Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Search for Gemini

Bella Rimini

The Hellion Shelf

The Jedi Blockade Runner came to a swift landing over the rocky desert wilds. Dropping the landing gear and coming aground with a quick thud. It was a hot morning underneath Tatooine's twin suns and not even the tall jutting rock spires of the desert badlands could offer their giant ship enough shade for a cooler respite. The rest of the day would be hot and dry. Even if they weren't to be venturing underground.

Inside, the crew of the giant silver star-vessel readied themselves for a hike.


The mission was simple. Recover the lost Gemini Box from a dark reptiles underground base. Lizard's of terrible teeth and claw which belonged to the Miasma Cartel. A hunting guild that specialized in bagging themselves rare and illegal game. Especially endangered species and other lawfully forbidden prizes. And though the CIS had control over the planet and it's system for some time? Rare was the day when the Miasma Cartel was ever caught red handed by the long arm of the law.

So it was that Bella Rimini and Martin Kyle had come to Tatooine. To infiltrate the cartel's underground base and steal back a Jedi Master's lost trinket. A Gemini Box. A rare and exotic device rumored to have been lost technology from a time far beyond the era of great darkness. Dangerous and wild in the hands of those unworthy of it's hidden power. Somehow stolen from the Rannon Temple and then stolen again by the lizard's dark and cunning agents.

Meanwhile, others had rallied to the mission's standard. Bella and Martin would not be alone in their quest for the Gemini Box. Even now, as the Jedi blockade runner rested smoothly against the desert sands. The team was preparing themselves for the adventure ahead...


[member="Laertia Io"]
Arrived in: Blessing of Loste (Dynamic Class Freighter)

Wearing: Juggernaut Chitin

Armed with: Constant Gardener (

Laertia hadn't taken her meds today. Sometimes it was because due to her brain injuries she was prone to forgetfulness. This is what had caused her favorite rabbit Phrik's death--without her medicine, there had been no way to suppress the migraine and phantom painattack that had caused her to toss Phrik to his death when her cybernetic arm went out of control.

Today however, with a lot of prompt reminders from Moya, she had at last managed to finish retrofitting her old power-armor during the trip here. After that she had used her remaining time to study the mission briefing she had gotten.

"Anudder bahx ta steel..." she mumbled, as her other pet rabbit Beskar snuggled against her lap in her all pink captains quarters, a polka dot pattern on the walls, floor, and ceiling. The photos of her Marksmen brothers and sisters were arrayed on shelves on the wall, her former Master Ursula being the most prominent. Only the photos of Uri were turned down.

Laertia, ever since getting back into "The Life" was slowly easing back into a routine beyond practicing her magic tricks.

After reviewing the mission parameters, the ex-shadow rose, stretching, looking at herself in the large mirror mounted on one of the walls in her room, brushing her moe-cut, very dark hair out of her face and ritualistically traced the small scars from the shrapnel that had entered her head so long back. The doctors had done a fantastic job...had there been a team of lesser physicians she'd likely be dead or worse, paralyzed from the neck down. But even they couldn't undo the permanent damage that would curse her with unpredictable, severe pain that was almost unbearable without medication for the rest of her life.

It was so strange, being active again. Part of her was still angry at how she had let go the first time. Not even a fething thank you from them. Just discharge papers.

But that was the past, and as her ship crossed into Tattooine she knew she had bigger concerns, like finding her own box. It was a command straight from Ursula, delivered in a message.

Ursula had never been one big for apologies. Whenever she attempted one, it was always stiff, and formal. But this last message Laertia had gotten--the first she had heard from her master in years--had promised her something she had craved from Ursula...


It was pathetic, really, she mused, even as thinking about the letter from Ursula brought tears to her eyes. As they decended into Tattooine, Laertia headed to the cockpit. She had owned and lived out of it for years, and she wasn't legally allowed to fly it due to her condition. Moya, in her pilot form, that of a slender, curvy woman with dark skin and reddish hair in a black body glove, patiently set the ship down on the sands where she spotted the Jedi ship amidst great rock spires.

Moya powered down the vessel and looked at Laertia.

"Sweetie, you sure you don't want me to go with you?" she asked with that fussy mother-like worry she had been programmed with.

Laertia shook her head. Moya meant well, but the Vong Shaper had very much stressed that while the Biot was an extremely powerful gaurdian, its design ultimately made it too impractical for field deployment save for the most severe emergencies.

"Nah, Moya. Stayz wit da shipp. Myaasmaa Cahtell's got morr 'n' enuffs ta puts someonez lyke yooz inn duh dirtz." she reminded her. All somebody had to do was be carrying anything other than standard weapons and Moya would be in trouble.

"Is that old hunk of junk ready?" The Biot asked, getting out of the seat, following Laertia in her own bodyglove as she headed back to the cargo hold, opening the metal case inside, and revealing her armor...The Juggernaut Chitin.

She'd worn it rarely in the old days, and ordinarily would not have used it for such an assignment, but the meds had been messing with her stomach and she had bought upgrades to mitigate the migraines and other pains.

"It only lessens your problems, Laertia..." Moya reminded her as she helped her charge unpack it. "It doesn't stop them completely."

"It'll hafta doooz..." Io told her Biot, though she kept her tone reserved as she craved its approval and worry, something she had been starved of as a teenager.

The armor was brown and white...Jedi Colors. Mostvof its tech was outdated, but still highly effective. The right arms was completely sheathed by a large blaster scattergun that had assisted targeting. Io flicked a switch and the back of the armor opened up and Laertia slid into it, feeling it close around her as the hud activated and the brain wave regulators made her head feel tingly.

She flexed in the armor, checking each diagnostic as it flashed across her visor. The breathing came as a hiss through the vocabulator.

"All systemz go." Laertia remarked, picking up the satchel containing her water supply, hooking it to her belt and starting to head out.

"Ahem..." Moya coughed, holding out Io's preferred killing tool, a scratched worn crossguard saber known as The Constant Gardener. Laertia sighed, picking it out of her hand.

"Yooz a lyfesavah Moya."

"Knock 'em dead, 'em...dead..." Moya replied, her response not as witty as she had intended, though her tone was still motherly.

"Ah'll bee shurr tuhz..." Laertia assured the Biot, heading off the vessel.

Laertia walked off the ship, heading to the front of the other ship, waving at the pilot across it. Moya was no doubt transmitting friendly ID, and her armor colors were pretty much a sign she was a Jedi fangirl, so Io didn't think there would be any confusion as she commed them, asking to come aboard.

"Laertia Io herez. Ruhportinz az ruhkwested...Hi!" she called out on communications.

[member="Bella Rimini"]

Bella Rimini

A purple haired Zeltron woman spun around in her cockpit chair,

"Yo Bella! ...Sup, hey. Outside. Take a look."

Bella Rimini leaned over the dash and out the cockpit windows. Looking out at Io and where her pilot was pointing. Sure enough, her colors and armor colors said it all. Well, that and the Force was cool with her. Which meant Laertia was cool with Bella too.

"Nice. We're got visitors already. Good. Dom said we'd probably have more people show up. That must be them." Rimini leaned back and gave a nod. "Cool. Let me know if anybody else shows up ya."

"Yep." The Zeltron nodded and hit the outside com,

Bella nodded again, ~ "This is Jedi vessel Mushashi Two to Laertia Io. Welcome aboard. Dropping you the ramp now. We'll meet you in the bay. Mushashi out." ~

With a hiss and buckle, the boarding ramp to the cargo bay dropped down for Io to board. Allowing Bella to lean back from the dash and wink out the window. She'd meet Io downstairs.

* * *

Cargo Bay, Mushashi Two

Bella walked out the hallway door and into the cargo bay. Already made hot and dry from the climate outside. She noted the fresh sand upon the deck and how it made the whole bay seem even emptier and taller than usual.

To note. Rimini was a human woman of good height and stature. Clothed in a loose brown shawl that reflected the desert climate well and hid most of her advanced black bodyglove from view. Her long brown hair she wore in a ponytail, dark boots, dark gloves, and her excessive amount of black eyeliner seemed rather out of place given their future endeavors underground. Still, she was a potent vessel to sense in the Force and it was clear from her ethereal alignment that she wasn't exactly a white marble paragon either. More mystery than fact. She leaned over the railing of the cargo deck and gave a wave to Laertia from up high,

"Heya. I'm Bella Rimini. Welcome to the Mushashi. And uh, I hope you're in for a doozy. The mission's looking rather eventful so far. Mm."

She smiled and tipped a gesture towards the interior doorway,

"Martin and Jazz are still suiting up inside. They'll join us in a minute when they're ready. Anyway. Are you with Dom or? How'd you hear about us? Rannon maybe?"

Bella wondered how much Io needed to be filled in. Though, she didn't mind bringing her up to speed if necessary.


[member="Laertia Io"]
Wearing: Juggernaut Chitin ( (Forgot to put this in previous posts)

Laertia walked up the ramp as it was lowered, the powered armor and its large shoulder coverings giving her a bulky, imposing appearance.

She had rarely worn the armor, back during her days with The Jedi Shadows known as The Marksmen, now disbanded. That was because she had never really needed it back then except for special occasions.

Of course, back then she had been whole...

Now...she was a shadow of her former self. The lethal skill with a lightsaber remained, and there was a good chance anyone who tried going blade to blade with her wasn't long for this world.

But it was hampered...sabotaged by the endless, random pains in her skull and arm, of which the newly attached brainwave regulators could only lessen and mitigate, but never do away with completely. It was a good thing it was so protective to start with.

Uncomfortably, this reliance on a suit of armor to remain functional called to mind for the ex-shadow another figure in history. One who was also cyberized and needed a suit of armor to remain functional in the field. One who also had a great skill with the saber.

Laertia's skin crawled at the parallels between her and Vader. She'd always gotten the feeling that's what had made Jedi who trained with her so wary...they saw the thuggish looking girl with the thuggish sounding accent, juxtaposed with a terrifying natural skill with the lightsaber as a potential threat more than a potent ally. Laertia for her end of it had never fit in well and regarded a lot of Jedi she ran into as snobbish and uptight elites suffering the blowback of millenia of trying to tell others what to do, only to end up a shadow of their former selves in the end in spite of it, unable to accept the old ways of doing things were done, and especially unable to accept their own fault in it. She didn't hate them--she'd joined them, after all, after her master Ursula had sold her on the idea--they were still a damn sight better than the Sith--but she wasn't blind to the organization's shortcomings.

Laertia admired her surroundings as she stepped aboard, her visor hiding her facial features. The Armor having a hydraulic hiss as she walked. The imposing design was inspired by Jedi Knights of the De Lifte family during the Gulag Plague. She was an amatuer scholar of them during her time as a knight and their ability to strike fear in the followers of the Dark was something she had always attempted to emulate. Mainly because her main job was holding powerful enemies in place while her allies lined up a shot, though given her skills with shotguns, like the blaster shotgun one enshrouding her arm, she was easily capable of killing them on her lonesome.

[member="Bella Rimini"] finally showed and the former shadow studied her. Didn't seem the prim and proper sort. At least not completely. Bella waved, introduced herself and asked how Laertia had heard of her.

"Dossier..." Laertia answered. "Yooz wuz lookinz fer' help, I gotz a breefing sent tuh mee. I gotz tapped by the AIE reecintlee, so I deesides to hoofs it to Tattooine 'n' stuff tuh lendz a hand tuh yooz. I'm morr a...induhpendunt sortz." Laertia answered. It was the simplest explanation. Truth was, since getting that letter from Ursula telling her to find the Shrodinger Box, Laertia desperately needed both allies and resources.

The problem was, was that Laertia was not a leader...for all her lethal skills, she was but a follower her entire career as a knight and she was one now. And she wasn't certain how to overcome that, or even what it took to be a leader. Living as a street magician craving the approval of her own biot caretaker had not left her with much incentive to be a leader. Truth was, if she had not gotten that letter, she might have been content to stay retired, and never pick up a saber again.

But the Force was never that understanding...

" farr iz dhis Myasmaa Layer we headin towardz?" Io wondered at her host.

Bella Rimini

Bella shrugged, "Not sure. The base is said to be underground. Deep inside some subterranean cavern. Far beyond the sensor range of our little vessel here."

She exhaled softly and closed her eyes. Letting the peace of time settle upon her mind. Then she nodded and turned back to Io.

"I sense about a two hour jaunt by foot. Unless we steal a ship and infiltrate via a landing crater."

Bella grimaced at the thought. Then moved to walk down the ramp. Descending to the flight deck and allowing Io's power armor to tower over her.

"Too risky." She shrugged again. Plus, stealing a ship would take time.


Came the surprised sound of a rebel soldier. Martin Prinn stood at the top of the scaffolding. Looking down at the wide shouldered metal knight below. Smiling under his curly blond mop of hair.

"Dude! Bella! Who's the badass who thought to bring power armor!? Like, what!"

Martin swung himself over the railing and dropped the rest of the way. Eager like a cat. Reckless like a man half his age. He spread his arms wide in welcome,

"Yo girl. Welcome to the team!"

Bella smirked softly and waved in gesture,

"Martin, this is Laertia Io. Dom's reinforcements. ...Laertia. Martin Prinn. Soldier."

"That's me!" He thumbed with a handsome smile.

Again the door to the interior swung wide open. This time revealing a purple skinned Zeltron woman in a colorful spacer's outfit. She opted not to jump the railing. Instead, struting down the catwalk like a professional dancer. Her shoes were ridiculous for a hike and her hair-do far too pompous for mountain climbing. A wide up-do of braids and swaggering proportions.

She introduced herself at the bottom of the ramp, "I'm Jazz. Sup."

Bella nodded as the team had now all assembled. She turned to Io and continued,

"Martin here is soldier boy and explosives. Jazz is coms and intel. I'm magic girl and you,..?" Bella paused, "...Well. I guess you'll do you eh? Hehe."

"Frell yes, she will." Martin beamed.

"Pfft. Whatever." Jazz purred.

So yeah. Go team.


[member="Laertia Io"]
Laertia nodded at the answer of [member="Bella Rimini"]

"Twoz hourr jauntz shud bee nuthinz." Laertia said. The Armor could shield her from simple sun glare.

Soon Bella's team came to meet her. Laertia was flattered that they thought her armor was cool. "Nyce tuh meetcha allz..." she spoke back, her voice filtered with an electronic tone.

When Bella described her team's specialties and said simply she would do Laertia would do, Laertia grinned at this...and teleported to the top of the scaffolding above, and then teleported ten meters away, then five meters away from them.

"Kinda gotzta agreez wit yuhz, Bella. Anny 'o' yooz needz tuh eskape a playce reel quickz you cann groupz aroundz mee...I can teleportz annyone orr annythingz in muh immeedeeate raydeeuss wit' mee..." she explained. "Itt cann go southz reel quickz in a job lyke dhis. I'll helpz yuh all howevuh I cann...well, letz get tuh walkin, deez guyz who's joint weez about to bustt upz ain't gonna bustt dhemselvz."

Laertia waited for Bella to lead the way, actually excited from the friendly reception. She didn't make friends easily and started to worry if they saw her without the armor, saw the cute but thuggish looking woman underneath they might be more apprehensive.

She didn't actually look like much of a threat. That was kind of the point. Her master Ursula had taught her to cultivate her ability to seem innocuous unless necessary. But power armor was not meant for innocuous.

The old familiar feeling crossed Laertia as she waited for the march to start. Comraderie.

"So, howw long yoo guyz been att dhis?" she asked. "I wuz reekrutid az a teen, muhsellf..."

Bella Rimini

Martin's eyes went wide as Io teleported around the bay. Yes. Teleported. In power armor.

"Ha! Holy cow! Bella are you..?"

"Yep!" Bella exclaimed with astonishment. "She's definitely a Jedi alright."

"Huh?" Jazz rolled her eyes. None too impressed. "Oh please. Ya'll are so easy to impress. Pfft."

Martin spun around and shook Jazz by the shoulders.

"Jazz look! In power armor, she just disappeared and reappeared! Bella. Bella! Please tell me she is a Jedi Master!"

Jazz wriggled herself loose from Martin's silly glee and dusted herself off,

"Pfft. Jedi Master she ain't."

Bella still seemed wide eyed but nodded in reply, "She's definitely not what my senses would call your 'typical Jedi'."

All three seemed blown away by Laertia's specialty. Even among world upon worlds, teleporting was rare. Force Speed was one thing. Sure. But shadow stepping? Blinking? Unheard of. Even in all of Bella's studies.

Rimini stepped forward and motioned to the team,

"We've been together for a few months now. Martin is from Denon, like me. Jazz is from Corellia. We've taken to doing things that most normal people can't. Which? ...Well. Seems right up your alley too. Frell. I've never seen a Jedi who could teleport before."

Martin jumped in, "All dang Bella. This mission is gonna be a snap with her along!"

Jazz scoffed and looked at her nails, "Ugh. Weirdos. Can we just get moving please. It's hot enough in here already. Bleh."

Bella pursed her lips and nodded with Jazz. Fair enough. Maybe Laertia had even more surprises up her sleeves too. They could talk along the way.

"Right. Sorry. Jazz, update our waypoint. We'll view the map from our phones and keep in touch via com if we get separated. No time to waste. Let's move out."

Martin picked up a grenade launcher and backpack from the wall. Jazz put on a special pair of sunglasses and tapped her wrist computer a few times. Then a text message popped up on everybody's phone. Waypoint updated. They were ready to move out.

Jazz brushed her hair aside and walked up to Io. Holding out a black mobile phone for her to use,

"Here. Use this to view the virtual mission map I've built. And, to stay in touch with the team. It's encrypted com will keep the creeps off our channel too."

She shrugged, "Maybe next time I'll be able to program something into your suit's Heads Up Display. But, for now? Well. Basic stuff will just have to do."

Bella and Martin were already marching out into the dry sands. Away from the ship. Wrapping their faces up with brown hoods and brown shawls. Martin bent his helmet down against the sun's heat and Jazz didn't seem to care one way or the other. Behind her strange digital sunglasses. It was impossible to see what her blue eyes were thinking.

The black phone in Laertia's hand blinked to life and displayed a quick holographic map of the area. Showing a 3D waypoint up ahead. Marking a path over a nearby rocky ridge line and down into a tall gully below. Probably the way underground.

Bella motioned against the hot sun for Io to follow. They would be leaving the safety of their small cruiser behind.

Time to get sandy.


[member="Laertia Io"]
Laertia smiled giddily underneath her helmet. They actually liked her! Most people got wary when they saw her out of her gear or out of her performance as a traveling magician.

The only people who didn't get nervous had been her Marksmen brothers and sisters. But most of them were no longer around. She'd been devastated to learn some shapeshifting monstrosity named The Amalgam had been killing them off one by one, and in gruesome ways. She had vowed to send the witch to chaos, had even nearly succeeded but the beast had transferred her spirit to another host and fled before Laertia could reach her.

She took the mobile phone with its data, storing it in a pouch. This was a routine she knew well. She had gone on missions like this before. Hunts for extremely dangerous Sith or otherwise lethal individuals. It wasn't Laertia's first march in the desert.

When Jazz suggested she might be able to update her suit, Laertia was skeptical.

"Dhis tingz ann olld modell. Kyndaa, I upgwayded itt so heavilyy I doubtz annyting ellse couldz bee addedz..." Laertia explained innocently as she then began to follow out everyone else.

The cyborg was shielded from the sun glare. There was nothing to stare at for miles, which unsettled a woman who had grown up in cramped and poluted alleyways with miles of skyscrapers over her. She was lonely then, and was lonely now. But the march brought back memories. It had been out in the desert she had killed her first Sith Master, as opposed to that knight on Kashyyyk. Fitting her first major mission for a group would take place in one.

The Marksmen hadn't liked Tattooine. Bad things always happen here. Weather could turn on someone in an instant.

Laertia didn't actually like using armor...she thought it unsporting. But her condition necessitated its use. She tried doing this only with meds she'd been in the hospital for a month...

A migraine hit then and there, but Laertia hid it and marched straight. The brainwave regulators in her helm enabled her to withstand and tolerate it. But though it was not near as disorienting or agonizing as it usually was, it was still intensely painful, and she momentarily forgot where she was and who these people were, trying to act cool until it all came back to her as the migraine ended.

She was with Bella. Right? Yes. She was with Bella.

Laertia decided to try and socialize more, like Moya suggested.

"Tattooine wood bee a nyce enuff playce if it wuzzint fer duh dezertz constanntlee tryin tuh kyll yooz. Summ dezertz arr nyce. Dhis ain't wun ov emz. But dhese crymynall typez alwayyz pickk duh biggesst paatch of sandd dhey cann fynd. Anny reely nassty misshunz anny of yooz been in?" she asked, wanting to know yet more about those who had greeted her with such enthusiasm. It would be something of a walk. She had practiced her small talk.

[member="Bella Rimini"]

Bella Rimini

Martin was eager to chat. Regailing Io with tales of combat so strange and whimsical that it was obvious he was embellishing lavishly. So it was that he and Laertia did most of the talking as they finally came jaunting down into a shallow dry gully. An odd formation too.

Given the lack of water. This cutaway of rock and earth seemed vaguely out-of-place. Sloping downward into the bleached white earth like a tunnel. Perhaps it was a leftover from a mining operation. Nothing else seemed to measure up to it's construction. It was wide enough for vehicles and the walls were just a bit too perfectly curved for the desert's dry nature. Bella finally called a halt as the rocks above them grew tall and slowly canopied into a ceiling. Blocking out the sun. Now, while shaded and darker underground, the temperature did not seem to change much.

"Water check."

Jazz shook her canteen with boredom while Martin knocked his against his helmet and smiled. Bella unwrapped her face and walked down their formation. Using two fingers to tap everyone on the cheek. Like a doctor examining her patients. It appeared to be some type of Jedi health check up. Then Bella nodded to the crew.

"Okay. We're good. Keep drinking people."

Bella then turned to Io, The only person she had not touched.

"Laertia. Your vitals are off."

Martin and Jazzed seemed to blink and pause when she said that. Bella's tone of voice was off. It wasn't pleasant anymore. It was commanding. Sharp and concerned. Yet, they waited in silence. Maybe Laertia just wasn't used to the climate yet. Or something?

It was an awkward silence too. Bella wasn't standing patiently inside of it either. Something was off. She could sense Laertia in the Force. Bella could sense them all in the Force. And that feeling of sensing Io had been rather strange the whole walk here. No.

It felt like pain and suffering.

Bella folded her arms and waited. Martin and Jazzed exchanged worried glanced. Mmm. Uh oh. It seems somebody had some explaining to do.


[member="Laertia Io"]
These guys had been through some nasty scrapes, that much was clear, even if Martin was making up half of it, it was clear rhey were no strangers to violence, any more than she was.

She sometimes felt bad about having grown up knowing only violence. Wished sometimes she could just put on a dress, a nice blue dress and spend a day petting her rabbits out on some park bench, feeding them treats. But she had made too many enemies among the followers of the dark. Last year in fact one had broken in trying to kill her. Moya had gotten him before he could kill her pet rabbit, Cortosis. But it had been too close. Laertia was too scared to live anywhere permanent, but her old, beat up frieghter was looking increasingly inadequate to her needs. Plus the headaches...

They had happened on and off throughout the walk, Laertia grinning and bearing it the whole way, semi-lost in a daydream about fighting alongside Ursula with no Uri to muck it up. She wished one of her rabbits was here. The extra soft one, Wintrium, with the black fur...but they stopped under a canopy of rock, with [member="Bella Rimini"] checking everyone with the Force. Laertia swallowed a bit when the subject came to her.

"I'm...I'm a cyyborrg. Cyyborrgz sumtymez getz medykal commplycayshunz frumm beein cyyborrgz. Dhis ahrmorr ain'tz jusst fer lookin cooll. Itt helpz mee operayte inn duh field. Witoutz itt...I wudint bee neerlee az usefull. But itt can'tz fyx evuhrytingz. Payne happinz wedduh I wantz itt tooz orr notz. I cann styll fytez though..." Laertia answered, the armor killing the pain in her skull after thirty seconds.

"I won'tz bee a burhdinz, Mastuh Rimini, honestt..." Laertia added, feeling very small at Bella's withering stare despite the size of her armor and her own lethal nature. It was times like this, with Laertia struggling not to shrink at the leader's stare that reminded her of how much she was only a follower. She wanted her rabbits. She fought back the bout of stage fright her injured brain was causing. She wanted her rabbits and her playing cards. And she'd been getting such a warm reception.

Bella's stare reminded her of Ursula's. Thats what made it worse. Laertia struggled not to squirm in her power armor, glad the helmet hid her nervous expression underneath...

She wanted her rabbits...

Bella Rimini

Quiet silence. As Bella's eyes watched every vibration in Io's armor. Like a whisper on the air,

~ "Much fear I sense in you." ~

"Uh, Bella?"

Jazz's voice seemed to boom over her daydream. Bella blinked and the whisper was gone,

"Um. Yes. What is it Jazz."

"Hey. You're doing that, far off thinking thing again. So. You two okay?" The colorful woman touched her sunglasses and shifted in her posture uncomfortably. Leaving Martin to swing his grenade launcher over his shoulders and kick the dirt in boredom.

"Oh." Bella nodded. She was daydreaming again. Wasting time. Right. Sorry. "...Ah. Sorry. I suppose..."

She looked back at Laertia one last time,

"...I suppose we should keep going then. Sure."

Jazz gave a sigh of relief and turned to walk down the underground passage. Leading the group along as Bella followed.

Martin turned and walked up to Io. Punching her power armor right on the hip,

"Hey gal. Don't let it get to ya. You'll do great. We've all been there. Combat shock, rough times. All of us. Seriously."

He tilted his head back towards to the others,

"Them girl's ain't as tough as they look either. But. We're a team, ya know. We got to have each other's back."

He slung his launcher back into his hands and nodded. Smirking like a school boy.

"Hey. You just stick close to ol' Martin here and I'll back ya up. No prob'lem'o."

He turned and continued down the trial. Whistling. Like he didn't have a care in the world. Meanwhile, Bella caught up Jazz and checked the map on her phone.

"Okay. Should be a blast door just down that rail line. The trail should get easier to follow once we hit the tunnels."

Jazz scoffed, "And. We're more likely to start seeing patrols down here."

Bella waved it away. Wrapping her scarf around her face.

"Nah. We're more likely to start encountering hostile wildlife. Why patrol dead tunnels when the sand diggers can do it for you."

Jazz seemed to balk. Throwing up her hands in surrender.

"Girl! Sand diggers? What? Pfft. Frak that noise. Nu'huh. Nah girl. That ain't my scene."

She turned and shouted back down the line,

"Yo Martin! Cyborg Girl! Get yo' skinny butts up here. I ain't walking where there be, sand diggers! No sir."

Bella and Martin both chuckled. Jazz was prone to such fits, after all. Good ol' Martin jogged up and shouldered his gun.

"Hey Jazzy. Don't chu' worry girl. Me and Laertia here. Pssh. We got this."

He turned and winked to Io,

"Ain't that right new girl. You sexy beast, you. Ha!"

Bella raised an eyebrow and looked back at Io. Yeah. I suppose Martin had one thing right. Once they hit those critter infested tunnels? It was time to see what all that power armor could really do.

[member="Laertia Io"]
Much fear I sense in you.

Bella's whisper cut deeper than a blade, reminding Io of how reduced she was. It was the truth.

There had been a time when she feared neither man, woman, or monster. When this armor had been a harbinger of doom to the worshippers of the Dark Side rather than what it was these days, a thick (albeit quite deadly) shell to protect the injured woman underneath who'd made too many enemies among the Sith to ever risk settling down in one place. But in the years since The Marksmen had disbanded Laertia had found to a slowly growing horror that the galaxy somehow had been getting awfully smaller, and the jobs less and less. But Laertia had been feeling lack of purpose to start with.

Mercifully, [member="Bella Rimini"] said they could get going. Martin was nice enough to assure her everything was going to be alright. Laertia wanted to believe him. But she knew only that there was no science yet that could fix the problem. Healer's had tried. The damage always reversed itself back to its previous state.

"Yeahh. Alwayz gotz ta keep duh teem inn myndz foist. Laertia stuck with the friendly soldier, the friendly face helping calm her damaged brain. She suddenly felt that raw feeling, like when she had been nothing more than a thug that hadn't eaten for days as she followed him. But then they came to the rail line leading to where they needed to be. Laertia observed the plan, another migraine started then stopped in the span of eight seconds. She breathed slowly, greatful her resperation couldn't be heard like Vader's supposedly had in his own armor.

Laertia to be clear, had never actively tried to emulate Vader. But the man had had a wicked technique. She'd studied him from moldy old historical documents as well as books written by the finest authorities on the man only to learn how he approached the lightsaber. Like it or not, however, and one philosophy continually stood out: Don't screw around. Strike always to kill. Laertia had applied that approach and survived. She'd applied it too well. She chuckled a bit when she was called a sexy beast.

"Yeahh. Meez annd Marrtinn gotz dhis, Mastuh Rimini. Dhis thingz billt tuh tayke a lotta punnishhmint. Yooz jusst gyve duh worrd, annd I'll go inn with Marrtinn and tayke pointz."

Laertia was used to being front and center for a fight. It was only fighting another that she really shined in any way as a Jedi. Once she'd entertained being more. But her confidence had fled her. And confidence was half the fight in leadership. And once the shrapnel had happened, she'd given up on the idea, and had then become intimately acquainted with the idea that all this ability to kill, and quickly, meant little if there was no cause worthy enough to put it to. Laertia had never taken contracts. Credits for flesh was repulsive to her. She made her money in other ways. But that still left the problem that she was a killing machine.

How does a killing machine find purpose in the mundane. She loved her rabbits and cared about Moya, but she couldn't overlook the fact she was mostly finding work in out of the way places. Not much room for a fake magician in a galaxy full of real magic. Laertia was the entertainment equivalent of a species slowly going instinct, to be remembered only as ancient bones.

She used her visors targeting to scan ahead. She saw fairly recent heat tracks along the rail.

"We arr...inn fer a scraype 'gainst dhese locall typez..." Laertia observed. "Styll...nuthin ann enuhgee shottgunn nevuh fyxed!" she joked, hefting her completely shrouded right arm, the high power blaster shotgun capable of knocking down even those in heavy armor and ripping into lesser armor weakspots with ease. She suddenly felt safer realizing how well she was armed.

Bella Rimini

Martin beamed with pride as [member="Laertia Io"] regained her enthusiasm for the mission. It was a good sign for the team.

"At' a girl." He smirked and turned back towards the tunnels, "Get behind us ladies. This is where the fun begins."

Jazz sighed and shook her head. Bella nodded with a tip of her dust mask. Her voice muffled slightly as she turned to follow.

"Okay. New waypoint set. Here we go."

Together, with Martin and Laertia in the lead, they entered the dry rail tunnels underneath the desert. Swapping out a smother heat outside for a scrapping dry cold within. These caverns were like a desert night that never saw the sun. Even the rocks underfoot felt brittle and cold. Laertia's heat vision would work perfectly down here. Already Martin was standing out like a bright ribbon against the black background.

There were no lights down here either. After setting a few feet inside the dusty tall cavern, they all drew flashlights and began a slow stalk forward. Luckily their lights were more than enough for the spacious tunnels. It was almost annoying how much light was flooding the caves as they searched back and forth. These were some serious LEDs, that's what I'll say.

Martin held up a hand as they came to the first turn. A sign for the group to stop. Then he pointed to a dark passageway to the side. Sure enough. Sand diggers. Just at the end of the tunnel. Ugly porcupine looking rodents just bigger than a dog. Fat, stupid, half-blind, and with a face just as spiky and needled as it's splintered body. It was obvious they were burrowing creatures from the oversized paws on all four limbs. Though, Bella couldn't figure why any such pest needed such a short and pig'ly tail.

"Remember." Bella nodded. "They can burrow. Watch the teeth and the claws. Probably more just out of sight."

"Yep. Cute and cuddly, aren't they. The prefect guard dogs for a lizardman's lair. Heh." Martin nodded. Then drew his pistol. Turning to Laertia with a wink in the dark,

"You go make trouble. I'll pick off the ones that get behind yah."

Jazz recoiled in disgust from the smell. Then pulled out a sidearm of her own. Obviously hesitant to use it.

Bella turned her masked face calmly to Io and nodded. The waypoint was far ahead. With nothing but railroad and rats between them and it.

Yeah. This was Laertia's party now.
Laertia ventured in with the others, the familiarity of all this making her stride quicker in the heavy thuds of the power armor as her helmet switched to thermals as Martin pointed out the creatures. There was a deep blue glow from the barrel of the shotgun attached to her arm.

The De Lifte's had not been the most subtle type of Jedi. They had been around as long as The Four Hundred Year Darkness itself, but had not survived the end of it. All that was left of them was whatever stashes of theirs one could find, and whatever hideouts that still hadn't been found. Laertia had found one. That was how she had gotten the schematic to make this old thing.

Laertia had her little passions and hobbies besides stage magic. But she didn't have anywhere close to the resources some had. Economically speaking, Laertia was merely keeping ahead of the rent. Modifying this armor to work had been pure necessity...if she could have traded up she would have, but she lacked the funds, and, more importantly, the connections. Sure anyone who was good at improvising, like she was, could make due, scrounge together something decent, but the top tier stuff was out of ger reach unless she did the Force Adept's equivalent of dumpster diving and raided some Force-forsaken tomb. Laertia detested the idea of grave robbing, however, much like she detested the idea of killing for credits.

She set her blaster shotgun to stun by flicking a switch in her helmet with her tongue. Laertia loved animals, and did her best not to harm them unless she had to.

"Stun engaged." a soft electronic voice announced.

The tunnels stretched out ahead and Laertia felt the chill of the interior, even through the heavy brown and white armor. It had originally been made when Laertia was just barely starting to understand armorcraft. That she had put together a first effort so professionally stunned her teachers. Laertia approached it like she approached all her magic tricks...precision, precision, precision.

(Character Theme Song Power Up)

Theme: "For Your Eyes Only", by Sheena Easton.

Suit visors detected one of the animals moving fast towards them. Just at that moment, one of her migraines started and she was forced to grit her teeth and bear the pain. Her left arm twitched, as the stun effect from multiple bolts took effect, knocking the super-porcupine out.

This set off a storm of course and Laertia was soon firing at multiple spiky animals, flinging them back with each stun blast...she hoped the ones she was with would show the same restraint, but then again, its easy to want to be nice when you had such an immense advantage like power armor...these were mostly soldiers, with an obligation to make it back alive...she couldn't ask them to take that risk if they didn't want to.

Laertia blasted three more critters back, knocking them cold. She caught one leaping for [member="Bella Rimini"] and tossed it into a mass of other critters like a bowling ball...

Young Laertia Io approached the ancient, giant oval chamber, green with moss and half sunk into the water, ancient statues of warriors holding up lightsabers leaning to their sides, half submerged. It was a jungle on Mimban, and Ursula, in her quest to make her Padawan more in tune to fighting, had taken her to an old Jedi Temple there.

Ursula, clad in her bleached white skintight combat body glove, had been silent as they had gone through the jungle, Laertia using her then-lightsaber, a straight bladed black hilt with a thick, ridged grip that emitted a blade with an all green core and white aura to clear away the vegetation of a steaming jungle ahead of them. A synthetic. Laertia disliked sabers with natural crystals. This weapon she was using had in fact been a Sith blade, but Laertia had defeated and killed its original owner using her sword cane, and had merely repurposed this one, chemically altering its bloodshine crystal and purifying the blade. Laertia had yet to build her own blade. Ursula meant to correct that.

Laertia was not in her street leathers, but a simple black set of robes, little more than armorweave. Today was different. Laertia could feel it.

"So, Ursy...wutz in duh fanncee sunnkin chaymbur?" Laertia asked as she went a little further, feeling traces of slaughter and death. Ursula, a curvy yet muscular Twi'Lek with purple skin, fixed her blue eyes on her pale skinned padawan with very black hair in a strange, asymmetric moe-cut, her gray eyes twinkling with excitement at being somewhere new, somewhere strange. She was also armed with her trench knife and double barreled shotgun, a small bandolier hanging across her torso. The inside of this chamber bore reliefs of ancient Jedi Knights fighting Sith Lords.

"You have but one trial left, Padawan..." Ursula Sandraven answered, her voice having this crisp yet rich, deep velvet to it, even in the professional way in which its answer was delivered.

"This temple in ancient times was used to train Jedi specifically to serve as front line warriors..." Ursula explained, her hand sweeping over a chamber that had once been stadium sized, but had slowly crumbled away. "A faction of Dark cultists raided this place during the Gulag Plague, hoping to destroy it. The battle was so fierce that they slaughtered each other, and their spirits fight still."

"So...wutz wee doin' here'z?! Ghostz 'r' scary. Can'tz shootz a ghostie, Ursy." Laertia asked, suddenly concerned, looking through the whole area from the top level on a balcony.

"I mean for you to shoot nothing. This water you see was once a sacred lake. The temple was built over and around it. I wish you to purge it of its taint." Ursula explained sternly, before holding out her hand.

"I'm outta creditz." Laertia said, grinning crookedly.

Ursula raised an eyebrow. "Your lightsaber."

Laertia frowned. "Howz amm I suppozed ta skare off a ghostie without light?"

"Not all battles are fought with a blade. Some are fought from within. Some are fought without ideal weapons. And if you cannot be a Jedi without a lightsaber, then you will never truly be worthy of using one." Ursula elaborated crisply to her, folding her arms and tapping her foot. "And a Jedi's light comes from within, Laertia."

The Padawan knew to get serious at this point.

"Wutz needz gettin donez?" Laertia asked, folding her hands behind her back.

Ursula nodded in approval. "Focus on the light within...and banish the evil, purifying the lake. It will require intense meditation."

"Wut happinz iff I fayle?" Laertia asked.

Ursula's answer made Laertia's blood go slower in her veins.

"Then you may either die or be driven mad, driven to the dark side, or all three. Or if you survive all that yet still fail somehow, then your training must end." Ursula said firmly. "I would rather not but if you survive it would be better to know you will be safer elsewhere."

"I won'tz faylez yuh, Ursy!" Laertia promised.

Ursula smiled. "You never have. But its not me you have to worry about failing. Its yourself. May the Force be with you, Laertia." Ursula replied as warmly as she was capable of most days. Laertia had discovered Ursula was the sort of woman who kept her mind on the job for the most part. She was a friend. But a distant one.

Laertia surrendered her lightsaber, teleporting repeatedly down the chamber to the murky, muddy water where a few landmarks awaited. The light from a few cracks in the ceiling shining through as she found a small island peeking out of the water, and teleported to it, her now wet legs getting into a kneeling position as she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and reaching out past the sensation of slaughter and misery that was very potent in the water itself. She shut out the smell of mildew and rot, and the lonely creaks and faint, hidden screams in the air.

She felt the world fall away, felt Ursula's severe light in the Force vanish...

Laertia opened her eyes and found herself in an all white room with a middle aged woman of tan skin and golden hair, with dead, moldy sulphur eyes that made Laertia want to back away. She was clad in a gown of gray and white silks and the symbol of a jagged black crescent was on her forehead. An artificial pond of bubbling black liquid seperated them.

"Hello Laertia."

"Whoz arr yooz?" Laertia asked.

"I am known as The United. I am here to draw you to the darkness. You're so powerful. It'd be a waste..."

"Ha! Nott happenin', Sistuh! I wuddint taykez annyting frumm yooz tuh sayve muh own lyfe!" Laertia said fiercely, already creeped out. "Beesydez...yoo gotz nuthin I'd wantz annywayz."

The United raised a brow. "Oh? What if you fail your master? What if you don't meet her expectations?" The older woman chuckled in her seat.

"I won'tz. I'm gonna bannish yooz." Laertia replied with a cocky grin.

What the United asked next made the grin fall off her face.

"Does she treat you like a daughter, as you want?"

Laertia took a step back, uncertain how to react.

"That is what you crave most? To be Ursula's daughter?"

Laertia snapped out of it, blasting away more critters with abandon, knocking them out as fast as possible to keep everyone from being swarmed. Her headache ended and she focused a stun blast at another cluster as she pushed forward. It was so strange she should start thinking about the only time she was seriously tempted by the Dark Side here and now...

"Mastuh Rimini! I don't see anny guarrdz! Yooz tink dhey knoww werr comin'?" Laertia asked, stunning more beasts

Bella Rimini

It was chaos condensed down to beautiful order.

[member="Laertia Io"] spearheaded the advance and cleared the creatures like a true professional. Bella could feel Martin's stress. Bella could feel Jazz's hesitation. However, she could also feel Io's clean and experienced precision too. Not just in the Force either. It was how her armor moved. It was how her gun always found the center of a cluster of enemies. It was how she chose to stun the monsters rather than vaporize them outright. Everything Laertia did, she did without stress. Yet, for all her clockwork soldiering. There was still doubt.

It was how Bella could tell that Laertia training was not complete. Or, at least. That she had not yet accepted the mantle.

Bella nodded her mask,

"The enemy does not guard it's latrine. These creatures are their guards for now. Once we reach the outer bay doors, however. We can expect a fortress. We'll revise our strategy when we hit the canyon waypoint. Stealth will become important then. For now..."

She gave a sudden look towards a creature and it died,

"...For now. We keep going."

Martin was busy shooting his pistol. Jazz was busy trying not to shoot her's. Their minds were elsewhere. Caught up in the heat of battle. A desperate moment. Yet, still they worried out loud. Because they did not have the Force. These creatures were still a threat to them. Dangerous and cruel. But not for Laertia and Bella. These creatures couldn't scratch that power armor if they tried. And as for Bella. Not a single creature ever came close to her. Those that tried, died.

There was a cold callousness to that power when Bella expressed it. For the Force did indeed move darkly past any creature when it killed with jagged purpose. But there was also a spark of flame too. Like a cold hammer striking the red iron. The ringing of the hammer within the forge. A blow after another. Drum. Drum. Drum. Like a violent burning furnace of change.

The last rodent fell by the wayside as the group approached the Great Bridge. A lashing deep canyon far underground. Chill and as black as the cold road that had brought them here. The heat and smell of battle faded quickly. The sweat on Martin's face chilled his hot face. Jazz readjusted her glasses and struggled for her flashlight. The beasts were now dead. Their numbers, uncounted and left uncourted. Frozen and still as the jagged metal railway that guided them here.

Martin turned and looked behind. Suddenly smiling and nodding to himself,

"Yeah. Well. Nothing we couldn't handle? Ha. Right on."

He turned to Jazz and smiled,

"Ha. Go team, eh?"

"Whatever. Pfft." Jazz sighed. Putting away her own weapon with a gasp of relief.

Bella just looked forward. Across the chasm. Across the Great Bridge that divided them. And more towards the tiny railway that marked their path across.

"Okay. Here's where the hard part begins."

Bella turned about and gave everybody a clear nod,

"This rail line connects to the active ones just beyond that bend. Across this gap is enemy territory. Though, I doubt we'll see any guards until we hit the main gate. Blast doors that rarely open make for pretty great deterrents anyway."

Martin rubbed his nose. He kinda figured giant rats wouldn't be the last of their problems. Jazz was busy tapping away on her phone. An activity that proved all the more fanciful in the dark.

Rimini turned to Laertia and removed her face wrap,

"We'll sneak up. Jazz with hack the door. Then we'll sneak inside and find where they keep the loot. Probably an armory or vault or something. Hard to say until we get inside or grab a guard for information."

Martin swung his grenade launcher up and smiled,

"Fancy a mind trick or two, eh Bella?"

"Maybe. Lizardmen might be easy. Might be hard. Some brutes can be harder than others."

The happy soldier turned to Laertia and laughed,

"Or... We could just have Io here grab em' by the scruff and shake em'. That might work too. Ha."

Bella smiled at that idea. She was quickly coming to like not being the only Force User on the squad. It gave them options.

"Well. Whatever we do it. For now. Let's cross just cross the bridge and find our way inside. ...And remember. We came all this way down here to avoid blowing up the base with explosions. ...Less. Is more. Okay? ...Good. All agreed."

She wrapped up her face once more against the dusty black cave. Then motioned towards the rail line,

"I'll go first. Then Jazz. Then Martin. Bridge should hold. ...Io. I can't levitate that suit back up here if you should fall. So. Careful not to overdo it."

Bella took a deep breath then slowly began the jaunt across the thin metal bridge. Meant to hold mining cars transporting heavy goods, it seemed steady enough. Didn't so much as make a sound when Bella crossed. Easy as pie.

Her voice echoed from far away,

"Okay. Seems stable. Jazz. Your up."

"Pfft. Like some dinky bridge is gonna stop us." She shrugged.

Yes. Everything was going smoothly thus far. Not much further to the outer doors now anyway. They were in the clear. For now.
Laertia did not run in the suit. She walked slowly, methodically, planning her shots, aiming carefully, trusting the armor to do irs job as she knocked out the animals she shot at, though [member="Bella Rimini"] and the others simply killed them.

She felt at home. Not because of the killing. That had been with her since she'd been homeless. She felt at home because she was living out a tiny fragment of her life with The Marksmen, even if it was only currently pest control. Laertia liked to protect people. It felt nice, making sure someone went home. And in such friendly company! One of the porcupine things tried to chew through the plating but she flung it into another cluster and fired, knocking more out. She fired nonstop, the exo-structure of the armor taking the heavy recoil of her armored shotgun. So this went for a while until the reached the bridge. It was dark, and deep, and staring in reminded Laertia of staring into the alleys of Nar Shaddaa from the top levels of its streets. Martin joked that what they had gone through was nothing. Laertia agreed. That was pretty minor pest control. The hidden fortress was where the fight was really at. Martin joked that Laertia could just violently shake someone for info. If Martin only knew how many times she had actually done that. Sometimes she defied the initial perception of a thug. Other times she was all too willing to live up to it. But she knew the plan and nodded. She waited for the others to cross, and then rather then risk walking such heavy armor over so narrow a bridge, Laertia negated the problem by teleporting in bursts until she crossed the expanse to the other side without once ever actually touching the bridge, appearing eight meters away from the others.

"Ohhhh, duh buildingz I uzed tuh sneaky sneaks intooz..." she remarked off handedly as she headed to the outer doors, keeping alert, walking slowly, shotgun pointed outward, ready to put down any that showed. She was troubled, still recalling her trial on Mimban...

Laertia stared at the middle aged blond woman and backed away further still in the white room inside her own mind, set up by this spirit.

"'d yoo knowz dhat?" Laertia asked, suddenly very nervous. She wished she had a rabbit to pet. The United only smiled at her, her moldy sulphur eyes set almost too deep into the sockets.

"Oh...such pain I sense in you. Such lonliness. Poor girl. You've never had a parent, have you?" The middle aged woman asked, slightly wrinkled face. "All alone for as long as you can remember...fighting and killing over scraps of food past their due date. You know anger. You know desperation. Therefore, you know the Dark Side."

There was a haggard, haunted look to the pale teenager's face. "I...I wuz starhvinng..."

The older woman chuckled and gave a small, dismissive wave. "I wasn't judging you, Laertia. If anything, I've always admired a strong survival instinct. That's why I know you are a poor fit for the Jedi...and why you will never get from Ursula what you truly want."

"Ursy's coolsville-cool! 'n' Ursy iz palz, wee iz..."

"But you need a parent. The Jedi typically don't encourage such bonds. And love in general is considered dangerous by many of them..." the United explained, getting up out of her all white seat. Laertia backed away again.

The United smiled. "But look at what she has you doing, little one...killing...killing people you don't even know. At least I gave my enemies the respect of learning about them. Have you ever even so much as exchanged a few words with one dark adept beyond me?"

"No." Laertia answered honestly.

"Well do you know what you're fighting?"

"I'vv mett thugz lyke yooz buhfore. On 'Shaddaa. Alwayz too gweedee fer dheir ownn goodz."

"The will to greed is the will to power, girl." The United chuckled back pleasantly. "You would not have survived yourself if you hadn't been greedy."

"Yooz gotz itt alllllllll wrongz, Laydee. I suhvyved preecyselee cuz I 'wuzzint' gweedy." Laertia asserted.

The United scoffed at this, flicking locks of curled, golden hair from her face.

"All survival is greed...your well being at the expense of others..." the United countered, stepping closer. Laertia did not retreat. But only because there was nowhere to retreat to.

"Wutz wuz about suhvyvall duh day you 'n' yer frendz torrchedd dhis playce?" Laertia asked defiantly.

"Well..." the old woman replied with a sigh. "Some forms of survival-of transcendance, really--depend on how far one is willing to go. Sometimes...its just about fun...but in my case? Both."

Suddenly they were no longer in the allwhite room, but a burning, blasted apart jungle in the rain, an ancient and giant domed temple of simple stone burning in the distance. Jedi Knights fought women dressed in white, sheer gowns with hoods armed with red lightsabers as the stink of mud and burned flesh mixed with the rain water. Laertia went slack in the mouth. She had never been in a real battlefield before. It was so disgusting and sickening to behold as the Jedi battled the witches, who cackled as they butchered the followers of the light. The witches were butchered in turn by force or lightsaber. The dome of the temple collapsed in on itself with a sickening crack. The padawan fell to her knees shuddering as she felt the pain of hundreds of Jedi and witches, and horrified beyond words when she sensed pleasure from the witches as they died.

She turned, and saw The United standing over her, this time covered in blood and torn pieces of human flesh. Her gown bleeding from the stomach. She had no eyes now, empty sockets writhing with small maggots threatening to escape. Her curly blond hair was matted to her scalp from the blood.

The worst part however, was something that would have been innocuous on another. It was a smile Laertia longed to see on another's face, but on The United's face was utterly revolting yet mesmerizing.

It was a warm, motherly smile. Laertia wanted to vomit yet could not stop staring.

"It took months for these witches to set up the magic ritual to affect the sacred lake that lay within the temple. When we struck, after cutting down all these initial ones we set fire within, allowing ourselves to be butchered in turn. Forever ensnaring these Jedi to suffer and die in the same battle. In their suffering we live in dark bliss with the Bogan and The Unholy Spirit."

"Yooz ain'tz exactlee sellin' mee onn all dhis, Laydee." Laertia muttered grimly. She could not stop staring at that smile.

"We live eternally here. But we would wish all those who use the Force the same bliss we enjoy: Eternal life at the expense of our lessers. 'We' are power. We are blissfull. But we must spread our darkness. When those among our cult achieve transcendence on this level, it is our duty to return to the world of flesh and guide others to the darkness. You've would really be no different then what you are doing now...better even!" The United boasted, clasping her hands behind her back as she gestured with her head to the battlefield as it seemed to rewind itself, all the way back to the beginning, when they crawled out of the tree line, during the time the mass of Jedi meditated in the grounds around the temple, hiding their presence until they had encircled them.

It was a precise, ruthless lawnmower action, and within eight seconds over forty seven Jedi were dead, with the alarm soundinging in the temple and hundreds of more white gowned, cackling witches charged out of the forest, flinging curses and lightning. Sabers finally drew on the Jedi's side, and the battle was on.

"Whichh ov duh nuttkaysis were yooz?" Laertia asked.

"I am all of them, Laertia." The eyeless woman smiled again. "You will rack up a body count like this eventually, if you are so fortunate. I foresee you will become a champion of our ways should you join us."

"Whyy duh hellz wud I evuh wantz tuh doo dhatz?" Laertia inquired, though to her own disquiet she did not immediately say no.

"Because Ursula needs you. But Ursula does not need a daughter. When our coven will have sisters..." the fiend wearing the bloody face of an old woman promised, her smile growing wider.

"Real sisters. I will reward you for bringing me to flesh with the one thing Ursula will never give you, no matter how many you kill for her..."

Laertia blinked and suddenly she wasn't in the rain soaked jungle. She was instead in what appeared to be guest quarters of dark stone, standing in front of a mirror, wearing a long sleeved white set of robes with the jagged black crescent that adorned The United's forehead on the cuffs.

The old woman appeared behind her in the mirror. Laertia went still, not sure what sort of trick this was as she turned around to face her. She now looked normal, no maggots. The moldy sulphur of her eyes remained however. Laertia felt sick yet not sick, staring at that face, that pleasant face, and knowing the horror that lay beneath.

The United kept her distance at least, and it spoke volumes as to how lonely Laertia Io truely felt in the galaxy at times that she did not respond to what The United said next.

"I offer to be what Ursula will never be. I offer to be your parent..." The United offered with seemingly all sincerity, her smile now looking far more natural, disturbingly.

"Yooz wud soonuh kyllz mee." Laertia finally found the strength to say, after a moment of processing it, then another moment of reprocessing it.

"How would you know that?" The United asked. "There must be sisters in a coven, and all sisters must have a mother. And the Mother only stays the Mother if she treats those in the coven like her own children. You would be my firstborn, in a personal apprentice. My daughter. That is what you want, is it not? A Mother? To guide you? To care about you? To make sure you are not utterly alone?"

Laertia refused to answer the smiling old woman, not just because she refused to give the schutta ammo...

But because she genuinely could not figure out why she had not said no yet...

But Laertia backed away.

"Yorr a lyar." Laertia said simply. "Yuh'd sayy annytingz tuh seekaype dhis swamp..."

The United seemed disappointed but set the brush aside on a shelf.

"I keep my bargains. Think of all you could become with my wisdom. You side with Ursula...what are you going to have? A life spent killing people unafraid to follow the truth the whole galaxy is slowly coming towards: a golden age of The Darkness..." The United proclaimed. "Your pathetic little band cannot make a dent in our population now. No matter how many futures you interrupt. In the end the light will be crushed. Forever, this time. You will be but a mere foot note in history. Save your soul. Embrace the Bogan." The old woman encouraged earnestly, stepping towards her. "You could be a conquerer. An eternal gladiator of the darkness, not some blunt club your master can swing."

Laertia blinked and suddenly she was aboard her ship, inside her pink captains quarters, in her black streetwear, spiky jacket and all. The United looked different as well, no longer in that regal gray and white gown but in a simple white T-Shirt and white jeans. Her eyes were brown, human looking.

"You have not said no." The United noted, smirking.

"Dhiss iz a pretti stwaynge..." Laertia growled nervously. She'd have been more certain of what to do had she been merely offered power. Laertia was less certain what to do by the second.

The United continued to smile that motherly smile. "Let's do a test run of my parenting skills. How about I read you a story?

Laertia had had enough.

The padawan realized all this was illusion. Inside her head, she was the boss. She willed a lightsaber to existance. The one she used in the real world hissed its all green core and white aura out. She pointed it threateningly at The United.

The United smiled wider, holding her arms out.

"Go ahead. I'm unarmed."

"Yorr a combynayshun ov psyykopathhs..." Laertia snapped.

"I can feel your anger." The United replied, closing her eyes. "But you have still not said no. Why?"

Laertia did not answer. The horror and lonliness of the streets entered her gray eyes.

"Have you ever even been hugged?"

Laertia felt her heart fracture a little. Ursula had patted her on the back. But she had never hugged her. Laertia had never once been given a hug. Not by any of the Marksmen. Or anyone before that.

The United stepped closer, still holding out her arms. "Join us. Be our champion. Join us and we will be your guide forever." The old woman called out in a multitude of voices. "Join us. Serve us the flesh of your own master and become the first, the best, the most treasured of all my daughters. Your sisters shall be jealous of the open adoration we shall give you. They shall fight to obtain even an ounce of the attention you will receive. Let us be your mother, Laertia. Let yourself be our daughter." The United pleaded warmly, in that same multitude of voices. "You only need let the darkness in..."

She blinked and the old woman was gone but she was surrounded by hundreds of white gowned, hooded witches in an ancient stone chamber with that weird, jagged crescent.

"JOIN US. BECOME OUR SISTER. LET US SHOW YOU TRUE FREEDOM." The women, both young and old, spoke in unison. "LET US BE YOUR MOTHER. LET US. LET US. LET US."

They all suddenly seemed to burst into blood and maggots that gathered at the center, compacting and reconstructing into The United in her gray and white gown. Her skin twitched and shivered from the maggots crawling underneath it for a second before she opened her eyes, smiled warmly, and held out her arms, the setting shifting back to her quarters.

"Become my daughter, Laertia..." The United said with motherly affection that Io genuinely could not tell if it was fake or not. It was said with such warmness, such earnestness, that it made her blood chill at the idea something this revolting could fake that.

A small rebellious thought entered her head...what if it wasn't?

The United made one last push as she approached, almost angelic in her expression, even with the rotting eyes. "All you need do is call me your mother, and it will be true. Then you will never be alone again. You will always have someone who adores you..."

Laertia hesitated as the old woman spoke...but Laertia's character did not come from anywhere that had not been self imposed first.

She called on the light for strength, letting the confusion and anger recede from her mind. She knew what she had to do.

As The United took another step Laertia struck, but not at The United. She struck at the walls of her quarters. Blood started leaking out and a cut appeared on The United's face, leaking red. She hissed in fury as she withdrew.

A golden lightsaber appeared in her hand, a single elegant rod of metal, from which a red blade emitted.

"That was a mistake, Laertia. You cannot defeat me. I command the wisdom and fighting skill, and more importantly, the will of hundreds of witches..." The United snapped, her angelic, motherly face gone, now writhing with a frustrated sneer, the maggots wriggling underneath.

"I WUD NEVUH EVUH BEETWAYY URSY TOO A TWO BITT BULLY LYKE YOO GATHERRIN' OV JACCKALLS!" Laertia shouted defiantly. "You failed, Laydee. I amm a Jehdie. I lyved muh wholl lyfe wit nuthin, nott evun a payrent, annd I'm still stanndin'! And evun iff yoo cud bee a muther tuh meez, I could nevuh stomach lettin yoo kyll all dhose poor peopull ovuh annd ovuh!"

The United sneered at this, brandishing her blade in an Ataru stance.

"So be it...Jedi..." The United snarled, face and arms rotting on the bone until she was a patchwork of rancid flesh crawling with maggots in an elegant dress soaked with spoiled blood. Her eyes burst with blood and worms.

"If you will not be my most treasured daughter, then you will be merely another jedi to kill over and over and over. In every tortuous way we can dream up. Ready to die?" It asked, maggots wriggling from its nose.

"I wuz borrn redeez, muthurfetherr." Laertia snapped back, going into her preferred form one stance. The maggot ridden corpse snarled unnaturally and lunged...

She hadn't thought about her battle with that creature in her head in a long time. She was creeping closer to the outer doors, waiting and looking for any sort of threat that might endanger them.

It never ceased to disturb her how on the money the old woman had turned out to be in regards to Ursula. It made following her former mentor's old request all the more rediculous, when she admitted it to herself. But she had cared for Ursula, for what the Marksmen stood for, too much to sell out. Though what happened next had been strangely painful.

Io's sensors lit up. There was a small set of mines ahead, buried under rocks. Flicking her free hand like the magician she was, she did something else with her teleportation ability. Something she had never seen anybody else who could teleport do. She teleported the mine. The first time she had shown a Jedi she could do that, he had gone to the local cantina five minutes later to get a drink. She teleported the mines out of the way to a safe distance from Rimini and the others, and spotted hidden turrets, also stategically placed under rocks in the teams path, and wiggled her fingers playfully, dancing a little in her power armor. The turrets were permanently reprogrammed. Ionize was another Force power she had learned on the streets, long before becoming Ursula's student.

But not her daughter.

That battle with The United still gave her nightmares, because for just a split second, and no more she truly had been uncertain as to whether she would reject the crone's offer. But she had made her choice, and did not regret it. But that uncertainty before the choice still troubled her. She doubted anyone would understand if she explained it.

"I thinx itz sayfe..." she whispered at [member="Bella Rimini"] and the others. "Doorz arr inn spyttinn diztince. Redee onn yorr go, Mastuh Rimini..."

Bella Rimini

Bella and Martin came running up to the door with a puzzled look on their face. Did... Did [member="Laertia Io"] just teleport, mines? Yet, before they could say anything,

"Damn girl!" Jazz exclaimed.

Sudden as it was shocking. Rare was the day one could get a compliment out of Jazzy.

"Don't think I didn't notice." Jazz touched her hips and flipper her shades back on her head, "Pfft. You just reprogrammed those turrents. Didn't cha'."

Bella and Martin gave each other a baffled look while the Zeltron woman continued,

"Yeah. That ain't something Bella can do. And I would have switched them off altogether. Pfft. ...Bella. This chick just..."

"Yes. I felt it Jazz. Her space magic is quite strong." Bella nodded.

Martin shrugged while Jazz pulled out her phone again. The Zeltron tapping her nose with a singer finger,

"Kay. Well. Whatever. Just give me a moment and I'll hack their security net and get this door open."

Suddenly Jazz stopped and turned to Laerita with a shrug,

"Or... Did super girl here just want to teleport in and open the door for us, Mm?"

Martin balked in Io's direction,

"Uh. Wait. She can do that?"

Bella just shrugged. Jazz sighed but kept working. Martin just looked around the dusty tunnel, confused as all hell.

So yeah. It appeared their new teammate was just full, of surprises.
"Itz wuz sumthin I cud dooz sinnce chyldehood..." Laertia said quietly through her helmet's vocabulator. Unfortunately, before she could demonstrate a little more, a migraine interrupted and she was prevented from using Force powers, forced to stand, only chuckle a little, and wait for Jazz to finish hacking the doors. "Sahry...headache...gimme a feww sekundz..." Laertia replied in response to whether she could teleport to the other side and open the door.

"Don'tz exaktlee worrk dhat wayz, I'mm afwaidz..." she elaborated. "Gotzta bee abul ta seez werr I'mm goinz...or bee familiarz enuff withh duh lokashun..."

She felt very shy as they gawked at her abilities. She didn't often think about how much of an oddball she was when it came to the Force...for all she could do with a blade, many things normal Jedi could do seemed totally out of her reach. She could not enhance her body with The Force, but she could use telekinesis to slow down others so her blade could catch them. She could neither jump nor leap with the Force, but when one has such a powerful variant of Force Teleportation one arguably does not need the first two. She could not push others with The Force, but her telekinetic combat ability with a lightsaber was second to none. Most average adepts did enjoy some advantages over her...but it was one thing to know her weaknesses. It was another to effectively exploit those weaknesses. And it could sometimes be harder to use her abilities correctly then one might think...many could be highly situational. But Ionize was definitely a useful trick that was good for nearly all occasions.

The door hissed open--Jazz had gotten the door hacked. Which was just as good for Laertia, because her migraine had gone away. She headed forward, the pneumatics in her brown and faded white armor hissing as she strode forward, focusing on another ability she had. Not being able to use most offensive Force Powers meant she had been forced to develop her routes of offense in other ways.

Doppelganger had been one such ability. It had been Ursula's gift to her.

Laertia concentrated, and summoned a fake duplicate of herself in power armor, with its own Force signature. (The fake Force signature thing had developed on its own, independent of what Ursula had taught. She didn't understand how she could do it. At times she wondered whether or not she was completely baseline human.)

Sure enough, the duplicate was spotted by a lizardmen, who raised his rifle to fire, but Laertia teleported five meters behind him, closed the distance and seized him by the neck. He gulped, dropping his weapon immediately, knowing he stood no chance against her power armor.

Laertia throttled him a little, pointed her arm shotgun at his stomach even though she hadn't switched it to kill.

"Duh gemynye bahx..." Laertia growled, keeping her captive in a necklift. "Wutz havv yoo donnz wit itz?"

"Thrrrreeee levellllsss dowwwn..." the Lizardman hissed, gagging against her gauntleted hand.

"Howw manni innsyde?"

"Eighhhhtyyy..." the guard hissed back before trying to swipe at her. This just made Laertia grip him harder until he got weak and stopped.

"Playcemintz?" Laertia asked of the guard positions, her lightsaber unhooking itself, its scratched, weathered crossguard hilt floating off her Power Armor's hip storage and hovering silently, pressing its main emitter against his forehead.

"Eighteeeeeen on thissss level. Thiiirrrrty threeee on the next. Twenty niiine afffter that. Allll carrrrying heavy repeatersssssss...securrrrity checkpointssss at every turrrrbolift..." This one was normally quite haughty and violent, but even it knew it was facing death.

"Thankz. Letz tayke uss a wahlk, shall weez?" Laertia growled, dragging him down the bronze colored passageway to where Laertia spotted a security office staffed by two guards as she rounded a corner. A mass of computers between the two when they spotted her and drew their pistols. The lizardman crashed through the transparisteel frame between them hard after Io chucked her captive into it, all three knocked out by the impact. Io teleported into the office and held out her hand over the computers, her connection to the Force flooding their circuits and rewriting their programming to allow her total access after a few minutes. The screens displayed the heat signatures of the guards and the maps. If Laertia Io wanted to get inside somewhere there were few reliable methods of keeping her out completely beyond total secrecy. Even the most advanced organic droid could be reprogrammed by her if she focused hard enough. Few forms of electronics beyond the alchemized were safe from her.

Then again this power was only as useful as the electronics it was used on, and while this security office gave her access to this level, showing barracks and armories, it was seperate from the main computers. Even she would need to concentrate hard to breach those. And if she had a migraine in the process she'd have to start all over again.

She found herself cursing her migraines again. She had grown weary of feeling their constant torment, and longed for a time when this pain had not been a constant, along with the psychological torment that came from never knowing when they would start or end. This could sometimes relegate her to that of a mere brute...which in truth was one she had little problem with. Laertia preferred being pointed to wear the enemy was and then doing what must be done. Truth was, the more she took down non lethally, the less that [member="Bella Rimini"] and Jazz and Martin would have to kill. And the less blood would be on Io's hands.

Laertia did not regret her actions in the Marksmen, but even a thug like her knew it wouldn't do to leave a ton of dead. Especially if you wanted to make a good first impression with new potential friends. She tried not to kill henchpeople in general unless it was extreme circumstances, however. Sith Minions were exempted from this rule most times.

The scratched and weathered hilt that had clipped it self back to her armor itched to be used. But using it for anything but simple floating increased the risk causing a migraine...the skill was there, but had to be employed only when necessary. Ursula had taught her resraint, but had never bought her one sweater. Not one. Laertia wanted her rabbits again. Felt the random stage frights caused by her injured brain flicker before being suppressed by her armor's brainwave regulators.

Thinking of that perceived neglect brought her back to that final trial as a padawan as she looked over the computer readouts...

The United dodged, blocked and parried every strike Laertia Io sent her way in the white room, the rotting crone's red blade sending a furious, complex series of vicious Ataru leaps and spins and slashes, and only Laertia's mental mastery of form one allowed her to not only intercept the speed but the power. The vicious corpse possesed an immense mental strength that Laertia's innate defiance had difficulty matching.

Laertia managed another parry, saw an opening, and struck for the brain, because that was how one kills zombies. She only succeeded in nicking the right of its face.

The corpse shrieked but managed to jump back and evade the follow up lunge.

"Use your aggressive feelings, girl!" The United encouraged, guarding with its blade, its slick movements and feline grace made horrible by its decayed state. Laertia refused to take the bait, instead holding back, studying it. It took a moment to study her. Laertia readied her mental lightsaber blade, waiting for it to attack.

"Its not too late, Laertia. You can still have a family..." it hissed, maggots crawling out of tears in its dirtied, bloody gown.

"Iff so powuhfullz yooz iz...why barrginz?" Laertia wondered.

"Because its rare that we spot a kyber in the rough."

"Nott intwistedd..." Laertia replied firmly, resolute in her decision to fight this monstrosity until it died or she did.

Laertia blinked and she was suddenly in a quiet, golden meadow, still holding her lightsaber. The United was again front of her, her decrepit state having reversed itself to its previous middle aged appearance. She was wearing a simple blue dress and shoes. Her curly, golden hair tied into a ponytail.

"We are not unwilling to give you the adoration and respect you crave..." the old woman said, stepping forward. "You need only ask to be our daughter."

Laertia's blade remained steady but did not lunge.

"You will never know a mother in Ursula. You will toil, and scrape, and suffer, but you will never be her daughter. You must know that..." the United spoke gently, her brown eyes twinkling in sad bemusement as she took another step. "Join me...and I will give you authority and dominion over your lesser sisters. We shall travel together, sanctifying souls with The Unholy Spirit. It will be glorious will always have a war, a battle to wage. You will never be useless. Never forgotten. Never unadored..."

"Shudduptz annd fytez..." Laertia growled back, utterly horrified by how sincere she seemed. But the United only stepped closer. The padawan knew, or at least firmly believed that all that came out was a lie. But she could not stop staring at that motherly smile.

"I will complete your training. We are your fondest wish..." The United spoke, taking one more step...

Laertia's blade sank into the ground and the old woman screamed in agony, the pleasant, sunny landscape around them erupting in blood as a smoking wound appeared in the United's chest, festering already with maggots. Her wrinkled fingers scooped some out of the wound, holding them out to a now truly horrified Laertia as the world around leaked and rained blood.

"Is this really so bad?" The United asked, eyes bloodshot. "At least I do not shrink away from you. At least we admit what we are!" the United proclaimed. "And we would share our wisdom with you."

"NEVUH!" Laertia shouted, plunging her saber into the ground again. The United shrieked, her face collapsing in then bursting from maggots and rancid muscles and yellowed fluid that collapsed in front of her...for a second anyway, before the whole corpse became nothing but a moving, shifting pile of maggots that writhed and struggled and built upon themselves until they formed another woman, this one of larger, significantly more muscular with milk white skin and long, deep red hair that cascaded in curls behind a frame clad in an all white gown. The woman, whose features were as chiseled and defined as the rest of her, opened gray, rotting eyes, brandishing that same golden lightsaber, this time in a distinct, crisp Niman stance, in a two handed guard pointing low and to her side.

"One down, little one. Hundreds more to go..." she taunted in a rasping voice, before she opened her mouth, her entire body pulsing with maggots as black lightning bolts erupted from her mouth, forcing Laertia to block it as she retreated across the meadow now soaked with still erupting geysers of blood and flesh as the United renewed her attack...

Laertia snapped out of it, breathing hard as she locked down the barracks, which still bore a ton of heat signatures, but then was spotted by three guards who told her to freeze as they leveled multibarreled repeaters at her from across the distance in the passage she had come from. She teleported behind them, back handing them all as she closed the five meter distance into unconsciousness, preventing blasterfire as long as possible to confuse enemy forces as to when the attack had started. She then teleported her way back to where Bella and the others were.

"Partz ov duh levvel iz sekured, Mastuh Rimini. I'vv twapped some of dhem inn duh barrackz, a nuutralyzed sixx otherrz. Orduhz?" Laertia asked. "I don'tz tink dheyy knowz we herez yett."

Bella Rimini

Inside the base, [member="Laertia Io"] had secured the hanger bay and a nearby guard station.

Bella, Martin, and Jazz all hide behind a shipping container as Io began to teleport, leave duplicates, and interrogate the locals. Martin and Jazz gave each other looks of surprise at each new ability Io expressed during combat. Bella however, remained skeptical and more concentrated on her Force energy. Laertia was good. Yes. Laertia was specially empowered. Yes. However, she was also remarkably damaged. The Force did not flow through her easily. It jumped, and spiked, and exploded, or was altogether blocked and silenced outright. Like her brain was misfiring on all cylinders. Gears grinding against rusted metal.

And Bella did not like the sound of that, at all.

"Orduhz?" Io asked.

Bella stood in the middle of the hanger bay. Nodding back to her request while Martin and Jazz looked through the cameras in the guard post,

"Our objective is three levels down. We'll take the cargo lift and move to it directly. Jazz, how's it look?"

The Zeltron shrugged behind the broken windows,

"Crew quarters. Something big at the end of the hallway. Captain's quarters or a lab maybe? No cams inside."

Martin leaned over her shoulder and nodded,

"Lots of guards about. Bored as hell too but the numbers might be a problem."

Bella nodded. Then turned to the large cargo lift.

"Okay. Jazz. Martin. You two stay here. Guard the ex-vile and see if you can't steal us a ride out of here. We'll up the same way we went down. Jazz, can you seal the doors from there?"

The purple woman nodded,

"They'll close sure. But I doubt it will hold them. These ain't blast doors up here."

Bella nodded,

"Fine. We'll have to make it quick then."

She turned back to Io,

"Same plan. You lead. I'll clean up. We make for the big door at the end, grab the box, and get out the same way we came in. Jazz will guide us from the cams and Martin will steal us a ride out. All clear?"

Everybody nodded. So far, so good.

Bella moved to the elevator and pressed the button. The wire gates closed and large lift stared moving slowly downwards. Visibility was good. So they'd be spotted right away as the lift descended. Bella took a sword stance and readied her silver saber.

"Don't hold back down here." She nodded to Io with a stone sentinel's tone, "Remember. Clock's ticking."

Then she turned and suddenly smiled playfully,

"I'll follow your rhythm. Knell if the headaches become a problem. Then, I'll take lead. Kay? ...Kay. Here we go."

The lift slowly descended into a long bronze hallway with low ceilings. A guard was picking his nose as the gates suddenly opened and he seemed to stare at the pair of warrior's in disbelief. Huh? Since when did the boss hire humans?...

"Usssh? Um. Erm, wait. Hall passs!?" He mildly questioned.

Bella smiled and turned to Io,

"He's all yours."

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