Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply The Seeker

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The iron cannot hold shape while hot.

Let it cool, let it take settle into a mold.

Allow your passions to grant focus.

Kaila would repeat these words within her mind, sitting in deep meditation within grassy the plains of Dantooine where the only sound for miles was wind rustling through grass. She was far from busy and militaristic folk of Malsheem now, nor the distraction of any civilization for that matter. Sitting there in her cream colored tunic and dark robes, one would not be at fault if they mistook the young woman for a Jedi. But if one were to apply special attention and insight of the force, one may discover that she was not meditating the way a Jedi should, nor was her signature in the force like any other. More like two beings placed into one, fighting for control of their own thoughts. Where a Jedi would try and keep a clear head, this woman's was racing. She was not stoking anger like other sith however, but allowing the passions of her work to overtake all other thoughts, and all other voices. Research. Knowledge. Secrets and the endless possibilities therein. Whether it meant discovering the weakness of her enemies or learning why some cultures banned the use of telekinesis in sports, she cared little. Not all knowledge was truly power, but knowledge was it's own reward even so.

Unlike the Apprentice's usual endeavors, this particular expedition had nothing to do with her master's plans nor her duties as a seeker. Coming back to this turbulent galaxy after so many years in complete solitude had left the girl overwhelmed, and she needed time to adjust. Researching ancient lore was one of the few things that gave the peculiar sith clarity, and so she had come looking for an ancient temple said to have been built, and even re-built by the Jedi many times.

Just the nature of such a place was justification enough to allow the apprentice's leave from politics and war for awhile longer.

"Found you" She muttered at last, and began wandering in the temple's direction.

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TAG: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

The plains of Dantooine stretched wide and open under the pale sky, an expanse that, to most, would feel endless—vulnerable. But not to Leven Jeyd. No, she moved through the tall grasses like a predator prowling unseen through the underbrush, a shadow among the stalks, her very presence lost in the great design of the Force, hidden. Today, her form was unremarkable: a plain tunic draped over lean muscles, a neutral cloak shielding her from the sun. Even now, as she traversed the open fields, there was an effortless grace in her stride, an ease born of countless hunts, countless killings. This place, with its apparent serenity, held no secrets from her.

Her reasons for being on Dantooine were her own, a mystery cloaked in layers of cunning and calculation. But if one cared to pry—or if she deigned to answer—they might discover that she sought something here: not peace, nor rest, but knowledge of a different kind. The kind buried deep within the abandoned halls of an ancient Jedi temple. Artifacts, scrolls, perhaps even a holocron or two. The Jedi may have been fools, but they were often insightful fools. And their insights could be twisted, reshaped, and used to further her own ends. Rumors spoke of it housing a cache of rare kyber crystals, the remnants of battles fought long ago, soaked in the lingering energies of the Force. An enticing ingredient for her more... experimental alchemy.

She would have them, of course.

As she approached the temple's vicinity, she felt it—a ripple, a disturbance in the Force. A presence. Her lips curved into a smile, thin and sharp as a blade. Not alone, then.

She had felt the girl before she had seen her, her senses pricked by the unusual signature in the Force—a conflicted beacon of darkness and light, two halves warring beneath the surface. Leven didn't need to see her to understand the turmoil. She could taste it in the air, like the lingering afterburn of a distant fire. The girl was close now, moving towards the temple. A Jedi, perhaps? No. Not quite. Her aura was all wrong, more akin to a novice painter clumsily splashing colors onto a canvas than the carefully measured brushstrokes of a Jedi Master.

Leven's grin widened as she watched the young woman mutter something under her breath before continuing her path. A poet, maybe?

"Found it, have you?" she called out, her voice soft, almost playful. She allowed herself to step into the light, revealing her presence. Her white gaze was intense, burning with an inner fire, but her expression was almost welcoming—like a spider inviting a fly into its web.

She took a few steps closer, her movements fluid, deliberate. "Curious place for a walk, isn't it?"

She paused, letting the words settle, watching for the slightest flicker of reaction. Leven thrived on reactions; they were her currency, her compass.
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We are not alone...

Spoke a voice which only Kaila could hear. She was already turning around when Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd 's voice registered among her thoughts, only now feeling that presence in the force.

"Found it, have you?"

"Curious place for a walk, isn't it?"

Kaila's golden eyes, went from widening to narrowing on the approaching woman, noting the careful yet natural movements that reminded her of a Vornskr. She instinctively placed a hand on her saber, unsure if this woman was merely approaching with caution or already initiating combat.

"It suits me well enough," She spoke in a subtly aristocratic accent, though the exact dialect may be hard to place.

"Quiet... not many people, I would have thought"

Her eyes never left the woman, forced to rely on her unseen passenger to monitor their surroundings. Placing trust in it did not come easy, but there wasn't much choice in that moment. None of this was ideal in fact, caught unaware and in the open with a stranger who didn't look like just some traveler. Her eyes wandered quickly in search of a weapon, especially a saber or something else that would confirm her suspicions as to the stranger's nature.

But for now, a diplomatic response may be the best approach while she assessed the situation.

"But I have a feeling neither of us are just sight seeing, are we...?" She admitted, hoping to find some common ground with the stranger to either stall them or prove her doubts false.

Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd
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TAG: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Leven watched with quiet amusement as the woman turned to face her, eyes wide with surprise before narrowing in suspicion. She was assessing her, that much was clear—measuring her up as one might a predator sizing up another. And the way her hand drifted to her saber spoke volumes. This one was wary, and rightly so. Leven found herself liking that; caution was the hallmark of intelligence. Or fear. Either was useful.

Leven's smile widened, a flash of teeth, too sharp to be human. “Indeed, it’s a fine place to avoid prying eyes,” she said, her voice carrying a hint of warmth, as though they were old acquaintances sharing a private joke. “Or to seek what is hidden, away from those who might not understand its value.”

“But I have a feeling neither of us are just sightseeing, are we...?” the woman continued, her voice calm but laced with a hint of tension. A diplomat’s response, trying to find common ground. Clever.

Leven let out a low, amused chuckle. “Oh, certainly not,” she agreed, taking a slow step closer. Her movements were fluid, almost serpentine, as if she were gliding rather than walking. “I’ve little interest in idle distractions. I am here, like you, in search of... enlightenment.” Her eyes sparkled with a knowing glint. “Though perhaps my definition differs from yours.”

She noticed the way the woman’s eyes flicked over her, searching for weapons, a lightsaber. But Leven carried no saber. She had no love for the glowsticks. Her weaponry was subtler, hidden beneath the surface—razor-sharp blades concealed within the folds of her tunic and cloak. But even more dangerous was the aura she exuded, an unsettling blend of control and latent violence that spoke of her true nature. It was...strange, for her to present herself so openly. But she had a feeling she was in the midst of a...peer.

There were the telltale signs—her presence in the Force, the way her hand lingered near her saber, and that aristocratic bearing. She was no Jedi; that much was clear. No, this one felt like the shadows themselves had shaped her, woven her into their fabric. Sith, most likely. Or something close to it.

The galaxy had no shortage of dark acolytes eager to prove themselves, and Leven had been around long enough to know the type. She’d seen them trained, watched them rise and fall. She had been one herself once, sculpted by Sith hands—Xobos Yakieer, her master. Darth Malphas, whose rule she had served on Illyria, and Darth Prospero, the mysterious creator she had never met but whose mark was carved into her very essence. A twisted lineage of power, deceit, and shadows.

Curiosity flickered in her eyes. Perhaps this young woman could offer something more than just a distraction. Knowledge, information. Leven had been out of the Sith's circles for some time, but old ties ran deep. And the Sith always had a use for someone with her... unique talents.

Leven’s smile shifted, taking on a more calculating edge. "You are Sith, aren't you?" her tone was smooth, almost conversational. It was a gamble, revealing that she knew more than she should, but Leven thrived on gambles. She had seen what Sith do to those who cannot adapt... or to those who prove too useful to discard. Her eyes gleamed with a mix of amusement and something darker—curiosity, perhaps, or hunger. The Jester wondered which category she fell into. The useful... or the expendable.

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Kaila's brow raised at the word "enlightenment". It was the sort of word she expected from a Jedi, and she doubted this woman was from their order with every passing second. Rather it were the next few words that clued her in to woman's inclinations, inclinations that fit her observable character quite well. She was, at the very least, a practitioner of the dark side. If she were Sith, there was a chance that they would be "Allies" of a sort in their allegiance to the order if nothing else. Though if she were Dark Imperial or Dark Jedi, that only amplified the likelihood of a battle.

Then, they asked the question she had been waiting for.

"You are Sith, aren't you?"


Though she remained cautious and ready to draw her blade if need be, Kaila's wary glare softened.

"A scholar of the Dark Side. Fellow scholar, I presume? Come to this place for the same reason then"

A small part of her was tempted to utter the name of her master, to leverage the Kainate's name to her advantage. A warning of sorts, that others would come looking for her, or that the teachings of the Twice Emperor would see her victorious. But, if she wished to learn this woman's intent beforehand, such a threat may put her at a disadvantage until she knew where the stranger's loyalties lie. She didn't even know if they were members of the same order, let alone which of the many factions within.

<<You wouldn't need to play games with her, if you'd only let us in>>

The voice came again and her jaw clenched for a moment.

<<Distractions will get us killed, Parasideus. If I die, you have nowhere else to go>>

Dark Side energy flared little by little as the two spoke within their shared minds, though they made no sound nor did Kaila's tongue ever move. Still she tried her hardest to stay focused and alert.

Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd
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TAG: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Leven watched the girl carefully, her white eyes narrowing as she took in the subtle shifts in her expression. There was something beneath the surface, a tension that had nothing to do with their present situation. The girl was... distracted? No, no it was more than that. There was a something happening within her, a flicker of dark energy, like a distant storm on the horizon. Leven's curiosity sharpened.


"Ah," Leven said, her voice soft, almost contemplative. "A kindred spirit then." Her words held no camaraderie, no sense of shared purpose. To her, the Force was a tool to be bent to her will, a weapon forged in darkness and tempered by her own strength. The girl was Sith, which made her both a potential ally and a possible threat, depending on how useful she proved to be.

Leven kept moving closer as she had put no objection to it, her steps slow and deliberate, as if savoring the tension in the air. "I've never cared much for the titles or the rituals. Sith, Jedi—they're all just names, masks to hide behind. But I do find myself curious about you." Her gaze flicked over Kaila, assessing, probing. "What kind of scholar are you?" She let a slight smile curl her lips. "Who do you serve?" She was assuming, of course. She had joined the ranks of the Order only recently - but it had been evident that the higher ups had a penchant for putting a collar and a leash on those not yet so powerful. There was the possibility, though, that this one had carved her own path in the Darkness as the Jester was doing now.

She could see the way Kaila's eyes darted, the slight twitch of her jaw, the way she seemed to be listening to something Leven couldn't hear. Whatever was happening inside her head, it was causing a ripple in the Force, a disturbance that Leven found almost fascinating. She didn't know if it was a voice, a spirit, or something else entirely, but she intended to find out.

"Your mind is elsewhere," Leven remarked, her voice taking on a mocking edge. "I wonder what could be so important to draw your attention away from me~" She paused, letting the silence stretch, feeling the tension build.

Leven didn't wait for an answer. Instead, she took another step closer, her presence almost overwhelming in its intensity. "Or perhaps you are trying to hide something?" Her smile was dangerous now.

There was a challenge in her words, an unspoken dare. Leven wanted to see how this girl would respond, how far she could be pushed. After all, the only thing more satisfying than breaking a foe was understanding them, peeling back the layers until there was nothing left but truth. And Leven was very, very good at finding the truth. Yet, as quick as that tension had come it dissipated, her posture now relaxed. The Jester sighed in content, stepping back and away from Kaila before willingly turning her back on her. "Oh well, there'll be plenty of time to chat inside." She gestured, before resuming her approach towards the temple.

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There was another pause as Kaila thought about her answer. On the one hand she was beginning to think that the stranger belonged to no particular faction within the order, and so knowledge of her loyalties may not trigger an immediate incident. However, it was apparent that she was now playing the stranger's game and it felt as if each time she revealed new information, a piece on the proverbial board was being moved.

And so she would answer in the most Sith fashion she knew of:

"Who does a Sith truly serve, if not herself?"

She remained loyal to her master of course, and was willing to use that status when the time was right. But that didn't mean she had to like the man.

Still, the stranger did not seem wholly satisfied and continued to creep ever closer, asking more questions. The continually shrinking distance caused Kaila to grip her saber a little tighter, even grunting under her breath when the woman noticed her momentary distraction. She wasn't even sure how to answer the question without exposing a weakness or simply sounding deranged.

And yet, this invasion of space stopped almost as quickly as it began, the woman even showing her back. Rude in some cultures, a sign of vague trust or perhaps merely confidence in hers.

Kaila inhaled and exhaled deeply before following along, hand riding along her belt rather than on the saber, though it was still close enough to draw in a hurry. She also kept a relatively safe distance away, remaining just out of arm's reach as the two marched toward the temple ruins.

"To... answer your question," she decided to nibble just a bit.

"My scholastic pursuits- today at least- are something of a hobby and personal curiosity. I've an... interest in spirits, I'm told Jedi knew a thing or two of them. Not sure if such a scholar has a name but that's the kind I've become"

Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd
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TAG: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Leven’s lips curled into a small, approving smile as she heard Kaila’s response. Perhaps this one would not be as dull as Leven always first assumed. Still, there was a certain something in her answer, something unseasoned in the way she carried herself. Leven could sense the careful grip on her saber, the way Kaila maintained a cautious distance. The girl was guarded—expected, perhaps, but it also meant she was not entirely comfortable.

"Spirits, hmm?" Leven mused aloud as they continued toward the temple. "I suppose it makes sense, if one is so inclined to learn from the dead. I've always found spirits to be more trouble than they're worth—far too much of the past weighing them down. And why concern oneself with the dead when there are so many interesting ways to play with the living?" Her words hung in the air, laced with dark amusement, as if she were sharing some private joke. Leven had always felt far more enthralled by the actual dying than the dead.

As they neared the entrance to the Jedi temple, Leven took in the sight before her. The structure was an imposing ruin, not because of any sinister aura, but due to its sheer age and the weight of history that hung around it. The stone was weathered but still stood firm, a testament to the craftsmanship of a time long past. The open archway loomed ahead, sunlight streaming through the gaps, casting soft, golden pools of light on the smooth stone floor. Inside, the air was still and cool, untouched by the harsh elements outside.

Leven paused at the threshold, her senses brushing against the calm, lingering energy of the place. The temple was a stark contrast to the chaos she so often thrived in, a relic of an age when peace was more than a fleeting thought. She could feel the remnants of the Light Side in its walls, the echoes of a serenity that had long since faded. Her skin seemed to crawl in disgust. Oh, the things she had to do to keep herself entertained...

Her eyes flicked to the temple entrance, then back to Kaila. "But I have to wonder, why here? Why choose a place steeped in the Light, far removed from the teachings of our kind?" She continued, her tone probing, "The dead don't often make for great teachers. They are fixated on what was, not what is—or what could be."

Leven stepped inside, her footsteps echoing softly against the stone. The interior was vast and open, lined with broken columns that reached up towards a ceiling that had partially collapsed, letting shafts of light spill in. Dust motes danced in the air, catching the light like tiny stars. In the far corners, she could see what remained of ancient Jedi statues, their faces eroded by time, yet still bearing a stern, silent watch over the chamber.

She moved further into the temple, running her fingers along the smooth, cool stone of a nearby column. She could feel the faint traces of the Force lingering here, like an old wound that had yet to fully heal. It was different from the darkness she knew, but that only made it more intriguing.

"These Jedi, they believed in so much," she mused, her tone almost mocking. "But belief without power is just… wishful thinking, isn't it? I guess for as drab as they are they could be insightful now and then, though."

With a small shrug, Leven gestured for Kaila to follow deeper into the temple. "Come then," she said, a sly smile on her lips. "Let's see if this place has any secrets worth uncovering. Who knows? Perhaps the dead will surprise us both... Or we will be bored enough I actually get to find out what's going on up in that pretty head of yours." The thought sent a pang of hunger through the Jester. It had been too long since she had feasted on a mind - but today was not the day. Terrible, restraining herself like that.
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I've always found spirits to be more trouble than they're worth

"Honestly? I couldn't agree more" Kaila actually smiled some. Just a wry little crease in the very corner of her red lips, but a smile all the same.

<<Oh, you wound us, Kaila>>

She still didn't fully trust nor was comfortable around present company, but the irony of this situation did not elude her.

Kaila stopped for but a moment as they neared the entrance, a sight as beautiful as it was strange. She had no love for the temple's masters nor the light side itself, her own research painting it's practitioners as more of a dogmatic cult than heroes or protectors. She was well aware that the things Sith did were rarely if ever benevolent, but at least they were honest about their intentions. Still, she had a love for the adventure itself, and for history. This temple in particular had seen some of the most turbulent times in galactic history before the plague, ending in it's destruction at the hands of Sith long past.

A part of her wished she could have seen such a battle with her own eyes.

<<Funny, that one with no history should love it so>>

The returning voice followed by the stranger's own broke Kaila from that brief daydream. She needed to focus, lest either of today's traveling companions take advantage.

The woman asked fair questions that Kaila hadn't honestly asked herself. She was not drawn to the temple itself, certainly not as some pawn of "destiny" and the Jedi teachings within held no immediate interest save that of obsessive archival. Well, save for one, perhaps. One which her unseen passenger would surely despise.

Her most corporeal company beckoned and so she continued to follow from an otherwise safe distance, occasionally peeking at dusty murals or signs of ancient battle and then back at the woman.

She even quirked a brow at being called "pretty", although she suspected the woman was not flirting. Darth Xyrah had done plenty of that whenever they both shared time away from her master's lessons, and this did not feel so genuine as it had then. A shame really, the stranger might even have been her type if she didn't think they would try to kill her at some point.

"Make no mistake," She decided to change the topic back to what it had originally been

"I have no love for the Jedi either. I find their philosophies as hypocritical and naïve at best, promoting stagnation and harmful to one's sense of self at worst" Kaila scoffed at the many texts she'd read, the hours spent within the archives of Malsheem comparing the two philosophies, which seemed to changed drastically with the flow of time until neither were quite the same. Still, teachings of the Sith were more consistent over the ages.

"However... A rare few of them became truly proficient in battling the dark side, Undead or otherwise. people trained in this very temple even"

"I'm not here to learn from ghosts" She admitted, a certain determination breaking through her once controlled and cautious voice

"I'm here to learn how we kill them."

Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd
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TAG: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Leven's interest piqued at Kaila's words. The girl's tone had shifted—gone was the careful wariness, replaced by something sharper, more resolute. Determination could be so delicious. It was not often that Leven encountered someone who held her attention for more than a fleeting moment, but Kaila... there was potential there.

A small smirk tugged at Leven's lips as she caught the slight quirk of Kaila's brow when she'd called her pretty. Ah, there it was—the hint of something more, a subtle reaction she could exploit. Not quite fear, not quite discomfort, but something in between. How delightful. Perhaps a little flirtation, mixed with just the right amount of menace, could loosen the girl up a bit more. It was always so much more fun when they were at least a little willing.

She continued to stroll deeper into the temple, her eyes occasionally flicking depictons of the old battles Kaila seemed to admire—Jedi and Sith locked in eternal struggle. Leven felt no love for either side. The Jedi's self-righteousness was nauseating, and the Sith, though more honest in their pursuits, often lacked the... creativity nowadays, to use their power in ways she found truly interesting. But killing that which was dead? Now that was something that could be worth her time.

"Learning to kill the dead... now, that's not something you hear every day," Leven mused, her voice carrying a mix of genuine curiosity and amusement. "You speak of this is a...far more tangible thing than I would expect. Far more... dangerous." She paused, letting the last word hang in the air between them. Dangerous was good. Dangerous was exciting.

She tilted her head slightly, observing Kaila's reaction. "You know," she continued, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "I once came across some rather peculiar writings myself, in a place not too dissimilar from this one. They spoke of a method—a means to bind souls, to trap them within objects of power. Crystals, they said, could hold fragments of consciousness, if you knew the right techniques. Though whether it was truly a soul or just an echo, a lingering consciousness... that was never quite clear." She was happily exposing her own goals now, for it seemed his companion could have with her some of the information she was missing. It was worth a shot. She watched Kaila closely for any flicker of recognition or interest. If the girl was indeed after knowledge on dealing with ghosts, there might be more to share—more to gain.

"So," Leven pressed, stepping closer once again, her tone now more intimate, as if sharing a secret, "what exactly do you know about these ghosts you're so keen to kill? Do you know what keeps them bound to this plane? What drives them to linger, to haunt?" Her voice was soft but insistent, her white eyes boring into Kaila's, searching for answers, probing. Seeing which words, in which order, made any little, tiny ripples in the pools of her eyes. "Because if you do...well that would simply be very helpful, wouldn't it, darling?"

There was a hunger in Leven's gaze now, a spark of genuine intrigue that hadn't been there before. Kaila had just become interesting, and that was a dangerous place to be when it came to the Jester's books.

She leaned in a little closer, lowering her voice to a near whisper, "And if you don't... well, I suppose there's no harm in us finding out together, is there? The dead are just as eager to be free as we are to learn their secrets."

Leven straightened, a playful glint in her eyes. The temple's quiet seemed to press in around them, the air thick with an unknown weight. "You don't ask many questions do you?" This one definitely had a Master. All answers, no demands.
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Questions could be more dangerous than answers, depending on how you ask them. That is because showing the gaps in one's knowledge often exposed a weakness therein, while advertising what one does know could paint them as a target. Kaila was as curious as she was knowledgeable, but not yet a master of managing these aspects of her herself.

She tried to look busy while the stranger asked her questions, wiping dust away from old carvings, taking brief moments to observe before continuing their walk. But she was listening carefully, as was their unseen "guest".

Still, Kaila paused for but a moment, even staring from the corner of her eye as the woman came closer yet again.

She had a feeling she knew exactly what they meant, even if Leven tried to paint it as more of a binding. She had spent years under the ghost's control, many long nights stuffed away in that horrid tomb pouring over tomes while the entity finalized it's research on Essence Transference. Having only seen the final stages of this research whilst her eyes were puppeteered against her will, she could not fully understand how to replicate whatever ritual her hands had committed to.

And yet this strange darksider had just revealed a piece of the puzzle that had eluded her. Of the many ritual components that her spectral passenger had once gathered, Crystals were not a mere piece.

They were the key.

A key that she had unwittingly carried with her this entire time. An anger flared up in the force briefly. Anger that she had been fooled once again, anger that she was in this precarious position to begin with. Not at the stranger specifically, who she found quite interesting albeit equally off-putting, though they weren't making this any easier.

"You don't ask many questions do you?"

"Some consider it rude, asking too much of a stranger. Perhaps I'll ask more, once we've been properly introduced?" She finally spoke with a forced smile. Her own inquisitiveness was also a point of pride, something that had been useful to her master and thus a reason for her continued survival.

"As for ghosts, well..." She decided to give the most obvious answer for now, hoping to throw off the trail a little

"A potent enough hatred, the odd unfinished passion project or two, that sort of thing. For Sith ghosts anyway. Not to sure about Jedi... though whatever their method, It seems less potent"

"But you knew this already, didn't you?" It was certainly a gamble, telling them that she knew the game being played. But perhaps a more bold approach to the conversation would alter the dynamic, put Kaila's foot in the door and tell them she wouldn't be so helpless. Or it could spring a trap she was ill prepared for. Such was life for beings such as they.

Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd
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TAG: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Leven watched Kaila carefully, noting the subtle tension in the girl's posture, the way she kept herself busy as she answered. The forced smile that accompanied her response only made Leven's smirk widen. There was something delightfully raw about this one, a tangled web of pride, fear, and defiance. So many layers to peel back, so much potential beneath them.

"Rude?" Leven repeated with a soft chuckle, the sound low and almost melodious in the stillness of the temple. "Oh, darling, we're far beyond manners, wouldn't you agree? And who needs proper introductions when we're already getting so... intimate?" She let the words linger, a playful edge to her tone. She could feel the flash of anger ripple through the Force, a brief but potent flare that made her grin. Ah, there it was—the passion, the fire. The girl had been withholding more than just her curiosity. "But in the interest of amusing you, I am Leven Jeyd." She shared her name, rolling off her tongue as if it was the most precious thing.

Leven continued moving deeper into the temple, her footsteps echoing softly against the stone floor. The air grew cooler as they descended, the light filtering through the cracks above growing dimmer, casting long, eerie shadows along the walls.

"You are right," Leven began again, her voice taking on a more conversational tone, "There are many reasons why the dead linger. Still, not all of them do so because of the...predictable ones." She paused, her gaze drifting over a particularly large mural depicting a group of Jedi standing over a fallen Sith Lord. "What if it's something more? What if it's not about what they were, but what they could become? What they were meant to be, had they not... failed." She glanced at Kaila from the corner of her eye, gauging her reaction.

"After all," she continued, "a spirit clinging to this plane must have some reason to want to stay, to refuse to let go. And the Jedi, well, their ghosts always seemed more... elusive. Less potent, as you said. Maybe because they are more willing to let go of their power, to embrace that blissful nothingness they love to preach about. Not as tenacious as our kind."

As they moved further into the temple, Leven's senses prickled with the lingering energies around them. They were drawing closer to something—she could feel it, a faint but distinct hum of power resonating through the Force. The path ahead led to a large chamber, the entrance flanked by two massive stone doors, their surfaces intricately carved with symbols she did not immediately recognize.

Leven approached the doors, her fingers brushing lightly over the carvings. The stone felt cool under her touch, but there was a warmth emanating from within, a pulsing energy that seemed to respond to her presence. "Interesting," she murmured, her gaze narrowing. She glanced back at Kaila, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Shall we see what's behind door number one?" she suggested with a sly grin.

With a wave of her hand, the stone doors groaned and began to slowly slide open, revealing a vast chamber beyond. The room was dimly lit by shafts of light streaming in from above, casting an ethereal glow on the objects within. Shelves lined the walls, filled with dusty tomes and ancient artifacts, some broken, others still intact. At the center of the chamber stood a large stone pedestal, upon which rested a small, ornate chest. It was bound with a heavy metal clasp, and the air around it seemed to shimmer with an unseen force.

Leven stepped inside, her eyes scanning the room with a predatory gleam. "Looks like we've found the archives," she said, more to herself than to Kaila. She moved toward the pedestal, her curiosity piqued by the chest. "I wonder what secrets you've been hiding," she whispered, reaching out to touch the clasp. But as her fingers made contact, she felt a jolt of energy surge through her, a brief but intense shock that made her withdraw her hand. Luckily for her, not the electric kind.

"Ah, a puzzle then," she mused, turning back to Kaila with an amused smile. "It seems this place doesn't want to give up its secrets so easily. Any thoughts, my dear?"

She moved away from the pedestal, her gaze shifting to the shelves filled with scrolls and relics. "There might be a clue around here somewhere," she suggested, her tone light but edged with excitement. Or perhaps they'd just have to...improvise.

Leven began to sift through the shelves, her fingers trailing over the spines of old tomes, her eyes keen for anything that might provide insight into the mechanism that protected the chest.
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Leven had a knack for speaking, she'd give her that. Even if she hated the mixed messages it sent, though that was surely her intention. Still, it kept her reluctantly interested. No doubt that put herself at risk, but she couldn't help it really. Just too curious for her own good, and as with any Sith, the darker the curiosity the better.

"Kaila... Kaila Irons" She introduced herself at last, once she was sure that Leven would remain at a safe distance and not use this lapse of attention to come closer.

The conversation continued from there as did the odd duo, though it became rather one sided as Kaila allowed Leven to do most of the talking this time. She made an excellent point, Kaila thought. Why would a sith spirit be so infuriated as to live after death simply because they were too angry to die, if they were not furious with themselves? With what they were unable to do in life? She chided herself for forgetting such a basic concept that was an early lesson even in her own unorthodox training.

One would derive power from anger, but all anger had a source.

And she was beginning to wonder what her spectral passenger's immortalizing failure really was. The thought caused a pang of sadness to loom over her. Not her own, Kaila had no observable reaction to the subject. Rather, it originated from the unseen presence attached to her own.

"You raise an interesting point. Perhaps that can be turned against them? How far does their will to live on go, I wonder..." She muttered a final sentence to herself, deep in thought while she tried to remember everything she had observed on Dathomir. She had time to study and to consider, and didn't need the power to kill her passenger immediately. She just something she could threaten them with if the need arose.

The wandered into the darker reaches of the temple underground at some point during her musings, at which point she realized it would be harder to keep an eye on Leven in the event of further mischief. So, taking a deep breath, Kaila held out her hand and conjured a small flame within seconds, which continued to expand while she drew on the dark just a little. One of her earliest memories was of this innate talent, and though she had learned to better control it now, reminding herself of how it was discovered always proved to be a reliable source of dark energy to feed that flame.

She held the crackling thing aloft, lighting the way for Leven as they approached the door, which her momentary expeditionary companion wasted no time in opening.

Her golden eyes lit up as the room's contents became revealed, Kaila abandoning her prior caution to enter and almost immediately pull a book from the shelves, carefully holding the flame outstretched and far from the ancient texts. The temple would have undoubtedly been looted, but not by force sensitives capable of opening the door it seemed.

The distraction was only broken by Leven suddenly recoiling, causing Kaila to step back and eye up the mysterious chest from a distance.

"Ah, a puzzle then," she mused, turning back to Kaila with an amused smile. "It seems this place doesn't want to give up its secrets so easily. Any thoughts, my dear?"

"Hm..." She returned the book to it's rightful place rubbing her chin in thought.

"It's not like Jedi to booby trap their temples. And surely whatever was powering this place is long gone, so perhaps this is a manifestation of the force? I would have thought the light to weaken after the temple's repeated destruction though, certainly enough as not to cause physical harm to those like us at least"

Bloody hell she wished she could use Psychometry right now.

Then a thought occurred to her as she approached the box, showing her back to Leven for the first time since they'd entered as she was now quite focused on her work.

"I can think of two possibilities thus far. The Jedi also hid our own artifacts from us in archives and vaults throughout history, the earliest temples being far less careful and much more open about this than the later temples. It may be that this is a work of sith alchemy or some minor curse which protects the chest.


If this is indeed mere technology, it must be powered by something with unusual longevity. We were both drawn here by the force, yes? perhaps it's connected to a kyber crystal somewhere..."

Her approach wasn't academic in the way one might expect, but she was eager to test her theories nonetheless.

"You may wish to step back," She said, little jolts of electricity beginning to dance across her finger tips until at last, a brief jolt of lightning leapt from them to the box, creating a flash and small shower of blue sparks.

Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd
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TAG: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Leven watched Kaila with a mixture of amusement and curiosity, her eyes gleaming in the dim light cast by the younger Sith's flame. The girl's focus on the chest, the way she turned her back to Leven for the first time, spoke volumes about her growing confidence—or perhaps a lapse in caution. Either way, it was a delightful shift, a sign that the girl was becoming more engrossed in the mysteries around them. Leven allowed herself a moment to savor the sight. Kaila's golden eyes glinted in the flickering light, her features drawn in concentration. The flame hovering above her hand crackled and danced, casting shadows across the ancient walls.

Leven could feel the energy building, a faint hum of anticipation that thrummed through the Force.

And then Kaila raised her hand, and lightning sparked to life at her fingertips.

The sudden burst of electricity crackling through the air sent a jolt through Leven's senses, an instinctive flare of discomfort coursing through her. The energy danced along the length of her nerves, a sharp, unpleasant tingle that caused her to stiffen ever so slightly and her skin to ripple slightly as it struggled to keep her current form. Her expression, however, remained as composed as ever, only the slightest narrowing of her eyes betraying her reaction. Electricity had always been a peculiar weakness of her kind, a vulnerability that she rarely allowed others to witness. But Kaila was focused elsewhere, lost in her experimentation with the chest, hopefully.

The surge of blue lightning arced from Kaila's hand, striking the chest with a flash and a shower of sparks. For a moment, the chest seemed to glow, a faint, eerie light emanating from its surface before fading back into darkness.

Leven took a step back, more out of caution than anything else, her gaze fixed on the chest. "Careful, darling," she purred, her voice soft yet carrying a note of warning. "Not everything reacts kindly to a little shock therapy." She let her smirk return, a playful gleam in her eyes, before reclaiming the ground she had only recently lost and closing some of the distance between them again. "And some things… some things have a way of biting back."

"Booby traps, Jedi tricks, Sith curses... All fascinating theories, darling"
Her tone was appreciative. She let her gaze drift back to the chest, her fingers flexing slightly as if testing the air. "But I think we're missing something, Kaila." There was something to the way she pronounced the acolyte's name - although what exactly was difficult to put into words.

As she loomed ever nearer the woman, her movements remained smooth and deliberate. "The Jedi, for all their talk of peace and balance, loved their secrets, their hidden knowledge. They would not leave something like this without a test—perhaps not necessarily one of strength."

She turned her attention back to the chest, her eyes narrowing slightly. She could feel it, the pulsing energy, the resonance of something ancient and powerful. Something that wanted to be found—but only by the right hands. "Think about it," she continued, her tone now more contemplative. "If this were a mere trap or a simple safeguard, it would have been triggered by your lightning—or by me, for that matter. But it didn't. It resisted, yes, but it did not retaliate. It's waiting for something, someone... worthy. Or perhaps, someone foolish enough to think themselves worthy."

Leven glanced back at Kaila, her expression inscrutable but her eyes alight with a mischievous glint. "You mentioned a kyber crystal," she said slowly, as if tasting the idea. "If there is one here, then it's possible it's acting as a conduit—a gatekeeper, if you will."

Her gaze shifted back to Kaila, a sly smile playing on her lips and once again the line on whether Leven was still speaking about their shared issue at hand or something else entirely became blurred. "But I think you know, deep down, it's not just about the crystal. This place... it's alive. It's testing us. It wants to see how far we're willing to go, what we're willing to give… or take." The Jester's presence had emerged now, its dark tendrils dancing and probing about them both as she pushed against the temple's ancient mark, and Kaila's own.

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Kaila preemptively put her hand, prepared to summon up a small barrier between the chest and herself, perhaps even present company, if the reaction to her force lightning was volatile. Instead, the chest took to her little test rather well, glowing with an energy that was powerful, but not aggressive. This was perhaps the first Jedi artifact Kaila had encountered, and her fascination was plain to see.

Even so, she could hear the slight discomfort in Leven's voice despite it. Something she attributed to the suddenness of her test.

"Process of elimination, my friend. Now we know that I can't simply overload whatever's protecting it, and that it's likely not quite a technological thing. If it makes you feel any better though, I was prepared to shield us both if it were to retaliate"

She was glad that it didn't of course, and that her test had produced some knowledge even it hadn't opened the thing.
Although, troubling thoughts emerged as Leven explained her own theories.

"We may be here for some time then. I fear the light and I have very different opinions of what it is to be worthy" She muttered.

"If it wants me to practice patience and meditate on it well," She glanced briefly at Leven who, even if she allowed out of her sight briefly, she was did not consider a trustworthy meditation partner so far.

"Let's just say I meditate best in private" Not to mention her method of meditation was quite different from that of a Jedi. In fact this whole ordeal was already beginning to frustrate the young apprentice, her quiet but contemplative tone taking a slight edge.

"If it's not after strength then my sith artifact theory is shot, so material sacrifice and contest are both out of the picture..."

"But then why would you suggest-"

Kaila's face turned abruptly towards Leven again, and it was this point she saw just how close the woman had gotten.

"Are we still talking about this place, or is there some double meaning to your words? You want something from me... I can feel it. But you haven't attacked me for it. Not yet... It doesn't sound like a lack of confidence stopping you, so why?"

Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd
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TAG: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

"Private meditation," she echoed with a soft chuckle, the sound rich with both mockery and interest. "A shame, really. I find the most profound insights often come when you have… company. Someone to keep you on your toes." Her voice dipped into a sultry purr, her gaze lingering on Kaila just long enough to make her point.

Leven's lips curled into a slow, unreadable smile as Kaila turned to face her, the younger Sith's eyes burning with a mix of suspicion and something more—curiosity, perhaps? The tension between them was palpable, a taut string stretched tight, ready to snap or sing depending on where her next step fell. Leven let the silence linger for a moment, savoring the charged air, the delicious anticipation that danced between them.

"Double meaning?" Leven's voice was a soft, teasing murmur, her eyes glinting with mischief. "Oh, Kaila, you wound me. Must there always be a hidden agenda, a secret desire lurking behind every word?" Now she pushed the boundary, close enough she'd be breaking into the woman's personal space, like a nexu circling prey—but with a playful, a hint of something deeper in her gaze. Her pale gaze bore into Kaila's as if enthralled. "Can't a woman simply enjoy a bit of company without plotting some grand scheme?"

She let out a soft, almost amused sigh, her fingers brushing lightly against Kaila's arm as she passed her, moving toward the chest again. "But you're right, of course," she continued, her tone more contemplative now, though no less flirtatious. "I do want something from you, darling. Or rather, I want to see what you're capable of. What secrets you hold. What you might become. And I would much prefer you alive during that process, love. To put it simply, I am...interested in you." Leven talked with the same ease as if she were discussing the weather. The perfect balance of non-specificity versus implication shrouding her every word.

Her hand hovered over the chest, feeling the faint pulse of energy emanating from it. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, letting the Force flow through her, seeking out the subtle currents that wove through the room. "I'd rather eat dirt than meditate in here," she said softly, almost to herself, as she considered Kaila's suggestion again. The Jester was wholly incapable of channeling the Light, the very core of her being rioted at the mere thought of it.

Leven's eyes snapped open, a flicker of realization crossing her features. She turned to Kaila, her expression now a mix of excitement and amusement. She tapped lightly on the side of the chest careful not to touch the chain or lock, a soft, rhythmic pattern. "Listen," she whispered, her ear close to the wood. "Do you hear that? It's hollow. There's a false bottom. A decoy." She glanced up at Kaila, her grin widening. "Sly little mongrels...It's not the chest, whatever it is is beneath."

Without waiting for a response, Leven's hand slipped to the side, gliding along until she felt anything out of place. With a soft click, a section of the floor near the chest shifted, revealing a narrow, hidden compartment. Inside, there was a faint, blue glow—a small, crystalline shard, humming with a quiet, resonant power.

Leven straightened, her eyes fixed on the shard, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips. "There it is," she murmured, almost to herself. "The kyber crystal. Or at least, a piece of it." She crouched and reached out, but stopped just short of touching it, her gaze flicking back to Kaila. She retreated her hand, but didn't move away. "All yours, darling." Leven's eyes gleamed with a mix of challenge and allure, a dare hanging in the air between them, eager to see how Kaila would react. For reasons the Jester didn't care to question, that right now seemed much more interesting and fun than getting the thing she had originally come here for.

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"A shame, really. I find the most profound insights often come when you have… company. Someone to keep you on your toes."

Kaila raised a questioning brow, almost surprised that Leven was still at it when even whilst the two were teetering on the edge of conflict again. At this point, she didn't know what to think it anymore.

The she looked at Kaila was unnerving. Something that would have been flattering were it from anyone else, were Kaila anyone else. Were she... Deserving. They were still strangers, but she knew enough to know that very little of what had been expressed thus far was genuine. Knowing this wasn't even the concerning part, it was how convincingly Leven controlled her own tone, how she never seemed to break deviate from playful or familiar.

She'd could almost admire it, if she wasn't convinced doing so would put her life in danger.

So much in fact that she took hold of not one, but two of her lightsabers just before Leven brushed past her. Close enough in fact for the fabric sleeve to rustle, causing the young apprentice to quietly growl. She had half a mind to do something about, to demonstrate that she wasn't some acolyte to push around nor prey to toy with, but she exercised restraint as Leven began explaining herself. Or at least hinting at her plans anyway.

"I don't know whether to be flattered or concerned by your interest in me..." She admitted, crossing her arms while her mysterious companion continued fiddling with the chest.

She had to wonder if she stood to gain anything from being the object of another's peculiar interest. She'd had an obsession or two in her time, but if this is what it felt like then she almost felt sorry for the occasional historical figure or tome she'd put spent too much time researching.

Exhaling slowly, she turned her attention back to the chest when Leven seemingly discovered the secret. It was not truly a chest but a decoy, and Kaila had to admit that she beat her to it, earning her a begrudging respect for thinking of it first. The contents were interesting even if only a fragment of what once remained in this ancient place. A small Kyber crystal, perhaps even the shard of a once larger specimen. Admittedly Kaila was unsure what she would have personally done with it, had it been her find. She possessed one unique Hurrikane crystal and a synthetic that she had carefully forged herself and now served to power her defensive shoto, though it would have been a valuable find either way.

Which is why she seemed surprised when it was offered to her instead.

She glanced at it, then to Leven and back again. Unsure of the optimal approach, she finally reached out with the force to gently levitate the crystal shard until it was within reach.

"You're an interesting one yourself, Leven... But what are you exactly? No loyalties to the Sith nor the republic. A witch? Dark Jedi, maybe? Or perhaps a peer, in a way. An apprentice with ambitions of her own. Unless you are your own master"

That did raise the question: Was she planning to recruit Kaila for something, or merely observe from a distance?

Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd

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TAG: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Leven watched intently as the kyber crystal shard floated up from its hidden compartment, guided by Kaila's careful touch in the Force. The young Sith's choice to keep her distance was a cautious one, calculated, but it lacked the daring Leven had hoped to see. She had wanted Kaila to take a step closer, to close the gap between them out of her own volition, to show some boldness.

Instead, Kaila played it safe. Leven's smile widened, her eyes glinting with amusement and a hint of something deeper—disappointment, perhaps, but also intrigue. Predictability had its own charm, after all, and there was something deliciously guarded about Kaila that only made Leven more interested in finding out what it was she was so guarded about.

Kaila earned a soft, almost disappointed chuckle. "And here I was hoping you'd come a little closer," she teased, her tone laced with a playful pout. "But I suppose it's fitting. Caution has its place, after all."

Her voice softened, her gaze fixed on Kaila with a newfound intensity. "Are you afraid, Kaila?" The obvious choice was to assume she was asking if the woman was afraid of her, but Leven never asked simple questions. The Jester had no doubt she was plenty disturbing, but in this case she believed her circumstantial companion to be more afraid of letting her guard down. Of what might happen if she let herself be...seen. That was too big of a mystery to pass up on.

"But now you've grown tired of my riddles, and I can't have that, so, I'll speak plainly." This was an honor a very reduced number of beings had ever been graced with, and Leven's body language showed that - as though she was some kingpin granting a favor. "As for what I am - well that could take a lifetime to answer. I don't do well following rules, codes, dogma. I am... myself, and mostly by myself, save the rare exeptions. And I am very much my own master." Her lips curved into a sly grin, her gaze never leaving Kaila's. "But I think you already knew that."

She let the silence hang for a moment, relishing the tension between them, before stepping closer—this time with no pretense, no hidden agenda. Her voice dropped to a hushed, intimate tone, the playful edge giving way to something more sincere. "I do love playing games, darling, but I don't waste this much time on people who don't truly intrigue me. And you...I find you fascinating." Many people were passing whims or idle curiosities, the Jester didn't believe this one was the case. The darkside rippled around Kaila in a way she had never quite seen before, but that reminded her of someone. She leaned in, her voice lowering to a near whisper. "And yes, I find you attractive, and in many ways that go beyond mere appearances too." A cunning smirk stretched her lips.

Leven's eyes locked onto Kaila's, her gaze steady and unyielding. "I want to know more about you, to see what you're capable of." And if that meant pushing, challenging, then so be it. But she was not just toying with Kaila. "And I mean exactly what I say."

Leven's words hung in the air, her confession a thread of sincerity woven into her usual tapestry of mischief. She watched Kaila carefully, gauging her reaction, sensing the subtle shifts in the young Sith's stance and expression. Leven knew she was pushing boundaries, but that was where she thrived—in the spaces between caution and curiosity, this, like everything - was a gamble. All she could do was wait, and be ready if Kaila finally decided to draw the sabers her hands had danced around one too many times now.

The Jester's eyes flicked to the kyber crystal shard still hovering in Kaila's grasp, a faint blue light casting soft shadows across the room. "That crystal..." Leven's voice softened, becoming almost reverent, as if the shard held a secret only she could decipher. "It's a fragment of something far more powerful, something with history, with potential. Much like you."

She took a step back, but didn't give the young woman that much space either. "But discovering those will take time, patience, and more importantly, the right resources."

Leven's smile widened, a knowing glint in her eyes. "I have a place on Illyria—a sanctuary, of sorts. It's remote, private, and full of the things we need and the knowledge that might help you understand what you've found here… and perhaps a few other mysteries too." Her tone was inviting, seductive even, each word carefully chosen. "If that's something that would interest you."

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"Are you afraid, Kaila?"

<<Terrified. Just as your master said; You wear terror on your sleeve. Afraid of her, afraid of Him. Afraid to disappoint, But they are all disappointed>>

Kaila blinked, trying to focus on Leven, on her words and on her own defenses. But how could she ignore it? It was right... It lived inside her mind, It could see all she is, all she ever will be. Leven had made it impossible to focus on her work, to drown out all other thought and emotion, consumed by focus. Instead she had brought out thoughts and emotions in Kaila that It could prey on.

<<I will feed you to Darth Keres, I swear it!>>

<<But you need us. Need the power we can offer, the recognition and the freedom therein. Alone, you will never find it>>

Leven continued all the while, a newfound honesty to her words drawing Kaila's gaze to her. She confirmed most of what Kaila suspected. She was something akin to a Dark Jedi, a wandering Darksider with no code nor master, only themselves and their own interests. A Ronin of sorts. It sounded... nice. To be free of shackles fashioned by a master, to simply pursue her own interests for interest's sake. And perhaps, the power to retain that freedom.

That was exactly why she hadn't fed Parasideus to the soul eater yet. Surely she wasn't strong enough to attain all this alone. But she needed a way to control the malevolent spirit first.

It seemed she was indeed fascinated by Kaila too, the exact nature of which could be left to interpretation, but included aspects of both her physicality and potential. Darth Xyrah had showered her in attention at every opportunity, and so intimacy was not entirely alien to the young apprentice, but it came naturally to them. They were like this with so many others. Kaila doubted she was truly special to her fellow Kainite...

Nor had any Kainite claimed to see potential, not since she was picked by Carnifex. Not since her failure on Dathomir. Not since she had exhausted what little potential the dark lord saw in her, or so she suspected.

And yet Leven supposedly saw something in her, the sincerity of her words being something Kaila could not out rule just yet. It brought a certain flicker to her eyes, despite her previous attempts to guard her thoughts until now.

In a small way, she hated it. Hated that she wanted to believe despite how clear it was that Leven was some manner of temptress, someone who had a deliberate way with words. Kaila on the other hand had remained utterly silent, as observant as possible just as she had always been, never fully committing to anything until she had as much information as possible. Up to this point she had taken an almost entirely reactionary approach to life, from the way her fighting style developed to defend against her master to her own ambitions which were really just the acknowledgement that only power could secure her own freedom. It was an exhausting state to live in really, perhaps holding her back even.

But Leven was offering something new. Something that may inspire her to do something bold. Something not borne of loyalty to her master. For but a moment, Kaila closed her eyes and exhaled slowly, as if surrendering to the realization itself, and letting Leven in for the first time.

"This... would have be a matter of great secrecy" Her tone was tired now, but far less guarded in the emotion it displayed.

"I am apprentice to the most powerful Sith of our time. To Darth Carnifex, God king of the Dathomiri and of Korriban, Twice Emperor of the Sith... That is not an enemy we can defeat"

She sat down on one of the more empty stone shelves, rubbing her chin in thought.

"But I'm not so blind as to dismiss the fact that his apprentices, of which I am not the only one, exist to be used and discarded. You understand then that this... interest of yours brings with it risk to both of us, yes?"

Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd
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TAG: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Leven's smile twisted, a flash of sharp teeth in the dim light. The name "Carnifex" was well-known to her—feared and respected, even by those who walked on the fringes of the dark side. His reputation stretched far, his power undeniable, but she wasn't here to kneel to him or his titles. Her focus was Kaila, the young Sith apprentice who intrigued her far more than the shadow she was caught in.

"Carnifex," she repeated, savoring the name like a fine wine. "He casts a long shadow, doesn't he? But I'm not looking to challenge him. I don't need to. Nor do I play games I can't win - yet." She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a low, seductive murmur.

Her gaze was unwavering, locked onto Kaila's. She could see the conflict in her eyes, the fear and desire wrestling beneath the surface. Leven thrived on this—the delicious push and pull of doubt and curiosity. Kaila was beginning to let her in, beginning to see that there might be more to this encounter than just a passing temptation.

"And don't mistake me," Leven continued, her tone smooth, but with an edge of wickedness. "I'm not asking you to throw yourself into the fire for me. This isn't about rebellion or betrayal. It's about choice." She tilted her head, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous kind of allure. "When was the last time you chose something for yourself, hmm? Not for Carnifex. Not for survival. For you?"

She let the question linger, her smile growing as she watched her. "We are Sith after all, darling. One to wield power, one to crave it. Our neck's are all lined up for the chopping block one way or another - I'd just rather it be my way..." Leven never thought about how she might die. Only how to avoid it when the rare possibility came by her. "Plus, isn't there risk in staying as you are? In playing the obedient apprentice, just waiting to be discarded when you've outlived your usefulness?"

Leven stepped closer again until she was in front of her, lowering herself to a crouch so she could look up into the woman's eyes, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Come with me to Illyria. See what you can learn there, away from the chains you wear so tightly - then go back, none the wiser. Or don't. Stay here, keep playing the game the way you always have." She shrugged, her smile never faltering. "But don't think for a second that I'm afraid of risk."

She reached out, her hand ghosting just above Kaila's, a teasing almost-touch. "And I think you aren't either. That's why you're still here, listening to me. Wondering what it might feel like to sneak away, even if only for a moment."

Leven's grin widened, a flash of something dangerous and inviting in her eyes. She wasn't hiding the fact that she did have a preferred outcome to this little situation they found themselves holed in - but she would let her decide. "All I can promise, whatever happens... it'll be worth it."

She stepped back slightly, giving Kaila space to decide but with a lingering presence. Endless possibilities—dark, tempting, and unknown.


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