Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Search Continues

Destination: Travelling to Mek-Sha
Objective: Find out information & beat up Stimky Slavers

Shan checked over the shuttle controls carefully, making sure the shuttle instruments were all in place. As much as he was a Knight now, and no longer a Padawan, it was hard to feel otherwise around Valery Noble Valery Noble . Though at the same time, he knew he had matured somewhat at least by asking for aid in the search for his mother instead of heading off by himself like he used to do in the past. There was only so much he could do by himself...and considering twice now his searches by himself had lead to him encountering some kind of Dark Sider.

Of course, he could have asked Kahlil to have come with them, but Shan wanted to give his ex-Master a chance to relax with Shan being out of his hair. He should check in on Kahlil though at some point. Shan hadn't really been around the Noble household much, either busying himself with working on training Zaiya or working on some kind of relief for the sick and injure. There were plenty of orphans who needed someone to help them and Shan was taking that role upon himself. After all, he was an orphan in his own way. He didn't want anyone to end up like him, even if he wasn't that bad. Shan just wanted to give back as much as he could since he felt like he hadn't done enough on Coruscant. A lot of dealing with the evacuation had caused him to get stuck on a shuttle and he hadn't been able to help with the bigger fight. He was partly ashamed at the fact but he just had to keep reminding himself that he was doing his best.

"It's been a while since we've been on a mission together. I can't remember the last time I was on a mission just with you, without Master Kahlil. How's everyone doing? Is Master Kahlil okay? Vera? Aris? And erh...Colette? Haven't really spoken to her much. I feel like...we've fell out. Think it might have been my fault but I feel awkward trying to talk to her now."

Might as well try and get a conversation going whilst they were on their way to the station. Normally he would have just flown down to the station using his interceptor, but he felt like that might have raised alarm bells considering it was clearly marked as a Jedi ship. It'd be like walking into an illegal gambling ring with a bright flashing badge that screamed "I AM A JEDI". He wanted to be able to actually look around and find information. Shan wasn't trained in subterfuge or investigating, but luckily for him, he had a Jedi Shadow with him to help him in his search. They just needed to find the nearest group of slavers. How hard could that be?


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

"Kahlil and the kids are doing well," Valery said with a warm smile. This mission was an interesting one — her first time on assignment with Jedi Knight Shan Pavond, rather than Padawan Pavond. Kahlil had done a fantastic job training him, and Shan had put a lot of effort into his own progression as well. It made her proud, and she looked forward to working alongside him more often. Whether it was for the war effort, or to take down slavers.

They'd do it together.

"But you should talk to Colette. Even if you butted heads, she still cares about you," Valery tried to encourage. "I talked to her recently and it's on her mind as much as it's on yours. Please, just talk to her." She knew it wasn't easy, especially with how young they were, but it was the only way to find a way forward.

One they'd both accept and be happy with.

"It's just...hard to talk to her about it. We argued about the Dark Side...and then I said I wanted to make a house for us to move into in a few years. Like five years from now. But it just...caused a lot of stress. I don't know what I'm doing right anymore. And I don't...really have anyone to talk to about it. Sorry. I shouldn't be talkin' to you about this. Should be more focused on the mission."

Shan shook his head, trying not to focus on the relationship issues. The mission was what was important. Colette came second when it came to the mission. Even if the mission was related to his mother, it was still important for other reasons. The sooner they stopped the slavers, the better. They'd probably be running rampant with the war going on. It was nearly a perfection situation for them all to start grabbing people and taking them away.

"So...I don't know much about how we should be doing this investigation. Nearly everytime I've tried to find people, it's ended up in a scuffle. First time I got my lightsaber stolen, second time I ended up protectin' some Sith from a Gang without realising, and then the third time I told you and Master Kahlil about. Ended up going to some slave auction. It's why we're heading to Mek-Sha. I found a transport manifest that named it as one of the delivery spots."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

"We have some time before we arrive, you know," Valery said with a warm, almost motherly kind of smile. "I'm her Mother, so I'd like to think I know her well. If I can help you two figure things out, you can always ask for my help." Whether that meant advice to go into the future together happily, or discussing a way to move forward without each other but in a way that left both satisfied. She hoped that all wasn't lost, but breaking up would still be better than their current situation.

It was eating them both up.

But as important as it was to figure it out, they also had a mission to focus on, "Well, I've taken down a lot of slavers, so I'm sure we can manage again. First things first, we can't show up, looking like Jedi. We'll have to get changed and act like we belong. From there, we assess the situation and we make our plan."

"Small steps."

"I just....I dunno. I feel like we're incompatible. I want to have a house eventually, whereas she thinks it's pointless to have one. I feel like I have a lot of sympathy for those who fall to the Dark Side...whereas Colette doesn't. I care for Colette. I really do. But there are certain aspects of me that I won't change for her. That I won't change for anyone...Does that make me a bad person?"

That was Shan's biggest fear. He didn't want to end up being like what he saw his dad as. A monster who didn't care about others. Someone who pretended to love people instead of actually caring for them. That wasn't the focus though. Shan blinked at the comment about not looking like a Jedi, glancing down at his robes. He wasn't used to not wearing them anymore, since he had joined the Jedi they were practically all he wore anymore. But like Valery said. Small steps. And he didn't necessarily need to bring his lightsaber with them either.

"I suppose I shouldn't go around askin' questions either? That's erh...normally what used to get me caught out on Nar Shaddaa. I guess it didn't help that a lot of the gans there already knew who I was..."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

"No, it makes you true to yourself," Valery said with an understanding smile, "We're not all the same and there are things we can disagree on without either side being wrong — we have our preferences. When you commit to a long-term relationship, it's important that there aren't any differences too great to overcome." One about living together could be an example, but another was having kids. There was no way to compromise with a decision like that.

"So, I really do think you should talk to her. Even if it means you decide together that you're not compatible as partners." It was no easy conversation, she knew, but a necessary one.

She had faith in them both to handle it well.

"Asking the wrong questions will make you look suspicious. If you're not sure about a situation, just follow my lead and ask your questions to me first."

Being true to himself...That was a concept that was strange to Shan. Though he nodded at the rest of what Valery was saying. Him and Colette had only focused on the small things that connect them and didn't think about the bigger things that disconnected them. He had thought that Colette would have liked building a farm, because it's what he would have liked. That doesn't necessarily mean Colette would have liked it...and from how the discussion had went with it, appeared she didn't like it.

"...Ah. Asking the wrong questions. So...asking where the slavers normally hang out isn't the right type of question to ask?"

He gave an awkward chuckle at that. Whilst he wasn't going to admit it, Shan was implying in his own way that those were the kind of questions he was asking out on Nar Shaddaa. No wonder he was getting his cover blown so often.

"We're coming in soon. I'll land the ship, then get changed out of my robes since we need to stay urh...low profile at the end of the day."


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

Valery snickered and shook her head, "No, that is not a good question to ask," she said, clearly amused. "At first, we shouldn't ask any questions at all if we can help it. They quickly make you look suspicious or at the very least draw attention to you. It's better to look like you belong." Slavers often put their slaves on auction out in the open, especially on worlds where it wasn't illegal. As awful as it was, it did make it much easier to find the people responsible.

"Once we've landed and gotten ourselves ready, we'll head into the city. Slaves are usually sold at markets or near the center of some urban hub." Where more eyes would be drawn to them.

It was sickening.

"Unless, of course, you have any specific leads?"

"Not anything specific. I've got their shipping manifest and...erh...a shipping number. Like...cargo."

Shan grimaced at the thought. Treating people cargo and merchandise. It was something he would never be able to stand for. But he couldn't focus on that now. He had to control himself which was relatively easy. He had learned early thanks to Cora, how to control any anger or aggression he might have. Just breathe and stay focused. They couldn't risk drawing attention to yourself. He had to act like he'd belong here...though the thought of that disgusted him to no end. This wasn't his kind of place.

"So....we'll head off towards the heart of the city, right? It makes sense to be where they're going to have the biggest...sales and whatnot."

Even the act of saying that repulsed Shan to his core. Part of him was starting to debate if death wasn't as bad as he thought for some people...but he dismissed that thought relatively quickly. Stay focused on the mission. He doubted his mother was actually here, but the more information they could get, the better.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

"That'll be enough," Valery said with a frown of her own. The mere thought that these people treated others like numbers — like bricks in a wall — was infuriating. But she couldn't allow emotion to control her. She drew in a breath, steadied herself, and focused her mind on the Force. With these manifests and the slave market likely being in the center of town, they had more than enough to make a difference.

They'd just have to remain patient.

"Mhm, that's where we're heading," Valery confirmed, but one concern still lingered. "Before we go, I do want to warn you. It's going to be very difficult to see what we're about to see. But remember... we're at our strongest when nobody expects us. Don't let emotions control you." She wasn't sure if he needed to hear this, but there have been plenty of times when she gave in to emotions because of slavers.

It was a natural response to be disgusted, but the best way to stop them was to not show it.

Shan couldn't help but smirk at Valery's statement about it being tough about what they were going to see. As much as he knew Valery was trying to make sure he'd be alright with it, it wasn't going to come as much of a surprise to him. He had seen plenty of things on Nar Shaddaa...but he also realised he should try to keep himself steady. Not to get too arrogant. He can't just assume he's seen everything because he raised on Nar Shaddaa. Just needed to follow the paper trail.

"I'm ready Master Valery. You don't need to worry about me lashin' out at people. I mean, it's me we're talking about. When have I ever been aggressive?"

Just needed to get ready and then head out onto the streets. Focus on breathing. They had a task that they needed to do and he couldn't afford to let any emotions get in the way of that. He had to make sure that his blaster was also ready to use in case they needed. If he was going to try and disguise his Jedi identity, then he needed some kind of weapon to fall back on.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

"I know you're not the type to lash out," Valery said with a warm smile, "But we're not here just to help people we've never seen before. We might find your Mother, or leads to where she's held." There was a gentleness to Valery's voice now. She wasn't entirely sure just how impactful all of it was to Shan, but it couldn't be easy to see your own Mother being held captive by slavers. That is if they even found her.

Either way, she was confident that Shan would stay true to himself. As he insinuated himself, he had never lashed out against anybody, and there was no reason to believe that he'd change that.

"Kahlil taught you how to use blasters, right? If so, I have a pair of them and I can let you borrow one?"

"Oh. No worries there. I have one I got off my father. After he tried to shoot me with it. It's a bit old, but it still works."

Shan pulled the old hunk of metal out from his side, giving it a little wave before making sure the stun setting was on, jamming his thumb against the button repeatedly before nodding in approval. There we go. As much as he wasn't exactly the biggest fan of slavers, he wasn't going to give up on his beliefs just to kill a few of them. They weren't worth it at the end of the day. It was strange at the very least though, to be using the blaster that was nearly used to shoot him...but hey. It's just a tool. It's not like the blaster wanted to kill him...He'd honestly be a bit freaked out if it did.

"I'll be ready when you are. Just going to doublecheck and make sure I have everything we're going to need."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: undercover smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

"Alright, let's get ready." He didn't seem worried about the fact they were looking for his Mother, so she wasn't going to worry on his behalf. They'd prepare for the mission, keep their cool, and find a way to free her and whoever else was captured there. First, that meant avoiding being caught as a Jedi.

Valery rose from her seat, moved into the cargo area, and began to change into her smuggler gear. She had it custom-made for her to fit perfectly and capture a more bold approach. It showed off a little, but not too much — just right for an overly confident scoundrel in the Galaxy.

"I'm ready to land whenever," Valery said when she returned to the cockpit, changed into new gear and with a pair of blasters strapped to her hips.

Shan didn't expect to find his mother here. Why would he? Everytime he went on one of these searches, he only came back with more disappointment. So instead he was trying to focus on the people they would be saving. The innocent lives that had been ruined just because of greed and power. It was his main way of pushing his way through these kind of situations. Don't focus on the immediate goal, focus on what would happen afterwards.

He grimaced as he got changed into his own casual outfit for the mission. Shan had just gotten so used to his robes that the idea of not wearing them seemed wrong...Maybe it would be useful for him to try and be a bit more casual. Formality was only good for so much. Though that thought was interrupted by Valery coming back in, with Shan giving her a thumbs up and a grin.

"Bringing us in now, Boss."

Shan couldn't help but grin as he carefully brought them in for a landing before stepping up from the cockpit, checking over himself to make sure he hadn't forgotten his blaster. Just had to learn to keep it by his hip at all times.


Outfit: undercover smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

"Bringing us in now, Boss."

"Ah, good," Valery said in response before chuckling, "It's what I wanted to cover as the last little thing. When we're down there, don't refer to me as Master or Master Noble. On a planet with slavers, it means something very different." The last thing she wanted was for anybody to believe that Shan was her slave, and then wonder why he was walking around with a sidearm and proper clothes.

It was best they treated each other as partners in crime.

"Bring us in," Valery added, as she sat back in her chair and monitored sensors and incoming transmissions. With a fake registry, they were quickly given clearance to land, and from there, they could make their way to the market.

"Do you want me to lead the way? This is your mission, but I'll gladly help in any way I can."

"Makes sense to me. I...ain't gonna try and give the game away."

It might have been more than necessary, but considering how polite Shan's tone of voice was normally, he felt like putting on a slight accent would have been for the best. That didn't mean it felt right though. It was strange to talk like his mouth was full but Shan was going to do whatever he could to stop the game from being given away.

"Yer the more experienced one here. Probably should follow yer lead. Same way I'd expect ye to follow me if it was somethin' related to healin'."

He brought the ship in for its landing, letting out a small sigh afterwards. As much as he was trying not to be stressed out about the mission, this was still going to be a new and unknown planet for him. At least with Nar Shaddaa, he knew most of the alleyways and the streets. But everything was going to be new to him here.



Outfit: undercover smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

Valery blinked.

Was he talking with an accent now? She chuckled and shook her head a little. That wasn't necessary but it also didn't hurt, especially if his voice was very recognizable. Either way, he seemed to be in the right undercover mindset and Valery was more than ready for it herself.

They were going to find his Mom and free as many slaves as they could.

"Alright, stay close," Valery said as they headed out of the ship, "We're heading for the market area." She had been there before, both in the days of the Old Republic and post-stasis. Even just getting there was going to expose them to creeps, dangerous people, and all sorts of trouble.

This place was the embodiment of the Galaxy's problems

It was too late for him to get out of doing the accent. Well, technically it wasn't. No-one else but Valery had heard it but he had committed himself to doing it as Shan hopped straight out of his chair, stretching his arms out. Try to act casual. Or well...Act like he belonged. That was the plan. Shan juts didn't want to stick out like a sore thumb and get the entire plan ruined.

Even as they headed out of the ship, Shan wrinkled his nose ever so slightly. He was somewhat used to planets that were filled with scum and villainy since he was raised on Nar Shaddaa but something felt so much worse now. He had the power to potentially save people now and he couldn't use it. Luckily Shan acted more with his mind than he did his heart, otherwise he'd probably be getting into much more trouble than he was now. Just had to stay focused and get towards the market area without lashing out at anyone...At least with this kind of surroundings, no-one would look too strangely at him for having his hand near his blaster.

Should he try to say something to make him fit in? No. No. Being quiet was probably for the best. Stay focused on the task at hand instead of letting his mind wander. The more he stayed on task, the sooner they'd be able to finish and get people out of here.

Valery Noble Valery Noble



Outfit: undercover smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

"You're doing good," Valery reminded him, whether he needed it or not. He was quiet and she understood that, but she knew he was the type to get in his own head a little. But with the two of them together and a solid plan, they were going to be successful today. They both needed to believe in it and stay rational.

This was a mission where the Code was more important than ever.

"I looked into the lay-out of this place before meeting up with you. We have to follow this platform and then take the last alley right. It'll lead to the center of this place." Much of Mek-Sha consisted of wooden bridges and platforms that ran around and between buildings.

Like an old dock, built for small boats.


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