Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Sands

While Not entirely Foreign to him, He often either misunderstood the mando'a Culture, or just never understood it. The few interactions he had with them were normally on hostile or at best, bad terms so he never had much of a window into what they believed. He did not fully understand why the mask in only some groups were kept on even after the battle was over.

Even passes armor he knew what a bad would would do to even the toughest of combatants. His next words to her were forcefull, so much so that his accent almost fully dropped. "Helmet off now Mando'a" He did worry about her, at least for now considering that she was good to have around if more of the bandits gained the balls to return "Let me stabilize or or you can do it yourself, the battle is over, If your goal is to die in battle you can wait till the next one" He tossed her some bacta spray from his belt and tossed it to her. It would stop bleeding but if would not do much more. There might be a pack that would be more effective nearby which he was going to look for.

TAGS: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla
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Jessie 'Kaiser' Corvus Jessie 'Kaiser' Corvus


Tae'l listened in silence, tilting her head to the side. In all honesty she wasn't sure why he cared so much, given that they were mostly business partners and that she was just... well, a hired killer for lack of a better word. Most would have scoffed and made comments about her religion by now, but here was, making demands like some doctor.

It was endearing, in it's own way. As was his attempt at speaking her language.

"Eheh... eheheh... haha!"

She started laughing hysterically, or as hysterically as the pain would allow her too anyway. Eventually it would fade to little more than a giggle, and then nothing as she shook her head and sat down atop a nearby crate.

"Mando'a is our language, Jessie. We are Mando'ad"

She suppressed one last giggle, tracing her holstered pistol in thought. Admittedly she was... curious. The only ones to ever show her that kind of care Wren and Iris, and even that was years ago now. She missed the comradery, and given that she was already an apostate according to her own creed, it made no difference anymore whether he saw her face or not. Not unless she could find a way to redeem herself, which so far had been a fruitless effort.

So with a deep breath and shaking hands, she slowly pulled the helm away and set it aside.
It was the heaviest it had ever felt.

Tae'l's lavender skin was still marred by the oozing crimson, which provided a stark contrast to the Anubian-style markings tattooed around her eye, which sat just above the wound itself. It seemed to be a mere cut caused by the shear impact against her cheek, though the force had also caused the helm to bruise her forehead.

Thankfully, those Irradiated-Green eyes- which seemed to take on a feint light of their own when exposed to the shadows- seemed intact. Albeit shy.

"I uhm... I might blind myself, if I try on my own"


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