Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Search Continues

Shan couldn't help but grin at the reassurance. As much as he wanted to believe he was strong and capable himself now that he was a Knight, Shan would be lying if he said he didn't have some self confidence issues still. It was hard to get over those issues but he had been working towards them. Slowly but steadily. Just had to keep himself calm. There wasn't chaos. There was Harmony.

"Is the entire place just made outta wood? I mean, it just seems like a massive fire hazard if you're askin' me."
He assumed that there was some kind of plan put in place if there was ever a huge fire on Mek-Sha. Though a small part of him felt like nothing of value would be lost if this wretched hive burnt to the ground. Shan had to quickly recollect himself however. There were still innocent people here. It was like Nar Shaddaa. Whilst there was a diseased and dirty layer on the Jewel of Nal Hutta, there were still people who were innocent. The same could possibly be said for the people of Mek-Sha.

Valery Noble Valery Noble



Outfit: undercover smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

"No, just these boardwalks," Valery said with a chuckle, "The slums are built mostly using cheap sheet metal, but in the center and along the busy streets for Mek-Sha's nightlife, you'll even find some pretty fancy buildings." Bought with credits that were earned through slavery and other illegal activities, but that was the reality.

Beauty bought from suffering.

"We should be getting close to the slave market. Do you have any ideas for finding your Mother if we get there?" Even if she wasn't there, he needed some plan to make sure. Would he just try to look around and recognize her? Or would he perhaps use his senses or some other method?

"Either way, we have to watch out here. There will be people keeping an eye on us. They're always suspicious here."

"Well, I was assuming a Mirialan isn't exactly...your typical..."

Shan didn't want to continue with that sentence. What was he meant to continue it with? Merchandise? Slave? Neither of them felt right to use. He just focused on his breathing to try and relax. He couldn't let himself panic too much. Breathe. It was like Valery said. There were going to be plenty of eyes on them and if he was freaking out, it would make him seem suspicious.

"I felt like she'd be a highlight of it. Try and see if we can hear anything about her, or any other Mirialan's being...around here. I guess people in any of the bars around this place would have particularly...loose mouths when it comes to finding out information from them."

At least, that's what he assumed. He knew that going around and asking questions himself would just cause more attention to be brought to them, so just standing in the background and finding out what they could from people who couldn't shut up was a good alternative.

Valery Noble Valery Noble



Outfit: undercover smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

"I know what you mean," Valery said, so he didn't need to finish that sentence. Whether or not it was a correct assumption, she didn't know. Twi'leks were common in slavery and so were Wookiees or other species with great endurance, strength, or physical attributes for hard labor. But Mirialans? Valery frowned and stopped her mind from trying to find reasons why they would suffer a similar fate.

It was better to hope that they weren't as widely targeted.

"We're going to approach an auctioneer. It's not too suspicious to make specific requests there. Disgusting people will ask for what they like to see or what they need in their illegal workforce." They could ask for a Mirialan and pretend they were captivated by their beauty or make up some other excuse.

And if they knew there was one here, they'd have their lead.

"Could also argue that since I'm a Mirialan, it's to...erh...reward me..."

Shan shuddered at the thought. This was going to be disgusting. His entire skin was just crawling at the thought as if dozens upon dozens of beetles were scuttling around. Breathe. Focus. Shan just recited his own code to himself, to try and stay calm and walk by Valery's side, taking in the sights around them, wrinkling his nose in disgust.

There was so many people around them and it disgusted Shan to think that they'd be fine with the slavery going on. Of course, they can't really do anything about the status quo, but Shan had tried to stand up for people when he was younger. Of course, that meant he got routinely beaten up and bullied by people when he was a kid...but still. He always had his mother to go back to. She didn't know how to treat the bruises and cuts he got but that was the thing. She had been his mother. Just being near her had helped him feel better...Now he had to find her. No matter what.

Valery Noble Valery Noble



Outfit: undercover smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

Valery went quiet for a moment, turned to Shan and frowned, "I can't and won't ask that of you. It's your choice — we can always find another excuse." They needed to separate their emotions from their mission, but everybody had a limit. She was never going to expect him to pretend to be a slaver, asking about Mirialans while he was searching for his mother.

It was too cruel.

Soon enough, the two Jedi were drawing closer to the slave market. It made the streets busier and much harder to navigate, especially when they finally passed by cages full of people.

"Alright, let's do this. I think I see a seller over there."

"It's fine Boss. I know how to...compartmentalise myself. I can focus on the task at hand. I promise you. It's something I've always been able to do. Focus on the big problems."

It wasn't just his mother they were looking to help. Anyway to help the other people being held as slaves was a good way to Shan. It was just going to be stress that he'd need to get out later, when he was at the Temple. He needed to get some training in anyway, so it was going to be a good plain his mind. Though at the end of the day, Shan also wasn't going at looking after himself. Other people were always first on his priority list.

He could feel himself tense up as they walked past the cages. That was no place for a person to live. For any living creature to live. But he had to ignore them for the greater good. He hated that thought, especially as it made more and more sense. As they made their way over towards the seller Valery had pointed out, Shan just locked his mouth shut, instead the Toydarian they had walked up to glanced at the pair.

"Whats you two wanting? I'm a busy man. Busy, busy."

Valery Noble Valery Noble



Outfit: undercover smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

"Alright, I trust you."

Valery smiled but was clearly still somewhat reluctant. She was glad that Shan could handle a mission this personal and still be true to himself. But she still wished it could have been different.

Soon, the two undercover Jedi reached the slave market. Valery did her best not to focus on the people inside the cages. She knew that it'd make her struggle to keep it together — she would want to tear everything down and break them out. But that wouldn't save anybody.

They had to play this smart.

"We're well worth your time," Valery told the Toydarian as they approached. "We're looking for a Mirialan slave. We've just had our business boom, so I'd like to spend some of those credits on a reward for my partner here."

"Well. I'd be massively disappointed if you didn't trust me."

Shan broke out into a slightly uncomfortable grin at that. Humour was his way of deflecting these issues right now. Humour in the face of adversity was his tool. Though he stood to the back whilst Valery dealt with the Toydarian. Whilst Shan could keep his frustrations internal, he wasn't sure how the situation would go if he had to open his mouth.

Instead the Toydarian squinted at the pair, looking over Valery and then glancing over towards Shan, noting how he didn't seem too happy. Well. That made sense, not many people would be grinning like idiots here so the Toydarian didn't find it too suspicious right now as he pulled out his datapad and started checking over it.

"Mirialan...Mirialan...Haven't had any of them for a while...They get picked up real quick...Last one we got was a few standard months ago, a woman...They got bought up by some Twi'Lek with one of those lightsaber things...Also bought up a few other females. Was one of the best pay days in my life."

Normally the Toydarian wouldn't give away that much information, but the winged alien was quite proud of himself for having got such a good payday from the "transaction."

Valery Noble Valery Noble



Outfit: undercover smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

One of the best paydays in his life?

Valery frowned at the thought and had this awful feeling that this concerned Shan's mother. Mirialans were rare, as the slave trader pointed out, so it had to be. If what he said was true, however, it also meant that his Mother was no longer on Mek-sha but had been transferred somewhere else.

They'd find her.

"If you tell me where I can find this Twi'lek, I'll pay you half of what he paid you just for the info." She smiled and tried to look alluring herself, hoping that her feminine charm could convince a disgusting man like this.


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