing against his stomach gently, her amber eyes driving the breath from his body as the halo of light fell about her face. "Lower please." Draco's smile didn't fade but he managed to keep his hands at his side despite every muscle in his body yearning to reach up and hold her to him. "I think the Assembly might be a good idea, see what all the worlds really want for themselves."

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

"Yes Laira and Theo both need to do their tours with the Rangers, and there is something else regarding Laira she must prepare for the Day of Demand she is already older than what she should be." Laira had been difficult to hold to one place at 16 additionally they did not feel she was ready for the responsiblity. Faith at times wondered if Laira was truly the type to be fit to rule Alderaan. She wanted to say in time but time seemed to not be on their side. She smiled at Draco she knew he understood all of this.

There was another minor issue the Rhindon Sword was not yet ready. The Museum was restoring it and it had taken more time than she anticipated. There were rumors that thieves were trying to take it so that they could use it to claim the throne. While it was a key part of the ceremony it would not give them the right to rule. She only wished she could tell them that maybe it would calm them down.

But only once Laira had completed these rites could they have the Coronation and Laira receive the Heir's crown. Until then she was a Princess of Alderaan of the Royal House but not the heir. Oh lord Faith's mind was just a wash with all of these things she instead had to breath.

She looked down at Draco who seemed to be wondering where she was. She smiled.

Lower please

She arched a brow, "any lower and it won't be your abs I'm working on" She tried not to laugh this was often too difficult to do. "Unless...Drahr that has been your intent" She leaned forward pressing her weight against him slightly, "Is that your intent?" She smiled.
Draco frowned as Faith spoke about their daughter. "Faith, you are going to have to convince her to get ready for that. It's not something she'll listen to me about. She's a lot like I was at her age." Adventurous, not willing to be tied down, and stubborn as an ox. Laira wouldn't listen to him about stepping up and taking responsibility, which was something he had to begrudgingly accept. Since for her entire adult life he had been retired and leaving the remnants of his clan to their own devices. But Faith had a way about getting what she wanted from anyone.

Laira was the oldest child of the reigning Queen, and expected to become the official Heir of Alderaan, however the rites of the Day of Demand and its associated artifacts had been lost or unrecovered until recently allowing the couple to put off the ceremony. Now there wasn't much excuse, they just had to convince Laira to undertake the trials and accept that one day, not anytime soon, she would rule the planet.

So far Laira seemed more than content to roam the galaxy, and perhaps that was best. Perhaps they could reach a compromise about the trials, or help her decide that she needed to respect the customs for now, and worry about the responsibility later. Anything was better than just waiting until someone took advantage of the situation.

The dark haired man grinned widely up at his princess, his grey eyes shining in the evening light. "It was." He admitted humbly from beneath her perch. She leaned atop him, putting more of her weight onto his stomach, driving the air gently from his chest. "Oof, yes that was my intent." Draco frowned, making his best puppy-dog eyes as she gazed down at him. "Its just that it's been soooo long and I'm soooo needy when it comes to you."

[member="Faith Organa"]
"Ok I will speak with Laira when we return." She wouldn't bring it up again during this vacation if she could help it. She smiled though at his words, his neediness which she knew so very well.

She laid on him now her fingers toying with his hair as she felt his muscles bunch and release.How long had it been since they had spent time lounging about doing as they pleased tangled in the sheets, and drinking to their hearts content. Her soft brown eyes showed a bit of her age just as the gray in his beard reminded them that time was slowly passing.

She inched up slowly till she could put her hands on his shoulders and push up. Faith looked down into his eyes always there she saw everything so clear. The devotion and love he carried for her and her alone. Not once had he looked at another woman but many had looked at him none had succeeded in luring him away from her.

She slowly lowered her head as she whispered, "I'm sorry you feel so needy Drahr and that its been so long" She knew they had precious little moments together. Moments at night were often whisked away by exhaustion. She smiled down at him though taking in the details of his face, "Should we make a little fire ner runi?" She placed her lips against his as desire burned deep inside slowly rising up to pull him deeper into the kiss.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
"She'll listen to you." Draco said reassuringly, aware that any argument with the fiery young redhead was unlikely to result in anyone getting exactly what they wanted. Laira had inherited some of his stubbornness and some of Faith's negotiating skills, making her an excellent haggler.

Draco allowed himself to relax patiently, enjoying their simple closeness for as long as possible. They were often separated by business or work, but cherished the time they had together. It was true they were quite physical, but not always without restraint. The big dragon enjoyed sitting in the sun with her just with him almost as much as he enjoyed breathing fire for her.

"Hmmm, perhaps its time. I believe," He wrapped his arms around Faith's waist loosely, accepting her deep passionate kiss warmly, relaxing into it until they separated for breath, "I Believe, you promised to go skinny dipping like a pair of brash and in love teenagers with me tonight. I think its about that time, don't you?"

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]
Faith laughed, "She listens to no one Draco. Too much...." was there? was it possible? By the Goddess she hoped not.

All thoughts of the impending arguments with Laira melted away as Draco held her close. He had a touch that sent chills throughout her body and made her heart beat faster. Slowly she let go of the stiffness that wracked her body to let the warmth of the moment take her away like her favorite bath beads.

A soft sigh could be heard giving notice of her contentment, "Skinny dipping it is Drahr but one fish in the wrong place...I'm out " She winked at him, "Are you going to carry me away?"

She wanted the days by the lake back she wanted all that lightheartedness they felt to wash over them like the ocean around them. They were not teenagers any longer they had something deeper. Something that called to them in the darkness, something that bound them together over time and space, something that had made her long for him the many nights he had spent away, that something was love. She loved him desperately he was life to her. He made her feel alive and realize how fortunate they were.

"I hear the water calling." The gentle lap of the wave against the shore was steady proving a soothing song for the Dragon and his Treasure.
Draco smiled happily, wrapping his big burly arms around Faith's waist in order to carry her like she requested. "I suppose I can still carry you." He whispered, standing up with her held in his arms with only a slight grunt more from age than of difficulty.

The two of them were always escaping into each others arms when they could, time spent away only made the return that much sweeter, but he missed her dearly every moment she was gone from his presence. It was good to get away and be just themselves, no queen and her prince, no Alor and his riduur. Just Faith and Draco as they were.

"I hear it too, ner ahiraor." He whispered, snuggling against her neck as the water began lapping at his feet, and then his ankles, then his knees while he brought her out into the water beneath the moonlight sky at dusk, the last bands of orange and yellow mixing with the purple of night, reflecting off the water's gentle surface.

[member="Faith Organa"]
Of course he could still carry her why else would he run around the palace with his shirt off so much. He was showing off and letting anyone that came near her that he was there on the job ready to take anyone on that would dare harm or infringe upon his Treasure.

All Faith could do was smile and snuggle against his warm skin. She laid her head upon his shoulder as he moved towards the water. In the distance the last of the day's sun slowly set upon the horizon of deep blue. It was a perfect moment.

The water welcomed them back the waves gently swaying in and out. Faith lifted her head to kiss Draco's cheek. They were finally all alone just themselves just Faith and Draco Vereen, skinny dippers.

[member="Draco Vereen"]

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